Periodic Table Review. How did Mendeleev Arrange the elements?

Post on 10-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Periodic Table Review. How did Mendeleev Arrange the elements?

Periodic Table Review

How did Mendeleev Arrange the elements?

By increasing atomic mass

Mendeleev’s pattern repeated after every ____ elements


How did Mendeleev predict the properties of missing elements?

By using the pattern he found

States that the properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers

Periodic Law

Elements in groups 3-12

Transition metals

A column on the periodic table

Group or family

A row on the periodic table


What is the name of family 1 on the periodic table?

Alkali Metals

What is the name of family 2 on the periodic table?

Alkaline Earth metals

What word means “Happening at regular intervals (repeating pattern)”


Elements found to the left of the stairstep line on the periodic table


Elements found to the right of the stairstep line on the periodic table


Elements found along the stairstep line on the periodic table


What is the name of family 17 on the periodic table?


What is the name of family 18 on the periodic table?

Noble Gases

What is the name of family 11 on the periodic table?

Coinage metals

Why are they called the coinage metals?

Because they are all used to make coins/money

List one property of family 1

Explosive, metals, shiny, good conductors of electricity, one electron in outer shell

List one property of family 18

Nonmetals, odorless/colorless, does not react with other elements

List 2 common properties of metals

Shiny, malleable, solids, good conductors of electricity

List 2 common properties of nonmetals

Mostly gases, dull, insulators, not malleable

List 2 properties of metalloids

Shiny/dull, semi-conductors, not malleable, mostly solids