Peals and Life

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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  • 8/13/2019 Peals and Life


    Matthew JefferyLet us not forget that the main purpose of bellringing is to call people to worship.I'm sorry if I'm about to offend you, but people who like to ring thousands of pealsseriously need to get a f***ing life.Top of orm

    Like! ! "top #otifications!$%&( )$( hours ago+ia Mobile$% peoplelike this.

    hris de ordo+a-erhaps they do bothriday, (/ 0ecember (%$1 at $%&2!Like! 34eply

    James 4amsbottomJust because people ring lots of peals it doesn't mean thatthey miss ringing for "unday ser+ice. I don't know many people who'+e rung $%%%peals, but most of those who ha+e turn up 5ust as regularly as anybody else on"unday Mornings. )Just saying.riday, (/ 0ecember (%$1 at $$&%1!Like4eply

    James 4amsbottom6ut you are 7uite right, ser+ice ringing should come first.riday, (/ 0ecember (%$1 at $$&%1!8nlike! (4eply

    Matthew JefferyIt certainly should. I once rang in a peal in May and deeplyregretted it. #ot only because it coincided with "unday morning ringing, but moreso because I'm the captain of my tower9$$&%2 ): few seconds ago+ia mobile! Like4eply

    Matthew "orell;e're a broad church. 6ells ha+e always had both religious andsecular uses. ;hile I respect and appreciate your opinion, I think ringing canaccommodate a wide range of interests. There is a ser+ice

  • 8/13/2019 Peals and Life


    hris Criggs4ight troll, 6eing in a different time Done gi+es me the ad+antagethat I'+e had enough beer to respond.Those who belie+e in mythical creatures need to get a fucking life )Insert stars ifyour sensibilities re7uire.$$&1A )$$ hours ago+ia mobile! 8nlike! 34eply0enise Eughes#ot rung thousands...yet... 6ut would lo+e to9 >n holiday at the

    moment and ha+e rung for ser+ices at three different churches, one of which weha+e rung at three times this week. ;ithout us, one of the others would ha+ebeen really short... i.e. rounds and calls on four. -erhaps those that ha+e a guiltyconscience need to get o+er it and get a life... note, no obscenities in my post9$$&1A )$$ hours ago+ia mobile! Like! (4eply

    :leF EunsleyMatthew Jeffery@awn. ;ho really cares If they like doing it, whoare they bothering, troll$$&3$ )$$ hours ago! Like! $4eply

    4ichard "mith-eople who think the purpose of ringing is to encourage ritualcanibalism in the name of some fictional sky

  • 8/13/2019 Peals and Life


    0oug 0a+isThis sub5ect has been done to death on here pre+iously, the endresult being that it's clear e+eryone has a different opinion and will ne+er agree."uggest we 5ust let it lie.$(&1 )$% hours ago+ia mobile! Like! (4eply

    Matthew JefferyJames,I'm under the impression you think I need to get a life forgi+ing people something to discuss$(&3 )$% hours ago+ia mobile! Like4eply

    "ue MarsdenI ring peals. I also ring for ser+ice. 6ut I do not feel obliged to ringHe+ery "unday. That is why we aim to ha+e more ringers than bells, so that wecan ha+e a "unday off occasionally. "o sometimes )not often

  • 8/13/2019 Peals and Life


    ne+er rung that many, at least when compared to these people. 6ut when I doring one, I ha+e the hope of a long period of good ringing in my head. "ometimesit happens, sometimes it doesn't. 6ut for these people, it pretty much alwayshappens. :s for the peal fees, if one chooses to ring that many peals, one willeFpect to ha+e to fork out for the fees. It's their choice after all9$1&3/ )= hours ago! Like! 34eply

    -hillip Ceorge4inging is a secular acti+ity which is carried out mainly in churchesfor a +ariety of reasons, some of which are for church purposes. G+ery ringermakes a contribution to the GFercise and to the church in this respect accordingto their interest. ;e all ring because we en5oy it, whate+er our moti+ation. I don'tthink this is a problem. Let's all keep ringing9$1&3= )= hours ago! Like! A4eply

