Paulo Mellett Book 2 from the wall at the Monkton Wyld Memorial ...

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Transcript of Paulo Mellett Book 2 from the wall at the Monkton Wyld Memorial ...

Paulo Mellett

Book 2 from the wall at the

Monkton Wyld Memorial Gathering

20th July 2014

Cuba November 2013 Permaculture Design Course tutor

Paulo Mellett (in his own words)

After 10 years as an environmental activist, Paulo decided to focus solely on the positive solutions to our problems: Permaculture.

He completed a BSc in Development Studies in the University of East Anglia in Norwich, with a focus on sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. He also has an MSc in Architecture: Advanced Environmental and Energy Studies at the Centre of Alternative Technologies CAT Graduate School of the Environment in Machynlleth, Wales and trained as a straw bale builder. He completed a PDC in 2002 and has also completed a Permaculture Teacher Course with Designed Visions and the UK Permaculture Association.

In 2009 Paulo co-taught a PDC in Cuba with Roberto Perez and Ali Phyala and has been teaching Permaculture and working on projects for many years in the UK and around the world. He also works with the Global Ecovillage Network and has taught the ecology unit on the four-week EDE Ecovillage Design Education courses at ecovillages in Germany and South Africa, which is presented as an extended introduction to permaculture design. He attended the 2011 IPC in Jordan.

Paulo works as a freelance permaculture consultant and for the past two years has been coordinating funding for permaculture training centers and creating partnerships for raw material supply between permaculture project networks and ethical businesses, with major projects underway in Kenya, the Peruvian Amazon (, and Ghana (

He also supports projects in Congo, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Colombia and Brazil. Paulo has a focus on natural building and agroforestry, and is also a board member of the Ghana Permaculture Institute. He currently lives in Brazil.

From Simon Constantine – on the Lush website In loving memory of Paulo Mellett I don’t think I’ve met anyone who could completely change your outlook on life quite like Paulo. That’s not to say he was perfect; he could be stubborn, argumentative and a bit petty. So often on trips together he would be 20 minutes late leaving because he was whizzing up some algae infused snozcumber smoothie in his room. One time Agnes found Paulo arguing with another colleague in the carpark about keeping bananas in the fridge. However, when you travel with people you often find their true character is revealed. And with Paulo, when he let his shine, he lit you up with it. It was impossible not to be infused with his passion and drive for healing the planet. He set a fire in everyone he met, he taught us tirelessly about permaculture, soil, nitrogen fixing, alley cropping, social structure, culture, even spirituality and all that time we questioned “Why do we need to know it Paulo, we’ve got you?” Now he’s gone. He had a higher purpose. He promised himself and the universe that if he recovered from leukemia he would make what time he had count. In the 15 years following he led marches for Greenpeace against war and climbed the Houses of Parliament to change climate policy. Somewhere around 2009, whilst awaiting trial for taking part in the Didcot Power Station action, Paulo made a connection with Lush. Well actually he made a connection with Ruth, who became his wife. Ruth already had made huge strides in our business, and together their passion and determination was a force of nature. Truly. Quickly he described that it was time to create a new model. Business, humanity even, didn’t have to be destructive. It can do more than limit its impact. It can be a force for good; it can regenerate, heal and prosper. He didn’t just tell me. He showed me. First we bought cocoa from the Colombian Peace Community, next we supported Paul Yeboah in Ghana where he showed he could create a self sufficient, sustainable business in just 4 years. Next was a hurried purchase of 6000 hectares of Amazonian rainforest, “We need to buy it quick, it’s like Avatar down there” he said. Now it’s a bastion of ecological business practice in Peru, protecting rainforest and providing rosewood that we can use in our products. Paulo fell ill; a visiting Shaman likened it to a warrior struck down in battle. In the thick of it in Ghana, digging passive water dams he caught malaria. What

followed was his greatest fight yet and unfortunately, his last. Encouraged and accompanied by my wife, I visited Paulo for one last time a month before he passed. It was a comfort to tell him how well his legacy of projects were beginning to blossom – rosewood, geranium, aloe, moringa – simple ingredients providing life lines both to the people and to the Earth through his beautiful design. It’s painful at best to lose one of your own, but to lose one of a kind is worse still. Good luck Paulo with your next journey, you are much loved and missed in equal measure. Paulo touched many hearts, if you feel moved too, please share your experiences here or using #peacepioneer Simon Constantine


Entries on the Lush website following Simon's tribute Paulo, only some of us met you but we were all touched by you. Only an incredible person can positively affect people who have not met them! Thank you for your efforts and achievements in solidarity with rural farmers in Colombia. The seed you planted continues to grow and the Lush campaign in support of the Peace Community and Peace Brigades International is one of the many fruits. Inspirational. PBI UK Paul was a childhood friend – my fondest memories being of long walks along various cliffs in Dorset (with piggy backs from Paul when my legs ached), of playing with various pieces of strange machinery in the cottage where Paul lived, of trying to launch the Happy Hippo boat in Seatown (Dad, Paul was right – it needed a keel...). My mum kept me up to date with Paul's life - I think we share the same philosophy although have different approaches (me as a passive academic, him as a man of action). It's strange to miss someone I haven't seen for years. Love to all who were close to Paul, especially Pete, Jane, Mary and to Ruth (sorry I haven't had the chance to meet you). Kate I taught a course together with Paulo last year in Peace Research Community Tamera. This year we wanted to do another one. And we will ... continue to spread the message that the earth's healing and people's healing is possible and is based on our actions and full participation in creation. Paulo stands for this in my life and work. Our re-union with primal knowledge as stewards of the earth, capable of manifesting resilient healthy, re-growing change in this current time through an open heart and a clear, uncompromising spirit. Thank you for the gifts you shared throughout your lifetime. Thank you that we met. All the Best. Marcus Dittrich The times Paulo knocked at death's door during the four months we were in hospital, I would get upset not about how much I was going to miss him, but about the great loss to the planet and its peoples that his passing would cause. He was like a pioneer tree in forest succession, casting many seeds, breaking up new ground, fertilising poor soil, being the first line of regeneration for others to follow, but also like pioneer trees, having a short lifespan as the forest evolves. He has done his pioneering job and spread his

many seeds, now it's up to us to carry on his work and follow suit, allowing his fertile ideas, boundless love and inspiring vision to help us to continue the regeneration he started. Paulo, may we help life flourish everywhere on your behalf. I love you. Ruth Paulo was an amazing man and an old soul, connected to the past and the future to make the NOW better. Working for Lush has brought me into contact with many amazing people but none more so than Paulo. I feel so lucky to have had a chance to hear the words of such a person and to learn from them. It was because of Paulo and Ruth that I have come to be the person I am, the person who cares about the world and the person who wants to make a difference. I know I speak for all of us here at Lush Inverness when I say that the loss to the world is insurmountable now that Paulo has gone. We can only hope to carry on fighting the battle on his behalf. Our thoughts are with Ruth and his family at this time. S G Nicholls Paulo was an old friend for me. We met at university 13 years ago now. He held my first daughter Maia when she was days old, presenting her with a necklace he had made for her when he was in Peru- her goddess necklace that is around my neck today- she gave it to me to wear when I told her Paulo had died. She is 9 now. She knew he had it made by the rainforest people especially for her. I have memories of battles about raw food diets, dilemmas about getting arrested following him into action, him telling my ex boyfriend I wasn't home when I was- to protect me as his friend from being sucked in again, and then looking at me when I was mad- it was for your own good! lol he was right. Oh how our house as flat mates was covered in banana boxes full of bananas, organic veg boxes by the bushel- he went through good food like locusts….the blender motor exploding from overuse for smoothies…dancing and yoga in the lounge the size of a shoe box, the passion of two lions sharing a space- each with different ideas, different paths, but the common goal of leaving this world loved and healing, rather than blatantly destroyed. Man we laughed a lot, we argued sometimes but never for long, and we cared deeply. He was a force of nature- the best kind of force. The light force. The kind of force that can annoy- only because the truth can be so hard to hear, so difficult to heed. Blessings to you and your family. My heart breaks for your family. My heart rejoices for what you have brought into this world. All our love – Paula, Maia and Gaelen

