Pay perclick marketingx

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Transcript of Pay perclick marketingx

Pay-Per-Click Marketing for Small Businesses

David McCammon MarketTrainingCenter.Com

Pay-Per-Click Marketing for Small Businesses

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What is Pay per Click Marketing?

Pay per click (PPC) marketing, like so many other forms of Internet

marketing, is a very simple concept that can become quite complex.

When you sign up for PPC marketing, the search engines will place

your business’ ad on their website and you’ll only be charged for the

space when someone clicks on your ad.

When you first sign up with a PPC program such as Google AdWords,

you’ll place a certain amount of money (called a ‘bid’) on particular keywords.

These keywords are words or phrases that are pertinent to your business or

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industry. They could be the name of your company, a name of a product, or

the name of the industry you’re in.

Thousands, and perhaps even millions of people are bidding on these

keywords depending on the keyword; and the highest bid wins.

So if you place a bid for $0.15 on the keyword

“Michigan florist” you might win the bid and your ad will

show up first in the search engines listings and pages of


This increases the likelihood that someone will click on your ad, go

to your website, and buy your product or service.

Every time someone clicks on that ad, you would owe the search engines


Simple concept, complicated execution; that’s what pay-per-click marketing


It’s an ad that usually consists of no more than two lines that you will fight

incredibly hard for, and spend a bit of money on.

In order for PPC marketing to be effective, it takes extensive

keyword research, creating and recreating the perfect ad, and constantly

changing and changing again different ad strategies, different PPC

networks, and continuously tracking those results.

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It can be exhausting, not to mention the amount of time it takes.

First, become an expert so that you understand how PPC works and what

might be the best strategies for you. Then, hire another expert that works in the

field to actually carry out the work for you.

This guide will show you how to do both.

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Pay-Per-Click Marketing

There is one single reason why small businesses need to use PPC

marketing: it brings in customers that you otherwise could have missed.

When someone – anyone – searches for your keyword, if your ad has won

the bid, they will see it. No matter who they are or, depending on your keyword,

where they are. When someone sees your ad they will then take whatever action

you’ve told them to in your ad, or they’ll go to your website.

You’re automatically reaching out to a whole new, broader base of potential

customers; and all without doing anything more really than just bidding on some

keywords and creating an ad.

You don’t need to worry about actually putting the ad up, placing it, or

making sure it’s run on a regular basis.

While PPC marketing isn’t exactly “bid it and forget about it,” it can be much

less time-consuming than other type of marketing, and bring in more people. And

this influx of customers is the sole reason why small businesses need PPC


However, while there may be one reason why it’s important for

small businesses to be involved with a PPC campaign, there are many

benefits businesses will receive from them.

Those will be outlined in the next section.

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The Benefits of PPC Marketing for Small


While the main goal of PPC marketing is to bring in more customers and

increase business, once business owners become involved with different PPC

campaigns, they quickly find that these programs have tons of benefits to offer.

Here are a few of them:

Low investment costs.

Unlike other marketing campaigns that can have huge costs attached to

them with no guarantee of a return on that investment, PPC marketing costs

almost nothing to set up. A few of the networks might have a small startup fee

but after that you won’t pay anything unless someone clicks on your ad.

Instant results.

This is a huge benefit of PPC marketing and again, one that’s unlike other

marketing campaigns. While even email marketing may take several weeks before

you see results, PPC lets you list your ads immediately and most importantly, start

getting clicks on those ads immediately. SEO marketing, which has similar aspects

of PPC, can take months before any results are seen.

Targeting locations.

Whether you want your online business to be known around the world or

you’re trying to attract locals to your little shop set up in Nebraska, with PPC you

can target exact locations. Omit the locations from your keywords and your ad

will go global. Include the words “Nebraska florist” and your ads will appear only

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to those IP addresses that the search engines pick up as being located in

Nebraska. You can also select the different countries that you want to target when

you create your PPC campaign.

Accurate and real-time tracking.

While you can spend countless hours and dollars trying to track other

marketing campaigns, with inaccurate results that are few and far between, you

can track your PPC any time you want. You’ll get the most accurate results, that

won’t just tell you how many clicks you have, but also where those clicks came

from, how many you have, and you can compare those results over certain

periods of time. This lets business owners see what’s working, what’s not, and

revise their PPC strategy in a way that will bring better results.

