Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983

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Transcript of Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983



    * G K


    - ; ' l

    * G ?


    L .

    . , Also'" COPE Weapons" System A Review *'dentifying Nuclear Weapons on the

    Invinble Task Force.

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983


    OPRATO DP FRZ- An ope book? Or a ope door to V miliary escalaio?


    In Augst of this year a guded tour of the Amercan mltary fcltes at Chrstchurch's Harewood Aportw prmtte. vted were ty ullr,representatves of the news meda and members ofthe Chrstchurch coaton of peace groups Ctzensfor the Demlitarsaton of Harewood (CH)

    Since 960 his chuch nenainal Aip hasbeen he Ameican headquaes Opeain DeepFeee he miliay I civilian Anacic pamme 0he Uied Saes The US miliay Deachmen apa he massive nucleaamed Paciic Flee isdeeply enenched a u aip A u he USbase is n likely eveal vey muh vssunless hey have sudied he subjec and aepepaed ask pbin quesins hei mliayuides Even hen hey ae likely be usaed byevasin and public elains dublealk Ou pupsein his bie aicle is lk behind he public ima Deep Feee and descibe seius cncens abuhe S. iliay ccupain u cv ap

    BL P ZThee ae w sepaae cenes Deep Feee aciviy nea he aip eminal buildin he

    baacks / headquaes and he hana J ca handlin aes The al aea is abu 6 aces leasedm he hischuch iy uncil abu $0000 pe yea he husin aciliies will accmmdaeseveal hundd pesnnel in baacks In addiin hee ae ices quaes a ps ice (wih is wnUS p cde, a lecue hall small medical and denal unis a jail, and a ps exchane supplyin

    amlia Amea ds duy ee A lae waehuse is subdivided he sepaae equippin milia and ci\ilian pesnnel wk n he iceT he nh ppsie he undabu is he ca and ica sain aea includin a lae US

    aval hana and seveal US. Ai Fce Miliay Aili mmand sae buildins US miliay aica,usuay 141 Salies and 3 Heculs may be seen n he amac seveal days each weekme equenly duin spin and summe Many bxes lae cnaines and iems equipmen aeusually in empay sae u in he pen

    A quesin abu cmmunicains wih he Anacic will elici a bie descipin he Navalmmunicains aciliy and a esue in a wesely diecn acss he unways wad he disanblckhuse and eceivin anennas. I akes a ew km divin aund he aip peimee see heNavmU siin beside a l cuse

    Havin see his much a visi mh ask s ha all hee is?" I is n Bu dn epec heAmeican miliay willinly divule he dake side Deep Feee

    BL P Zhe U miliay pesence a hischuch Aip has sicly miliay pupses ha have emainedsanely invisible New ealandes ve he yeas A deaied accun Ameican miliay aciviies inNew ealand was published by Owen Wilkes in 73 in a bkle iled Pes A ecen updae hasbeen wien as a hesis a he Univsiy anebuy by an Tweddle. An veview he maeialelain hishc and sme ecn evelains i iven elw

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983


    IU'ARISA'ON OFOPERANDEEP FREEZEThe US mtary roe t the arport exteds ar beyod spport o va researh The Harewood

    Weedos base ompe spports a US mtary ad dpomat reqremets the rego gthose o past ad preset ates at Woodbore Mt Jo ad a rh Mtary researh derroets PESS ad MAGET has bee aded by the hrst hr bas Ths researh appesdrety to ear msse gae

    The ommader US Naa Sppor ore Atarta has athorty over abot 2000 mtarypersoe rom the Navy, Army Ar ore, oast Gard Mtay Seat ommad ad the NZ Army adAr ore The US Atart programme has the hghest propoo o mtay persoe 70% o the e 98) o ay otry odtg poar researh

