PDF - TM Shawwal Newsletter - Issue 1

Post on 07-Feb-2016

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PDF - TM Shawwal Newsletter

Transcript of PDF - TM Shawwal Newsletter - Issue 1

Muhammadiyah House of Wisdom 33 Ridling Lane Hyde, Cheshire

Masjid Hayat-un-Nabi 138 Werneth Hall Road Oldham OL8 1QZ












Madina Mosque St George Rd Bolton BL1 2BZ

On reflection on the holy month of Ramadan, we hope that we can say that we observed this blessed month in the best manner possible by oneself. Refraining from food during the long summer hours, paying heed to the last ten days of night devotion and Taraweeh prayers the restraint of our passions, paying special attention to our prayers, the heart lifting Dhikr and daily recitation of the holy Quran. In the month of Ramadan the revelation of the holy Quran is commemorated to show our gratitude for the divine revelation from Allah. Not only in this month but throughout our lives we must honour this spirit through our actions and maintain study of this beautiful revelation, a mercy to all of mankind. The month of Shawwal is an opportunity to facilitate the continuation of the Ramadan spirit by being one of the best times in which missed days of Ramadan are made up. It is Sunnah to keep six fasts in the month of Shawwal as narrated in the following Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu alaiyhi wasalam) said: “He who observes the fasts in the month of Ramadan and also observes fast for six days in the month of Shawwal, it is as if he has observed fast for the whole year.” (Muslim) We reflect on where we are in our self-development of taqwa (God consciousness) .As the day of reckoning approaches, we reflect on the principle of forgiveness and the lessons learned during the holy month of Ramadan, in controlling our anger by pardoning those who may have offended us – as we seek Allah’s forgiveness. One has not had a truly impactful month of Ramadan devotion unless one can yearn for what one gained during its observation. One must strive to keep the spirit of the holy month of Ramadan not only in this month but throughout the year. In this month one should continue to portray the reflection of the good

deeds which were performed in the previous blessed month of

Ramadan, as this will help us to become steadfast upon those deeds.


One way to study and benefit from the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon)

him is to reflect upon the events which unfolded in the Prophetic era in different months. In

the month of Shawwal alongside with other events, the battle of Uhud is a land mark in the

Seerah. There are numerous lesson one can learn from this battle and the reaction of Com-

panions before, in amidst and after this events. One of which we can relate to today in the

timings we are living is steadfastness, motivation and keeping objectives in mind when going

through adversity and difficult times.

Sayyidina Abdul Azeez narrates that Hazrat Syidina Ali (ra)

once expressed their feelings and expression for the love of

their blessed uncle Sayiduna Hamzah (ra). They said to the

nearest meaning,

"The day we lost our beloved uncle is the day we lost the

attachment of the dunya as it snatched our hearts from our

body as Our uncle was the heart of the Muslim army and as

a result the Muslims will be disheartened, but they failed in

their mission and their objectives as Muslims became even

more dedicated and vigorous towards the enemy of Allah,

the Exalted as if now nothing mattered to us and this drove

some of the opposite party backward due to Allah (swt)

putting fear in to their hearts.

They, the hypocrites believed that by having martyred our beloved uncle we would lose hope,

we would be devastated but rather we showed something opposite, which they did not expect.

However, indeed our hearts were broken on the day on which our beloved uncle went to his

Lord but we knew our objective was not this but the pleasure of Allah (swt) and surely no one

and nothing can harm The Lord of the worlds, only He (swt) will suffice everything in the Here-

after inshaAllah.

If you can uplift your objectives in everyday activities by remembering your Lord then surely

but slowly one can face tests of the dunyah with some ease although, at times our hearts may

be snatched away at some points in our lives but with the objective and motive in mind, it will

restore the heart to its original place.

The enemy of Allah (swt) tried and continued to try it's best to harm the Muslims by using their

most loved ones, but if one learns our way surely he will not fail InshaAllah."

Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh

Teacher of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah


Lessons from the Battle of the Trench


Some people bring the question up that The

Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu alaiyhi

wasalam) lived physically on the face of earth

14 centuries before, so why is it we should

follow him and find guidance in their teach-

ings when they lived thousands of years

before? One answer to this is that, The Lord

Almighty and The Creator of All, He himself

is free from time and space, time does not

apply to Allah, He knows the future as he

knows the past. Everything is absolute in his

knowledge, therefore even the prophetic

Guidance that Allah has given through the

form of revelations also has no time limit to it.

Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu alayhi

wasalam) said I am a messenger to all

mankind, jinnat and Messenger till the end of

times. So during the 63 years of the Prophet

(Peace Be Upon Them) life, especially their

23 years of receiving revelations, there

guidance is for mankind, for humanity and

guidance for all who are in search for the truth

till the end of times.

Stories of the Prophet (Sallalahu alayhi

wasalam) life can be heard and read from

anywhere, but that is all we take them for, just

stories. However that is no use or benefit to

us. The life of the Prophet (Sallalahu alayhi

wasalam) was just not for us to read or listen

to, however to take heed and take lessons


It is said, that when the wise point towards the

moon, the fools look at the finger.

If we literally take the meaning of the saying,

which is someone is pointing towards something,

it would be foolish of us to stand there and keep

on looking at the finger, and not towards the

object that is being pointed to.

The story is the finger and the action that has

been done, yes it is very interesting to hear and

listen to a story, but we should also follow the

finger and see what it is pointing at, and that is

the moral and lesson of a story.

Lesson Learnt

This is where the battle of trench comes into it,

it is the battle which taken place during the

month of Shawwal and Dhul Qahdah in the year

5 (AH). In each month of the Islamic Calendar

there is a lesson to be learnt and to be taken,.

As we can see from the diagram above it shows

a sketch of the layout of the battle of Khandaq,

and how it relates to us. The Muslims were in

Madina when news came of the attack from the

enemy, that was about to take place. As we can

see from the diagram Madina represents our

self's, represents our body, mind, heart and soul.

Just like Madina is precious, our body, mind,

heart and soul are precious, hence why it is so

important for it to be defended from the enemy.


Who may be these so called enemies of our

Precious body, mind heart and soul you may

think. These enemies are our evil nafs, our

shameful sins, the cursed shaiateen, our

forbidden lusts, the love of fame and name,

the want of accumulating more and more

wealth and so on. These are our enemies that

are intent on destroying us , just like the

Makkans and their allies who were intent on

destroying the Precious Madina.

We have been so engulfed by our enemies,

that we cannot defeat them without help.

First lesson to be learnt is, that we cannot

defeat these enemies on our own, we need

help and we need guidance. Just like the

Prophet (Sallalahu alaiyhi wasalam) done

mashwara with the Sahabas and asked for

their advice. We also need consultation and

advice. And where can we find this from?

We can get it from our Teachers and

Mashaykhs, The Prophet (Sallalahu alayhi

wasalam) might not be here in physical form

to advice us, however we should seek it from

the closest people to the Prophet (Sallalahu

alayhi wasalam), and they are our Teachers

and Mashaykh. With their guidance, we need

to build a protective barrier. The Prophet

(Sallalahu alayhi wasalam) and the Sahabas

began to dig a trench on the advice of Hazrat

Salman Farsi (Radi Allahu 'anhu) who

suggested building a trench across Madina,

so the enemies could not trespass and attack

Madina. Just like them we need to build a

trench around our self, so our enemies

cannot trespass and attack. Our trench is the

inward and outward practice of the Sunnah!

We need to dig the trench of Sunnah around

us, to protect ourselves from the

bombardment of sins.

We cannot forget that it is not from one’s own ability

that we are able to protect ourselves from the enemy,

it comes from Allah. Allah has in fact protected us in

so many ways than one, however there is little gaps

and spaces left so we could put in the effort also.