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The Top 5 PPC Networks

Before you begin creating even your first ad for your PPC campaign,

you’ll need a PPC network to do it with.

Enter “PPC networks” or “pay-per-click programs” into any search engine

and you’ll be given a whole list of different providers and programs you can sign

up for.

You may want to use just one, or you may want to use a couple of the top

providers; that will be a decision for you and your marketing consultant to make.

When it comes time to choose one or two, here are the top five:

Google AdSense.

Google AdSense is the number one PPC network in the world. It is the

most widely used and the one that’s most people first think of when they think

PPC. Even though Google AdSense is at the height of its popularity today – and

growing – the earnings gained have dropped significantly in the last few years.

This program will still give you the best returns on your investment though, and it

works for any business in any niche.


Chitika has spent the last few years making constant upgrades and

improvements on their PPC program and today, it’s the number one alternative to

Google AdSense. The returns here are lower, but just about any network you

find won’t give you the returns that Google will.

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Even though it doesn’t provide the returns of Google AdSense or Chitika

proportions (or for that matter, anywhere even close to them,) many small

business owners still find that Infolinks is a better choice for them. This is

because ads through Infolinks don’t take up prime ad real estate space on your

website at the sidebar and the header. Instead, Infolink ads are smaller and don’t

detract as much from the rest of the site; yet visitors can still see them and click

on them.


Of the top five PPC networks so far, Bidvertiser will give you the

lowest returns. So why would you use them? Because when you focus on

conversions rather than clicks, you could actually make much, much more than

you would with just a click program. A click refers to when someone simply clicks

on your ad. A conversion on the other hand, is when someone clicks on your ad

and then takes some kind of action. That could be signing up for a newsletter,

filling out a contact form, or any other kind of interaction with your site. While

clicks are nice in PPC, conversions are king – and you’ll be able to maximize the

most revenue out of them when you sign up with Bidvertiser.

Once you’ve chosen the PPC networks that you’re going to join, it’s

then time to sign up for them and create your first campaign!

How each individual PPC program works will vary, and there may be slightly

different steps that need to be completed within each before you can start creating

your campaign. All of the networks however, make these instructions very simple

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to follow and easy to understand. All you really need to worry about is creating the

campaign itself.

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What to Know to Run an Effective PPC


Several steps are involved in running an effective PC campaign.

And while some may take just a few minutes to complete, others could take

days or weeks, depending on how much time you have and how much research

needs to be done. It’s for this reason that it’s recommended that you hire a

marketing consultant that can help you run the campaign from beginning to


There are many areas of online marketing when a marketing consultant

may or may not be necessary; this is not one of them.

Business owners simply do not have the time required to run an effective

PPC campaign, and just about all of them find that they need help from the


In this section we’ll outline what the necessary steps are to run an effective

PPC campaign; so that when it’s time to speak to your consultant you’ll have a

good idea of what you want and how to go about getting it.

Then later in this guide, you’ll find a section on how to hire the right

consultant to help you.

Set a budget

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This does not mean that you need to know from the very beginning what

you’re going to bid on your keywords – you don’t. You do need to know how

much you’re willing to spend on the campaign and then record that number to

make sure that you don’t go over it.

Remember to not only include a figure that you’re comfortable spending on

the bids, but also any set up fees that might be included to join a network, and the

fee for your marketing consultant.

All of these are also expenses brought on by the campaign, and need to be

factored in. Once you get into bidding, it’s very easy to get caught up in a bidding

war and get carried away. Going in with a firm number of what you can

spend will help prevent this from happening.

Research keywords and create a list

Now it’s time to focus on your keywords – by far the most daunting task for

any business owner, and even many consultants! Keywords are the cornerstone of

your campaign. Everything is based on them, and the ones you choose are

extremely important.

So, how can you start researching different keywords?

First, know what keywords are. Keywords are any words that visitors type

into the search engines when they’re looking for you, your business, or your

company. Start simply by brainstorming every potential search term and phrase

that you can think of, making them as broad and as specific as possible.

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For instance:

If you’re the florist in Nebraska your initial keywords might

be: florists, florist Nebraska, florists in Nebraska, Nebraska

florists, bouquets, bouquets Nebraska, buy roses Nebraska, buy

roses online.

You can see how with just a few minutes spent thinking about it, you can

come up with a keyword list of a hundred or more possible search terms.

Remember when creating your list to leave out industry-speak and terminology.

This is not what the average visitor is looking for; and you need to be thinking like

the average visitor.

When you’re done brainstorming, you then need to see how effective those

keywords will be. Having a long list of keywords is good, but if half of those

include terms no one’s looking for, they’re really of no good to you. To see how

popular certain keywords were, marketing consultants once had to rely on simply

entering every term individually into each search engine.

This was extremely time-consuming and an extremely tedious chore.

Today, there are much better ways to evaluate the popularity of certain

keywords. Here are the top five:


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With Wordtracker you can not only look up the most popular keywords

and see how much activity they receive, but with their Competition Search

you can also compare your keywords to see how competitive they are. This

feature lets you know what keywords are being bid on the most, and which are

not only the hardest to win but also, the most expensive to buy. Another

benefit of this feature is that it might uncover hidden keywords that

you never thought of, but that have huge potential for you.


This program has many different options to help you better research the

right keywords you should be using; and they’ll also help you organize them to see

which ones will be most profitable for your campaign. The only downside is that

WordStream is a fee-based program so you’ll need to really determine

whether or not it’s worth it to you.

Google AdWords keyword tool.

This is a free tool that anyone using Google AdWords has access to, and

it’s unwise not to use it. Simply fill in a few blanks and Google will pull up an

entire list of potential keywords, their popularity, and their effectiveness.

Google Suggest.

This is much like You enter a keyword and it will pull up a

list of related words. Entire another one, and you’ll get another entire list; and

then another, and another. You could go on, and you should. Remember to add

each one that’s applicable to your keyword list.

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And then there’s – a great tool to find keywords, but one

that’s not really a keyword research tool. But it will help you find synonyms and

related words to your keyword or phrase.

Once you have your list you’ll then need to eliminate a few of them

so that you can have a list of the most effective keywords.

Start by going through and choosing only the words that are the most

relevant to your business and industry, and eliminating the rest. Then go through

and determine which keywords you have the most relevant content for.

You won’t be using the keywords if you’re not creating content specific to it,

so there’s no reason to have them on your list.

When your finalized list of keywords is created, you should have 20

– 30 keywords in total.

Those keywords are important and will need to appear in the ad you

eventually create. But first, you also need to make sure that your website has

enough content to support those specific keywords. The chances are good that,

because you’ve chosen keywords that are fitting to your business and industry,

you’ll already have a lot of content on your site to support those keywords.

For those that don’t though, you should write a page incorporating no more

than three to four keywords per page to go on the site. Putting new content on

your site might not seem like it has much to do with PPC, but you must have

content to support your keywords. Otherwise you could be penalized, and at the

very least, your PPC campaign will be completely ineffective.

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After you have your finalized list, and content to support it, it’s then

time to start bidding on those keywords.

Bid on keywords

The way bidding on keywords works within the different PPC networks is

much like their signup process – they are all very similar, they all vary slightly,

and how to actually place your bid is typically laid out in a step-by-step process

that will walk you through the entire process.

However, your strategy for bidding is what’s important, and probably

something that would have to be changed a few times, depending on how they


First, you should know a few basics on how bidding works.

From your keyword list, start with the ones that have the best earnings

and returns, and the ones most related to your business or industry.

You then need to decide how much you’re going to bid on each keyword; but

be careful here. As mentioned, it’s very easy to spend too much on a bid, and so

that’s where your strategy comes into play. Typically when it comes to bidding on

keywords you have two strategies you can employ: to be conservative and start

off slow; or go all or nothing and bid largely on whatever you can. Both have

their time and place, and the one you choose will depend on your business’


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Being prudent in your bidding strategy, and selecting only a few choice

keywords to bid low on is a good strategy for businesses that don’t have a lot of

room in their advertising budget and that don’t mind investing a lot of time in the

testing and retesting of different keywords and different bids. However, when

using this strategy for your campaign there are a few things to keep in mind.

One of those is that, even though you’re bidding low and don’t mind waiting

to see which works best, you still want to bid high enough to make sure that your

ads are still being placed within the 4th and 8th positions. The 1st through 3rd

obviously receive the most clicks, but you’ll also need to bid a premium for them.