    EW ZEL SVEIGTY A THE .S MILITYThe S Embassy has deared that the S base at Harewood s sovereg US Terrtory ad ot

    sbjet to NZ aw The Chrsthrh Deep reeze ates re teray a mtprpose US mtar basebeyod NZ otro ad breah o NZ soveregty Th NZ govermt s represeted at the arport bythe Mstres o Traspo Agrtre ad sheres ad stoms oe o whh has ay jrsdtoover the Amera mtary The v Avato Dvso egatos state that Nothg theseregatos sha appy to mtary arrat"

    New Zeaaders the empoy o the US mtary at Operato Deep reeze have or 6 years beedeed the opto o beogg to a trade o ther ow otry The US. govermet has perssetyvoked the soveregty o ts Deep reeze terrtory" resg to yed to o ad worker ompats

    Cstoms ad agrtre oas may ot set oot o ay Amera mtary arrat as eah s deemedsovereg US terrtory der teratoa aw.

    Drg the Otober 973 Mdde East rss the US base at Chrsthrh wa pt o ae stats aogwth other US bases Astraa ad arod the gobe Nether the NZ r the Astraa govermetwas ormed o ths a t ater the aert Ths atera US ato od or aga at ay tme wthgrave mpatos der the provsos o the 982 Logst Spport agreemet (see beow

    TH MIITY ILIT CMMThe MAC s a arm o the US Ar ore that s ot overed by the NZ US Deep reeze Agreemet

    Usg the exse that every StarLter ght has somethg reated to the Atart The MAC operateswth aa baket dpomat earae MAC argo arrat are ote otrated or ghts to theAtat bt the majorty o MA ghts eah yea at Chrsthrh Arport arry motored argoesbetwee Hawa ad Astraa

    The M.AC has the soga Lee to reedom It s a ee that rotey arres the basgredet o ahato ear weapos throgh a goba etwork o domest ad oregareds mberg the hdreds Is or arpor a k that etwork Whe the Amera govermets asked whether the MAC argo paes are arryg ear weapos throgh or arport the respose

    s ether to orm or dey the presee o those weapos van W magaze reetydesrbed the MAC trasports as basay wartme otgey assetsStarLter today 52s tomorrow The 982 ANZUS Memoradm o Uderstadg o Logst

    Spport betwee NZ ad the US provdes or 'ret ad mateae' o US warshps ad arrat NZdrg perods o teratoa teso Deee Mster Davd Thomso ormed o atoa teevsothat those shps ad arrat od be eararmed ad that the orma 0day approva tme reqredby NZ od be t to jst O. Mr Thomso aso has stated that both Chrsthrh Arport ad LyttetoHarbor wod be voved these opeeded vsts by eararmed ombat eqpme TheChrsthrh area wod beome a ear target U.S mtary esaato orred as aowed the1982 agreemet

    COMMUIC TIOS UIT" WEEDOS TRSMITTERSThe NavComU s hosed a soated oetebok bdg amd arrays o atea the 1970s

    the aty otaed eret odehadg deves sered wth three erooete vats Athogh

    the vats are rrety empty ad sta ay they hade oy Atart researhreated messages thepower rado eqpmet st rs 4 hors a day wth a ompete ta o ove 0 ava persoe eve mdwte whe MMrdo Stato s bare atve The t otes to be a part o the USDepartmet o eese oba Commato Network

    The NavComU had the apabty to prode hgh reqey ado bakp or the prmar tato atNorh West Cape Wester Asraa. The hge base at the Cape s a akowedged prme eartarget the Chrsthrh t were qky pgraded to ts ormer stat t wod be a ear target aswe

    The dretoa atea at Weedo a ew km oth o Chrsthrh a be motorrotated to aeCaberra or Hawa rather tha MMrdo. There evdee om US mtar ad ogresoa soresthat the NavComU w soo reta a Atomat Dgta Network AUTODN teeprter a sereommto deve that ormey oped oe o the orete ats


