Pathways Cluster Gisborne November 8 th 2010 Ki te taumata Get there with learning.

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Transcript of Pathways Cluster Gisborne November 8 th 2010 Ki te taumata Get there with learning.

Pathways ClusterGisborne November 8th 2010

Ki te taumataGet there

with learning

Updates of Tertiary Provision

• Te Wānanga o Aotearoa 2011 courses• ..\TWOA\STAR Information Booklet 2011.pdf

Short Introductory Courses

• Ellen Jarratt

Our new School Support Services wiki Central North Region

Pathways Team Leadership

Innovative approaches to Pathways development

in a secondary school within the existing funding

Speakers from local schools

The Career Education Plan

Making it....Authentic


How do we embed CE within the processes of curriculum design in our school?

STARFunding Review Form

Gisborne analysis for 2009

Providers• Doug the Digger• Shannon Leaf mentoring Māori

youth through film (contact Phyllis, Whakairo Craig Callaghan 867 1957)

• Masef – music courses & drama & performance

• computer animation

• Roses driving school, learning & restricted plus U/S (Trans)

• Tairawhiti Polytechnic – chainsaw, tractor, ATV, lots in the holidays

• McInness driver training

• Taratahi cadetship (Masterton)• Mātapuna Training – Music (?)

office skills• Tautoko Trust – Arts• Gisborne Developments• YMCA • Plunket• Firearms Safety• Mountain Safety• First Aid

Burning Issues• Funding• No shows of tutors on STAR courses• STAR money being used in-school and restricting student

access to funding

Aligning school foci with Pathways Development

in your school

Using the policy documents of the Ministry of Education for curriculum design

“Kei tēnā kei tēnā kei tēnā ano

Tōnā ake ahuaTōnā ake mauri

Tōnā ake mana”Each and everyone

has their own uniquenesslife essence

and presence