Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS)...

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Transcript of Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS)...

  • > >

    Pennsylvania Department of Human

    Services (DHS)

    Electronic Provider Enrollment Application

    User Interface (UI) Provider Training

    October 2016 1

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    Housekeeping Rules Cordless phones can introduce static at times if

    possible use landlines

    Utilize the mute button/press *6 to mute and/or unmute

    The PowerPoint presentation is available in the

    accessed by saving first, and then printing handouts section of the Virtual Room and can be

    October 2016 2

  • > >

    Primary Topics



    Types of Provider Enrollment Applications

    Site Navigation Key Points

    Application Session Manager

    Provider User Interface Pages

    Online Application Emails


    October 2016 3

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    Course Objectives

    Introduce providers to the new DHS Electronic Provider Enrollment Application User Interface (UI)

    Gain navigation skills within the online provider application

    Understand the features and functionality of the online provider application

    October 2016 4

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    The federally mandated Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that all states comply with the provider screening and enrollment regulations found at 42 Code of Regulations (CFR) 455, Subpart E Provider Screening and Enrollment.

    DHS implemented the Electronic Provider Enrollment Application to help streamline enrollment processes, make updates to provider applications, conduct the required screening activities, obtain the required documentation and ensure compliance with the ACA.

    October 2016 5

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    The DHS Electronic Provider Enrollment User Interface will:

    facilitate more effective and efficient measures for enrolling new providers as well as revalidation and reactivation

    allow providers to complete their Medical Assistance (MA) enrollment online

    perform systematic checks to determine the providers compliance with the ACA Provider Screening and Enrollment regulations.

    October 2016 6

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    Types of Enrollment Applications

    New application brand new provider never enrolled with PA Medicaid

    Revalidation application provider currently enrolled with PA Medicaid

    Reactivation application provider re-enrolling with PA Medicaid

    October 2016 7

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    Site Navigation Key Points

    The Electronic Provider Enrollment Application UI is accessed from a secure internet site:

    Providers will need to create a password for each application

    Each online provider enrollment application is assigned a unique Application Tracking Number (ATN)

    Providers will be able to resume a previously started application or check status of a submitted application

    October 2016 8


  • > >

    Site Navigation Key Points

    The application consists of multiple pages that guide

    the user through completing their online enrollment

    The application only displays appropriate pages and questions that are collected from the user based on the provider type and provider specialty selected

    Providers will have the ability to upload supplemental documents required for enrollment based upon information collected during the application process

    October 2016 9

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    Application Session Manager

    The user must click Finish Later or Save and Continue after completing the information on each page of the application in order for the page information to be saved

    If a user is inactive for more than 25 minutes, the user will receive a message requiring them to respond in order to continue the session

    If a user does not respond within 5 minutes, the users session will be ended and the user will need to resume their application at a later time

    October 2016 10

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Menu Sar ~ Enralment 1n1ormauon Co11tact ln!onnatJon Hetp -~ pennsylvania '&'Y DEPARTMENT Of HUMAN SERVICES


    Request 1normauon

    sel\llce LocatJon Aadre:;s

    o:ncr Mdres~ Comment Bar / Status Bar

    Speclallle$ "" ProVlder Ellgi!>l!ll) Program (PEPI

    PrOVIOer lelent11ica1ion

    Aadt00nal 111 !ofmallon

    Ownership!Conuot ln1ere$l




    Navigation Panel

    Common Page Elements

    October 2016 11

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Menu Sar ~ Enralment 1n1ormauon Co11tact ln!onnatJon Hetp -~ pennsylvania '&'Y DEPARTMENT Of HUMAN SERVICES


    Request 1normauon

    sel\llce LocatJon Aadre:;s

    o:ncr Mdres~ Comment Bar / Status Bar

    Speclallle$ "" ProVlder Ellgi!>l!ll) Program (PEPI

    PrOVIOer lelent11ica1ion

    Aadt00nal 111 !ofmallon

    Ownership!Conuot ln1ere$l




    Navigation Panel

    Common Page Elements

    October 2016 12

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    ~ pennsylvania av DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Enrollment lnforrnabon Contact Information Help

    W elcome

    New Apphcallon



    Resume Applic:alior>

    Apphc abon Status Welcome to the Pennsylvania (PA) Department of Human Service (OHS) Medical Assistance (MA) Program 00-line Provider Enrollment Application ln order for provide rs to partopa::e with che Depa.rtrmenQ: of Human Services. they must first enrol . To be el~lble to enroll. practitione rs in Pavtsylvania must be licensed al>d d C1Jrrwwfv rogi-~ by ti.. ~ ... age ncy in mf!ir

