PeopleIdeas Places and Things Events Today’s Categories.

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of PeopleIdeas Places and Things Events Today’s Categories.

People Ideas

Places and Things


Today’s CategoriesToday’s Categories

Category: People

Identify one famous person studied during this unit, and describe at least one thing that person did.

Category: Places and Things

Identify one important invention from this unit, and explain how it made life easier.

Category: Events

This term refers to a period of rapid growth in machine-made goods. It led to the building of factories and growth of larger cities.

Category: People

This person was the king of France prior to the French Revolution. Despite protests from the Third Estate, he chose to raise taxes on common people.

Category: Ideas

This philosophical concept developed by John Locke suggests that government power is justified by an agreement between the rulers and the citizens.

Category: Events

This term, meaning “rebirth” in French, describes a period of creativity, new ideas and inspirations throughout Europe.

Category: Ideas

Believers in this idea emphasized the abilities and accomplishments of human beings. They believed that people were capable of great things.

Category: Places and Things

This city had tremendous influence over European history since it contained the central authorities of the Catholic Church.

People Ideas Events Places and Things

1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6

7 7 7 7

8 8 8 8

9 9 9 9

10 10 10 10

People – 1

Following the French Revolution, this military leader assumed control of France. He managed to standardize the laws and schools in his country, and expanded his

empire throughout Europe until his defeat in 1814.

People – 2

Author of several world-renowned plays and poems like Hamlet and Romeo and

Juliet, this British playwright is an excellent example of Renaissance literature.

People – 3

This king of England initially wrote essays condemning Martin Luther’s religious ideas, but ended up creating his own

church in response to the Catholic Church’s refusal to grant him a divorce.

People – 4

A man of science during the Scientific Revolution, this British thinker is best known for his work with gravity and


People – 5

Even though he was Italian, this famous explorer received financial support from Queen Isabella of Spain as he set out to

find a faster trade route to Asia.

People – 6

A former monk teaching at a German university, this man was responsible for

the ideas behind the first successful attempt to establish a new Christian


People – 7

Although he ended up dying during a violent conflict in the Philippines, this

explorer and his crew are credited with being the first to circumnavigate the


People – 8

This Englishman invented a new technique to strengthen iron into steel during the

Industrial Revolution in 1855.

People – 9

Clearly an example of a “Renaissance Man”, this Italian painted famous pictures

like the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, while also studying human anatomy. He

even designed initial plans for flying machines.

People – 10

This Portuguese explorer successfully sailed around the Southern tip of Africa on the way to India during the years of 1497-


Ideas – 1

This teaching by the Catholic Church suggested that believers could pay for the

forgiveness of their sins. Abuses of this concept inspired Martin Luther to write his

95 Theses.

Ideas – 2

This idea suggests that the power of the government ultimately belongs to the

people who are ruled by the government.

Ideas – 3

Also known as logic, this idea refers to the systematic form of thinking that

characterized science and philosophy during the Enlightenment.

Ideas – 4

This approach to government stresses the importance of limiting government power so that the freedoms of individuals may be


Ideas – 5

These individuals argued during the Industrial Revolution that females should be granted the right to vote in elections.

Ideas – 6

In this economic system, most businesses and resources are owned by individuals

rather than the government.

Ideas – 7

This term refers to the various Christian denominations that arose in response to

perceived abuses and mistakes by the Catholic Church during the Reformation.

Ideas – 8

This term refers to the successful journey around the world, accomplished by

Magellan’s crew in 1522.

Ideas – 9

This industry, which includes clothing, was the first one significantly transformed by

technological advances during the Industrial Revolution.

Ideas – 10

This term refers to towns and settlements established by one nation in territories

that may be far away from the controlling country.

Events – 1

This period, also known as the Age of Reason, witnessed the application of

scientific principles to political, moral as well as scientific problems.

Events – 2

During this year, Christopher Columbus landed on the Bahamas while looking for

an efficient route to Asia.

Events – 3

Following Napoleon's defeat, this was the assembly that officially divided Europe into

separate nations, with the hope that no nation would again amass enough power

to threaten the others.

Events – 4

This term refers to the period in history in which logical thinking and observation

replaced claims of authority and tradition in discovering how the world works.

Events – 5

When the Estates-General was convened in 1789, it was supposed to handle this

problem which was threatening France at the time.

Events – 6

This term refers to the period in time in which new forms of Christianity arose to

protest problems with the Catholic Church, as well as revisions made in Catholicism


Events – 7

This event was the result of France’s growing debt, failing economy, and

increasing political unrest. It resulted in the execution of King Louis XVI and the

declaration of the French Republic.

Events – 8

During the French Revolution, this term described the government’s execution of

anyone who publicly criticized the Republic or the Revolution.

Events – 9

This was the meeting called by the Catholic Church to hear Martin Luther defend his

protest of Catholic practices and recant his criticisms. It ended with Luther fleeing for

his life.

Events – 10

While not occurring in Europe, this event and its Declaration of Independence

helped to influence the political thought of French people prior to their overthrow of

the monarchy.

Places and Things – 1

This extravagant and massive palace was the luxurious home of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette prior to the French Revolution.

Places and Things – 2

New ideas could spread more rapidly thanks to this invention by Johann


Places and Things – 3

This invention permitted both explorers and astronomers the ability to see things

far in the distance.

Places and Things – 4

This German town was the location of an important university, home of Martin Luther, and played a key role in the

Lutheran Reformation.

Places and Things – 5

One of two Italian cities whose increased trade with other parts of the world

introduced new ideas that helped to spark the Reformation.

Places and Things – 6

Using the power of magnetism, this invention made it much easier for

navigators to determine in which direction they were sailing.

Places and Things – 7

This invention by James Watt used the power of heated water to operate heavy

machinery. Since factories no longer needed to be near running waters, they could be built much closer to available


Places and Things – 8

This agreement between the English king and his nobles, signed in 1215, limited the king’s power in some ways, and inspired

even greater changes in government later on.

Places and Things – 9

Due to its aggressive exploration and colonization of the New World, this

European country began the wealthiest country prior to the Industrial Revolution.

Places and Things – 10

Many explorers and traders responsible for the European discovery of lands in the

Western Hemisphere were actually looking for routes to this location, already known

as the source of many valuable goods.