    US Embassy sta say that Operato Deep reeze a ope boo goermet oa havedeed reqests or rthe reearh o the hthrh base hee ae ma aweredqeso abot the mtato o Deep reeze ad the art A Embassy atahe tated that wemst smt or qesto in wg We sbmtted a ta t o Ag ad have reeved oawer a o mdNovembr I the Emba book o Deep reee ope ma page are bak Someo the pges weve maad ad eea a armg poteta! r S mtay eaato wthpob aros oeqee or ew eaad

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983


    IQENlFYINGNUCLEAR WEPONS ON BORD THE1"IE TK ORCE " NeW Zad ls ed bd y e epble essels kg p e blee; e e ppy o e pesee le wepsAct(,s:J. 'e dg e Flklds ss e e eegey el le rre!ni Ifor : dged Seeld by e Bs spr sp Fr s s led spel e viblty e weps

    A oee-led 'dl od g le dep ge ws see by Ryl Ny ee

    e epe g e F As ee Dd ke w ws klled we Exe ssJxli,!':Fr s d d e bb ee I ws e spsed d wdeed wee ws s

    eg e g yoe


    Nl ep ges oed by Bs deee ses s sdd eqpe o wsps opeol pol wy spply bses e bee o yes e Wess de o deepwe sbes Te Bs ges y Ly d sp elopes w dop e depges o a e wee e pese poso o eey sbe s kw

    DELEYWe Deee Seey S Jo No osy deed e 82 debe e Fo As ws

    g eee o le dep ges og o be oo dges 'soog w epsed e le pbly o e Bs Ny ope le we o e NAO REVIEW, ppeg e pl 81 sse Te e ses l e Ued Kgdo s see ded ske d epes pbe o deleg ed Kgdo e wepos We lso pde SJo No wes, e sqd e Kg eopes, w gs o Wesse 25 gs o Wsps d6 gs o Ly o w e pble o opeg o wsps se d deleg s e dep bobs Tese bes o d elopes epese e ol owed y e edKgdo Ny des elope bod e Ible Ts Foe e ey lepbe

    (Te Fge H Roesy e Wsp elope e Fge HM Ao y e sp HMS Rege d lee e HM ed y o Se Kg elopes e

    S Jo No lso oede ee w b w qds o e He ope ee e o sbe we es pbe o deleg e wepos Se Heswll be bode Ibe

    ESIGEDJes gg Sps des we e e A Roy ws spped eopes

    wee essged o l ge lee les Rekbl s e ee e lee ke HMOed e s oe wll e e wepos bod o s deee se oly es Se Kg elopes

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983


    RT IRGDh pirit if not th ttr of th South Amrican Nuclar apon Fr Zon (th Traty of Tlatlolco)

    was infringd whn th Britis took nuclar wapons to th Falklands. Contracting partis to th tratyagr to prohibit in thir trrioris th rcipt storag installaton dploymnt and any othr form ofpossssion of nuclar waposBritain is not a party to th main traty but has signd two additional protocols undr which nonatinAmrican countris agr to abid by ittrritoris in th traty zon this includs th Falklands islands) th othr is for stats alrady inpossssion of nuclar waons owvr arms control xps point out tht th lgal intrprtation ofth traty is xtrmly compat t dos not spcifically ban th transport of nuclar wapons forxampl"t is difficult to dny though that th spirit of th traty mant to confin horizontal prolifrationof nuclar wapons has bn infringd. n th sam way th dsir xprssd by South acific nationsto stablish a nuclar wapon frBritsh task forc


    (5 "' , NATO REVIEW ol. 2 ApI ' N 2 THE GUARDIAN 2nd 7th M" LOMDON SUNDAY 15 7th Mb. S ANES FIGHTING SIPS)



    VOL 20 No. 1 pp 4957 1983


    Formr U.S National Scurty Advisor McGorg Bundy said in 98 Th Prhing2 missil canrach th Sovit Union from Wst Grmany in fiv minuts thus producing a nw ossibiliy of a supruddn firt trik vn on osow itsl Thi i oo at Wh ould disgr?

