Parkland Primary School St Thomas [ Road South...

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Transcript of Parkland Primary School St Thomas [ Road South...

Parkland Primary School

St Thomas’ Road South Wigston Leicestershire

LE18 4TA Tel: 0116 2782142

School website: Office e-mail address:


Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015



Learning Together: grow, achieve, believe, succeed.

Introduction On behalf of the staff and Governors, we welcome you and your child to Parkland Primary School. We are an Academy working with our partner primary schools, Kibworth C of E, Danemill, Mowmacre Hill, Sileby Redlands, Woolden Hill and Greystoke within the Discovery Schools Academy Trust. We hope you find this handbook helpful and that it explains what is taught, how children are cared for and the high standards we expect from our pupils, our parents and ourselves. We strive to offer a high quality education across the full curriculum, including many extra-curricular activities for all children. If you have any other queries about our school, please do not hesitate to come and see us. Kind regards,

Mrs S. Bishop Headteacher

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


About our School

Our school is a bright and lively environment which encourages learning both inside and outside. We are proud of our well maintained and resourced environments, a safe place to learn and grow. We have an open plan teaching area for children starting school in the Early Years Foundation Stage and all other classes are taught in individual classrooms. Year 6 have their own bespoke learning base known as Six Acres. All classes have interactive whiteboards and access to desktop computers, laptops and ipads. We have a large school hall which is used for assemblies, PE, dinner time and productions. We have an annex, known as Woodland which is used as a studio for drama, music, family learning activities, clubs and group work. Other facilities include our library, computer suite and quiet rooms which we use for smaller group work, including SEN. We have wonderful school grounds, which are actively used as our outdoor classrooms. We have outdoor covered areas, quiet reflection reading gardens, fixed play facilities, a vegetable garden, flower and wildlife areas, an amphitheatre, sun shelters and a large playing field.

Our School Motto is ‘Learning Together’. We pride ourselves on excellent relationships with our parents and the local


Our Mission Statement To strive to attain high standards of achievement and personal growth. This will be accomplished through continued cooperation between school, community, parents and pupils. We will foster a school environment that is safe and supportive of individual pupils enabling them to succeed in our ever-changing world.

Our Vision Statement Quality progress through quality work

Our School Aims

We have high expectations of ourselves and our pupils. We do this through:

Having a strong partnership with parents

Having very high standards of behaviour

Ensuring our pupils are happy and secure within the school environment

Providing Quality First Teaching

Ensuring the school has strong vision and direction.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


School Organisation We have 500 pupils on roll. We have 17 classes. Our school has four teams, which have been named after Leicestershire Parks.

Team name Year groups Age Team Leaders

Our Headteacher is Mrs Bishop, our Deputy Headteacher is Mrs Andrews and our Assistant Headteacher is Mrs Eaton. They are available to talk to about Teaching, Learning and Welfare concerns.

Foundation Bradgate Foundation 4-5 years Mrs Andrews Mrs Durham & Mrs Lakhani Key Stage 1 Beacon Hill Year 1 & 2 5-7 years

Key Stage 2 Bouskell Year 3 & 4 7-9 years Miss Slatcher & Miss Hodgson Key Stage 2 Watermead Year 5 & 6 9-11 years

All classes are taught in single year groups. Teachers work together in teams to plan and prepare the curriculum. We follow the Statutory National and Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculums. We try to make learning as relevant and interesting as possible through a creative curriculum. We teach to a themed topic each half term and follow the Cornerstones curriculum.

Admission Policy Children have the opportunity to start at Parkland in the Autumn Term following their fourth birthday. We are happy to show you around our school. Please contact the office for an appointment. We must follow the admission arrangements managed by Leicestershire Authority. Parents are asked to fill in a Leicestershire admission form which is online and collect a form from our school office. All admissions must go through Leicestershire County Council to be given a place for a child here or at any other school. As well as this we need the child's details on our own white form. Details will be kept on our school computer database but will only be used under the terms of our registration under the Data Protection Act, in connection with the education and welfare of your child. If the school becomes over-subscribed, the order of priority in allocating places is as follows:

1. Pupils who have a Statement of Special Educational Need or children who are in public care. 2. Pupils who live in the catchment area. 3. Pupils who will have an older brother or sister attending the same school at the same time. 4. Pupils who have a serious medical condition or exceptional social or domestic needs. 5. Pupils who live nearest to the school.

