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Transcript of PER QUESTAV PAGINA NON ESTRARRE PDF - Bulgari藝術家Solve...




I S S U E 1 3






edited by MEMORIA PUBLISHING GROUPin collaboration with BVLGARI

EDITORIAL AND CREATIVE DIRECTION Carlo MazzoniART DIRECTION Giulio Vescovi/itsallgoodTEXTS Cesare CunacciaGRAPHIC DESIGN Susanna MollicaMANAGING DIRECTION Marta MazzacanoILLUSTRATIONS Lulu*SPECIAL THANKS Carolina Fusi, Costanza Maglio

TRANSLATIONS Tdr Translation Companyphotography Antonio Barrella


B.zero1 Universephotography Cesare Medri


An Italian Affairphotography Roberto Patella


Seductivephotography Emilio Tini

88around the world

Chasing Light


Pop Me Upphotography Beppe Buccafusca




120Product Summary

4Editor’s letter


Power to Bulgari


Tatiana Gecmen Waldeck


Allegra Hicks


Rachel Feinstein


New Curiosity Shop

32around the world

Beautiful Shots


Urban Oasis

2018年全新品牌活動盡現Bulgari的所有誘惑力,由品牌大使 – 羅馬之美的典範 Lily Aldridge和B.zero1.的新面孔Bella Hadid驚豔呈現。兩位非凡的女人詮釋了Bulgari女性氣質的無數種形象。

將會在新年裡看到Bulgari創造作為領銜的豐富故事,從全新B.zero1迷宮開始,這款指環弘揚著對不斷真實自我表達的渴望。玫瑰和白金螺旋的迷人曲線衝破條框,打破常規,彰顯著該系列與生俱來的能力。同時,Serpenti 和 OCTO腕錶經過重新設計,以突顯其無限的創造潛力。Serpenti Twist Your Time涵蓋了珠寶世界的所有特質,憑藉全系列性感、愉悅、色彩繽紛的皮帶而成為可互換、高度個性化的新皮膚,適合日常配戴。OCTO 系列確立了極其強大的詮釋駕馭力,錶殼、材質和細節的寬泛選擇打造出眾多的審美方案,這些特徵重申了其作為現代配飾的無可爭議的地位。最後,全新2018春夏配件系列從現代城市中佔據主導地位的街頭藝術的自由表達和魅力中汲取靈感,用不拘一格的設計、色彩豐富的塗鴉,引人注目的飾釘和亮光閃閃的金屬皮革,展示了大膽的創意。超過任何一年,2018年將會向我們品牌獨特的DNA致敬。從過去開始,重新演繹現在,並將品牌的價值投射到未來。

在羅馬Via dei Condotti大道上開張的新Curiosity Shop,是將過去與未來連接得更加緊密的想像之橋。這一新創意是寶格麗獻給品牌的起源之城羅馬的禮物,靈感來自Sotirio Bulgari在1895年開設的店面。新店旨在通過一種對立效果的有趣營造和絕對奢侈品的展示,為品牌對一起具有遠見卓識且超凡脫俗的事物與生俱來的好奇心,提供一種未來主義的講述方式。這是在羅馬中心打開的一扇真正的視窗,映射出來自世界各地的好奇心。

在2017年底和2018年初, Bulgari持續發光表現,在豪華酒店事業方面再次確立其身份,三個宏大專案相繼開業:北京的Bulgari Hotel、杜拜的 Bulgari Re-sort 和上海的Bulgari Hotel & Residences。

獨特的位置,與周圍環境相得益彰,通過Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel 及其合作夥伴的設計實踐,將傳統設計與當代義大利建築風格相結合。他們遵循令Bulgari的創造脫穎而出的對品質一貫的專注,提供高端訂製裝備。這些超高品質的建築設計遵循始終令Bulgari的創造脫穎而出的對細節的注重。

北京Bulgari Hotel是一個低調奢侈的天堂,一個真正的城市度假勝地,與環境和諧共處,尊重自然和藝術。杜拜的Bulgari Resort定義了考究奢華的生活方式,被雕刻和塑造為如同島之天堂的完美海灣中的一顆璀璨的珠寶。即將於今年開業的上海Bulgari Hotel & Residences,位於一處特別的河畔大都市內,表達出傳統設計和當代義大利風格的完美融合。這三顆新寶石,在倫敦、峇里島和米蘭之後,令Bulgari超級精品酒店系列更加豐富。


