Pepito pérezgarcía

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Pepito pérezgarcía



Each year hundreds of festivities and traditions are celebrated in Galicia. They have existed for many years. They are very important and cause a great tourist attraction in Spain, as some are known throughout the Spanish territory.

The festivities :

“Carnavales deVerín” (February 6-21). “Días das Letras Galegas” (May 17). “Apóstol de Santiago de Compostela” (July 25). “San Froilán” (October 4-12). …

The traditions:

“A Rapa das Bestas de Sabucedo” (July 6,7,8). “Lacón con grelos”. “A chave”. …


“Carnavales de Verín”

In Verín the carnivals are also very notorious. Are celebrations of national

tourist interest. “El Cigarrón” is the central character. This suit weighs about 25 kg

and those who carry it in their blood, is a tradition handed down from father to son.

“Día das Letras Galegas”

Held on the 17th of May each year. A this tradition started in 1963 and it is a homage to writers who the galician writers..This award is very important for authors who receive. Here you can see some

prize winners and the year that they received this award:

•1966 - Francisco Añón •1963 - Rosalía de Castro •1964 - Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao •1965 - Eduardo Pondal •1967 - Manuel Curros Enríquez


“Apóstol de Santiago de Compostela”

Every July on the 25th in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela there is a mass dedicated to Santiago

apostle of Santiago. Hundreds of people from around the world are there and tradition says they should go

walking to the cathedral.

“San Froilán”

Is one of the tourist attractions in the city where half a million people take to

the streets where Lugo put on their best suits. Is also a tradition that remains for

many years.


“A Rapa das Bestas”

It is held on the 6th , 7th , 8th of July. “A Rapa das Bestas” is to mark and cut the manes of

the horses, but that they are wilds. This festivity attracts hundreds of people for years.

“Lacón con grelos”


-Potatoes.-turnip greens.-oil.-sausages.-pork leg.


Put the pork to cook in water for 2 hours, add potatoes, turnip greens and sliced sausages and

cook until they are tender, about 30 minutes. then passed to dishes where you can add salt or other

ingredients to taste better.

“A Chave”

Is a popular game of Galicia that it involves throwing a flat disc to a piece of metal in a vertical position and placed at a distance. The goal is to hit the metal piece doctor increased the number of
