Pass the Torch

Post on 28-Dec-2014

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Pass the Torch presentation by the Montgomery County Minority GOP.

Transcript of Pass the Torch

Pass the Torch

Presented by: Montgomery County Minority GOP


• Who We Are• Founding of America• Declaration of Independence• Constitution• Foundation of Republican Party• Where We Stand Today• Pass the Torch• Questions• Closing Remarks

Who We Are

• The National Black Republican Council was founded by the Republican National Committee in 1975 under President Gerald Ford. President Ford wanted to continue the outreach efforts of President Nixon and his Black Capitalism Programs.

• The Alabama chapter of the National Black Republican Council was formed in 1976 by Joe Dickson and Richard Finley both coming from the old Abraham Lincoln Republican Club.

• The Chairman of the National and the State Black Republican Council shall have a seat and a vote on the Steering Committees of both State and National Party’s Executive Committees.

• In 2011, the Alabama Minority GOP was formed by Darius Foster to continue the work of the Alabama chapter of the National Black Republican Council.

• Today, it is headed by Philip Brown who is also a candidate for the Alabama Service Commission in 2014

• In April of 2013, the Montgomery County chapter of the ALMGOP was founded by William A. Green Jr. The executive members are Troy Towns, co-chairman, Bill Lewis, secretary and Tijuanna Adetunji, treasurer.

Who We Are (Cont’d)

• Values• One Nation Under God

• We acknowledge the Almighty God as the head of our organization in all our endeavors. We seek God to order our steps; enlighten our thoughts; and to immerse our tongues with wisdom (Prov 3:5-7)

• Engage the Community• Our eyes are open to observe. Our ears are open to listen. Our hands are ready to reach out. Our feet are ready to run. The time is now to

develop new approaches and strategies for the challenges facing minority communities.

• Education is the Key• The definition of insanity: “doing the same thing and expecting a different result”. Statistics do not lie! Overall, the students in Alabama are

lagging behind students from most other states in the nation. We are only interested in the education of our children: not in the indoctrination.

• All Life is Sacred• The Montgomery County Minority GOP strongly supports the sanctity of human life, with special emphasis to the unborn. We believe that all

human life is made in “the image and likeness of God” (Gen 1:26-27) and should therefore be cherished and guarded.

• Protect Marriage• The Montgomery County Minority GOP believes that there is already an “original blueprint” fpr marriage and families. It cannot be made any

better and should never be tampered with.

• Restore the Urban Community• In almost every city in America, there are remnants of the city that has been, in effect, “written off”. Over time, the infrastructure of these

communities deteriorate and people lose hope. Our vision is to restore a vibrant west side of Montgomery thus helping to create a vibrant Montgomery. A city can only go as far as the luggage it is carrying. It is time for us to carry our own weight.

Who We Are (Cont’d)

• Mission Statement• To get a minority GOP candidate elected in a historically Democratic district in a

local or statewide office by providing support, such as surveys, education, get out the vote and Vote Your Values efforts

• To identify and prepare conservative Christian GOP candidates for local and statewide office

• To reach out to the minority community to assist with self-help efforts in areas of education, employment and family through the GOP

• To educate all communities of the history of the GOP in fighting for minorities from its founding, today and in the future

• To educate the youth of the conservative Christian origins of this country and to pass the torch

Founding of America

• Who were the Pilgrims• Simple everyday people with one Objective: Go somewhere where they could find religious freedom so that they

could return to England and set their people free with what they were learning

• Persecution in England • King James was a tyrant

• Persecuted all Christians that did not follow the state religion, Catholic Church• Tripled the debt• Bankrupted the nation

• Puritan Movement• First the Bible was printed and distributed• Separated from the Catholic Church• Considered treason• Became illegal in 1593

• Decision to Escape• Holland

• First attempt was a huge failure – betrayed, Bibles taken and thrown in prison

Founding of America (Cont’d)

• Decision to Escape (Cont’d)• Second attempt was successful

• Only ship that survived in a storm that destroyed all ships in the harbor

• Holland• Vision

• William Bradford – “They came to propagate the gospel of Christ or the kingdom of Christ, to the remotest parts of the world. Yea they can be but stepping stones for the promotion of so great a work.”