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    ~ pennsylvanta ~ ~~)o"NTOFHUYA. .... S8'N11C9S


    Yau ar. Wn.oto ~ldd ~me"'!I ~an 'tDlf WJe ~nnsy~a,.. CeOl'tn'lenll ' ~n ~1Ce:ll 10...., Me-=.mii ~S".llila:..."CI! (MN P'QCUI!!''-~ ~ ~s. en trll5 ~ 11nCI sdett tnl! ~ s::ICI CC:cttn= brtlen l ::J CJCnthl.l;e -.rT'".?a llftls.11~.n.

    W ,,__ crt tfl:Ct PCllk:lltlon tlc!lat'C R IP\.-.s ~-& .,.:au c:;ar r"C'SU'.rne :1'1:11.W p~cr c nrQllor--ent ~tkM at.~,,. -..C l>'F ~IBD ill'lc

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    tnDel Ennd~rrt l~n

    'Vl!l'TfY~~er b'Pl!!llftCI erva~-.peme~ ortair-tos loV'C UllESpmae...

  • ...............


    ._..--. .._._ ....__ tAI locaooa.e~ I - ..,_ ~- ~-... 0. ... DJJl:llf'r2DIC C.--......, 02l'Oa'M'le

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    tror ~fd9trc 1Nbo~ prtmery prao ... 1e In ~nn~t.ttlltnl, do you p a rbot1urm .- Cl Y'~ e" Na ~the Mltdl 'oel ca.-. Av.,.lbll~ f'llCI Reidua8oln fl'f "'".....,. t M C.r.J.,

    ao.. Itta .gftlee -..W. e rtor ~-IM l adlna iD .. 9"&ln ~tr9n04I d0Dr9Wlf-, 0 Y es (3 Na

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    CJ Y"es B Na

    CJ Y es BND

    e ves 6Na

    Service Location Address Page

    October 2016 15

  • On:lh'S !DaCle yio~ ftaY~ &rie ao:llOnm Mslln. .a Ms'l-To. Ps_rTa.::arlHameOfllc,r: ~str.a: !sll!l~'l'omll"~ 8~RL.c:~nF'r(fslml

    """..SS. e-e~A' l!S h ~fJYSDJ .:a:a~ss ICf ycr;r sefYIC:: Tna ~ ~ curr:,..~ beln:1 sel as tne d~~ ~ f.:11' =.1 cr ... "let'i:d:l~s tt~ tf JOU w!l:l;ta t te w s~ c: .n"en=nt ~ ..-ease dle-::X lf".e bc:x r..ext eJ e-.e c~s.PQNSlrv eoc ress. i;y-pe.. Le4"'UI is o;m- untt"edted ._ ttie:'z!u t:: ~Ma3:!:--ess t:.yuur s .en.tae: 100!.tb"l!i ~s.

    ~tr~ fteds. on th:ls C!tJ;!!.~ sef~:ttt'~ ~ .. e


    alll04: tne addncc type b tyau wai.m to tte Gtthnni 1nian tne lffYloe l.ooatliOn PllYCloil.I AdclrHc:

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    3:1 - ~UBn

    !peo latty


    !Hub;!&.~ PA

    1 2f&i

    Specialties Page

    October 2016 17

  • 'iii"' pe nnsylvania \m D3'Wfl~ErffOFHlJ""'\ISEl'MiCIS

    En~nt ln1'Clml~n

    AO:llllDll ~,

    FT'Clr.'tler Ellgl.Dlily F'rl:lg~!TIS (FE..=-s} th~t ~ a~ ecs:soe~ 't:l'l tr....e ~er t:t~ end J:JrCl~ see~::I e~er In lf2': iei:~tc-_jan pmcr55 can be ed:le:I an!:" s i,:.e~e. N. least cne pap ts requt'~ :cre'"'l.:Amerl

    ~ tfle "ftcib. en thJs p~ ~ seiel;t ~e ~ !lndl Cccilnue 1:11..lllln l;c1 Q:lntb._c -.e IEls l!~n.

    l~Dt=s. e ~ti.I~ !ela..

    e.y a~h. ft re111e:v.ea ~m-e:ast::: ftwtriS ~:uit-:11t>:n 'D~ set m ~ sUD!'r!s.5~:z:u:l atr: af11!'r e;:t:fk:!.11:1n wn~ G% epplceDan Ifs UbJTlle.'.

