PE NTAX® - Gyesa_and_m)_lenses... · brightly-lit interiors .• -lIld £12.5 or f/2.8 lens should...

Post on 18-Jun-2020

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Transcript of PE NTAX® - Gyesa_and_m)_lenses... · brightly-lit interiors .• -lIld £12.5 or f/2.8 lens should...

PE NTAX® IL--=.=LE=.::::.:NSE=-=---=S &===-=------.l

INDEX ______________________________________________ ___

THE PENTAX SYSTEM ................................................................ ................................ 1 A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON PHOTOGRAPHY ..............................................•............. 3 CHOOSING YOUR SMC PENTAX LENSES ................................................. ............. 4 STANDARD LENSES ................ .................................................................................... 8 ULTRA·WIDE·ANGLE LENSES .................................................................................... 9 WIDE·ANGLE LENSES ........................................... .......•.................•............................ 10 TELEPHOTO LENSES .................... .................•............................... .............................. 12 ULTRA·TELEPHOTO LENSES ...................................................................................... i6 ZOOM LENSES .................. .................... ........................................................... ............. 20 MACROPHOTO LENSES .......•................... .. ................................................................. 26 SPECIAL PURPOSE LENSES ....................................................................................... 28 LENS SPECIFICATIONS •........•...........•.............................................................. .. .......... 30 FLASH SYSTEMS ...............................•.......................................................................... 35 MOTOR DRIVE & WINDER SYSTEMS ...................................................................... 46 REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEMS ........................................ .......................................... 52 CLOSE· UP ACCESSORIES ........................................................................................... 58 DATA BACK SYSTEMS ................................................•.................. ..................... ........ 66 FILTERS ............. ....... .....................................................•..•.............................................. 68 CASES & BAGS ............................. _ ...............•............................................................. 72 FOR CRITICAL EXPOSURE MEASURING ..... ........................•.....•............................. 74 FINDER SYSTEMS ...................................... .....................................................•.......•.... 76 OTHER ACCESSORIES ................................................................................................. 80

THE PENTAX SYSTEM A Pentax 35mm SLR camera is much more than a superior photographic tool: it is the starting point for an exceptionally comprehensive and ver­satile system of photography. Used with any Pentax 35mm body, the complete range of Pentax lenses and accessories can help the photo­grapher to capture the most inaccessible images, to produce the most specialized creative effects. The extensive line of over 50 SMC Pentax lenses offers an extremely broad choice of photographic perspectives. Focal lengths range from a 15mm ultra wide angle to a 2000mm super telephoto, and there is a wide choice of zoom, macro and special-purpose lenses. Pentax accessories are available to fit every photographic need. There is • complete collection of equipment for close-up and macro work. There are interchangeable viewfinders, eyepieces and focusing screens. There is a sophisticated system of flash accessories and an infrared remote con­trol system. There is a complete line of filters, power cords, cases, straps and other accessories. The Pentax System offers the photographer unlimited creative pos­sibilities.

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The beauty of the Pentax system is thai it sees <lnd reco rds Images the naked eye nevCr could . Imagine viewing 180 degrees of ., p.lnoramic landscape " I a glance. Or zeroing in on a single human subwct from a hundred y<lrci s away. Or freezing fas tcr-than- the-eye motion ill point­blank T.lngC' .

The Pentax system of Interchangeable lenses ca n make c.lch of these possibilitics - and more - a realit y. Pen tax makes ove r 50 inter­chan geahle lenses for use with any Pent,lx 35mm SLR. Some are siand.ud lenses that see much the way the human eye does. O thers sec the world in a different way. from macro to wide angle to telephoto. There is also an excellent selection of zoom and speCial applic" lion lenses.

Among th e newest Pentax lenses is the Pent.lx A Series. These lenses have special contacts for automilt ic aperture control and programmed automation. Pcntax M Series lenses Me u p tll hOOk shorter and much lighter than their standard counterpart s, cmd while designed fo r use WIth compact M-scries cameras. can al so be used to advantage with large r models.

All Penti'lx lenses have the exclusive Super­Multi -Coating (SMC). a remarkable seven-layer lens coating process that cuts the reflection ratio

do wn to just 0.2% per lens surface. The result is a dramatic improvement in both color fidelity and brigh tness und the elimination of flure and ghost images. In multH!lement zoom lenses, SMC ca n increase bri gh tness up to 50% over conventional lens coatings. Pcntax's ultra -mod­ern production techniques. s tringent quality control and SMC technology combine to mOlke I'entax len ses unexcel led tools for the am .. tc ur or professional.

Make the most of your Penta x camera with a carefully selected sys tem of Pentax lenses.

• '''',,{hl /rllllsm!JSr,ltI It' ltlr S"po-M" II,-CtllI l"'R IS In "mA~m.!!. 99 .'1",,_ corrt!'pmldrng/y_ gIIlSS-Io-", 5urfflcr 1.'(lre/IOII " /I mrrr t) l"~

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1. Points Fo r Considerati on Th(' four poin ts most frequently consid ered when choosing lenses Me the fo ll owing: a. Foc.d length/angle of vIew b. Maximumapertun: (. Oimc.-nsionc;. and weigh t d. Price 2. The Re lationship Between Image Size

And Focal Length When camcra- to·subject distnncc remains con ­stan t, image size (magn ifica tion) is depe ndent upon foca l length . For example, when a 135mm lens is used , the imi'lge wLl I appear 2.7x large r tha n that of a 50mm standard lens used ,,' th e S.1 lll e distance. Long fO(<11 length lenses (longer th"n approx. 5001m) arc referred to as TELEPHOTO LENSES. When.1 28mm lens is compi'fcd to a SOmm lens, image siz'e o r milgnificalion is O.56x thai of the standard lens. tn other words, the image will appear sligh tly larger Ihan 112 the image p ro· duced by the 50m01 lens. The reason for usi ng a 28mm lens IS not to delibera tely shrink image size, but (as explained later) 10 increase the angle of view. It is for th is reason that lenses wi th a foc., 1 le ng th shorter th"n approx . 50mm are ca ll ed WIDE-ANGLE LENSES_

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3. Camera-To-Subjcct Distance, Focal Length And Image Size

When the ramcra· to·subject distance is changed in propor tion to the focal length, image size re mllins constanl. For example, when the same sub ject is photographed fro m 10 meters with .1

SOmm lens, 27 meters wi th a 13Smm lens , and 5.6 meters with ,1 28mm lens, image size \'v ill be the same. 4. The Relationship Between Focal Length

And Angle of View The sho rter the focal length of a lens . the w ider the angle of view; the longer the focal length of a lens. the narrower the angle of view. For example, a 28mm wide-angle lens has an angle of view o f 75° while a 24mm wide-angle lens has an angle of view of 84C1. The anglc of view is ISO for a l35mm telephoto le ns, but it is 12° for a 135mm telephoto lens , but it is 12° for a 200mm telephoto lens. 5. The Need For Telephoto Lenses At times. it is impossible to approach the sub ject close enough to obtai n i't sati s factory image size. Of course, the negat ive can be cropped a nd grea tl y enlarged , b ut it is an unsatisfactory solution because of the resultant loss of sharp­ness and increase in grain. It IS a t just such .:I

tllne Ih,ll the need for a telephot o lens mosl c1e.uly mamfes ts itself. 6. The Need For Wide-Angle Lenses When photographing.l group of peop le indoors, II IS sometimes imposs ible to include everyone, even if you s tand in the furthest corner of the rOOm. Sim ilarly, II is often impossible to pholO­graph il large church, for example. or a panoramic c:ccne with the SO mm standard lens. On s uch an occasion the need for ,1 Wide-angle lens is s tro ngly felt . 7. Which Should I Purchase Firs t, A Wide-

Angle Or A Telephoto Lens? Before attempting to make the above decision . i t is nccesstlry tu usc the SOmm st.mdard lens for about three months . After thi s period . it w ill become clear to you which need is greater by simply aski ng yourself which type of situat ion you most frequently encounte r, No.5 or No. 6 mentioned above . 8. What Focal length Lens Should I

Purchase First? It would be inadvisable for a beginner. who is accustomed to usmg only the s tandard lens, to suddenly purchase an ultra-wide-angle or ultra · telephoto lens. fo r the enormous difference in ilnglc of view would most likely confuse him .

The key to success. in any field , IS to adv<1n cc it

step at .1 ti me. Those lenses considered to be ultra-wide-.lngle are the 24mm. and 15mm; we can also include the 16mm Fish-eye. Lenses represen ting ultra ­telephoto are the 300mm. 400mm. SOOmm, and IOOO mm focal length . Thus. the clever beginner will select the 28. o r 35mm as his firs t Wide-angle and the 85.120. or 135mm as his (irs t telephoto lens. 9. What About Lens Speed? The maximum aperture of a lens is often referred to as the "speed" of a lens. An fl2 lens. fo r example. is sa id to be "faster" than an f f 4 lens since faster shutter speeds are usually used at large r lens openings ; just how much morc or less light enters the lens, when fl2 is compared to other maximum apertures, is indicated in the chart on page 6. For example. if a picture is taken with an fl2 lens at fl2 (diaphragm completely open). and the same picture is taken with an fl4 1ens at f/4. onl y 1/4 of the amount of li ght will reach the film with the f/4 lens. Therefor", the shutter speed must be 4 x longer to compensate for the loss of light. or course, If both of the above lenses are used at the same aperture, for example fl8 , the

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amount of light rt~.lching the film will be exactly the same. Gencrally speaking if one dcslres to take pictures Indoors. with the call1er.l handheld and w ithout the 1I~E' of a nash unit. an 112 01"

"fa:.ler" (fl l,4 , fl1.2) lens will bt.' required. For brightly-lit in teriors .• -lIld £12.5 or f/2.8 lens shou ld suffice. 1f thl' lens IS just 10 be used o utdoors . • 1 maximum ape rture of 113.5. 114. or f/·I.S will be suffiCient. Thus. if you \\fis h to purchase an SMC Pcntax 35mm lens . you h.we a choice of a n f/2 or f/2.S. Simi larly. iryou wish to buy a 135mm lens . you can select from the £/2.5 and f/3.5 lenses. 10. Di mensions And Weig ht Over twen ty uf the SMC Pen tax lenses are so compilct ,md lightweightlhilt they do not require the usc of .. tripod . For h.1ndheld lenses. you can choose from the 15mm wide-angle to the 300mm telephoto. including seven zoom lenses . 11. Purchasi ng Two Lenses Si multaneously a. W ide-.mgle and telep hoto. If two lenses arc to

be purchased sllnultaneously. the most com-

L2 \4

2.8)( 2x

2 2.5

A ppro,.; . 2/3)(

mon choice is th~ t of a wide-angle and a telephoto. However . depending upon the needs of the individual. some users prefer 10 !odect two wide-angle 01" two telephoto lenses. Among those selecting a wide and tele. the most usua l procedure is to seleci a foc.11 length that is I"elatively close to the standard lens (and consequently easy to h.",dle). Thus, for the Wide-angle, the 35mm IS most popular. and for the telep holo lens. the SS. lOO, or 120mm is usually chosen. For Ihose wishing to travel light, the 85mm and 35mm are often used whi le the s tandard lens is left at home. Although we can not say it IS the best choice for everyone, those seeking optimum flexibi lity often choose to use a 28mm and 135mm lens along wilh thell" standard lens .