You don’t want to be any lower than 8th however, because then your

ad won’t appear on the first page, and won’t be effective.

The other thing to keep in mind when bidding prudently is to remember that

tracking your results is even more important.

You’re going to be using a number of keywords over a long period of time,

and trying to determine which of those keywords gives you the best return. While

bidding only on the highest sought-after keywords is a good bet that you’ll get

those earnings back and so, tracking may not be as crucial, that’s not the case

when you’re bidding low and bidding often.

Bidding aggressively is to bid high on the most wanted keywords. Your ads

will appear within the first three ad results, and they’ll be very expensive. While

appearing in the top three is definitely an advantage, you need to make sure that

your budget can handle it.

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Many business owners fall into the trap of thinking that they must be within

those top three results. If your budget can afford it, this strategy can be extremely

effective for business owners that want to get fast comparisons of their keywords

so that they can move on with refining their campaign. While the business is

advancing their marketing campaigns, they’ll also be grabbing the majority of their

market share and gaining an edge over their competition by being in the top three


The bidding strategy you use will entirely depend on your own

wants, your business’ needs, and what you think will work best.

But, not even the best bidding strategy with the best keywords will work if

the ads to go along with them aren’t any good.

That’s why you also need to know how to write a good ad.

Write an outstanding ad copy

There’s no way around it. If you want your PPC marketing to be at

all effective, you’ll need to have ad copy that is not only great, but


In order to do that, your ad copy can be broken down into three different

parts: the headline, the body of the ad, and your company’s URL.

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When it comes to writing your headline, there are also two strategies that

you can employ. And again, the one you choose will depend on what you want to

get out of your marketing campaign and what strategy you think will work best for


The first strategy is to fill your headline with as many keywords as


For example:

Your headline could be “Florist in Omaha, Nebraska” which could

be an entire keyword or phrase in itself. This could get you

higher listing results and it could get you a lot of clicks. But

it might not get you a lot of conversions, and remember,

conversions are king.

If it’s conversions that you’re after, including a call to action in your headline

is usually most recommended.

So without focusing on keywords your headline could be, “Call the best, call

us!” and then include your keywords within the ad body, which will be visible

directly underneath the headline. This is more reader-friendly than it is search

engine-friendly, and will get you better earnings faster.

Again, whichever strategy you choose will depend on what’s best for your

campaign and your company. Remember whichever one you use though, you only

have 25 characters in your headline.

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Once you have an outstanding headline you can then move onto the

ad body, for which you’ll have 70 characters to create the perfect ad.

This isn’t a lot of space to use, so make sure that you include three vital

elements: a sale or promotion, a call to action, and a focus on benefits, not


First, talk about the sale or promotion.

There’s nothing people love more than a sale or a discount, especially when

they’re already searching for your keyword. Making sure that you include the fact

that you have one will capture people’s attention and have them read further, click

on your ad and hopefully, use your business.

Next is your call to action, and this is especially important if you didn’t

include on in your headline.

What customers are supposed to do next might be clear to you, but after

fewer than 100 characters, it might not be clear to them. Tell them to “Act

now!” or “Call us today!” or “Contact us for a free sample!”

Something that tells them the next steps they should take and how to do it.

Thirdly, in your overall ad copy, make sure you focus on benefits, not


This means that you don’t simply list all of the products you have for sale,

but what benefit those products can bring to the customer. Don’t just tell

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them that you have roses, tulips, and carnations. Tell them that you can also

deliver them overnight, to make sure they arrive in time for that special

someone’s birthday. Focusing on benefits with so little space can be difficult, so

you’ll have to get creative on this one!

There’s one more thing you need to include in your ad copy and that’s a link

to your website. Luckily, this one requires no creativity and very little strategies.

If you have a number of different websites that you’re using, you might have

to consider which URL to list, but that’s the only choice you’ll need to make here.

The only consideration you’ll need to think about when entering your URL

is the landing page it will take visitors to; because this also needs to be


Create an outstanding landing page

A good landing page is almost as essential to an effective PPC

campaign as keywords are; but they’re not nearly as difficult to create.

Your landing page is the page visitors “land” on after they click on your ad.

And really, it’s just an expansion of your ad.