These gaps need to be filled with the practice of the

Sunnah. It may easily be said, but it will take time

and struggle. We shouldn’t forget that it took almost

a month of hard work and effort for the Sahabas to

build the trench. So how can we expect a protective

shield around us in a day without no time or effort?

We shouldn’t pick and choose a Sunnah according to

the ease of it or what suits us. We don’t know by

avoiding some Sunnahs and practising some, our

trench may lack somewhere and that’s where we may

be attacked from. The more Sunnahs we practice the

bigger and wider our trench will be, thus becoming

harder for our enemies to attack us. The example of

this was clearly shown in the battle of Khandaq.

There was an area which wasn’t as wide and big as

the rest of the trench and the enemies were able to

jump in from there.

While practising the Sunnah and building a

protection around us, we may face certain difficulties

and hardships. The Sahabas faced some difficulties

whilst digging the trench. With the help of Allah the

Prophet (Sallalahu alayhi wasalam) were able to

strike and breakdown the very big rocks that they

came across whilst digging, at the end of striking

and breaking each rock, the prophet received glad

tidings. That is also another lesson for us, if we want

to receive glad tidings then we also need to break

them bad habits that are in our way, by continuing to

practice the Sunnah InshaAllah.


MAKING HEARTS WHOLE AGAIN Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah brothers from all around the world came together, and got the opportunity to sit and experience I’tekaaf once again. Who would have thought that the town of Bol-ton, located in the north west of England would become the meeting point of brothers from all walks of life, nationally and internationally. They all had one aim and one purpose in common, and that was what brought these brothers in Islam together. MashaAllah after a great response from the brothers for I’tekaaf 2013. Plans and preparations began for I’tekaaf 2014. The whole purpose of I’tekaaf apart from it being a Sunnah that was practiced by the Holy Prophet (Peace Be upon him), it was so the Brothers could be part of a retreat in the masjid, for the last 10 days of Ramadhan. Somewhere where they could repair their relationship and build ties with their creator. A place where they could detach them-selves from their worldly lives, from the worldly temptations and worldly desires. And to replace all of that, by learning their purpose of life, and to begin their journey towards Allah’s Ultimate Pleasure. Not only that, but to learn how to implement and practice what they have learnt. Every path has a guide and every student has a teacher, guiding them

step by step. Every Generation after the Prophet Muhammad (Peace

Be upon Him) had a guide to redirect them to the path of the Sunnah,

and to the path of Allah’s Pleasure.

So during this motivational I’tekaaf experience, this generation was

able to experience the light of a teacher and the fez of a guide, and

were able to sit in the blessed company of Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh,

the Master and Current Teacher of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah. Their

spiritual guidance uplifted the hearts of the brothers that driven them to

the love of Allah, and to the love of the Blessed Messenger of Allah

(Peace be upon him). They sat I’tekaaf alongside the brothers and

helped them throughout the day, through Discourses, motivational

speeches and spiritual guidance of Tazkiyah and Tassawuf through

diagrammatical form.

THE HOUSE OF CLOSENESS Under the Supervision of Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh, a whole visual Presentation was designed to make the brothers understand the whole teachings of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah, through the form of a House. In this world a house and whatever the house contains are very valuable things in a person’s property and wealth. However Allah has also given us a very valuable thing. It is not a house of this world, but rather a house for the spirit and the heart. This house that Allah has given us is the body, and the gifts of Allah are the treasures and the jewels of this house, they represent the heart and the soul.

Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh also said “Your heart is

like a house”. So if the body is the house of the

spirit, then to what is the heart a house too? The

heart is the house to Allah (SWT) and to His

Pleasure. After every Zuhr Prayer, the Teacher

Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh gave a two hours long

discourse. This discourse explained and helped

to make the Brothers understand, how we can

turn our hearts in to houses of Allah and Gar-

dens of the Sunnah.

The teacher Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh explained

and said "There are four layers of foundation of

this house. If the foundation is weak, then the

whole building shall collapse. Some people

have only one layer and others have none, they

are the fools who have built their houses on the

sand and sea. Their entire house shall sink into

destruction." The teacher Shaykh Ahmad

Dabbagh further explained how the house, its

foundations, its rooms, its furniture and so on.

