pep akhir tahun bi f1 2015.docx

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Transcript of pep akhir tahun bi f1 2015.docx

  • 7/23/2019 pep akhir tahun bi f1 2015.docx


    SECTION A[10 marks]

    [Time suggested : 15 minutes]

    Answer allquestions in this paper.

    The text below is a story about how a student learn to ope with stress.

    Question 1!ead the text below . The "rst and the last line are orret .#or the remaining lines $there isone grammatial error in eah line .

    Underline the error .Then$ write one word to correct the error in the spaepro%ided . An example has been gi%en .The orret word must not change themeaning o& the sentene . There are no spelling and puntuation errors in this text.

    There was a time when ' was so lost and on&used. '

    did not do well in my examination and ' had no time to study. '

    was so in%ol%ed ati%e in the shool o(urriular ati%ities. '

    was the )lue *ouse aptain or state tennis player. 'n addition$

    ' took part in publi speaking and ' spend hours pratiing &or the

    horus speaking ompetition. #riends was always asking me to

    hang out and ' ould not disappoint them. +ur parents

    disappro%ed o& me &or staying bak late

    at shool and not studying at home. ' was so tired but stressed

    out that ' did

    not know what to do. +ne day $ my ,nglish teaher $

    ad%ise me to

    manage my time properly and prioriti/e my work. There&ore$ '

    made the study

    time(table and ' alloated time &or my o(urriular ati%ity . '

    learnt to say o2

    e.g ati%ely











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    to my &riends politely and ' also ut o7 on playing omputer


    #urthermore$ ' delegated work as the )lue *ouse aptain and

    spent most time

    on my studies. ow $ my grades ha%e impro%ed and ' &eel


    [10 marks]


    [80 marks]

    [Time suggested: 90 minutes]

    Question 2

    !ead the notie below are&ully. Then$ answer questions 3a4 to 364.


    S#$ SERI %ER#AIOrganised by the Environment Club of SMK Seri Permai

    Callin all SMK Seri Permai students!!!

    There are lots o& ways that we an redue waste at

    shool. )y thinking ahead and being reati%e$ we

    an redue our impat on the en%ironment$ and

    sa%e money at the same time. Another bene"t is$

    we an redue garbage.A speial programme will be held in our shool &rom

    .00 am to 11.80 am. There will be talks$ games and

    &ood &or all. There will be a speial guest appearane

    by ;iti Aini and her band.


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    *'0? o& the &ood webuy gets thrown away@ )y taking only what youan eat or sharing your extras with a &riend$ youare taking steps to waste less &ood and sa%e

    2& %ac' a *No+,aste !unch*

    A no(waste lunh is a meal that does not end up inthe trash. Bse a reusable lunh box or bag and "ll itwith your lunh in reusable ontainers. Cou reateless waste by using washable ontainers to pak

    -& Carr( a .ew reusa/le

    Dhen we go to the store at the beginning o& theshool year$ we should look &or durable$ long(lastingsupplies and reuse them. !e"llable pens andpenils$ a durable bakpak and a lunhbox are allgreat examples o& produts that an be reused.

    An in.ormati0e and .un da()See (ou all on Saturda( 1

    a. Organiser :


    b. Date :



    TRASH IN SCHOOL c. ime :


    d. !uest "rtist :


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    [10 marks]

    Question -

    Questions a+6 are based on the ad%ertisement below.


    e. ______________________


    f. ______________________


    g. ______________________


    S#onsors :

    h. _________________________


    i. ________________________


    $. ________________________


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    Questions a+e

    )ased on the ad%ertisement$ state whether the &ollowing statements are TRUE or


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    a. 'ndian dishes are ser%ed at =eliious *ainan Eopitiam and !a6aFs )anana ea&.

    [1 mark]b. The lowest pried dishes an be &ound at Euali !estaurant.

    [1 mark]. ;entosa Gegetarian !estaurant also ser%e bee& burgers.

    [1 mark]d. The pastries at !oyFs Ha&I are &reshly baked e%ery day.

    [1 mark]e. Cou an order 'ndian(style snaks anytime at !a6aFs )anana ea&.

    [1 mark]

    Questions .+i

    !ead the ad%ertisement are&ully and answer the questions below.

    &. Dhih restaurant will you reommend to a tourist who wants to sample

    -alaysian dishes@[1

    mark]g. Dhat will you get when you order the main ourse meals at ;entosa Gegetarian



    h. Dhat makes !a6aFs )anana ea& di7erent &rom other restaurants@[1


    i. !eplae the meanings in the table with the orret word Jphrase &rom the


    -eaning DordJphrasea4 true [1

    mark]b4 mid(day meal [1


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    Question 6 814 mar's9

    Cour &riend is planning to elebrate hisJher motherFs birthday at a restaurant. 'n

    about 50 words$ express your delight at hisJher plan.

    'n your message:

    suggest a suitable restaurant

    gi%e reasons why you suggest the restaurant

    Cou may use the details in the ad%ertisement as a guide in your writing.

    =ear $


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    : 15 #AR$S ;

    Time suggested< 15 minutes


    Questions a+g are based on this artile

    C"I!>"OO>+ the /est time o. (our li.e?

    ;ome people say that hildhood is the best time o& your li&e. *owe%er$ being a hild

    has both its ad%antages and disad%antages. +n the plus side$ you ha%e %ery &ew

    responsibilities. #or example$ you donFt ha%e to go to work$ shop$ ook or pay bills.

