Post on 17-May-2018

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Transcript of PATENTS -...

i & s ì H B ' & M * ^Kiiiiùà^item « a m a

T o C ^ r e , a C o l d i n O n e D a y • f o f c e l w â Â ' a i Î Y ' . ^ " O T v t O Q v Ì Z Ì Z t ® T a b l e t s .

Seven Militen hatee toM tu ¿Gii 12 .--ìoi.Ui». T Ì » S S i g n a t u r e ,

Cures Grip fat Two Days.

o n e v e r y b o x . 2 5 c .




D E S I G N » C O P Y R I G H T S A C .

fnuMjuiarWii oar opinion free whether an hvaiitlon fs probably patentable. Communica-tions»! rictly ponfldsntfal. Handbook on Patenta M É inner for securiugpatenta. through Munn * Co. receive dldost Fatanti taken thro turi _ _ tp*dai Hot Ut, without cnarga. In the

I<ariraet elr-Terms, $3 a Scientific American.

A handsomely Illustrated weekly, eolation of any adontino tournai, rear ; four month», C —

MMMOx! Branch Office,/»


trat V* au/ Buoiikiiuu jOui iiM. JOIIJIB, fo m four months, $L Sold by all newsdealer*. M» '«—». New York IF B. Washtnatrm. T>. C.

P O R A Q U A R T E R « On Package «I PARK'S TEA «01 prevent mora diaeaae* than any doctor can cure for One Hundred Coliate. , PARK'S TEA eurea Conati.

pattata, which la tha forerunner of all disease*. There la tjo medicine like It. It la pleasant to take. Larca Package* at all de«lera at >5 cents. Write for free trial package. F R A N K O . R E D D I S H , L B HOY. N. Y „ U . 8 . A.

Duck and Quail Hunter»: Half fa«.- rates to parties of three

or more traveling together on one ticket via Nickel Plate Road toMc-Conib and Payne, Ohio and points between-those stations also to South Whitley Will Vale, Indiana, and intermediate points. '"Tickets on sale Nov. 9th to 30th inclusive, good to return till Dec. 3d '03.

201 N. 30

A Remarkable Que. One of the most remarkable cases of &

cold, deep-seated on the ^tiings; causing pneumonia, was that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One; Minute Cpugl Cure. She ssys: 'The coughing and th< straining so weakened' me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 9a pounds, tried a number of remedies but to no avail until 1 used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of tiie cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by Harvey & Maltbie.

/ a PARK'S TEA. It will care Constipation, Sick-headache, Bil-iousness, Drowsiness, Nervousness, Ecxema, Sleeplessness. Nervous Exhaustion and-all erup-tions of the Skin. It is a Blood Medidne. Large packages at aU dealers 25c. Write for free trial package. F R A N K O. R E D D I S H ,

Lb R O T , N . Y„ u. s. A.

WANTED—SEVERAL INDU8TRIOUS PER-sous In each state to travel forliouse established eleven years and with a large capital, to call up-0 0 ¡Merchant* and agents lor successful and profitable line. Permanent engagement, Week Iy cash aalary of $18 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Ex-perience not essential. Mention reference and enclose self-addressed envelope. THE NAT-IONAL, 334 Dearborn St,.Chicago. 29.m 6

WAN rFD- BBVEHAL PERSONS OF CHAr-acter and good reputation in'each state (one in thiacounty required) to represent and advertise old eatabliahed wealthy business house of s611d financial standing. Salary I2V.-00 weekly with expenses «Mltional. all payable in cash direct avcrv Wednesday from head officea. Horse and oarnage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial. «1 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. •

One Minuté Cough Curo FOP Coughs, Colds and Croup.


