Part 2. Biology of Business. Business Model Problem? Or… But….

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Transcript of Part 2. Biology of Business. Business Model Problem? Or… But….

Part 2. Biology of Business

Business Model Problem?



Translational Technology

for example……

QB3 Startup in a BoxQB3 is dedicated to helping our entrepreneurs launch successful startups. We want to make it easier to create, experiment, and grow. Scientific entrepreneurs get to a point where their research has commercial potential.

They’ll ask us how to start a company.

A logical first step is an SBIR application. SBIRs are frequently the funds that bring the company to life, and are nearly always part of a successful “lean biotech startup” strategy. But you have to register your company with 30 days prior to the SBIR deadline. We have to be able to snap into action.

QB3 has solved this problem with a new program: QB3 Startup in a Box. We give founders everything they need to create a well-structured company, and we ensure the company is ready to succeed.

Candidates for QB3 Startup in a Box are judged on the commercial potential of the project and the dedication of the entrepreneurs. We advise the applicant within one week regarding acceptance into the program. We can prepare a company to a position where it can apply for an SBIR grant within the month.

Translational Technology

In cancer science, many "discoveries" don't hold up

Wed, Mar 28 2012By Sharon Begley

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former researcher at Amgen Inc has foundthat many basic studies on cancer -- a high proportion of them fromuniversity labs -- are unreliable, with grim consequences for producingnew medicines in the future.During a decade as head of global cancer research at Amgen, C. GlennBegley identified 53 "landmark" publications -- papers in top journals,from reputable labs -- for his team to reproduce. Begley sought todouble-check the findings before trying to build on them for drugdevelopment.Result: 47 of the 53 could not be replicated. He described his findings ina commentary piece published on Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 10, 712 (September 2011)

Results from Bayer Study

A Critical Difference!

Academic• Must Publish Research• Peer-Reviewed and

accepted or rejected• If bad research and

accepted, then the publication is not cited.

BioPharma• Cannot Publish all Research• Scientific Results must be

organized, archived and turned over to FDA on demand

• Bad data may result in loss of job, fines or jail,

Based on comments by Ted Snelgrove, CEO CellScape during public presentation

Lost in Translation?

Incubator Model?

Smooth Sailing?

Billionaire Dreams?

Entrepreneurs sans SBIR

What to Do?

• Change Business Model & Mind Set• Product, Products, PRODUCTS!• Make a Plan to Sell product• Discover, Develop & Sell your Product• Fail! (Necessary for Evolution & Innovation)• Make a new Plan• Make new products.• Repeat

James L. Powers & CompanyBusiness Development/Operating Statement

28 January 2013

There are about 6 million adults living in the Bay Area. Almost every person living here is an entrepreneur and has an idea for a business. Some of these ideas are good, but most are not. Very few people have enough financing to develop and grow a business. It is extremely difficult to get investment money to grow a business without initial sales. Few of these budding entrepreneurs have enough experience in sales and marketing to be successful. Few have enough time for the everyday professional sales discipline needed to make a market. I offer a pathway for the entrepreneur to utilize my experience and professionalism to win the first round of sales. I do commission sales of capital equipment in the $10,000-$100,000 range. My commission is 15% of the product sales price. I also require some form of exclusivity, because I cannot be successful without the full rewards of my efforts. Since individual entrepreneurs are not strong in all business functions, I also guide, advise and recommend supporting services, such as marketing to help me sell your product. I am careful about recommending solutions that are within the limit of a startup’s finances. I limit myself to two or three product lines so that I can focus my energies on your business.