Pequot and King Phillip's war

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Pequot and King Phillip's war

Pequot War1636-1637

1616-1617 Mass Epidemic

• Small Pox Epidemic wipes out 75-95% of Natives in the Americas. (Guns, Germs, Steel)

• Left Native society shattered and in chaos

• Estimated 15,000-18000 natives living in all of New England (Vaughn, Alden)

Algonquin Tribes

Great Puritan Migratio

n21,000 Puritans migrate to New

England in Family units

Distrusted unmarried adults

Splinter Colonies form in Rhode Island

and Connecticut

New England Engages in Lucrative Fur Trade

Small Pox Epidemic Left A Massive Power Vacuum in New England.

Mohegan ally with the English and the Pequot ally with the Dutch.

Mass Bay Colony starts creating wampum and

significantly lessens the power of the Narragansett

and the Pequot

Privateer John Stone and Crew Killed by the


John Oldham“Mad Jack” Honest trader killed at block island 1636

English and Allies Take on the


Mass Bay Sends Endicott to Block Island

Connecticut Calls the Militia Out under John

Mason and John Underhill

Mystic Massacre

King Phillip’s War1675-1678

Changed English/Native


Beaver Nearly Extinct in New EnglandWampum Devalued

Clash of Land and Agricultural PracticesMetacomet starts selling land and purchasing


Massasoit Allied with the Pilgrims

John Eliot Translate the bible into Native


King Phillip’s brother dies of illness while in Plymouth Colony

Settlers warned by John Sassamon

His body was found under ice in Assawompset Pond in

Lakeville MA

3 of Phillip’s men were put on trial and executed“Partially Native Jury”

Phillip Raids Swansea

Battle of Bloody Brook

Nine Men’s Misery

New England Confederation

Great swamp fight 1675

King Phillip’s Head put on a spike in Plymouth in 1676