Pentagon's Hammer 12 Days to Armageddon, 2012, … · 0985704780, 9780985704780, Zaloli, LLC, 2012...

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Pentagon's Hammer 12 Days to Armageddon, 2012, Valentino Group, Leon Harris Sr,0985704780, 9780985704780, Zaloli, LLC, 2012


PENTAGON'S HAMMER is played out during a twelve day global event involving the United States,North Korea, India, Pakistan, the Pacific Rim, and, on a peripheral scale, Cuba, China, and Russia.The stage was set with 9/11 on the New York trade center, when Islamic extremists successfullycarried out the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Years later, following the outsourcing of criticaland sensitive programs by the defense department, vital information for the NSA's most critical,and highly classified satellite system, the ASATs (attack satellites), falls into the hands of theadversary. The adversary, HASAN HAMMAD, principal Jihad antagonist to the Unites States and thefree world, by manipulating critical satellites is able to puncture the U.S. defense shield. Theearliest indication to the breach is detected by TRACY BAUER, NSA Intel strategist. Theprotagonist, ALEX BAUER, long time defense analyst and design engineer with DOD and BMO(Ballistics Missiles Office), comes across classified information on EMP and its inheritedvulnerability. Whereas EMP, electromagnetic pulsing, is a highly sophisticated process generatedby an atomic explosion, it can also be set off through a simple and inexpensive trigger device.What makes it even more detrimental, this science and technology has been hidden from thepublic eyes since the inception of the atomic bomb. Through vital intelligence leaks andorganizational compromises created by current economic conditions, however, North Korea,Pakistan, Iran, and the Jihad have gained knowledge for this once closely guarded secret. Theantagonist, manipulating the U.S. defense grid, is setting off a chain of events culminating in aseries of confrontations. Our defense and intelligence organizations become intricately involved inthe strike, counter strike, retaliation, and reprisal. Each chapter, within the twelve days of globalevents describe character, initiative, environment, action, reaction, and resolution with strongcharacter support interdependent of each other as presented through the sphere of a globaltheater. The enemy, in the heart of the nation unleashes a series of assaults through nuclear,chemical and biological means affecting the lives of every citizen across the country. With everydefense mechanism rendered ineffective the nation is brought to its knees resulting in an economicArmageddon effecting commerce, power, utilities, communication, banking, finance, Wall Street,transportation, hospital, emergency operation, law enforcement, national defense, government andthe military, not to mention the lives of millions of U.S. citizens. What makes the novel unique isthe intricate knowledge of the writer in the Intel community, the defense system, and the nation'snuclear strike capability. Furthermore, the story has unique twists not tackled before.


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created: 7th May 2010