Nickel Plate Excursions. Nov. 3rd, I 7 t l f a n d 30th are the

days for the next excursions, to thè west and southwest via Nickel Plate. Write, wire, phone or call on A. C. Showatter. D. P . A. , 807 State St . Erie, Pa*, for general in-formation 31130

Cured oj Piles Aft^r 40 Years. Mr, C. Haney, of Geneva, O., had the

piles for forty years. Doctors and dol-lars could do him no lasting good. De-Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him j5ej-mansntly. Invaluable for cuts, burns bruises sprains, lacerations, eczema, tet ter, salt rheum, sud all other skin disea ses. Look for the name De Witt on every package:—aid others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. Sold by all druggists.

T ¡g^ifti Hunters* Rales. To poin ts 011 Nickel Plate " Road

in Western Ohio and Indiana; tick-ets on sale Nov. 9 to 30 at one fare for round trip, good return limits, splendid train service including club meals at 35c. to $1.00 also meals " a la ca r t e " .in its dining cars. See A. 'C , Showalter, D .P .A. Erie, Pa or see local agent. N-30

tumoral qf Nickel Plate Railroad Tick-et Office at Erie, Pa.

The Nickel Plate Road.has mov-ed its City Ticket Of tce at Erie, Pa. from its formes location to 807 State St. , where even ^attention will be given to inquiries in reference to rates, routes," etc., and any inquiries addressed to A. C. Showalter, D P. Agt. will receive prompt attention. The office is located in the heart of the business centre of Erie.

v ~ — 7 - • • . — A Good,Name.

From personal experience I testify that DeWitt's Little Early £ ' ' ' led as a liver pill. They are rightly nam-

Suuday Excursion. • | Every Sunday hereafter and until

further notice a raie of $1.00 for the-round trip from this station to Jamestown will be given on train leaving here at 7:35 a.m. and return ing at 10:13 p. m. See ticket agent for fur ther particulars. /

A Scientific Discovery. Kodol Dyspepsia .Cure does for the

•a'». Always reliable. Ladle., ask Drt—tflstfbr « J » ™ " * ™ « ? T K l T ' a S J™'« metallic boxea, sealed with- Una ribbon, n u a a o d w r , Sannedannroaa»aksa. laillatloai, Buy of your Druggist, S J i f f i S 'n M iPS tor Partlrulmr., TÍStl-¡ ^ J S " " ? " M l a f IbrLadlM," <rt fcTter, »•<«•• Tastimoulala. Sold by

OHIOBtBBTBR CHEMICAL OO. '*"' •100 h i d l u o ^ j a a r e , PHILA, PA,

Mention tkw sapar.


A J M .

4 - Í 5 P. M.

The Great Trunk Line Between (¡he East and the West. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Elegant Day-Coaches from Sala-manca to New York, Cleveland, Chica-go and Cincinnati. Time table adopt-ed", June 14, 1903. Eastern Standard Time.

E a s t f r o m C a t t a r a u g u s TT"""*' TRAIN 114. •

1 0 - 2 5 D a i l y f r o m Dunkirk, Makes connections from Buffalo at Dayton for Salamanca,

TRAIN 108. ^ •Daily except Suijday, Local accommodation from Buffalo to Salamanca.

TRAIN 106, 7 * 5 3 Daily exc.Sunday from Dunkirk. Pmm Atlantic Express. Through train

.JXlr» for New York aud points East. W e s t f r o m C a t t a r a u g ' s

TRAIN 105, Daily. Local Accoftiodatioi) from New York to Dunkirk, connecting for Buffalo at Dyt'n

TRAIN 107. Daily except Sunday from' New York to Dayton connect-ing for Buffalo.

TRAIN 25. I Daily, Makes connection at Dayton for Buffalo, connects at Dunkirk for the West.