Jean-Christophe BabinCEO of BVLGARI GROUP

4 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13

Editor’s letter

驕傲且直率。性格、能力、才華:共同打造出一位女性的美麗。Larger than Life–這句話聽起來就如同搖滾歌詞,這也是Bulgari身份的概括:是想要打破常規地生活、對生活無盡的渴望、讓寶石色彩爆炸的無羈筆觸。“沒有內疚感,沒有恐懼,也絕不會人云亦云 – 只是表現真實自我的願望。敢於將自己變成想要成為的人。女性是Bulgari所有想像的中心,” Carla Liuni說道,她負責這一羅馬品牌的形象與溝通,這位性格如鋼鐵般堅毅的經理目光中彷彿聚集了整個星球的能量。“Bulgari的女性不知焦慮或緊張為何物,她們重新認識到了自己的人性。虛榮心是一種美德,因為它是對著鏡子發現自己比昨天更美麗時所產生出的驕傲。此次活動專為所有不需要被分類的女性所舉辦,因為她們是堅強、篤定和自豪的女性。”一件Bulgari的珠寶會產生樂趣。“一種身體的愉悅,每個人都會以自己的方式在皮膚上感受到:配戴Bulgari的珠寶,會讓它們成為你的一部分。” Carla Liuni 知道如何傳遞她所談論的價值。一枚戒指、一顆密鑲鑽石:Bulgari的珠寶能讓一位女性以溫柔恬靜的姿態欣賞自己,讓每個女人都知道這會轉化為一種不可戰勝的力量。一個別無所求的女人。全新品牌宣傳活動的形象由負有遠見的形象設計師、攝影師和藝術家Solve Sundsbo拍攝。Sundsbo對於Bulgari來說是一個明顯的標記:他標誌著美學、高貴和未來主義,與大膽的顏色和材料的邂逅。“我十多年前就已經開始與Solve合作了。我重新發現了藝術能力和經濟實力的意識,奢華與藝術之間精緻且微妙的平衡。他的才華在他的作品與想像力和事業相融合時會閃耀出光芒。”義大利大理石因其顏色而引人注目:標誌性的B.zero1戒指,其在藍色調上巧妙營造出的結構對於任何現代珠寶史來說都是必

Bulgari allows a woman to be admired for that serenity that any woman can turn into strength

不可少的;蛇是誘惑的符號,在赭石之上栩栩如生;DIVAS’ DREAM系列反射在一座鏡廊之中,一個紫色的夜世界,呈現出一種永恆的華麗;鑽石誕生在萬花筒中,在最古老的大理石紋理之間,是濃重的綠色。“顏色是我們的代碼,我們喜歡用濃墨重彩的方式將其突顯。”Carla Liuni總結道。“通過Bulgari,每位女性都會改變,或者簡單地洗去鉛華,成為設計、誘惑、魅力和虛榮的標誌。一個女性的世界,處於純粹和主導的狀態。畢竟,Bulgari就是這樣。”

POWER TO BVLGARItext Carlo Mazzoniphotography Marin Laborne talents Lily Aldridge and Bella Hadid

In conversation with Mrs. Carla Liuni

6 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


Tatiana Gecmen Waldeck是一位具有全球化底蘊的女性。貴族印記加身 – 外祖父是親王殿下 - 波旁帕瑪米歇爾王子 – 好奇心和探索精神令她成為了一個世界公民。她在德黑蘭和巴黎長大,在慕尼克和薩爾茲堡、米蘭和倫敦之間穿梭生活,現在柏林定居。獨立而堅強,生活中果敢自信,我行我素。如今從事文化活動和展覽的組織。“我同時也得到了當代品味的教育 – Tatia-na強調 – 我的父親在上世紀六十年代擔任美國《Vogue》的攝影師,與Diana Vreeland合作,我母親的周圍總是簇擁著藝術家、音樂家和作家。我喜歡把創意達人和藝術家聯繫起來,為創意確定協作和新平臺。我如今熱衷的是音響書的創作 –第二部即將完成 – 我的興趣還有數位音響卡通。我今年是在柏林度過的,這讓我深入瞭解了電子和類比音樂的世界。音樂是我生活的主線:還有珠寶,它們會喚起我童年家庭生活的記憶,一些特殊的聲響,我母親喜歡在手臂上配戴好多手鐲,它們會發出叮噹聲,溫和而且充滿童話趣味的小吊墜。對於我來說,首飾是一種樂趣,一種表達自己、展示自我的方式。我喜歡混搭,我經常配戴拆對的不同耳環,我的首飾盒是我的靈感之源。Bulgari對我來說代表著生活的樂趣、色彩絢爛的煙花,那些圖案和層次想像力非凡的寶石拼配,上世紀五、六十年代間義大利的魅力, ‘甜蜜生活‘的黃金年代和幸福時光,充滿生命活力和文化發酵。”

