Pastillas yema

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Pastillas yema


What is Pastillas?

Pastillas, or pastillas de leche, are a sweet and sugary dessert that is well known and

loved by many people in the Philippines. You can make this dessert without cooking at all, or you can do a bit of cooking to make this

delicious treat.

How to make Pastillas


2 cups powdered milk

1 can (14 oz.) of condensed milk

1/2 cup of sugar

1 tablespoon of margarine

1.Pour the powdered and the condensed milk in a bowl. Just pour 2 cups of powdered milk and 1 can (14 oz.) of condensed milk into a bowl. This recipe should make about 80 candies.


2. Mix the powdered and condensed milk together.

The mixture may be a little thick and hard to mix together, so have patience and a thick and sturdy spoon.

3.Add the margarine to the mixture. Add 1 tablespoon of

margarine to the mixture; alternately, you can use real butter. This will help

add an extra creamy flavor to the treat. Mix it in with the other


4.Shape your candy into circles or cylinders. Choose the shape you'd like for your pastillas.Just use your hands to give them their desired shape; you can wear gloves if you want to. Place the

shaped candies on a plate.

5.Pour the sugar on a plate. Pour half a cup of sugar on a plate. Roll the pastillas into the sugar. Make sure that all part are covered.

6.Wrap the pastillas in cellophane.Place the pastillas in the cellophane and wrap the ends of it. And then serve.

Milky Peanut Butter Yema


What is Peanut Butter Yema?

Yema is a traditional Filipino candy. The version provided here has evolved considerably from its original roots. From the basic sugar and condensed milk version, it now incorporates the richness of powdered milk and nuttiness of peanut butter. This softer and creamier version of yema candy is a delight.


1 can condensed milk

1/4 - 1/2 jar of smooth peanut


1 pack of Sugar (290g)

1 pack of powdered milk (290g)

1.Mix the condensed

milk, sugar and peanut butter in a blender.

Add the blended mixture to a

saucepan and boil for a few minutes just to dissolve

the sugar particles.


2.Boil for a few minutes until

sticky in consistency. Just before you turn the stove off, add the

powdered milk and mix through

thoroughly. Don't worry––it is

supposed to have a powdery texture when you eat it.

3.Cool it down. Drop evenly sized

little blobs of the mixture onto a

non-stick surface, such as a silicone sheet or sheet of wax paper to cool.

Once each candy has cooled, it is

ready to wrap.

4.Wrap in individual pieces of

cellophane or wax paper. Wind the top to keep the wrapper in place, or tie with raffia or


5. Serve

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