They explained how it all relates to us and our

journey in building the ultimate house of the

pleasure of Allah.

They were taught the teachings of Tareeqah

Muhammadiyah, how before you start the

journey towards Allah, you need to have a

strong foundation, just like a house has a

strong foundation. This Foundation consists of

4 layers which are Aqeedah, Fiqh, Repentance

and Striving. Every House has Doors and

Windows, which are the 7 bodily organs that

need to be purified. The walls represents the

purification of the mind, each brick and the

cement of the wall represent the good thought

and reliance upon Allah. The Purification of

the Heart is represented by the rooms of the

house, in a house no two rooms are the same,

they are all different, and they all have different

characteristics, just like a person’s Heart. The

Electricity is one of the main systems of a

house, because without it no appliance of

the house will work. For example a light bulb,

without the light everything will be in darkness.

This Electricity represents the Enlightenment of

the soul. This was a quick overview of the main

teachings of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah, for the

full and in detail discourses, please visit the

YouTube channel of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah

or you may purchase the full DVD set

Zikr and Dhikr Majalis

Another important time during the I’tekaaf experience for the brothers, was the time they could eat. This was not the food that is ate at the time of Iftar, this was the food that our spirits are hungry for. The brothers were able to feed their spirits, by taking part in the heart moving Durood and Zikr Majlis. These were very special programmes, which were set at the time of Tahhajud (the heart of the night). The time when Allah comes down to the first Heaven and calls his servants, and says “Is there anyone that wants forgiving, so that I may forgive him, Is there anyone that has a need, so that I may fulfil his needs

or wishes.” So at this very unique time, the brothers were able to do the Dhikr of Allah, Remembrance of Allah and send their Durood and Salaam upon the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said these Dhikr Majlises are Gardens of Paradise. Hazrat Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, "When you come upon the meadows of the Garden, graze in them." The Sahabahs asked, "What are the meadows of the Garden?" The Prophet (Peace be upon him) replied "Circles of Dhikr". This Hadeeth was the motivation for the brothers, so that they may also graze in the Gardens of Paradise, by taking part in the Circles of Dhikr, and eating the fruits of Remembrance of Allah. To set the mood right, and to give the brothers even more motivation, visual tools were used. A beautiful back drop of the old Masjid Nabawi was used to set the mood right, and for the brothers to visually imagine themselves at Medina Sharif, during the time of The Prophet (Peace be upon him).

Love and Motivation

On the very first day of I’tekaaf during the after Zuhr Discourse, the Teacher mentioned one of the great fitnahs of our times. This fitnah wasn’t present at the time of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Them) or the Sahabahs. Over time it gradually grew till now, where it is at its utmost high. That Fitnah is that Ilm (knowledge) is something different and separate from Amal (practise), and the thought that one can benefit from one without the other.

We learn from the lives of the Sahabahs, that when they heard something new re-garding their Deen, they didn’t just listen to it or think about it. They listened and prac-tised upon it straight away. Hence why in the Quran it says “We have heard, and we have obeyed” referring to the mentality that the Sahabahs had, that when they hear whatever the Prophet (Peace be upon them) mentions, they will straight away act upon it. During the very beginning of the I’tekaaf experience the brothers were first given the seed of love and motivation, so

they could act upon whatever they will learn. When the commands of Namaaz or Fasting for exam-ple had come down, it wasn’t straight away at the time of the Prophet receiving Prophet hood. How-ever a few years later when the Sahabahs had the love and motivation for reaching the pleasure of Allah, that’s when Allah sent down the Ahkaam (Commands and Rulings). Just like that the Brothers who were sat I’tekaaf, heir love and motivation was developed throughout the ten days, so once they leave that environment. They were ready to practice what they have learnt, from the Teachings of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah. How one is to purify their own selves, through their bodily organs, their minds, their hearts, their souls and how to stay steadfast upon it In’Sha’Allah.