b . Two wide-angles. The most frequently se lected pair of wide-angle lenses is the 35 and 28mm set. although a new treild exhi­bited by camera enthusiasts favoring wide-


112 x


Approx. 1I3x


1/4 x

4.5 5.6 8

1/5x 1/8x 1/ 16x

Jngle lense", is to selecl lhe 28 ,lnd 24mm focal length~

c. Two telephotos . For those who favo r tele­photCl\enses. the 135 and 200mm combination pro\'c~ 10 be most popuhn. For maxim um versallhty the following combin,ltions .lre recommended (they are listed in order of usefulness for the ,I Vcr<tg~ <tm.l teur): 85 & 135mm. 100 & 150mm. 120 & 200mm. Not o nly i<; Ih(" 85mm model'a le telephoto lens Ideal for portraits. but it also excels il S a le ns ior scenIcs whent:>ver the angle of vie\V of the st,mdard lens proves too wide.

d. Wh.lte\'er yo ur chOice. a wide und tcle. two \dde-.ltlglcs, or two telephotos. i! \ .... ·ould be a good idea to first purcha<;c the fOC.ll lengths that .1re rel.l hvely dose to the st<lndilrd lens . Extreme (ultra) wide ,lnd tele lenses are much mo re dlff ie-ul t for the beginner to master th'ln Me their moderate focal length CO ll SlllS.

12, Special Needs a, Macrophotography. For those who are chie fl y

inh.' rcstcd in macro (dose-up) photography there are the 50 and 100rn m macro lenses

b, Versillility with a single lens. For versa til ity without the need to change te nses. the 35-70m01 and 80-200mm zoom lenses are

ideal. c. When travelling abroad. When going abroad

and desiring to keep weight down to an absolute minimum , the 2801m lens is idea l ,lS

il can encompass picturesque buildings and panoramic landscapes.

d. For sports ('v('nts_ The 135. 150mm and 200mm lenses arc ve ry useful at sports events.

13_ The World Of Interchangeable Lenses For those \Vho have milstered the sta ndard, moderate wide , and moderate tele lenses; fo r those who wish to capture dramat ic "close-ups" of , ... il d hfe. or fil l the fra me with th e slowly SInking sun; for those seeking new and fantastic perspective; in a word , for those who wish to be introduced to new worlds of photographic expression, there are the SMC Pcntax 300. 400, 500, and lO00mm ultra-telephotos, as welt as the 170101 Fish-eye, 135-600mm te lephoto zoom, ,lnd 15 and 2-tmm ultra-wide-angle lenses to choose from.

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o ,me PEN'AX· ' 50mm fl1.2 o ,me PI'''U 50mm fl1 .4 o ,me PI",AX·' 50mm fl1. 7 o ,me PEN"'" 50mm f 12 Penta" standard lenses alE' the mos t versatile for .111-purpose shooling . T hey approximate the natural viewing pe r spectivE' of the h u m.,n eye tl n d t heir fJ51 mil xi mum aper tures make low-ligh t shooting easy. Pentax offers a full bne of compelct SOmm lenses. from the super-Fast ffl.2 to the economical f12. All are .l\'.,ilable with automatic ,'perlure cont rol.


,me PINT"·' 15mm f/3.5 This lens encomp.lsses ~ spectacu lar 11 10 angle of view without dis tortion. even at the edges. Four built-in fi lle rs (UV. Skylight . Y2, 02) and a bui lt-in lens hood make th is a superb It-ns for creative ;md special cffects photography.

,me PI"'''·' 20mm fl2.8 This fasl f12.8 wide-angle lens features extended depth of field - perfect for quick candid shots or fast-moving subjects - and a convenient viewi ng angle of 93 11

, With Pentax original Floating Mechanism. il ensu res sharp, stable image q uality, even in doseups .

,me PINT"·' 24mm f/2.8 Avai lable with automatic aperture con trol, this lens is favored for scenic and archite<:lural photography. It fea­tures a vlewmg angle of 84", a fast maximum aperture. and shallow depth of field fo r easy focusing.



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o sme 'IM"X·A 28mm f/2 o sme 'IM"H 28mm f/2. 8 The 28mm focal length is one of the most popular and !1l" nageablc for photographing groups, interiors or wide­angle scenery. Pentax offers Iwo 2Smm lenses. in the fast f/2 version or the supercompact f/2.S vers ion - and with Cllltom.1tic

ape rtu re con trol.

o .me '!N'''.' 35mm fl2 o '"'" '1M'''.' 35mm f/2.8 With its nat u ral pe rspective and wide <lngle of view, a Pen tax 35mm lens is versatile enough to be used as a standard lens, especially when photographi ng in close qua rters. In both the f12 and £12.8 speeds and with or withou t au tomatic ape rture control, Pen lax 35mm lenses are compact and of excellent optical quality.

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I~I." I.I, .' ----_ . .


I • ___ - ." _

I~~"II ,

sme ... ,., .• ' 85mm fl1, 4 This is a grl~at all-around portrait lens. with just the right focill length for capturing faces in the most pleasing perspective. The large maximum aperture makes it suitable for available-light shoollng .

• me PENT .... 100mm f/2.8 Although th is lens is 15mm longer in (ocallenglh than the 85mm, it is physically 10mm shorler in length and weIghs 54% less, making il an ideal telephoto lens.

sme ... , ..... 120mm fl2.8 Also fine for port raits. this lens is excellent for candid shooting. hand-held action sports. news photography and olher medium-range applications .

o sme ",,,,..' 135mm 1/1.8 sme '''''' 135mm 1/2.5

6 sme ,,,,,,.. 135mm 1/2.8 sme P,","'-M 135mm 1/3.5

Thc"c medium-telephoto lenses bring the subject qUite close . and ,.il., be used to isolate the subject by thro\ving the br1ckgrotlnd ou t of focus. But they ilrc comp<Kt enough lor e.1S}' h;md-held shoo ting.

o ,me PI""-M 15Dmm 1/3_5 Despite its focal length, this compact telephoto is even h~htC'r than the stnndard 50mm fl 1.2. It is useful for follow' ing spor ts action, for cC\ndid shoo ting, and for close-up portraiture.

.I~."'. -------- -" . t -------- , .



1 • .1.\1-·-········,··· ··,·,.i~ .. , ':::::::. !!,,="' ......... . _---_ .. -- -- - ----.

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• 1-1

o .me PI""·'" 200mm 1/2.8 ED 6 .me PEN"'" 2DDmm 1/4 e .me """ .• 200mm f/4 The 200mm foc.)llength is w~1I suited 10 action sports, c.'Indid photography and g~nerill subjects at medIum r.lnge. Penl .1X offe rs dn extremely fast 200mm f /2 .81en5 - fast enough for \ong-r.\nge .wail.,ble light photography. The f14 I('nscs ilre among the lightest in their class .

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o .me PlNT"'-" 300mm f/4 With a magnification of bX. the 300mm telephoto lens is ideal faT long-range photography, yet is compact enough fur hand-held shooting. The A· lens is a new generation of telephoto lens - amo ng the most compact on the market.

9 .me ,,",,,-,' 300mm fl2.8 EO(l F) o .me "NT"-" 400mm fl2.8 EO(l F) The special extra- low-dispersion lens elements in these lenses reduce chromatic aberration to a minimum . An in ner fOCUSing system imp roves balance and allows closer focusing. Despite h ig h magn ifications of 6X and 8X, these lenses featu re a fast maximum aperture of f/2.6 for improved contrast and better image quality .

SMC PenUlt PF Filter PF filters protccllhl' fron t len!> element of SMC renlax It'nses. espt."Ciclll)' A" and ED k'n~ They have no optical effect. .md

Itw)' provide the same high performance as I'l'ntax lenses thanks 10 the elCclu::,iv(' Pen ta). Super-t\·1ulti,COil lmg. The fllt\.'f!) a rc .wallable in n. 112, 128 and I-lSmm Sill'S .

o sme PI"' .... 400mm 115.6 This \('n5 is also extremely ligh tweight for the focal1ength . Despite the sX magnification powt'r it is hand·holdable elt

f"sler shutter speeds.

f) sme PI""" 500mm fl4.5 Another relatively lightweight telephoto. this lens IS equipped with a reiallvt'ly f<lst maximum aperture and a built -on sight for easy composit ion and focus . Brings subjects IOdccessible to shorter lenses within reach . hec\len! fo r nature pho tography.

o ,me P!H'AX·.' 600mm 115.6 ED(I f) The ("'tlr.l-Iow-dlspersion optical clements u~ed in this lens reduce chrom.1tic aberration, for perfol-mance levels not possible with convenllonal optic(I\ glass. The re.lf focus sys tem fetllures a rear elements grou p that moves Inside the barrel. This allows a far more t lens design, as well as better bdl"nced, smoother dnd faster fOCUSing. The focal length is ideal for most long-distance apphc"tions .



11 I,.~i_~,

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o sme ""'" 1 DDDmm fiB The 2.OX magn ificat ion of this lens brings distant subjects into the closest focus . A built·on sight, r.,ck-and-pinio n focusing system ,lnd specially designed tripod (optional ) make foclIsing fast and surc.



o .me """.,·12DDmm fIB EO(l FJ A not he r ex t r a-Iow-dispersion-e lernen ts-used . high-performance. ultra-telephoto lens. this optic reduces chromatic aberration to a minimum dnd well corrects other various aberrations. ensuring distinct and high-contrast pictures even with the lens wide open .

o ,me '''TAX 'Ef'" 1 DDDmm f/11 f) ,me "'TA"'" '£flU 2DDDmm f/13.5 The reflex optical design of these two super teiephotos make possible a dramoltic reduction in the siz.e of the lens. Besides reducing Size , th~ use of mirrors In the design eliminates the need for optical correchon and makes possible an extremely dose minimum focusing distance. Since the reOex design does not allow i"l lens diaphragm, light control is accomplished by means of thr('c built-in ND (neulral density) filters and shutler speed variation. Both lenses are eqUipped with bulll-m standard filters and Sights.