    CDol: t ~km tc iln-nkai:I a:~ Q1 tt.e Pmvt:le:r Elgl:Gly PP:ara--L.S {PEP) l!l1d lh~ lf.estrfi:tl4:5.


    !ifr "Ii 1zf #fr I 'ii

    Provider Eligibility Program Page

    October 2016 18

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    pe nnsylvania Coms:t lnft>nneucn ~~t-'ENTOF HUVA\I SS11V1CB

    hSJclD:s II reQ".;ln=l2 n:id

    # lrdtn:I ?In'UT~t b. ~~.

    - Enter tne. '" e.s t ts ftJe12 ft!! r.e: IRS .e..._"12 .:s I: D~~,,, on Ille IRS Cettere..te:I d.ooJJT'.e.nt. Tl'le. .:dtff'::SS e"'~re'2 be~ IS~ your 1 CS9 tu: doc:t7"'rnl- oe 5em . L.,UI iKmJ9 ""' F Wdllbm -- M~dJe tnllb.J

    an-.f 1;:J ~~ Roaml&ulfm


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    ac ,UlftQ oam

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    'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Provider Identification Page

    October 2016 20

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    ~ pe nnsylvania \m :l3W!H"E1ffOF HU""',!,'\ISERllllCIS

    en.-..,,t lnfllrmMmn

    F""O'lnB EIQID'f:I IFT'Ogr?1"'!"1 (~P"I

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    nitoetes ei re~.Jred ndd. I lnor.olos on~,,,.,.~~ ~re:!

    in 4-Cldlboa to EnQ91i"- dO you YOU' cu:r oomr:::nunlOatB!i pabinlc ln enotrwf' 1anggaae?

    0 Yes 6 ND

    ooy0u pro1ite Mamnaoar11t1''1:Y t;+Ntoer;? * 0 Yes B No oo you nave oertn'Joa~t or OCH1i1Pl t11on RH' tnie appWo;mfJon Of l ot:feal ~ 0 Ye:s 6 Na

    Fl ull

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    'S pennsylvanta ~-Of~--~


    ~ . ..... ......,&Atllfl 100000011' ,.,.. ...,_ ,~ jLaftO.. o.u:1aoie. c......-..., m.oraote

    Ni app!lu1'" tH ~ atructy ~tor l!lll appllcallOfl on Wl.LOOIYYYY Qc Hrrl'll>-

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    pennsylvania EnrOlmellt lnfOfmauon Contact lnformaliOn Help DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES


    Request 1nrorma1Jon

    Sen11c:e Loc:auon Md:ess

    Otner Moresses


    Prow:ler Eh911>11il) Program (PEP)

    Provkler 1oentrnc:auon

    Add llOOill lnforma:ion

    Fee DeterrmnatJOn

    Pro\'lder Disclosures

    OY.ner$1lrp I Con1101 interest




    Applocat!on T111ciung NIMlber (ATN): 1000000111 Type: Nrw ~ Sllr1Dale:04111712016 ComplttJOn By: 0!>111712016

    Fee Determinauon

    The Alforoat>le Care Act (ACA) proVICles guldell'les !Of requirements rela:ed to me collecuon or an appMCaoon ree


  • ~ pennsylvania \K'JI :>3WIT~'ElffOF HU",!,\ISB'MIClll

    b:IKa.b:s iei ~.J~ ft:;d, Jiii~ !!In ~d'UTll!f!l:ls~1~ .

    ..... Definitions

    'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    ~P!rrl: ~s !."fl i:te'SO:M \\4"0t1n been~l~:uf!~tt.! e.uth:u~ b:l-Ob'l: ~.e:c

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Have you or anyone in your employ ever:

    BMll illrmlnalilo. eDllrdraim?


    BMn oonvtotedl al' 0.-11 alT~a,... ni111bno to file u nla"'1'111 manaraa!un, dlrotrlbullan. pniroo!'IPboa or dlc1>01nlng of 11 D any IDt M aml IDCI In 11 h111ib 00111 l'fllglll""' bH" convlabtd cl ~Y -.1- .,,... n lllllng lo ... ~ or abuH ar r:ia.tln tG DI" mud,, b:t. ambelllill...,c:d, bfadh ar l'lc!ualarr nr

