Parks in Abruzzo

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Parks in Abruzzo

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    PARKS IN ABRUZZOThe green heart of Europe

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo



    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    The National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga, located inAbruzzo, Lazio and Marche, with its 143,132 hectares is one of the

    largest in Italy. It is formed by three mountain ranges.

    Il Gran Sasso I Monti GemelliIl massiccio della Laga

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    Gran Sasso, of sedimentary origin, consists of limestone anddolomite, with its 2912 meters high Corno Grande (Big horn) is thehighest mountain of the continental Appennines; it has an overalllength of 50 km and is contained entirely in the Abruzzo region onthe border between the provinces of lAquila, Teramo and Pescara.


    (Big Stone)

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    The chain of the Monti della Laga is the highest sandstone of theApennines and the fifth mountain range in height of the

    continental Apennines. It has a total length of 24km and runsalong the border between Abruzzo, Marche and Lazio.


    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    To the east of the Monti della Laga rises the limestone ridge of the MontiGemelli, consisting of the Mountain of Flowers 1814 m, of the Mountain of

    Campli 1718 m, separated by a deep gorge called Salinello. The twopeaks are what remains of an oceanic island, that about 150 million years

    ago was near the runway of Gran Sasso.


    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    This particular location, combined with the lithological diversity ofthe mountains and high heights, makes the area a protected areathat has a high biological richness. In fact, in the park there are

    about 2300 higher species of plants. As regards the animalkingdom the mountains of the park are a real biogeographicalthreshold between the north and south of the country, in fact,

    some Mediterranean species reach their northern limit while theothers the Southern.

    The biodiversity of the park

    The fauna The flora

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    The birdsThe insects

    The largemammals

    the fauna


    the park

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012


  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    Among the fauna of the landscape

    stands the Apennine chamois, because a

    hundred years after its extinction, a

    reintroduction project led him to re-

    colonize the mountains of Gran Sasso,

    where today there are approximately500 individuals.

    Another symbol of the fauna is the

    brown bear population in the ApennineMarsicano, estimated at around 30-40

    units, now concentrated mainly in

    areas across Abruzzo, Molise and

    northern Lazio, with the most

    significant group in the National Park


    Among the other large mammals we find

    the Apennine wolf, threatened by herders

    and cattle. So now there are 5 to 8

    reproductive cores wary important tocontrol the population of wild boar.

    The large mammals

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo







    In the higher elevations of the park, where the

    environment is practically unspoiled, you can

    find the species that characterize the birdcommunity the chaffinch, the Alpine Chough and

    Alpine Chough. among other species include the

    golden eagle, the vulture, the wheatear and the

    Alpine Accentor.

    The Birds

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo




    The category that most attracts the

    attention of all naturalists is

    undoubtedly that of butterflies.

    Crossing the Valley is easy to meet

    clouds of blue wings Chiarino Licenidi

    that gather around the water holes to

    drink .There is an another category of

    butterflies cooled Parnassius apollo,

    with white wings with black spots on

    the forewings and red spots on the hindwings.

    The insects

    In the mixed forests, especially Oaks and

    Chestnuts, the most visible insects are the

    beetles and moths among these is the Rosalia

    alpina, a Beetle Cerambicide of light blue velvet

    with three large black spots on the elytra.

    Syntomis phegea

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    the flora

    the queen

    of the parkmercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    The rich flora and fauna provides a high level of biodiversity in the park

    there are about 2300 higher plant species, over one fifth of the European

    flora, and more than one third of the Italian heritage of flora.

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    The Majella National Park, established in 1991, is one of threenational parks of Abruzzo across the provinces of Pescara,lAquilaand Chieti. It is one of 24 national parks with the peculiarities ofItalian . This area is gathered around the large limestone massif

    of the Majella and Morrone to the west and Pizi Porrara east.

    The Parco Nazionale della Majella

    (The Majella National Park)

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    In the park there are an 2100 plant secies and 150 animal species.Inside the park there are 7 natural reserves of cultural heritage

    interest, the most important of Abruzzo.

    The Nature of Majella

    The faunaThe flora

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    Gentiana lutea



    On the higher elevation of the park concentrate

    glacial relics and numerous entities such as the

    Balkan Appennine like the Stella Appenninica.

    The flora

    The parks plant species amount 142.

    This richness is due both to the position of the

    mountiain ranges and the vicissitudes of the

    evolutionary past.

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    The slaughter of the national park is home to a rich vertebrate fauna

    specimens only the most important.

    The fauna

    The Apennine wolf, the latter species is the

    symbol of the park which has a population of

    about 10-12 packs.

    Marsicano brown bear

    mercoled 21 marzo 2012

  • 8/2/2019 Parks in Abruzzo


    Students taking part

    in the proget

    Scorrano Manuel

    Lachi Laura