    Probably o prson who has rad widly and thought dply about nuclar wapons prolifraion hasfaild to conclud that vnally th whol ghastly invntoy would fdruct. It i intuitivly oviousthat vincrasing missil sd and accuracy and vrdcrasing dlivry tim wil vtuallyxcd th capacity of huma minds to control thm. Thu computr ms tak or th in ofwatching for nuclar aggrssion intrprting radar warning data and aking th ultimat atfudcision on nuclar wapons u

    Brnard Branu has dvlopd a mathmatical modl o th world uclar wapons sytm whichconfirm our fars of computrizd armagddon Whthr or not on can rad h mod! itlf andvalut its validity it is chillingy instuctiv to considr th asumptio and ntial tchnicalconidrations of th modl Ty ar mphasisd along with th implicatio of th modl in th paprth simplst of thr by Branu on th ubjct of nuclar war by accidnt

    An initial and ntirly rsic assumption of th modl i that dcionmak controling twoantagonitic nuclar arsnals will rtaliat if thy conclud thy ar ndr nuclar attack Thisasumption i critical bcaus according to Branu it lads dirctly to t conclusion that th woarsnals ar rally just a singlpurly random vnts H dvlops this aspct of th modl by focusing on two major chnical facts( Th arms rac i producing vr mor accurat warhad dlivry ytm with dlivry timdropping into th rang of ust a fw mint, and ) Th omputr ytm that mut tak ovr thnuclar warning and rspons sytms ar pron to random rrors in oftwar (programm wri byhumans) and hardwar (lctronic componnts primarily)

    If a warning alarm cannot b rifid a tru or fal wihin th tim ruird for rtaliatio thrtaliatory launch must procd if th misils ar not to b dstroyd on thir pad Branu al thtim ndd to vrify th acuracy of an attack warning Efficint Chcking Tim or ECT As thnuclar arm rac continu ET stadily dcras Prhing2 dploymn1 is conidrd by Branuto b a tpical ca of drastic duction of th ET Any fals nucar alarm who duration cd hET will automatically activat th world nucla wapon ytm

    Th author appd a numbr of dtaild not to his papr in which h rla th abraction ofmathmatic to th raliti o intrmdatrang missi, rducd light tim of ubmari launchdballitic miils ad documtd fal am in h arl aring ytm o th Unitd tat Thfals alarm will continu at a rat of hundrd pr yar (thr ar at lat fi nuclar powrThrfor, Branu conclud Th old adag that makind will hav to ive wih ucear waswhil coninuing th armamnt rac contradictory Ufortunatly th limitation concrng comutrmntiond abov, onl too familiar 10 tho workng with comput ad it cnunc on t nuclarwapon ac a largly unknown to th plic and gnrally ignord i h litratu o nuclar

    wapon tmAny mathmatica mod will fail to rflct th complxtis of th ral wold u rnu md wll a ital upo if t hlp u to confro th fallacy of uclar dtrrnc and th ncsity ofnuclar diarmamnt

    lfAcvation of th orld Nuclar apon Systm ( 9 pg) by 8rnar Branu i availabl fromth NNF on Committ Rfr rourc list

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983



    ", , 8 8S he prblems neal seury areneed - exep r he hrea a majr pwernlvn nuler weapns - he Uned Saes s

    n enurae and hs a rh expe hhs prble wll be nreasnly handled by and herespnsbly aken by he Asan nanshemselves

    RICHRD NIXON, Guam July 969.

    When he ANZUS ouncl me n Washngon ealehs yea Asala offeed a sube challenge o he

    subsance o he pac The Ausalan goenmen hadobseed he eagan admnsaons fomaladopon of a foegn polcy he so called NxonGuam doce hch sas ha Amecas alles aelone excep n he een of nuclea a

    - Keith Burge

    a pess cofeence n Washngon Ausalan Mnse of Foegn Affas, M Haden, sd ha heGum emen 'eemd dcl h cun f he gn (, Pf wold b qd o lookafe he on secuy poblems sho of hose conflcs nolng nuclea eapons and a mao supePoe

    ould seem M Hayden connued ha udge lak Pesden eagans Naona! Secuy Adsel us las monh) abou ele monhs ago confmed hs pncple so e an o so ha ou