“My education was contemporary culture. I adore creating contact between creatives and artists”

TATIANA GECMEN WALDEKAristocratic imprinting, curiosity and an inclination for experimenting make Tatiana Gecmen Waldeck a citizen of the world

16 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


Allegra Hicks是一位設計師和藝術家,自由地在眾多創造力和想像力的空間內穿行。倫敦是她的大本營,但幾年前到訪過的那不勒斯令她流連,每月至少有一周都要在那裡度過。去年十一月 – 她特別強調,這幾乎是個偶然 - Allegra在那不勒斯舉辦了自己的水彩畫展,專門獻給這座城市,用繪畫將那不勒斯定義為‘靈魂的地理’。她還承認在用一生繪畫,不斷涉獵各類專案,從白紙開始。“我相信,女性面對創意過程的方式有著不同的側重點 – Hicks說道 – 這是一種不同的方法、更富有魅力,彙聚了女性世界的所有靈感。例如我想到了與Bulgari合作過的大師Zaha Hadid,從她在國際建築舞臺名聲大噪之前,我們之間就已經建立了深厚的友誼。我一直對她獨立的表達,她絕對天馬行空的大膽個性欽佩不已,她用驚人且堅定的方式刻畫出的蜿蜒連續的、迷幻的線條,讓人無法質疑。她為Bulgari打造出了真正的動態微架構,在珠寶中注入了根深蒂固的印記。我個人尤其喜愛古董珠寶,從它們所蘊含的故事和所體現的致命吸引力中我感受到誘惑。我也會經常自己購買,儘管我覺得如果作為禮物收到會更美好。我有一件曾屬於我祖母的吊墜,我經常會配戴,如今仍存留著些許久遠的芳香。”

“I have always admired her independence of expression, her absolute lack of fear in daring”

ALLEGRA HICKSA designer and artist who moves freely through many creative and imaginary environments, recognized around the world for her beautiful textiles and prints

18 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


出生在亞利桑那州的美國人Rachel Feinstein是今天國際藝術界上最有趣的人物之一,她用雕塑和多元化裝置表達自己。她將迥異的引證和語義融匯,用自己的語彙重新塑造了巴洛克的靈感。文藝復興時期的美麗,Rachel Feinstein在1997年嫁給了另一位傑出的藝術家John Currin。“我在邁阿密長大 – Rachel講述道–當時城市的文化生活有限。這對我來說是幸運的,因為我必須由自己建立個人的藝術概念。今非昔比,女性正在找到自己的聲音。我認為女性一直比男性更加強大,因為她們具有兼顧日常需求和在世界中生活的能力。常言道,車輪吱吱叫,需要上油了:很多女性決定只想成為優秀的女孩,而不要奮鬥。時代在改變。這是我現在正在洛杉磯高古軒畫廊舉辦的展覽主題之一。”至於成功,Rachel的秘訣簡單而直接:“如果在生活中你能做你喜愛的事情,那就意味著你是一個成功的人。”相對於珠寶,Rachel Feinstein更多談論的是珍稀作品。“古畫、圖畫、陶瓷像、大小雕塑。我的丈夫和我都喜歡向對方贈送華麗的物品作為愛的標誌。在他四十歲生日時,我送給他一幅Ludovico Carracci的畫作,而John則為我找到了古董珠寶:一枚十八世紀的戒指,會以不同的方式閃閃發亮,在燭光下泛出祖先的光芒。”

“Now as never before, women are finding their voice. For me they have always been more powerful than men”

RACHEL FEINSTEINThe American artist is known for her baroque and fantasy-inspired sculptures and reminiscences of the Pre-Raphaelites

