Peter Hay Presentation Beyond 2010-SMART Living

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Peter Hay Presentation Beyond 2010-SMART Living

Assistive Technology Transforming Services



Drivers For Change

Demand for high quality, self-sustaining services


Changes in supply

Cultural changes and rising expectations

Changes in demand

• Pressures on resources and need for efficient service delivery

• Need to drive up quality and improve commissioning• Emphasis on locally-led services

• Development of new forms of care through new technologies

• Need to raise skill levels across the workforce to deliver new ways of working

• Need to develop integrated services

• Cultural shift : seeing people including carers as active citizens rather than passive recipients

• More people with the capacity to buy private care • Citizens expecting Higher standards in delivery

• Demographic trends • People who do not meet eligibility criteria

Options for the Council

1) Maintain current budget (bottom line) – Raise eligibility criteria and provide services to only critical service users and disregard self funders.

2) Fund the demographic projections (top lines) – BCC projection suggests an additional £270m funding requirement over 10 years. This does not include projections for asylum seekers, “other adult services” and service strategy, which account for £34m of the current budget. Work by the LSE assumes a higher starting budget, includes these elements, and results in an additional 10 year funding requirement of £500m. A direct comparison with the BCC projections is not possible, but the LSE work does suggest additional funding will be required.

3) Transformation – Increase capability to meet growing demand by up to 50%, improving services to self funders and increasing community capacity. This will result in an estimated saving of £230m against the BCC demographic projections. This will still require an increase in year on year funding to maintain current levels of services.

LSE projection

Budget projection

10 years



Transformation projectionBCC projection

Why telecare in Birmingham?

The Council’s Vision for Telecare Services in Birmingham forming an enabling role and bringing about a strategic shift to prevention by supporting people in their own homes with a range of accessible technologies.

• Our model includes partners in NHS Direct use their existing “triage” service. Ensuring we have access to their clinical advice.

Telecare delivers transformation through• Early identification of low level need through 24 hr monitoring• Provides alternatives to traditional methods of costly care and support • Supporting people to live in their own homes for longer• Reduce need for residential care/hospital admissions• Underpins our Future operating model and customer Journey




Plan Monitor &


Second response

SDS Assessment

Telecare in Customer Journey


Friends and family


Care response service

Emergency services

NHS Direct

Care professionals

Independent Living, care

closer to home


•Social Care


•Personal Health Record


Pill dispensers

Sensor networks

Medication tracking

LightsDoors / WindowsMotion / ActivityBed KitchenBathroom

Telecare Service Sits within our provider function

Source: NHS Connecting for Health

Telecare seen as part of a wider System

Opportunities through Telecare Innovation during difficult economic times

Focus on outcomes, self care and management of long term conditions

Cost effectiveness as part of support package

Services and support for the wider population with stakeholder involvement

Alignment with other priorities eg LTC management, individual care plans vascular screening

Personalised services with budget options, choice and control

Huge Cost Benefit Case

Telecare cost/ benefits profile2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18

Cumulative Cost (£'000) 467 1,977 4,096 6,215 8,335 10,454 12,573 14,693Cumulative Benefit (£'000) 584 2,142 5,003 8,602 12,746 17,440 22,684 28,077Cumulative Net Benefits (£'000) 117 165 908 2,387 4,412 6,986 10,111 13,385








2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18

Financial Year

£ '0


Cumulative Cost (£'000)

Cumulative Benefit (£'000)

Cumulative Net Benefits (£'000)

Major Achievements

• Citywide Telecare Strategy

• Agreed set of Benefit targets integrated into the Future Operating Model

• Forms part of strategic approach to Prevention

• Supports JSNA focus ( falls, stroke ,LD)

• Built into enablement service model

• Independent Service User evaluation demonstrates positive quality of life

• Robust cost modelling completed and monitored against targets .

• Has reduced need for costly homecare and night care (LD)