Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT

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Transcript of Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    i\i rr I r .. .1Fat )PlrYr \_zL, \- r,/ t \, t / 'i&ur,h .&uarr/( u

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N 4,1 L':,., I -.f ,t t' t.v-)Vp (t1ollov*aB),*tfut:/(A -" 'rro r'o^, /V-n,;l Q. t+ - ^t t l ' ) / ) r r \ r l l J t " l l y t t t I r .

    en(u,,f 4r rza!.lvrv .{ 'a -$""tot*/s, - &arltqt,4"1r"dr;.wz ra;f/'",.{'fue*k,nr^ k h*t@&tUani- &,t aV , I t / tt,rr -tlrnbr*.,/ Na"l 1t, fq,r.@ u ,*al .r/ tktvue(ws\ k di,6i6dea/ *nat c/tfu ,tk(w;) c bot. -


    t, F,rg-,/-,tg'tt .tQ,tc/:,tflrnA ir,s,ttr!,ot/et,ca^tiy nu.e -lu'-Mhh,"fr7,#

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N'0 T.h.5,-tWh

    / a4clsp,n va,Q rvtLott.t t'- ulv-furkd

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N,O.T F'S@Ar@tCcnnetfran

    _ ]. l lry^r, .UnrolA rdrlatt4re. @uJ9HrrPtutat

    ;^1t'*/i/"la 4arpta u>ed! qa...F4itro JOtfii$sil

    d IoS /Aq*,c/ .trypidttn e e2.1$-s-antu< l4?na"[sM Deu.tr03lx&,,r' &k,J,^ - &1t"7u/et ragch,n lu7 o'i\,nrl,t id no"rta ,Nu ,qtf ! Jv wo'ntt6 cztrt4 &l tc^.a//Uoe}vys,1o./ ,t,1qumpq irztz" ! ng+, _a) 6p 4u,77tr7rTr"^ ,r*dil:;;ff;It'ii.r,t .t tr t, ! 4,^k#*'*-f:,t'2,ct

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    i l i ) i i : l ;'fu6k&"n 4t -da,rn foa-* at1

    ^ -4rtcn /,,v/n /;//u,ry unua,tb/paokfr c'/*n-tng(c.r.e,,ltgz {"-.r{ uflU ro* , 4t/ a" 4e aed"rd 4>o )rr,t,l",q et*&.-t*rfuoo("/ ot'. a*r/"r'e'" t'o cc",tlrtak',/,0 "eytwi1"/yfuoo("/ a. t&r/"r'e'. toxola 6cr.f k ollwfuixJ

    l,,q flrlvrt'N n"stutXit/ ca (tcr.t' k ollr,e,X,,hJ n c,fu,^om,gr"/t2pp"dtrg/ , -to cc,leclDtstet^tll uYrs '.'fulo'tfi"-t.t:{d"eort'ilp nadrya,futh:ened-,Tuf',tJ , . t - .al ,ryA n .(utt /n L()Q6{ LL)

    2 ! L')


  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N.0 l.r's&i opa/a,thr"le.t one-


  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    | t .( ] i E'Src.o^:&lwdu tlue k$tc&rccft,, / fuk",!eer;{ / '

    @n6w"C fu,e'nads - -haqA b i,,l,o,^/fndefr on an t&n/nre. {Zilek ae darened ufuneie,y ntrket 4; d,t4a*d rfe,f,e ' /a Arilawd urrn dblo,.?""ln1t e Ju,+fW, 6^,on,91,?*/_dr/,:" I tte,( tacortolltuvyA4u-4ffue lnV V**te (an onhn ofu o"e l cL a4 4

    f2hatl(c/ocluyo rt ')r ' , tLr, ' *%*,P'

    ",,tbey.fu 26aAu^Uhffu,"l ^ & 4f- ^ffi* ,P. ,tttt teuptwelr t.***"V- t (annt/ srerrvre.a ol.,; /ua atcw 1u6x llrletauek4at' e"d.o a,tt fl^mtfqry u^no,"/,- o(/ PaLkek n44e &nta"? o


  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    i ud+ lo l' l 0 ' i 'E Se AA :-> Oo7t12

    F 1f*.

    2-5s2-S;.2< .2 J'" 4 CDmnd.