Because of that, you want to include all of the same elements you included

in your ad, but you also want to expand on them. Still tell them what your

promotion is, but tell them more about it (how long the offer’s on for, what

products exactly are included, etc.)

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You also want to include a call to action, but you also want to expand on

that. So instead of just “Contact us!” you might say something like, “Call us today

and we’ll be happy to discuss your wedding photo needs and send you a free

quote that will include our limited time discount offer.”

Remember when creating your landing pages that, while you might

be able to use them for SEO purposes as well, they’re largely more

reader-based than they are search engine-based.

Because of this, you need to make sure that your landing pages are created

for your readers and that they’re pages readers actually want to spend a few

minutes on. Make sure the design is aesthetically-pleasing, that your offer is

clear, and that the content is friendly and approachable. All of these elements

will make for an outstanding landing page.

Track your PPC campaigns

You’ve chosen your keywords; and you’ve even bid on them. You’ve created

an outstanding ad and an outstanding landing page. You’ve even created content

to support your keywords, and your ads are now up and running.

Think you’re done?

Whenever you’re running a PPC campaign, you’re never done;

because you must constantly monitor, regulate, and track the results of

your campaign.

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And if those results don’t match up with what your intended goals were, you

have to go back and try with different keywords, different landing pages, and

maybe even different offers.

Tracking is essential to any PPC campaign; maybe even more essential.

Because if you can’t track it and you don’t know what results you’re getting

from your campaigns (if any!) everything else is a moot point.

Your marketing consultant will have an entire arsenal of tracking tools up

their sleeve; one you can use is Google Analytics. This is another free tool you

can use when you sign up with Google AdWords and it will compare across the

board for you how often your landing page was viewed, how many people signed

up or converted, and how many clicks your ads received.

Once you’re tracking your campaigns, you really are done the bulk of

the work; except for when you need to go back to square one and rework


But, even though that’s a lot of information to take in and a lot to think

about, there are still a few last minute details to think about.

In the next section we’ll look at some tips and tricks to help you along the


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Essential PPC Tips for Small Businesses

Just like all other forms of Internet marketing, there are do’s and don’ts

that go along with PPC marketing campaigns; here we’ve provided them for you.


Optimize your keywords again and again and again. Your business

likely changes all the time, and your keywords need to reflect your business.

Therefore, they need to change, too.

Find a target audience. Just like any other form of marketing, there is

most likely a certain demographic that you are reaching out to. Know who

that is in your PPC campaign so that you can target these campaigns to

them as well.

Include your location in your keywords. You shouldn’t include it in every

one (unless your business only operates in one specific araea), but localizing

your keywords for anything your business does online is essential to staying

competitive in online marketing today.

Give them an offer they can’t refuse.

The ad is really just the beginning to draw them in. You want to give visitors

something that they’d be crazy to turn down; so they won’t.

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Be honest with your customers in your keywords. Make sure they are

relevant and that you’re not just using them to generate traffic. If a visitor

clicks on your keyword expecting one thing and they don’t get it, they likely

won’t be back – to your website or your business.

Tell visitors as much as you can about your business within those 95

characters. Member of an industry association? Been in business for 80

years? New in town, and bringing a product that will fill a need of the

community? Whatever it is that lets your visitors feel as though they know a

little bit more about you and your company should be included – as

concisely as possible.

When tracking your ads, also make sure that you’re checking which

time of day certain ads do best. This is a feature that is included with

many tracking tools, and it’s one that cannot be overlooked.


Select only one PPC network to use. While Google AdWords might be

the most popular and the top-earning network, it’s not the be-all-end-all,

and limiting yourself to this one only will hurt your overall PPC campaign.

Only select broad keywords. While using a few broad keywords might pay

off for you, if you’re willing to pay the high price for them, limiting yourself

to them will neglect all of the local traffic that’s available. This can be a

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dangerous mistake for businesses, as most still want to attract as much local

business as possible – whether you’re a global company or not.

Forget to test your ads. Yes, along with changing your keywords, you’re

also going to need to change the actual ad to see which one attracts the

most visitors. Maybe it’s a special limited time discount one month, and a

free sample the next. Whatever it is you have to offer customers, switch it

up, and switch it up frequently.

Use your Home page as your landing page. This is a huge mistake that

many business owners make. Sending your customers to your Home page

essentially brings them into your company’s door and then leaves them on

their own. They don’t know what to do, they don’t know what you’re

offering, and they don’t know what benefit they’ll get from working with you.