    Julie MilesI'm confused as Matthew's original post is, in my opinion, +ery differentto the one 1 up from my post so what is it you want us to discuss "hould prolificpeal ringers get a life or what is the attraction to them of ringing so many$3&$ )= hours ago! Like4eply

    "ue MarsdenThey ha+e a life. It's ringing peals, same as others might spend alltheir spare time climbing hills, or playing rugby, or following a football teamaround the world or whate+er their interest is. ;hy should people ha+e a problemwith what others en5oy doing The attraction of ringing peals has been statedmany times so people really should know by now. I don't criticise ringers whodon't like peals so why should they ha+e a problem with those that do$3&(( )A hours ago! Like! $4eply

    Mar7uis 0earabasThe original post smacks slightly of 5ealousy, T6E. Li+e and letli+e.$3&3 )A hours ago+ia mobile! Like! 24eply

    Julie MilesMy brother rang one peal as I said he should try one before deciding hedidn't like it and one is all he did. I don't ha+e a problem with that or if he'd saidno to the one.$3&3 )A hours ago! 8nlike!$4eply

    4ob LeeJulie, maybe he realised he's made a bellend of himself.$3&3= )A hours ago+ia mobile! Like! $4eply

    "ue MarsdenI would say that one peal is not really enough to 5udge if you aregoing to like it or not, but at least he was willing to ha+e a go.

    $3&( )A hours ago! 8nlike!$4eply

    Jen JohnsonI rang se+en, and I hated e+ery single one. I think that's enough toform a balanced opinion9$&%3 )A hours ago+ia mobile! Like! $4eply

    elicity 6eckett;ell I am not tempted to ring :#@..... : Buarter -eal is B8ITGL>#C G#>8CE for my brain and my body. I am eFtremely happy to spend the 1hours or so, that a -eal takes, on a golf course... better scenery, better eFercise. Iadmire those who can ring -eals, but ha+e a certain amount of sympathy forthose that may not wish to hear church bells for 7uite that long.$&$2 )A hours ago! Like4eply
  • 8/13/2019 Peals and Life


    "ue MarsdenThat's why sound control in many churches is a good idea. I wouldprobably not en5oy 1 hours ringing if I li+ed near a church and was not a ringer,but would be happy with "er+ice ringing, practices, weddings and the like.$&1( )/ hours ago! Like4eply

    Matthew Jeffery>r maybe, 4ob, I'+e 5ust been out and had no internet connection.

    #ow then...yes, Julie, I think they do need to get a life. #ot mo+ing your legs in abell tower for 1 hours while your lower back gets more and more painful and yourfingers get more and more blistered isn't eFactly my idea of fun. 6ut people keepdoing it and it's up to them what they do, not me.$2&%$ )/ hours ago+ia mobile! Like4eply

    aroline airleyKGFactly, Matthew. It isn't your idea of fun, but it is fun to somepeople )of whom I am not one. The same can be said for any hobby, riding a biketo end back where you started, knocking a little white ball round a course, playinga musical instrument to no one but yourself, etc. :ll these things could bestripped down to basics and seen as pointless. 6etter than the Jeremy ?ylebrigade though, surely$2&%= )/ hours ago! Like! 14eply

    li+e "mithI think fishermen should get a life. I am sure fishermen think the sameof people like me9 0ifferent things for different people. Many non ringing friendsare amaDed I ha+e a hobby that takes me all around the country )and beyond,meeting and making friends with so many people.$2&3 )2 hours ago! 8nlike!(4eply