  • I $% .ttt .II

    'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Nctls ~ em:1 ccr4'd ~II,.. .. ...._ WI K.CCllllfaaii:a ~eiaiNI llllt:Jin.ikr.4 ~ ~" ~_, au uo~ puM'a...,..,. .Jutt '17 . !i7S .:iOd e~~ thrtl'~Y'I oS:!ltt:lf"..1111 s ubpmts er F~ C:2.Z:J1.., ~h ~ ~ Eaclilment andl SCreen~ prOY!slQr...s Cit'~ Al'l'luaa.o~ Olft, A.ct

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    leas= at rent~ o:i obt:l!h s~. ~s. ~..J. or P"'-n'kes cin:n1tded' ~ M~lc.llt:I e;;ii~men::

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    res:xcs-=-ies u~ MedlcaJdl e ,g_ e.. c~ te:;;;r:C,.. , a m~~zuot n~l C:e:2s,. or~ i:tia.tmei:eo.;OC4J fto:lf'i.).

    \Nhollr o-"Oed ~uppli.r1T..e.sns e s.~r~s.e Cll:Ce.Jo-~ci.,tettS:ls.~ ~l!I Ot'Cl"''lde.r cr~ ~ic:erscn. ~.ns. owG"-"ller~_.11'1 a ft ~Uftltcl l'lll!t'lr.s.~ WI IWQ~l!.t

    A,. lrtre- aniy~UlbOOn6n.oCOTI; l inl Wh.IOl'1.flrl..nro111ng ln!C:ll'dauI p~IW.$ d-..Otorl ndlntat owner'Lllllp l nt:H:eirl Qt4i .... CM' ftlOEB'I'

    Ha.c. .,. nrolllno lftd ...... .kluI ~olfit*oftf o... oon"'l otea Oil ..-..n.1 otteftw n t.O to M.cltoair., MM UO HI, TI xx. Tiii IOCI re ..... or . . .... ,.._...., .. ,. procu-?

    . ..._ .. *" nromno11nctt.klua1 pr9o~rtllMll anw t:tan1....- WchM ln.MO-.a...-Miit'...._. giwon d .-~r.... Off' wtlb "Y cuittoonhutor ~ .,_. p,_oedlna flv .,.-__. pall'IDO"I'

    0 Yes. B NO

    Ownership/Control Interest Page

    October 2016 26

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    pennsylvania ::>3'JlRT~'E1ff OF HU",!, '.I S8'MCE5

    .,ro1k!er ~ID~ _,T>:ll rs."11 ~FEF1

    O..ners'>P' f carrml ~l

    "91>klrh1>n l rwcbr1a ....,_ (Al lfl: I :OJm=, ~e112 S!!.'1e Ill: ac-cumer.t Ix! l"=!-'r euc:.:11:1in DY cJdd':11 an~- Farmtl: ::iccumst Fem~ (?.:0-=} Is Ille o:-y e.c~j do:um!!lll ~pe 'Jr u~k!aj. ~en : e,-.,et )'J :l q:ll:!ie IS iHl:d llO e rn~um c~ CMS ~ size.

    ::am: ~"7~0llmsts reqJJt~ c.e use c: 11 1'0J11' lhi!l .5 ~11Cn1e Ill jnn.:ej. If= cm IS r-~ 11~11~-e!I nm to the Re;iut'e!:r ~11:nrr.e11Br::;.!r: . Ye . C!G cfi:1:thls 111t.::1:1tol:l11W1~ thef:i:m !IS 11 ~.

    V.'h: n 9"etl!ble,.11:!c:U:la1111J ~=~an ~!IJ:l~ the 11-:'.!l:hme;;':.w _ Cllll ~dl5pl~j tJy cll:kl;,g an Ill: 0 liTt.lJlT.e"!i:n la:n.

    Rjulr9!1 Alb.Jhnnnt~ (4 Tolllll

    Copy Of KPP,Ell connnneboo

    CoP.Y of~ II( ~ IPrDllf11r Lll>lln~11 l C111imlllrln I PMrcd 12"12'21212


    I C1)ijfi


    +tt f'f 5 UMW M

    Attachments Page

    October 2016 27

  • ';fir pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    .,m..c pennsylvani a \iii1:.V OEPAATMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Requ.e-sl 1nonnat11e>n

    Prov1'Cler Ea.g..,..i:y,,._ogr-am (PEP)

    A.gne-cmenl s .. onoN ... t... .. CATHt 100000043-4 Tyio- ~E ........ rnerit SC.r1:0.1.9. 0&07'201S C OC111.-1_,Hy ~15



    Provi der Agreement f or Outpa t i ent: Providers

    Tnls Agreen'M!:nt.. ma.oe Dy ana t>etv.oeen tn.e ""'panrr-.nt or Human Servtces (nere1nan~r tne ""C>ol!!opartrnenr) ana