The amazing impact he has had on Lush and on the world is a truly wonderful legacy. The SLush fund will change the lives of so many people. Take heart from it everyone that knew him, he has left the world a better place and for those of us that knew only of his work we are lucky too to have had Paulo Mellett as an inspiration. Kasia Such a legacy he has left behind. So passionate about his work. His inspiration was truly breath taking and it helped so many people. A truly remarkable person. His memory will live on in the lives and people he touched. His light burned brightly and illuminated all around him. He beat his illness 15 years ago, but did not win his final battle which is so very sad. We are proud to be part of his family and send all our love to Jane, Pete, Mary and Ruth. With all our love always. Gillian (nee Mellett), Mike, Tom & Louise Williams XXXXX What an honest and beautiful tribute you have written of our son, Simon. Thank you to you and all at Lush who have made this happen so rapidly. We have connected many of our friends to this site and they have read about Paulo for the first time. Strangely, although this is the most tragic loss for our family, it has been such a comfort to learn so much about our lovely son from so many different people.It is not something that parents often have the opportunity for. We knew of all his struggles...and some of his achievements that he shared with us. Now we have a sense of him as a man in the world. Thank you, Jane and Pete Mellett We send our deep greetings of support and empathy from the peace research center Tamera to Paulo Mellett and his beautiful wife Ruth. It is truly sad to have lost this amazing person, peace worker and friend. He supported an amazing network of change-makers and often helped to make people and their great work and projects seen. He helped to get support for our cooperation partners like the peace community San José de Apartadó in Colombia, the permaculture project OTEPIC in Kenya, the organic farm in Tulkarem, Palestine. We are grateful in their name. With greetings from the Tamera community. Gracias Paulo desde Colombia con todo el amor, pero no mayor al que deben sentir los seres que ayudaste, por ti. Irukan

So eloquently written, Simon... I didn't have the pleasure of meeting Paulo, but your words of him are so well written that I feel like I knew him, too. And what's more, even I am now mourning his death and shedding tears as if I've lost a long-time friend. Thank you for letting us know who Paulo was, and for introducing us to a legacy that will live on through ingredients in the products we will use for years to come.


Paulo was a true inspiration: a remarkable, delightful, brilliant and beautiful man, who enhanced the lives of everyone who knew him. He epitomised integrity and purity of purpose: I've never met anyone quite like him. I greatly enjoyed his company, both as a friend and as a fellow campaigner, and I am desperately sad to have lost him. George Monbiot Paulo was my inspiration at LUSH, we shared a passion for permaculture and I couldn't wait to tell him every time I found another great project we could collaborate on. I know that his spirit will live on in the work we do at LUSH as we continue to love and help the world. Paulo made a big difference to so many people's lives. Paulo will continue to do so for a very, very, very long time to come. I can completely identify with your accurate and beautifully written dedication to Paulo here. Although I'm aware of the amazing work Paulo has been involved in doing and inspiring for so many, for me my most personal and abiding memory of him is working on Lushfest 2011. Paulo racing around the site weeks before the build and during the meeting and festival on his buggy, hanging out of trees hanging up a sheet for an outdoor cinema, talking green and inspiring ethics, setting out the tent layouts in one huge mandala you could probably see from outer space and occasionally driving us completely mad! Leading up to the event he would chair the meetings keeping us to time and on the straight and narrow, planning compost toilets, building things, researching, physically and mentally strong and full of energy. Once a week there would be Yoga and another side to life, a welcome calm reflection. I last spoke to Paulo on a chance encounter with he and Ruth at waterloo tube station. He looked so well and was clearly happy, with projects galore to do and ambition and hope for the planet and of course so much love. Thank you to those creating this space for Paulo and may we always remember. Pearl Gottschalk

Simon, this is a beautiful eulogy and captures all the aspects of the man Paolo was. He most certainly was one of a kind and the important thing is that his legacy of SLush will live on and continue to make the difference to people and the environment that he envisaged.I do believe in life after death so I very much doubt we have had our last idea from Paolo, well I hope not anyway. Rowena Bird Paulo was and will continue to be an inspiration. Together with Ruth their positive enthusiasm to make the world a better place for all of us has made us think about doing things differently. We will never forget him. Tallguy Paulo made a big difference to so many people's lives. Paulo will continue to do so for a very, very, very long time to come. I can completely identify with your accurate and beautifully written dedication to Paulo here. Although I'm aware of the amazing work Paulo has been involved in doing and inspiring for so many, for me my most personal and abiding memory of him is working on Lushfest 2011. Paulo racing around the site weeks before the build and during the meeting and festival on his buggy, hanging out of trees hanging up a sheet for an outdoor cinema, talking green and inspiring ethics, setting out the tent layouts in one huge mandala you could probably see from outer space and occasionally driving us completely mad! Leading up to the event he would chair the meetings keeping us to time and on the straight and narrow, planning compost toilets, building things, researching, physically and mentally strong and full of energy. Once a week there would be Yoga and another side to life, a welcome calm reflection. I last spoke to Paulo on a chance encounter with he and Ruth at waterloo tube station. He looked so well and was clearly happy, with projects galore to do and ambition and hope for the planet and of course so much love. Thank you to those creating this space for Paulo and may we always remember. Matt From the moment Paulo arrived at Ecoforest for the October 2002 PDC course (which I taught) it was clear that here was a very unusual, passionate and inspiring young man. His challenging journey in the previous years had brought him to the combination of raw food and permaculture that was offered at Ecoforest. He was a great guy to have on the course, and during his time after when he stayed on to volunteer with us for around a month, as

part of a wonderful group. That was a very special time at Ecoforest, and Paulo’s part in that was significant, as it was everywhere he went and in everything he did. More recently I had been in touch with Paulo again regarding his inspiring work with Lush, to look at how we might encourage a better understanding and use of permaculture in the business world, working with the UK Association, with the hope that more companies might follow Lush’s example of making positive contributions to ecology, society and the economy. I would very much like to look with others at how Paulo’s memory and legacy can be continued, as his work demonstrates to me a visionary yet practical next step in the continuing evolution of permaculture, in positive creation-oriented activism, and in ethical, ecologically sound business development - in short, in living a life of active love for people and planet. I think it’s fair to say that Paulo was an example of a perfect permaculture student – because he went on to live it, and to carry on learning and doing, spreading and multiplying permaculture and positive sustainable solutions in a powerful, inspiring and (most importantly) effective way. We can all continue to learn from, be motivated by and be inspired by his example. Steve Charter On Sunday 20th July we had a very beautiful memorial gathering for Paulo at Monkton Wyld in Dorset. What was most significant for me as his mother was the consistency of people's views of Paulo, from childhood through to his death. He was the person you saw, and he had a true integrity of being. What was so exciting from that day was to feel his energy running through so many , and the creative plans that began to grow, even before the day was finished. Paulo must be just so thrilled to see all his favourite thinkers and doers hatching out plots for yet more wonderful projects around the world. May this energy continue to grow, even without him, for the world's sake. Jane Mellett

Magnus – For Paulo Mellett – visionary, teacher, friend Paulo, First off, I just can’t believe you’re not with us right now. I am so used to being in touch pretty much all the time.

With crushing reluctance I’ve come to accept that one of my closest friends, mentors, ideas generator, building mate, fellow life adventurer has left us, for higher realms. We found out last week, middle of the night in our home in Islamabad, when our son Nikita called with the news. We were all just stunned and speechless. It hardly seems possible, for someone who was so completely infused with boundless energy and ideas, as if they burst through his pores, his eyes …isn't just around the corner. Completely gutted in every way. Yet at the same time empowered by his life.

And now by Ruth his incredible wife and equally inspiring partner. Ruth somehow maintained clarity and a capacity to share Paulo’s struggles to overcome a serious bout of malaria which kick-started a spiral of organ and system failure across his exhausted body; at 19 Paulo survived leukaemia but knew how his organs had taken a serious hammering, leaving him vulnerable, yet somehow with this octane-fuelled clarity of vision and direction. Every few days Ruth would Facebook updates in English and Portuguese (Brasileira, como ela), to muster us all into action to send positive images of a healing Paulo. Hundreds of us would like and comment and share our love and hope and support. Paulo had a LOT of friends, had reached a lot of people.. This is it.. Paulo has had a vision for this planet, a “design strategy” as he might say, to re-think the way humans live in the environment around them. To transform the energy we put into destroying our ecology to repairing it. A system of design that would increase people’s access to food through smarter use of their waste, cutting inefficiencies (that he saw everywhere, as if he had some eco-super-power to x-ray scan across communities and spot the numptified designs that have appeared around us). He’s the only person I’ve ever met that could see the common thread between everything people do, from growing food, harnessing energy, dealing with waste, building homes, teaching children. He had learned about permaculture way back, then he studied renewable energy, sustainable building and large scale water retention and management strategies. He knew so bloody much stuff, and had this spider’s web of linkages going on constantly that connected strategies and designs from one part way over to the other. For a while he became obsessed by mushrooms and fungi (well he was obsessed about everything..) and would insist you sit down for a two hour session watching some guy delivering a presentation on the stuff, then sit and watch you and say “so, you get it now, right?” then he’d explain how the waste coming off ethanol production could be excellent feedstock for fungi which in turn would provide goodies for fish, which would clean dirty water and provide irrigation for new plants for more ethanol, and on and on. We'd been in constant touch about ways to deal with the disaster that human waste has become, but why it needn't be so.

