Passive Solar House A passive solar house is heated by the sun’s energy.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Passive Solar House A passive solar house is heated by the sun’s energy.

Passive Solar House

A passive solar house is heated by the sun’s energy

What is a passive solar house?

• Active Solar – uses special machinery to capture the sun’s heat, like solar thermal panels, that heat water for radiant heating.

• Passive Solar – uses the structure and design of the house to capture heat and light for the home, and hang onto it when the sun isn’t shining.

Design to capture the sun’s heat

• Orientation

• Building materials

• Energy efficient windows

• Roof overhangs


• South facing windows• Shade trees on west and north

Building Materials

• Colour – light colors reflect, dark colors absorb

• Thermal Mass/Heat Capacity – ability of a material to store heat. Concrete, brick and water have high heat capacity.

• Insulation – keeps heat from moving through the walls and roof. Styrofoam, straw or fibre glass are good insulators.

Building Materials

• Thermal Mass/Heat Capacity – materials store daytime heat, release it at night

• Insulation – keeps heat from moving

Energy Efficient Windows

• Multiple panes that are air tight.• Special coatings reflect light, radiating

heat inside in winter and outside in summer.

• Use blinds or drapes to reduce heat loss or heat gain.

Roof Overhangs

• Allow heat from low winter sun into the home.

• Keep out the heat from the summer sun’s rays.