Bast Sunday, Train aio, 10:13 p. m. Dun-kirk to Salamanca, connecting at Dayton with train from Buffalo to Jamestown

stomach that which it is unable to do for itself, even when but slightly disordered or overloaded. Kodol Dispepsia Cure supplies thè natural juices of digestion and doqs the work of the stomach, relax-ing the; nervous tention, while the inflam-ed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal, Kodol" Dyspepsia Cure di-ges.s what you eat and enables the stom-ach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, red blood. Sold by all druggists. 0Ù-. " ; at •.. • i n —» , Homeseekers and Colonists Tickets

The Nickel Plate Road wi!> sell Nov. 3 and 17, special . round trip and one-way tickets to points all through t he west at very low rate?.-, Triweekly tourist car service. «N-i'f


ed because they give strength and ener-gy and do their work with ease,—W. T. Easton,' Boerne, Tex. Thousands of people are using these, tiny, little pills in preference to ail others, because they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure bil-liousness, torpid liver, jaundice, sick headache, constipation, etc. fhey do not purge and weaken, but cleanse and strengthen. >Sold by Harvey & Maltbie.

Colonist Tickets tfaily now until Nov. 30th, the Nickel Plate Road will sell special one way colonist tickets to points on Pacific Coa>t at rate of $421,50, and low rates to points in far West. Do not miss tbis\splendid opportunity to go wrest at lowest possible' cost. Get tickets and full information from local agent or write A. C. Showalt- \ ter, D. P. A., Erie." Pa. N-30

Not a Sick Day Since. "1 was taken severely sick with kidney

trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One day I saw an ad. of vour Electxic Bitters and determined to try that. After taking | f e w . s e s I felt relieved, and soon there-after was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since'. Neighbors of mine have been ctared of Rheumatism, Neural-gia, Liver and Kidney troubles and Gen-eral Debility." This is what B. F. Bass of, Fremont, N. C. writes. Only 50c. at Harvey & Maltbie's.

The Beat BemedyFor Croup. (From the Atchison, Kan. Daily Globe)

This is the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One ot the most terrible things in-the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the children.The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in-case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of burglars. There u=ed to be an old fashidhed remedy for croup, known as hive swup and telu, but some modern mothertsay that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is better, and does' not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm", quicker, and gjverrelief in a short time. Give this remedy as soon as the croopey cough ap-pears and i t will prevent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale oy( Harvey & Maltbie.


T h e K i n d Y o h Havo A l w a y s B o u g h t , a n d whi„i . <.. Sui «r t 1. _ _ . » »Wim i n u s e f o r over 3 0 y e a r s , h a s ~ b o r n e ^

• w a n d h a s b e e n made n n d ^ S ^ " sonal supervision since its Sfc^®" i A l l o w n o o n e t b d e c e i v e

Al l Counterfeits , Imi ta t ion* a n d "Just-as^Bood» ® ^ E xp er imen t s that tr i f le w i t h a n d endanger th« . ^ Infante a n d Children—Experience a g a i i U *

Chamberlain''s Stomach and Liver Tablets. .:' •

When you feel dull after eating. When yc>n have no appetite. When you have a bad taste in the

mouth, . When your liver is toVpid.

When your bowels are (Constipated. . . When you have a headache. When you feel billious, - -They -will improve your < appetite,

Cleanse and invigorate ydur stomach, and rngulpte your liver ana bowels. cents per box. Maltbie.

For sale b*-Price 25

Harvey &

7 - 3 5 A.M.

1 - 3 5 P. M. 3 - 2 9 P. M

Chicago and Return $13,00 from Erie, Pa., via Nickel Plate Road; t ickets on sale Nov.^29, 30 and Dec. list, good returning limits. Finest train service, dining cars serve club meals at 35c. to $1.00, also meals " a la ca r te . " ' Inqui re of A. C. Showalter, D .P .A . , Erie,Pa'.

Going Westf G e t ' ra tes and full information

from Mr. A. C. Showalter, D.P .A, Nickel Plate Road, Erie, Pa. , they have many low rates now in effect to points all through the west.Drop him a can* now. N-30

Disastrous Wrecks. , Carelessness is responsible tor many a

railway wreck and the same causes are, making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and colds/even the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer necessary. Mrs Lois Cragg of Dorchester,.-Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery, This great rem edy is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Harvey & Maltbie, Druggists. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free.