.-. - -- ---

~U~i", ; , . '

sme P,"TAH ZOOM 24mm - 50"m fl4 This compac t wide-te-standard lens is the most versatile in the line. Optical performance is superb from 24mm ultra-wide angle all the way to 50mm st i\ndard .

sme .'.TAX-AlODM28mm f/3.5-80mm fl4.5 This compact two- ring zoom lens offers 3X zoom magnification covering the most popular focal lengths ilnd macro capability. It delivers high-quality sha rp images and is exception<l ll y easy to use .

jiii ....... ,...IIIIIi_1III 1ll3~5m.m~."'.1111 .. 50iiim.m .... '"(S;,;T.,;,A.,.N~D.;.;A;.;;RD,)


,me PlNTAX·' zoo. 2Bmm - 135mmfl4 This triumph of lens technology is the mos t versatile of all Pentax lOoms. It 's fas t. compact and (overs the complete range fro m wide angle to med ium telephoto plus a macro se tting . And it is equ ipped wi th au tum,nic dperture control

,me ... T .... 'OOM 35mm f / 3.5 - 70mm f / 4.5 Excellent for portrait . landscape ,1Od snapshot photography, this s tandard zoo m lens is ama zingly compac t, lightweight and eM,y to use thanks to its one· touch zoom /focus ring . It s macro capabil it y minimizes the focusing distance to a me re O.32 m .

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ome " ... , .. lOCOI 35mm - 70mm fl2.8 This is a fast , versatile all-purpose zoom designed espe­cially for use with the ME-F Auto focus Camera. Mechanisms and power supply for automatic focus adjust ­ment (available with the ME-F only) are built into the lens body.

ome PINTA ... ZOCOI 35mm -105mm fl3.5 Also equipped for automatic aperture control. this lens has iI sligh tly narrower range than the 28mm-135mm, bUI a faster maximum aperture. It is an extremely compact and practical all-purpose lens. complete with macro setting .

• me ........ ZOOM35mm f/3.5-135mm fl4.5 Developed with the sa me concept as the 3S-70mm H3.5-4.5 zoom. this is extremely compact and easy to use by one-ha nd operation. From wide-angle to telephoto. this gives high contrast and sharpness. With a macro mechanism incorporated. close-up photography down to O.7Sm is also .available.

sme PE.T .... ,ooM35mm f/3.5- 210mm f/ 4.5 Features a remarkable 6X zoom magnification i\nd covers all popul.u focal lengths needed for the most exacting photography. It s compact size and convenient one-hand oper<,tion ensure immediate readi ness for po rtrait, snapsho t, landscape and wild life photography . Close-up pho tog raph y down to 1.1 m .wailable with th is lens makes It a perfect tool fo r the disce rning photographer.

sme PENT .... 'OOM 70mm - 21 Omm f/ 4 Compact and equipped with au to matic aper ture conl rol , th is is an exce llent zoom for all medium telephoto foca l lengths and closeup macro photography. Combine it with the Pen tax-A 24 -50m rn zoo m and you can shoot almost an y su bject wit h automatic dperlu re .

sme P'""'-M ZOOM 75mm - 150mm 114 Only I J Imm in length, this zoom offers six popu lar lelephoto lens lengths in one. A one·louch zoom· focus control leis yo u frame and focus quickly and eaSily.


. 24

sme ,,, .. , 'IfW mllM 4DDmm f/8- 6DOmm 1112 A comp~ct "nd lightweight rcncx des ign m.lkes thIs <'Ill Ideal lens for hand ·held sports and landscape shots. The reflex design also ensures reduced chromatic aberra tions and sharp images al "II limes.

sme PI .. " 100M 135mm - 6DOmm fl6.7 Powerful and fasl (or its class. this is the ultimate 200m

lens for professional-quality distance photography. Fea­tures a rotatable tripod socket, a sight for quick focusing and a rear filter moun t.



50mm (STANDARD) 100mm Fiii-- r=-=iV_ ........ ----,

300mm C"'-.---- 400mm

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• 26

I~ III. ~

""" "'"", ....... 50""" fl2.8 This lens offers continuous focus to infinity and when used with Reverse Adapter K, offers magnifications greater than life s ize. Also operates as a standaTd-focal­length le ns. Features automatic aperture control and an exceptionaUy fast maximum aperture .

• sm. """., ...... 1 OO"m fl2.8 sm. """ ........ 1 OOmm f/4 .me "'''''·M ... CR. 100mm fl4

These lenses offer greater magnification than the 50mm macro lens. For closer close-ups or to permit close-ups of subjects at greater distance. They also operate as a regular lOOmm telephoto.

lme rooAl·'· ..... 200..m f/4 Relatively compact and lightweight For the focal length, this high-performance mane lens focuses to 1:1 (life size) ilnd is extremely suitable for taking close-ups of insects. flowers, dc. Equipped with the rotatable tripod mount , it conveniently enables you to change the camera position vertically or horizontally at 90° intervals .

.me ".nx Bmows 1 OOmm f 14 This compact and lightweight lens is designed specifically for use with bellows equipment. With Auto Bellows A, it offers magnifications to greater than life size with automatic diaphragm operation . With Bellows Unit M, diaphragm conlrol is manual and magnification is O,9X .

27 .



1111h~1 , ---


,me """-, fI"·m 16",,,, fl2.8 The exaggerated perspective of this lens and its amazing depth of field make it an inva luable creat ive 1001, covenng a ful1180 0 .;'Jngle of view. Its fast maximum aperture allows shooting under poor lighting conditions. Compared 10

com'ention <ll fis h-eye lenses , it has a very little sphe r ical aberr.,lion and much improved con lrilst and resol ving power.

,me ""TA" 'HI" 28mm f/3.5 The 3600 rotating lens h.urel of this lens allows you great fleXibility in solving the problem of converging lines : you m<ly choose ei ther to correct the perspective or eX.lggerate it for creative effect. It is IOdispens.lble for architectural photog raph y Comes with four built -i n fi lters .lnd a rcar filter mount.

sme PENTAX SO" 85m", f 12.2 Exclusive ly developed for 50F t-focus photography, thi s (ompacllens is simple to use and economically priced, yet creates incredIble images with Its soft -focus effecl. 11 offer~ a very large area of soft .. focus flare around the image, iI wide range of soft - focus control and excellent color reproduction . In combination with optional reM converterS. it can be used in many different situ ,ltions - close-ups. landscapes dnd portraits .


o SMC Pen tax Rea r Con vcrte r-A 1 .4X-S 6 SMC Pen tal< Rear Convcrte r-A lX-S o SMC Pcn t.1X ReM COll vcrter-A 1 .4X-L o SM C Pentax RCoJ r Con vcrter-A 2X-L h lhng between the lens .m d the C,l me r.l body, these rear converte rs increase cffectivl! foc ill lcngth o f th e lens. !,.IX models boos t focn l length ·10"0, nc" rly doub ling lm.-lge Me,l ; 2X models do uble focal Jength . l\l ode ls S.He usab le with most len ses up to 300mrn ,,,h ile models L .1fe fo r Jense!. over 300mm. All four Cdn be lI sed , .. ·i th clutom,ltic ,'pcrtu fc cont rol "nd opcn -<l pcrlufc metering.

o 67-Sys l,em lens Mount Adapter K o 645-Sys tem lens Mount Ada pcr K T he le n 5 moun t a dapte rs pe r mit Penta 'i( 6 7-sys tc m ,l n d 64S-systcm le n ses to be used wit h bayonet­mo un t Pent,l )( 3Smm camer.l S With ,1 n .ldapter. lenses will foc us to in fi nity . bUI mus t be used wi th ma nu.11 diaphrag m and s to pped -down mete ring . When used with 67-sys le m tele pho to lenses. the addpte r aIlows th e ca ml'ra to move bo th verticall y clnd ho rizo n tally while th c Ics re ma ins on the t ripod .


.' " • flSHU SMC Pllnl6~ A FISh Eyl 16mm I 2 8

IJlTU·WIOE· SMC PtnilU A ISmm f 3. 5 U'LE SMC Pent!l~ ' A 2Om"ll I 2 II

$MC Pent&~ A 2'll'rn r 2.8 WIO(· SMC Pl!nt.a~ A 28mm f 2 ANCLE SMC PeniAl A 28mm I 2.8

SMC Pentu A 35mm I Z SMC Pent ... A 35ml'l\ f 2 8

SI~!(nlRO SMC Plnll'l A SOmm f 1 2 $MC P.f\tll~ A 50mm I 1 4 SMC PentllA' A 5OJ"rIm , 1 7 SMC PenHll A SOmm I 2

JU£rI!OTG SMC Pentax A*85mm I 1 .. SMC Penuu A l00mm r 2 8 SMC Penlllx M 120mm r 2 .8 SMC Pental A' Il~mm I 1 a SMC PllnllU 135mm f 2 5 SMC PIn, .. A Il5mm I 2 II SMC PerllllX M 135mm I 3 5 SMC Perun M 150mm f 3 5 SMC Penttlx A*1.OOr.-m 128 £0 SJ\l:C Pentax A 200mm I ~ SMC PenlllM M 200mm I ..

22 lBO 22 II! 22 g5 21 ..

22 15 22 75

12 " 12 " 21 H 22 41 22 47 21 45 7

22 28 .5 22 2' 5 32 20 5

22 " 32 IB 32 18 32 18 32 16 .5 32 12 5 32 lUi 32 12.5

79 12 13 \1-10

" 78

" ,-, " " 6-'

" " ,-, " " " .. " " " .-. .. 56


,' . • 0.2 0.7

0.3 1 0.25 0 II o 2!t 0.8

OJ 0.' 0. ' 0.' a.4!i 1. 5 0.45 1.5 o 45 1 5 a 45 1.5

0.85 2.8 .. 1.2 3 ~

2 3 .11 , .. 2 3.9

1 S 4.9 1.8 5 9 1.8 5.11 1.9 e 3 2 6.6


80)(81.5 7010;'].5 631(.' . 5



'" 105

1il)<.' . 5 215 63)( 36.S 170 63)0(41.5 205 63)( 36.5 110 ~ . 51(41 . S 3-'5 el)( 31 235 63)(31 165 &3>0:31 Wj

HM66 55S 63><58 260 62 51(63' 210 80>((17.5 11115 67 5" 8~i.!' 4110 6!i)(76 . 5~ 340 82 5l<65 .7· 270 82 .Sx7!J 290 it,,']] 5 8M 1115)(111 '10 6J 5)(111 "00

11 3 81

11 81 8.6 67 7 2 52 1 5 49 , .. 1 2 49 . ..

12 2 52 IU 4~

58 49 5 I '9

11 .6 61 II 1 .(9 II 5 411

303 11 I II 8 S8 11.9 52 9 5 49

10 2 49 28 .8 11 ,... 52 14 52

91 • r,hf" b ..... 1! on FA ' . Fu ·'v .. to""~HC M ... ManulIl 1110 .•.. CO<1lrollftt bv NO f,lIers NOli . Len, It"'9'" don tIOllnelude moun! POri IOn.