Our admission number for September 2016 is 75 pupils per year group. Our Pre-School opened in September 2015 for 24 pupils per session.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Starting School We try to make starting school in Foundation as easy as possible for parents and children. We will invite you to several induction events, where you can meet the new teachers, support staff, Family Learning Team, and other people who help our school and your children. We will talk to you about how we work with your children. We also give you a ‘Welcome Pack’. This contains all the important information about children starting school. We follow the Statutory Framework for the Foundation. The Prime areas of learning focus on key skills through: Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional behaviour The Specific areas of learning are: Literacy – reading and writing Mathematics – numbers, shape and space Understanding the World Expressive arts and design Early in the Autumn term there is the opportunity for home visits. This is how we are able to find out from you what your children can do. It begins our home/school partnership.

Parent Partnership At Parkland we work very closely in partnership with parents and have National Accreditation through our achievement of the Parent Partnership Award. We are really pleased to be able to provide a range of courses to help parents. In fact we actively encourage parents to take part! School has changed a lot in the last 10 years. The courses are all good fun and help parents, grandparents and carers to keep up with how we teach reading, writing and maths nowadays!

We have informal meetings for parents every month over a cup of coffee and cake. We share our developments and value your input. If you would like to know more information about these meetings, please see Mrs Eaton.

Using numbers with children

Trips out Fun outdoors

Playing Games with children

Cookery Healthy eating Lots more!

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


97% Target

Punctuality and Attendance

We have high standards of attendance and punctuality and expect all of our children to arrive at school on time and attend school every day. Lessons start straight after the morning register. We do not authorise any holidays in term time. If your child is going to be absent due to illness or an appointment, please telephone the school office before 9am and leave an absence message on our phone line. We will need to see appointment cards for verification on your child’s return to school. We are required by law to keep detailed attendance records for all children. Reasons must be given for all absences and forms are available from the school office for you to complete. All children should be in class for 8:40am every day. Those children whose attendance or punctuality falls below 90% will be monitored and actions taken following our attendance policy. Attendance below 90% could incur being taken to court. Our target for attendance is 97% this year. We expect 100% attendance. This is monitored by Ofsted. Please help us achieve our targets. Parents will be requested to attend attendance meetings with the Headteacher if attendance falls below 95%.

Access to our School Site Most children will come in by the pedestrian gate on Countesthorpe Road, between the flats and the public car park. Some will come in the St Thomas' Road gate. Parents bringing children by car should use the Public Car Park on Countesthorpe Road. All perimeter gates are unlocked from 8.30am until 9.00am daily for access and locked until 3.00pm. Access to school between these times is only by the main entrance gate on St. Thomas’ Road.

Please do not use the staff car parks to drop off or pick up children, nor to turn round. There are pelican crossings with crossing patrols on Countesthorpe Road, St Thomas' Road and Blaby Road - please make sure your children use them, because these are busy roads. If we know a patrol will be absent we inform parents. All visitors, including parents, must enter the school by the main door, near the hall. In the interests of your child’s security all visitors to school need to sign the visitor’s book and wear a badge. Children who arrive late also have to use the main entrance to be signed into school.

You are late if you miss registration at 8.50am. Please get children into

school for 8.40am for

pre-session learning.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


ABC Good Manners

Our Positive Behaviour Policy We aim to create a welcoming, caring environment where relationships are based on respect and to develop a positive self-esteem in each child. The staff at Parkland are committed to maintaining high expectations of good behaviour as an essential contribution to the educational experience of the children and to their happiness and wellbeing.

Behaviour at Parkland has two important strands which work together:

ABC - Our basic code and daily rules

LEARNT – Our Behaviours for Learning

At Parkland we recognise that everyone, staff, pupils, parents, Governors and visitors have: the right to work in a calm and peaceful environment the right to be accepted and treated with fairness the right to be respected because of their worth as individuals Above all we continually work hard to create an environment free from bullying.

We have Three Rules known as our ABC, from these we expect:

Behaviour in Class At the beginning of the school year teachers will discuss and invite contributions to the school rules. The children discuss and agree what the rules actually look like to them in class and around the school. Good Behaviour and Manners around School. All staff can issue ABC Manners Stickers to any pupil. These are given to celebrate our positive behaviour and citizenship around the school. This is a team award and the class with the most ABC over a week are awarded a trophy.

Sitting at our desks correctly

Walking around school quietly – all corridors and library areas

Opening doors and being polite

Making sensible decisions in play and social times

Classroom Behaviour Ladder We have a Behaviour Ladder in each classroom. Every child has a photo, starts on Green every day. Children can be rewarded and move up the ladder for displaying positive ABC manners but are mainly awarded and move up the ladder for displaying improved Learning Behaviours. These learning behaviours are key skills and enable children to take responsibilities for their own learning. It helps to foster independence and personal expectations.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


LEARNT stands for:

Listening skills

Evaluating my own work – did I try hard enough

Asking questions and thinking


New learning , which the child could initiate

Team work

When a child displays positive behaviours they can move to silver and up to Gold. If children need to think about their behaviour they will be moved down. Children who reach red twice in a week are requested to attend a Reflection Session at Breaktime on Wednesdays or Fridays. Children who reach red are monitored and parents are informed by letter. Parents are asked to come and talk with senior staff in school if their children are frequently on red. Children who reach gold will be given a golden sticker. Children who get two or more golden stickers are awarded a Golden Certificate in assembly on Friday.

Home- School Communications We believe working in partnership with is very important. School Visits - We are pleased to welcome all parents into school. As teachers are working with the children throughout the day, it is helpful if you could make an appointment to see them before or after school. You can make appointments to talk with the Headteacher or Assistant Head teachers. We will endeavour to see you on the same day but due to prior commitments and meetings they may be made for as soon as possible. Consultation Evenings - You can come and talk with the class teachers, see the children’s work and discuss progress. These take place in October and February. Open Evening for School Reports - In July we write annual reports detailing your child’s progress. You are welcome to come and discuss the report with the class teacher. Information Events -We invite you to daytime and evening events each year to help raise your awareness and understanding of current educational thinking and teaching. We ask parents to identify what they would like information about. Over the next year we would like to provide workshops on:

Reading and Writing

Creative Learning

Using ICT

Maths and using equipment ( visual models and images)

School Newsletter -We send a newsletter to you at the end of every month. To help keep parents informed we use Schoolcomms. If you have access to the internet and email, we will send you all letters from school electronically.

School Website and Virtual Learning Environment: Newsletters and information, including spelling games can also be found on our school website and on our Virtual Learning Environment, called It’s Learning. All children will be issued with a password in September.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


The School Day

Foundation Stage - Reception

Morning Session Afternoon Session

8.50am - 11.30am 1.00pm - 3.05pm

Key Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2

Morning Session Afternoon Session

8.50am - 12.00pm 1.00pm - 3.05pm

Key Stage 2 - Year 3, 4, 5 and 6

Morning Session Afternoon Session

8.50am - 12.10pm 1.10pm - 3.10pm

We open the doors at 8:40am, before the start of morning lessons, so that children can hang up coats and get into class ready to start on time. Parents and carers are not allowed inside school via classroom doors at any time. Access for parents and carers is via the main door only.

Please note that the school accepts no responsibility for any child before 8.40 am unless they have been asked to come early for some special reason.

School Uniform At Parkland Primary School we expect the children to be in school uniform:

BLACK OR GREY trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore/checked green dresses

PLAIN WHITE shirt with collar/polo shirt/blouse with collar

PLAIN dark green sweatshirt/pullover/cardigan

Black school shoes only - no trainers or slip on shoes

Parents can order a school fleece with the logo on it, via the Marks and Spencer’s online school uniform shop.

School tie – optional for Y1 to 6. Order from school or online from M&S:

Sun hats for sun safety in better weather We have a no jewellery policy, with the exception of a wrist watch.

PE/Swimming Kit

Black shorts

Plain white or green polo shirt

Plimsolls (trainers are allowed for outdoor sports)

Swimming costume and towel (girls – one piece swimsuits please!)

Swimming hats - these can be purchased from our office

Outdoor PE Kit is needed weekly. We recommend black jogging bottoms and a green sweatshirt and warmer layers for the winter. We will go outside in all weather, except extremes!

PE and swimming kits should be kept in a named bag

Long hair should be tied back What do I do if my child cannot take part in a PE/swimming activity due to medical needs? Please ensure that you have informed the class teacher in person, or in writing stating the reason for your child missing a PE or Swimming lesson. We cannot accept pupils telling us that they are not taking part in a PE or swimming lesson, it must be an adult.

The Academy does not accept any liability for the loss of or damage to any personal property occurring on school premises.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Good behaviour is rewarded with positive comments, gestures and stickers. Particularly good behaviour is rewarded by certificates awarded by staff. We have many ways of celebrating a child’s successes at Parkland Primary School. Our awards enable both effort and achievement to be rewarded in many areas of the curriculum. In addition to the awards below, the school also gives certificates for swimming and other sports on a regular basis.

Award Frequency Criteria for success

Stickers/smiley faces Anytime Very good effort in work

Attendance and Punctuality Certificate Termly These are given termly to children who achieve 100% or more in both areas. All children who achieve 100% attendance in a term are entered into a draw to win one of six book tokens.

Headteacher’s Sticker Anytime Excellent effort in work or excellent behaviour.

Class Attendance and Punctuality trophies

Weekly Best class for attendance and/or punctuality

I’m a Star ask me Why Anytime Identified by any adult for excellence in any aspect of school life.

Golden Certificates Weekly Awarded for reaching Gold for having a positive attitude to learning and behaviour.

Golden Smiles Anytime Postcards, texts, tweets and telephone calls home by the teacher to let you know how super they have been.

Homework We believe that homework can make an important contribution to children’s progress at school. We set homework on a half termly basis which is creative and covers all subjects We also expect reading and maths to take place weekly. We make sure homework is relevant and is linked to what we are teaching to the class through the themed curriculum. It acts as reinforcement and lets you know a little of what we have been teaching - we know not all children tell you!

We try to make it as practical and creative as possible. You can help your child at home by:

Reading Together

Playing games and

learning tables

Talking and finding out information from books

Homework will be on Twitter


Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


School Standards of Achievement

Our school was last inspected in May 2014 by a team of 3 Ofsted inspectors. We achieved a Good grade, which means we have been identified as having the capacity to become an outstanding school. Our developments and improvements over the past year have enabled to achieve good progress through:

Securing a stable new teaching team who provide Quality First Teaching. A strong and highly qualified leadership team, made up of leading subject specialists. A creative curriculum with a key focus on skills and developing independent thinking. A vibrant learning environment.

Our Current School Priorities in our Development Plan are:

1. Leadership: To secure strong Leadership and direction by strengthening the staff and governors.

Development of new Cornerstones curriculum

Development of Assessment without levels

Development of new SENCO and Behaviour Consultancy roles

2. Children and Attainment –To narrow the attainment gap further in English, Mathematics, Science and Foundation Subjects

3. Children and achievement – To develop a new behaviour and wellbeing policy 4. School Environment: To establish a new Pre- school and develop the ICT suite

Pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 undertake statutory assessments.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Assessment The DfE announced last year that there would no longer be National Curriculum levels, and that schools would have to set up their own way of assessing pupils. We have spent a long time researching various different methods of assessing pupils, and we have had demonstrations of various commercial software tracking systems. We are using Focus Education ‘Assessment without Levels’. Almost all of the systems used the same format, which was similar to the system used in the Early Years and Foundation Stage. This was to take the end of year expectations for each year group and to split this into 3 categories as follows: Emerging— Yet to be secure in the end of year expectations. Expected—Secure in the majority of the end of year expectations. Exceeding—Secure in almost all or all the end of year expectations and is able to use and apply their knowledge and skills confidently. Under the old levels system children who were exceeding might have moved into the next level. The DfE now want children who are in the exceeding bracket to add more depth and breadth to their knowledge, and to have more opportunities to develop their using and applying skills. They are calling this phase of learning Mastery and Depth. At Parkland we are moving onto the new system during the Summer term 2015. The criteria and expectations for each year group have also changed. Children are now expected to achieve specific expectations for their own year group.

The school has a tracking procedure for each pupil’s progress from the Foundation Unit to Year 6. Assessment starts in the Foundation Stage, with the Foundation Profile. Teacher assessment is used in all classes and progress tracked each term. Statutory assessment is also carried out at the end of Key Stage Two when children are in Year 6.

Children are assessed every half term in all year groups. Pupils in Key Stage 2 take standardised tests over the course of a year alongside all Discovery Schools within the trust so that we can moderate each other. All children are set targets in reading, writing and numeracy each half term. These are shared with parents and displayed in class. From the Summer Term 2015 we are moving towards Assessment without levels.

Assessment for Learning We believe that children need to be able to reflect on their own learning and understand how they learn best. Children need skills to help them talk about their learning, in knowing how and when to seek help and in self evaluation. An important aspect of Parkland’s curriculum is the development of these skills, which are known as Assessment for Learning. Children are taught how to look for their own strengths and areas for improvement by evaluating pieces of completed work and making judgements about their own performances. The children are helped to talk about how their learning can be made easier and to express what makes learning harder for them. These skills help every child knows how they are doing, and understand what they need to do to improve and how to get there. A bigger picture of progress can be built up that takes account of the child’s perspective. Playing such an active part in their own

education creates children who are motivated, independent learners on an ambitiously paced path to improvement.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) We believe that all children are ‘special’ and we try to meet their needs fully within the classroom, with regular, careful planning and assessment carried out by our staff. For many children this is sufficient but for some there may be the need to provide additional ‘extra support’. Miss O’Flynn is our Special Needs Coordinator. (SENCO) Children have different SEN which could include:

Special Learning Difficulties - Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, General Learning Difficulties

Speech and Language

Emotional and Behavioural difficulties – ADHD, Autistic and Aspergers

Physical Difficulties

Medical Needs. We employ a number of Teaching Assistants and Learning Support Assistants who support children with Special Educational Needs. Many of these staff teach special initiatives in booster groups to support children on the register. Children with SEN have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Children who require extra help with their work are supported in the classroom as much as possible and included in everything we do in school. Children sometimes need to work away from the class on special programmes. Children with more specific needs may have an Educational Care Plan, which outlines specialist provision.

Gifted, Talented and Able Pupils We have a gifted, talented and able pupil policy. When we feel a child is a higher attainer in a specific area we put them on our record so that we can monitor and support their progress with you as parents. . Gifted and talented often includes Sport, Art, Music, Literacy and Numeracy. We ensure children’s needs are identified and together we set targets and provide additional support which provides challenge and success.

Disability Equality Scheme At Parkland we have an action plan to promote equality of opportunity for disabled pupils, staff, parents and carers. Our current priorities include;

Ramps for class access

Improved colour schemes with internal refurbishments

Access to enlarged print

Access to the school garden with raised beds by via new tarmac pathway

Disabled Toilet in Six Acres

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


How we Learn

Our curriculum at Parkland is designed to give children the skills that they need for the future, both academically and socially. The workplace that our children will be part of will be very different and whilst literacy and numeracy are always going to be key, creative thinking skills and self evaluation will also be crucial. Our curriculum is thematic and creative and based on the Cornerstones Curriculum. The Cornerstones Curriculum features more than 70 Imaginative Learning Projects. Each project is split into sections, which see children progress through four stages of learning: Engage, Develop, Innovate and Express. Engage At the ‘Engage’ stage, children:

gain memorable first-hand experiences, such as going on a visit or inviting a special visitor into school

enjoy ‘WOW’ experiences

get an exciting introduction to a topic or theme

begin researching and setting enquiry questions

get lots of opportunities to make observations

develop spoken language skills

take part in sensory activities

have lots of fun to fully 'engage' with their new topic. Develop At the ‘Develop’ stage, children:

improve their knowledge and understanding of the topic

develop and practice their new skills

compose, make, do, build, investigate, explore, write for different purposes and read across the curriculum

research their own questions and those set by others

follow new pathways of enquiry based on their interests

complete homework activities that support their learning. Innovate

At the ‘Innovate’ stage, children:

Apply skills, knowledge and understanding in real-life contexts

Solve real or imagined problems using everything they’ve learnt

Get inspired by imaginative and creative opportunities

Revisit anything not fully grasped at the ‘Develop’ stage. Express

At the ‘Express’ stage, children:

Become the performers, experts and informers

Share their achievements with parents, classmates and the community

Evaluate finished products and processes

Link what they have learnt to where they started

Celebrate their achievements! Maths is taught as a discrete subject for all year groups In maths we learn: Number and place value, calculation, measures, shape, statistics , fractions, ratio and proportion We teach the three aims of the curriculum

Problem solving Fluency Reasoning

English is taught as a discrete subject for all year groups In English we learn: Reading, Writing, Phonics, Spelling punctuation and grammar.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


PSHE and citizenship At Parkland, we value fairness, listening to the opinions of others, caring for others, politeness, care of the environment, tolerance and a developing understanding of what is right and what is wrong. We believe that it is important to try to ensure that children develop favourable attitudes towards school, are self-confident, self-sufficient and responsible, share, co-operate and are proud of their school. Through PSHE and citizenship lessons we give our pupils the opportunity to talk and learn about:

Healthy Lifestyles Sex Education and Relations, Bullying Healthy eating Drug Awareness Community police, first aid, fire safety, Road Safety Pupils in school can take part in our Citizenship Award Scheme and

over their time at Parkland achieve Bronze Silver and Gold accreditation. They gain a specially commissioned metal badge.

Sport and PE We have specialist Sports Teachers for all curriculum and after school clubs. All children participate in over 2 hours of physical activity each week. Pupils in Year 3 and Year 6 take part in a 6 week swimming programme during the Spring and Summer terms.

Collective Worship We hold a collective act of worship each day. The timetable for assemblies is:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Whole school Assembly

Whole school Assembly

Singing Assemblies Key Stage assemblies

Class/Community Assembly

Our assemblies are mainly Christian in content, in line with the requirements of the Education Act. At Parkland we recognise all religions and our assemblies include stories from all the major religions. All the major religious festivals are celebrated in school. Class Assembly always directly involves the children. A class may perform their own assembly and names of children who have been awarded commendations are read out. Everyone is welcome to attend our assembly on Friday at 9am. By law parents have the right to withdraw their children from collective worship. Any parents who wish to do this should put their request in writing to the Headteacher. Children not attending worship are given work set by the teacher.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Dinners Universal Free School Meals are available for all pupils in Early Years and KS1.

We have a canteen on site and provide hot cooked meals. Our School Meals are provided by County Council ‘School Food Service’. The cost of school dinners in KS2 is £2.15 per day. This must be paid in advance at the start of each week. Vegetarian meals and other dietary requirements are available on request. We cannot provide meals without payment in advance.

Our preferred method to pay is via Schoolcomms gateway.

We also have a payment post box in the foyer by the school office for cash or cheques, which are made payable to Parkland Primary School. Pupils can give money or cheques to their class teachers.

If you receive benefits you might be entitled to free school dinners; please ask at the school office for further details.

Water is provided with school dinners. You are welcome to send a non fizzy drink in a plastic bottle for your child to drink if you wish.

Packed Lunches If you do not want your child to have cooked dinners, you can send them with a packed lunch in a named packed lunch container. Please make sure you do not send children with any nuts - due to allergies. Thank you.

Fruit and Water

Children in Foundation, year 1 and year 2 all receive free fruit in school. From year 3, children are allowed to bring their own fruit or vegetables to eat at playtime. Please do not send your child with so much that they do not have time to play as well. Tuck should be put safely in the classroom at the start of the day. All children are allowed to have access to water throughout the day. We have water coolers. Children have their own named plastic bottle or cup.

Milk Children under 5 receive free milk each day. For other children, milk must be ordered and paid for termly through a company called Cool Milk. Details from the office.

Clubs and Activities

We are able to provide a range of after clubs and activities. clubs are provided through school or by the staff at no cost. Over the course of the year we will be offering: football, dance, tag rugby, basketball, multisport, gymnastics, netball, rounders and many more…

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Sunbeam Club We are pleased to provide morning, after school and holiday provision which is an independent business. For more information contact our Sunbeam Club leader: Mrs A Chapman

Educational and Residential Visits We give our pupils many opportunities to broaden their education through class visits. Recently these visits have included visits to Tycross Zoo, Snibston Discovery Centre, Bradgate Park, and Bosworth Battlefield. Children in Year 6 have the opportunity to go on a residential trip.

Charging Policy The school follows LA and government policy guidelines. Following these guidelines all contributions for activities within school hours must be voluntary. No child will be excluded from an excursion or activity if the means to pay is not there. However, our school does not receive any additions to the budget to support visits and if we do not receive sufficient funds a visit may have to be cancelled. All trips are non-profit making.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Child Protection: Safeguarding children – Information for Parents Our school feels it is of the utmost importance to have good systems for protecting children and safeguarding their welfare, throughout all the activities which the school undertakes. This means that staff and volunteers must be alert to possible concerns about every pupil, and to report these in a proper fashion. The school has a safeguarding and child protection policy: parents may request a copy of this. It is important for parents to be aware that:

Staff and volunteers in the school have a duty to report concerns about a child, whether this means the child may be in need of additional support or help of some kind or whether it is thought that a child may have been abused or be at risk of abuse.

There are four categories of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional, neglect.

In some cases the school is obliged to refer children to children’s social care staff, for children to be assessed for their needs or if an investigation into possible child abuse is required. In many cases there will already have been discussions between school staff and the parents of the child, and the situation and concerns will not be a surprise to the parents. However, parents may not be told that the school has referred their child to children’s social care if it is thought that this might put the child at risk.

Children’s social care tries to carry out its enquiries in a sensitive fashion. It has to gather information and generally it can be open with parents about the steps being taken.

If you think your child may have been abused you should contact the children’s social care office. If you think the abuse may have happened in school, contact the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher who are the Designated Senior Persons for Child Protection. If you think your child has been hurt, arrange to visit your doctor. Comfort and reassure your child.

If school staff need to express concerns about a child or refer a child to children’s social care, it is understood that this can cause distress or anger for the child’s parents.

School Policies

We are part of the Discovery Schools Trust and have agreed polices. The statutory polices can be located on the school website and in the school foyer. The main polices that you need to be aware of are:

Attendance, Behaviour, Complaints, Safeguarding, curriculum polices, Special Educational Needs, Sex and Relationships, Health and Safety, Teaching and Learning, PE and Sport, Equal Opportunities

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Staff List and Responsibilities

Head Teacher Sarah Bishop School Improvement

Staff development

Performance Management Team Leader

Health & Safety and buildings

Child Protection, Assessment

Maths SLE/ Maths Hub Lead (Primary)

Deputy Head Teacher Jo Andrews Parent Partnership Curriculum & Attainment Team Child Protection Managing HLTAs Jo Andrews will also continue with EYFS responsibilities

Assistant Head Teacher Sarah Eaton Lead associated team of middle leaders Pupil Premium & Wellbeing Agenda Learning environment Child protection Pupil Premium Assessment Responsibility for teaching assistants CPD Managing Learning Mentors Educational Visits Maths SLE

SEND Leader(40% shared with Mowmacre) Zoe Capey Lead SLT SEND and behaviour Responsibility for teaching assistants

SENCO (50% shared with Mowmacre) Lauren O Flynn Whole school leadership and management of provision for Inclusion Children well-being and achievement Child Protection Responsibility for LSAs

EYFS Leader Whole school leadership and management of provision for early years (including pre-school) SLE

Maths Specialist Year 5/6 Maths specialist Research and innovation

Year 6 Leading teacher School council NQT support

EYFS Jo Andrews -SLT Katherine Wright – P.E. Laura Hollis (NQT) Sam Divers- Eco school

Key Stage 1 Y1:Rachael Durham- Year 1 Lead and Science leader Y1:Polly Emmott – History (Plus support English) Y1:Aman Kaur – RE (with Priya) Y2:Diksha Lakhani - Year 2 Lead, oversee KS1 Y2:Sarah Waite – Music plus MaST Y2:Natalie Voigt- PSHE

Year 3/4 Y4:Megan Slatcher Year 3/4 Lead, English Leader Y3/4 Afshah Deen : Maths specialist- Maths Subject Leader Y3: Molly Smith –Design Technology Y3: Afshah to cover in autumn term (NQT to be appointed for spring) Y4: Ali Williams NQT