Western Trips either one way or round tr ip arrang-ed by A. C. Showalter, D. K A Nickel Plate Road at Erie, Pa., at lowest possible expense. A postal card stat ing your destination will bring you full information. N-^o

Stepped Against a Hot Stove. A chiM of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when

getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was in great agpny and his mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house, she thought she' would try it . r In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and asleep, and in less thttn-*two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a wfil| known resi- j dent of Kellar, Va. Pain Bahn is an an-1 tiseptic liniment and especially valuable! for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains. For sale by Harvey & Maltbie.

W h a t i s C A S T O R I A Gastoria i s a harmless subst i tute for Castor o i l . n , goric , D r o p s a n d Sooth ing Syrups. I t i s P l e M M , t i contains ne i ther Opium,^Morphine nor o t h e r V substance. I t s a g e i s i t s guarantee . I t destroys a n d allays Fever ishness . I t cures Diarrhoea awl Colic. I t rel ieves T e e t h i n g Troubles, cures Cnr^J*« a n d Flatulency. I t ass imi lates the Food, W a S S ? ^ ? 1 Stomach a n d D o w e l s , g i v i n g heal thy and n a t u r L T i i r ? T h e Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. ^ ^


Bears the Signature of

The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 3 0 Years.


Spend Thanksgiving Day with the old folks at home. The Nickel Plate Road will sell special excursion"'tickets Nov. 25 and 26 with good return limit at very low rates. Wri te A. C. Showalter, D P.A. , Erie, Pa. N-26

For sick headache try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets; they will ward off the attack if taken in time. For sale by Harvey & Maltbie. • » • ...

.Sunday Excursions • After Nov. ist, '03 the Nickel

Plate Road will discontinue the Sunday Excursion rate of $1.00 for round trip within 100 miles for each person in parties of five or more.

2o8N' i5

J A Irritates .the throat and racks

Low Rates %o the West. .,..yhe Nickel Plate Road selling daily now to Nov. 30th, special one way lickets to points in far west and on Pacific Coast at exceeding low rates, Tri-weekly tourist car seri vice. If you are goinf west do not miss .this opportunity. See l'dcal agent or drop a postal card to A. C. Showalter, D.P.A. , Erie, Pa. N-30

A Runaway Bicycle Terminated with an -ugly cut onthe leg

of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, i l l . It developed asstubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years,Then Buck'en's Arnitfa Salve cured. It 's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eraptiops and Piles. 25c at Harvey & Maltbie'« drug store,

Doesn't Respect Old Age. Its shameful when youth fails to show

proper respect for old age, but just the contrary in tile case of« Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies po mat-ter how severe and irrespective of old age Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Constipation* all yield to this perfect Pill. 25c at Har-vey & Maltbie's drug store.

Cheap Bates Via Nickel Plate Boady

If you are contemplating a t r ip drop A C. Showatter ,D.P.A.NickH Plate, 807 State St . , Erie, P a ^ a card whawi l i call and make all ar-rangements. This will insure com-fort and avoid annoyance. Sn^o

Wi R. CHASE Ticket Agent, Cattaraugus, N, Y.

F. H. GARFIELD, Division Pass. Agt. * Jamestown, N. Y.

D. W. COOKE, Gen. Pass,Agt.; ' New York) N Y

No Excess Fare is charged on any Nickel P la te Traip, and they carry the finest coaches, Pullpians and dining cars serving club meals a t 35c to $1.00, also meals A la carte.''1 Always low-est rates and best service. A. C. Showalter, Erie, Pa.

For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need^a good

reliable medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to loosen and-relieve it, and to allay the irritation and inflamma-tion,of the throat and lungs. For sale by Harvey & Maltbie.

Low Rales for Thanksgiving via Nickel Plate Road, lor points within 130 miles from place of start-ing, Tickets on sale November 25 and 26, gopd to return till Nov.. 30, '03, inclusive. See nearest agent or address A. C. ShowElter.D.PiA, 807 State St . , Erie, Pa. 207N-30

Ashville is now connected with Jamestown by trolley. The line will be finished to Chaiituuqua next spring.