A· • Ql II«I A, ."ar.\>04!,to".,a.rn:., <om"",,1 I"" u""9 ""e .. 1 gllu element • • ED • U 1f'-«f'I,om.llC I'M In ,,,!! .xt .. ·Iow-dIIPll'tl'On glln lleme"u. IF · Int\e'r loan • Lenl hooch ar. nOlllV. , ~bll! lor " A' ZOoml lB - 135mm fl4 .nd 35-I05mm 1/4. dul 10 pou,bI, ,,11I"ll!!ng problem., • \o'lhen A' 135mm 1/1.8 I, .lIed ",,"h SUPf!' A. Supt. P.ogr.m, P' A o. Program PI"I, Apen~re Inlo,mallon LCD "",II ilt(jic.,e "t/I 1," not "111.8,"

AF " a nds 10_ AUIO FOCII' AIIIO IOCII"ng poss,bl. Only ... ""h Me·F. 67mm loll." un be sc,e....-d ,,.,the "n. "onl: 40.5,"", Ipte.,", "'l'ff ,n lhel.~, rur.

· 30

• 0 .... ~~ • . ' ~~~.,,,, ",. • .,' ,:} (.'-' ...... ,

f:' '('Q .:/; ,-"" •. f J,c.',l'..t>"" 0 ''111 :.. ..... ~ r:f ~ ~ ~l .. ' ',:l' .::i~ ~i' 0" ff " • • 0 o .'

~:.::i~ .. • " ...... "'~ ,j,l"$' ?'~~t,,<l ............ 6'<1' O,tfI ~ " , .' ~ " ,'. ~"~" Q~ ct· ,. : .. 'I>"....~ • • . . ' . ~ . . • . ' . . 0 lATRA SMC Penl8~ A·300mm f 7 6 EO(lF ) l2 " .. FA 3 " 133)( 236 "" " . 8 .. TfL(PMOIO SMC PenlllX A'300mm '4 l2 8.3 " FA 4 13.1 8~ . 51(IJ2 85' 30 17 SMC Penlol< A·400mm f 2.8 EDClF I l2 '.2 .. FA 4.5 14.8 165)( 325 .,., 211. 7 .. SMC Pintail: A 4DOmm f 5.6 .S ' . 2 " FA 2.8 '.2 85)(m 1240 43. 1 17 SMC Penial< 500mm I <I 5 "

, .. M " 31.8 \26.5)(440 3370 118.9 " SMC PenH'I~ A ' 60(1mm 156 ED( IF ) " 4.1 " FA S.' " 133)( Ja6 3280 115. 1 " SMC Plnllh l000mm I g " 2.S 55 M 30 98.4 143)( 738 "9' 18&.6 52 SMC Pente" Refl.~ l000mm f 11 25 46 NO • 26.2 119><148 2300 81.1 BI '52 SMe PfntU A' !2oom", f 8 ED ( IF ) 'S 21 " FA 8 2(1.2 110)(684 8580 J02. II ., SMC Penl8X Rellu 2000mm , 13 5 1 2 " NO 20 65.6 180><530 8000 282.2 BI152

lOOM SMC Perllex A Zoom 24-50mm f ~ 22 8", 10 11 FA 0. ' 1.' 64:><67 .5 31S \3 . 2 sa 'Me Plnua A Zoom 2S-1I0mm f 3.5 " .5 22 15 30.5 "2 FA 0. ' 1.3 53x 15 37S 13 . 2 58 'Me PeOII!ll( -A Zoom 28-135mm f 4 22 75 18 15 11 FA 1.7 ••• 8Ox112 '20 28' 17 'Me PeOIl!lx AF Zoom 35-70mm f 2.8 22 63 34 5 " FA 1.2 l .' 13x76.5 "'" 2O. S sa .Me P,nlax A Zoom 35-70mrl1 f 3.5 A 5 " ." .. " FA 0.3 16 1.0 "." 2" ••• " .Me Peolllx A Zoom 35-IQ!imlT1 f l.5 22 63235 13 15 FA U 4. ' 10x97 .5 61S 21 7 " 'Me Pel1t~x A Zoom 3~-135mm f 3.5 A.5 22 63 18 0 12 16 FA 0.]5 1.S 63x91.5 ." ." sa SMe PO!1lllX A Zoom 35-210mm ' ·l .5 4 .5 " 6312.0 " " FA 1 • 3.' 70 .5 x 126 17S '" " SMC Plnlllx A Zoom 711-210,..,m " " 34512 13 13 FA 1.2 39 nx 149 sao 24 sa 'Me P~n ll1 x M loom 75-150,..,m 14 J2 32·16.5 '" " 12 " 63.5xll1 46S ." " 'Me Pentll:" Zoom 13S-800mm f 6.1 " 18 ~ 1 IZ 15 M • 19 .1 lCJ1Sx582 4010 143 . 6 " .Me PG~lax Rellex Zoom

6.2 ~ , " NO 3 , .. 82x lOS 730 25 .8 ~OO-600mm f 8 12 /tICRO 'Me Penulx A MIlCrO 50mm t 2 8 22 " • 6 FA ". " 63 x 5j] 220 1. ' " 'Me Pentllx A Milcro 100mll'l f 2 8 22 24.5 " FA 0.3 1 1 74x92.5 410 " , " SMe PotHex A Macro 100m,.,., t 4 " 24.5 35 FA '" I.S 64 5)(78 340 '2 49 SMC Pentll. M Mllcro 100mm f 4 31 24 . 5 35 FA 0.45 1.5 85x 18 360 12.6 49 'Me Pel\la~ Billows 100mm I 4 J2 24.S 35 FA M 60x 40 185 6.' " SMC P,nlll~ A' Macro 200mm .. ED J2 12.5 , 10 FA 0.55 1.6 70.5>< gS .80 31 sa SPECIAL 'Me Pen'lI~ Shrft 28mm I 3.~ " " H - 12 M 03 1 8Ox92. 5 610 21.5 .,

SMC Pent l!l>; Soft 85mm f 22 56 28 • 1 2 M 0.57 1.9 12><51.5 235 6.3 " 31 •

Interchan geable Pen tax lenses Swi tching to ,1 new Pen lilx body d o('s not lTl.lke your old Pent,\x, lenses obsolete. ~ince "ilY P('ntax 35mm lens C,1n be used wIth ,l il Y P~nt,'x 35mlll bc)dy. Nute th'lt only K \ mOllnt lenses ,1110\\' ,Ultomiltic aperture contrul wI th the Super A/Super Program ,1nd Progmm AII·rugr.Jm Plus c.lmeras K ... mount lenses. however c<,n be uscJ \'Ilith all other bodIes without I(l"!i o t' ,1utom,lt lL shlltte r~sp('('d

centfo\. OIJcf S+nwu n t 1('ns('5 Ciln be lI sed on ,111 curren t Pent,)x C,' fl1l'f"<t wllh Mount Ada p ter K.

() r~ _Sup'" 1\

- - SIlrt'r Pr'tgUnl - Pr"lo:fJm ,\

_ K, m"unl I('n>('~ r- · Pr(l~r~m Plu~ . A~ UOOO

'- · PJ(I , r,\

IJl .P.5 r~o

_ K If mount kn~

00 - LX _ME·F

_ " muun t l~n~('~ _ ME ~UPER

I='+ ~ '-- _ ~l (,

f--_ MX · "1000

Muun! .'d~pl(" k .

· 32


• 34

YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC HORIZONS the mOlt out of the Pentax Colmer. you've iust ........,

Owlll(! pases you will find descriptions of the broad ,a. of KCft­

Pentax of~n. By selecting various items from tbne , . ... an enti~ "Pf'ntu System" to your own P.trtiCUl.uP:::

[Uilw.,IIy if you hne "ny questions or problema, , 10 help .


~ -IPSynrCord A

i:\. ,,,, ,,,,= .. rSync Cord 8

~ "'I' Sym; Cord C

r.. Db.tributor

~-=---= oil' Multi Cord


o o

o AC Adapter TR Power ".lick Powrr PackSIOV

I AF400TGrip Battery Pack

35 ·

AF400T Electronic Flash System (DedicatedrrTl Auto) The AF400T is .1 sophisticJted .1nd pow('rful proft.·sslllil.,1 flash unit featuring TTL Auto FI.'Sh with Pentax IDM-c.,p­able cameras. TTL (lhrougIHhe-lens) photography assures exposure accurncy .11 a ny .1perlure a nd with <lny amount of ambient light. A metering cell in the Cilmera measure!) both ambient light and electronic flash light as it reflects off the film plane. When Ihe light dosage is sufficient, thl' elec troni c brain immedi<ltely terminilles (I.lsh discharge. The n ·L flash systems eliminates the need for complicated cilIculil llons for close-up work, bounce flash , OlullJple flash, e tc.

The rotating head of the Af400T permits bounce .md indirec t flash without detaching the flash unit from the camera. 11 rot.lles 2700 horizontally and 911' vl"rli<:ally. with ., - 15° vE.'rtical set ting for clos('-up work . Three output levels .He ilVatlablc for conventio nal auto flash and dt·dJ ­ca ted flash oper.Jtion with recent model Pentax camer.,s. Dedicated flash features Include automatic selling of flash sync speed and viewfinder nash displays. Four output levels are availab le in the manual operating mode. Acces­sol"ies include three DC power source options, an AC .. daptt'r and attachment brackets.

AF280T Auto Flash (DedicatedrrrL Auto) The AF280T, like the AF400T, offers highly versatile TIL Auto Flash operation when used with I'entax IDM-capable cameras CreJ. live nash photography has never been simpler. When used as an auto or manua l flash, two light levels J.reo available . More recent Pcntax cameras permit dedicated functions such as .1ulomatlc flash sync speed setting and viewfinder flash displays. The rotating head of the AF280T turns 2700 horizon tally and 900 vertically (plus _ 150 for close-ups), making i t easy to create varied effecls us ing bounce and indirect lighting.

Fluh Ad~pters : Wide Angle .. nd Telephoto w •• ~ ~"~S. 1.1".''''. I.~s'~ 1~.,I5 ~O(l ...... ' ~~.~'Ir;I~ If

Pt~'U hoJJ},""",DU ",tJ (I •••. Ir'J~ .~'r~t . ..... rT! t~.(to: ,,,.,,. 1~.I""h \V~.~ .''"1 ~ "".It '~llt It~J J ...... I~ l J", rot. /I~.~ '~'1'1t. J'l FW , J r'MJ'II.~~ tOl·"n$t IIJlfr "., ,'IF! ... .1 ..... nV! ,.nl~'" Ih. "''''. fN"I"~~ ~·"h ,hr I1f40DT f/1I;h ,,",I

37 .

• 38

AF200T Auto Flash (Dedicated type) When usC'd with Pentax 10M-capable cameras, the AI:200T offers lTL Auto flash operation. the sophisticated system that ensures perfect flash exposures. As a dedic.,ted or au to flash, AF200T {u nctions include two light levels and automatic flash sync speed setting and viewfindec display o( flash readiness with r('c("nl Pen lax cameras plus dudibll' ('(miirmation o( successful nash exposure. Four-level manual flash operation is also possible.

AF200SA Auto Flash (Dedicated type) Thi!; rompa(t clip-on auto nash is specially designed t(1 bf> us£>d with an)' Penlax program camera in Ihe Programmed A[ mode. It se ts th~ camera 's aperture and shutter- speed dutomalicaHy as soon as it is fully charged. Its electronic sensor meClSUfE'S the dmount of light reflected of( a subject and controls the flash emission for thp corrett expcsure , so complicClted adjustmE'nts arc unnecessary .