Struggling together with this 400kg oak beam... We started chatting about all this in the green of Wales back in 2006, when we met, soon after we moved into small plot of land in Portugal completely covered in 30 years of brambles and spikey things, hiding old terraces, ruins and a massive renovation project. Paolo liked this idea and offered to dive in

with us. And so he did. Over the next couple of years we grafted away together tackling just about every concept and project that you can imagine, all the while Paulo chattering away an almost non-stop narrative of sustainability and compost, worms, gardens and water, mushrooms and underground life forms we know-so-little-about, smoothies and aaargh! I never went on a permaculture design course (2 weeks) because I think back on this time as a two year doctorate! We grew together. Our children Nikita and Kira must have been 13 and 7. They absorbed too – and won’t forget.

Under Paulo's spell Kira dives in to the lime plastering too

We went crazy watching the local rivers change through the seasons, and Paolo let slip that kayaking was another of his hobbies (how many can a guy have!!??). A few months later we had all the gear, and Nikita, Paulo and I would drive our van way up some secluded river and charge down, waterfalls and all. These were great moments, staring over at each other in a strange mix of terror, exhilaration and what-the-hell let’s just do it screech, as we hurtled towards some new waterfall we hadn't had time check out first. In the pouring rain. (Argggh. where's the photos of these missions!??) When we moved to Pakistan Paulo and Ruth used England as a pit-stop to the oasis that their Brazil was to become. It sounded amazing there. And I could read between the lines of messages and many skypes how he was infecting yet more ordinary mortals with his vision for a better world.

With our multi-national team of beam-movers from Romania, England, Portugal, New Zealand, Scotland: from left – Nikita, me, Nik, Paulo,

Shrek (Carlos), Hewel, Petrus, Ilie and Manuel (Neo).

In Pakistan I became humanitarian “advisor” to the UK Government’s efforts to support post mega-flood recovery. Subsequent years brought equally intense rain and destruction. Almost four years on I’m still there, supporting one of the largest shelter reconstruction projects ever – at over 120,000 homes and counting.

One of hundreds of amazing families I worked with in Pakistan, discussing

building with lime, how I'd learned from Paulo and Hywel in Portugal.

Almost everything I learned from Paulo I imparted here: the value of lime, appropriate shading and slaking of the stuff (this is a huge deal for the uninitiated – and has enabled people to build fully flood resistant homes for less than £300 each, meaning we reached 70% more families or saved about £50m compared to the conventional way of building houses). I found myself stomping around lecturing anyone in hearing distance of the magic like qualities of this ancient material, as if I had become an ambassador for Paulo’s forest empire. Yes, Paulo, your legacy is marching on, I carry it proudly every day and as the fates would have it I found myself advising one of the largest and most progressive donors in the world, who are really supportive of our work – and enabled your vision to go really far.

How many times Nikita, Paulo and I would be the only ones around holding up some half-framed structure, Paolo rapidly slipping into a mood that emerges from having to work with such turkeys who take-so-long to get it. Well Nikita got it pretty quick, I’m still in turkeysville but that’s another story).

With Nikita, bringing up this massive pre-fabricated structure that was to become the terrace for the Alambique

He would disappear for weeks on various missions. To Croatia with Ruth to desing some mega straw-bale warehouse for his new umbrella company LUSH. Or to obscure communities of German inventors in Southern Portugal, come back bouncing with excitement about their new creations that turned sun rays into ice (the hotter it is outside the cooler the fridge). I’m pretty much obsessed by anything low-tech and radical too, so we’d be there for hours plotting how we’d incorporate these into the aid world, into communities devoid of power and jobs, and how sun & ice could change the picture completely. Especially if we included biogas, rainwater collection, constructed wetlands, and so on. Integrated smart design. Yes… I’m working on that. This has become my mission too.

Paulo designed this entire straw bale section on the house, and led the construction with our family and friends.

We return to Portugal tomorrow, where you appear in just about every picture, in every part of the building and gardening process. You are as much part of our land there as we are and as you planted half the trees you will grow on with us there. Quite fitting really, as Paulo was many parts elfin creature and part-man. He seemed more at home in a mossy corner between rocks or high in the canopy of some tree. A quiver full of carved arrows over his back and slightly pointed ears would have raised no alarm. I’d find him stuffing fresh cut grass into his blender, together with powder of some coco bean, sun-filtered water and some fruits. I asked him if he had become part-goat; he looked at me from under his eyebrows, frowning, to say “grass and weeds are just phenomenal mineral accumulators, how do you think sheep survive?”. I’d settle down with my all-too-human scrambled egg and bread, feeling more like an orc beside this ethereal being sipping his plant juice. (Annoyingly, he would then carry a jug of this stuff around for the next half hour, like an IV, sipping, glowing).

I’m going to feel a bit lost for a while – any time I had a problem or an idea I’d take it to you and you’d send me a drop-box full of vids and docs and links and names and case studies. I have Gigabytes of the stuff now, guess I’ll have to start reading it… God-damn that malarial piece of shit bug… Ruth, I can’t imagine how you’re coping. You are SO many times stronger than me to have held it together so long. Please come and see us whenever you can – we are here with you as your extended family. Go well Paulo, my friend, it’s been a great privilege to fly together a while.


From Reni Menks de Andrade Quero que todos saibam, como Paulo Mellett meu querido genro, foi importante em nossas vidas; e principalmente na vida da minha filha RUTH. Apesar de pouca nossa convivencia, foi intensa e com muito amor e alegrias. Desde que o conhecemos, já nos tornamos seus admiradores, por ser tão lindo, gentil, um homem bom. Tão esforçado em se se fazer entender, pronunciando tão bem nosso idioma. Sempre admirando e defendendo nosso país. Paulo amava o Brasil! Lamentavelmente não teve tempo de conhecer as belezas e riquezas do nosso país ,como era seu desejo. Meu marido dizia, que para nosso nome prpertuar, precisamos fazer algo muito importante em nossa vida. Tenho certeza que Paulo Mellett, será perpetuado atravéz de seus importantes projetos, que deixou para o mundo. Obrigada Paulo Mellett, por tê-lo conhecido e ter convivido com você! Obrigado Paulo Mellett, por ter amado, minha filha, e tê-la feito tão feliz! Love Reni I would like everyone to know how my son-in-law Paulo Mellett was important in our lives and especially in the life of my daughter Ruth. Even though we spent little time together, the times were intense and full of love and joy. Since we met him for the first time, we became his admirers for being such a beautiful, gentle and good man. He always made an effort to be understood in Portuguese and to speak it as best as he could. He would always admire and defend Brazil and he loved it. Unfortunately he did not have enough time to get to know all the richness and beauties of our country as he wished. My husband used to say that for our name to be everlasting, we must do something important with our lives. I am sure Paulo's name will live on forever through the many important projects he left to the world. Thank you, Paulo Mellett, for having known you and spent time with you! Thank you, Paulo Mellett, for having loved my daughter and have made her so happy! Love Reni

Suffering for his absence, we miss Paul, we think how many people and communities were sought after with his work. We loved him and we felt his love and in truth he's there, he's still alive in his Light and love, following his life, continuing his path, beating the breath of the universe. I feel a live Paul, I think of Paul and he is always alive in my mind, there is no death! We keep the conection through our truly beautiful acctions, you´ll be always in my thoughts and in my heart! Love...your sister Carol

From Tom Johnstone Hi Peter Firstly can I offer my condolences to yourself, your wife and all your family, and to Ruth for your loss, Paulo was the most beautiful of souls and had a magical impact on countless lives. I'd hoped to send you some memories in time for the memorial weekend, but just couldn't focus myself in time, maybe naively I hadn't realised how ill Paulo was so didn't see his death coming and the sadness nocked me sideways. I can't remember how Paulo and I first met, but i remember when his influence on my life really kicked in. Paulo and I shared a cell while in detention on the Faslane nuclear submarine base in Scotland, and while in that cell we got talking, having already met before, but not got to know each other. When Paulo found out I was a climber he enthused that I should join the GP climbing team, and put me in touch with Cat Dorey who organised the team at that time. Those short hours we spent together went on to change the next few years for me in ways I could only have dreamt of. After being involved in the climbing team, climate camp and the movement for a couple of years I was lucky enough to crew on the Arctic Sunrise, which had been a childhood dream, and on my return it was Paulo who approached me to be a climbed alongside him on the Drax protest. He invited me to the place in Corris one weekend and we ate great food and went skinny dipping in a lake. Without realising it that weekend Paulo freed me of a great number of the chains that normal social upbringing places upon young men. He made it ok to share a closeness, time and space with another young man in a totally non sexual way, he made me realise that a hidden fear of being accused of being gay held us back from getting close to each other in ways that are totally accepted between young women, but largely not so between men. It is entirely natural to go skinny dipping when in a wild spot on a good day, and that weekend Paulo let me realise that sharing that experience with others, regardless of gender, only adds to the joy of the environment. I often swim in lakes and rivers, and not once do I swim without remembering that lake with Paulo.

