Paul norton ignite alcohol fuels_2014

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Paul norton ignite alcohol fuels_2014

• Welcome I am Paul Norton and I am here to show something we missed about about renewable energy. We want 100% Renewable fuel source! Don’t We? I am going to show you in five minutes how this was

100% achievable over 100 years ago. We can effectively compete against the oil companies and go tell Kermit how easy it is to be green.

•Alcohol is the answer. I know you don’t hear that very often as a solution. We know how to produce this fuel as it is our second oldest profession. Ford, Bell, Kettering, and Edison inventors of the early 1900’s all believed this fuel had massive benefits, for the economy, burning for heating and autos, and our earth.

• The use of Oil has proven to be a dead end; let’s turn and go down the renewable road of Alcohol Fuels, before it is too late! The old monopoly took us down this road and it is time to take the steering wheel.

• There is nothing wrong with the combustable motor. In fact with Alcohol we can promote a responsible way of life. 30 years ago before I was allowed to drive, my father took my brother and I to New England

Dragway, for Funny Cars Under The Stars.

• I learned the funny cars were running on Alcohol. I asked the question Why don’t we run Alcohol?” As I took a bite of my chocolate granola cookie my mother made, he answered it is not available. At the time

I excepted that answer.

• Gas prices are through the roof. Let’s say they come down, the pollution extends beyond climate change. Alcohol can be made @ a low cost of .20c to $2.00/gal. Why would we not switch it is simple low cost & sustainable green energy. Get those elves working on Alcohol Santa.

•Which way do we go? What do we have for renewable fuel source other than Alcohol? Is there any? Bio-Diesel? That’s about it everything else has a dead end. What do we have for green energy?

• Electric Cars, Wind Power, and Solar are all great. The battery needs to be changed before applying this technology. The plants store the sun’s energy. The plants act as a battery.

• According to National Geographic 1917 Volume 31 Alexander Graham Bell coined the term “Greenhouse Gas” he also stated “clean, beautiful, and efficient fuel,” which “if not intended for consumption by human beings, can be manufactured very cheaply.”

• This is simple:

� The Sun mixes with the rain and the plants and creates carbo-hydrate, we then take the plants and turn them into alcohol. Then burn the alcohol in the motor which only uses the sun’s energy to propel the vehicle. What is left is a clean motor and H2O ad CO2 coming out of the tail pipe and competing the cycle, only to go around again. Mash is a product achieved during the process of making alcohol.

• The mash can be fed to Cows and other animals we eat and receive other products from, like Milk. Cows are often times fed corn. Their stomachs cannot process corn why feed it to them. They can however eat the mash we don’t use from producing Alcohol, and it can be used as a pesticide and fertilizer.

•Agriculture is very important to our existence, we have lost a lot of farms over the years. According to the U.S. is losing the size of Massachusetts every 5 years. Farm co ops can begin to produce responsible food and more sustainable clean energy. Keep the farms and renew the earth.

• David Blume has a book called “Alcohol Can Be A Gas”. In his book you can gather a lot of information on this subject. Questions you should have can be answered here. It is time we keep the farms.

•Alcohol fuels are 100% recyclable the cycle is constantly sustainable and no new research is needed. The best part is anywhere in the world including most deserts can fully support alcohol production. Here are four examples.

• In 1975 Brazil was not so, down with paying high dollar for fuel. They said there are other ways of fueling our lives. Their area is abundant in sugarcane, so naturally that is the crop of choice for them to use for there alcohol fuel. It can be done. (Check out this case study it goes further in detail CASE STUDY - BRAZIL SUGARCANE AS FEED E.L. Caielli)

•Rest in peace Dino and other plant matter dug up from the earth. Let it stayed buried. Why have we thought this was a good idea. I use to support oil products, now that I know we can actually produce Alcohol and run a higher Octane close to 108 I have seen how blinded we have all been.

• Stop dumping money down the toilet on researching new ideas. We already have the permanent solution. Use Alcohol as a fuel now. While we change the battery to apply to the other green energy.

• Do your own research please, there is a lot of information that many do not know about. “The Car Grown From The Earth” - Henry Ford. Yes, he built his first Model-T using Hemp. He also stated “There

is enough alcohol in one year’s yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for one hundred years.” (These statements can be found many places - Here are some of many websites that goes a little further but I am not sure how acurate they are on some of the details; so fact check well try not to use opinion of people who were not there. http://, and

• The use of Oil has proven to be a dead end; let’s turn and go down the renewable road of Alcohol Fuels, before it is too late! With simple modifications you can run 98% alcohol in your personal vehicle, you can run 50/50 with no modifications.

(Listen to presenter David Blume about the modifications and also about Alcohol Fuels in general. ( : ; .)

•We want 100% Renewable Energy, Alcohol is 100% renewable, what are we waiting for? We will have a Clean Green Alcohol Guzzling Earth Machine.

• Thank You...• Paul•