PART 7 Decision & Repentance of the Wrong Doers (English Translation)

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Transcript of PART 7 Decision & Repentance of the Wrong Doers (English Translation)

  • 8/9/2019 PART 7 Decision & Repentance of the Wrong Doers (English Translation)


    The Decision (Page 01)

    Confessing Wrong Doers (Page 04)

    Repentance of the Wrong Doers (Page 09)

    This Worlds Life: Few Hours' Life (Page 21)

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  • 8/9/2019 PART 7 Decision & Repentance of the Wrong Doers (English Translation)


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    And the people will be judged with full justice


    124124124124And the one who does good deeds, whether man or woman, and is a

    believer, will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged in the least

    of their rightful reward.



    9999On that Day the weight will be identical with the Truth: accordingly

    those whose scales will be heavy will alone come out successful. And

    those whose scales will be light will be the ones who will have incurredloss upon themselves because they had been unjust to Our Revelations.



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    These people have not recognized the true worth of Allah as His worth

    should truly be recognized. (As for His Omnipotence) the entire earth on the

    Day of Resurrection shall be in His grasp and the heavens shall be rolled up

    in His right hand. Glorified is He and Exalted above what they associate with

    Him. And the Trumpet shall be blown on that Day and all those who are in

    the heavens and the earth shall fall down dead except those whom Allah

    may allow to live. Then the Trumpet shall be blown again and they will all

    stand up, looking around. The earth will shine forth with the light of her

    Lord and the conduct book will be laid open, and the Prophets and the

    witnesses shall be brought in, and the people shall be judged with full

    justice, and none shall be wronged. And every living being shall be

    recompensed fully for whatever it had done. Allah knows full well what the

    people do.


    56565656 57575757

    The sovereignty on that Day Allah will be that of Allah, and He will judge between them; then those who will have believed and done

    righteous works, will go to the Gardens of Bliss, but those who will

    have disbelieved and treated Our Revelations as false, will receive an

    ignominious punishment.



    And you will see the angels circling around the Throne, glorifying their

    Lord with His praises; and the people shall be judged with full justice,

    and it will be proclaimed: "Praise is for Allah; Lord of the worlds!

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    Criminals evidence against themselves


    37373737And they will give evidence against themselves that they had

    indeed denied the truth.



    131131131131(On that occasion Allah will ask them this question also:) "O race of

    jinn and men, did not the Messengers come to you from among

    yourselves, who recited My Revelations to you and warned you ofthe consequences you shall meet with on this Day?" They will

    reply, "Yes, they did. We bear witness against ourselves. "Today

    this worldly life has deluded them, but at that time, they will

    themselves bear witness against their selves that they were

    disbelievers. (This testimony will be taken from them in order to

    prove that) your Lord would not destroy the habitations unjustly,

    while their dwellers were ignorant of the Reality.

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    To those who have disbelieved, it will be proclaimed, on the

    Da of Resurrection

    ever. The "Fire" will scorch their faces so as to expose their jaws. (It will

    be said to them,) "Are you not the same people, who treated as lies My

    Revelations, when they were recited to you?" They will say, "Our Lord,

    our bad luck prevailed over us, and we were, indeed, erring people.

    Our Lord, now take us out of this place: after this, if we be guilty of

    such a thing, we shall indeed be wrong-doers." In answer to this, Allah

    will say, "Get away from here, remain herein and do not speak to Me.

    For, you are the very same people, who made fun of some of Our

    servants when they prayed to Us, `Our Lord, we have believed: so

    forgive us and have mercy, on us, for You are the Most Merciful of all

    who show mercy? So much so that in your obduracy, you even forgot

    My very existence, and went on scoffing at them. Today I haverecompensed them for their fortitude, and they have triumphed over

    you. Then Allah will inquire from them, "For how many years did you

    live on the Earth?" They will say, "We stayed there for a day or for part

    of a day. You may inquire from those who kept account." It will be said,

    "Well, you know now that you stayed there for a little while only. What

    a pity! you did not realize it then. Did you think that We had created

    you without any purpose, and that you would never be brought back to



    10101010 11111111

    12121212To those who have disbelieved, it will be proclaimed, on the Day of

    Resurrection: "Allah's wrath against you was greater than is your own

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    On that Day, the excuse of the wicked will not avail them anything

    anger against yourselves today, when you were called to belief and you

    disbelieved." They will answer, "Our Lord, You indeed gave us death

    twice and life twice. Now we confess our sins. Is there any way out

    from here? (They will be answered:) "You have incurred this fate

    because when you were called towards Allah, the One, you refused to

    believe, and when others were associated with Allah, you readily

    believed. Now the Judgment rests with Allah, the High, the Great!