And then they’ll leave.

This is why creating an outstanding landing page is essential in any effective

PPC campaign; and you should never make your visitors settle for your

Home page.

Neglect to track your results. This isn’t meant to beat a dead horse, but

not tracking your PPC campaigns is essentially going into it blind. You’ll have

no idea what’s working, what’s not, and whether or not the entire thing is

worth your time and trouble. Track, track, track, it really can’t be said


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Overwhelmed at the amount there is to know about PPC campaigns?

It’s understandable; there’s a lot to know and a lot to do.

Because of that, almost all business owners find that they need to hire a

marketing consultant to help them with all of the different tasks and essentially,

take over the legwork. While you’ll still have final say on all your PPC campaign

decisions, you won’t have to actually take the time to carry them all out yourself.

And that’s good, because you don’t have time for it!

In the next section you’ll find out what you really need to be looking for

when hiring a marketing consultant to manage your PPC campaigns.

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Using a 3rd Party to Manage Your PPC

Managing PPC campaigns is a delicate art of balancing science,

calculations, and sociological patterns.

While it’s not difficult to learn how to do it, it takes time before you can get

really, really good at it.

And you need to be really, really good at it if you want your PPC marketing

efforts to be effective.

Many marketing consultants are really, really good at it; but not all are,

even if though they may claim to be.

You will need a marketing consultant; there’s just no other choice for small

businesses that want to make the very most of their PPC campaigns. But you

don’t have to hire just anyone.

Below are some questions that, even though you might not necessarily need

to ask the consultant, you definitely want to ask yourself before hiring them.

Are they qualified?

This one you probably will have to actually ask the consultant, because

there’s specific certification you’re looking for. Being qualified as an “AdWords

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Qualified Individual” is essential; and if the consultant really does have this

certification, they’re most likely to advertise as such on their own website.

If not, make sure you do ask to see it. Other PPC networks might also have

their own certifications; but you can’t hire anyone who doesn’t have the AdWords


Are they experienced? Are they experienced in your industry?

While there’s nothing really wrong with startup PPC marketing firms and

consultants, this is a form of Internet marketing that really takes time before

anyone can develop a skill at. Make sure that they have experience in the

field, and then that they have experience in your industry.

This is especially important when it comes to things such as keywords and

your landing page because they’ll know the jargon (for the landing page) and

they’ll know what people are searching for (for the keywords.) They’ll also know

overall what works and what doesn’t within your own specific industry. In order to

find out if they really have experience, you might have to ask the consultant for


Have they done research on your site?

In one of your first conversations with potential marketing consultants, make

sure to mention certain aspects of your site and see if they are familiar with them.

When consultants are giving you their sales pitch, they need to be telling you what

they can do for you; and they can’t know what they can do for you unless they’ve

researched your company a little bit. When a consultant comes to a meeting

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prepared, it shows that they’re a professional and that they’ll show that attention

to detail every step of the way through all of your campaigns.

Who is going to actually do the work?

This is an important one because marketing firms are known for hiring

interns, apprentices, and coop students to help them learn about the industry.

While it’s certainly fine if one of these interns works on your account with the

consultant (pending your approval,) the initial consultant that you spoke with

must be present at all times. This is the only person who’s going to really know

what you need out of your campaign, because they’re the only one that has

actually spoken to you to find out.

Are they affordable?

Just like anything else with any type of marketing, cheap does not always

mean bad and expensive does not always mean the best. The best rule of thumb

is to make sure that the consultant can come in within the price range you give

them, and that they don’t try to talk you into paying for something that’s over that

and that you don’t need. It’s very easy to overcharge in the world of PPC

marketing; and you don’t want to be victim to it.

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Pay per click marketing might not seem at first like it’s going to make a huge

difference to your business.

But if you don’t get in on this highly lucrative Internet marketing,

you’re going to miss out on huge profits and reaching customers that you

never would have otherwise.

It’s inarguable that there’s a lot to know when it comes to PPC marketing

and that there’s even more to do. As a business owner, you simply don’t have

time for it; PPC management takes that much time.

Start calling around to marketing consultants today, so that you can start

your very first PPC campaign tomorrow! You’ll see profits immediately!