Parts of a Computer

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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The parts of a computer slideshow for grades 3-4. Includes a quiz and activity. The activity is supposed to have the students act out the parts of a computer. *ROM is READ ONLY MEMORY - I had a typo...sorry!

Transcript of Parts of a Computer

The Parts of a


The TOWER contains

all of the parts of a computer

The MOTHERBOARD is the backbone of a computer – all other

parts plug into it

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of a computer

– it tells the other parts what to do

The RAM (Random Access Memory) is the temporary memory

of a computer

The ROM (Random Only Memory)

is the permanent memory of a computer

An INPUT DEVICE lets you TALK TO the


An OUTPUT DEVICE lets the computer


The MOTHERBOARD is the of a computer

A) BrainsB) BackboneC) Foot

ROM is the memory of a computer

A) PermanentB) SmartC) Temporary

The CPU is the of a computer

A) BrainsB) BackboneC) Foot

RAM is the memory of a computer

A) PermanentB) SmartC) Temporary

An example of an INPUT DEVICE is:

A) PrinterB) MonitorC) Mouse

An example of an OUTPUT DEVICE is:

A) KeyboardB) MonitorC) Mouse

OBJECTIVE:  To teach students basic computer skills and tools as per the NJDOE Technology Standard 8.1.4a

•Use basic technology vocabulary (8.1.4a.1)

Made by Matt SheaDirector of TechnologyLopatcong School