Peak productivity

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Transcript of Peak productivity

Developing Peak Productivity

Developing Peak Productivity!

By Dennis Becker

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Developing Peak Productivity

Disclaimer and Copyright Notification:

Copyright © 2010 by Dennis Becker,

The contents are based on the author’s personal experience and research. Your results may vary, and will be based on your individual situation and motivation. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

NOTE: Some of the recommendations in this report might contain affiliate links. If you click on the link(s) and purchase such a product based on my review and/or recommendation, I will receive a referral commission. Whether I receive a commission or not will not have any effect on the purchase price of the product. Additionally I am sometimes offered a complimentary product to review. My decision to promote these products is based on my own satisfaction with the products. I do not recommend crap, and any review I make will be based on my own experiences, which are not typical. You could do better, you could do worse, you could do nothing at all, and that is totally out of my control.

We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent our products and services. There is no guarantee that your results will match examples published in this report.

Some links may change or even not work for many reasons beyond the control of the author and distributors. They cannot guarantee or otherwise be responsible for what you might find when you click through to sites not under the control of the publisher of this report.

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Developing Peak Productivity

About Us:

Dennis Becker began his Internet marketing career in 1998 by selling on eBay while still running a full time retail business. Beginning in 2002, he became interested in Internet marketing, and spent 3 years trying virtually everything with dismal results.

One day, frustrated and beat, but unwilling to quit, he devised a new strategy to simplify the entire process, starting with a mindset makeover. That strategy changed his life, and he wrote about it in the classic “5 Bucks a Day” book, available at Amazon, or through a link in the resources section.

He also opened an “Insiders Club” in 2007 to help more experienced Internet marketers achieve their first $1000/day of profits by following proven, sometimes little-appreciated, business models to receive amazing results.

Rachel Rofe has been a full time Internet Marketer since June 2006, and has been on the Internet for over a decade.

Although she's dabbled in many fields, she's mostly known as a membership site expert, copywriter to the "Internet Stars", and offline business expert.

She dedicates her time to learning as much as possible, both in Internet Marketing and in life. She joined the staff of Earn1KaDay in 2010.

You can read more about her on her blog at

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Developing Peak Productivity


Productivity is the name of the game. I don't care what you're doing... creating products, writing sales copy, driving traffic, etc.

If you can't do any or all of those tasks efficiently, you will make less money. Period. If it takes you 12 hours to set up a "money getting" site, when it could've taken you 2... you just lost 10 hours of "profit time".


It gets worse. Taking a long time to do anything creates a NEGATIVE association to that task. Therefore, next time you have to do it... you'll naturally be resistant to it. Because you'll think of the last time you did it… how long and cumbersome it was... and pretty soon you'll find creative ways to procrastinate on it.

Put this in your mind and keep it there - developing peak productivity is one of the most valuable skills you can cultivate in your business. And we're going to show you how to do just that.

Was Today A Success?

Peak productivity starts with measurement... and one of the best measurements is to know if today will be a "success" or "failure" for you.

Question: do you know if yesterday was a success or not? The day before? And the day before that?

You should know the answer to that... EVERYDAY.

Here's how you know if a day was a success or not: if you met the MEASURABLE goal you set for that day. Wait, what's that? You don't set a goal EVERY single day for THAT day? If not, you should do so ASAP.

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If you follow this one practice alone, your productivity will at least triple. Simple as that.

Long term goals are dead. The chaos of the marketplace and the rapid change we all experience these days makes long term goals ineffective.

You need short term goals. One a day. So here's what it looks like. You wake up in the morning. You know EXACTLY what you need to do THAT day to define the day as a success. Then at the end of the day you simply look back at your goal...

And ask yourself - did I meet it or not? If you go day after day not meeting your goal - then who are you kidding? You're screwed. You either need to change your goals or change how you approach your goals.

Let's give some examples. Say you need traffic for one of your websites. So your goal for tomorrow might be to focus 3 hours of uninterrupted work on doing things that could bring in traffic to your site.

That's your goal. By the way, notice the keyword "uninterrupted". That doesn't mean from 9 AM until Noon and then you're done. If you were chatting on Skype, taking a ton of breaks to check email and mess around, then your three hours of uninterrupted work might actually extend from 9 am until 5 pm.

Regardless - you now have a goal today. DO STUFF for at least 3 hours of actual work to generate traffic. That might mean an hour of writing and submitting articles. That might be an hour of creating and deploying content for social media. And it might be an hour of contacting and trying to set up joint ventures.

Now, let's clarify - STUDYING is not doing. Reading an ebook on how to drive traffic is not actively working to drive traffic. Get it?

See how the nature of that day's goal practically forces us to be productive? That's the secret. Set a goal that will force you to be productive to get the results you need, and then work at it. Simple as that.

Every single day - you should have a goal for that day. Then you do it. Welcome to the world of high level productivity.

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Developing Peak Productivity

Have A High Tolerance For Imperfections

Here's a statement you should agree with - striving to be perfect is IMPERFECT. You know what perfect really is in the market place? GOOD ENOUGH. Good enough is PERFECT.

There will be times when you don't write EXACTLY what you wanted to write when you send an email out to your list. Who cares? As long as you got the basic point across, it doesn't matter. GOOD ENOUGH.

There might be a time when you're setting up a blog and you want the header to be slightly different... but you tweaked it... and tweaked it... and tweaked it... and you can't get it there. Who cares? Is the header really that important? No. Move on.

Tying this to your daily goal will help you out tremendously. If your goal for that day was to spend 3 hours driving traffic, that's 3 hours less you have to spend tinkering with other stuff. So that helps there.

But it goes beyond that - your customers don't want perfect. They HATE it when you try to be perfect. Because they'd rather have "good enough" NOW than perfect 4 weeks from now. They just want the information. They just want the technique.

Here's what will help you to eliminate this whole "it has to be perfect" problem -- you can always improve it later.

You can always make it better later. So put it out there and set the goal that two weeks from now you'll go back and spend 2 hours improving it. Better to get it out to the market place as quickly as possible, and THEN improve it based on feedback instead of trying to make it perfect.

You do no one a benefit if you try to make things perfect. Not your customers. Not you. No one. So work for "good enough" instead.

The Power Of Self-Imposed Deadlines

Here's the best strategy to force yourself to work for "good enough" - a self-imposed deadline. Every task worth doing in your business MUST have a deadline attached to it.

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Developing Peak Productivity

And to take it a step further - when that deadline is up, you're done.

Let me give you an example: say you set a deadline to have a new product finished in the next 48 hours. Guess what? Whatever you have to show for when 48 hours up is what you're launching.

If you truly were to follow that principle, you'd make sure you had something that was "good enough" to launch in 48 hours.

The nature of the deadline MAKES you deal with the most critical elements of a task. If you don't have a deadline on a task, then you can focus on ANYTHING for any period of time, because there is no sense of urgency.

But if you have 48 hours, you're not going to waste your time on making sure every sentence is worded perfectly... everything is formatted perfectly... and that you've included every single detail, big and small, in your product.

No. A 48 hour deadline means that you better focus on delivering GREAT INFO first and foremost. Then if you have time you can go back and "clean up" some sentences... or improve the formatting... or add in more stuff.

Here's a sentence you should put in your brain and keep there - anything worth doing in business MUST have a deadline attached to it.

Checking email must have a deadline attached to it. Writing a blog post must have a deadline attached to it. Setting up a website must have a deadline attached to it. Writing a sales letter must have a deadline attached to it.

ANYTHING worth doing must have a deadline attached to it. You follow this principle, you will easily triple your productivity. Easily.

Using the 6 Prongs Of Motivation

All humans are motivated by 6 things. Use all 6 as motivators, and it will more easily propel you to get things done... to use self-imposed deadlines... to set small daily goals... and to make constant improvements in your approaches and systems.

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Developing Peak Productivity

These 6 motivators are...

1. The desire to obtain power

2. The fear of losing power

3. The desire to help others

4. The fear of not being able to help others

5. The desire of achievement

6. The fear of not achieving

There you go. Each day you should go through this list after you set your daily goal to give yourself some motivation.

For example, if your goal was to work for 3 hours straight at doing different stuff to get traffic... you could go through this list and say...