20 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


New Curiosity Shop是Bulgari自12月起在羅馬Via dei Condotti大道開設的概念店,於1月31日正式開業。這一場所是品牌創造力及超越自身界限挑戰的體現,特別轉向新生代,用現代精神重新詮釋Old Curiosity Shop – 老古玩店 – 的魅力,Sotirio Bul-gari在二十世紀初曾經用查理斯·狄更斯的小說《老古玩店》命名Via dei Condotti大道上的這第一間店面,Bulgari也因此在Maruscelli Lepri大廈的新空間內,將自身的文化和創意格局進行了更新。“好奇”是關鍵字。古老的cabinet de curiosité藏品再次成為現實甚至是未來主義:稀世珍品、藝術品、異域風情的發現和科學探索,縱跨數個時代,涵蓋全球不同的文化和地域,這些無奇不有的珍藏一直是靈感、創造力和創新的源泉。對立產生和諧:傳統融入現代和未來,大膽的色彩突顯在純白色之上,看似相對的空間實則如同一枚硬幣的兩面。神奇的房間,充滿現代感,奇珍異寶生動呈現,是品牌大膽表達和精神體驗的場所,在其想像的宇宙和不斷變革中顯現。主題環境不斷更迭,一間舒適的Tailor’s Room 也不可或缺,在這裡可參與Bulgari的活動以及進行訂製創作,還有一塊未來主義的技術區塊,可在一張互動桌上與Bulgari的創作進行互動。

Rarities, pieces of art, exotic and scientific finds, collected down through the ages around the globe

NEW CURIOSITY SHOPA concept store opened in Via dei Condotti in Rome by Bulgari in December 2017 targets the young generations

22 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


Sharon Stone at the 60th edition of the Cannes Film Festival for the screening of Le Scaphandre et le Papillon (2007). Cannes, France


32 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13

Around the world

Queen Sofia of Spain during Spain’s National Day Military Parade on

October 12, 2008. Madrid, Spain

opposite page:

Alicia Vikander arrival for the UK premiere of The Light Between Oceans

at The Curzon Mayfair (2016). London, England

Julianne Moore at The Bulgari Express for Save The Children Dinner

and Auction Party at the Salone delle Fontane (2010). Rome, Italy

opposite page:

Scarlett Johansson attending Under The Skin Premiere during the 70th

Venice International Film Festival (2013). Venice, Italy

Natalie Portman attending the premiere of Jackie during the 73rd

Venice Film Festival at Sala Grande (2016). Venice, Italy

opposite page:

Nicole Kidman attending the 76th Annual Academy Awards at the

Kodak Theater (2004). Hollywood, California

不久前開業的北京Bulgari Hotel,與米蘭、倫敦和峇里島的一樣,依然由義大利的建築事務所Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel設計,構思為一座都市中的度假村:酒店位於朝陽區啟皓北京社區內,這是一片自然和藝術為主角的靜謐的綠洲,花園和古松妝點著亮馬河岸,還有由安藤忠雄設計的啟皓藝術基金會大廈毗鄰酒店。“這座酒店的創意就如同義大利與中國的對話–Bulgari Hotels & Resorts聯合執行副總裁Silvio Ursini說道–在其中,藝術與自然以低調但考究的方式融合為奢華。”繼米蘭、倫敦、峇里島和北京之後,杜拜的Bulgari Resort & Residences,朱美拉灣人工島上的一處城市綠洲,也於2017年12月7日開門迎客。此座島嶼的形狀別具一格,會讓人聯想到海馬,一座三百米長的橋樑將酒店與杜拜市中心的海岸相連。建築群包括一座私人碼頭,擁有五十個停泊位,為全世界的各種船艇和首家Yacht Club Bulgari提供服務,坐擁波斯灣無以倫比的景色。對於公司將來的舉措,進駐中國的步伐絕不會止於北京:2018年春天,另一座酒店將在上海開業。酒店位於靜安區的華僑城蘇河灣大都市開發區,沿蘇州河的一塊保護區,俯瞰外灘和黃浦江、如同在由當地的金融城繪出的標誌性浦東天際線之上。在一座當代風格的大廈中,上海Bulgari酒店佔據了最高的八層樓,擁有八十二間客房,其中包括一間四百平米的套房。“那家酒店是寶格麗於2000年啟動的一個專案 - Silvio Ursini確認道 - Bulgari酒店和度假村的誕生是為了滿足喜愛義大利式優雅風格和具有當代感設計、酒店環境以及廚房的旅客們的需要。”

“The Bulgari Hotels & Resorts were set up to meet the desires of a tribe of lovers of elegant and contemporary Italian style”

URBAN OASISAfter Milan, London and Bali, three Bulgari Hotel openings at the end of 2017 and the spring of 2018: Beijing, Dubai and Shanghai

40 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


“A hotel conceived as dialogue between Italy and China, a luxury fusion of art and nature, with a refined, never showy, approach.”