    57575757So, on that Day, the excuse of the wicked will not avail them

    anything, nor will they be asked to seek forgiveness.


    7777(At that time it will be said:) "O disbelievers, do not make excuses

    today. You are being recompensed only for what you were doing.


    51515151 52525252Believe it that We do help Our Messengers and the Believers in the

    life of this world, and so shall We help them on that Day also when

    the witnesses shall stand up, and the excuses of the wrongdoers

    shall not avail them anything. They shall have the curse on them

    and the worst abode.

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    Would that I had rovided in advance for my this life!

    Would that we had obeyed Allah and His Messenger!



    24242424 25252525 22226666

    And Hell on that Day is brought within sight, on that Day will man

    understand, but what will that understanding avail him then? He

    will say, "Would that I had provided in advance for this life of

    mine!" Then none can punish as Allah will punish on that Day, and

    none can bind as Allah will bind.

    )))) ))))33333333


    65656565 66666666

    67676767 68686868It is certain that Allah has laid curse on the disbelievers and has

    prepared for them a blazing Fire, in which they will live for everand will have no protector and helper. On, the Day their faces are

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    30303030The Day, when they will see the angels, will not be a day ofrejoicing for the criminals; they will cry out, "May Allah save us!"

    Then We will turn to what they had done and render it vain like

    scattered dust. (On the contrary) only those who have deserved

    the Garden, will have a good abode on that Day and a cool place

    for midday rest. On that Day, a cloud will appear rending the sky

    and the angels will be sent down rank after rank. The real Kingdom

    on that Day will belong only to the Merciful, and it will be a very

    hard Day for the disbelievers. The unjust man will bite at his hand

    and say, "Would that I had stood by the Messenger! O, woe to me!

    Would that I had not chosen so and so for a friend! For it was he,

    who had deluded me to reject the Admonition which had come to

    me. Satan has proved very treacherous to man." And the

    Messenger will say, "O my Lord, my people had made this Qur'an

    the object of their ridicule.





    39393939He who does not heed the admonition (or blindly turns away from

    the remembrance) of the Merciful, We set a satan (devil) upon

    him, and he becomes his companion. These satans hinder such

    people from the right way while they think that they are guided

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    Would that we could somehow return to the earthly life again!

    aright. Ultimately, when he comes to Us, he will say to his satan

    companion, "would that between me and you there were the

    distance of the East and the West: you turned out to be a most evil

    companion." Then it will be said to them, "When you have donewrong, it will avail you nothing today as you and your satans are

    partners in the same torment.



    75757575 76767676 77777777

    78787878As for the criminals, they shall endure for ever the torment of Hell;

    their punishment will never be lightened for them, and there theyshall remain, despairing. We did not wrong them, but they

    themselves were the wrongdoers. They will call out, "O Malik

    (Keeper of Hell) let your Lord put an end to us!" He will answer,

    "Here you must remain! We had brought the Truth to you, but

    most of you abhor the Truth.



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    At last, when they see the torment, they will repent in their hearts,

    and We shall put fetters on the necks of the disbelievers. Can the

    people be requited except in accordance with their deeds?



    53535353We have brought to these people a Book which gives details based

    on knowledge and which is a guidance and blessing for those who

    believe. Now, are these people waiting for anything other than the

    consequence (of which they have been) warned in this Book?

    When the consequence will come before them, those very peoplewho afore time had disregarded it, will say, "Indeed, the

    Messengers of our Lord had come with the Truth. Shall we have,

    then, any intercessors who will intercede for us? Or could we be

    sent back that we might do deeds different from those we did

    before?" They have, indeed, incurred heavy loss upon themselves

    and all the false things they had invented have forsaken them today.




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    brought before Hell, they shall be downcast with disgrace and shall

    look at it with stealthy glances. At that time those who had

    believed, will say, "The real losers indeed are those who have lost

    themselves and their followers on this Resurrection Day." Beware!The wrongdoers shall suffer an everlasting torment, and they will

    have no protectors and guardians, who could come to their help

    against Allah. The one whom Allah lets go astray has no way of

    escape. Answer your Lord before there comes the Day of which

    there is no chance of being averted by Allah. On that Day you will

    have no place of refuge, nor will there be any who could change

    your condition.


    90909090 91919191


    93939393 94949494 95959595 96969696

    97979797 98989898

    99999999 100100100100 101101101101 102102102102)On that Day) Paradise will be brought close to the righteous, and

    Hell will be set open before the straying ones, and they will be

    asked: "Where are those whom you worshiped instead of Allah?

    Are they of any help to you, or even to themselves?" Then these

    deities and those erring people, and the hosts of Satan, all will behurled into it, one upon the other. Therein they will dispute with

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    one another, and these erring people will say (to their deities): "By

    God! We had certainly strayed when we held you equal in rank

    with the Lord of the worlds, and they were criminals indeed who

    led us astray. Now we have neither any intercessor nor any truefriend. Would that we were given a chance to return (to the world)

    so that we became believers.





    (In spite of the clear signs of the Oneness of Allah), there are

    people who set up equals and rivals with Allah and adore them

    with the adoration due to Allah, whereas the Believers adore Allah

    most ardently. Would that these transgressors could realize now

    what they will realize, when they will see the chastisement beforethem that power and authority wholly belong to Allah and that

    Allah is severe in punishment! When He will inflict punishment,

    those very leaders and guides whom they followed in the world

    will disown them. But punishment they shall get and all their

    bonds shall be cut off. Then those who followed them will say,

    "Would that we were given another chance to return to the world:

    then we will disown them just as they have disowned us today.

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    To those who have disbelieved, it will be proclaimed, on the

    Da of Resurrection

    Thus will Allah bring before them the deeds they did in the world in

    such a manner as to make them wring their hands in regret but

    they shall be unable to come out of the Fire.



    37373737And for those who have disbelieved there is the Fire of Hell:

    neither will it be decreed that they should die, nor will the torment

    of Hell be lightened for them in any way. Thus do We requite every

    disbeliever. There they will cry out and say, "Our Lord, take us out

    from here so that we may do good works other than those whichwe had been doing." (The reply will be) "Did We not give you lives

    long enough so that he who would, could take a warning? And the

    warner also had come to you. Now taste (the torment). The wicked

    will have no helper here."



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    They will be forgotten after putting in the Hell


    12121212To those who have disbelieved, it will be proclaimed, on the Day ofResurrection: "Allah's wrath against you was greater than is your

    own anger against yourselves today, when you were called to

    belief and you disbelieved." They will answer, "Our Lord, You

    indeed gave us death twice and life twice. Now we confess our

    sins. Is there any way out from here? (They will be answered:) "You

    have incurred this fate because when you were called towards

    Allah, the One, you refused to believe, and when others were

    associated with Allah, you readily believed. Now the Judgment

    rests with Allah, the High, the Great!"


    12121212 13131313


    Would that you could see the criminals when they will be standing

    before their Lord with hanging heads. (Then they will be saying:

    "Our Lord, we have indeed seen and heard: now send us back so

    that we may act righteously: we are now convinced." (In reply it

    will be said :) "Had We so willed We would have given every soul

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    its guidance from the beginning, but the Word of Mine, which I had

    said, has been fulfilled that I shall fill Hell with jinns and men, all

    together. So, taste now the recompense of your having forgotten

    the meeting of this Day. We, too, have forgotten you now! Tastethe everlasting torment in consequence of your misdeeds.


    31313131 32323232


    34343434 35353535

    And to those who had disbelieved, it will be said: '`Were not My

    Revelations recited to you? But you showed arrogance and became

    criminals. And when it was said, Allah's promise is true and there

    is no doubt about the coming of Resurrection, you used to say,We do not know what Resurrection is: we do only guess: we are

    not certain. The evils of their deeds then will become manifest to

    them and they will be encompassed by the same that they used to

    mock. It will be said to them, "We will today forget you even as

    you yourselves had forgotten the meeting of this Day. Your abode

    now is Hell and there is none to help you. You have met this fate

    because you took Allah's Revelations in jest, and the life of the

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    And the disbeliever will cry out: "Would that I were mere dust!

    world deluded you. Therefore, neither shall they be taken out of

    Hell today, nor shall they be asked to beg Pardon (apologize) and

    please their Lord.



    51515151And the inmates of Hell will cry out to the inmates of Paradise:

    "Pour upon us a little water or throw down a bit of the provisions

    Allah has bestowed upon you." They will reply, "Allah has

    forbidden both the things to the disbelievers, who had made their

    religion a pastime, sport and enjoyment, and who had beendeluded by the worldly life. Allah says. `Today We will forget them

    just as they forgot the meeting of this Day and rejected Our


    )))) ))))78787878

    40404040We have warned you of the torment which is near at hand. The

    Day when man will see all that his hands have sent forward, and

    the disbeliever will cry out: "Would that I were mere dust!

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    They will say, We stayed there for a day or for

    art of a da



    (Today these people are intoxicated with the life of this world but)

    on the Day when Allah will gather them they will feel as if they had

    stayed (in this world) for only an hour or so in order to have

    acquaintance with one another. (At that time they will realize that)

    they who disbelieved in their meeting with Allah were losersindeed and were not rightly guided.


    55555555 56565656

    57575757And when the Hour is established, the criminals will swear that

    they had not stayed for more than an hour; thus they used to be

    deceived in their worldly life. But those who had been given

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    knowledge and faith, will say, "You have stayed, according to the

    book of Allah, till the Day of Resurrection: so this is the same Day

    of Resurrection, but you did not know." So, on that Day, the excuse

    of the wicked will not avail them anything, nor will they be askedto seek forgiveness.



    103103103103 104104104104

    105105105105 106106106106 107107107107

    108108108108 109109109109 110110110110

    On that Day, when the Trumpet will be blown and We will muster

    the criminals while their eyes will be dimmed (with terror), they

    will whisper to one another, "You hardly stayed for ten days on the

    Earth." We know full well what they will be talking; (We also know

    that) at that time the most careful estimator among them will say,

    "No, your life on the Earth was but for a day. They ask you, "Well,

    where will the mountains go on that Day?" Say to them, "My Lord

    will reduce them to fine dust and scatter it away. He will turn the

    Earth into an empty level plain, wherein you will neither see any

    curve nor crease." On that Day the people will come straight to the

    call of the summoner; no one will dare show any haughtiness, and

    all the voices will be hushed before the Merciful and you will hear

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    111111111111 112112112112

    113113113113 114114114114

    115115115115For now there is a barrier (for the dead) up to the Day when they

    shall be raised up again. Then, when the Trumpet will be blown, all

    (worldly) relations between them shall cease to function and theywill not inquire about one another. Then only those whose Scales

    will be heavy, will attain success; and those, whose scales will be

    light, will be the people who made themselves liable to loss they

    shall abide in Hell for ever. The "Fire" will scorch their faces so as

    to expose their jaws. (It will be said to them,) "Are you not the

    same people, who treated as lies My Revelations, when they were

    recited to you?" They will say, "Our Lord, our bad luck prevailedover us, and we were, indeed, erring people. Our Lord, now take us

    out of this place: after this, if we be guilty of such a thing, we shall

    indeed be wrong-doers." In answer to this, Allah will say, "Get

    away from here, remain herein and do not speak to Me. For, you

    are the very same people, who made fun of some of Our servants

    when they prayed to Us, `Our Lord, we have believed: so forgive us

    and have mercy, on us, for You are the Most Merciful of all whoshow mercy? So much so that in your obduracy, you even forgot

    My very existence, and went on scoffing at them. Today I have

    recompensed them for their fortitude, and they have triumphed

    over you. Then Allah will inquire from them, "For how many years

    did you live on the Earth?" They will say, "We stayed there for a

    day or for part of a day. You may inquire from those who kept

    account." It will be said, "Well, you know now that you stayedthere for a little while only. What a pity! you did not realize it then.

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    Did you think that We had created you without any purpose, and

    that you would never be brought back to Us?


    35353535The day these people see that with which they are being

    threatened, it will so appear to them that they did not stay in the

    world for more than an hour of a day. The Message has beenconveyed. Now, shall any other than the disobedient people be
