Park Hotel Knowlege Management

Post on 20-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Park Hotel Knowlege Management

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Knowledge Management  - Hospitality

Group Members

Chirag Vora – I040 Arhit !harma – I0"#Varsha !harma – I0$# Kiran %eep Kaur –I0&'

An(it Gupta – M0$$ Vasu Mohan – M0$)

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About “The ParkHotel”•  *he +ar( Hotels are managed by the Apee,ay

!urrendra Group is a olletion o ontemporarylu.ury /e-star bouti1ue hotels in India2

•  *he /rst +ar( Hotel was started in ')"$ in Kol(ata2 *oday they hae their hotels at '# loations arossma,or ities in India2

•  *he +ar( Kol(ata was awarded the 3ational *ourismAward3 5#006–047 or outstanding perormane asthe 8est 8outi1ue Hotel in the ountry by the%epartment o *ourism9 Goernment o India2

•  *he +ar( Hotel proides lu.ury premium hotels whih

are in iinity o popular loations o India2

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Business Model•  *hey hae two sets o Hotels

 – “The Park” is the main set o hotels whih hae all thepremium hotel ailities or its ustomers2 *he Hotels areloated at prime loations in popular ities2

 – 'Zone by The Park' is a mid-segment brand9 whih atersto the gap in the Indian hotel mar(et or the growingIndian and international traellers loo(ing or budgettrael2

•  *he ous area or :*he +ar(; Hotels is to proideull serie hotels whih aters to ater tobusiness and leisure trael and loations areoten in ma,or ity enters9 near onentionenters as well as at ma,or aation destinationsin India2

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Key =esoures - Human =esoures9Inrastruture9 Capital9 >tilities9 =awMaterial o ood

Key Atiities – ?odging @ 8oarding

Value Creation – ood o all uisine9 Buality oood9 Combo Ders9 Good !erie orguests9 8etter =oom !erie

Value +roposition – Value or Money9mar(eting ia ewspaper @ !oial media9

Eebsite @ App 8oo(ings

Customer !egment – rganiFations9 >rban+opulation9 *ourists2

=eenue !tream – ?odging9 8oarding9 ther

=entals 5 8an1uet Halls 7

8usiness Model Canas

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rganiFational !truture

• ounder – !urrendra +aul

• Chairperson – +riya +aul

• Managing %iretor – Vi,ay %ewan

• %iretors or arious departments – ood @ 8eerages – !ales @ Mar(eting – I* @ Knowledge Management – H= @ +ubli =elations

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eed or KnowledgeManagement• >se o Inormation and Communiation


• Industry is Knowledge-Intensie

• Geographially dispersed hotels

• eed to delier an oerall !erie !tandard

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Mapping @ Mitigating+roblems• ?a( o Global .pansion


• Inreasing ompetition

• %emographial Integration

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Knowledge 8ased

Gap Analysis

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Knowledge Gap Analysisramewor(


Ehat yourompany must do

Ehat yourompany ando

Knowledge Gap trategi!Gap

trategy"Knowledge link 


Ehat yourompany (nows

Ehat yourompany must(now

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•   Hotel hains9 whih hae to delier an oerall1uality standard in geographially distributedhotels9 an e.ploit (nowledge managements

bene/ts•   Knowledge sharing among employees9 with

ustomers and with business partners has atremendous potential pay-oD in improedustomer serie9 shorter deliery-yle times

and inreased ollaboration within the ompanyor with business partners

•  Knowledge Goals

•  Knowledge !trategy

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Knowledge Management !trategy to ous on

• A high rate o employee turnoer 5bearing

ris( o (nowledge loss72• A high rate rotating employees between

hotels 5oring to build up new team(nowledge72

•A high perentage o uns(illed wor(ers or alow status employees 5neessity to build upstandards9 (nowledge and oster learning79and

•Irregular and seasonal demand and hanging

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Knowledge Assets

• Intranet

• eedba( Mehanism

• %ata =epositories  *as(-spei/ (nowledge J *as(-spei/

(nowledge allows employees to at in aoordinated way2

 *as(-related (nowledge J *as(-related(nowledge ontributes to the shared alues oteamwor(9 but also ompromises the ability toreah a distint leel o 1uality

 *rans-atie memory J Inludes deentraliFed(nowledge o the other organiFationalmembers ognitie models

Guest-=elated Knowledge

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Knowledge sharing

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Codi/ation and sharing o inormation and(nowledge using I*

• oding and sharing o best praties

• reation o orporate (nowledge diretories

• reation o (nowledge networ(s

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• ther tehnology used or (nowledgesharing inlude groupware9 intranet9

e-mail9 disussion orums9 and e-bulletin boards

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How KM system wasdeeloped• %eeloped an online Knowledge

+ortal 5K+7• =eiew meetings held

• -learning system

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• Helps ensure the right inormation

• Gets to the right people at the right•  *ime to ma(e the right deisions

• perational eieny

•  Innoation rate• mployee growth

• ?earning ore growth and


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Challenges• %emonstrating business alue

hange• Management impliations

(eeping up with new

tehnologies• Integrating into planning


• .eution

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!uggestions• KM re1uires proound hanges in the /eld o strategy

deelopment and (nowledge poliy

• Carry out inestigations on storage systems

•  *ime to time researh to be arried out

• eed or a better positioned poliy in the /eld o KM inhotel ompanies

nline portal or ustomer eedba(• Measurement o KM should be deeloped


• 8arriers that omprehend KM deelopment should bemanaged more eiently

eed o areul and purposeul KM to reate realopportunities or the deelopment o the hotel industry

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Conlusion• Detie (nowledge management reates

ompetitie adantage9 enhanes perormane9

enables a ompany to be more innoatie9 antiipateproblems better and analyFe and ealuateinormation better

• Hotels an improe their serie 1uality byenhaning employees (nowledge about ustomers

preerenes and the orresponding serieproedures2

• Hene9 hotels are li(ely to gain bene/ts rom KMatiities emphasiFing (nowledge sharing9 whih animproe employeesL (nowledge o uni1ue ustomersL


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 *han( ou