Hafvey.J . Hicks has presented a claim of $1,000 to the village of Salamanca. «While riding on a bi-cycle last June he ran into a pile of stone left in front of a^house in pro-ces j of construction and sustained injuries.

Dean & Haven of Olean are the lowest bidders oh the contract for, g a t i n g a new jail- and sheriff's residence at Little Valley, They are also/the lowest bidders for re-pa i r ing the old jail. It Is believed a new jail, will be 'constructed.

Tetter, Salt-Rlieum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting inci-

dent to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's E$e and Skin Ointment. Many very bad-cases have been permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and "a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, Chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 2scts. per box. For sale Jbv Harvey & Maltbie. 1

Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medi-cine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. 25 cents, per package For sale by Harvey & Maltbie.

è longs. A -ì_quiola» _ .Bronohl-oubles generally la Is absolutely guar-,ung

invaluable. Gray's anteed to core these diseases. Uaed for yeara In Bellevue Hospital, New YoufcJt is thoroughly c l Ä ' Ä « U ÄTce C r f a U d ^ »

Stanley K. Pierson, LeBoy, N. Y.

lowest Bates to all Points. Rates to all points east or west

are always the cheapest via the Nickel Plate. Wri te A, C. .Showat-ter, D. p . A., 807 State St . , Erie, Pa., tor particulars. 3n30

To Core a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.

All druggists refund money jf it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 2SC. .

C I T A T I O N .

Oreon Utley, „ i Judsoll Ut ley, •« k . idMo Utle v, Bast Otto, Ne« York. 1 Lucian Utley, « « 11 Hlecta Utley. '" «. Apha F. Phillips, Dunkirk, Newvmv Gilbert Mltks. Persia, « "ή-

County of Cattaraugus, deceased. Wiiereas, E. Oscar Willson adminUlnto. «¡land singular the goods, chatt™ aud^Sj of Rodney ?:. Utley fate of the Toto'oPm Otto in said County, deceased is S f f i ?avL?fi 1iIs accounts as such administrator« H settled and haa applied to 'our S Cattaraugus County for a citation for thfim pose. You are required to appear Mon okBnaltndForn Surrogate, at his office lb Uie ViilSM o( | 3 kTZ,. .«™ manca lit said County on the seoSdl^ fte MMgem N0vemncr i903, at ten o'clock in the forcftj (»«re tafc

to attend the settlement of said sccowu. 3 M«lr H M< |th<«e of you who are under the age of ttrah Wlci H' M

one years, are required to appear by youttS I'a'i. If you have one, if you have nont Ihat ja

Try the Nickel Plates If in doubt as to what 4>ad to use

on your next trip the Ni kel Plate and you will make no mistake.&Ve please the most fastideons. Write, wire, phone or call on A C. Show-atter, D. P. A., 807 State St . , Erie, Pa., au iu t it. 3n30

t of your neglect or failure to do «I I will be appointed by the Surroäfl ^ n ^ ç n o r you in these proccMPa


J A Y N E ' S W y — An almost, infallible remedy for dis-eues of the Throat, and Lungs, known A used the world over for shsort ^ Cwtu»y.

Dark Hair

In4i^estion Causes CatarrH of the

Stomach. Far many years lHias been supposed thai Catarrh of the Stomach caused Indigestion and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re-peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus-ing the glands to secrete mucin Instead of the Juices of natural digestion. This Is called Catarrh of the Stomach.

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all Inflammation of the mucous membrtees lining the stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, a sense of fullness after eating, indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What You Eat

Make the Stomach Sweet. Bottlas only. Regular size, $ 1.00, holdlne.2K timet

the trial size, which tails for 50 cents. Praparsd by E. O. DeWITT ft OO., Chicago, III.