AEOBOC Ring light Set The A F080C is specifically designed for close· up and macro flclSh photography. II provides direct, shadow less light by means of a 360" circular nash head thai attaches easily 10 ilny 49mm·cliameleT lens (or 52mm with an adapteJ). Whf'n us('d with Penta" IDM-capable cameras, ('m)r-frec 11 L Aulo Flash operation is possible. With otllE'T recent Pf>nlaX cameras, the AFOSOC offers dedicated manual operation with automatic selling of nash sync speed and vi(,wfinder flash -ready ind icat ion.

39 ·

• 40

AF240Z Zoom Auto flash <Dedicated type) Specially designed For use with loom lenses, the AF240Z has a tele-zoom head which can be adjusted to lens focal lengths of 3Smm. 50mm, 7Smm and 135mm. The head is also adjustable vertically from 0° to 90°. Can be used in the Programmed Auto Flash. Auto Flash and Manual Flash modes.

Afl60S. II< AF160S Auto Flash (Dedicated type) The AF160S.o\ is designed for use with a Pental( program camer~ in the Programmed AE mode and automatically sets the aperture and shutter speed and adjusts the flash output. The AF160S offers Auto Flash and Manual Flash operations at two output levels and an automatic setting of flash sync speed .

41 •

o f)


o Power Pack SlOV encloses a 5l0V multi ·cell battery and is design('d specifically for use with AF400T or AFOSOC nash system via accessory power cord . A powerful. reliab]" power suurc(' (or professional Us.?

f) TR Power Pack is a convenient external power some(', using six "C" batteries (regular or Ni-Cdl_

o Grip BaHery Pack is for use With Il1e AF4CXJT flash and attaches 10 its grip. It lIses six " AA " batteries (regular or Ni-Cd)

o AC Adapter II powers AF400T or AF080C from standard household AC current

o 4.P Sync Cord A connec ts the 4P sync socket of the LX ( .lmera In AF400T. Hotshoe Grip Or Distributor for lTI. Auto Flash photography . For multiple flash photography, a hOlshuc such as on fi nd('r FA-1 can U£' lIs('d for dip-on 1)'1'(' auW flashes. 8 4P Sync Cord n connec ts the hotshoe of I.X finder FA-l. I 'A -1\\ or Super A fSupt'r Program/ Program A/ Program I'lus finder ttl AF400f. llolshue Cdr (lr Dislrilmtor. This cord is n('("cssary for multIple flash plH>tograph)' in the Tn. Allio flilsh modc. o 4r Sync Cord C mnneets an X sync socket to a flash unit such .1S AF400T for .. uto .1Ild manual flash r1wln­gr.1rh) .

4r Multi Cord connects dislrihulor 10 hotshCl(' or AF4()(TT for multi -Hash photography . Sm. o Distributor connects up 10 3 flash units for mulliplt" fl.lsh photogro1ph). in the lTL Auln flash mode. a Hotshoe Crip has a variel), o( sync sockets. including on(' f<n Ihc T n Auto Flash mode. I! attaches to the camcra by m('.10 5 of Ih(' AF400r's ura('kr't and damp

': 6


Multi Flash System To cfeale precisely Ihe lighting you wanl, use up to three f[,\sh units simultaneously. A hotshoe grip lets you use c1ip·on flash units (such as the AF280n even when they are separated from the camera body. A multi·f1ilsh dis­tributor lets you combine up to three units . And if your camera has TIL Auto flash system. there is no need (or extr.1 calculations even when you're using extra units.

~r Sync C()rQ B

' "

4P Mult! Cord

LX S\l~r A. Supt. r,otr,m

f·osumA f"GSr.l1l\ Phil

A' "000 PlO PJ






• •

• A F2407.1 Af 161S1 A FI60SA

AI:.afOTJAF2tIOT t\I'200T AF2<X5A AI'<>lOC AF240l)Af16OSlAFlbOSA



AnooT ARlOlC

AF24DZ/ AFI6lY5I AFlfI()5A




• • •

• • • •

• • • • • • •

• • •

• •

• • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

e ll.X) . ILX) _ (LX) • (LX)

• (LX)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• •

• •

• •

Nair : ,'ul<)mdl, ... ~~rt" r .. lol'lI ing f.,. S"Pf" AIS"I"'" r"')e.r,\m. I'ru~r"m AIPtORr<lm Plus ,,3 / "3000, I' JOl r 3 .and !'S / PSO Umtu5 no)l pl"~ibl t' wITh Af16(!S


Motor DrIVe LX ( -"1 L

Ni·Cd 8,iUtry PA("k L~ I - rg--vJ b

Winder MX Ni·Cd Battery r .. ck M Charge P~ck M

MOlOr Drive MX . 0 0 0

0 • 0

000 0 00

Baltt'ryGripM Winder LX Winder MEl!


~l II] I Remote B.allery Pick

c:=-;=:> Remote Con.trol Cord

'--------.-c=r MD Rtmote Con trol Cord

c:-Duwmmw Ft:

RlL'mOI .. Cord A

~ ID==IIilm!l~II~"mln2:::c;J~ ~ Power Cord A

CJIIIII%OW---~ POW .. T Cord M 3m/10",

8ulk Film M .. gilZi~ LX

Film ("rlr idge Lo .. der

Motor Drive LX Motor Drive LX is one of the accessories that makes the Pcntax LX camera such a populat choice with profes­sion.,1 tmd action photographers. Mounting quit:kly " nd easily on the tripod mount o( the LX, Motor Drive LX permits sequential photography at speeds from 5 to 0.5 frames per second plus Single-frame. The shutter can be triggered by the Co.lmer3'S shutter release button. the release on the optional Battery Grip M or by remote control. Other features Includ(' end-of-film rl'wind. full synchronization ilt illl shutter speeds (except "8") and "n LED cnd-of-film warning/battery check.

Ni-Cd Battery Pack LX This compact. lightweight power source attaches to the base of Motor Orvie LX or MX. Fully recharged , it will power the motor drive through about 20 rolls of 36-exposure film. A trigger button is located along the side to facilitate shooling when holding the camera (or remole conlrol shooting. Recharging rl'qmrcs Charge P,lCk M or Power Pack M.

I , .-• • I' __ __ __ I


• 48

Battery Grip M For maximum portability and convenience. this POWt'f' ful b,lttCry pc1Ck attilchcs to the bouom of Motor Drive LX or MX. doubling as a grip. A trigger-type shutter IS

built m. With 12 "AA" size illkaline-manganesc cells. II will last through about 30 rolls of 36-exposure film

Motor Drive A For action photography with the Super Ai Super Pro­gram and Program AlProgram Plus cameras, we have developed Molor Drive A, a very compact unit that permits speeds up to 3.5 frames per second plus single frame. The convenient grip has a built-in shutt('r release that is ideally positioned for standard horizontal shots.

B.tll~r}' r.lck A Powers Mutu r Drivl' A. using 8" AA" ('dIs . C.m be us('d together h ' ilh Motor Drivl' i\ or scpM.ltely VI.l Power Cord A. A second ,hutler rl.'1l'.lse button is prO\,jded. ideitlly positioned for vertk.ll shots ,

Motor Drive MX De"I,~ncd for use with the Penta>. MX Glil lcr.l, this comp.lct motor drive provH.1es continllou!i photogrJphy up III fivC' ir.lme" pl'r 'iccond . plus smgle {r.lIlW. It Cem

be .l ctZ\',l(cd by the shutter release on thl" b<l ttery pack o r bv ,\ trigger-type shutler rl'll'<lse loc.l led on Ihe gnp Fr.1OH" adv.:mce speed IS contin uously adjustable.

N i-Cd Battery Pol ck M LII,e NI-Cd B.ltlerv r."k LX . ,1 oi,,1 lets you choose contlnuOliS (.) r single iramc advance' mode, Up 10 20 roll!' of 36-cxpOSUfI' film C.lO bl' shut with one set of balten l.'S.

. ,_.' --~-

49 .

'-,. I • I • • ., • -I •


I i ,


Winder LX Winder LX operates thc Pentax LX <1' spccds up to two frames per second with full synchronization .11 .111 shutter speeds (except "B"). Single frame advance IS

also available. The auto r('wmd feature rewinds ,1

36-cxposure roll of film In Just seven seconds. \Vinder LX attaches securely In the (,'Olera's tripod mount with ,1 special gasket to keep moisture and dust out. An LED flashes to mdicate film end. Remote control oper.,110n is possible. Winder ME n ThIS compact wmder fits the Penl.lx Super A/Super Program. Program A/Program Plu s. ME·F, ME SUrER and MG. In the S mode. it ClutOO1.,tic"lIy <tdv,l11cCS the film onc frame at a lime, and Itl the "C" mode. it offers cont muous film advimce <'It up 10 two frames per second. Winder MX Winder MX, deSigned for the Penlilx MX camera, offers two £r,'lmc-pcr-sccond contlnuQus or Single frame advance. The comfort.'lble, lightweight grip enhances the vers.,tility of the MX and, for .ldded convenlcnce, il shutter release is IOl:ated on the gnp. Using four "AA" Alkaline-Mang.mcse batteries, about 20 rolls o f 36-cxp (ilm (<Ion be shot.

o Bulk Film Magazine LX For e).tcl1ded tllnc-l.lpSl' photogrJphy, laboratory work <md iasl ·,'( II On sports photography,., bulk fIlm magaZIll€ is essenllal. Bulk Film Mag<lzine LX snilps on In place of the regul.u c",neril back oi the Pen tax LX , Its I.ngc c,'paClty film cartndge hold .. J(l meters of fil m, enough for up 10 250 ('xposure!'>. A sUbt racting-type illm. countcr is budt In Coupler LX. included, p('nnits use of Bulk Film Mag.17inc LX on the Penttlx LX without .l molor dnve , 6 Bulk Film Magazine MX Bulk Film Mag.1Z.IIH.' MX. specially deS Igned for lISC Wllh thc Pcnt .1X MX (.1mCftl , has the S.lmc convenient fcaluf('$ .lnd IMge C.'p.lcity .15 Bulk Film Magazine LX. €) Film Cartridge Extftl film cartridges for use h'ith Pent.,x bulk film milg<nines. o Film Cartridge LOdder The Penl.lx Film CMtndge Lo,lder IS used to IOild bulk film (sold In 30.5 meier lengths) into car­tridges tor use wIth Penta x bulk fi lm mag.nines. Darkroom lIse is r('quired .

51 •



• ),1..-, ,~, " .... "' ..... _ ,_ ........

~ --. ' ........ .

