Part 7 Examples_Functional Foods

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Transcript of Part 7 Examples_Functional Foods

Functional Foods Some Examples:

Saffron: An Anti-Depressant Herb

Saffron is used for:

• digestive problems

• treat menstrual disorders

• difficult labor

• inflammation

• depression

• vomiting

• throat diseases

• control bleeding


H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST, AIILSG Ahmedabad


• In small doses, Saffron promotes production of gastric juices.

• But pregnant women need to beware. Large doses creats contractions in the smooth muscle of the uterus and may induce abortion.

• The medicinal properties attributed to saffron are extensive.

• Topically, it is applied to improve overall skin condition and to treat acne.

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 2

And internally Saffron is used to:

• improve blood circulation

• regulate menstruation

• treat digestive disturbance

• ease cough and asthmatic breathing

• reduce fever and inflammation

• calm nervousness

• alleviate depression

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 3

• In Tibet, saffron is often an ingredient in medicinal incenses;

• it is considered a tonic for the heart and the nervous system.

• The active ingredients may be beneficial in inhibiting growth of cancer cells.

• Saffron has calming and antispasmodic properties. Saffron can be used to treat bronchial spasms

• Saffron can be applied to sore and inflamed gums as a painkiller

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 4


• Turmeric is very low in Cholesterol and Sodium.

• It is also a good source of Vitamin C and Magnesium,

• Turmeric is an excellent source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin B6, Iron, Potassium and Manganese.

• Turmeric is more commonly used as a spice than as a medicine, though it does seem to have anti-inflammatory properties.

• Among its many mildly medicinal effects are antitumor and antibacterial activity, relief of liver damage, and stimulation of bile production.

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 5

• The medicinal part of the plant is its fleshy underground stem.

• Turmeric is a mild digestive, being aromatic, a stimulant and a carminative.

• An ointment base of the spice is used as an antiseptic.

• Turmeric water is an Asian cosmetic applied to impart a golden glow to the complexion.

• Curcurmin has been shown to be active against Staphlococcus aureus(pus-producing infections).

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 6

• The volatile oil fraction of turmeric has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity in a variety of experimental models.

• Even more potent than its volatile oil is curcurmin, the yellow or orange pigment thought to be turmeric's primary pharmacological agent.

• Curcurmin as anti-inflammatory effects have proved comparable to the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenyl butazone as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents such as Motrin.

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 7

• Unlike these drugs, which are associated with significant toxic effects, including ulcer formation, decreased white blood cell count, and intestinal bleeding, curcumin produces no toxicity.

• some benefits of active ingredients of Turmeric: – Effective Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

– Relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis

– Prevention of Cancer

– Inhibition of Cancer Cell Growth and Metastases

– Risk reduction for Childhood Leukemia

– Improved Liver Function

– Cardiovascular Protection

– Protection against Alzheimer's Disease

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 8


Used orally

•as an antioxidant •to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides •to reduce hardening of the arteries and blood clotting •to reduce blood pressure; to prevent cancer •to protect the liver •as an antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal •to increase the effects of the immune system •to reduce blood sugar levels •to reduce menstrual pain

1/31/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 9

Topical Uses •corns – A type of callus usually in the feet or hands •warts- A type of deformed growth occurring on skin •calluses- A harden area of the feet or hand caused by repeated friction, wear, or use. •ear infections •muscle pain •nerve pain •arthritis •sciatica – pain radiating down through the buttocks and the back of thigh.

1/31/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 10

Ginger: Uses •treatment and prevention of motion sickness •increase appetite •reduce stomach acidity •reduce severe nausea in pregnancy Side Effects •uncommon •allergic reactions Avoid while taking •any heart medicine •any medication to control blood sugar (e.g. insulin, glipizide) •warfarin (Coumadin) •Aspirin

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 11


• Tea is second only to water as the most widely consumed beverage in the world.

• The most effective components are the poly-phenolic constituents of tea, particularly green tea.

• Polyphenols comprise up to 30% of the total dry weight of fresh tea leaves.

• Catechins are the predominant and most significant of all tea polyphenols.

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 12


• Oat products are a widely studied dietary source of the cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber b-glucan.

• There is now significant scientific agreement that consumption of this particular plant food can reduce total and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 13

Spinach • Spinach is worthy of particular mention among dark

leafy green vegetables.

• Popeye was right, Spinach is a nutrition powerhouse. Great cold in salads or cooked,

• Spinach offers twice as much fiber as other greens, is a good source and is loaded with vitamins and minerals.

• Spinach is a great source of disease fighting antioxidant beta-carotene which helps reduce cataracts, heart disease and cancer.

• Its potassium will promote heart health, too.

• Spinach contains vitamins A and C, folic acid and magnesium which help control cancer, reduce heart disease and stroke risk, block free radicals and may help prevent osteoporosis.

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 14

• It produces phytochemicals, including lutein, which help prevent age-related macular degeneration.

• Spinach also contains lipoic acid, which helps antioxidant vitamins C and E regenerate. Because of its role in energy production, lipoic acid is being investigated for regulating blood sugar levels.

• Use both raw and cooked in your dietary regimen. Served raw, spinach is an awesome source of the antioxidant vitamin C.

• Overcook it, though, and you lose most of this important vitamin.

• When served cooked spinach concentrates its nutrients and fiber.

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 15


• Cinnamon is full of healthy surprises

1. Blood sugar control- having beneficial effect on glucose levels and insulin sensitivity. Diabetics can drink it with tea or even take as it is as supplement

2. Lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides- reduce risk factors to heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

3. Antimicrobial

4. Anti-fungal

5. Food poisoning

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 16


6. Weight control- improves circulation, thin blood, manages blood sugar levels- results in fewer sugar intake so you eat less and can control calorie.

7. Antioxidant- powerful antioxidant among other spices, protect body against free radicals.

8. Tooth and gum health- common ingredients in chewing gums and mouthwashes

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 17


• Honey is a natural antibotic that work internally and externally

• Honey

– eases respiratory infections,

– Calm the nerves

– Induce sleep

– Disinfects wounds and sores

Effective treatment for diarrhoea

Lemon juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey is an excellent sore throat remedy

2/3/2014 H Tripathi, Functional Foods, B.Sc. FST,

AIILSG Ahmedabad 18