“I’tekaaf 2014 with Tareeqah Muhammadiyah was a very

beneficial experience. The spiritual aspect went far be-

yond my expectations. The Dhikr was particularly power-

ful. I already knew the Tareeqh organised very structured

discourses delivered by Hazrat Saab, yet once again I was

amazed at the depth and detail given in the house of close-

ness to Allah course. The analogy relating to building a

house was a very effective method to help us break down

each section. May Allah reward all the brothers and their

hard work involved with the I’tekaaf “.

Muhammad Javed


“The I’tekaaf I went to was the first time I went. Al-

hamdulillah I have never been to such a spiritual envi-

ronment. Being with people who have differ back-

ground and relating to your life was a new experience.

For me it was the extra boost that I needed and i rec-

ommend it to everyone if they want to get closer to

Allah. Being surrounded by such knowledgeable

people and it was an extremely friendly environment,

the food wasn't bad either”.

Hamaza Qureshi

Welcome to Prophetic Path’s first official contribution to the Tareeqah Muhammadiyah

Newsletter. InshaAllah in this edition of the newsletter we aim to give you an insight into what

Prophetic Path is, what we are doing and the aims and objectives of the organization.

A preview of the interactive website

What is Prophetic Path?

Prophetic Path launched just over a few months ago, is

the new kid on the block.

Equipped with modern technology and the teachings of

Quran and Sunnah, Prophetic Path is the young, fresh,

energetic and dedicated organization who has a

mission to achieve. And what is that mission you ask.

It is nothing other than to help humanity begin their

personal journey to: “Meet the Lord of the Worlds

and to reach the Kingdom of Heaven”.

How is it helping people to achieve this?

Prophetic Path offers a free course on its unique,

one of a kind interactive website where people

can begin their practical journey to attain the eter-

nal pleasure of Allah the Exalted. The course

which can be completed from the comfort of your

own homes does not require a person to read

various books or complete tests. Rather, it is

completed with ease at your own pace.

What is taught?

Unlike many other Islamic websites or

courses, Prophetic Path teaches its students

how to practically adopt the prophetic

lifestyle, so that not only is a persons

exterior and appearance decorated with

the Sunnah, but also his interior, through

the perfection of character.



At Prophetic Path you are not abandoned or left

to salvage your soul alone! Instead, our team of

gender specific, experienced and trained

mentors are here to help and guide you on your

personal journey towards eternal salvation and

Jannah. When a person registers online they

are assigned an appropriate mentor according

to their needs who helps them in their journey

all the way from the very beginning to the very


Our recent Activity - keep updated on

- British Muslim Heritage Centre

On 2nd and 3rd August 2014 the Prophetic Path team of brothers and

sisters participated in BMHC’s two day Eid Festival. The teams setup up

their respective Dawah stalls and invited festival goers to the Prophetic

Path course. Alhamdulillah, the response was extraordinary, with many

attendees registering onto the course.

- Oldham Gaza Fundraiser

The sisters at Prophetic Path setup their Dawah stall at this ladies only

event. Again, Alhamdulillah it was superbly responded to by attendees.

- Iqra Fundraiser in Preston

On the 17th August 2014 the Prophetic Path team of brothers and sis-

ters set up their Dawah Stall at the Preston Town Centre.

-Sisters Dawah Training Session taken place

Our expanding Dawah team is constantly looking to recruit new mem-

bers, both brothers and sisters of all age groups. If you want to get in-

volved in the work that we do be sure to email us at


How to begin your

own journey?