    This means you ha%e plenty o& &ree time to do whate%er you want K wath TG$ play

    omputer games$ go out with &riends$ in%ol%e in sports and pursue other hobbies.

    Lubli transport$ inema and sports entres also ost muh less &or hildren. 'n

    short$ being a hild is an exiting time in li&e.

    *owe%er$ &or e%ery plus there is a minus. #or one thing$ you ha%e to spend "%e days

    a week$ &rom ;unday to Thursday at shool. ;tudying usually means you ha%e to do

    a lot o& homework$ attend extra lasses and sit &or exams. +n top o& that$ you need

    to &ul"l your parentsF expetation and pass with Mying olours.

    Dhat is more$ you may ha%e a lot o& &ree time but you are rarely allowed to do

    whate%er you want. Cou usually ha%e to ask your parentsF permission be&ore doing

    anything K &rom shopping in town to staying out late.

    ast but not least$ although there are o&ten heaper pries &or hildren$ things are

    still expensi%e. ;ome parents are not always generous in gi%ing poket money. The

    reality is that sometimes there is not enough money to satis&y a hildFs need.

    To sum up$ some people see hildhood as the best time in their li%es. *owe%er in

    reality hildren do not ha%e hoies to do what they want. As hildren grow up$ they

    will soon reali/e that they ha%e more responsibilities to bear.

    3 Adapted &rom NB,;T -A

  • 7/23/2019 pep akhir tahun bi f1 2015.docx


    b. Dhat pri%ilege does a hild get when heJ she %isits a rereational entre @


    [ 1 mark]

    . Dhy parents are not generous in gi%ing more poket money to their hildren@



    [1 mark]

    Nuestion d: #ill in the table with the appropriate wordJ phrase &rom the artile.

    #EANIN ,OR>@%"RASE engageii.seldomiii.turn up &ori%.a disad%antage

    [9 marks]

    Questions e+.: Complete the table with the advantages and the disadvantages of

    being a child as mentioned in the text.

    [ > marks]

    [> marks]

    Question g

    ;uggest otherways whih are not stated in the textR hildren show their

    responsibilities towards their parents.


    e. Ad%antages3i43ii4

    &. =isad%antages3i43ii4

  • 7/23/2019 pep akhir tahun bi f1 2015.docx



    [8 marks]


    824 mar's9

    Time suggested< 24 minutes

    Question 5

    This setion onsists o& 8 parts:

    Lart 1 : Loem

    Lart >: ;hort ;tory

    Lart 8 :

  • 7/23/2019 pep akhir tahun bi f1 2015.docx


    #ill in the blanks with suitable answers &rom the box.

    ;ome little


    reason shool


    no rage or


    &or goodness

    sakewithout a






    shrieking$ hildish


    stunned at


    The hild reahes home and he hugs and kisses the persona 314

    . The hild ran o7 to help her with 3>4 .

    ;he is taken abak and wonders to hersel&$ 384$ whatFs

    this@ The hild looks like a di7erent person$ as the hildFs &ae is lean &or one and

    lothes are 394 . The hild had sa%ed hisJher lunheon

  • 7/23/2019 pep akhir tahun bi f1 2015.docx


    money. ooking at the hild with a pu//led look$ she mar%els that the hild does not

    drop hisJher 354 and displays a quiet beha%iour$ there is no 3S4

    as the hild was a lamb ompared to the day be&ore when

    heJshe was a rebel. The persona is sure the person standing in &ront o& her showing

    34 must be a stranger. ;he looks at the hildlosely and

    thinks heJshe might be ha%ing onussion or is 34 .

    AhQ then she sees the 3P4 $ the hild has brought bak

    hisJher 3104 . As she said$ wonders will ne%er ease.

    [10 marks]


    'nstrution: abel the plot with suitable numbers using the &ollowing stages

    The hildren washed ;amFs &atherFs ar but ended up not getting paid.U ;amFs &ather was angry as they had messed up the washing.

    They took -rs

    8 ee still had no money &or the &air. *e &ound a purse loaded with money. *e returned it to the owner who rewarded his honesty with "%e

  • 7/23/2019 pep akhir tahun bi f1 2015.docx


    [5 marks]

    %ART - < RA%"IC NOE!< 24444 !EAUES UN>ER T"E SEA

    -ath the haraters to the orret desriptions below.

    No Characters Characteristics Answer


    1 Ned Land The ommander o& the Nautilus. *e isa mysterious man. *e is o&ten mo%ed

    to tears$ yet easily angered. *e is a

    brilliant man who was &ormerly an

    engineer. *e designed

    the Nautilus himsel&. *is nationality

    remains unknown to the narrator.

    9 ee "nally had money to go to the &air. *is two &riends were happy &or him.

    The &air was in town and !a6Fs &ather had promised to take !a6$ ;amand ee to the &air. The hildren were exited about the games theyan ride at the &air.

    eeFs mother did not permit ee to go to the &air as she did not ha%e


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    2 Captain Nemo The aptain o& theAbraham

    incoln. *is name is taken &rom a

    Bnion Hi%il Dar admiral$ =a%id

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    Cou may use the notes below to help you elaborate the points gi%en:

    EAT "EA!T"D

    ,at a balaned meal ,at plenty o& &ruits and %egetable A%oid 6unk &ood and proessed &ood

    >RIN$ %!ENTD O7 ,ATER

    At least glasses a day


  • 7/23/2019 pep akhir tahun bi f1 2015.docx