· 52

Infrared Remote Control System Th is is one o f the mos t versatile svslem ac(cssori('" ,w" lI il b lc to Pen tax owners. Consisti ng of ,1 sepM.l tc Ir,lnsm l lter itnd <ln y numb~r of reCCIVers, it e n,lbles the phologr" pher to operate one o r more cam~r.1S lI T flash u nit s from up to 60 meters away . Single or continuous shooling is possible wIth any motor dri ve or winder cqu ipped Pent,lx camera . It's (I

perfec t sys te m for n.l ture stud y. surve ill ~ln ce,

scientific applications or mu ltiple flash setu ps .

Control 3 colm~'.as - TJlra tll/len'll t rllrltm<'is Ie-! l/tl/' C£lI'/h'/ 11"'0 /ln,'1' $1'11411,,1,' WUlI'r/f$ or flll~1! /llr/h /II'/('I"'"dclIlI.,, fI',f!, " ~IIISI.· Irl1l1~'tlltl t'r Remote·control n As h - For 5prclfll dfc(/:., POSIt/GIl (lll~JI 1I111' ~ tiro /Hi d yllll' ~ 1f 1'lr(1 III/d tn:i~s('r lIulIl ~lIIlIIlInlr.'(lfldy iI"'" H,,' h(mqm ltrl Ilf(lUlIII'd all yl/ llr r ,wI/'m 's IIO /sIWt" Mount th e tuns m itler on you r camera - lV"t'" /lUlllrrll.'d VII

t/(l11T Call/,'nl, IIIi' In"''''IIl/lIl"r SC/lri5 011 / If I"l 1st' '0 tlc/n'II/,' Ot/II;'I

{'lI l1JarlS cnell /Ime 1(011 rt'l,'t1 s.' IIII' sllll tlt" Re m ote-control m~lti · n"sh pho tos - !VIlli II IWI1,flIl'Id Irrrl1Sl1lllla, St' ll.' pll h(' ~ /0 II ren' ll't" (O",,,'clt'lf 1(1 II mvfOl

'/111'1' 11 ctlm('rn, A ~rrolld tnmS"'''/t'r fora lt'lf III /lIt' (,Wlt'/<1 ~ lr"I~/loe mId .~I'I to 1/ ~,'r(1rrr( dllllllll'l InlH',II,'s I"C'/wlo' (J(/~J,

l/tll l ~, "lIeil "{/fljl/PI'd 11'1111 II n'el'rI' .'I"

o Three·Ch.l nnei Infrared Tra nsmi tter The IIlfr.ll'ed remo te controJlri'lnsrYlllter has.1 range of <lpproximatcly 60 meters and", choice of 3 ch.ln· nels, Icitmg you activate up to 3 different receIvers individu.llly . Both single frame .,nd consecutive shootIng is possIble . When mounted on a camera 'S hotshoe. the tr.:lnsmiller automatIcally ('mits a pulse when the camera 'S shliiter is released . Q In frared Rece ive r Mounts on a Cdmer,, ' !; hOlshoe (or on <l bracket when oil nash 15 used). Automatical ly .lctlvates the camera 's shutter .. "hen it receives " pulse from the lnfr.Jre-d tr.lI1smilter. A selector lets you match th{' receIver channel to any of the three tr,lnsmitter channcb Powered by ol1e 6V b''1ltery , Motor Drive A .lnd LX Me .lltemale po .. ver source.:: EquIpped With lemuna]s fo r connccllon with multiple flashes.

( s-. .us- ..... ,. .. )--" IV-1 ........ _AIPt<wt_""" I ~ AJ 'A_ I .........

~ e ~_C .. 41'

"" ' .... O:""""",..II1}-OO I ""1/ 1 •• _

e ~r ...... COnlllr

'-'_ Drift LX )-~-

e "1o."'I'o ... ,Co"'.~ '-'_0.......110 )-0 " ''"{j -


e II ...... '-"C .. d"" --, }-.. 0-• .,SywloC .... C

0 54

Wired Remote Control System When the infrared remote control system is not available , a variety of remote control and other special shooting situations can be set up using equipment selected from Pentax's compJete line or cords and accessories. MUltiple camera shooting, interval shooting, bulk film shooting, time expo­sures, close-up and macro photography and photo copying afe possible with all Pentax cameras with or without motor drive or winde r. remote power source, flash systems, etc. The right accessories can grea tly expand the creative possibilities of your Pen tax photographic system.

• Wind Relnote Control

Power Cord A

• SiauallUlmu. Shoot'"'

(" , ee

• lntrtTnl SbootiA& Powcr PackM

e.tlt'ry Grip M

TriUer Cord M

P OWet" Coni M

IT : • Remote Co"tTol Cord A

IT : MD Remote Control Cord

• Wiftd a.mote Control fOf Wi"dcr.

RemwContTol Cord

Remote e..uery Pack

55 ·

E 0


~ • 0

• 0

a 7 0

,. e·

• •• :;;I . .. 7 ..... 2 •

o Power Cord M Conne<.ts Ni-Cd Ballery Pack LX or M. Battery Gnp M. or Power Pack M to Motol' Drive LX or MX. It also allow ... ..hutler release from il remote power source. (3m/10m) o Power Cord A Connects Motor Drive A to .1 power source (Power Pack A) for remote control shooting. The power source citn be stored in a warm place for betler performance in cold weather. (3m) €) Trigger Cord M Attaches to il remote control socket of Nl-Cd Battery Pack LX or M. A shutter release switch or other remote-control accessories can be attached to the other end This cord C.l"

also be used for simultaneous operation of two cameras equipped with motor drive units or Ni-Cd battery pack~ .


o Remote Cord for Motor Drives Connects to Ni-Cd B.lttCry Pack LX or M Shutter release bullon on the other end conlrols cameras eqll1pped \"'llh Molor Drive LX or MX. (501) Q Remote Cord A Connects to the socket on the battery pack of Motor Drive A. A trigger button on the other end releases the shutter for remote cont rol shooting. (sm)

o Remote Cord for Winders Shutter release bullon con nects via cord to socket on Winder LX or t\,l E II . f) Remote Battery Pack ThiS power source for Winder LX or ME II connects to the winder via power cord (included). It is useful for keeping the pOh'e r source warm during cold weather. e Power Pack M A multi-pUl-pose Imler and power-supply Unit that con­nects direcl ly to AC power outlet (cord Included) or car battery . A buill-in timer allows continuous shooting at Intervals from 5 to 120 seconds. Long-term timed sequ­ences are possible when camera is equipped With bulk film maga7ine. Used with Power Cord M, thi s also acts as a power source for Motor Drive LX or MX. Control panel includes a sh utter release button, timer control, remote conlrol cord terminals and switch for continuous and Single shutter releasC'.

It? 51 o

57 .


· 58

SMC Close-Up Lenses By simpl}, screwing them onlo the fronl of tI master lens, the lens Cim be used for close focuSing. Close-up lenses do not affect operation of automatic exposure control mechanisms M\d require no exposure compensation. Pcntax oHers close-up lenses in il variety of types and sizes to match differe nt SMC Pentolx lenses. Each is trea ted with the exclus Lve Pcntax Super-Multi-Coating to preserve the high-quality performance of the Pentax master lens .

• Type • SMC Pentax Lens • lens-to-subject distance range

540 SOmm fI lA. SOmm f/ L7. 48.0-27.Ocm SOmm fJ2 (with 50mm f/ 1.7 lens)

525 SOmm fll. .. l, SOmm flt.7, 32.6-22 Ocm 50mm fl2 (with SOmm 01.7 lens)

no 8Smm - 150mm 91.6-50.5cm (with 85mm fJ2lens)

T1&0 lOOmm-150mm 174.2-79. 1 (wi th 135mm fl3.5 lens)

T95 135mm fl2 .S, 11 1.7-80.3 200mm fl4 (with 200mm f/4 lens)

T183 135m m fl2.5, 108- 200cm 200mm f/4 (with 2()()mm f/4 lens)

• Magnification

117.6-1 /3.5 (with SOmm fll.7Iens) 1/4.8-1/2.7 (with 50mm fJ1.71ens)

1/9.4 - 1/ 4.2 (with 85mm fl2 lens)

1112.3- 1/4.31 (with 135mm fl3.5Iens)

114.96-1/2.61 (with 200mm fl4 lens)

1.95-1/3.77 (with 200mm fl4 lens)

59 .


Extension Tube Set K This set features the same characteristi cs as Auto Extension Tube Set K. except thaI diaphmgm operation IS manual wilh stopped-down metering. The three tubes are 95mm. 19mm and 285mm in length, and provide magnifications from O.38X to 1.61X wi th tl standard SOmm fl1A lens.

Auto Extension Tube Set K Extension tubes Jrc another way to create close-up pho to­graphs with a regular Pentax lens. They arc also useful for macrophotography. Auto Extension Tube Sci K consists of three rings (12mm, 19mm and 26mm in length) thai fit between the camera body and the master lens. Used together or in any combination, they produce magOifi ca­tions from O.38X to I.02X (1.8X WIth lens reversed), using iI standard 50mm fl1.4 master lens. With this set , automatic diaphragm and open-apertu re metering functions arE' retained.

Helicoid Ex tens ion Tube K Tlw; i~" (lx lel\ s ;o l\ tube wit h .11, in ternill h elicoid lhil l pen1l1tc; v<1fiable magnificat ion from O.SiX to I.05X with .1 500111\ len .. . UsC'ful for magnification \!alues nol covered by fixcd.lcngth extenSion tubes.

Auto Extension Tube K 50mm This "i nSlc, fixed·lcngth ex tension tu be is .1n econo mical altcrn.ltlvc to th e auto extension tube se t. It prov ides ,Hltom.1 tic di.lp h rag1l1 oper.l lion .10d open ·apcrtu re meter· ing and Indgmfkalions up to life site with Ih£' l 00m m f/ .t macro lens.

Auto Ext£'ns ion Tub£' K 100mm Th is fix£,d· !cngth extension lube has twke the foea l length of the Auto ExtensiOn Tube K 50mm fo r s triking mag· nifieation uSing telephoto lenses. Magn ifica tion is IX to t 5X with i'I l00m m m.1Cro lens .:lnd O.3SX with .1300mm fl4 lens. Dlilph r.,gm opera tion and metering is fully .1UtOtniltiC.

hi •

• •• 1' I I . - o

• K!

o Slide Copier A 8 Aulo Bellows A Auto Bellows A is a convenient and flexible system for high-m.,gnification photography and slide copying. The bellows unit is freely adjustable between 38mm and 170mm for a minimum magnification of O.73X with a SOmm lens. Features include a lens-reversing system, double cable release for automatic diaphragm and open­aperture metering, and moveable tripod recepl"c1e . Slide Copier A attaches easily to the bellows unit for fast and accurate slide duplication. Slides can he copied at normal to L5X size e Reverse Adapter K To produce grNter-than-life-si2.t' magnifications with many lenses, the lens must be reversed for easier focusing and beller results. This adapter, available in 49mm and 52mm sizes. sc rews eniD the front of the lens and attaches to extension tubes or bellows with a bayonet mount. o Slide Holder lxJK & SHde Holder K Used with Auto or Extension Tube K. Slide Holder lX, K allows IX duplication of slides with a standard SOmm or Macro SOmm lens. Slide Holder K permits magnifications from 1.1 to 1.15X with the Macro SOmm lens and Auto Extension Tube No.3 .

