Part 2 –Palestines Occupying...

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Part 2 – Palestine’s Occupying Powers

Egyptian Empire (~1570 – ~1069BC)

The Philistine PentapolisThis is a 2011 map of the subject.

Hebrew [biblical] texts [from ~1000BC onward]… mention the Philistines or Philistia, known in Hebrew as Plishtim, Eretz Plishtim or Pleshet, some 280 times and have more to say about the Philistines than all the Egyptian and Assyrian texts combined. The Bible described the Philistines as the most wretched of all the enemies of the Children of Israel. They lived in Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath….

Permanent settlement in the Gaza region … began around 1200 BC. …Philistine clay pots, pans, wine juglets, red and black cups, and figurines of goddesses, resemble Greek, Aegean and Minoan culture as well. Moreover, Egyptian reliefs of Philistine ships, shields, and body armor look like Aegean ones. - Foster (2017) p. 100–101

Earliest Bible writing ~1400BC (1912 map)

Note ‘Palestine’ on both (1912)

Levant 800 BC

Assyrian Empire 746–609BC

“An Assyrian King, Sennacherib, had stories of his campaign against the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah etched into multiple clay prisms… King Sennacherib reportedly snatched away “from their lands people who had not submitted to my yoke, including the people of ….) Philistia [Pi-LiS-Ti u]… I made them carry the basket and mold bricks”… Hundreds of 8th century BC neo-Assyrian clay tablets described the affairs of the Assyrian state in cuneiform script. On one tablet, a servant told the King he had collected taxes in Tyre, Lebanon and Sidon and forced the people there to submit to the rule of the Kingdom. “Bring your lumber, do your work on it,” wrote the local governor to the people of the Lebanon, but “do not deliver it to the Egyptians or Palestinians [pa-la-as-ta-a-a].” - Foster (2017) p. 99-100

Babylonian Empire 609–539 BC

Persian Empire 550–330 BC

Macedonian Empire 336–323 BC

(Alexander the Great)

Ptolemaic Empire (200BC)

Seleucid Empire ~100BC

Hashmonean Kingdom (140-37BC)

Roman Empire in Palestine (66 BC - 395 AD)

Note: Judaea

Under Byzantine Rule (390–mid 7th C)In 390, the Byzantines divided the province Syria-Palaestina, creating an administrative district called Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Secunda. In the 6th century, they added a 3rd Palestine, Palaestina Salutaris. Aside from the brief Persian conquest of Jerusalem in the early 7th century—these districts remained until the eve of the Arab conquest in the mid-7th century.

- Foster (2017) p. 111

Byzantine Empire in 555

Here at its peak,Existed 395–1453

Sassanid Empire in 620 AD

This is the Sassanid (neoPersian) Empire at its greatest extent; it ruled 224–651AD

Islam by the Death of Mohammed in 632

Rashidun Caliphate in 654

Here at its peak,Existed 632–661

Umayyad Caliphate (661–750 AD)

Abassid Dynasty (750-1258 AD)

Clashed with Seljuks (1037–1134), Crusaders (1095–1272) & Ottomans (1249–1924)Includes the Fatimid Dynasty (909–1171)& the Ayyubid Sultanate (1171–1258)

Seljuk Empire (1092)

Here at its peak,Existed 1037–1194

Crusaders in Palestine (1095-1272)Jerusalem changed hands frequently,at and between each Crusade

‘First’ Crusade: 1095–1099‘Faint-Hearted’ Crusade: 1101‘Norwegian’ Crusade: 1107–1112‘Venetian’ Crusade: 1122–1124‘Second’ Crusade: 1147–1149‘Third’ or ‘Kings’ Crusade: 1189–1192‘German’ Crusade: 1197‘Fourth’ Crusade: 1202–1204‘Fifth’ Crusade: 1217–1221‘Sixth’ Crusade: 1228‘Barons’ Crusade: 1239‘Seventh’ Crusade: 1248–1254‘Eighth’ Crusade: 1270‘Ninth’ Crusade: 1271–1272

Ayyubid Sultanate (1193)

Here at its peak,Existed 1171–1260

Ottoman Empire (1249 –1924 AD)

Here at its Peak:

Regional Powers in 1914

Sykes-Picot Map (1916)

Middle East Borders (1942)

British Mandate (1920-1948) & (Israel 1947-1967)

As in 1946

SourcesSeige Scene of Constantinople, from a miniature)

Egyptian Empire Map

Philistine Pentopolis map

Bible Lands (2 maps)A Literary and Historical Atlas of AsiaEveryman’s Library (1912)

Levant 800BC

Assyrian, Babylonian & Macedonian Empire Maps (3) from

Persian Empire MapA Literary and Historical Atlas of AsiaEveryman’s Library (1912)

Ptolemaic EmpireOriginal Source URL: Thomas LessmanExtract from:

Seleucid EmpireOriginal source: The Macedonian Empire, 336-323BC and Kingdoms of the Diadochi in 301 and 200BC. Historical Atlasby William R Shepherd, (1911)Found at

Rashidun Caliphate in 654 Mohammad adit at the English language Wikipedia

Umayyad Caliphate in 750AD

Abassid Dynasty 750-1258 AD Arab Atlas

Seljuk Empire in 1094 MapMaster

Crusaders In Palestine (1135) MapMaster

Ayyubid Sultanate in 1193 Ro444

Ottoman Empire (1249-1924 AD) source: Robert Mantran (ed.), Histoire de l'Empire Ottoman, Paris: Fayard (1989)Adapted by: Atilim Gunes Baydin

Regional Powers in 1914

Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916

Hasmonean KingdomOriginal source -החשמונאים_ממלכת#/media/File:Map_Hasmonean_Kingdom-he.svgAuthor: EffibFound at:

Roman 211AD map created by Sardis Verlag. See also:

Palestina Prima, Secunda & Tertius 400ADBase map found at en:Topographic map#Global 1-kilometer mapFound at:

Byzantine Empire in 555 Tataryn

Sassanid Empire 620ADFound at:

Islam by the Death of Mohammed in 632

Rashidun Caliphate in 654 Mohammad adit at the English language Wikipedia


Just 2 more:1942 BordersOriginal source: The U.S. Army Center for Military History (USACMH)

British Mandate in Palestine (1946) Bolter21