    James "andersonMatthew if you only wanted to start a discussion, there aremuch more mature ways of doing this than by telling +ast swathes of peopleyou'+e ne+er met that they need to get a ******* life. This should be ob+ious toany adult with half a brain.$2&( )2 hours ago+ia mobile! Like! 4eply

    li+e "mithMatthew, I don't suppose you were attempting a peal today were you$2&2 )2 hours ago! Like4eply

    elicity 6eckettThis postdiscussion has now lasted the length of T;> -G:L"999$/&%3 )2 hours ago! Like! (4eply

    "ue Marsden= peals since $=A=, including "miths and 3$ spliced. >b+iously atalented ringer, if a reluctant peal ringer$/&%A )2 hours ago! Like4eply

    Julie MilesCi+en my brother was an infre7uent ringer already by the time he ranga peal I think it was probably enough for him to decide Jen9 I think he only did itwas it was a special one to us all with us all being young, 3 first pealers and so on.My body isn't really up to peals any more but I found I got bored easily in the endso prefer to ring lots of 0oubles with +ariations to keep it interesting. I mo+e myfeet, e+en in a touch Matthew so I don't suffer from not mo+ing etc. 0o you ha+eany hobbies Matthew$/&$% )2 hours ago! Like! $4eply

    -aul ;illiams"tirring on internet boards by the look of it.$/&$ )2 hours ago+ia mobile! 8nlike! (4eply

    aroline airley:nn, your post would ha+e more gra+itas if you displayed a

    knowledge of the difference between 'of' and 'ha+e'. >h, and the use of capitals tobegin a proper name
  • 8/13/2019 Peals and Life


    $/&11 ) hours ago! Like4eply

    Martin 6rian EoughI ride motorbikes. Ea+e done all my life from the age of $(.6ut I don't like pack riding, where a large group of riders go out together,neither would I like track days, where a group of riders go to a racetrack toeFperience the thrill of racing. 6ut I wouldn't dream of telling those bikers who 0>

    like these things that they need to get a ***ing life, you blithering idiot9$/&1A ) hours ago! 8nlike!24eply

    4ichard CrimmettEow many eFcellent strikers don't ring peals$/&3% ) hours ago+ia mobile! Like! 24eply

    li+e "mithMartin, sounds like a bellringing e7ui+alent would be to ring one bellpeals whilst the others are off ringing on 2, A, $% or $($/&3( ) hours ago! Like4eply

    4obert ;oodin my eFperience, keen peal ringers are often the most reliable atturning up to ring on "unday mornings.$/&3= ) hours ago! Like! (4eply

    Martin 6rian EoughMy point, in case it isn't clear, is that the aspect of biking thatI, along with countless other motorcyclists en5oy, is solo or ( up riding, en5oyingthe open road without anything else to worry about, or to rob you of yourconcentration. 6ut I wouldn't think ill of those who en5oy other aspects of biking,in the same way that Matthew really has no business thinking ill of those who liketo ring loads of peals. I hope this makes sense9$/&( ) hours ago! Gdited! Like4eply

    li+e "mithMartin, you were perfectly clear )both times9, as is the rather finebeer I am drinking9$/&2 ) hours ago! Gdited! Like4eply

    4obert 6rownG+eryone is entitled to a +iew, couple points i would make, I startedringing up again at a hurch that had been without a band for a number of yearsand we ring there fro "unday "er+ices < the bells are also a+ailable for peals andwe encourage all types of ringing < after one peal the +icar rang me up and saidhe had had a phone call about the bells, my first thought was bugger a complaint,howe+er the lady that rang up wanted to thank the +icar for the ringing as her lifehad been a bit difficult and the sound of the bells brought her nearer to god. #eFtpoint re 4ichards comment about eFcellent strikers < in 0e+on the answer wouldbe 7uite a lot. oh and buy the way I ring peals and also rang at three differenttowers on hristmas morning including one where the new band rang by

    themsel+es < first time in ( years a wholly +illage band had rung on hristmas0ay < in fairness Matthew I think you are the one that needs to get a life as clearlyall that anger is building up inside and cant be good for you a bit of gentleeFercise would do you the world of good.$A&$% ) hours ago! Like! 34eply

    iona ;heelerwell I'+e rung $%%% peals. I'm not really peal ringing at the momentbut I do ring on "undays at my local church. Li+e and let li+e.$A&(1 )3 hours ago! Like! $4eply