Paulo's impact on my life was far greater than I'd realised, and the fact that it's been years since I last saw him only extenuated the pain I felt when I realised he'd gone, but slowly I come to realise that it's the quality of the relationship, not the quantity that gives it it's value. I can't begin to imagine how your are able to I forward from here, and I can't think of Ruth without feeling utterly devastated for her, but I hope that you find strength in knowing how wonderful your son was and how much value he added to this world, and that by loving each other you are able to take each day forward with happiness. Lastly, as you may or may not be aware, the Drax convictions were overturned last year, and the courts are now repaying fines and costs, and I wanted to ask if you had any charity, movement, organisation or place that would appreciate a donation in Paulo's memory, from the money that is being given back to us. With love Tom Johnstone Ps: I'll forward you a photo, that Paulo took of me, on the Drax protest, it's on the door of my fridge and every day it brings me a little bit of joy, with a hint of sadness.

From Alice Bonaldi Ruthina,

No words can express how deeply I think of you right now. Your words made my eyes wet. You are such a strong and beautiful soul, just like Paulo. You were both an inspiration to sustain this world and keep it turning. Here is a photo souvenir of Paolo

when we came to visit you in Vigo. It's in this egg smelling natural hot tub. Much love to you and your family. Keep it turning, crazy geek punk chicita muac x

From Klaudia van Gool I  am  really  sad  not  to  be  able  to  come  to  Paulo’s  thanksgiving  ceremony,  as  I’m  committed  to  facilitating  a  group  at  the  Art  of  Mentoring  in  Scotland.  This  teaches  tools  for  culture  repair  to  achieve  Permanent  Culture,  the  social  /  people  aspect  of  permaculture.  I’m  sure  Paulo  would  have  understood.      I  met  Paulo  properly  in  January  2009,  when  he  came  along  as  a  late  apprentice  on  a  permaculture  design  course  at  Monkton  Wyld,  on  which  I  was  also  apprenticing.  He  had  been  asked  to  teach  a  PDC  in  Cuba  and  needed  to  quickly  brush  up  on  how  to  do  that.    I  was  amazed  by  his  capacity  to  take  it  all  in  and  just  from  that  one  course  come  away  with  all  he  needed  to  teach.  I  wouldn’t  have  had  the  confidence,  courage  or  ability  to  take  it  to  the  level  he  did  so  quickly.  I  was  also  inspired  by  his  permaculture  life,  experimenting  with  polycultures,  learning  sustainable  building  at  CAT  and  being  a  creative  musician  on  top.    He  was  a  warm  shining  connector  with  the  students,  making  time  for  chats  at  meal  times  and  offering  support  any  time  he  could.  I  was  stressing  because  of  the  amount  of  teaching  we  took  on  and  preparing  for  my  diploma  presentation  towards  the  end  of  the  course.    After  a  couple  of  days  we  got  into  a  habit  of  an  apprentices  morning  hug  and  it  so  helped.  I  really  loved  his  company  and  working  and  learning  with  him  and  felt  I  made  a  friend  for  life.      Through  him,  I  met  Ruth  who  invited  me  to  teach  a  permaculture  intro  course  for  Lush  on  Brownsea  Island.  It  was  a  first  opportunity  to  combine  permaculture  with  business  environmental  management.  Paulo  then  started  working  at  Lush  and  really  integrating  permaculture  in  any  way  he  could,  particularly  through  the  supply  chain.      Sadly  he  travelled  a  lot  after  that,  so  I  hardly  saw  him,  but  we  stayed  in  touch.  I  was  really  touched  when  he  spontaneously  sent  some  money  from  Lush  to  support  a  permaculture  course  I  would  be  teaching  in  Palestine  at  Marda  Permaculture  project.      

   I  have  been  deeply  touched  by  his  struggle  for  life  the  last  few  months  and  most  days  he’s  been  in  my  prayers.  All  I  can  do  now  is  to  take  my  inspiration  from  him  to  bring  more  permaculture  into  business  and  give  it  all  I’ve  got  with  a  happy  smile.      Thank  you  Paulo  Klaudia        "If  nature  is  your  teacher,  your  soul  will  awaken..."      Goethe    


From Aili Pyhala It is so hard to find words to express the feelings flowing through this huge space that Paulo has left behind, in each one of us whose hearts he touched so profoundly, and in the spaces that reflect and connect the positive, promising world that he dedicated his life to and worked so very hard to build. Paulo leaves behind a huge legacy, one of wisdom and insight, inspiration and conscious spirit, a profound love for mother earth, and perhaps most uniquely of all, an example of someone who did not waste any time sitting around just hoping or talking about what needed to be done, or waiting for things to happen; Paulo went out and actually did everything he envisioned and dreamed, selflessly, all for the healing and regeneration of life on this planet. Paulo, the world bows down before you in immense gratitude for all that you have given, for all the beauty and life you have shared, taught, shown, and inspired in so many places and people. May your soul rest in peace and soar freely now, and may you continue to live your dreams. You rest in my heart and soul forever, Aili From Chris Evans Notice posted in the Permaculture Magazine just before going to press. A longer version is in production for the website. R.I.P Paulo 1979–2014 The global permaculture community is grieving at the loss of Paulo Mellett, who passed away on 23rd June in Brazil, following a four-month battle

against malaria infection. Paulo leaves a legacy of inspiration and innovation, especially for his work in the two-thirds world with fair trade cosmetics company Lush. He applied his skills in land design and business entrepreneurship with communities in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America, helping to regenerate significant areas for farm and forest, while developing fair trade business models and infrastructure to allow local initiatives to thrive in a self-reliant way. He was busy constructing water retention systems in Ghana when he contracted malaria. Our deepest condolences go to his wife Ruth and his parents, who cared for him during his illness. It is planned to hold a ceremony in Dorset over the weekend of 19-20th July as a time for his friends and colleagues to gather, connect and reconnect, and take his energy forward. For those wishing to find out more or to attend, please contact his parents via Lush has posted a wonderful tribute, “The Man Behind Slush” on their website

From Cadi Roberts Dear Jane, Peter I've never had the pleasure of meeting either of you but Paulo talked a lot about you both, and Mary. The last time I saw him he was very excited for his little sister getting married. I worked closely with Paulo on the SLush Fund. He taught me so much in the last year and was the one who introduced me to Permaculture and his visions for Lush before my time at Lush. When I first met him, as a stranger, he dedicated a whole day out of his busy schedule to sit me down and give me lessons in permaculture and help me plan out ideas for my thesis. I wouldn't be able to do any of what I do now if it wasn't for him. I just wanted to thank you both personally for creating such an extraordinary beautiful man. I was so very lucky to have known him and now, to be a part of continuing his vision with SLush. I will always do my best to honour his work. I have found myself everyday in the last few months asking myself 'what would Paulo do in this situation?' and it has given me amazing guidance and comfort. I would love to attend the gathering on the Sunday and have a photo and personal view of Paulo I would like to bring. A Maasai permaculturist called Joseph will be with me in the UK that weekend. He works with us on a SLush project in Kenya and knew Paulo quite well. Paulo taught him all about 'earthbag building' and rocket stoves during his time in Kenya. Would it be ok if he could attend with me? [Yes! – P] If you are short on spaces, not to worry. Sending you all much love, Cadi From Harry Westaway Dear Mellett family I am sad to hear that Paulo has passed away. Over several years from 2001-ish, Paulo and I worked together on a number of Greenpeace actions, climb-trainings and events in the UK. We also met socially from time to time, and once he joined my family and friends on one of our numerous wilderness adventures – that time to a remote spot on Mull in the NW Highlands. Since Paulo moved away, as often happens I guess, we sort of lost touch,

but I had a sense of what he was up to from varied 'sign the petition' type emails landing in this account. I am planning to write something of my memories of the times Paulo and I were at Greenpeace together. I am slow to form sentences together, so will apologise in advance for sending this to you merely 'at some point in the future'. I would like to attend Paulo's memorial in Dorset, but I fly into Gatwick at 9.30am on the 20th, and have not yet ascertained whether I will be able to make it down in good time. It is probable that I will not, so I could not ask you to plan for me to eat etc. Harry Westaway, and his brothers Ned and Simon and sister Sally.