• Understood the sacrifice for the next generation• Understood that this was a generational struggle and not just about them

• Only logical place• Christians were being killed and persecuted everywhere else

• Life was tough• Children and wives were put to work

• Printed and distributed Bibles to England• Smuggled 15 Bibles in kegs• King James found out and shut them down

• Decided to escape to America

Founding of America (Cont’d)

• Road to America• First attempt

• Two ships• Mayflower• Speedwell – Sprung a leak

• Returned to England – Did not give up• Perspective

• Do the right thing over the long haul for the right and God will bless it

• Second Attempt• Only the Mayflower

• A wine ship not designed for passengers• Never crossed the sea before

• Not enough room for everyone• 3 week journey that took 8 weeks

• Midway there the ships beam broke. • The pilgrim used a huge screw to fix the ship

• Took off late in the season so they arrived in winter• No shelter – Women stayed on the ship while the men stayed on shore• Many of the women died because they used their bodies to shield the children from the cold at night and keep

them warm. As a result most of the children survived the first winter. 47 of the original 102 died.• At the end of the winter the captain decided to leave. He begged them to go back with him, but they stayed.

Founding of America (Cont’d)

• Mayflower Compact• System of survival• Act of self-government• Phrase

• “This would be as sure as any patent, in fact maybe even more sure”• In other words because we did it from our own hearts—• Because everyone has a say in it and it is not being dictated from the top as in England

• Foundation• Everything that America would become famous for and would make it unique among other nations

in the world was planted in the hearts and minds by their pastor John Robinson• Why did we come to America

• “having undertaken for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith”• The Great Experiment

• They understood that God always used a small group of people that was fully committed. They knew that if they kept their covenant with God and with one another, God would be faithful.

Founding of America (Cont’d)

• Matrix of Liberty• Actual monument in Massachusetts• 180 tons of solid granite – Largest granite monument in

America• Took 70 years to build• The only successful strategy of liberty that has ever been

carried out in the history of mankind.

Founding of America (Cont’d)

• Matrix of Liberty(Cont’d)• Faith in God of the Bible

• The only faith that can bring true liberty• Without faith, it all falls apart

• Character or Morality• The internal liberty, which is the beginning of all freedom• Transformation of the heart first• Contrary to top-down morality imposed by government• “No amount of laws can govern the people if they do not govern themselves”

• Civil Authority as a Basis for freedom• Built up upon the principles of God’s law. (Murder, stealing, etc.)• Equality - All people treated the same regardless of statue• Mercy built upon the basis that God offers us mercy and grace

• Education• Train the children up in the way they should go• Prepared them so that the next generation that comes after them would know the strategy of how to carry on the truth, and carry on

a free civilization• It was the parents responsibility to educate

• Their view of themselves was different from the king’s view of who they were• The government would have taught them a different worldview

• The older generation also hand a great responsibility to pass down their knowledge based on a biblical perspective

Founding of America (Cont’d)

• Matrix of Liberty(Cont’d)• Liberty

• The result of living out the faith, morality, mercy and education• The chains of bondage was broken• Defeated Tyranny

• Won by non-violence by simply living out God’s principles• Must be defended

• Understood that liberty must be defended at all times. That there will always be forces and powers seeking to take away that liberty and freedom and that we must be vigilant in its defense.

• We must Pass the Torch to the next generation.

Declaration of Independence

• Declaration• When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the

political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

• We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 

• That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. 