Beginning your own journey

to the closeness and

pleasure of Allah the

Exalted has never been

easier or more fun. All you

have to do is visit our

website at


and follow three easy and

simple steps:

1. Watch Step 1 ‘Our

Whole Story’ on our


2. Watch Step 2

‘Course Overview’ on

our homepage

3. Watch Step 3

‘Begin your

Journey’ and create

your free personal




On Wednesday 13-08-14 the annual graduation and awards ceremony of Jaamiah Muhammadiyah was held at the Manzil restaurant, Manchester. The event was held to mark the celebration of the hard work and dedication given by both the students and the teachers at Jaamiah Muhammadiyah. This ceremony marked the end of another successful completion of the year for both teachers and students. Prizes and awards were given to all students who came in the top three position in their class. Teachers were also awarded for their dedication and hard work throughout the year. Following the awards ceremony, speeches and advise were delivered by our Dignitaries and guests such as Muhammad Afzal, the Member of European Parliament (MEP) for Manchester and scholars Allama Gul Rahman from Birmingham and Imam Sardar Ahmad Qadri. The Principal of the institute Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh delivered special advise to the students. Thereafter a delicious three course meal was served to end the successful year and the mark an opening of a new academic year due to begin in September. Congratulations to all the Students of Jaamiah Muhammadiyah UK Academic of Islamic Sciences


On Wednesday 13-08-14 the annual graduation and awards ceremony of Jaamiah Muhammadiyah was held at the Manzil restaurant, Manchester. The event was held to mark the celebration of the hard work and dedication given by both the students and the teachers at Jaamiah Muhammadiyah. This ceremony marked the end of another successful completion of the year for both teachers and students. Prizes and awards were given to all students who came in the top three position in their class. Teachers were also awarded for their dedication and hard work throughout the year. Following the awards ceremony, speeches and advise were delivered by our Dignitaries and guests such as Muhammad Afzal, the Member of European Parliament (MEP) for Manchester and scholars Allama Gul Rahman from Birmingham and Imam Sardar Ahmad Qadri. The Principal of the institute Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh delivered special advise to the students. Thereafter a delicious three course meal was served to end the successful year and the mark an opening of a new academic year due to begin in September. Congratulations to all the Students of Jaamiah Muhammadiyah UK Academic of Islamic Sciences

“Mission Youth ‘s aim is to help create the love of ALLAH and his MESSENGER whilst having some serious FUN!!!” Seri-ous Fun that will create the love of Allah and His Messenger. One may think how? True to their Motto Mission Youth are able to show us how to have “serious fun” and create the love of Allah and His Mes-senger at the same time. Mission Youth is an organization that’s aim and objective is to create an atmos-phere where people can find sincere friendship for the sake of Allah, through having fun and thus taking them away from unlawful activities i.e. gangs, drugs and etc. Through these activities the youth are able to have first hand experience, on how they can enjoy themselves law-fully. An example is Paint Balling, which is one of the activities Mission Youth has taken part in. Below are some of activi-ties completed: -3 Day Spiritual Camps


-North West Football Tournament

-Weekly Gatherings of Ilm/ Zikr

It comes in Hadeeth to the nearest meaning, that they will be seven under the shade of Allah on the Day of Judgement. The Day when the Sun will be a mile above peoples heads, the day when peo-ple will be drowning in their own sweat, and the day when mothers will stand on their child, be-cause the ground is too hot to stand upon, that same mother whose ground under her feet breaks if she see’s her child in any type of pain. On that day, they will be seven blessed types of people under the shade of Allah. And one of the types of people is the youth who spends their youthful days in the worship of Allah . With that in mind, Mission Youths belief is to unite the youth of the Ummah of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and to guide them on to the straight path. Mission Youth teach the youth that practis-ing your Deen can be fun, it is not all strict and firm. The focus of Mission Youth is the development of Muslim youth through various educational, so-cial and spiritual programs. Mission Youth fo-cuses on meeting the challenges faced by the youth and how it can have drastic effects upon the community. Mission Youth is lead by individu-als who understand modern day situations, and how it is vital to respond to these needs. And most importantly how they are to do all of this, and at the same time incorporating the prin-ciples and ethics of Islam.

One of Mission Youths aims is to get the youth off the streets, and build the love and thirst of Allah into their lives. And how Mission Youth is continuing to do that, is by organising a spe-cial spiritual retreat to the lake district, with the fun factor implemented into it also.