Paul Yeboah Paulo Limber Cabrera

From Lesley Zaynab Byrne To the Mellett Family and dearest Ruth, Paulo Mellett and I first met in October of 2011 at the International Permaculture Conference in Jordan. Sitting atop high dunes in the desert at Wadi Rum, at night, with millions of twinkling stars above and Bedouin tents below us we talked about our lives.

Soft spoken, tall and thin, Paulo always had a calm presence about him, like an old wise sage. Although only in his early thirties, he had an uncanny insight into people that put them immediately at ease. Paulo's intelligence, grace and boundless energy allowed him to cross over the world, into different cultures and change thousands of

people's lives; from small villages in Ghana and Kenya, to remote areas of the Amazon jungle working with indigenous people and then back into the favelas of Sao Paulo and then to the deserts of Jordan. Paulo and I collaborated on Slush projects together for Afghanistan, Jordan and more recently, Kenya. He was a visionary that made things happen.

On, Kenya, through LUSH and Paulo's support we were able to bring together a group of subsistence farmers, men and women, working together for the first time, to form the first Rusinga Island Organic Farmer's Association. In less than a year's time, through assistance and teaching workshops, they are now producing enough organic food to feed their families and are now on

the road to creating a self-sufficient, sustainable model for others to follow on the island and in Kenya.

What Paulo leaves in this world is a legacy that has impacted thousands of people's lives for generations to come. The way we can honor him is to carry on his work and know he is watching over us like that night in the desert with his bright star looking down on all of us. May Allah look over him and his family. To Paulo's (Paul's) parents, sister and dearest Ruth. As a mother, friend and colleague Paulo is one of those rare gems that touches one heart and soul. To Ruth, I am privileged to have you and Paulo as close friends. To Jane, Peter and Mary please know he will be forever honored and I hope one day to meet you and thank you in person for bringing such a beautiful soul to all of us. With much love, Lesley Zaynab Byrne

From Andy Goldring (Permaculture Association) In loving memory of Paulo Mellett I first remember meeting Paulo at a convergence somewhere. We didn't talk long, but it was an intense conversation and he said he'd get back in touch soon after. And unlike many of those 'lets talk again' conversations, he really did. Paulo was full of ideas, connections, plans, designs, and schemes, all driven by very clear and strong intentions. His laptop was always bursting with designs form an African village there, and documents and plans for here, photos from a project he was working with somewhere else, videos of aquaculture systems, eco-building, well in fact just about everything. He had a thousand folders full of things he was doing. He's the only person I know that maintained four different desktops on his laptop and at least two operating systems. A very bright spark. Our family got to know him better during his trial for jumping the train. Its not that he didn't get a ticket and got caught. He jumped on a train. One of the things he loved to do was get lots of attention. Not for himself of course – Paulo was a wonderfully modest person – but for the cause he believed in, and climate change was a big one. Whether it was climbing Big Ben to wave a big green flag or jumping from a bridge to stop the coal train to the Drax power station, Paulo used his physical prowess and huge courage to make a difference. On the nights before and during the trial we'd sit up till way too late and plan, plot and scheme, sharing stories and ideas, seeing how we could link things up, help the Earth Care, People Care, Fair Shares vision along. Paulo was not satisfied with 'good enough', it was mission critical, lets do it, no watching from the sidelines, we need to do it better. Paul was on a mission, he got involved. And practical too. We did soil tests on the sub soil in our cellar (long story about how Victorian terraces were constructed!), and before you could say 'natural building techniques', he had me plastering the bathroom wall with sub-soil, sand, horse manure and bullrush seeds. “it breathes and will be a great insulator!” said Paulo, Florence (my daughter) was not so sure, especially when after the first pupating insect emerged from the wall as she was sitting on the loo! We loved Paulo's visits, making smoothies and adding strange ingredients, all interspersed with humour, deep seriousness, and strange new tales of techniques and possibilities from across the world. We met again in Jordan at the 10th International Permaculture

Convergence. Always cool with his sunglasses and short sleeved shirts, Paulo wove connections between people, making links and helping to see how we could all achieve more together. I think his work with Lush had started before this, and he was certainly in full eco-social-entrepreneurial mode. Thinking through how we could create new livelihood opportunities for people, using permaculture thinking and design, appropriate technology, natural building and lots of training, which he loved to do. My notebook fro Jordan has pages full of mind maps created with Paulo about how we could scale up the work, reach more people, make a bigger difference. I didn't see him very many times after that. We stayed in touch though, and helped make good connections between the Permaculture Association and Lush. He helped us get our initial research work of the ground with support from the Slush fund – one of his most innovative and important contributions to powering change in partnership with business. When I met him in London to discuss the research work he gave me an overview of what he'd been doing through Lush to engage local projects. I'd been getting updates here and there, but seeing it all together was astounding. Buying 60 square kilometres of degraded rainforest in Peru to set up a rosewood agroforestry system, projects in Kenya and Ghana and more... After moving to Brazil to live with Ruth, I just saw him once more in Cuba for the 11th International Convergence. He'd been working hard and helped teach the Design Course before the conference, and for Paulo he was unusually quiet. Still buzzy and inspirational, full of ideas and projects, but he needed to rest. The we heard that he was unwell, taken into hospital and we prayed, in our own way, for his early recovery back to health. We heard from Ruth about everyone's efforts to support Paulo, and we kept praying, but it was not to be. Paulo was historic, a force of nature, a tower of inspiration and action, the brightest flame, a beautiful, sincere, wonderful person. If I tot it all up, I probably spent less than 30 days in his company, but I can't think of many people that have left such an impression. Paulo you are sadly missed. Rest in peace.

Andy Goldring, 18th July 2014.

From Danny Diskin Dear Peter, Ruth and family I had the honour of meeting Paulo only once, to discuss projects in the Amazon. He was a wonderful guy, and I appreciated his forthright, no nonsense nature. He had a go at the proprietor of an empty cafe in Neal’s Yard, who objected to him using one of their chairs to sit outside. He deserved it, and I made a mental note to follow his lead and suffer fools less. I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to come to his memorial service, but we always took a moment of silence for him in our prayer sessions in London. It so happened that one of these was held on the day he passed. I don’t have words to express my sadness at the loss of such a fine warrior. My best wishes to you and your family. Danny Diskin

From Steve Mangen I am a retired Englishman working voluntarily with GEN International as a fundraiser, focused mainly on African projects. I was involved with Paulo in the last twelve months of his life before his illness started, on several projects that he and Lush had started in Ghana, Kenya and DR Congo. I was (and still am) intending to find charitable funding sources to compliment the work he started by expanding the operations to grow Moringa, geranium Oil etc. within a proposal to allow poverty level subsistence farmers to be involved in these businesses and be able to increase their income by over 200%. As an ex engineer myself, I was particularly impressed with his range of interests and abilities as we discussed how to design a new type of mobile Geranium foliage processor and distiller for use by Moof in Kenya at other local farms. He was not only a visionary in his permaculture field but he was also very down to earth and a really good practical engineer. I wish you all well at this difficult time. my very best regards Steve Mangan

From Marcos Ninguem Mourning – my deepest gratitude to God for having known Paulo Mellett ... young and promising English permacultor ... married to a Brazilian and who traveled the world, especially countries in Africa and Latin America ... developing Permaculture projects with local communities ... inspiration for the new generation of permacultores, Paulo left Earth a few weeks after having acquired malaria in Africa where he developed beautiful and important work ... Paul was a special person for all ... he was the translator of my lecture on international Permaculture convergence in the IPC in Havana-Cuba ... thanks to him people of various countries could tonight learn a little about the work and the movement of Permaculture in Brazil ... together you and me expressed Brazil's voice at that time and I will never forget that our

lecture was supposed to be of maximum one hour and thanks to the magic of our words lasted two. I got the e-mail about his death and ironically I had to translate by Google ... The Eco Village Arrow da Mata in Brazil ... the place that we had agreed and hoped his visit and Ruth Andrade ... is our fraternal Hug together Paulo ... following his legacy ... and life is a blink of an eye ...So soon we will be together ... fraternizing... When the time comes ... Everyone can see his legacy and his brilliant trajectory that serve as inspiration for today's lethargic youth. You lived to the end on the battlefield. We are thankful and we honor you. My tender homage, also from the Brazilian Social Permaculture Network. Marcos