Constitution• Signers

• Over 250 individuals are historically considered Founding Fathers• Often cited lesser religious founders

• Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine• Thomas Paine (certainly the least religious of the Founders) openly acknowledged God and announced his belief in his personal accountability to God, and he

also directly advocated teaching creationism in the public school classroom

• 29 of the 56 signers of the Declaration held what are today considered seminary or Bible school degrees

• Separation of Church and State Myth•  In 1947, in the case Everson v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court declared, "The First

Amendment has erected a wall between church and state. That wall must be kept high and impregnable. We could not approve the slightest breach.“

• Phrase was taken from an exchange of letters between President Thomas Jefferson and the Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut, shortly after Jefferson became President.

• Jefferson believed that the government was to be powerless to interfere with religious expressions for a very simple reason: he had long witnessed the unhealthy tendency of government to encroach upon the free exercise of religion. 

• The Congressional Records from June 7 to September 25, 1789, record the months of discussions and debates of the ninety Founding Fathers who framed the First Amendment.  During those debates not one of those ninety Framers ever mentioned the phrase "separation of church and state."

Foundation of Republican Party

• Slavery• Anti-Slavery proponents understood that it violated the Matrix of Liberty and fought to

end it during the constitutional convention• Pro-slavery did not view slaves as humans• Even though slavery had been around since 1619, it was not until 1787 when the

constitution was being written that you began to see the country divide along political lines• Three-Fifths Clause in the Constitution

• Referred only to representation and not a person’s worth• Southern states wanted to count every slave but not give them the right to vote.

Would have doubled the number of slave holding votes in Congress.• North proposed that if the south considered slave property then the north would

also count their property in determining representation. If not, then they demanded that the slaves be given the right to vote and equal rights like any other human

• In order to compromise, slaves would only represent three-fifths of representation in Congress to limit the amount of slave holding votes

Foundation of Republican Party (Cont’d)

• Slavery (Cont’d)• Northwest Ordinance (1789)

• Prohibited slavery in federal territories• Thomas Jefferson started the Democrat Party (1792)

• In response to the fight by Congress to end slavery• Passed several bills strengthening slavery and extended it throughout other states

• The Republican Party was formed in 1854• Formed by:

• Anti-Slavery Democrats• Whigs• “Free Soil” advocates• Emancipationists

• Purpose• Fight slavery and provide equal rights for black Americans

• Why was it called the “Republican Party”• Because they wanted to return to the principles of freedom and equality first set forth in

the governing documents of the Republic (Matrix of Liberty)

Foundation of Republican Party (Cont’d)

• Values• The Republican Party was founded as a result of our founders that stood on the Christian values that all people are

born free and therefore are afforded life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from birth. Under such, no man can be forced into slavery.

• Applying those values today• SPEAK TRUTH  (John 8:32)

• Your enemy wants to silence you• Sway you away  (Gen 13:12)

• WORDS ARE POWERFUL  (Prov 15:23)• Goliath!• Talk Back/ Talk Smack!• Words Penetrate  (Duet 30:19)• 5 Smooth Stones

• DEFEND TO THE END  (Every Great Nation)• What is your foundation?  (Mark 12:10  &  1 Pet 2:6)• Are You A Standard Bearer?  (Isa 59:19)• Facts, Truth & Conviction

• VOTE YOUR VALUES  (Prov 14:34)• Minority Outreach• America's Blessing

Where We Stand Today

• Identity Crisis within the Republican Party• Power struggle between leadership and grassroots• Persecution of all who stand for liberty and freedom

is rampant even within the Republican Party• Government is constantly violating the constitution

and becoming more tyrannical everyday• Out of control debt• Prospects for the future of the US are bleak• Christianity is being outlawed in all public life

Where We Stand Today (Cont’d)

• Issues• Our stand on issues are derived not by party affiliation but

within the context of the Matrix of liberty• Abortion• Gay Marriage• Illegal Immigration• Education

• Therefore we will not be swayed by political correctness or current political leadership that may lose their way and forget the founding and source of our freedom and liberty

Pass the Torch

• How is this applicable to me?• Religion• Family• Education• Government• Media• Arts and Entertainment• Business


Closing Remarks