Like any other Spiritual retreat, The Prophetic Paths Spiritual Retreat, will also have guides and teachers present there. But the difference between these guides and teachers and of other retreats, is these guides and teachers are non-other than modern days Saliheen and Aauliya Allah.

The youth will have the opportunity to spend a whole weekend with the Current Master and Teacher of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah Shaykh Ahmad Dabbagh. With Imam Asim Hussain, Shaykh Esa Henderson, Imam Adil Hussain and Mufti Fazal Qayyum Subhani.

Through out the weekend the youth will be

able to carry out various activities, and fulfil

its aims and purposes. Which one of them is

the chance and opportunity for the youth, to

learn how they can start and begin their own

journey, to meet the Lord of the Worlds and to

the Kingdom of Heaven.

Through the Guidance and Support from

the different Scholars and Teachers, the

youth will be able to get a feel and insight

of their teachings, and how it all relates

back to The Prophetic Path, the Blessed

Teachings of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be

Upon Him).

In today's society we are aware that there

is no deficiency in access to the knowl-

edge of Deen. However what is in defi-

ciency is the actual practice of Deen,

according to the teachings of The Holy

Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). And be-

cause of this, there is a lot of heedless-

ness and ignorance growing in the Um-

mah as a whole.

So it is very important that the youth of

today are taught the simple and straight-

forward methodology of the Prophetic

Path. In which they will first of all learn

about the path, and then secondly learn

how they can practice and Implement

that methodology in to their lives. Step by

step they will be guided on how they can

improve their relationship with Allah, and

how they can beauty themselves with the

Sunnah inwardly and outwardly.

And like any other Mission Youth Events,

there will be no shortage of exciting

things to do, Rock Climbing and Canoeing

to name a few. And what better setting to

do all of that, then the Beautiful and Pic-

turesque scenery of the Lake District.

The Spiritual Retreat will be from the

22nd August to the 25th of August. An

event that not only will be very beneficial

to the youth, but an event packed full with

blessings of Allah

I'tekaaf Series On DVD

Many Brothers participated in this years

I'tekaaf during Ramadhan, and benefited

from the teachings of the Mashaykhs

The teacher of Tareeqah Muhammadiyah

delivered lectures daily on how one can

gain the pleasure of Allah Azzawajal.

Muhammadiyah Productions department

has now made these lectures available to

buy on DVD.

The DVD set consists of 10 DVDs and also

includes the Majlis’ of Durood and Salaam

which also had taken place. You can place

an order for this set by contacting us on


We try to cover our costs for production,

and these sets are available at a cost of

£5.00 InshaAllah.

We are trying to update all our books make them available to the masses. Below you can see the printing of the latest Arabic Tareeqah Muhammadiyah Starter Pack.

We are also assisting with promoting Jaamiah


What is Muhammadiyah Productions?

Muhammadiyah Productions is a high quality

audio and video recording studio, producing and

editing class-leading authentic Islamic multimedia

products for retail and whole-sale purposes. Using

professional equipment and experienced staff,

high-quality products are assured with a large

number of titles available. We have a wide variety

of subjects covered with something for everyone.

We also are the leading suppliers of books nation-

wide. We supply various Jaamiahs across the

country and have a large variety of books for all


Muhammadiyah Productions' mission is to be the

leading Islamic bookseller on online providing

customers the widest choice, great value and ex-

pert advice from a team passionate about book-


Muhammadiyah Productions aims to interest and

educate its customers and continually inspire

people to read and engage in books. We source

books from around the world at very competitive


Muhammadiyah Productions is not just a online

bookshop we are here to provide a service. We

always try to provide a personal service and

honest advice and ensure that customers are

pleased with experience.

We are not limited to the UK as we have regular

customers from around the world including

Europe and the US.


If you need leaflets, banners posters or anything else printing for your event or project please do not hesitate to contact us at:
