PARSHAT V’ETCHANAN Shabbat Nachamu -...

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Transcript of PARSHAT V’ETCHANAN Shabbat Nachamu -...


Shabbat Nachamu

13 Av, 5771 – August 13, 2011 Volume 9 Number 7

A Programming and RZBMP collaboration ENNISMORE

Jerusalem: 6:46/ 8:04

Moshava : 7:06/ 8:11

Toronto: 8:08 /9:12

Montreal: 7:49 / 8:55

New York: 7:40 / 8:42

Los Angeles: 7:25 / 8:22

Ramat Gan: 7:07/ 8:06

Shabbat Times

Mezuzah- Checking yourself before you walk in your home!

Before you walk into your home and give your parents a hug, we look at the right side

of our doorpost and see the mezuzah. Some have a custom to kiss the mezuzah. The

Rambam makes a direct connection between mezuzah and blowing shofar on Rosh Ha-

shanah. The Rambam describes that when we blow shofar we are to wake up from our

slumber and remember our creator. What the Rambam describes as a Rosh Hashanah-

new year experience is actually a daily experience. The Rambam describes in hilchot

mezuzah that after we do all of our creative work- we might think it‟s all of our power

and come to OUR home that WE BUILT. The mezuzah comes to remind us and wake

us that Hashem has helped us in everything that we do and should be central in our


As we conclude the summer, I hope everyone can take all the achivements and goals

they have accomplished and bring it home with them. Kiss the mezuzah, your parents

and remember all the great lessons- the brachot, hilchot Shabbat, fun times of Moshava


Rabbi Cutler


45th of 54 sedras; 2nd of 11 in


Written on 249 lines in a Sefer

Torah, rank: 7th

21 Parshiyot; 5 open, 16

closed, rank: 7th (tied)

122 p'sukim - ranks 17th (2nd

in D'varim) same as Vayak'hel

& Ki Tavo, but Va'etchanan is


1878 words; ranks 10th (2nd in


7343 letters; ranks 10th (2nd in


Va'etchanan's p'sukim are

longer than average, hence the

jump from 17th to 10th in rank.


12 of the 613 mitzvot, 8 posi-

tive and 4 prohibitions

Young Jews teach Israeli youth English Some 75 exemplary North American college graduates, 66% of whom are Birthright alumni, selected for intensive 10-month pilot program through Masa Israel Journey and Israel's Ministry of Education

Ynetnews Seventy-five exemplary North American college graduates have been accepted to Israel Teaching Fellows, a pilot 10-month service program in Israel, to teach Eng-lish in underprivileged communities beginning August 2011. Launched by Masa Israel Journey and Israel's Ministry of Education, the fellowship seeks to address Israel's educational inequity and widespread underperformance of youth in low-income communities.

"With the rise of young adults' interest in tikkun olam programs overseas, Masa Is-rael is creating immersive service opportunities that allow young adults to impact Is-rael in a sustainable way while having a genuine Israel and Jewish experience," said Masa Israel's North American Director, Avi Rubel.

Rice- Boreh nefashot? The five grains are deserving of borei minei mezonot due to the role they play in people's meals [or their satiating


Aside for bracha rishona though, the five grains are also marked by their own unique bracha achrona: al

hamichya. However, al hamichya differs from mezonot in that rice gets a borei minei mezonot, yet receives no al

hamichya. Why the difference? If rice is enough of a staple for a special bracha rishona, why should the bracha

achrona be different?

One solution to this question is posited by the Rosh (Brachot 6:8). The Rosh maintains that the al hamichya bless-

ing is not related to the staple/filling quality of the five grains. It is rather a product of the grains being part of the

seven species of Eretz Yisrael. After all, the rest of the seven species also have their own bracha achrona, similar

to al hamichya: i.e. al ha'eitz etc. The grains - wheat and barley - are also part of those seven species. The other

three grains - usually translated as spelt, oats, and rye - are also sub-categories of wheat and barley (Tur O.C.

208). As such, the five grains - no different than dates - warrant a special bracha achrona. Rice, however, - as

much as a staple as it may be - is not one of the seven species of Eretz Yisrael; accordingly, it is not worthy of a

unique bracha achrona; only

borei nefashot is recited.

The Mishnah Brurah 208:

28:29 states that it is more

filling than vegetables and

therefore deserves a boreh

mezonot as a bracha rishona.

However, it is not as impor-

tant as the five grains and

therefore does not get an al


Parshat V’Etchanan by Rebbetzin Menucha Pesha Schneider - From the RZBMP

אז זה עגיוני יש סוג נחמה ( השבת אחרי תשעה באב)פרשת ואתחנן תמיד נקראת בשבת נחמו ה אמר לבני ישראל שהוא הוציא אותנו מארץ מצרים , בואתחנן פרק ד פסוק כ. בפרשה עצמה

למה השתמש ". ויוצא אתכם מכור ברזל ממצרים"הפסוק אומר . אבל ה השתמש במטפורה מענין?במטפורה הזאת

משווה ' אנחנו יכולים ללמד מזה שה. י נותן תשובה שהכונה של כור היא לטהר ולעדן זהב"רששולח אותנו באש החמים ביותר כי הוא ידע שאנחנו יהיה יותר ' וגם ה. אונו למשהו יקר כמו זהב

ובתוך התהליך . בגלות אנחנו באש הכי חם אבל כל הזמן אנחנו בתהליך. יקר כשיוצא מהאש. הגענו ונגיע למדרגה יותר גבוהה שחשבנו להגיע, הזה

מחובן הבית אבל זהנחמה כי " כור ברזל"עם ישראל נסו הרבה נסיונות של , בהסתוריה היהודייעשה הכל להעלות ' אנחנו צריכים לדעת שה. ה"זה מזכיר לנו שעם ישראל כמו זהב בעיני הקב


Upper left is a plus and minus in a negation circle. The Torah forbids (a few

times) adding to the Torah or detracting from it.

Once again, the Torah tells us of the mitzva to designate cities of refuge - 3 on

the east side of the Jordan (and 3 on the west side).

The LUCHOT in the TORAH on the mountain stands for the repetition of the

Aseret HaDibrot (with changes) and reminds us that the whole Torah was

given by G-d at Sinai, not just the Big Ten.

The Shabbat candlesticks represent SHAMOR and ZACHOR. They are con-

tained B'DIBUR ECHAD, in one speech- bubble.

The hearing ear represents SH'MA, not just the famous one, but the many

times the Torah commands us to listen (and understand).

The warning lights represent Moshe's warnings to us to remain faithful to

HaShem and not to be confused by what we witnessed but cannot completely

comprehend. The big number 1 is for HaShem Echad, as well as the other

pasuk that emphasizes G-d's Unity, 4:35, ...there is none besides Him.

The reminder-finger is for the command to never forget the Sinai experience

and to pass on the memory to future generations.

The Seder plate is for the Chacham's question and the answer of We were

slaves to Par'o in Egypt... both of which are found in Va'etchanan.

The Simchat Torah scene is for the pasuk ATA HOR-EITA LADA'AT... which is associated with Simchat Torah (for Nusach Ashke-

naz daveners). The speaker and an Xed out video monitor: On that great day of Revelation at Sinai, we HEARD what was said, but we

did NOT SEE any image. This is mentioned more than once, and is a reason for Moshe's deep concern and warnings to the people.

The (clock) face in the face is for the term PANIM BIFANIM, the description of the direct, intimate communication of G-d to the peo-

ple of Israel. The space telescope is for Yeshayahu's words at the end of the Haftara: Lift your eyes heavenward and see Who created

these. The pen is for the 5 PENs in the sedra and another two U'FENs. Not so remarkable, but they are associated with the remember -

don't forget things that Moshe talks about. Hence, the PEN near the reminder string on the finger image in the ParshaPix.