This seahorse-shaped island is linked to the coast in the centre of Dubai by a three-hundred-metre long bridge. The architectural complex includes a private marina and the world’s first Bulgari Yacht Club


The Bulgari Shanghai is on

the top eight floors of a

contemporary building, and it

comprises eighty-two rooms that

include a four-hundred

square metre suite

B.zero1 Labyrinth four-band ring and pendant necklace


photography Cesare Medri

48 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


B.zero1 Labyrinth four-band ring

and pendant necklace

B.zero1 Design Legend three-band and four-band rings and pendant necklaces

B.zero1 bangle bracelets

B.zero1 four-band rings,

sautoir necklace

and pendant necklace

B.zero1 bangle bracelets

B.zero1 pendant necklace, single

earring and four-band ring

Photographer’s assistant

Simon Trevisan;

Post Production

Twin Touch;


P12TWELVE Studios, Milan



photography Roberto Patella

62 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


General view of the Mediopadana High Speed Train Station designed by Santiago Calatrava. Reggio Emilia, Italyopposite page:


MAXXI National Museum of the 21st Century Arts designed by Zaha Hadid in 2009. Rome, Italyopposite page:


Interior view of lobby looking up, MAXXI National Museum of the 21st Century Arts. Rome, Italyopposite page:


A general view of ‘Nuvola’ Convention Centre designed by Massimiliano Fuksas and owned by Eur Spa. Rome, Italy opposite page:



Mediopadana station. Reggio Emilia, Italyopposite page:


‘Nuvola’ Convention Centre. Rome, Italy opposite page:


MAXXI National Museum. Rome Italy

opposite page:


Photographer’s assistants

Luca Costaand Veronica Chiani;Digital operator

Nicola Pagano;


Kassandra Frua De Angeli; Stylist

Francesco Casarotto;


Piazza Sant’Alessandro, MilanThanks to



Andy Walters @ Why Not Model Agency

Serpenti watch

photography Emilio Tini


80 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


Serpenti watches

Serpenti watches

Serpenti watch

Photographer assistant

Emanuele Camisassa;

Digital operator

Sheila Zedda;

Post Production

Giovanna Maddalena Procaccio @ O2 Retouching Milano; Stylist

Michela Caprera;

Stylist assistant

Elena Dini; Hair stylist

Andrew Guida

@ Close Up;


Anna Maria Negri @ W-M Management;


Baobab Studio, MilanThanks to

Space Style Concept; ottod’Ame;

Gabriele Colangelo; Maje; Alessia Xoccato;

Daizy Shely; Sfizio;

Tagliatore; Suoli;Beatrice B


Juju Ivanyuk

@ Monster Management

CHASING LIGHTphotography Matthew Pillsbury

The Peak, Hong Kong, 2016

@ Benrubi Gallery

88 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13

Around the world

Robot Restaurant, Tokyo, 2014

@ Benrubi Gallery

Waiting for Manhattanhenge

from Long Island City,

NY July 11th 2017

@ Benrubi Gallery

Robot Bar, Tokyo, 2014

@ Benrubi Gallery

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag

POP ME UPphotography Beppe Buccafusca

96 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bags;

Serpenteyes sunglasses;

opposite page:

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag;

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag

DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bags;

opposite page:

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bags

DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bag

and compact wallet;

opposite page:

DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bags

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag;“Serpenti” L-shaped zipped wallet;

opposite page:“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bags

Serpenti Poisoncandy sunglasses;

“Serpenti Viper” top handle bag

Photographer’s assistant

Bruno Colombo;

Post Production

Beppe Buccafusca;


117 Studios, Milan

Many of the structural and decor elements of this space rework traditional Italian design

明年三月,Bulgari新店將進駐倫敦Selfridges百貨公司,在這家具有眾多品牌店內的一個全新區域內,將品牌重新定位。這間面積一百餘平方米的精品店所用材料沿襲了Via dei Condotti康多堤大道總店的羅馬和地中海風格,在色彩、石材選擇和材料搭配方面,散發出詩意的追求。正如羅馬的靈感貫穿著品牌的每個店面:在此間店內,Bulgari也會向您發出羅馬之旅的邀請,Peter Marino的美學代碼也因此在傳統與創新之間突顯。結構和裝飾元素不可或缺,將上世紀五、六十年代黃金時期悠久的義大利設計重新演繹:包括Carlo Scarpa 和 Franco Albini在內的設計師們用他們的建築語彙營造出動人魅力。在各種元素中,特別要強調由Vistosi玻璃廠製作的穆拉諾玻璃吊燈,其掛鉤完全由手工打造。櫥窗內覆蓋著番紅花黃色帝王山東綢 - 而眾多喜愛Bulgari的名人照片則會讓人們想到位於羅馬城中心的這一間珠寶品牌的傳奇老店。地面上一塊義大利胡桃木拼嵌地板泛著低調的光澤,彷彿被陽光的光線和反射撫摸過。在為最尊貴客戶所保留的區域,則再現了羅馬Condotti傳奇的“泰勒房間”,這曾是這位好萊塢女神在臺伯河畔幾年間躲避狗仔隊襲擊的藏寶盒。在這裡可確保享受隱私的側幕,讓人聯想到萬神殿地板的棋盤格,結合了作為Bulgari及其羅馬根源符號之一的八角星芒。