From Lua Paulo and I first met in the European summer of 2010 at the GEN Europe conference in Damanhur (, an ecovillage situated in Italy. I had just stepped into serving within the GEN Network the year before when I attended the Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) training for sustainability course held at Sieben Linden Ecovillage. At that time, I was living at Khula Dhamma Eco Community ( in South Africa with my partner and our two boys. When I attended the EDE in Germany, I strongly connected with the facilitators and realized I had common vision with some of them...during my one month stay there, I worked closely with all of the African participants and current President of GEN International and then resident at Sieben Linden Kosha Anja Joubert on supporting the emergence of GEN-Africa. Dragon Dreaming founder John Croft facilitated our group and from him I learned a most comprehensive method of project design and empowered fundraising which I applied from that moment on to realize the projects of my dreams. Attending that EDE changed my life in that for the first time I was surrounded by so many likeminded people with similar concerns for our planet and all beings and thankful to join an international community of people taking actions co creating the world we wanted.

When I attended the GEN-Europe Conference in July 2010, I shared a vision and dream that I’ve held for years, one that did not only belong to me, but to millions and millions of people I’m sure...I shared my story, spoke of my home country the Democratic Republic of Congo, I spoke of the beauty found in our nature, the magnificent Mountain Gorillas, Bonobos, Chimps, our linked DNA, the fact that Congo holds within her flesh all elements which are found on the Periodic table...the interconnectedness of the world in relation to the Congo...made the point that my great, grandparents knew the forest as their home...I spoke of where we are currently as a nation and our hope of creating something new that would make the old systems which do not serve the people obsolete. A good friend Aili Pyhala, introduced us at some point during the conference and I recall sitting on the grass with Ruth, Aili, Kosha, Ville and Paulo discussing their ideas of how Lush could support projects within the GEN network, I remember for the first time hearing Paul Yeboah’s name mentioned many, many times as well as that of Limber and others whose paths we are often sharing and those whom Paulo worked closely with. The day we met, soon after I finished my presentation, Paulo came to me with tears in his eyes and the warmest hug which connected our beings and told me that he will help me to make manifest my visions to reality and to know that I can count on him, and that we are together. I fell in love with him and Ruth during our time together, it was such a magical moment for me, and how it all came to be in Damanhur: our time in the temples of humankind together, listening to the concert of the trees while laying on the grass, listening to Paulo singing Bob Marley’s ‘redemption’ song while enjoying a beautiful night around a fire, celebrating Ruth’s birthday...truly all gifts that fill me with hope. Over the years, Paulo has been a friend to me, an advisor, a guide, a teacher and a brother. I will be the first to admit that I often was in AWE of his being, and truly felt privileged to know him. I feel that we shared a deep spiritual bond which connected us beyond our beings. We had plans to further explore this realm together with our partners and some Sangomas (African Shamans) in April this year when he was back in Brazil... Kosha, Paulo and I were busy working on a partnership agreement between SLush and GEN-Africa when he was first hospitalized...we were also communicating about the projects that we worked on together. My friend once told me that although he was born in a white man, blued eyed, blond haired body, he believed that his spirit was Indigenous... His humility was so genuine and his intelligence soared!!! Paulo was very clear about his purpose in this life and he didn’t wait around for anyone to give him permission to perform acts that led to change. He inspired me to believe in change and supported me and my colleagues in realizing many of our dream projects. For his friendship, we will forever be grateful. As much as I celebrate his very well lived life, I sorely mourn my loss at his passing, which in itself has many lessons for me. Lua

From Tiyeda Abala Dear Jane, Peter and Mary The first time I met Paulo was in August 2013 during the summer university in Tamera Portugal, where he co-taught us at the courses on Water Retention Spaces : The healing of water, the land and the cooperation with animals for our planet to come. He impressed many of us by his particular way of transmitting the scientific knowledge through simplified images he drew and practical earth works we did together, for us to understand. Getting to know us deeper through the questions Patrick and I asked during the courses, he invited us to visualise his work at the Ghana Permaculture Institute (GPI) on the internet, to nourish our knowledge more in this field; and to visit the institute early February the following year 2014 if he is able to scheduled this mission. So last February I was lucky enough to meet him again in Ghana at the GPI where I participated at the creation of two lakes on the site and learned how to process moringa into finish goods. In addition to this I witnessed the planting of the biogas with his specialists’ friends from Kenya. Prior to this, he taught the farm hands how to build a rocket stove and later advised me, once back home, to build myself an 'A' frame from local material as the one I saw him using and continue with the creation of the water retention spaces because through the images of my report, we were on the right track he assured me; and added that from the plane he is going straight home for a 3 day rest. He was tired, I felt it. Today, with the écovillage population, we have created 8 infiltration basins: One in September last year and seven others this year. We are very grateful for the acquisition of this knowledge and skills, transferred to us by Paulo; and in our écovillage, the whole population was looking forward to meeting Paulo one day, when that morning, like thunder from the sky, the news fell and shook the whole community, bringing us together on Tuesday 1st July for a day’s work and prayer, in memory of our beloved Paulo. The eight infiltration basins have laid the foundation of the water retention landscape and will always remind us of this hardworking hero, for the good of all and that of our planet.

Paulo was a big inspiration to all of us and even though we didn’t spend enough time with him, we will always remember him with such fondness and Blessings to you all and pray his soul rest in perfect peace. Tiyeda and Patrick

From Matt Shaw Hello Peter, Unfortunately I will not be able to be there on the day, I would like to share some words and how I often think of Paulo zipping around the Lushfest site and keeping us all motivated and on track with the planning meetings. It was also a pleasure to work with Mary for a little while at the same time. The tent positions in his Mandala lay out was visible for weeks from the Waterloo to Wareham train, a great example of Paulo thinking on many different levels. Paulo made a big difference to so many people's lives. Paulo will continue to do so for a very, very, very long time to come. Although I'm aware and inspired by the amazing work Paulo has been involved in doing and inspiring for so many, for me my most personal and abiding memory of him is working on Lushfest 2011. Paulo racing around the site weeks before the build and during the meeting and festival on his buggy, hanging out of trees hanging up a sheet for an outdoor cinema, talking green and inspiring ethics, setting out the tent layouts in one huge mandala you could probably see from outer space and occasionally driving us completely mad! Leading up to the event he would chair the meetings keeping us to time and on the straight and narrow, planning compost toilets, building things, researching, physically and mentally strong and full of energy. Once a week there would be Yoga and another side to life, a welcome calm reflection. I last spoke to Paulo on a chance encounter with he and Ruth at waterloo tube station. He looked so well and was clearly happy, with projects galore to do and ambition and hope for the planet and of course so much love. Thank you to those creating this space for Paulo and may we always remember. Much love to you and all the family – Matthew From Sarah Franklyn Hi Peter, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kind generosity and the opportunity to share last moments with Paulo and his family and friends. I look forward to joining you at the event Sun. 20th. I'll be flying in from Ireland for the event and staying in Lyme Regis with friends.

I became friends with Paulo through our work on international permaculture projects - Paulo's SLUSH fund contributed to our permaculture projects in Lake Victoria, Kenya & also one in Afghanistan. We played music together at dawn in the Wadi Rum in Jordan at the IPC Permaculture Conference in 2011, and were in the process of planning collaboration on several further projects consequently. Paulo was without doubt one of the most extraordinary people with whom I have ever had the privilege to meet and work. I would like to offer a song as my contribution in honour of his life, our friendship and the extraordinary legacy he leaves with us all to continue the work he has begun. Kindest regards, Sarah Franklyn From 'Eni Selfo' We have never met in person but a common friend of ours, also a great environmental activist, directed me to you a couple of months ago. You kindly accepted my friend request and by doing so, you have made me part of this challenging journey you have been through, giving love and light to your beloved Paulo who has clearly touched the lives of many to a very deep level. Your words, your efforts and never ending energy in improving Paulo’s health, from the healing circles to the blood donations to the love and support you gave him, day by day, are by far one of the biggest, strongest and deepest expressions of pure and selfless love that I have seen. Seeing you two, despite never having had the pleasure of meeting you, has reminded me the power of this incredible force called love. Thank you for loving and for allowing so many to be part of this, through a prayer, or through much more. You are a powerhouse Ruth, one of clean, pure and unstoppable energy for sure. You might not know who I am but I send you my warmest hugs and, as you would often encourage, some supportive and positive vibes. A friend from Liverpool.