    "imon 4idley;hy not publish your +iews in the comic Matthew$A&1% )3 hours ago+ia mobile! Like! 14eply

    #ick 6owden>r is Matthew actually 0errick Mc4obert in disguise$A&1$ )3 hours ago! 8nlike!34eply
  • 8/13/2019 Peals and Life


    Lynn "amuelsLo+e reading this thread as it meanders along. I li+e in depri+edalifornia where there are no towers. I rang my first 7uarter on hand bells liftedup by some wonderful eFperienced peal ringers )both tower ringers and one +eryfamous hand bell ringer. Those who lo+e peal ringing are proficient, to say theleast and a 5oy to ring with, especially when trying a 7uarter for the first time. I

    say a resounding thanking you to these .. -eal Eeads or whate+er you call them inthe land of many towers.$A&1$ )3 hours ago! Like! 14eply

    Jane JohnsonI agree with you matthew, there are far too many hobby ringers asmy tower captain says,$=&$/ )3 hours ago! Like4eply

    aroline airleyIf it weren't for the 'hobby ringers', Jane, I wonder if most towerswould be rung regularly on a "unday. ;hat the hell is wrong with you people$=&(% )1 hours ago! 8nlike!=4eply

    Julie MilesIf these peal ringers got a life they wouldn't be about to ring on a

    "unday as they'd be busy doing their non

  • 8/13/2019 Peals and Life


    ?errigan "mithIsn't it a small percentage of ringers who ha+e scored a peal and asmaller percentage still who ring more than one, let alone on a regular basis:nyone know the figures -retty sure it's N or so for the latter.(%&( )( hours ago+ia mobile! Like4eply

    -hil Tremain6ased on today's >n This 0ay $ of the 1( people who rang their

    first peal in the last (% years ha+e only rung one, so roughly half. That wouldmake a statistician cry I know but it gi+es a rough idea.(%&3% )( hours ago! Like4eply

    Craham J ;right;hy are we e+en talking about this I feel sorry for him 9(%&( )( hours ago! Like! $4eply

    ?errigan "mithI'm not commenting on the original post as it's 5ust stupid andrude, 5ust asking a 7uestion while we chat.($&%% )( hours ago+ia mobile! Like4eply

    Ceorge "alterI ha+en't read all of the abo+e but I would +ery much agreewith Martin. ;hat a stupid thing to post.

    ($&%= )( hours ago+ia mobile! Like! $4eply

    Mark InstoneI'+e rung plenty of peals and I'+e rung for plenty more ser+ices.hange ringing seemingly de+eloped independently of liturgical purposes but oneshould ne+er forget that the +ast ma5ority of bells are church property. #o church,no bells in most cas..."ee More($&($ )about an hour ago! Like4eply

    Ceorge "alterI and many other -eal ringers that I know of support their localtowers and districts by ringing for different e+ents and ser+ices. I try to alwaysmake it so that I can attend practice at my local $( rather than go off doingsomething else, and I'+e attended most practices there for o+er 1 years($&$ )about an hour ago+ia mobile! Like! $4eply

    Margaret many $%%% pealers were in your first peal ofMaFimus at Lincoln athedral Mathew Just asking.....($&1 )about an hour ago+ia mobile! Like4eply

    Jane JohnsonThe comment was only what my tower captain says, it 0oesn't meanI agree with her caroline . ;e ring e+ery sunday, though I can't as a work in apsychiatric care home and weekends are b+ery much part of my contract ofemployment($&1 )about an hour ago+ia mobile! Like4eply

    #ick 6owdenEmmm... interesting band9 0iscuss&