SELFRIDGESNext March, the opening of a space in Selfridges department store in London in a new section of the multi-brand store

112 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


Grand Opening Bulgari Fifth Avenue Flagship Store on October 20, 2017 Bella Hadid and Lily AldridgeGrand Opening Bulgari Fifth Avenue Flagship Store on October 20, 2017


DJ Ruby RoseGrand Opening Bulgari Fifth Avenue Flagship Store on October 20, 2017

CiaraGrand Opening Bulgari Fifth Avenue Flagship Store on October 20, 2017

Demi LovatoGrand Opening Bulgari Fifth Avenue Flagship Store on October 20, 2017


Nataly OsmannGrand Opening Bulgari Dubai Resort on December 5, 2017

Tara HemadGrand Opening Bulgari Dubai Resort on December 5, 2017

Diala MakkiGrand Opening Bulgari Dubai Resort on December 5, 2017

Jean-Christophe Babin and Abdulla Al Habbai Grand Opening Bulgari Dubai Resort on December 5, 2017

Jasmine Sanders, Elena Perminova, Jon Kortajarena, Alicia Vikander, Bella Hadid, Isabella Ferrari and Nadine Nassib NjeimGrand Opening Bulgari Dubai Resort on December 5, 2017

114 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13


Issue 13 Life in BVLGARI 115

Ayaka MiyoshiAurora Awards 2017


Kelly and Jean-Christophe BabinAurora Awards 2017

Naomi Kawase and Mari NatsukiAurora Awards 2017

Shiho and Ahn MikaAurora Awards 2017

Mika Ninagawa and Kazumi KurigamiAurora Awards 2017

MiyaviAurora Awards 2017

Bulgari SerpentiForm Exhibition in Tokyo

Bulgari SerpentiForm Exhibition in TokyoBulgari SerpentiForm Exhibition in Tokyo

Bulgari SerpentiForm Exhibition in Tokyo Bulgari SerpentiForm Exhibition in Tokyo

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Issue 13 Life in BVLGARI 117

Jasmine Sanders and Lottie MossBulgari x Nicholas Kirkwood at Bulgari Hotel – Milan Fashion Week


Bella HadidBulgari x Nicholas Kirkwood at Bulgari Hotel – Milan Fashion Week

Pop-Up Store – London Heathrow Airport T5


Pop-Up Store – Helsinki Airport


Festa High Jewellery Event Festa High Jewellery Event

Festa High Jewellery Event

Festa High Jewellery Event

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Issue 13 Life in BVLGARI 119

B.zero1 bangle bracelet in 18 kt rose gold.

B.zero1 bangle bracelet in 18 kt yellow gold.

B.zero1 bangle bracelet in 18 kt rose gold and pavé diamonds.

B.zero1 bangle bracelet in 18 kt white gold and pavé diamonds.

B.zero1 four-band ring in 18 kt rose, white and yellow gold.

B.zero1 sautoir necklace in 18 kt rose, yellow and white gold.

B.zero1 pendant necklace in 18 kt rose gold and white ceramic.

B.zero1 four-band ring in 18 kt rose gold and white ceramic.

B.zero1 four-band ring in 18 kt rose gold and black ceramic.

B.zero1 bangle bracelet in 18 kt rose gold and black ceramic.

B.zero1 bangle bracelet in 18 kt rose gold and white ceramic.

B.zero1 bangle bracelet in 18 kt rose gold and titanium ceramic.



58B.zero1 Design Legend three-band ring in 18 kt white gold, and pavé diamonds.

B.zero1 Design Legend pendant necklace in 18 kt white gold and pavé diamonds.

B.zero1 Design Legend four-band ring in 18 kt rose gold.

B.zero1 Design Legend three-band ring in 18 kt rose gold, and pavé diamonds.

B.zero1 Design Legend pendant necklace in 18 kt rose gold and pavé diamonds.

B.zero1 Labyrinth four-band ring in 18 kt rose and white gold.

B.zero1 Labyrinth pendant necklace in 18 kt rose and white gold.

B.zero1 Labyrinth four-band ring in 18 kt rose and white gold, and pavé diamonds.

B.zero1 Labyrinth pendant necklace in 18 kt rose and white gold, and pavé diamonds.




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OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding, BVL 191 - Solotempo caliber decorated with côtes de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. 42 hour power reserve. 41 mm steel case with transparent case back. Crown set with ceramic. Blue sunray and lacquered polished dial with hand-applied brushed and polished rhodium plated indexes. Steel bracelet with folding clasp. Water-resistant up to 50 metres.

OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding, BVL 191 - Solotempo caliber decorated with côtes de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. 42 hour power reserve. 41 mm steel case with transparent case back. Crown set with ceramic. Anthracite sunray and lacquered polished dial with hand-applied brushed and polished rhodium plated indexes. Black alligator strap with steel ardillon buckle. Water-resistant up to 50 metres.



OCTO L’ORIGINALE watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding and instantaneous date, BVL 191 - Solotempo caliber decorated with côtes de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. 42 hour power reserve. 41 mm titanium case with titanium crown and transparent case back. Titanium dial with raised black indexes. Integrated rubber strap with steel folding buckle treated with black Diamond Like Carbon. Water-resistant up to 100 metres.

OCTO L’ORIGINALE watch. Integrated chronograph with column wheel mechanism. Mechanical manufacture high-frequency chronograph (5Hz) with silicon escapement, automatic winding and date, BVL 328 -Velocissimo caliber decorated with perlage, côtes de Genève and chamfering finishing. 50 hour power reserve. 41 mm titanium case with titanium crown and transparent case back. Titanium dial with raised black indexes. Integrated rubber strap with steel folding buckle treated with black Diamond Like Carbon. Water-resistant up to 100 metres.

B.zero1 pendant necklace in 18 kt rose gold.

B.zero1 single earring in 18 kt rose gold.

B.zero1 four-band ring in 18 kt rose gold.



64 70 OCTO FINISSIMO AUTOMATIQUE watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding (platinum microrotor) and small seconds. BVL 138 - Finissimo caliber decorated by hand with côtes de Genève, chamfering and perlage finishing. 40 mm extra-thin titanium case with transparent case back. Titanium crown set with ceramic. Titanium dial. Titanium bracelet with folding clasp. Water-resistant up to 30 metres.

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right page:Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 35 mm gold curved case with 18 kt gold bezel set with diamonds. 18 kt gold crown set with a cabochon-cut rubellite. Black opaline dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Double-spiral 18 kt rose, yellow and white gold bracelet.

left page:Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel curved case with a bezel set with diamonds. Steel crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Blue lacquered dial with soleil treatment. Indigo topaz 4-twirl brushed metallic calf leather strap with steel ardillon buckle.

Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 35 mm black ceramic curved case with 18 kt pink gold bezel set with diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a cabochon-cut ceramic element. Black lacquered polished dial. Double-spiral black ceramic bracelet with 18 kt pink gold elements.

OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding, BVL 191 - Solotempo caliber decorated with côtes de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. 42 hour power reserve. 41 mm steel case with transparent case back. Crown set with ceramic. Blue sunray and lacquered polished dial with hand-applied brushed and polished rhodium plated indexes. Steel bracelet with folding clasp. Water-resistant up to 50 metres.



82OCTO FINISSIMO AUTOMATIQUE watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding (platinum microrotor) and small seconds. BVL 138 - Finissimo caliber decorated by hand with côtes de Genève, chamfering and perlage finishing. 40 mm extra-thin titanium case with transparent case back. Titanium crown set with ceramic. Titanium dial. Titanium bracelet with folding clasp. Water-resistant up to 30 metres.

OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding, BVL 191 - Solotempo caliber decorated with côtes de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. 42 hour power reserve. 41 mm steel case with 18 kt pink bezel and crown set with ceramic and transparent case back. Brown sunray and lacquered polished dial with hand-applied 18 kt rose gold brushed and polished plated indexes. 18 kt pink gold and stainless steel bracelet with folding clasp. Water-resistant up to 50 metres.



72 OCTO ROMA watch. Mechanical manufacture movement with automatic winding, BVL 191 - Solotempo caliber decorated with côtes de Genève, chamfering and snailed finishing. 42 hour power reserve. 41 mm steel case with transparent case back. Crown set with ceramic. Anthracite sunray and lacquered polished dial with hand-applied brushed and polished rhodium plated indexes. Black alligator strap with steel ardillon buckle. Water-resistant up to 50 metres.