    The pedable conen of hs yea ANZUS ouncl communque as e anohe endosemen of heANZU Tea as sands Bu ha lay behnd he Ausalan goenmens concen

    On uy th 1969 esden Nxon soouned fo a ngh on he sland of Guam a he ouse of an

    Asn ou A pess confeence as summoned n hch Non oulned o accompanyng nespeople n abackgound befng n he Nas Offces club he elemens of ha as called he Guam docne Helae spoke of hs polcy oulne as he Non docne and expanded s applcaon o he ene old

    The Guam pess confeence as one of he ae occsons hen a mao pesdenal polc assaed exempoaneousl Hoee, had edenly been aefully hough ou and s essence had beenoulned o espeople a he Whe House n a peous lenghy and offcal befng befoe Nxon lefWashngon fo he Pacfc

    Pesden Nxons polcy emphassed an nenon fo he Uned Saes o smulaneously eman Pacfc poe and loe s pofle and hence s commmen o he defence of Asa and by exensonhe Pacfc

    T ms sgnfn semen m b Nxon he pess confeence n Guam as n esponse o ahypohecal queson concenng Asan counes nepeaon of he hda of oops b he UnedSaes fom Venm

    Pesden Nxon sad belee he me has come hen he Uned Saes n ou elaons h ou

    Asan fends should be que empha on o pons; One ha e ll keep ou ea commmens(he ANZUS Teay comms he paes o consulaon only) and o h as fa as he pobems ofnenal secy ae concened excep fo he hea 01 a mao poe nolng nuclea eapons he Une Saes s gong o encouage and has a gh o expec ha hs poblem ll be nceasnglyhandled by and he esponsbly fo aken by he Asan naons hemseles

    Pesden eaans fomal adopon of hs polc came n a speeach made b udge Wllam . lako he ene fo Saegc Sudes a Geogeon Unesy n Ma of 19

    Ouned n he speech ee he mn pons of a sece eghpage Naona! Secu Memoandumhch ses ou he boad geogaphcal gudelnes fo mlay and saegc plannng The ke pon asha he Uned Saes ould no and n fac could no engage Soe foces on all fons smulaneouslf a a ee o beak ou.

    Ths epesens a sgnfcan shf fom he global conc concep peously enuncaed b aspeWenbege he efence Secea M la sad ha ahough an conflc h he Soe Uno couldexend o global dmensons hs does no mean ha e mus hae he capabl o scessfull

    engage he Soe foces on al fons Wha des mean 1s ha mus pocue balanced foces andesablsh oes fo seuenal opeaons o ensue ha mla poe ould be apled n he moseffee as"

    lak also mde dec efeece o he admnsons deemnaon o o ahead h hemdenson of s saegc nuclea ad hs has been nepeed b polcal aass a a cleasgnal o mecs lles ha hey mus expec o c he bun of defence agan aac fmenemes ohe hn he Soe Unon

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983


    n f h hardarnd wisdms f h Vinam war is ha i is iiay inxdin fr Amria wa a rrad war far away frm hm hr is n assurd swif iry and dmsay hiia nsqun ar dir

    Wha is mr h Unid Sas is n nr ab nmia sur suh a mmimnPrss fr sarin Fdra dfiis has d h Amrian adminisrain u miiary sndin frh nx hr yars Prjd buds ha bn ard h bar minmum h adminisrain huhnssary rbuid h miary

    n h as mnh fr xam subsania rrins f h bud ha bn awardd marnuar rs a h xns f nnina fr dmn Finania inins ha rnybn in h sandin 8 bmbr h MX missi, h ridn baisi missi f and h naa ruis

    missih Ausraian Grnmn had m is wn nusin in 2 in a rr by h Jin mmi

    n Frign Affair nid hras Auaias Suriy: I nudd If Und Sas rs wrfuy uid in a mar nfrnain wih h Si Unin, hn Ausraia wud ha b rard fnd ff any hras frm hr wrs wih ny inidna h frm is Amrian ay'