Year 5/6 Y6:Sarah Hodgson SLT Year 5/6 Lead Clare Hill : Maths Specialist SLT Y5: Rob Rowell Art/ Arts Mark Y5:Lucy Pears - MFL Y6:Emma Stenfalt – ICT/ School Radio

Eco School Sam Divers

Travel Plan

SCITT Inspiring Leaders Teacher Training Preeti Wilson Debbie Raymond

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


We are proud of…

Our School Council Being a Heart start School Having Enhanced Healthy School Award Holding the Bronze Food Award Leading Parent Partnership Award Our work with our Gardening groups

The Governing Body School Management is a partnership between the Headteacher, the Local Governing Body and the Executive Board of the Discovery Schools Trust. The Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team manage the school on a day-to-day basis within the policies, budgets and guidelines agreed with the DSAT. Governors can be contacted via the school office. The local Governing Body meets at least once per term and to monitor standards. Governors are part of the leadership of a school. Individual Governors make regular visits to the school and are members of committees which help steer school improvement.

Clerk to Governors Mrs A Mousley Discovery Schools Academies Trust

Chair of Governors Mr Wayne Leah Parent Governor

Governors Mr R Eastman LA Rev P Day –Community Mrs C Varley- Community

Headteacher Governor Mrs S Bishop

Elected Parent Governors 1. Mr Leah 2. Mrs Varnam 3. Mr Evans

Teacher Governor Mrs S Eaton

Non teacher Governor Mrs H Brown

Comments, Suggestions and Complaints As your child progresses through the school you may well have suggestions that you would like to make to improve the education and care that is provided. At Parkland we welcome your comments and see them as helpful feedback, providing an opportunity to improve the way we do things. If you are unhappy about an issue, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Most issues are resolved at this stage. If the matter is urgent and the class teacher is not available, staff in the school office will alert the appropriate senior member of staff.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Complaints Procedure Our school follows County Council Procedures.

Flowchart for Dealing with Complaints: Complaint heard by Staff member if appropriate

Issue Resolved Issue not resolved

Compliant heard by Headteacher

Acknowledge receipt of complaint verbally or in writing.

Write to complainant with outcome of investigation

Ensure Director informed of outcome

Issue Resolved Issue not resolved

Complaint in writing to Chair of Governors and/or Director of


Complaint investigated.

Letter with further clarification If still not satisfied:

DSAT Issue letter inviting complainant to meeting.

Issue letter confirming panel decision

Informed of outcome

In the unlikely event that agreement cannot be reached you may choose to make use of the formal Complaints Procedure. All formal complaints should be submitted on the complaints form, which can be obtained from the school office or from our school website. Complaints at this stage are addressed to the Chair of Governors. The Director of the academy Mr Paul Stone is also involved at this stage.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015


Freedom of Information Act and Data Protection Discovery Schools Academies Trust is committed to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and to the principles of accountability and the general right of access to information, subject to legal exemptions. We have a policy which outlines our response to the Act and a framework for managing requests, which can be downloaded from our website. To help us process your request efficiently, please clearly mark any correspondence “PUBLICATION SCHEME REQUEST” (in CAPITALS please)

If the information you’re looking for is not routinely available, you can still contact the school to ask if we are able to provide it.

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015



1 Front Page 13 Assessment

2 Vision, Introduction 14 Special Educational Needs

3 About our school , Aims 15 How we Learn

4 Class structure, Admissions Policy 16 PHSE and Citizenship, Sport and PE, Collective Worship

5 Starting school , Parent Partnership 17 Dinners , Clubs and activities

6 Attendance, Site Access 18 Before and after school care, Educational Visits, Charging Policy, Parent Partnerships

7 Behaviour Policy 19 Child Protection, School Policies

8 Home -school Communications 20 Staff List and responsibilities

9 School Day Times, Uniform code 21 We are proud of…

10 Celebrating achievement, Homework 22 Governing Body , Comments

11 Standards and School Development Plan 23 Complaint Procedure, Freedom of Information Act

12 Statutory Assessment results 24 Term Dates, Index

Parkland Primary School Prospectus 2015