Magnificolliort irt Photography Magnifica tIOn . III photogruphv . refE'r" to the 51ze of the subJcct compared to the size of the image on film . [t IS m()~ t e.Isdy calculated by dl\'ldillg the length of the unage " long. the longer "Ide of the fmder bv 36mm -the lenp. th of tilt' hIm frilme When the un,ll,!;l.' 15 magmfied to more Ih.ln hfe Size, It IS c"Ucd macro­photograph}', In life·size and macrophotograph)'. focuslr\~ IS much ("l<; jer \"hell the lens IS reversed \\I'ide rNro-focus type lC'nses such as 28mm. 30mi'll <lIld 3Smm pru\'ldc hlgh('r molglllflcdtlo n<; when reversed

, , I ,

MAGN IFICATION RANCE OF BELLOWS & 'fUBES (Usmg SMC rellt,lx-~'I SOmm £11 i lens)

(0.5 1 1.~5) Helicoid ExtenS ion Tube K

(0.18 0.9S ( 125)

',ll ExtenSion Tube Sci K

(~21 : 1.0') ( I ().I I;') Auto E,tenslon Tube Set K>------'-J


(0.73 (o~ ) I 15

• • :Auto Bellows A: • i

I -IX IX tSX 2X •



• 2.5X 3X

63 ·

• 6-l

Macrophoto Stand/lighting Table This Macrophoto Stand with its optional lighting table is an extremely convenient and compact accessory for macro­photography and ultra-closeups_ Used with the 50mm macro lens, Auto Extension Tube K, Reverse Adilpter K, magnific.1tions (rom 1/2X to O.9X are available. With Auto Bellows A, magnification is from O.7X to 3X. The macro­photo Stand comes with a re\-ersible greylblack stage plate offering ideal reflectance for exposure readings . Optional accessories include two extension columns, a mechanical stage, Macro Focus Rail III and 35mm and 6x 7 s lide holders for copywork.

The Lighting Table provides permeable lighting (rom beneath the subject when the grey/b lack stage plate is replaced with the supplied transparent glass s tage plate . Light is supplied via a built -in tungsten light sou rce or outside light sources using the built -in rotatable mirror. The Lighting Table fits neatly under the base of the Macrophoto Stand_ It is supplied with a glass stage plate, fros ted filter, 25W bulb and AC cord.

o Copy Stand III rhe Copy Stand fixes the camera accurMcly Oir'ld firmly above the subject for copy \'IIo rk. It is equipped wIth a fine height adjustment device to aid in focusing and an 18% standard reneclor to facilitate exposure mcasurement. f) Table Clamp The Ti\ble Clamp can be used to fix the Copy St,lnd's leg to ,I table top up to 6cm thick. E) Cab le S wit ch A Cable rele.lse (or C<lmcrns equipped with electro· magnetic shutters. (lm) o Cable Re lease 30 o Cab le Release 50 Prevents carner" movement when shutler is released. Cable Release 50 is SOcm long and 30



_---4ic;>C)iIiii ~ , • is 30cm long.

o Doub le Release A Allows .Jutomatic aperture control ilnd open­aperture metering with Auto Bellows A.

& O~-------


\ I 11 I I _I \\ "

'0~------------........~====:::::::::::::::::::.:'~-~ ~ ,.-


Dial Data LX

Data LX

· 66

Data recording systems, in the form o f in terchangc.lble LX or \!I X backs or ,ldd-on units for other M-series or A-senes CJmcras , arc capable of transferring valu<lble data directly o nto the finished photograph. Data record ing is extremely useful for scienti fic and industrial applications when' <In accurate lime record is needed , or simply for keeping trilck o f v.lCations or f.lmil)' events .

Dial Data LX A compact data back interchangeable with LX back cover. With 3 d ials follO\ving data can be recorded in the lower left- hand corner: (I) YeM/ F-stop; (2) Month/ Al phabet l Shutter- speed; and 0) Date/ Number. Settings are ilvaililble for three ISO ranges for color fi lm and all blnck .'Iod while film .

Data LX interch.mgcClble With LX back cover. Time elements. includ ing hour minute and second , are recordcd in clock shape in orange on a black background along with hand ­written data . All data is clearly visible regardless of the background photo.

Digital Data M

Connects to ME·F, Surer A/Super I'rogrJm. "nd Progr;:lIn AI Program Plus <Inti MG without cord and 10 ME SUPER with ,l(cessory Diglt.ll,l M co rd . With built·in qll<lfll clock, vear/ mo n th /dille or hour/date or hour/ minute is clearly recorded. Sevcn.segmcnt LCD displ<ly is provided o lli sidc for rderencl!.

Hot Shoe Adapter 21' Att.1Chcs to hotshoe of MG to JIl X-sync socket In clddllion tn the MG, It Ciln be lIsed for all c.lmcr,lS without sync socket.

Dial Data MX Intl!rchangcilble with MX back cover. Functions are SJme <IS Dial D .. til LX _'1nd ME. Can be used with Motor Drive MX. +Da la MX MX cameril body With cap.lbility s,lme as Data LX.

Dig it;,1 DaM M

Di .. l Data MX

6i .


.... .. ," <' .. - <' ".< '\~ .... ..;,<$' ,. "' " • • • • •

c::> eBuck k Whil~ C\ • • • • • " • • '1'2 • • • • • 02 • • • • • R2 • • • • • )(' • • -Color ~"yhl'\ht • • • • • Cll1ud\· • • • • • MurAIn;: & b'l'mn~ • • '-Idsh • • Flood • • FluUTl''-<t'nt • •

~ • BlACk" Whitr/Color I'uldriling • • • Cl rCU)ol r POlotlllllS • • • hJnt6S1C Cole.r RIB • • l .lntd5IcC(,I,'r RIG • • M.l~K lmJ~t' Allolchmt!nt 5C • • Md ji: IC Im"st' ,\tI,I\' hmcnl i t • • ~'I "":I ~ lm.,,!;t' Attol r hmt'nl 2l • • M<l~U: Im"Kt' AUdchment bM • •

· 68

FOR BLACK 11< WHITE FILM UV (ultraviolet) - Absorbs ult raviolet fays and reduces haz.e for better definition of distant scenery. Yl, Y2, 02, R2 - Ranging in strength from yellow to n,'d , these filters absorb blue so thai skies ,ue darker and douds moresharplydefined. Also increases contrast o f distant scenery. The R2 filter is indispcnsnblc for infrMed photo­grilphy. Exposure factors: YI, 1.5X; Y2. 2X ; 02. 3X, R2, 6X. YG - Absorbs ultraviolet , purple and blue to dJrken the sky and _,II red tones and nesh tones 10 aid in outdoor portraits. Exposure fac tor 2X.

FOR COLOR FILM Skylight Filter - Absorbs blue, green and ultraviolet rays and tones down bright sky for better results in landscape photography. Cloudy - Softens excessive blue on cloudy or rainy days . Exposure factor 1.5X Morning & Evening (ME) - Softens excessive red al sunset and sunrise. Exposure factor 1.5X Flash FiHer (Fl) - Adjusts light from black & white flash bulbs for use with color film . Expo­su re factor 2X. Floodlight Filter (FD) - Balances w h ile light from noodlighls for use w ith day light color film . Exposure factor 3X. Fluorescent (FlR) - Eliminates greenish tint produced by fluorescent lights when using daylight Cilm. Exposure factor 2X.

69 ·

• 70

Polariz ing Filters - Polarizing filters can be used with both b lack & white and color film to reduce o r eliminate surface reflections or to darken skies without affecting the rest of the scene. Just rotate the fi lt er until desired effect is reached. In addition to standard linear polarizing filters. ci rcular polarizing filters are ava ilable (or the LX and ME-F cameras. Fantasic Color Filter RIB - This rota ting fi lter changes color from red to blue, producing colors in between as you lurn the ring. Enhances the red of sunsets or autumn leaves o r the b lue of and sea. - .,

rotating variable color fil ter changes from red to am ber and then to green. Useful for portrnits. fashion photography and other creative applications .

Magic Image Attachment 2C - Fealures two prism facets ~1 nd .1 flat center to produce three images of the sub iect. M.lgic Image Attachment 2C - Features four prism facets and a flat center to produce five images of the subject. Magic Image Attachment 5C - Features five prism facets and it (1.11 center to produce six images of the highlighted cen ler sublect. Magic Image Attachment &M - Fiv(.' para llel prism face ts afC ,nranged on on(' half of the filt er while the other half IS flat. Produces six images or the subject.

@@§() Celatin Filter Holder - For special filler effects not possible wilh siandilrd screw-on filters, Pcntax provides a gelatin filter holder designed for three -inch-squa re Kodak or other gelatin fdters. The holder accomodates either Kodak gela tin filter frames or the accessory fi lter frame supplied with the holder. Chang ing filters is ex tremely simple and quick. (Avi"liiablc in 49. 52. 58 .1nd 77m m s izes.)

-. .

• 71 •


-Soft ColSC M· 40fM-SO

. --:; ,


-Short Soft Cc'lSC

• Holster C"se T


- SoH CasE' W/Wmdcr

Pentax produces durable, p ractical and attractive cases and bags. Standard soct cases for each model camera are available with in terchangeable front cases fOT different lenses. For lenses. camera systems. and specialty uses, Pentax provides a complete line of cases and camera bags. All Penlax cases and bags offer superior proteclion and convenience, along with a louch of style .

Special-Purpose Cases Pentax produces a variety of special-purpose camera cases in addition to the standard soft cases. There are two super-soft "crumple" cases, a convenient holster case, a short case that fits around the lens. soft cases for bodies with Dial Dala ME/MX. Dig ital Data M, and cases for cameras with winders.

Lens Cases Three types of lens cases are availab le, includ ing two soft buckskin cases (one for short lenses, one for zooms and telephotos) and a hard case for SOmm standard lenses .

Viewfinder Cases For interchangable LX view(inders. Pentax offers two cases - a small one for finder units and a la rger one for system Hnders.

Straps The l"entax line of camera s traps includes the Fashion St r.lp, Hand Strap. Fastener Strap, a nd Camera Strap.

Camera Bags o Joy Bags 5 - A slimmer version of Joy Bag L. Holds a camera, standard lens and a wide angle or medium tele­photo lens, and features fron t and back zippers for easy access . • Joy Bag L - Roomy enough for a camera, s tandard lens and telephoto lens, th is compact bag also fea tures two zipper compartments for accessories . o Speed Bag M - This rugged. hard case holds a camera, two lenses and a complete sys tem of accessories. Features hinged lid, built -in accessory pockets and foam padding . • Travel Bag II - Drop-down fronl provides easy access for the action pho tographer. Roomy enough fo r a camera, two lenses. '" winder, filters and close-up lenses. I) GaJget Sag - This large, genu ine leather bag holds a complete professional system, including a ca rner'] , stan­dard lens, 300mm tele photo, AF400T professional flash unit. motor d ri ve and other oversiz.ed equ ipment .

