PD 2015 Story of Faith Community

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Transcript of PD 2015 Story of Faith Community

WELCOME!The Practice Discipleship Initiative

November 3, 2015


Dawn TrautmanDawntrautman.com

Practice Discipleship InitiativeLeadership Development for the sake of Faith Formation

“STORY”1.“Living in Stories”2.“Story of Scripture”3.“Story of Place and Displacement”4.“Story of Adolescence”5.“Story of Self and Others”6.“Story of Service”7.“Story of Faith Community”

Introducing…John CummingsGrace in Action

Story of Faith Commuinty

Story of Faith Community

“Does Church Really Matter?”

Learning Outcomes

Participants will…Have honest conversation that allows them to thoughtfully

consider if our current way of being church is or is not fulfilling our Gospel calling

Leave with a clear understanding of how the historical church or ‘ekklesia’ community functioned.

Create a clear vision of what a faith community based on the historical 'ekklesia' could be and be given clear tools to enact these visions in their own context.

Opening Film

Featuring individuals who don't consider themselves Christian being asked,

“Does church really matter?”


Film Reflection Questions:

What feelings or reactions came up for you when you saw this?

What pieces could you relate to? What parts made you feel nervous?

Would these people be welcome in your church as it is?Do you think they would feel a sense of connection to God

in your church as it is?Do the people in the video inspire you to change in your

own church context? If so, how?

Bible Study

Acts 2:43-4743 Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were

being done by the apostles. 44All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. 46Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, 47praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

What does “church” really mean?

When you hear the word “church” what other words immediately

come to mind?


Is the word we translate as “church” from the bible

Definitions - “those called out”, those called together”, or “the assembly”.

Literal definition - “democratic assembly”In ancient Greece, it was the assembly of

citizens who came together to make political decisions for their local town or village

Ekklesia in Jesus' Day

Rome took away the power of the ekklesia when it conquered Greece

Rome concentrated decision making powers in the hands of wealthy elites and Roman authorities

Ordinary citizens had no political power

Jesus' Ekklesia and the “Nation of God”

“The kingdom of God” would be like saying “nation of God” or “governance of God” today

Jesus establish a new “democractic assembly” for the coming “governance of God”

His ekklesia gathered in homes over a mealThey practiced the values that this new “governance

of God” would embodySaw themselves as for-runners, preparing the way for

the coming of God's rule that would replace Roman rule

In Summary

In short, the early Ekklesia, or church, was in actuality a radical religious movement with overt political motives, that intended to replace the oppressive and unjust order of the Roman Empire with an order based on Jesus' teachings and God's covenant with the Jewish people: one in which justice, humanity,and love of one's neighbor were at the very center of all decisions and the structure of society.

Bible Study Reflection Questions

After hearing this reading and learning about the historical meaning of the Ekklesia, what words or phrases come to your mind?

What does this text and the early church understanding of the Ekklesia have to say about who has access to resources and political power and who does not?

How do you think this historical version of the church in the beginning compares with what church is today? What’s the same? What’s different?

Ideas for applying the concept of “ekklesia” to the faith community that you are a part of:

One-to-ones are a great tool to engage people outside the walls of your church. Set up meetings with people in your neighborhood or city.

Exploring peoples own interests and creating projects based on what people care about and not only around what you and/or your congregation care about.

Create a culture of ongoing relationships and accountability through practice of one-to-ones within your congregation

Closing Film

Watch a second video, this time featuring the question:

“where have you found meaningful faith community?”


Closing Film Reflection

After seeing both videos, have any of your assumptions about church been challenged or changed?

Where do you find yourself authentically involved in faith community inside OR outside of your church?


What questions do you have about this presentation and/or how to put the

content we've talked about into practice?

Closing Meditation: My Commitment to Building the Ekklesia

Think of a commitment of one thing you will do to build the Ekklesia -

the church as a movement of liberation and justice


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