Peaceful StrengTh Care Quiet lnspiring Sanctuary Grateful ... · Peaceful StrengTh Care Quiet...

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Transcript of Peaceful StrengTh Care Quiet lnspiring Sanctuary Grateful ... · Peaceful StrengTh Care Quiet...

  • Peaceful Strength Care Quiet lnspiringSanctuary Grateful


    Holistic ExpertiseSupport

    Thank You




    Bereavement Care | Hospice at Home | Casey House


    Annual Report 2016


    2016 Montgomery Hospice Board of Directors

    Paul E. Alpuche, Jr., Esq., Chairman | Lya M. Karm, M.D., Vice Chairman | Elma M. Levy, Secretary | Debbie McGregor, Treasurer Sterling King, Jr., Dr.P.H., Immediate Past Chairman | Michael G. Banks, Esq. | Bradley H. Colton | Delegate Bonnie L. Cullison Senator Brian J. Feldman | Susan L. Glover | Suresh K. Gupta, M.D. | Diane K. Kuwamura, Esq. | Barry R. Meil Cynthia A. Mesmer | Ann Mitchell | Cesar E. Palacios | German Paraud | Sheriff Darren M. Popkin | Steven V. Roberts

    Ronald J. Rubin | Kathy Torrence | Dongmei Wang, M.D.

    As of December 31, 2016

    Montgomery Hospice is a nonprofit hospice serving

    residents of Montgomery County, Maryland.

    Our teams of doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, spiritual counselors, social workers,

    certified nursing assistants, bereavement counselors and volunteers work with our

    patients and their families to provide quality end-of-life care in homes, in extended

    care facilities, and at our acute care facility, Casey House.


    Ann Mitchell, M.P.H. President & CEO

    Paul E. Alpuche, Jr., Esq. Chairman, Board of Directors

    A Because of your financial commitments to Montgomery Hospice, thousands of people found ways to walk through their grief with the help of our professionally trained counselors.

    Because you cared, we were able to offer the choice of complementary therapies (including music, touch, aroma and massage) to our patients, going beyond traditional medical treatments to provide comfort.

    Because your heart breaks at the thought of a dying child and you wrote a check, we were able to continue our Montgomery Kids program.

    And because you believe that no one should be alone at end of life and that every person is valuable, and you followed up those beliefs by donating, we were able to provide care to our neighbors who had no insurance coverage.

    So, we sincerely thank you.

    In this report, we show some of the many notes sent to Montgomery Hospice by grateful family members. We share the gratitude expressed in these letters with you, because you play an essential role as part of the Montgomery Hospice team. We humbly trust that you will continue your commitment to patients and families through your donations. Together, in 2017, we will continue to “gentle the journey through serious illness and loss with skill and compassion.”

    s we reflect on 2016, we experience a feeling of gratitude. We appreciate all of our staff members, who use their unique talents to serve people in our community experiencing illness or grief. We are honored that those community members entrust us with their care. We are also grateful for all of you who donated to Montgomery Hospice in 2016. Working together we provided compassionate, professional hospice care to more than 2,000 of our seriously ill neighbors, and helped more than 5,700 people who were grieving.

    Because you donated, we were able to augment Casey House staffing above the level provided by Medicare and health insurance, allowing staff the time to treat patients with acute symptoms and to gently care for their family members.

    Photo credit: Jack Hartzm



  • Montgomery Hospice continued

    its commitment to going above and beyond through services for which we receive no (or insufficient) insurance

    payments. Together with our community of donors, we continued Casey House care, Bereavement care, Complementary Therapies, Charity

    Care, and Montgomery Kids.

    People who visit Casey House describe it as a sanctuary. Many appreciate the beautiful setting—the surrounding fields, the birds, the fountain, the patio. Others cite the home-like feeling inside the building with the large table used by families to share meals, comfortable sitting areas for visiting with friends, and the meditation room providing a space for quiet thought. The characteristic of Casey House most often mentioned as exceptional is the staff of people who work there. Professionalism and expertise, combined with caring and compassion, make the Casey House staff an extraordinary group. They provide round-the-clock comfort and dignity to seriously ill patients. Having a medical facility specifically designed to care for the sickest members of our county is expensive. Donations allow the needs of residents of Montgomery County who have life-limiting illnesses to be met with expert care.

    At Montgomery Hospice’s standalone acute care inpatient facility, Casey House, we manage patients’ symptoms, allowing families to spend time together, to share and create memories. More than 8,100 patients have been cared for at Casey House since it opened in 1999. In 2016 alone, we took care of 483 patients—and their families—in this comforting facility.

    Casey House


  • Grandpa was the center of our family. We used to join together at his home to talk,

    to reminisce, to enjoy each other, to learn from him the vast history that he carried. When we, his family, met together

    at Casey House, we tried to recreate those visits. We sat and ate dinner in your dining room as

    we used to do at his old house. We told stories in his room. We tried to make ourselves at home while we ached

    with loss for what our new lives would be without him.

    Everyone at Casey House was so kind and so patient with us. I can’t imagine having to go through that time without the wisdom and kindness of your staff. I am so grateful that

    you were there in our moment of need. From the bottom of my heart,

    Granddaughter of a patient

    thank you3

  • Bereavement care

    In 2016, we helped more than

    4,350 hospice family members and

    1,400 community members.

    During the course of the year, we made close to 16,000 phone calls and visits,

    ran 48 grief workshops and support groups, and

    provided grief and loss education to close to 3,000 high school students.

    Montgomery Hospice professional bereavement counselors provide free grief support to Montgomery Hospice patients’ families for 13 months after the death of their loved one. This includes phone counseling, mailings, support groups and workshops.

    We also provide free grief support to the community through our groups and workshops, and by answering questions and phone calls. For children and teenagers, we offer groups tailored specifically for their needs, with parents and guardians meeting together at the same time. Montgomery Hospice provides free Grief and Loss Education to Montgomery County Public School students by teaching classes as part of the health education curriculum.

    All Montgomery Hospice Bereavement Counselors hold graduate degrees and are experienced counselors and trainers. Montgomery Hospice is committed to continuing all of this grief support and depends on community donations to do so.


  • I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your thoughtful,

    compassionate facilitation of our grief group last spring.

    You helped me navigate emotions I never expected to experience and

    you did it with patience, tact,support and genuine love.

    Bereavement group participant


  • Montgomery Hospice uses holistic therapies and services for comfort and symptom relief, customized for each patient. We integrate these therapies into our traditional medical treatments, following the preferences of the patient.

    We offer a variety of services, including: Aromatherapy, Music Therapy/Music at the Bedside (Music Therapy, Specialized Bedside Musicians, Threshold Singers, Reverie Harp, Custom Playlists), Massage/Touch Therapies (Palliative Massage, Comfort Touch®, Lavender Oil Hand Massage), Guided Imagery, Meditation, Intentional Breathing, Reiki, andCertified Pet Companion Visits. Donor support is critical to us being able to continue to offer these in-demand services.

    Complementary Therapies

    The demand for Montgomery Hospice Complementary Therapies continues to grow. In 2016, more patients and family members took advantage of these therapies than ever before. The number of Massage and Comfort Touch® visits has more than doubled in the last three years, as have our Pet Companion visits. Visits by specialized musician volunteers increased four-fold this past year. In addition, the hiring of a Board Certified Music Therapist establishes a new clinical capacity in the highly skilled use of music to accomplish therapeutic goals. And, in 2016, we began a “Care for the Caregiver” program at Casey House, offering Comfort Touch® and/or Reiki to family members and friends three days each week.

    Note: a “visit” is when a staff member or volunteer provides one of these therapies or services to a patient or family member, in the home or at Casey House.


  • Daughter of a patient

    When the Threshold Choir sang for my mother, it truly was a gift to my dad as well as to her. Though mom was no longer

    talking, we believe that she enjoyed those songs that had been selected just for her. We know

    for sure that my father deeply appreciated this music. He’d been struggling to take care of his

    wife, with whom he had lived for 63 years.

    Having this group of volunteers take the time to sing to his beloved wife at her bedside

    felt like a small miracle to him.

    He was overwhelmed and

    that his wife had the chance to hear and enjoy live music one last time.


  • No words can possibly describe what it is like for a family to have a child who is seriously ill. The temptation is to look the other way. Montgomery Hospice staff members do the opposite. They offer to help. They use their extensive expertise and their big hearts to care for those children. Equally, they care for the families, because the lives of parents and children and siblings are intertwined. The focus is on helping the children live as fully as possible. Besides the clinical work of alleviating pain and the practical work of caregiving, enormous effort and creativity is dedicated to bringing joy—and fun—to each child. The memories that are made during this time help sustain the families after the child dies. When that death happens, the professional counselors on the bereavement staff step in. For two years, they call and listen and send articles and call again and meet with parents and listen and provide counseling and listen some more. They reaffirm the message that love doesn’t die. Your donations to Montgomery Kids allow our clinicians to provide expert medical care to a dying child and to walk with each parent through the grief.

    Montgomery Kids

    In 2016, the Montgomery Kids physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains and hospice aides collaborated with community physicians to provide care for 18 children, while also supporting their family members and friends.


  • With thankfuln ess and gratitudefor the love you have shown, I give this check to further support your worthy

    and blessed efforts. You gave the name “hospice” a whole new meaning when you opened your arms to my granddaughter. Your kindness and professionalism, your

    abilities and love, helped make her life a joy these last months.

    This joy, like a pebble in a pool, radiated out through her to all

    who cared for her and knew her, and enriched our lives as well.

    Thank you, and may your group always be there.

    With great appreciation and love,Grandmother of a Montgomery Kids patient


  • The majority of our patients have Medicare, Medicaid or commercial health insurance. But not all. When community members nearing the end of life need our help but have no insurance, we still provide care for them. These patients receive the same services as anyone else. Unfortunately the needs in our community grew in 2016. Fortunately the donors in our community support our commitment to providing end-of-life care to all and made that possible through their donations.

    Dear Montgomery Hospice: My sister had no insurance, virtually no money to pay for medical treatment, no assets, and huge debt, and was dying of cancer, when Montgomery Hospice brought her to the Casey House. I want to thank all of you so much for the love and care you gave my sister, at no cost to her. Her situation was a dire one. We, as her family, desperately tried to care for her at home on rotating shifts, but we were scared and very ill prepared. It was such a relief to her and to us to have her at Casey House, where they took such excellent care of her. Please keep doing what you are doing. The impact on families dealing with this is amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Sister of a patient

    As a nonprofit hospice, we are committed to providing hospice care to everyone in our community who needs it, including those who have no insurance or not enough coverage. In 2016, we provided $674,092 of charity care.

    Charity Care


  • Most Montgomery Hospice patients receive care in their own homes. Helping people live out their lives in dignity and comfort at home is Montgomery Hospice’s core service. Supporting patients living safely and comfortably in their homes is one of the best ways of providing quality of life at the end of life. Members of the Montgomery Hospice team visit Hospice at Home patients wherever they live. This includes single-family homes and apartments, as well as extended care facilities, assisted living centers or nursing homes.


    Hospiceat Home The mission of the Montgomery Hospice

    Center for Learning is to share our end-of-life experiences and expertise with members of our community. Our goal is to teach the diverse families in our community about grief and end-of-life issues, and to share our clinical knowledge with other professionals. In 2016, the Center for Learning educated 750 professionals and 700 people in the general community. We also provided information to 2,800 people at community health fairs.