73 ·



Spotmeters V &: V·Fl Ranking as one of the most accurille and useful exposure mc,lslHlng instruments in the world, th is meter, un like the built-in through.the-Iens meter o f <lny Pcntax camera, does not produce an ,lVerage read1ll.g of the entire picture. but accurately measures a spot of only t tl of arc - but from .10Y distance from the subject. lis SPD senSOI" offers virtually ins tantaneous response and a bro., d metering ra nge of EV 1-19. Particularly useful when long-focus lenses are lIsed, With it you can make an extremely accurate reading of a distant object - an o n-stage performer right from your theater scal , a boat far'out in the ocean You need not attempt to take close-up readings by <tpproaching close to the su bjec t o r finding an appropriate substitute nearby. It can also take readings (rom very small objects, such as a tmy nower four met'ers away. Moreover, it gives yo u an accurate check on the relative brlghtneo;s of all objects withi n the picture area, which can be useful if you are afraid that the brightness r<'lnge of a scene may be 100 grea t for accu rate color reproduction. The model V-FL gives exposure informallon directl y in fooll"m l>erts and calculates illuminance ratios - perfect fo r TV or film metering.

Digital SpotTnctcr This highly compilct ilnd lightweight model h<ls an LED digital rcad-out in the viewfinder, thereby offering maxImum visibiHly. regardless of the prevailing lighting conditions. Moreover. grC'<'Itcr rcsist<'lt'l(c to shock is a natural consequence of the elllnlOation of a moving ncedlt'. \"'hen the exposure measurement bullon is depressed, the correct exposure is immediately displayed \"'lthin the viewfinder as <11'1 EV number ro unded off to the ne.uest 113 EV.


o - 5C-21 . SC· 1 . 5("-26 (Telephoto)

- S6-2 1 . SB - I


0 - SE-20 . SE - SE· 2S (Tel t'phoIO)

. 76

- SA.2t _SA-1 - SA-23 ' SA ·26 n('ll'photo) - SA-3

- 50-21 . SD-I

- SC· 20 . sc

If t\ 1"-V


• 50· 11

.£, ,

· 51-20 . S!

Focus ing Screens A choice of inter­changable focusing screens is .wailablc for both the LX and MX cameras. There is iI

screen for any photo­graphic requirement , including technical and sc ientific applied­tions. MX screens may be used with the LX camera .

• For LX

- ForLX&MX

Spl ii-I mage/Microprism/Mattc (5C-21/5(-26/5C-11 Thi~ vCTscHilc scn..-en is sl<tndard on bo th the LX • md MX. It fc,-,Iures .1 center split-image spot ~urrounded by ,1 microprisn1 (ollar on i\ matte background Model SC-26 is exira- bright for use with telephoto lenses. Microprism/Matte (5A-2115A-1I5A -23/5A -26/5A-31 This versatile yet si mple screen provides a microprism grid em c) matte background. Models SA-21 and SA- I arc for use with normililenses. Models SA-23/SA-261SA-3 feature sharper micro­prism angles for easier focusing with fast lenses (fl2.8 to fl1.2). Modt'] SA-26 ]s for lise with lC'nses 300mm and over. All-S urface Microprism (SA-37 fSA-32) This screen features.l minoprism grid on It s

enti re surface for brighter viewfinder image, especitllly in sOl,lll-aperture telephoto shooting .1Od high-mdgnific<llion close-ups. clnd easier focusing. Recommended for lenses with a maximum ,'perture (If f/1.S o r smaller.

5plit-lmageiMatte (58-21/58-11 This versatile screen for general applications feat UTes a convenient split-screen spot on a matte background . Matte with Central Cross Hairs (5D-21/5D-1) Perfect for scientific applications or macrophoto­graphy where lighting is dim. this screen features centr,,! cross h"irs on an all-m"tte field . Clear Screen with Central Cross Hairs (50-11) Central cross hairs are superimposed on a clear glass screen. Ideal for astronomical studies, microscopy or other applications where maximum light tra nsmission is required. Matle (5E-20/5E-2S/5EI This aU-malle ground glass screen is well suited for super-telephoto photography o r si tucltions where no distractions to composition are wanted. Model SE-25 is especially for use with lenses 300mm and over. Scale Matte (51-20/51) An engraved scale on .1 matte field allows the macro photographer to determine image m<lg­nHication and subject size while viewing through the finder.

~ -

• •


o . 78

o Refconverfer-A This right·anglc viewer is ideal for copying. low-angle viewing and other situations where eye-level viewing is inconvenient. Image is non- reversed and laterally correct. Comes equipped with eyecup, 2X magnifier and provision for diopter correction. Q Magnifier-M/Magnifier For ultra -precise focusing, this clip-on eyepiece magnifies the cen tral portion of the screen 2X. The hinged magnlf!er can be raised to view the entire focusing screen and accepts SMC correction lenses. Magnifier-M is fo r use with M-series. Super A/Super Program . Program A/Program plus and LX cameras. o Eyecup-M fEyecup IIf 0 Eyecup-P The eyecup attaches to the eyepiece grooves to eli minate reflections and prevent extraneous light from affecting metering. o SMC Correction Lenses-M Specially gro und SMC corrective lenses arc available in eight diop ters, from -5 thro ugh +3. Refconverter The image in the Refconve rter without " A" designatIon appears la terall y reversed. Use it only with the K 1000 camera.

Finders The Pent.v.; Sys tem includes a complete selection of easily lIlterchangable vu:,wfindcrs for the LX camera . Since lIght metering is done inside the body, fu ll exposure automation is available with clny viewfi nder. Pen lax has the right finder for your focusing and composition necds.

~ .0 ,0 c-

" ~, ... c,~o~ v ... ~ . o<:-.... '1;.' ,< ~« " ,- 0' :o.,c ~' ...... '1> ... '

" . 0Q cQ ~ '{..~'«o


"" ~v'\; '6.,;,;, f{ 'b-,<J

" 0" . "j .... <:- • 't" .... <:-0 0 0

1-1\·1 O.9X · 15 -- 0Dpl 158mm • 0

FA· I\\' O.8-l XlO.8- 0.BS) -3-+ IDpt 15mm 0 0

FA-2 O.9X · 1.5- 0Dpl 15.Smm 0

FB·I+FC· t O.55X ·O .95Dp t 60mm 0 0

FU- I+FD I O.95X -4.5 i350pt 15mOl 0 0

FB-1 + FD-2 084X -lOpl 15mm 0

FE·] ].JSX -S- HOpl 20mm 0 '

FF·I 1.OSX -!.IDpt 15mm 0 '

I ,ll<"ril ily Incorrect


79 ·



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o Quick Shoe Set 35mm Top section screws into camera's tripod socket; bottom section is att ached to tripod . Clmer.:l can be atlached to .lnd removed from tripod in seconds. 8 Microscope Adap te r K This "dapter will fit the colmera body directly on to ,lilY microscope h ,wi ng a 25mm diameter tube f) Battery Cord lX/A Til ensure proper battery perFormanre in mid weather. thi s cmd allows the phot ographer to store balteries in .1

warm pocket. B.,ttery Cord LX is on ly for LX carner" while Batte ry Cord A fi ts all A-series and M-series C,lmeras except ME-F and MX . o 52- ·49mmf49'-52mm/58- 77mm A.dapter Rings A va riety of adapter rings arc aV<lil"bJe to lit filters to different size le nses. The 52-49mm adapter is also lI sed to .lllach the A FOSOC Ring Light to 52mm -diameter lenses sllch as the Bellows lOOmm fl4. o Mount Adapter K Th is adapter allows screw-mount Takumar lenses to be lI sed on bayonet-mount Pentax cameras. Screw-mount lenses will focus to infinity, bu t cannot be used for automatic d iaphragm operation or open-ape rture metering.

o Telescope Adapter Pent.lx telescopes 65. 85, and 100 can be used CIS super-tele­photo lenscs using this .ldapter. TIL metering and automa­tic ilpcrtu rc opcration Me possible. f) Eyepiece Adjuster This 1001 is used to (orrect diopters of the LX viewfinde rs. Also convenient for opening and dosing battery compart­ment lid . o 49mm and 52mm Stereo Adapters o Stereo Viewer II Wllh thiS stereo adapter, stri king three-dimensiona l slides Me eilSY to make. Simply ilHach Stereo Adapter rI to a st.lndard SOmm lens and shoot at flS.6 or fiB . Afte r the slides MC procc5scd, si mply view them in Stereo Viewer II . f) .Microscope Lens Adapter K ThlS adapter is used to fix specia l purpose objective lenses (such as Mplan L3X, 2.5X, 5X, lOX, lOX) to Pentax bayonet­mOllnt C.lmeras. Simply screw the lens in to one side of the adapter and fit the o ther side into the bayonet mount. o 90° Mirror Adapter 11 For cand id o r surveilla nce photograph y, this mirror adap­ter a llows the photographer to shoo t 9Qo to either side w hile pretending to shoo t stra ight ahead in the normal m<'lnner.

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81 •

~• Aunl Opll~1 Co •• ltd. C,P .0 . 895, ToIo:VO 100·91, JAPAN

''WI'' Plntlll EUfOjHIl'I .... . We;...eklla,l" 3·5,1930 by ........ ZuI<\·7, BELGIUM Pentell Handel'9ft.llnkatt mbH POliti-ch 54 OHII9. 2000 Hamburg 54, W€ST GERMANY

. Pa"t .. U.K. Umit,d Penl'~ HouSll. South Hill Ayenue, South H""ow, Middle$e. HA2 DLT, U.K. ~ Plllnt .. Franca S.A. Z". Aroe"Ieuil, 12, Rua AmbrQise·C.oiz.t , 95100 Ar~teuil. FRANCE Plnl'. ISchwall! AG In< 2. 83I:!i Oietlikon ZH. SWITZERLAND PInt .. SCIOooln ... lII A8 8011 660, 5 -751 "IT 1..Ipo5IIII, sweDEN PInt .. Nederland SoirlYeld 25. 4815 HR BIeda, THE NETHERLANDS Pont .. Norgll A/S Stenersgl. 18, Dlilo I . NORWA'1' Pentl. Corporetlon 35 InvctfOKS Dr"" Ellit. Englewood. CoIoRdo 8011Z. U.S .A. P,"I •• Clnld. Inc. l7tiO West 3rt! Avtn\le. Vancouver. 8 .C. II6J lK5. CANAOA Asahl OpticI' 8, .. ilell1l Ind. I Com. LUll. Rue <:apitio An,onio ROSofI376, SIIa 121 Ed. PBK. SIo PIUJo. BRASil

56800/ENG SpeCifications arB subject 10 change without nOlice. 12/86 Printed in Be~ium