Partes del Habla

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Es una presentacion en Ingles que habla de las partes del habla, ademas de la estructura en

Transcript of Partes del Habla

{ Parts of Speech









The eight parts of speech

Expresses strong feeling


My God, heavens!, What horror!, Mother!

Expresa un fuerte sentimiento Ejemplo: Dios mío, Dios mío!, ¡Qué horror!, ¡Madre!


Shows a relationship between its object and another word in the sentence


I got out of bed at eight o'clock.

Muestra una relación entre el objeto y otra palabra en la frase Ejemplo:

Me levanté de la cama a las ocho de la mañana.


Shows a relationship between its object and another word in the sentence


He speaks Spanish and English.

Muestra una relación entre el objeto y otra palabra en la frase Ejemplo: Habla español e Inglés.


Takes the place of the noun or noun phrase


I went to Spanish class.

Toma el lugar de la sustantivo Ejemplo:

Yo fui a la clase de español.


A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.


Now, yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow

Una palabra que modifica un verbo, un adjetivo u otro adverbio. Ejemplo:

Ahora, Ayer, Anteayer, Hoy, Mañana


A word that can be used to refer to a person, place, thing, quality, or action.


Bird, Alejandra, Italia, Beautiful

Una palabra que puede ser usado para referirse a una persona, lugar, cosa, la calidad o la acción.


Ave, Alejandra, Italia, Hermosa


A word that modifies a noun or a pronoun


The red car is my father

Una palabra que modifica un sustantivo o un pronombre.


El coche rojo es de mi papá


A word that denotes an action, occurrence, or state, of existence.


Run, Play, Go, Born

Una palabra que denota una acción, suceso o estado, de la existencia. Ejemplo: Correr, Jugar, Ir, Nacer


{ Reading Skills

Job interviewing never seems to get any easier - even when you have gone on more interviews than you can count. You are meeting new people, selling yourself and your skills, and often getting the third degree about what you know or don't know. Here are job interview tips to help prepare you to interview effectively. Proper preparation which help alleviate some of the stress involved in job interviews.

Job Interview Tips


Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy.

Job Interview Tips


Prepare a response so you are ready for the question "What do you know about our company. Know the interviewer's name and use it during the job interview. If you're not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions.

Job Interview Tips

Get Ready

Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note taking.

Job Interview Tips

Stay Calm

During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm possible. Take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question before you answer and pay attention - you will be embarrassed if you forget the question!

Job Interview Tips

{ Prefixes And Suffixes

El prefijo Co

Significa compañía, coautor de. Generalmente va acompañado de guión :

Starring / co-starring = protagonista/coprotagonista,estrellas

producer/co-producer = productor/coproductor

Prefixes And Suffixes

El prefijo Ex

Prefijo que hace referencia a algo antiguo, anterior. Normalmente va seguido de un guión.

boyfriend/ex-boyfriend = novio/exnovio

wife/ex wife = esposa/ex esposa

Prefixes And Suffixes

El prefijo Mis

Hacer algo incorrectamente, equivocado, errado, mal. Generalmente acompaña sin guión a verbos :

print/misprint = imprimir/cometer errata

represent/misrepresent = representar/falsificar

Prefixes And Suffixes

El prefijo Un

El prefijo un es de tipo negación por causar sentido contrario al indicado por la raíz de la palabra. Significa in, anti, poco. Se aplica a los adjetivos, sustantivos y verbos :

faithful/unfaithful = fiel/infiel

happy/unHappy = feliz/infeliz

equal/unequal = igual/desigual

Prefixes And Suffixes

El prefijo Pre

El prefijo pre precede a sustantivos y significa antes, anterior a.

historic/prehistoric = histórico/prehistórico

marital/premarial = matrimonial/prematrimonial

Prefixes And Suffixes

El Sufijo Cal

Convierte sustantivos. en adjetivos. Sustantivos terminados en c solamente agrega al. Significa ico, ica

alphabet/alphabetical = alfabeto/alfabético(ica)

medic/meical = médico/médico (a)

Prefixes And Suffixes

El prefijo Semi

Semi prefijo de negación que traduce semi e indica parcial.

final/semifinal = final/semifinal

circle/semicircle = círculo/semícirculo

Prefixes And Suffixes