Peter Drucker 6 ps

Post on 27-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Peter Drucker 6 ps

For management student


Theo haimann- planning is deciding in advance what is to be done.

Kreitner- planning is the process coping with uncertainty by formulating a future course of action to achieve specified results.

Joseph massie – planning is a process by which a manager looks to the future and discovers alternatives.

Characteristics of planning

Planning is a continuous process. Planning is an intellectual activity. Planning is forward looking. Planning is related to objectives. Planning involves selection among


Characteristics of planning

Planning is a pervasive function of mgt. Planning is the most basic of all

management function. Planning involves selection among


Seven essential of a good plan Vision; Commitment; Timelines; Objectives; Reporting; Contingency; Change.

Peter drucker and Six p’s of planning1. purpose;

2. Philosophy;

3. Premise;

4. Policies;

5. Plans;

6. Prioprities.

Decision making

Decision making can be defined as an act of choice by the manager from among two or more possible alternative courses in a given situation.

Meaning of of decision making

The process concerned with searching and evaluating alternatives to a problem and selecting the best alternative is known as D.M.

In a nutshell ;Decision making is a conscious process by which a person chooses a course of action from among the alternatives to attain a given objective or objectives.

It is a course of action which consciously chosen for achieving a desired result.

Characteristics of decision making Selection of Best Alternative. Rational Selection. A Job of Top Management. Decision are Means. A Human and Social Process. Uncertainty and Risk. Decision may be Positive or Negative.