' « . . „ > -- "" • uvu^UI appear and apply for one to be appoluiZor the event of —'—> — guardian represent In testimony whereof, we. have'cittiid seal of office of our said Surrogate to be hetcn. to anuted. , i ™ Witness, Carey D. Davie SfiSMI "" j of the said County of CstUn«"®"™ [L. S ] Salamanca in said County ti day of September, A. D., 1903. Carey D. Davie, Summit

Marysville, Washington ToJMiranda Wood, Orsaville Colyln, Orson Utley, " "— Judsoi. Utley, " . The foregoing citation is served on yon M publication in pursuance of an order of Hoc, < arey D. Davie, Surrogate of Cattaraugtu Com-ty, dated September 8th, 1903. r:'5'*"

Yours; etc.,



, B . M 1.7 •


pOBtitaot "gjtd-Ooni

a M«' 4 Greater N #l;0v«r 8« w6H«HM far H«h M

[lillin 'l«v

Every 0"l" » # 1 0« daion 0' oent For th fniidtiitlal

I York, I (Uipsign

j p against ,'s an

larfreligloi eiiaii; son

u,<t8 elscti | p ' Tork | the presei jktllti of ali |it eli jfoles, V. Fo laid ot d^ei m origina.i; «I were en itereupon tl pstrom tli hied other ci Ji«u the 11 Ibeibf Tan ItUughlin, tl bg county.. iKhrethat h< |Hrere not | detection

li refused hii Devery's


' ha B. De irho ras

fat, which ipport. The kos change 0 taps election

•31,632 H borou

llmllty In H ¡ting- 56,863,

J . M . WILLSON, r for attorney for administrator,

Office and Fostoffice address, Cattaraugus, N. y.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Hon. C. b, Davie

Surrogate of Cattaraugus County, notice is th* Bre®" l? a1,' ?*rsolls having claims againsf the estate of Johli Foulrlng, late of the ¿SS* if ;East, Cattaraugus County, New sent il l ^ f ^ ' i S S 1 they reauired fo pre-?,iwii i ,sfl;n,e' *'.th proper vouchers to R. H. PMlbrkk. Administrator of the estate of said de-ceased, at his office in the Town of East otto N--Y-. en or before ihe first day of May i«m Dated October 17th, 1903. • R. H. PHII.BRICK, Administrator.

. 1 have used Ayer's hair Vigor ror a great many years, and al- b though I am past eighty -fears of » my'head " n 0 t a g r i y h a i f f n |

^ Geo. Yellptt, Towson, Md. f

We mean, all that rich, ! dark color votir'Jbair used P to have, if it's gray now. I no ni a tic;;,; _ for Ayer's * Hair Vif;or always- re-stores color to gray hair. L Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too.

H.0* «tenia. All tfnitiisis.

NOTICE TO CRKD1TORS, Pursuant to an-order of Hon; C. D. Davle-

St.rrog|ite pfXattarauguRCoiMUy W, Y notice ili'P^M K i ^ to alfriersoiis having' dams against the estate of Uefcorah Whitfo • P laU of ' ' J ! 1 « ? « Otto, Cattaraugus CounU- dc-

they are required to preseut^ame ^''•l P^«7<>u«hers toR. li. Philirict, Kx>cuT

at his 'offiae in

It yotur drn. Mnd us one dol

the town of East Otto, N first day of May, umj. Dated Sept. 14th, 1903, -•n- or before the

R. H. PHII.BR1CK, E xeeutor,"

COUNTY COURT—CATTARADGD« Cpmrrr. Melzar B . J O P ' B VS. Jennie Jones pfrsoaflrj and as Executrix of the last will and TesUmimj [of Hirain Jones; deceased. I,efort Jones, Flor-ence Powers, C. Mead Jones, 6ena SajpIL Verna Snyder, Wirt-W. Jones, and AJlie Jones, ! his wife, Ora.Jones, and Maud jonec his file, 3 Charles T. Jones, and Dorh Jones, his wiftJoht A. Jones, and Vine Jones, his wife. Fia'nia Jones, and —:—.Jones, his wife her first n«me oeing unknown to this plaintiff, Clara V. Mi*' ton, Maurice E. Preisch and Alfred B. Baiatili [surviving partners of the co-partnership a [George R. Haines, Maurice E Preisch »ni '[Alfred II. Haines, Jennie A. Jones, wife of tlx plaintiff. * By virtue of an interlocutory judgmentofsalei:j grantè'd In the above entitled action by Bon.w.1 Is. Thr?.shcrl County Judge of Cattiran^n I C--unty, and duly" entered in the offer of the clerk of said county on the ist day of Octobtt: 15(03,1, tlje undersigned referee, will sdl 4 public Auction to the highest bidder at the I» offices of Nash, Oakes & R-utnsey in the Vili*»; of tattaraugus, County of Cattaraugnl, K. i., -On the 14th day of November, /p0Jij|