    Center for Learning

    Montgomery Hospice Vital Statistics 2016

    Number of Patients 2,132

    Number of Patients at Casey House 483

    Number of people receiving grief support 5,771

    Number of High School students educated 2,973

    Number of Active Volunteers 315

    Number of Employees 297

    Charity Care for uninsured patients $674,092

    Clinical staff:

    Physicians 6

    Nurse Practitioners 6

    Nurses (RN) 105

    Nurses (LPN) 7

    Certified Nursing Assistants 42

    Spiritual Counselors 13

    Social Workers 25

    Bereavement Counselors 7

    Massage Therapists 2

    Music Therapist 1


  • At a time when demand for our services is increasing and insurance reimbursements (our main source of revenue) are decreasing, philanthropic support from the community is the critical margin of difference. With your support we are able to maintain a high level of service for all who need our care including uncompensated but integral bereavement and volunteer support services. Montgomery Hospice is a vital resource to Montgomery County, and without your donations we cannot meet the needs of our community!

    Debbie McGregorTreasurer, Montgomery Hospice Board of DirectorsPartner, Snyder Cohn, CPAs and Business Advisor

    Report of the Treasurer2016 Summary of Operations

    Revenue & Support

    Net Patient Services Revenue 24,453,806 Funds Raised 1,340,878 Other Revenue 593,374

    Total Revenue & Support 26,388,058


    Salaries and Benefits 19,066,392 Pharmacy, Medical Equipment and other Patient- Related Services 3,073,320 Fundraising 438,676 Administrative and facility expenses 2,883,524

    Total Operating Expenses 25,461,912

    Change in Net Assets 926,146

    2016 Statement of Financial Position

    Current Assets 8,087,455 Investments 14,694,185 Fixed Assets and other non Current Assets 2,866,061 Total Assets 25,647,701

    Current Liabilities 2,631,541 Non Current Liabilities 370,270 Net Assets 22,645,890 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 25,647,701


  • Sarah AdamsJoan AldenCindy ArnoMargery AuerbachBarbara BaskinSusan BarrettBarbara BeadlesBruce BeckertLee BlankAnne BouhourJoanne BowmanJudy BrownLily ButlerKevin ByrneMary CascoShirley CaseyElizabeth ChengSheila ClarkCarole ClemMary CrouterJudy DavisMaryAnn DeMarco

    Adrienne DernJan DreisbachSusan FoordJenny GeigerJuline GlazJennifer GoldJanet GoldmanKaren GoldsteinKatie GoldsteinMark GoldsteinCatalina GomezBeth GorskiSarah HansonCathy HaverMaggie HayesStephanie HooverMeredith HoranMaria Hubenette-ReinschPat HutchisonJanet IshimotoDiane JacksonMarcia Joiner

    Carolyn KnightSusan KramerJane LewisMary Jane LuboreMary Anne MarcotLillian MasonMichael McCarthyTanya MenaTanya MichelsonZoeann MillardJudith MroczkaPaulina OliverasValerie PabstCarolyn PattersonAnneke PleijsierNiki PopowMeigs RanneyAnne RaymanInge RheinSuzanne RobinsonJanet RobyBeverly Rollins

    Joseph RychlecJack SahmSusan SchoberDavid SelbyChristine SmithMarianne SmythKitty SouthworthDorett SutherlandBonnie TaroneSusan ThomasHenning VentJoe WalsheElyse WeinerKatrin WeixelCynthia WestChristiane WiesePenny WinderVicky WoodPatricia Yeghissian

    In 2016, 315 Montgomery Hospice volunteers donated more than 21,000 hours, made more than 15,900 patient visits and drove more than 135,000 miles in order to help 1,100 patients who requested volunteer support.

    Volunteers who donated 80 hours or more in 2016:

    Montgomery Hospice has the largest hospice volunteer program in Montgomery County. Our volunteers donate their talents, their time and their presence to patients, to families and to grieving members of the community. They are part of the Montgomery Hospice team, working with our hospice professionals who are the experts in medical and psychosocial end-of-life care.

    Editorial: Susan Burket | Design: Paul Jutton

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    Peaceful Strength Inspiring Love Sanctuary Holistic Blessed Grateful Compassion Expertise Kindness Reaffirming Worthwhile Support Enriching Dignity Centered