Jun 25, 2014 by Terra Nova Movement BE BLESSED, PAULO MELLETT! June 23rd 2014 our friend and cooperation partner Paulo Mellett died

We send our deep greetings of support and empathy from Tamera to Paulo’s wife and family. It is truly sad to have lost this amazing person, peace worker and friend. He supported an big network of change-makers and often helped to make people and their great work and projects seen – like the peace community San José de Apartadó in Colombia, the permaculture project OTEPIC in Kenya, the organic farm in Tulkarem, Palestine, and many more… � We cannot fully comprehend yet that he has passed away.�Besides the feeling of sadness there is the big mystery and our growing capacity to understand it. He always felt so connected to the cosmos and to the other beings out there. We are sure he is warmly welcomed and embedded by them. Maybe he felt that he can be of greater support from this other dimension. �

It was moving to see how Paulo was held by his wife Ruth and his family in the time of his long struggle in between worlds. Amazing, the depth of love they carried for him, the readiness to let him go.�May we find ways to stay connected and experience that he is still around. May Paulo and his wife find ways to communicate between these different dimensions. � We are very grateful to have met and worked with Paulo, that we were part of his life and all the beautiful projects and actions that he gave birth to. �We hold his family in our prayers. We hope that his dearest ones he had to leave, find the right embeddment to go through this pain of loss with all the sadness it brings. May it more deeply connect them to their capacity to love!�We send greetings from the heart of the Tamera community… with the spirit of community and the strength of love. The work continues.

From George Monbiot Dear Jane, Peter and Mary, Thank you so much for this invitation. I'm really sorry to say that I won't be able to come on the 20th, but I hope it goes very well. Could I pass on this contribution about Paulo: Paulo's life was a lesson in how we should all live. He treated every day as a marvel, a short and wondrous moment in which joy and adventure could be sought. From this joie de vivre he drew a great strength: he knew who he was and what he wanted, and this enabled him to offer endless support and love to other people. I have never met anyone with greater empathy and integrity. When he campaigned against the forces destroying the living planet, he drew his strength from a deep well of love and courage. He exposed himself to dire threats without any thought of personal gain; he was always the first to provide kindness and understanding to those who found the struggle frightening or difficult. A beautiful person has left us, and there will not be another like him. Dear Paulo, your loss is a gap in the lives of all who knew you, which will never completely heal. But we will not forget what you taught us, and your life will for ever more be a inspiration to those who knew you, a benchmark of the love and humanity and joy through which we should seek to live. Thank you for the gift of having known you. With love, George Monbiot From Tom Flack I have decided Paulo is like a great tree: trunk vast and knotted, branches intertwined, canopy green and glowing, roots spreading unseen.

Paulo, Ruth and I spent most of our time together in what can be only described as a frenzied state, huddled around my dining table playing our favourite board game, the Settlers of Catan. As an activity that often requires some of the less admirable human characteristics – stealth, duplicity and ruthlessness – to win (not to mention the pillaging of the land) I loved seeing Paulo immerse himself wholly in this little bubble in my corner of the world. I

felt it was an entirely unique, and entirely inverted, existence for him, and I cherish it. I also cherish the conversations that go on in such times, in silence, in between minds that are connected. I felt connected to Paulo. There was no waste.

When Paulo last stayed with me, we gleefully managed to consume no less than eight episodes of Game of Thrones in little more than an evening and an afternoon. As the most giving man I've known, I was happy to feel I'd given something back, to have shared in his excitement of discovery, bore witness to the deftness of his mind in expressing thoughts and ideas, and celebrated creativity.

I also remember, the day after he and Ruth were married, Paulo playing me a CD of music he had written while at University, and later trying out his drum kit. These were fun, almost child-like times, full of possibilities. Paulo made me feel young.

So what I come back to then, in place of places and times, is a sense of teenage anticipation each time Paulo stepped into my home – and what remained each time we said goodbye. I was always the better for having seen him. I was always restored, re-centred, better understood, less afraid, less alone, and above all, more hopeful. More hopeful about who I am, and more hopeful about the world and the contribution we can make if we listen, if we share, if we teach, if we believe, if we love.

Tom xx

From Angie and Andy Polkey Paulo was – and is – an inspiration to me. From the very first time I met him, working on the roundhouse at Denmark Farm, we just clicked. I loved his gentle manner, his sharing and open nature, and his total focus on making a difference in this world. We met from time to time after that – at permaculture convergences and at the Centre for Alternative Technology and it was always inspiring to catch up with him on the next stage of his journey. I'm so glad to have met Paulo - and Ruth (at CAT). Much love and condolences to all who knew this special soul, from Angie Polkey (Photo below shows Paulo and his beloved dogs and CAT friends on a hurdle making course at Denmark Farm 2008/9).

From: Peter Mellett Sent: 27 June 2014 Subject: Paulo and Lush Dear All On Ruth's Facebook page at there is a link to the Lush site at where you will find a tribute to Paul. The links in the text of this tribute lead to other articles that cover the work of the SLush Fund and Paul's role in setting it up and driving the projects. Just like Schubert who died young: so much achieved - yet so much promise. With love from Pete and Jane and Ruth ------------------------------- From: Gill Hampton To: Laura Subject: Re: Paulo and Lush Wow Laura – Is this the same Paul that I had a conversation with in his mum's kitchen all those years ago? Even then, I could see that he was a phenomenal human being. He must have been 19 or 20 then? So sorry to hear of his passing but what an incredible and inspirational example of a life well lived. Love to you all – Gill ------------------------------- From: Laura To: Gill Hampton Subject: Re: Paulo and Lush My dearest Gill, Thank you so much for your kind words and yes it is the very same Paul who you met just before Christmas for afternoon tea on Wednesday 20th December, 2000 ( ref: entry in my diary!) You and Paul hit it off from the outset – and as a newly qualified doctor

working with Aids patients in Johannesburg – very soon discovered that you shared many of each other’s views on life. It was bitterly cold outside yet there was a real festive buzz in their kitchen that afternoon and I remember only too well the huge impression Paul made on both of us as we drove back home that dark winter's night – inspired by his extraordinary energy and zest for life. I knew you would want to know about Paul – and especially of all the Third World links he’d established during his short life – not least in Africa. However brief your meeting with Paul all those long years ago – I like to believe that he recognised in you a fellow traveller and however small your influence may have seemed to you at the time – it was sufficient to sow a seed and go some way in helping fan the ever-growing flame of passion deep within his psyche... Your compassion at this time of great sadness will bring some comfort I’m sure to Paul’s loving family both here in the UK and in Sao Paulo, Brazil. With love as ever to you and yours, – Laura.xx

From David Gaillard I first met Paulo in Tamera, Portugal, during an EDE course (Ecovillage Design Education). We happened to be in the same triplet for the course so we had plenty of opportunities to exchange on many different aspects of life. I was very touched by his personal story with sickness and how he could blossom and radiate despite such adverse health conditions. During the course, we became very good friends and we would often practice yoga together with Ruth and Christina on the wooden deck by the lake. I perceived him as an authentic Yogi with a huge compassionate heart and a bright sharp and open mind. I was astonished by his knowledge in permaculture and other subjects and also by his ability to transmit complex information in a very sweet and easy to understand manner. To me, he was like a living encyclopedia when it came to nature's ways and I knew that whenever I would ask him a question, I would better take notes because the answer would be thorough and extensive. After the course, we met several times, once at the European Rainbow gathering in Spain, in 2011, where we shared a simple community life in the forest, singing, doing Yoga, meditating, sharing deep thoughts and delicious raw treats... And then at our place in France, where Paulo and Ruth came to visit after we had our child. We (Christina and I) actually chose them to be the God-parents of our little daughter. We couldn't think of a better alternative to us, should our child be left without parents. Even though we did not physically met very often, I considered Paulo as one of my closest friends and always felt him as a true brother. I was so impressed by his numerous actions on the field, making this planet a better world each time. I felt so inspired by him, by his dedication and commitment to the Cause. When I heard he was gone, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't stop crying, (I'm crying now while I'm writing this). So many virtues and gifts gathered in one Soul! So much love shared and inspiration for anyone who met him! So much good done to the planet and its inhabitants! "What's the rush?" I'd be tempted to ask the Almighty! Why did he have to leave so soon? Couldn't he have stayed a little more? C'mon! I think about Ruth. How hard it must have been. What an incredible woman! How committed she was to her man, until the very end. I love you Ruth! I think about his family, his friends, his colleagues... How he will be missed.

