Pearls of Wisdom

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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Amazing Vedic Epic is educative. It is full of Mythological classic epic stories of the great mother Goddess Parvati. This extraordinary scholarly work unfolds the Divine Nature’s Beauty of Terrestrial World and reader will travel all over the 14 Worlds. This details scientific aspects of Amazing Festivals like Navarathri, Mahâshivaratri and Ganesha Chaturthi for the benefit of Eastern Countries on the Earth! It luridly deals many of the wisest things on family, relationships, art, and life battles, Science, Spirituality, Politics, Philosophy and Psychology. This is full of Pearls of Wisdom that dealt to stimulate the mind, touch heart, and awaken the soul. Amazing Vedic Epic not only will help to make better decisions, but also will increase the level of self-awareness and spur to make important changes to put off for too long! The readers love to chew, digest and remember for ages! Kishenji

Transcript of Pearls of Wisdom

  • 1. Divine Love is not human 'romantic' Love! It teaches only Love! Love is not jealous, conceited, proud or boastful. Love is patient and kind, not arrogant, selfish, irritable or rude. Perfect love casts out fear. So find all of the barriers yourself that you have within built against it

2. Don't doubt yourself, that's what haters are" Kishenji 3. I Bring You The Gift Of These Four Words: I believe in you. Believe in yourself. Know that there is something inside you, That is greater than any obstacle! 4. Pray Not because You Need something But Because You have A lot to Think Good for......... 5. Forbidden pleasures are coiled by Sinful Serpents But one is tempted and dragged away by own evil desire that gives birth to a sin. So why satisfy appetite for the moment? 6. The amount of happiness that you have Depends on the amount of freedom you Have in your HEART. 7. There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. 8. Sometimes the NATURE rides out the storm! Sometimes the NATURE calms the restless sea around ! 9. Happiness will come to you, Because happiness wants to go Where happiness is But Tie it to a goal, Not to people or things. Goal makes a fine cushion! So Cherish every Stage of your journey! 10. Cherish yesterday, Dream tomorrow, Live today. Enjoy this moment. This moment is your life. Life is only traveled once. Todays moments becomes Tomorrows Memory! Enjoy Every moment Good or Bad Because, The gift of life is LIFE itself 11. WIND says: Refresh like me No matter how good or bad you have it, Wake up each day thankful for your life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to SURVIVE. Dont lose hope. You never know what tomorrow will bring. You never know what tomorrow will bring! Dont ever lose your hope!! 12. Believing in yourself is the first Secret to SUCCESS. Success isnt about How much money You make, Its about The difference YOU MAKE IN PEOPLES LIVES. The key to success is hard work and Determination!! 13. When you give and dont expect anything back thats LOVE. But if you give and expect a Return its an INVESTMENT. To Be Braving Is To Love Someone Unconditionally... Without Expecting Anything In Return....! 14. We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that* BEAUTY* 15. Faith makes everything possible! Don't Play Anyone feelings!! 16. Gratitude helps you to grow and expand. Gratitude brings joy and laughter into your lives and into the lives of all those around you!! 17. Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits.