Part 2. My Family.

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Part 2. My Family.

A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


Part 2.

My Family.

A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


Its simple, all I’d like to do is to introduce you to my family and in

return I’d like you to introduce me to yours…

My oldest son is called ‘Grievance’ Gredo he takes care of our Customer Complaints Department. If we have any complaints about our customers he makes sure they

know about it. My other son, ‘Nefarious’ Nick is in charge of family security.

This is my brother ‘Lotsa’ Luca, he is our family accountant. He also takes care of family donations to good causes like orphanages, schools, churches, politicians, law enforcement agencies, animal refuges, and old folks homes.

Ciao, my name is Don Scorlieone. I am the head of the Scorlieone Family.

Along with my closest relatives I run a small family business importing olive oil

from my grandmother’s farm on the summit of Mt. Etna in Sicily. I’d like to make you an offer you cannot refuse…


A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


These are my parents, ‘Mama Mia’ Mary and Papa Paulo. They started our family

business when they moved here from Sicily and passed it on to me.

This is my daughter ‘Cartel’ Catherina. Her marketing skills make sure we get a fair price for our family’s products by taking care of the competition. She is the brains of our family and is going to take over from me when I retire.

This is my cousin ‘Loop-Hole’ Larry.

He looks after our family’s legal affairs. In his most famous case the judge and jury

were all found guilty.

Now that you’ve met my family I would consider it a mark of personal respect if you would introduce me to


A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


A Portrait of My Family.

Draw a picture of your family. Be sure to include everyone and have each member of your family doing something that you often see them doing.

A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


About My Dad… Here are some important things to know about my dad: Here are some important things to know about my relationship with my dad:

A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


About My Mum… Here are some important things to know about my mum: Here are some important things to know about my relationship with my mum:

A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


About Others in My Family…… The names and ages of other people in my family


Here are some important things to know about the other people in my family: Here are some important things to know about my relationships with the other people in my family:

A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


Who do you have the closest relationship with in your family? What makes this your closest relationship? Is there anyone in your family with whom you have a difficult relationship at times? If so, what makes your relationship with this person difficult?

My Family.

A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


What are the most important things that have happened in your family’s life? Why have these been important to you and your family? Have there been any difficult things that your family has had to face? If so, why have these things been difficult for you and your family?

A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


This is how my family feel about me………

How my dad feels about me…

How my mum feels about me….

How others in my family feel about me… me……

A CBT Workbook for Children and Adolescents by Gary O’ Reilly A gift from


My Family.

From completing this part of my guidebook I think that the three most important things about my

family are…

1. 1.