    6(em-[if Lrr{Ac L lt,,tbp,

    "^,lVO &cq A ohkzn-an on 4de,'fate. h

    t . k*"rl ,7tp Satp: dvaueu Frttttcs-M_E '-L!4V 4 a'rcott-bufo &ry t+z,tt'r"o

    unk artea lttt- to e7y/re"/'cgnfic d.,rcdt'r,.

    " cfudo"rlfrct efr ktr,te W 4nI dqryF t&./ataA,&--/r - < , Z l t / / ^ - 4 - . - -

    0, o g.Lss* rrd#rP

    + ^&e^-l^r ld pqr_d ^y. qtf{-Ll G (e'td rlvc'k'rrrott"^, t-"- -n p^^oo'

    Nen-6lup lo oulatkatl'klrugtlg 2: SqPn hl.i.

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    etlL\Fk d:=N.O.T,E,S l'+Lttii, ia/z .

    l+z"trrlo |ltg

    Gz. b.5 . +3,bol72tL)23.0 .a 31 zssr+L,16E a o,b.t5 ,2s

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N'o.T.E.s i i I:l{*rat, jria,V _ EVrcz

    tT'',6.,^ noct dt SEi? 1E Mi 6 ii,.),a.rt"2. v, rat8 donlF+L,ILtAJ"}%1 .9[,/t8 @Ir+lonrzT aE-,; WTJ6.4Lo a.o,ts.zst. t 6 sa. q3/20 e? 23

    $ a.ccel\-l,&w de^7 4 a+_f?ZWL o Q.a.(3.255.L 23C crlrc^'lr]L Ito Fo^IradE?rrt- aUtS i7 i,w-7t ' t4 rts oui-

    -* tp alle.^^-f.oY6 od"


    )EcUD -,- Vl,b6x,1 -ahc.t{p"f8Mr-^el ( To / tP'furpg . slgfrnohh purt-nuo$o,y>t'/"j'rt CF zz)fOVfTr( - FlArrv'f rjo ar,4atry -+y-a''9al

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    IO ; :.r;t lro+,j ' lT;.sNor*al

    t:Q'{w 6 cryj

    e (/o c.tvrXza^ et(e.t1 .sf --t"*fd nn? Lfit"'ka eo{da*- cAd,g+(*- ntn'&,t.- c,*if 4< /.,f1- Frn/e rua .{*1 h,& A A"./"

    J - L /'TDutR gl f{t )rerdc^ d tr\ etdzal attem fu)Q


    7l- ",t ,lo/red 4l ,.ilartl -A

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N.0'T"E.S- . J,,J*r/cA At- Acts "'-

    ),-fu# fei Acu b "(if , i"r?r/";^,"i,t-o -Mt &", s^lt ao t"ltnd &-+/la l,"ilas/nc"tai^fl*toila (y'wn"lor,eze/4tat' cw {L/ u"ed.',4ztey, rsls-6*- at dI

    o(.os4ra,t2cnrtC, ocb.\zuen c$h"/.pudx"/ dV6

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    t4.i;1 Y..** rnac apt,ttnl?"M p"5 a*,Ad t,, nV't"rp{ a4 o lnyt

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    t,t.0 T.8 .5uM-rpp,c/e,t'ryw!"ytrrky:^'* *fu,*! ktbu*Fare

    '9,*\t/\ e

    &^-&"re\t tcu; d'*[ea kt M, -ffrre; btzean'k/.. Q*& ^ co,latu_6f" / daS( ote"t:94tr abrb,g

    -PcAh'A,h^arbot ! Vny -V o rane ,if',4n ,/ b V."k

    fr arl'i,t t* lr"rtL-,ra.yenuhffp# fo'ruLri ueel,tu"d'e;oo tu ztooA ej'l. $ ;'r tr -rongc tzp_/l4 Pe^ind{LPeilwl 0e"oa

    > DtOo# 6if

    f lp oqeelig ej,leNdal r.,""+ dey-1.p *l oyy e7/$w\ldrx--ru2en. f+lp+ fa^# {ft ",7 o^7 t',n *y fu t".