Then there is the grasshopper. The word K'CHA- GAVIM, like grasshoppers, appears only twice in Tanach. Back in Parshat Shlach,

the Meraglim told the people about the giants in the land, "we felt like grasshoppers (compared with them) and so were we in their

eyes". Commentaries point critically to this statement. The other place the word appears is Yeshayahu 40 - the haftara of Va'etchanan-

Nachamu. In that context, the inhabitants of Earth are called grasshoppers in perspective of the "One Who sits above the circle of the

earth". There are also two items from last week's ParshaPix that were unexplained. Anchor is OGEN - en = OG. The kazoo is for the


A Report about Tisha B’Av at Camp by Michal Aberman This year I had one of the most meaningful fasts here at camp. Tisha Beav,we all managed to create a very special

atmosphere. After the seuda mafseket (some water, egg, and ashes) and maariv, we walked down to the agam with

torches singing. There was a beautiful ceremony which prepared us for reading Eichah. Eichah was read in the dark

with only candles to light the Beit Knesset. In between each perek, there was an explanation of the megilah.

Later, the older eidot had a wonderful activity which led us across the whole camp, stopping at different sights of

tragedies that happened since last Tisha Beav. The last stop was singing slow shira around a bonfire in Mach Hach

field. People also shared their own tragedies. It was very emotional and many tears

were shed.

In the morning, we divided up for kinot with explanations, stories, and songs. \this

helped us remember what the day was all about. Then we gathered together for an

activity about the Jews suffering throughout history. Before mincha, we went to

Mach Hach field to bury geniza. During the afternoon, there were movies with dis-

cussions. We let the fast out with a slow shira.

I would personally like to thank everyone for helping the whole camp and me have

such a special experience and meaningful fast

Thank you to Dr. Gila Metz and Nurse Batya for your hard work this week in the Marp!

This week we learn chapter 6 of Pirkei Avot!

Melechet Yad thanks everyone for the bottlecap initiative . You’ve saved the environment! Problem Solved!


Thank you to the BMP and everyone who contributed to the newsletter this

year. I hope you enjoyed reading


If you want back issues please let me

know -

Keep Reading!




Alternative names the theme of

Breisheet - Moshevet Avoteinu 10) Moshevet “Ruined Sports day breakout”


9) Moshevet “No money left in Shekem”


8) Moshevet “Drench your friend” DunkTankeinu

7) Moshevet “Ariela Leader of Men” B1 & B2 Teinu

5) Moshevet “Amitai makes Bet I Better”

Chuck Norristeinu

4) Moshevet Becky “is just funny enough” Tzechok-


5) Moshevet MocoTeinu

4) Moshevet “Crazy tons of awesome trips” Daled-


3) Moshevet MACH HACH—DONE!

2) Moshevet “Finally an Avodah group that can finish

and Avodah Project” Betterthan„09Teinu”

1) Moshevet WhattasummerTeinu!

New Holiday? How can we celebrate Yom Haatzmaut ? This holiday seems

to conflict the passuk that we learn in our parsha that you

are not allowed to add to what Hashem wrote in the Torah

(Devarim 4:2) ? One answer based on the Chattam Sofer-

Megillah 14a- is that if Hashem sends us miracles we are ob-

ligated to create a holiday on a biblical level to give gratitude to Hashem. The

state of Israel is a modern day miracle and therefore we are following the prin-

ciples of the Torah to have gratitude to Hashem to celebrate Yom Haatzmaut!

By Rabbi Cutler

Pharoah‟s Dreams, Joseph Rises to power—What a week! Well, let‟s

see, the years of famine came along and we didn‟t eat for a whole 25

hours to commemorate it! How‟s that for a commitment to the theme

of camp! O.K. - let‟s be fair, Tisha B‟Av kept us pretty busy this

week, though I want to give a huge shout-out to the Cornerstone team,

chinuch and everyone who helped put together the Tisha B‟Av pro-


Back to our theme...Joseph‟s brother‟s arrived and Joseph celebrated

that by reuniting with his long lost brother named Adam Strassberg

from Camp Kawartha. It was an emotional reunion.

We‟re now gearing up for an absolutely epic final banquet in the

Egyptian throne room hosted by Yosef HaTzadik and his beautiful

wife Osnat bat Poti-Phera.

It‟s been a wild ride! Thank you for celebrating Breisheet with us this


Love, Meir & Wass