    J o h n Smlt:h (heneina!'l:er lhe -PY-ovk1e..-) set.s forth the te..-ms and concJltlons gove.-nlng paUc.lpauon 1n the -ed4ca.I Asststance Program Tne panM:!'s to AQireemenL. tntenc:ung to Deparunent l'L ..... ~u a1sc110s.e rne tcSenUly or any person v.lho has an o-nerstup or control intere--st 1n the Pw-ovioder or 1s an agent' managWlg ernplO)'ee of tne PrOVldet" nas been conv1Ctea or a C:f"1m1111a1 orren.s-e re~te

  • 'ill' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    ~ pennsylvania \iliV DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    COntact 1nrormaoon Enrolllment nformauon

    Wetcome Appllelbon Tf8Ckq Nwnbtr (ATN): 1000000208 Type: New Ent'OllmM:l Start Ontll: ~!101S Cc.pleuan By: 07.GCJ2015

    Request inronnatJOO

    Sefllice Loea:.on Address

    Otller Alldresses

    PrOVICler Eil!lol>dity Program (PEP)

    PrOVider ldentrfK.ation



    Promer OisclOsures

    OV.nershop , control




    Application Comments ProllldeExtension

    Emoil lois@lhedailypalneledufr

    ... Service Location

    Street 123 Reailly Drive Room/Suite

    City t.1ornlng Heights St:ate

    Zlp+4 12346-5798 county

    Em.;ul nomer@slmpson l>tZ

    Phone Number (123) 465-7980 Extension

    lndMdual With SSN


  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    'It pennsylvania '&'/ DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Enronment 1nrormat10n Contacl lnlormation Help


    New AppllcatlOll

    Reva Ilda hon


    Resume Applicatk>n

    Application Status

    Resume ApplJCaUon

    Enter ~our applJCatlOn tracking number (A TN) Federal Tax ldentiricatJOn Number (FEIN or SSN) an

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    'lfit pennsylvania \llY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Enror1ment lntormatJon Contact 1n101mation Help


    New Application



    Resume Appllcaoon

    Application Stalus

    Appl\Cation Status

    Enter your application tracking number (ATN) Federal Tax ldentl'"icaUon Number (FEIN or SSN) and password In order to review your appllcatlon status

    If you have any questlons about completing an electron le enrollment application. please ca~ the appropriate phone number shown on the Important Phone Numbers and Ad

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    --~ pen nsylvani a \&'\I' DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES E.nro11.nent Contact lnformauon Help New App&;cauon


    React rvatlOn

    Resume Applocahon

    Appticabon status

    Appl1Cabon status

    Enter your application tracking number (ATN). FederaJ Tax ICfent.rtieaUOn Numt>ec (FEIN or- SSN) and paSS'w\.'Ord In

    oroer to review your applteaitlon status

    Ir you l\.ave any quest.ons abOut compJeting an ele

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    ApplicaUon status Summary

    n1s is the most current lnformaticn regar

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    ~ pennsylvania ~f DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Enrollment Information Contact Information Help


    Nel'; Applicauon



    Resume Applacatton

    App1catJon Status


    Resume Apphcallon

    Enter your applicatton 1rack1ng number (ATN) Federal Tax ldentncation Number (FEIN or SSN) and password in order 10 resume }our existing provider enrollment application

    If you have any questions about completing an electronic enroftment applicat10n please can the appropriate phone number shown on the Important Phone Numoers and Addresses page or this site.

    If lorgotten the password cannot be reset and your appllcaUon lntormatton ls no longer avallable. You wtU need to begin a ~ ~ appl1catton

    Indicates a required field

    Application Tracking Number (ATN) II ii 1111# 'I

    SSN o r FEIN

    P:issword fnror rPl1ca~on password

    Forgot Password?


    Resetting a Password

    October 2016 34

  • Application Password Reset

    To reset your password, you must provide the Application Tracking Number (ATN) that

    identifies your application. In addition, you must also provide the Email Address, SSN

    or FEIN and Provider Type provided when the application was first submitted.

    Furthermore, you will need to provide and confirm a new password for your

    application. Upon submission of the correct information. you will receive an email to

    the email address on f ile for this application with a password reset code. After

    receiving this code, you will need to enter it below. When submitting your reset code,

    you must also provide the ATN, Email, SSN or FEIN, and Provider Type submitted on

    the original application.