    |rued qtw ta,/et; clrc/:,P*6u67'ttrr,)V c./.^,rlf n o,tlt-,/],'eknt lt

    + tr+etly",cJoy" -fi ipt o

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    ',,o C "+ .i ' lAi i : . i i')t

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    -fuUedrr,ll ?twr ,-fl"n'l b r'd ) "tt i,t-"Aa f'Qt d aa+kVtaa +.l.rwd uneta I ot fbcr'rd u"re^a+ttt, U*, uAo4't/roc(fu a &u cnSgi 0t,ry2p|ta:u Ss.t '(l"t*VA"Y,."// L lkx aukb,o?ecr A, 7ntXtS < t^ 'P*of,g )q\,^o\

    14 0.T E.!)Er,V

    oVsV3 E-# slvu N,ur,-lsf -- W4.a1l c{, . kt I /?1eA.gttanAlen Az,,-+ alaavf t|wq or,' , d gIL 2aLalo>-:,4 .tftl t ' ldle'qr {8 4 )4ff.-: (r"". r,/

    Vru 6xkr,-/rwt,t.')wNu tr," kp P"4

    '5i4u1^Otce+,At t@ )lwun ,'I h &. P-Jttn fht4f a< gM .hfif ttg. 'fl altX cfoe"i t 4tu1" defj/e'"4,fislve

    r,Tllll co,tut'r tE{.lrfErr,tril


  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N C I'E gS51wrf ue:'!'c 4 -> 5ft,til Uru], 4y**futl lo.L. ta((e,u- (Ol- 4et-t sku;p nU.f*,e er '- J MF.c )Elcdd tfdyrph.-

    - { sl^qulrnntn=A}.lftfi -r#n,tt az,en.(6/' I ukd, M-t/*,.v uu4*c_ ac erz_1t* ,rt l .

    WCoxpV,',v2tr,v,a1$rv-->rwa+tr*,o,il@ Fr./,,* futrgr/n"t

    9 A tt"fuie@ 44,t') funX * &7 5 fpp^atao1,"721V,-4U*ttr go,v"./ "dzdrn"'nf 4x..qfrr? ofa &aFhtld.lLkt; ht ?q Trtt t@fQrt4n &{P 5v?4-/"/ku 6 o'eodea re"'t,(w ,Lrte -ty'


    T,nCc,fol/@ CAcrLt>r


    trTll/I co*p^,

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N'0"T,r s6,llf'b. > ffit",,e"o4*xt-1 1 , . j[Lt,, &.tc',,"/.( f r@"^I a e'" e,,t

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N.0 l ' E 5 Ne;lc"ron/'{j!r*Z__Icot_*.o;+, t l ' l0fu

    k$7A. k roz 1141

    * fln'1 cJp n 2 (g)-> Chory,g 5P&4hk,,i.-,Yackl.xeu -Nkn"-/cn Zuy |tn- a^ fudztt"t'tr) h\ ltcu),,ffi ,#.?5i,, 4ffi**#-. -ti\--- F.tul

    4ladoer"at 2] aUP//G'{lehlah'r'o ty'cL c

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    '-j-:,;|r-j2t9.1c-t !3.t t -L -dD ls on,,!p0,"f--- - - -> ..5- t>ni,;?t,., t^fr^Y *'4 tl)v ramt-IPqoclflYsa,

    tu/ '+ oclda

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N '0.I"8.S i a -cL+., , IA t t -. v l

    tterdt"g t>

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N'O.T'E.S , t, .-t'*i., a lly' auudal arld.tar"t

    (r.n /6,.rrk/r."+rtlL4 fv,orL e h,fn (4x NA-{UL'tp fU'& tlha ---{

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N.0 T'E.S l- ' aretlng:6 N+l 'taile eb" cs-ddu,"'tsl

    \qL\tt,lq LG

    tTlV co p^y lFnErrfiFlritit


  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT


    N.0-T.F"S f-/ i o,F ' )nor(I* gzl.zv;q zt.z)a. M ftvk ?5t^ts'L7821'8{ ip+d f"ooft^t"l$

    ;f a&@-L t pohr*I V2-4^.i0.(,t4 OD-1;.63d{- Ixwye I sf 1 p.,o,l L

  • 8/14/2019 Part 9 -11 (Summary of CCNA Guide) Security & NAT
