Pericardial constriction caused by primary mesothelioma · Pericardial constrictioncausedbyprimary...

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Br Heart J 1987;57:54-7

Pericardial constriction caused by primarymesotheliomaMICHAEL J LLEWELLYN, MARK W ATKINSON, BRIAN FABRI

From the Regional Adult Cardiothoracic Unit, Broadgreen Hosital, Liverpool

SUMMARY Primary pericardial mesothelioma is an extremely rare tumour. This case illustratesthe typical late presentation with symptoms and signs of constrictive pericarditis. An unusualfeature was complete encasement of the heart by tumour. No satisfactory treatment is available.

Case report

A 69 year old retired seaman gave a two month his-tory of progressively worsening breathlessness andcentral chest discomfort on effort. There was associ-ated weight loss, anorexia, night sweats, and pro-nounced peripheral oedema. Symptoms were partlyrelieved by diuretics and vasodilators.

Previous illnesses included longstanding, but wellcontrolled, hypertension (treated with atenolol andhydralazine) and resection of an enlarged prostatetwo years before presentation, in which histologicalexamination showed foci of well differentiated pros-tatic adenocarcinoma.On examination he was unwell, slightly jaundiced,

and dyspnoeic at rest. The pulse was regular and ofsmall volume, and the blood pressure was90/60mm Hg. The jugular venous pulse waselevated to the angle of the jaw, with sharp "y"descent and there was pitting oedema up to theknees. The cardiac apex was impalpable and theheart sounds quiet without added sounds or mur-murs. The lungs were moderately congested with asmall right pleural effusion.A chest radiograph showed cardiac enlargement

(cardiothoracic ratio 58%), pulmonary venous con-gestion, linear collapse, and bilateral pleuraleffusions. No pleural plaques or lung tumour wereseen. The electrocardiogram showed low voltageQRS complexes with non-specific T wave changes.Echocardiography demonstrated thickened peri-cardium with small anterior and posterior peri-

Requests for reprints to Dr Michael J Llewellyn, Regional AdultCardiothoracic Unit, Broadgreen Hospital, Thomas Drive,Liverpool L143LB.

cardial effusions, normal valves without vegetations,and satisfactory ventricular contractility.

Initial investigation showed: haemoglobin12-8 g/dl; white cell count 10-8 x 109/l; sodium128 mmol/l; urea 21 7 mmol/l; creatinine211 mmol/l; concentrations of liver transaminaseswere slightly raised; lactate dehydrogenase 189 U/l(normal 80-160 U/l); alkaline phosphatase 133 U/l.Blood, sputum, and urine culture were sterile. Viraltitres, tuberculin test, and autoantibody screen werenegative. Acid phosphatase concentration was notraised. Pleural aspiration drew clear yellow fluid,protein content 35 g/l; cytology showed mesothelialcells.At cardiac catheterisation diastolic pressures in all

chambers were almost equal (right atrium mean 22;right ventricle 40/22; pulmonary artery 45/30; meanpulmonary capillary wedge 24; left ventricle 100/22;aorta 100/80mm Hg.) Cineangiography showedsmall and well contracting left and right ventricleswith considerable limitation of diastolic filling.Coronary arteriography showed a 75 o proximalstenosis of the anterior descending branch of the leftcoronary artery.At thoractomy the heart was found to be sur-

rounded by thick white tumour masses, which hadspread to the adjacent mediastinal nodes and pleura.Resection was impossible and the patient diedseveral hours after return from the operatingtheatre.At postmortem the whole heart was found to be

encased by tumour, with pericardium adherent tothe epicardium forming a continuous band of whitetissue 1 cm thick (fig 1). Several nodules of tumoursurrounded the great vessels and the heart plustumour weighed over 1 kg. Numerous small pleuralnodules of tumour were present, and none was


on April 30, 2021 by guest. P

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Br H

eart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.57.1.54 on 1 January 1987. Dow

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Pericardial constriction caused by primary mesothelioma

The tumour is commonly diagnosed at a late stageand often results in evidence of constriction causedby tumour expansion or associated serous or hae-

a morrhagic pericardial effusion. The diagnosis in this- case was suspected because of thickened peri-

cardium seen on the echocardiogram; and in view ofb EL 5 'the previous history of malignancy, a secondary

!wt 8 v 2 > F rather than primary tumour seemed more likely.- t ,4 f gAlthough cardiac catheterisation can confirm peri-

cardial constriction and indicates ventricular func-tion, definitive diagnosis is often not made until tho-

- = __f<gractomy. The pleural exudate obtained in this casecontained non-specific mesothelial cells and was

_ i1ry_ _ffiffi< clearly a pointer to the tumour. Pericardialaspiration was not attempted before operation butwould probably have produced a dry tap, perhaps ahelpful feature in differential diagnosis.

Radioisotope scanning with gallium or tech-netium may be used to detect malignant pericardialeffusion but results are not regarded as being highlyspecific.3 Computed tomography may well be help-ful in distinguishing tumour from fluid in the peri-cardial space.

Fig 1 Transverse section of heart and great vesselsshowing complete encasement of heart by tumour.

larger than 1 cm in diameter. There was no evidenceof residual prostatic tumour or of any pelvic orabdominal neoplasia or lymphadenopathy.The histological appearances of most of the peni-

cardial tumour indicated an anaplastic carcinomat.hat had infiltrated the myocardium (fig 2). Therewere, however, numerous areas showing papillarydifferentiation (fig 3a), acinar elements (fig 3b),mesothelial differentiation (fig 3c), and franklysarcomatous differentiation (fig 3d). Neutral mucinstains (periodic acid Schiff diastase) and immnu-noperoxidase stains for prostatic acid phosphatase,prostatic specific antigen, and carcinoembryonicantigen were negative. These features meet the diag-Snostic criteria for malignant mesothelioma.'


Primary tumours of the pericardium are extremelyrare; one of the largest necropsy series of recent Syears gives an incidence of 0-0022% in 500000 .cases.2 Mesothelioma is probably the commonesttype, followed by sarcoma, teratoma, fibroma, -, ,lipoma, and angioma.3 The incidence in both sexes Fig 2 Photomicrograph showing myocardial infiltration byis almost equal, with an age range of 1-79 years. tumour.


on April 30, 2021 by guest. P

rotected by copyright.

Br H

eart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.57.1.54 on 1 January 1987. Dow

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Llewellyn, Atkinson, Fabri





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on April 30, 2021 by guest. P

rotected by copyright.

Br H

eart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.57.1.54 on 1 January 1987. Dow

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Pericardial constriction caused by primary mesothelioma 57

The gross pathological appearance may be of alocalised mass, solid or cystic or angiomatous, or ofdiffuse nodules. Complete encasement of the heartby tumour is an unusual feature and has been rarelyreported.48 The pericardial tumour is often adher-ent to or may invade the myocardium.9 The tumourcan also invade the conducting tissue or coronaryarteries, or compress the great vessels. Local spreadis common, but extrathoracic metastasis is extremelyrare. In one review stringent criteria were applied tothe diagnosis of mesothelioma when the pericardiumwas the postulated primary site,10 particularly whennumerous pleural metastases were present. Theclinical presentation and pathological distribution oftumour must, therefore, be considered togetherwhen deciding on the diagnosis and primary site.Histological differentiation is often difficult becauseof the pleomorphic nature of the tumour.

Possibilities for treatment are usually limited bylate detection. Complete tumour resection is virtu-ally impossible so operation is usually confined toattempts to relieve obstruction. The results of sys-temic chemotherapy are disappointing; but if associ-ated pericardial effusion is present local instillationof cytotoxic drugs or sclerosing agents can be help-ful. Radiotherapy may temporarily reduce the size ofthe tumour.There has been no clear association between

asbestos exposure and pericardial mesothelioma.This is probably because the paucity of recordedcases has not allowed an adequate epidemologicalstudy. As in many cases, this diagnosis was madeafter death and the relevant history was not avail-able.

We thank Dr R G Charles and Mr J B Meade forpermission to report this case and DrW Kenyon andDr F Whitwell for their help with histologicalassessment.


1 Jones JSP, Lund C, Plantey HT. Colour atlas of meso-thelioma. Lancaster: MTP Press, 1985:15-6.

2 Cohen JL. Neoplastic pericarditis. Cardiovase Clin1976;7:257-69.

3 Darsee JR, Braunwald E. Diseases of the pericardium.In: Braunwald E, ed. Heart disease, a textbook ofcardiovascular medicine. Philadelphia, London,Toronto: WB Saunders, 1980:1563.

4 Yilling FP, Schlant RC, Hertzler GL, Krzyniak R.Pericardial mesothelioma. Chest 1982;81:520-3.

5 Pietra GG, Silber E, Levin B, Pick A. Clinical patholo-gic conference. Am Heart J 1968;75:545-58.

6 Elguezabal A, Parry JP, Depace NL. Massive meta-static cardiac tumour encasement with pericardialconstriction. 7 Med Soc NJ 1980;77:820-4.

7 Miscia VF, Holsinger JW, Mathers DH, Eliot RS.Primary pericardial tumour masquerading as con-strictive pericarditis. JAMA 1974;230:722.

8 Kirwan M, Blake S, Neligan M, et al. Cardiac con-striction due to malignant disease of the pericardium.IrJ Med Sci 1983;152:454-5.

9 Sytman AL, Macalpin RN. Primary pericardial meso-thelioma: report of two cases and review of theliterature. Am Heart3t 1971;81:760-9.

10 Anderson JA, Hansen BF. Primary pericardial meso-thelioma. Dan Med Bull 1974;21:195-200.

on April 30, 2021 by guest. P

rotected by copyright.

Br H

eart J: first published as 10.1136/hrt.57.1.54 on 1 January 1987. Dow

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