Period of spiritual instruction success

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Period of spiritual instruction success


Period of Spiritual Instruction

The Seven C’s of Success


THIS PSI WILL COVER… The Foundation of Success Competence & Commitment Communication Confidants, Constituents, &

Comrades Christ like Pitfalls to Avoid Power of the Big Mo Questions & Review


The Word of God Says….  If the foundations be destroyed, what

can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3


The Word of God Says…. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

- Joshua 1:8


The Word of God Says….18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

-Proverbs 29:18


Quotes on Success

"Money can't buy happiness; it can, however, rent it." – Unknown


Quotes on Success

"Money can't buy happiness; neither can poverty – Leo Rosten


Competence the ability to do

something successfully or efficiently.

"the players displayed varying degrees of competence"

synonyms: capability, ability, competency, proficiency, accomplishment, skill


4 Steps to Compentence

1. Show them how to do it

2. Do it with them

3. Watch them do it

4. Let them do it


1. Show Them How To Do It

This means to take the imitative and lead by example.

People will hear what we say but you will always reproduce what your are.


2. Do It With Them

This means to be a team member

Two are better than one.


3. Watch Them Do It

This means to oversee and supervise others

Training others is paramount in being successful


4. Let Them Do It

This means to trust others to accomplish the task

No one likes being micromanaged


Commitment the state or quality of

being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

"the company's commitment to quality"

synonyms: dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity



The Race Is On

Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appeared from a distance, running toward them. One of the guys took out a pair of Nikes from his bag and started to put them on. The other guy, with a surprised look on his face, exclaimed, "Do you think you will run faster than the tiger with those?"His friend replied, "I don't have to outrun it, I just have to run faster than you."


The GameA businessman was talking with his barber, when they both noticed a goofy-looking fellow bouncing down the sidewalk. The barber whispered, "That's Tommy, one of the stupidest kids you'll ever meet. Here, I'll show you.""Hey Tommy! Come here!" yelled the barber. Tommy came bouncing over "Hi Mr. Williams!" The barber pulled out a rusty dime and a shiny quarter and told Tommy he could keep the one of his choice. Tommy looked long and hard at the dime and quarter and then quickly snapped the dime from the barber's hand. The barber looked at the businessman and said, "See, I told you."After his haircut, the businessman caught up with Tommy and asked him why he chose the dime.Tommy looked at him in the eye and said, "If I take the quarter, the game is over."


Communication the act or process of

using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone 


Quotes on Success

Everyone communicates, not everyone connects

- John Maxwell


Quotes on Success

Success is always 90% WHY and 10% HOW

- Nasir Siddiki


Quotes on Success

You will be remembered for two things; for the problems you solve and for the ones you create.

Mike Murdock


Keys to Effective Communication

1. Be Clear

2. Be Consistent

3. Be Courteous

4. Be Courageous



1. Value people and let them know it2. Learn to listen3. Believe and live what you communicate4. Master communication skills


Quotes on SuccessIf a leader can’t get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn’t even matter.” ~Gilbert Amelio


Confidant, Constituents, & Comrades

Confidant - a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others.

* Confidants are for YOU.


Confidant, Constituents, & Comrades

Constituents - 1. serving to compose or make up

a thing; component:

* Constituents are for what you are but not necessarily for you personally.


Confidant, Constituents, & Comrades

Comrades- friend, colleague or ally

* Comrades are against what you are against and may temporally form an alliance to fight a common enemy


Jesus Most Successful Leader Ever

If we want real biblical success in life then we must look at Jesus and how he lived upon this earth.

JOY – Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last

Consistent fellowship with the Master is the key to success in life


Christlikeness is the Key Key 1- Becoming more like Christ

Key 2- Progressively Fulfilling the Will of God for Your Life

Key 3- Progressively Becoming less and less like the World around you

Key 4- Finding your Purpose in life then Acting to Fulfill it


Pitfalls to Avoid

1. Reacting instead of acting

2. Nothing suffocates like selfishness

3. Success or self pity but not both

4. Not being teachable

5. Forgetting to count the cost

6. Not seeing the bigger picture

7. Quitting


Power of the Big Mo

Momentum is a leader best friend

When you have no momentum, even the simplest tasks seem impossible

When you have momentum on your side, the future looks bright, and obstacles appear small.

Momentum is the Great Exaggerator – momentum is like a magnifying glass; it makes things look bigger than they really are.


Power of the Big Mo

Momentum Is Easier to Steer Than to Start – Getting started is a struggle, but once you’re moving forward, you can really start to do some amazing things.

Momentum solves more problems than meetings do

Momentum Is the Most Powerful Change Agent Given enough momentum, nearly any kind of change is possible in an organization. Followers trust leaders with a proven track record. They accept changes from people when they have led them to victory before. Momentum puts victory within reach.


Power of the Big Mo

Momentum is the Leader’s Responsibility – It takes a leader to create momentum. Followers can catch it. But creating momentum requires someone who has vision, can assemble a good team, and motivates others. If the leader is waiting for the organization to develop momentum on its own, then the organization is in trouble.


Questions & Review