    Hw raisi and hns is Nw Zaand's assssmn? In h Minisry f Dfn annua rr fr2 ANZUS is si rardd as an uima uaran f suriy in h rin'

    Y h Nixn Guam drin whih says ha Amrias ais ann x dir miiary assisanin any ninny hr han in an aak by h Si Unin ining nuar wans rmains inff

    s sinifian rrsns an undrminin f h ANZUS ray isf Far frm ridin an uimauaran f suriy h ray has bm a wrin ndrsmn fr Unid Sas us f nuarwans in h rn

    (Sources: Vital Speeches 969 Text of William Clark's speech a Georgetown. ICA Wireessfile New York Times May 22 25 982 Report from Miistry of Defece 982 ChristchurchPr July 2st 3)

    XR O TDR.

    New Zealand Air Foces practce 'penetraton tactc n the Pppne.

    A yar rund unis frm arund h Paifi dy ark rfr Bas in h his fr wk innsi COPE HUNDER xriss as if h wr mbiisin fr aua mba

    n May f ih Skyhawks f h numbr 75 squadrn f h Rya Nw Zaand Airfr kar in xris COPE HUNDER and in Nmbr f 2 Nw Zaand irfr MDn Duas A

    4Ks ariiad h Nw Zaand Minisry f Dfn aims ha suh xriss ra Nw Zaanfrs fr mba radinss ad rid xn ranin runiis in h frm f smuad mbamissins in a raisi hra nirnmn. Exris COPE HUNDER huh hd a rw Vay fimis frm Cark Airr Bas, is ariuary arssi in naur and h ky rd is 'nrain

    Nw Zaand Frs rai snak inursins hr in Si rrry ammin radar andmmuniain sysms and simuain aaks n rains airfids faris ad anks

    COPE HUNDER ariians ar ranisd in hr sara frs Rd Fs nsis f airbrn and rund-basd hras ha simua a hsi nirnmn ha mus b nrad andaakd Simuad air--air missis and ani airaf un sis uard risi aa ars ha kik ains, airfids faris and anks frm h air

    Bu Frs ar hs udin rainin and mus suri aks frm und nrd aircrfwhih fw mba arns and hniqus usd by h Sis Rd Airfr dfns n h CrwVay ran inud simad surfa--air missis and an arra un sis ad wihassiad radars ha mua Si sarh and rakin radar hararisis Radar and

    mmuniain ammin is rid by h inmin Bu Frh hrd fr (h Wh Fr s nad mnir h xris and sr ins in h

    miinh snari nsrud a Crw Vay dis an inasin f Si riry r s mih b h

    aniiad nirnmn in a nrain aak aains Nrh Kranrad fr rains ar srssd in h COPE HUNDER xris ar in h usuay w

    wk n rramm ms a msi srk ha nras nary a Rd and Bu Frs NwZaand airmn rai fihin ansid Unid Sas frs n a simuad nrain in frinhsi rriry

    Miiary ars inud an nmy airfid m wih mk airraf in rmns anks and ariryCiiian ars inud a rain and fary

    s his h kind f xrs Nw Zaand Frs shud b nad n r shud mhass bdfn rahr han srik Shud h Nw Zaand Minisry f Dfn n qusin Unid Sasrardnss inad Si rriry? D h inrad fr xriss mmi Nw Zaand frs

    assis Unid Sas frs in a fuur inasin? hs ar qusins ha Nw Zaandrs shud baddrssin h Nw Zaand Dfn Minisry -K

    (Source Aviation Wee and Space Techoogy, February 1th 83 Miistry of DefenceAual Report 82

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue02 Dec 1983




    p .0 . Box 18-541 Christchurch


    Next Month *The UKUSA Agreement. An agreement toosecretfor Prime Ministers tosee. *Therole of the United 'StatesA

    ir Force Mitary AirlCommand (MAC).\