    Application Tracking Number (A TN) liii1ill1ililiiili#

    Contact Email

    SSN or FEIN A 1111"11 ii J#:T

    Provider Type Select a Provider Type v

    Do you have a password reset code? 0 Yes 0 No

    'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Application Password Reset

    To ~our pcmWOI ~CIU mu:;,t pro~ lhe Appl11Cn Number (ATN> lttal ioeni.ries )'OW appecallOn In acJcJlliOn. you mt1S1 aiso prO\llOe me Ema11 AOdress. SSN Of FEIN and PI0\10ef T~pe prowoeci wne111.11e applleallOn was ~t SUDtMled Fu~mort! you v.111 nttd to ~t! and OOl'l!llrn a rrt'N pa~'M)rd kW you1 appllCa!JOn Upon SUbmlSSion Of l/11! Com!d lll'ormabCfl. ~OU Wiii R!C"ewe an emad 10 ane emau aooress on Ille IOI OllS appllea:Jon v.1111 a passwora reset cooe Al\ef 1~1119 lnts toOe, you IMO neeO to enter II belDW When $Ubmlt11ng yOUJ resel c:oae. )'OV mu~ a!$0 PfO\'~ttieATN, effi

    Applleatlon Tr3ek1ng, Numb..-(A TN) 1000000129

    ConL>ct Em;in l'~COOI

    SSN or FEIN 22~8T7

    Provldu Ty~ is Omei1o180QI ~ v

    oo you nave 11 password rntl coclt? Cl y" !!: No

    I New P:inw0

  • 'tit' pennsylvania ., DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES

    Application Password Reset

    To reset your password, you must provide the Application Tracking Number (ATN} that identifies your application_ In addition, you must also provide the Email Address, SSN or FEIN and Provider Type provided when the application was first submitted. Furthermore, you will need to provide and confirm a new password for your application_ Upon submission of the correct information. you will receive an email to the email address on file for this application with a password reset code. After receiving this code, you will need to enter it below. When submitting your reset code, you must also provide the ATN, Email, SSN or FEIN, and Provider Type submitted on the orlginal application_

    Application Tracking Number (A TN) 1000001316

    Contact Email

    ' SSN or FEIN 884512231

    Provider Type 25 - Dme/Medteal Supplies v

    Your password reset request was successfully submitted_ Please check your e-mail for your password reset code and enter it below.

    Do you have a password reset code? B Yes 0 No

    I Password Reset Code Complete Password Reset

    Resetting a Password (cont.)

    October 2016 36

  • > >

    Email Notifications

    The electronic provider enrollment application will send email notification to the contact email the user enters at key points during the application submission and determination process. The emails will be generated from a do not reply email address. The following are the types of emails generated:

    Online Application Initiated

    Online Application Submitted

    Online Application Returned to Provider for Revisions

    Online Application Initiated Expiring

    Online Application Returned to Provider Expiring

    October 2016 37

  • > >


    Electronic Provider Enrollment Application

    Provider Enrollment Information

    dex.htm Includes information regarding requirements for each Provider Type and links to the

    Departments provider enrollment forms

    Provider Enrollment and Screening Requirements of the Affordable Care Act

    ordablecareact/index.htm Includes the most current information from the Department relating to the ACA

    federally mandated regulations

    Medicaid Information Provides information about the ACA federally mandated regulations and how they

    relate to the Medicaid program October 2016 38

  • > >

    Resources (continued)

    Department of Human Services Website

    MAB 99-14-06 Re-enrollment/Revalidation of Medical Assistance (MA) Providers

    Provider Enrollment Questions

    pformaproviders/index.htm#.Vp-jk01Ii70 Includes contact information and help for MA Providers

    October 2016 39

    Slide Number 1HousekeepingPrimary TopicsCourse ObjectivesOverviewOverviewTypes of Enrollment ApplicationsSite Navigation Key PointsSite Navigation Key PointsApplication Session ManagerCommon Page ElementsCommon Page ElementsWelcome PageRequest Information PageService Location Address PageOther Addresses PageSpecialties PageProvider Eligibility Program PageProvider Identification PageProvider Identification PageAdditional Information PageFee Determination PageFee Determination Copy ApplicationProvider Disclosures PageProvider Disclosures PageOwnership/Control Interest PageAttachments PageAgreements PageSummary PageResume Application PageApplication Status PageApplication Status SummaryApplication Status SummaryResetting a Password Resetting a Password (cont.)Resetting a Password (cont.)Email NotificationsResourcesResources (continued)