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right page:“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag featuring a “Quilted Stardust” motif in zephyr quartz calf leather with light gold metal details. Brass light gold plated snake head closure in tone on tone and black shiny enamel, with eyes in black onyx.

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag featuring a “Quilted Stardust” motif in white agate calf leather and light gold metal details. Brass light gold plated tempting snake head closure in black and tone on tone shiny enamel, with eyes in black onyx.

left page:DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bag in wisteria jade nappa leather featuring a “quilted” motif. Brass light gold plated hardware and iconic foldable “DIVAS’ DREAM” pendant closure in wisteria jade shiny enamel.

DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bag in wisteria jade and white chalk “Halo” python skin. Brass light gold plated hardware and iconic foldable “DIVAS’ DREAM” pendant closure in wisteria jade shiny enamel.

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in wisteria jade and white chalk “Graffiti” python skin. Brass light gold plated tempting snake head closure in matte black and white enamel, with eyes in black onyx.

right page:“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in white agate calf leather featuring a studded “Pop-Heart” motif. Brass light gold plated snake head closure in shiny black and glitter silver enamel, with eyes in black onyx.

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in paradise jade brushed metallic calf leather. Brass light gold plated tempting snake head closure in black and white enamel, with eyes in green malachite.

left page:“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in indigo topaz brushed metallic calf leather. Brass light gold plated snake head closure in black and white enamel, with eyes in green malachite.

Serpenteyes rounded frame featuring a shiny black hexagonal browline and flat, round, mirrored lenses with a golden scale motif. Shiny black color temples exalt the sleek profiles and end with a scale-shaped tip featuring the BVLGARI logo.



102“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in flame coral calf leather. Brass light gold plated snake head closure in black and white enamel with eyes in green malachite.

Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm steel curved case with 18 kt rose gold bezel set with diamonds. 18 kt rose gold crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Grey lacquered dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Antique bronze double-twirl brushed metallic calf leather strap with steel ardillon buckle.

right page:Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 35 mm white ceramic curved case with 18 kt pink gold bezel set with diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a cabochon-cut ceramic element. White lacquered polished dial. Double-spiral white ceramic bracelet with 18 kt pink gold elements.

left page:Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 27 mm 18 kt rose gold curved case. 18 kt rose gold crown set with a cabochon-cut pink rubellite. Black lacquered dial. 18 kt plain rose gold bracelet.




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right page:DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bag in white agate nappa leather featuring a “quilted” motif. Brass light gold plated hardware and iconic foldable “DIVAS’ DREAM” pendant closure in white agate shiny enamel.

Compact wallet in black shiny grain calf leather, black smooth calf leather and fuxia nappa lining. Brass light gold plated hardware and iconic DIVAS’ DREAM pendant closure in black shiny enamel.

left page:DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bag in zephyr quartz nappa leather featuring a “quilted” motif. Brass light gold plated hardware and iconic foldable “DIVAS’ DREAM” pendant closure in rose quartz shiny enamel.

DIVAS’ DREAM flap cover bag in paradise jade shiny python skin. Brass light gold plated hardware and iconic foldable “DIVAS’ DREAM” pendant closure in paradise jade shiny enamel.

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in zephyr quartz calf leather featuring a studded “Neon” motif. Brass light gold plated tempting snake head closure in black and glitter silver enamel, with eyes in black onyx.

right page:“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in indigo topaz shiny karung skin. Brass light gold plated hardware and tempting snake head closure in black and white enamel, with eyes in green malachite.

L-shaped zipped wallet in paradise jade shiny karung skin and paradise jade calf leather with brass light gold plated hardware. Iconic black and white enamel “Serpenti” head zip puller, with green enamel eyes.

left page:“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in indigo topaz calf leather. Brass light gold plated tempting snake head closure in black and white enamel, with eyes in green malachite.

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in rose quartz brushed metallic calf leather. Brass light gold plated tempting snake head closure in black and white enamel, with eyes in green malachite.

“Serpenti Viper” top handle bag in wisteria jade natural python skin and black smooth calf leather. Brass light gold plated hardware and snap closure in black shiny enamel with iconic “Scaglie” design and lateral push buttons in green malachite stones.

Serpenti Poisoncandy heart-shaped teardrop sunglasses in pink gold color with multicolored enamelled scale décor. Slender metal temples further exalted by openwork details feature enamelled scale-shaped temple tips.








128 Life in BVLGARI Issue 13