"Getting traffic will better allow me to control my financial destiny because I have a crowd I can always tap into once I get that traffic.." (desire to obtain power)

"If I don't get traffic, I'm doomed to the 'hope and pray' strategy of someone making money online, and I’ll be rendered virtually powerless... (the fear of losing power)

"Also, once I discover a really great traffic generating secret, I can share it with other marketers, and help them achieve their goals as well..." (desire to help others)

"But if I don't discover this, then I can't contribute anything worthwhile to the world to make it a better place" (fear of not helping others)

"And at the end of the day, I know I can sleep peacefully because I set out a goal and I achieved it... so I did what winners do... and if I do this every day I know my success is guaranteed" (the desire of achievement)

"And I will do it because if I don't, I'm just building a bad habit of not achieving my goals, and I don't want that because my life will be horrible if I don't go out and achieve amazing things and live up to my full potential..." (the fear of not achieving)

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Developing Peak Productivity

Any time you feel like you're burning out, or need some motivation to continue working toward your small daily goal, just pull out the list of "6 motivators" and go through them real quickly to give yourself a boost of motivation.

Do this enough and it will become second nature. You'll eventually unlock your "motivation code" so you know how to always motivate yourself to get things done.

Result - you will be an unstoppable "goal achieving" machine!

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Want More? Here Are Some Resources:

Earn1KaDay – the Internet marketer's Insiders Club where we share tips, tactics, success strategies, and disseminate cutting edge information about 12 different business models.

5 Bucks a Day – This is how Earn1KADay was born. Learn the techniques that, inspired by a 5-dollar bill, took my Internet marketing income from $30 a day to $700 a day in less than a year.

Action Enforcer – This desktop application that will bring you more focus and let you get more done in less time than you ever imagined. – A comprehensive list of all of our products.

Article Marketing

7 Minute Article Secrets – How to write any article in 7 minutes or less.

Article Marketing 365 – Learn techniques that will bring you yearlong article traffic.

Article Profit Formula – Learn the formula that John Taylor uses to make each article he uses worth $28 (or more).


Copy Cheats – This takes “best of the best” copywriting lessons and puts them all in one page. Your copywriting skills will absolutely get a lot better after going through this report.

Ultimate Copywriting Handbook - How to write irresistible, persuasive and engaging sales copy so that you can make more sales for your products and services.

Freelance Work

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Developing Peak Productivity

Freelance Profit Method – Discover 23 different ways you can earn money as a freelance writer.

List Building

List Building Renegade - How to generate massive email lists of targeted, hungry buyers.

Offline Marketing

Easy Autoresponder Cash – Learn how to set up easy autoresponder sequences for offline customers. Rachel knows one guy who has over 1,000 businesses paying him $250 a month for this type of service.

Get Them Online – Learn how to find offline businesses that want to work with you, how to approach them, and the types of services to offer. There are phone scripts and contracts included in this report.

Make $10K In A Weekend – Learn how to give weekend seminars to offline businesses (which can be outsourced to others) and charge $997 per attendee. We teach you how to get clients (can be outsourced for free), the exact scripts to use at the seminars (written verbatim for you), and a lot more.


Craigslist Outsourcing Secrets - How to Expand Your Business Growth by Outsourcing Your Tedious Tasks to Freelancers From Craigslist

Product Creation

Conversion Profits – How to make the most profits from any customer that comes to your page. This includes converting your advertisements, sales letter, and any message the customer will see. You get resale and private label rights with this.

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Developing Peak Productivity

Pricing For Big Profits – Discover how to price your products to offer the most value and also bring in the most money. Most gurus would NOT tell you this stuff.

Thrifty Marketers Product Launch – How to earn a lot of money, very quickly, without going through the laborious process of doing an entire product launch.

Social Media

Facebook Fan Page Cash - Learn how to set up and leverage your own Facebook Fan Pages

Becoming Successful

Anatomy of a Success: Interview With James Schramko – James is on target to do 8 figures this year – and he’s breaking down all his secrets.

IM Quick Start Strategy - Jason Fladlien talks about the mistakes he made that he thinks cost him 150K in 2009. He'll help you avoid those mistakes.

Want To Make Money With All These Reports And More?

Visit Our Constantly-Evolving Menu At!

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