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PersonalBranding & Marketing

Strategies on how to

build and grow a

strong brand &

marketing strategy for

today’s nurses.

Presentation by

Dr. Romeatrius Moss


• Understand Branding

• Demonstrate Techniques to Improve It

• Outline 4 ways to increase exposure

• Discuss ways to track your Brand

• Outline how to capitalize

What is Personal Branding

• It is an exercise to manage your public perceptions, and controlling and influencing the image you project to others to gain the professional advantage and benefits you seek.

What Limits us from Self Promoting

• Unfamiliar with the Process

• Don’t want to “Brag” or Toot Horn

• Don’t want everyone in your Business!

Why Black Nurses Should Personal Brand

• Professional Visibility

• Blind Mentoring

• Financial Gain

• Opportunities

• Stakeholder for Community

How Do you Start?

• Set goals for yourself

– gaining recognition in a particular topic may help you advance your career as you become regarded as a leader.

– Being appointed to a board or policy-making body may help you influence advances in the profession.

Find you Niche

• What are your unique gifts and skills? Consider what you already offer to your organization or the profession and think about how you can build on those skills to achieve your goals.

Shine and Make it Known

• Develop a portfolio or website with links to your work and information about yourself

• Update your Resume & Bio Monthly

• Keep a online file or document for easy sharing.

• Never miss an opportunity!

Network, Share, Connect

• Share your ideas!

• Share what you Do!

• Conference

• Professional Organizations

Increase your Exposure

• We do the work, Publish It!

• Poster Presentations

• Become a Speaker

• Radio, TV, Newspaper, etc

• Get a PR Team – not only for Celebrities

Public Relations for Nursing

• Submit you for Conferences

• Submit you for awards

• Help write Content/Presentations

• Press Releases and Social Media

• Website, Flyers, Resumes, Media Kits, etc.

• Ranges from $250-400 a month


Facebook Phenomenal

LinkedIN Phenomenal

Twitter Phenomenal


Social Mention

• Social Mention is an excellent way to learn about brand mentions and interactions in an easy-to-digest visual format.

• Type in the name and click Search to see the links to your mentions. Sort by timeframe or source.


• Mention is one of the newer tools that replaced Google Alerts. (Google Alerts would send emails notifying you whenever a keyword or phrase you specified was cited online.)


• Talkwalker gives you brand mentions over time, as well as the sources where these mentions occur.

– Tracks performance of the brand mention, the engagement levels, influencers talking about your brand (this includes websites, as well as social media).


• Topsy is a search engine that lets you monitor brand mentions across the web, with a focus on social insights from top conversations online. Topsy’s database is in real time, and it measures sentiment and provides analytics.


• Perhaps the easiest and most common brand-conversation monitor is Hootsuite. It helps you keep on top of chatter in real time on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


• PinAlerts is more of a Pinterest alert system than a traditional brand monitoring platform. It monitors links to pins from your website, and notifies you via email when someone pins from your site.


Looking the Best Makes you Stand out!

Check for Correct Spelling!


• Snapseed is one of the most popular photo editing apps for the iPhone, and for good reason.

• It’s incredibly easy to use, but at the same time it offers a powerful collection of tools that can make your photos amazing!


• Another very popular editing app is VSCO. While this app also functions as a camera app, it’s the rich collection of filters and editing tools that attracts iPhone photographers to this app.

Collages for Phone Photography

• InstCollage

• Pic Collage

• Pablo

• Buffer

• Font Candy

Google Game/Photo Posting

hash·tagˈhaSHtaɡ/noun(on social media sites such as Twitter) a word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic.

#CEP #CEP16 #BlackNursesRock #BNR

Control how you are TaggedChange your SettingsHave a Say on Photos

Residual Income

• Paid Speaker

• Grants

• Consultant

• Entrepreneur

• Promoter of Health

• Known Expert

• Boards/Advisory Committees


Tips to Improve your Brand

• Professional Headshot

• Professional Resume and/or CVs

• Professional Business Cards

• Website or Professional Social Media

• Network and Get outside the bubble

• Join professional organizations

Examples of Effective Branding

Examples of Effective Branding

In Conclusion

• Personal Branding is Important

• Get Connected, Join BNR!

• Stay on top of Alerts

• Protect your Brand

• Capitalize from your Skills!Dr. Romeatrius Mosswww.romeatrius.comFacebook, Instagram, Linkedin @RomeatriusSchedule consultation at www.rnmcoaching.comEmail: