Perfume advertising ocr

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Perfume advertising ocr

Introduction to Image Analysis

Aims and Objectives:

Use the textual analysis tool kit to conduct an image analysis on your found images

Use the concepts Denotation and connotation






Icons in Culture

Aim: To discuss and research images of icons in film and music industries Obs:To compile research with annotations

Image Analysis in Research

Nelson Mandella


To introduce the Demographics and Psychographics To introduce the idea of Target AudienceTo apply understanding to Advertising pitch

What products would advertise in these publications?

Target Audience Aims and Obs

Target Audience Profile

TecWare Teens:· Are girls and boys ages 14 – 17· Come from households with incomes $100,000+· Are interested in technology, gadgets, the Internet· Frequent chat rooms, use email daily, and play computer video games· May hold a part-time job or volunteer as a web-master, computer teacher or similar high-tech entry level position· Have allowances of $20 a week in addition to their jobs· Whose parents purchase at least $500 in “back to school” clothing

Alexis and RyanAlexis, 16, and Ryan, 14, are brother and sister. They live in the city’s bestneighborhood, in a three-story modern home from the pages of Architectural Digest. In their free time, they volunteer to maintain web sites for the family’s church, the local fire department and their high school. There is one television but 3 computers in the home – Dad’s laptop for work, the “family computer” and Ryan’s personal computer that he bought with money earned teaching senior citizens computer skills. Dad is Vice President of eCommerce for a national bank and Mom is a reporter for the online versionof the city’s newspaper.

Aims and ObjectivesTo move on from image analysis to Print based advertisingTo identify conventions of an advert in preparation for analysis

How To Read Any Ad

Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising

Look at the direction of the eyes in these perfume adverts, what qualities do the suggest about the models or the perfume itself?

AimsTo consider common conventions in Perfume AdvertisingTo work towards a specific brief and apply understandingTo be creative in flat planning of ideas and annotations

ObjectivesTo have a write up shared ideas

Understanding of the specific brief To have a begun flat planning of perfume advert

Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising

AimsTo develop common conventions in Perfume AdvertisingTo compare Representation across decades

Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising

French Brand Name suggestsStyle, elegance and glamour

People associate the sophisticated and elegent qualities of this actress and associate it with the brand

The copy in this ad anchors the meaning of this perfume being sophisticated and aspirational

The black and white colour suggests a feeling of old hollywood movies

Conventional Elements in Perfume Advertising

Generic Elements of Perfume Advertising

A close-up of the bottle is almost always displayed in the advert. Often it is found on the bottom corners

Often models are shot from a low-angle that elevates their status. There are a range of shot types used from close-ups to medium long shots.

Often the setting is aspirational, a place where people would like to be. A romantic setting, Paris, a carefree setting, a beach.

Sensuality is often used to sell perfume. The idea that the perfume makes us attractive to the other sex is often used in Perfume ads. Couples are often seen in a loving embrace or looking at each other

The name of the perfume often speaks of the qualities that the producer would like to attract you with. For example, Diamond expresses qualities of...









Teamwork and Success

Romance and relationships

Strength and power

A close group of people

Friendship. 2up


The Brief

Perfume Advert Presentations


To present ideas about target audience and perfume advert construction

To be be evaluative about target audience and advertisement conventions


To write up an analysis of your perfume advert including representation of youth and consideration of Target Audience. Use Advertising Commentary for guidance. 400 words

What is being represented?

How is it being represented?

What messages does it send to women?

What messages does it send to men?

How is the product being sold?

Who is the ad's intended audience?

Questions of Representation and Gender

Image analysis


Consider the setting of your advert and how you want to represent the youths within. Organise costume and props ready for next lesson.

What stereotypes are used and are they effective?COMMENT UPON:Use of models, body language, facial expressions (where is the gaze of the models focussed), costume codes COLOUR AS A MEDIA LANGUAGE and TYPOGRAPHY: Have the adverts neon colours to represent youth or gold to represent affluance/wealth? What is the style of lettering employed?What values have been used in the advertisement? Does a grey hoodie mean urban/youthful?What is the significance of the setting employed? Does New York, for example, have a meaning or value of multiculturalism? Does is signify a young contemporary mindset?

What values have been linked to the products?CONSIDER THE MEANINGS OF CONVENTIONS USED:Is value of romance linked to the product?Have you linked the value of teamwork to your product as an expression of Unity?Is sensuality linked to the product?Consider stereotypes, are there any concerns because of this? Think about messages coming through the advert about particular people.Will there be an impact on society because of the way you have decided to represent ideas in your advert?

Advertising and Representation

CONCLUSIONHow does adverts compare to other perfume adverts across different eras? Is there a sense that what it is to be a man or woman has changed?

In this task you will want to use all the conventions of perfume advertising to Flat Plan you ideas for your own perfume advertisement. Think about if you want to follow the norm, as highlighted in starter, or create something new.

Flat Planning of Advert

Brand Identity



CopyMain Image

Target Audience16 -25 year old male and femalesC1-BLondon basedUnisex perfume

Aims and ObjectivesTo consider Branding To move on from image analysis to How To Read any Ad



Main Image

Brand Identity

How To Read Any Ad

Convention of an Print Based Advert


LogoMain Image

Brand Identity technical codesSymbolic codes

Conventional codes

Main ImageCopy


How to Read Any Ad

Natural pose, look of awe and wonderment to suggest the amazement at the use of product.The gaze allows the eye lashes to be seen in full wonder.Close up shot of mascara to suggest it's status above all other mascara products.

The absence of setting allows the audience to be focussed on the model and the product.The mascara product is positioned at the bottom right of the page next to the brand identity to cement the relationship between the two.An extreme close up is employed to highlight the difference between this and other brushes. This meaning is anchored by the text .... next to it.

Conventions of a Kate Moss Advert

The high angle creates the effect of Kate Moss being seen at a higher level thus elevating her status. This provides the aspirational aspect of the ad. The implied message of the advert suggests...

The close up shot employed in this advert shows off Kate Moss' beauty and has nothing else (setting) to detract the eye. it invites us to see Kate Moss at a personal level.

The use of hard lighting effects creates shadows to exaggerate her features. It creates a porcelain doll like effect.

Your eye is directly drawn to KM's eyes that show off the product and it's effect. The lighting and composition of the frame make this possible

Yes the image has been cropped to...

The layout of this advert allows for the audience to see KM beauty.

The close up image of KM dominates the page.

Conventions of a Kate Moss Advert

The Brand name suggests an international aspect of a global company which highlights the size and breadth of this company. The typography of Rimmel conveys sophistication and elegance. Whereas the Red London label suggests rebellion and cool.

Military term is used to express the strength and power this product might give you

Predominantly aimed at women aged 15-35. This includes an aspirational of 12-40. Secondary audience of males who might buy the product for their partners or family.

Find one perfume advert and bring it in to class

Find five different perfume adverts and resize them in photoshop covering an a4 size paper

Consider technical codes

List all the commonalities

Find five different perfume adverts and resize them in photoshop covering an a4 size paper

Consider technical codes

List all the commonalities

Celebrity Endorsements Perfume


Victoria Beckham

Sean John/Unforgivable

J. Myers/Boss


P.Hilton/Just me



H.Duff/With Love



K.Moss/Channel J.Goody/Shush

Why do companies with established brands feel the need to use stars to promote their perfume? Use examples

Why do companies with established brands feel the need to use stars to promote their perfume? Use examples

Role models to look up to

Physical beauty

Pester Power

Positive qualities in previous work

Consider the setting and background and how it relates to your target audience.

How does your typography reach its target audience? Does it suggest anything about the Brand of the perfume

Perfume Analysis of Own Advert

How does the slogan speak to its Target Audience? What does it suggest about the perfume?

Consider the body language, facial expressions and technical codes that your images have used.

Advertising Commentary Unisex Perfume

Aims and ObsTo understand the written aspect of coursework

To consider differing representations over a time period