Part 1 Of The Crypto Insiders Profit CodeVideo... · And take advantage of the coming wave of...

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Transcript of Part 1 Of The Crypto Insiders Profit CodeVideo... · And take advantage of the coming wave of...

Part 1 Of The Crypto Insiders Profit Code The 4 Pillars To Crypto Success And The C.L.U.E.S. System:

How To Practically Guarantee Crypto Investing Success

Hi, I’m Cecil Robles. And I want you to have a look at this time machine.

Now of course this isn’t a real time machine in case you're wondering. J Rather, this is the time machine used by the character Marty McFly in the iconic 80’s movie Back To The Future. It reminds me of what another character from the movie, Doc Brown, is famous for saying… “Great Scott Marty!” In a moment I’m going to share how this time machine can help you profit from the exciting new world of Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto Currencies. As you’ll see, by traveling back in time we can gain insight to the disruptive shift these revolutionary markets are creating… And it’s the first key to what I call the “The Insiders Crypto Profit Code”.

I’ll talk more about this in a moment… First… let me welcome you to Video #1 of The Crypto Investors Boot Camp. I’m really excited you showed up… And my Cryptocurrency insider colleagues and I have a lot of great training prepared for you. So let me ask you to please remove all distractions. Silence your phone… Shut the door… Turn off the TV… And pay close attention. In my view, we’re at a critical moment in human history… And what you’re about to discover in this 7-day boot camp will have a significant impact on you and your family… Whether you jump on the Bitcoin bandwagon or not. So… you may want to take some notes, otherwise you can download the transcript directly below to read later. Now to begin, I’d like to give you an overview of what you can expect in this initial video… And in the other videos that are part of this Crypto Investing Boot Camp. In a nutshell, it’s all about three specific social shifts that will send Bitcoin, a handful of other Cryptocurrencies and a select group of Blockchain tech companies into the stratosphere... It all starts with what my fellow Crypto insider colleagues and I like to call…

“The Insiders Crypto Profit Code” This code practically guarantees those who follow it will see huge and life-changing gains in 2018 and beyond.

I know that is a bold promise, however if you stick with me I believe you will see why I am able to make this promise to you. I’ll be revealing all three aspects of The Insiders Crypto Profit Code for you over the coming days… Beginning with exactly how to profit from both Bitcoin and Blockchain in 2018. Plus you’ll learn about what I call the 4 Pillars To Successful Crypto Investing. Then on December 10th at 8pm EST we’ll gather for a live Crypto Insiders Briefing where Matt, Konstantin (the other Crypto Insiders) and I will share what we believe to be the biggest Crypto plays of 2018. Including one that could be worth 25,000%... 50,000%... and even as much as 100,000%. Sadly, some people will keep their head in the sand… They don’t know how to recognize the signs… Nor do they have the insider guidance or the tools that empower them to boldly jump feet first into this new frontier. We’ll also be releasing a special report over the next 7-days called, “Three Disruptive Shifts That Will Catapult Bitcoin To $100,000 In 2018”. Part 1 is already posted in this exclusive members area only for registrants of the Crypto Insiders Live Briefing. In video #2 I’ll be covering the second part of The Insiders Crypto Profit Code. This is where you’ll meet Konstantin, our team’s second Crypto Insider. He's a certified Crypto math genius who's done everything from help build the technology that makes Wall Street run to develop algorithmic trading systems for huge equities firms. For the past 36 months he's been on the forefront of developing crypto-focused software and technology. In particular, he built the world’s first stand-alone Crypto Currency neural network that has banked over 50,000% just this year.

And he has a formula for finding the top 5-10 crypto currencies to trade in at any given moment… Today, tomorrow, and every day after. Here’s a little preview to get you ready to get really excited…

This is a CryptoCurrency called Stellar Lumens (XLM). This is a long-term hold for us, however by using this powerful crypto neural network… We were able to buy XLM at $0.027… and the price is currently sitting at $0.095. That’s nearly a $21,000 profit… And as I said, this is one of our long-term plays you’re getting a sneak peek at here. I’m excited to show this powerful tool to you, which helps us find these crypto gems. And then in video #3 I’ll introduce you to Matt. Matt is the ultimate insider. He’s like the Wall Street guy who takes companies public and cashes in on millions in pre-IPO stock deals.

He's already raised or invested over $250 million into an aspect of Crypto Currencies called 'Blockchain' Technology. We'll be talking a lot about this technology over the coming week because it is much bigger than Bitcoin. This next part is most exciting… Because Konstantin, Matt and I are going to give a limited number of people the opportunity to come into our circle… To peer over our shoulder… To access the top insider plays and tools we have at our disposal… And to maximize your crypto gains as well as shield yourself against unnecessary loss. I can confidently say, this practically guarantees your success in 2018 and beyond… Where you too can become one of the newly minted millionaires Bitcoin and the Blockchain are creating every single day. You’ll see everything in full detail including our past wins, some of our current plays, and even one of our upcoming plays that could be a 25,000% win or more. We’re going to hand you the Insiders Crypto Profit Code… no strings attached. We’ve already seen gains of:

And these are just the “Big Three” when it comes to Cryptocurrencies. Then on December 10th at 8PM EST I’ll host a Live Crypto Insiders Investment Briefing where the Matt, Konstantin and I will reveal one of our next big plays and how you can be a part of it. Clearly there’s a lot to cover so let’s dive in. Now back to Marty McFly and that Delorean time machine. Imagine… what if you could go back in a time machine to the year 2010 when Bitcoin was at $0.03? Where you had the foresight and the knowledge of where it is at now, trading over $11,000?

Imagine about what it would be mean to you and your family. You’d have financial independence and time freedom. Freedom to go where you want, buy what you want, and spend time with who you want. You and your family would be set for life. As great as that sounds… You can’t go back to the past. So what can you do? Well, on the one hand you can peer into the past and wonder what could have been. Not the path I recommend. Alternatively… You can educate yourself during this Crypto Investing Boot Camp… And take advantage of the coming wave of opportunities surrounding Bitcoin and Blockchain in 2018. Here’s the incredible thing… this is all just getting started. Keep in mind... Bitcoin is only 7 years old. To put this in perspective... it’s kind of like the Internet was in 1990 when computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. In other words... we’re at the very early stages. Except in the case of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology... it will have an impact far greater than the Internet ever could. Looking back just a few years, it was nearly impossible to get your hands on any Bitcoin unless you knew someone involved in mining the coins. Today you have online exchanges and even smartphone apps that allow you to buy, sell and trade dozens of cryptocurrencies.

There are also devices called “hardware wallets” that allow you to move your cryptos off of your computer and off the centralized exchanges. This way you can store them in perfect safety. You can literally carry millions of dollars in your pocket to use anywhere in the world or slap your hardware wallet in a fireproof safe or safety deposit box. Now here’s the good news... Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have become accessible to pretty much anyone. What’s more, getting involved is safe... when you know your way around. The best news is that none of this has hit the masses yet... And that’s why the opportunity is so incredible right now. I have neighbors and guys I play golf with and people I meet in my travels that have never heard of Bitcoin. Perhaps you just heard of it recently yourself. That said; let’s forget about the price of Bitcoin for a minute. Instead, let’s talk about the total Cryptocurrency market capitalization... because this is the true measure of the market’s growth. Look at these numbers over the last 4 years: End of 2014= $4.3 billion End of 2015 = $6.8 billion End of 2016 = $16 billion Final quarter of 2017 = $330 billion That’s a lot of money, however it’s still nothing compared to other markets. In fact if Bitcoin reached the current market cap of the world’s Gold reserves, it would be priced at around $365,000 per coin. Now when you understand that Bitcoin has a limited supply of just 21 million coins...

And that one Bitcoin can be broken down into 1/100,000,000 of a coin... It’s not hard to imagine Bitcoin reaching $1 million per coin as many experts predict. You see, even if a single Bitcoin is selling for $1 million, you and I and any of our family or friends can still own as little as $1 in Bitcoin. We’ll talk more about why this matters in the upcoming training videos and during the Live Briefing. For now... realize that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a major disruptive shift to the world of money. What the Internet did to revolutionize commerce and create what we now call “e-commerce, cryptocurrencies have the potential to do the same thing with money... By turning it into “e-money.” And as exciting as all of this is… Bitcoin is just a small part of the disruptive revolution to come. What gets me even more excited than Bitcoin reaching a price of $100,000 by the end of 2018 (and yes, that is very exciting!)... Is the underlying technology behind Bitcoin known as… BLOCKCHAIN First we had the original Internet (Web 1.0). The Internet gave birth to ecommerce and search engines... and it has changed the way we buy things and look for things. Out of this early era came companies like Amazon, which put bookstores out of business and Netflix, which put video store chains out of business... Along with Google, which made phone books and encyclopedias practically obsolete. Then we had Social Media (Web 2.0) Social Media has changed the way we communicate and interact with each other and with the world.

It has also changed how we get and consume information. This created a whole new “information” economy and trillions of dollars in new wealth. The Social Media era has also exposed us to privacy issues... And allows companies like Facebook and Instagram to monetize every piece of information about our lives. The social connection can be great, however few realize just how much data the big corporations and government are collecting on us. It’s scary to say the least. Now we have Blockchain (Web 3.0) The blockchain is a new computer protocol that’s trying to undo the mistakes made when the Internet was first born. Consider this... Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web recently said he’s scared of the future of the Internet… Because it’s no longer free, neutral, or equal. Instead it’s being controlled and distorted by digital gatekeepers and master manipulators. The reason for this problem is because from day one, proper security and privacy measures were never built into the web. As a result, it has become commercialized, centralized and downright hostile to your personal information, all at the cost of your identity. You have become the commodity. Your personal data is bought and sold without you knowing it. Everything is designed to capture your attention and your money... and it’s all a very big business. So what the heck does this all have to do with Bitcoin and Blockchain and how is it going to make you money? To understand this you first have to understand the Blockchain.

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology built on cryptography… which in essence, is really, really hard math. This makes it possible for every single Bitcoin transaction to be permanently hard-encoded into a universal ledger, which is hosted on all computers supporting the Blockchain around the world. (Don’t worry… you don’t have to be a math genius to profit from Bitcoin and the Blockchain as you’ll soon discover during our 7-day Crypto Investing Boot camp.) What this means is that no one can hide what he or she are doing with their money and at the same time it provides a high degree of anonymity. Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies, and Blockchain technology are already revolutionizing the world of e-commerce. Before long, companies everywhere will use Blockchain technology (and the various cryptocurrencies associated with it) for peer-to-peer banking, online healthcare, permanent record storage, online gaming… And the list goes on and on. It’s revolutionary. Wherever an unalterable, un-hackable, permanent record is of value... Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies and blockchain will be used. Now here’s the exciting part... Once large industries like oil, automotive, shipping and telecommunications shift to using Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies (which is starting to happen)... The value/price of Bitcoin and these other cryptocurrencies will soar in an even more explosive manner than we’ve seen so far. So how can you make money while this is all unfolding before our very eyes? Well, there’s a guy I follow named Ray Dalio, who’s been called “The Steve Jobs of Finance.” He’s the founder of Bridgewater Associates, which is the largest and most successful hedge fund in the world. Bridgewater manages over $150 billion dollars in global assets. To say this guy is an insider and a big deal is an understatement.