at 11 o'clock, A. M., the following premile* oM-ed by the partiesliereto as tenanls-in-comwl and directed by Said judgnlenttcbesolditomK-"All that tract or parcel of land, situate tout I Village of Cattaraugus, County of fattarMM andSU+e'-af. New York, distinguished as KiM, a part of lot number 22, town 4, rarge 8, of tut Holland I.and Compaitv's \Survey, bound«! « | follows: North by land! owned by M M Plumb, 18 chains 50 links, East by a line parallel 3 to the highway at the distance O' 'i8 cliams-w links East therefrom 8chains 7» links, SouthW a line iparallet to"the North bounds at the 0» j tan ce of 8 chains 65 links South therefrom, wea 1 by the centre of the hi ¡hway S chains p M containing 16 acres of land. ALSO all that «g | tain other tract or parcel of land aitante in «e. Village. County and State aforesaid, and dist»I guished as'beinga part»of lot number a,¿WW •a, range 8, of the'lTolUn 1 Ivand Companys S® I vey, bounded'North by * line parallel » * | Ncrtliboundsof saidlotnumherjiandScliaiM, 51links South therefrom 26 chains40lints,«™ | by the highway leading from Catta rang»» 1 Southerly to New Albion 7 chains ij MMBM| by a line parallel to fhe North bound» »MM chains 9 links distant therelrom «7 ifflfifi® links. East bv a creek sometimes called »< "Little Valley Creek," conUining_i»s' «¡5 < more or less. E X C R P T I N O aiid receiving from the lauda now included in f W j Park Cemetery, the lands conveyed w "" Meltór Jones, severally, to Soph» B. Alexnudèr Dawsoii, and Ellery Taft. , Dated October ist, 1903. N. M AfcWf

N A S H , OAKS» & KyMSUV, P'aintiff's Attorneys, Cattaraugus, N.Y. " Refcfl*

Summer to Wet*

SUPREME COURT-CottNTV-op CATTAHAL-GUS James-E. VanDeusen • , ' - VS.

Houier J. Blasdeil, , o v e . Djrfendan. ' You are nerebv summoned to smnter in a <-. . 7 iti this actiou aud to serve a conv 'nf^t8'"'

l i P ^ i ^ s 1D Sq)lemtM 3Ulb, ^ toa^U^S,6^^,^^^ bus. | t r ip tickets to Denver, Colorado

Thkasubr & LKONARD • Plaintiff's Aftorneya. - 1 Office and P O., Address ^ « „ • . Gowanda, Catt. Co N v T t ? ° ? e r }• Blasdeil, defendant: ' \he foregoing summon "

Excursion*-l^v'-l . erp. Points. -i. .T'-; 1 / V i a Erie Railroad daily, June «]

first-class roa»

you a botti*. M Tour near

J. G AÏ*K CO., Ti;«;s ' i «Vas M ir «•-V»'

I Spri ngs, Pueblo, Gleuwood Spnngi .St. Paul, Minr.eapolis anfl ottw western destinations at extrenw low rates, -eturn limit, Octokr31»' Er ie Agents wilHttmWi p « " ^ 2-m

Dated Gowanda, • N. Y„ Sept. M, 190. » L B O N A I D . Attorney for plaintiff*.

k o d o l Dyspepsia Dlgoc t* w h a t you i

. jjtiieeiis S MÉtyof 5S [WManhatta HM 68,000, [ by ahòut I pena by ab

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