And then I think about him. How relieved he must have felt to leave a body which failed him in so many ways. How delightful to be legitimately freed from the heaviness and suffering inherent to this physical reality. The unique satisfaction of a life of service and a time so well used. So much good karma created! Going home knowing that the mission has been accomplished. The bliss and peace of the encounter with the Source... I believe Paulo is very happy where he is and I am sure he would like all of us to be happy too. So long brother! See you in the next life :-) Love David

From Christina Schmidt Tamera 2010, that's where I met Paulo for the first time together with Ruth. From the first moment on I was fascinated and greatly inspired by both of them. I remember Paulo singing by the lake his most beautiful self written songs, which I recorded, and after listened to a lot once being back home. Remembering his great enthusiasm and his love for creating a peaceful and harmonious world makes me smile and cry at the same time. To me Paulo has been and is still a great inspiration of being committed to actively create a brighter world here on earth. In Tamera we have been working together on some permaculture project and I remember thinking: "Man, this guy has so much knowledge!" On his birthday in Tamera, I remember he was wearing a tiny little leopard style shirt which he got from the Tamerian flee market that day. It was so funny to see !

Paulo and Ruth had become good friend of me and David, my partner, and have been in my heart ever since. We met again in Portugal for a Rainbow festival in 2011 where we lived and floated for a few days together in the colourful flow of the rainbow, making music, singing, meditating, as well I was painting Paulo's face with some blue facial paint. With it he looked truly like a child from the stars or a precious being from outer space.

Next time we met it was at our place in France, he and Ruth had come to see our newborn baby, we stayed together for a few days harvesting walnuts, having delicious meals together, working on the house and being fascinated by the new born little baby. Paulo kept on saying to Ruth "I want to have a baby too! " I found this was so cute. By the end of their

stay, I asked them to become the god-parents of our girl. I couldn't imagine a better couple to take care of her if we, her parents, would be gone. My request visibly touched Paulo a lot he even asked me if I was being serious. Yes, I was very serious.

What a pity that he had to go so soon! Remembering him gives me strength and courage. The engagement he took with God while he was sick with leukaemia, promising to do something useful with his life , inspired me ever since he told me about it. Especially by seeing how well he effectively used his life and how committed he was to his promise and effectively used his life in the best sense he could have.

Thank you Paulo for all your great service to this world, Thank you for such a great inspiration you are for many people, Thank you for having come to earth to join us in the human family. Thank you for all, have a good journey home,

.... and I am sure your light work will go on wherever you are beautiful soul ! With love, Christina

From Julia Fuchs Although I didn't see him regularly or talk to him, Paulo was an important person in my life. I met him twice. The first time was during the Cop15 in Kopenhagen, Denmark in 2009. We both were Greenpeace climbing activists and spent two weeks together in a camp in the forest. We were bored most of the time because we didn't have anything to do, no action. But Paulo was one of those persons who still worked all the time, tried to create new ideas for actions, working out plans and ideas. I admired him! We were all in this frustrating situation that we wanted to do something but weren't allowed to. Most of us were frustrated and hanging around but Paulo was active, planning, he stayed motivated. At the end he invited me to visit him some day in Portugal on this project where he was working on. Later, when I visited him there, he told me that he felt that I was "ready" and open to learn more about life and alternatives of living, this is why he invited me…

Our second encounter was on that project in Portugal with Magnus and his family. I came to Spain to do a university semester abroad but felt really bad in this city. So I remembered Paulo, wrote him if I can visit him and then went there for one week.

Paulo in the new build house in Portugal In this week on the countryside with Paulo lots of things changed in my life. I started to sleep well, I worked the first time with clay, I had fun and I had a lot of deep conversations with Paulo. At the end of the week I decided to break up the semester in Spain and stay in Portugal, doing handcraft. Paulo taught me so much! And he believed in me that I can do handcraft although I'm a female student. He believed in me in lots of other things as well…

He shared his great knowledge about building strawbale houses, working with clay, Permaculture… I learned so much. But the most important thing is what he taught me about life, about alternative ways of living and working, about communities, about love… Later, back in Germany, when I told my friends and family about the experience in Portugal and about Paulo, I called him "life-teacher" of me. He helped me to change my life, to be more conscious, to do the step to believe in me and to trust that my values and goals a correct, to open up for spiritual thoughts, go forwards living with nature and in community…

Lunch break in Portugal with people who love him

This year I will go to Latin America. I wanted to visit him in Brasil, I couldn't tell him… I don't know yet what this means, what lesson he wants to teach me right now… I trust I will find out. Paulo was such an amazing person, I'm so sure that humanity and earth benefit so much from him and his spirit. And I'm sure that his life and his work will go on in everyone of us, in every building he build, in every plant he planted and in every heart of the people he met! Julia

From Gregory Landua (Regenerative Enterprise author) A hummingbird flies west Peaceful gentle warrior of Pacha Mama. Teacher, Guide, Mentor, Brother, Husband, Leader, and Friend. These are a few of the words that people use to describe you. They all fall short. The world grieves that you have left us. Today as I left for the mountains to cry and sing in a way that only the wilderness seems to understand I saw a hummingbird. As I was giving thanks for your life this humming bird hovered near by, just to the east, where I faced looking out over the great planes of North America. As I burned Palo Santo, I laughed to myself ....Paulo Santo....Paulo Santo ......Santo Paulo. Like the old perfecti hermit who disappeared from this world into the mountains with their wisdom and patients, you were one who walked with great wisdom, renouncing the confusion and pain of this world to hold a light and vibration of purity for us all to be reminded of our oneness. But you did not renounce the world in your wisdom…you did the impossible. You held onto purity and oneness and then walked into the forgotten places on this wounded planet and brought light, healing and hope. You planted seeds, empowered people and helped to grow what we all dream of, paradise here on earth…not some paradise in another plane…another life. Paradise on earth. I grieve you have left me to continue on without you Paulo. I cry because I wanted your help, your wisdom, your humor, your laughter and your love. And somehow as that Hummingbird flew from East to West, disappearing into the Rocky Mountains, I knew that as you cross the threshold of our earth, our beautiful pacha mama, you go on to another place, where you will continue to be giving light and love, heart and spirit. I know that you will be feeding the next world just as you fed us, and fed our Mother Earth. So, with tears I send you on into the west with gratitude and I say: let me help you on your way my brother. Take what you need for your journey from my meager belongings.

Take this tobacco, holy grandmother to sit by your side, Take this smoke of holy wood,

Take my tears and my songs and my love. Take my joy to have known you.

Take my Sadness to have lost you.

Take my trust in your wisdom in choosing to leave this world to give your gift to the next.

Take this meager bundle on your back and fly straight into the setting sun.

Perhaps our ancestors knew a different way, perhaps they would have sent you, the noble king that you were to us all, on to the next life covered in gold and gems. I know that the gold of your heart and the diamond of your spirit are enough my friend. So I offer these precious humble bits of Pacha Mama to guide you on your way. Become the deepwater fish of an ancestor that feeds our world. For you Paulo, today we jump up and live. We do not forget you. We will not forget you. We will carry on with the same love and joy that you taught through your life. We will continue to walk the path that you walked. I am grateful to have found such a brother in this world to have inspired me and conspired with. Brave heart. We will dance with thanks for your life and above all plant the garden you saw in your dreams. Thank you and God speed.

From David Balen Thank you all for being such a great source of inspiration and support to Paulo during his life I am just sending a couple of tracks to give you an idea of some of the things we were doing together in the early 2000s. First one is a peaceful improvisation segment – I'll send the other one separately! I will try and gather some memories for public consumption – I am still away in France, but for me music and the things one does in life often speak louder than words. We had a good and close relationship and I heard of his dreams having escaped death from leukaemia that he wanted to help the planet – and do some hang gliding. My dream was to get some of my music and songs recorded and he helped me fulfil that dream with his fantastic musicianship, invention, and practical skills in handling the studio equipment. When we played, things spontaneously happened and I am still surprised today at his effortless creative genius and spark and the way we inspired one another. His work for the planet is well known and justly lauded, but if he wanted to he could have gone on and developed into an even greater creative musical force. He had a practical idealism and walked his walk with grace – I am grateful to have known and shared close time with him. Xx D Now playing: MIT ELIDA LOVE CHANT FINAL EDIT BOUNCE.mp3 ELIDA 2 AIR1BNC.mp3