He wrote a book called “Principle” which is fascinating to the say the least… and here’s the key takeaway: “The only way to see the future is to learn from the past.” In Ray’s case, the way he learned this was to get beaten badly by the market a few times... because he was over-confident in his ability to predict the future on its own. Listen... no one has a crystal ball. However, like Ray, we can study history and as a result... see in the future an echo of the past. With Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, we have a chance right here and now to do the same thing. It starts by looking back to Web 1.0, i.e., The DOTCOM Boom and Bust. So now, step into our imaginary time machine… to the year 1997. People are walking around with Sony Walkman’s, listening to cassette tapes. “You’ve Got Mail” was the most popular phrase in the world and referred to email sent by AOL, one of the original email providers. The DOTCOM boom was in full swing. So what happened? Well, out of all of those new start up companies... the vast majority ended up being nothing more than fairy dust. And the same thing will happen in the crypto world. In other words, 80-90% of the cryptocurrencies you hear about or see on CoinMarketCap will be gone in a few years. They’ll be worth zero. And guess what? There are currently over 1,300 of them now and 5-10 new ones are being created every day. The good news is that if you pay attention...

If you educate yourself and make informed investment decisions... You won’t end up like one of the millions of people that got taken for a ride during the Dotcom era. Instead, you’ll have the real potential to become a crypto millionaire. The key is to protect yourself while the market shakes out all of the bad apples… And to steer clear of the scammers, the schemes and the bad actors. Then, you make money on what’s left. It’s survival of the fittest. Another important key is to be an early adopter in the right crypto plays so you can cash in and cash out in grand fashion along the way. Again, look at the past to see what is likely to happen in the future. Who was left after the DOTCOM bubble burst? You know who they are. AMAZON APPLE GOOGLE FACEBOOK NETFLIX EBAY These were the disruptors of that time. These companies and a handful of others have changed the way we live. You can be sure Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain technology behind them are the new disruptors of Web 3.0. So which cryptocurrencies will be like the next Amazon and Facebook? Well… There is a common thread we can look back on and learn from...

And when looking at Cryptocurrencies we have to ask ourselves… What is the common thread that separates the winners from the losers? Is it first mover advantage? Connection? Teamwork? Community? Is there a genius at the helm? The ability to harness a new tech in a visionary way? It’s all of this and more. Now... the way we identify potential winners is through what I call “The 4 Pillars Of Crypto Investing Success.”. These 4 Pillars and the system behind it are responsible for more than 10,000% gains for me and a handful of my subscriber this year alone. Here’s a look at the first pillar Pillar #1: Know what, why and when to buy… It may sound overly simple and yet you must do your due diligence… or have someone do it for you. This is true with each of the 4 pillars. You need to know what cryptos to buy and which ones to stay away from. There are over 1300 cryptos and counting, with dozens more on their way. It’s vital you have the crypto Intel to make wise and profitable investing decisions. There are scammers out to take advantage of the uninformed. Pillar #2: Know what, why and when to hold There are some cryptos you’ll want to hold on to for longer term potential.

These are the millionaire makers, which can yield mind-boggling returns over time. Could be several months, could be several years. Pillar #3: Know what, why and when to sell The crypto market is highly volatile and price can change daily, even hourly. Some cryptos can be bought and sold for short-term gains, for monthly cash flow income. This is where Konstantin shines, as you’ll see. Pillar #4: Know how to execute on your plan to become a Crypto Millionaire Cryptos are a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity. Something that comes around once in a 100 years, or even once in a thousand years. You need the knowledge, the tools and access to the right crypto opportunities to create mega wealth. This is where the Bitcoin Mentor Club comes in… which will talk about in future videos. OK… Let’s talk about pillar #1and #2 right now… and how you can determine exactly what to buy and what to hold on to. I’ve devised a simple system to help me determine this and I call it: C.L.U.E.S. I run every single cryptocurrency investment opportunity that catches my attention through this simple system before deciding to invest or not. Are you ready for it? Here it is… C = Communication, Community and Company Perception How well does the company explain their product and technology? To begin, when researching a particular cryptocurrency , I first visit their website. If I can’t figure out what they do within a few seconds, I will assume that most other potential investors will experience the same thing This also covers company perception. Don’t underestimate the look of a company's website. If it looks good to you it will look good to other investors.

Second, The difference between long-term cryptos and those that fade away is the way they communicate with their community. When you are researching a cryptocurrency for long-term investing, make sure you join their community through Telegram, Slack, etc so you can get a feel for how they interact with their main supporters. If a company treats you badly while they are trying to raise money, imagine how they will treat you after they have your money. L= Long-Term Mission and Values The question I ask here is, does this align with my long-term investing mission and values. For this, I have five things I look at: 1. Do they provide an open financial system, which is available to everyone and not controlled by a single entity? 2. Do they bring a new or improved technology that helps solve a problem, create a new market, address unmet market need, or create value for market participants. 3. Does the technology enable individuals to have more control over their wealth, property, or the freedom to consume, produce, invest, or work as they choose? 4. The technology must be accessible to use by anyone with a smartphone or access to the Internet. It must contribute to the broader mission of building the on-ramps to web 3.0 and finance 2.0. 5. The network must be public, decentralized, and enable trustless consensus. U = Underlying Technology This is another critical factor in determining the likelihood of a cryptocurrency’s success. The company must have robust security and code. They must have an outstanding team with a history of success. They must have the proper governance. This is essentially an assessment of the long-term operating expectations. And finally scalability. Is their network setup to grow and handle user adoption? E= Economics When researching a new cryptocurrency, I always look at the economics behind it

This includes the current market cap (most important factor), the number of coins in circulation and the total number of tokens. In other words, is there a finite or limited supply available? I also want to know how the company intends to grow the user base of their token or coin. After all… User Growth = Cryptocurrency Value Growth You see we are in a User Based Economy… Look at the companies that have exploded in recent years… Facebook Uber AirBNB What thread do they all have in common? They are user growth driven. Cryptocurrencies are peer to peer. The company should simply provide the open platform for the users to grow. S = Supply The last thing we want to do is invest in something that is susceptible to price manipulation. So we have to ask… How liquid is this asset? What is the global market cap? How quickly can this asset be transferred to another asset? What is the number of exchanges it is traded on? This C.L.U.E.S. system is what has allowed me to know what, why and when to buy the coins that have yielded over 10,000% in 2017 alone. Like Stellar Lumens that’s yielded over 350% in the last 30 days.

This is an example of a long-term play that fit my C.L.U.E.S. system perfectly. Another big winner for us has been EOS (EOS) I recommended this to my subscribers at $0.60 a few months ago and it is currently sitting at $3.61. A gain of 501.66%.

Another one is IOTA (MIOTA) which I recommended back in July at just $0.17. It’s currently at $1.89. That’s a whopping 1,194% gain.

These are a handful of the 15-20 cryptos that I anticipate holding for the next 6-12 months. When you have this kind of a system it allows you to make these massive gains and protect yourself at the same time. Listen… If you haven’t implemented something like this yet don’t be too hard on yourself. You can now decide to do things different… and stop listening to the so-called gurus that don’t actually show you how to do this. First, many haven’t been in this market longer than a few months. Second, when you follow bad advice you risk losing more when a trade goes bad. Ultimately, unless you are on the inside of this industry, and have been for some time, you just don’t know. And hey… Everyone seems like a genius when there is a bull market and yet: These same people run for the hills when there is a correction… taking your money with them. And there will be corrections along the way, you can count on it. When I introduce you to Konstantin tomorrow, we’ll talk more about this. I’ll also be revealing the second part of the Crypto Insiders Profit Code… Which is really going to blow your mind.

And I’ll show you the handful of Cryptocurrencies that you can use to generate a lot of consistent cash flow. There are 68 cryptos in all that we follow, however you only need to invest in 5-10 to see life-changing gains. It’s all coming to you on Video #2 on December 6th and I look forward to you watching it. Also, before I go, I get asked all of the time… “How do I get started”? “Where can I buy Bitcoin”? On this page, I’ve included a special report for you called “The Ultimate Guide To Profiting From Crypto Currencies In 2018”. You can find the link directly below this video. Towards the end of the report, you’ll see my recommendation on how to get started. Enjoy the report and I’ll see you in Video #2.