Parent Booklet

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Parent Information Booklet 2012

Transcript of Parent Booklet

Welcome to Wallasey School

Headteacher: Mr PJ Duffy BEd (Hons)

Tel: 0151 677 7825E-mail:



Wallasey SchoolGoing From Good to Great Within A Caring and

Achieving Community“Every Child Matters”

Our aim is to provide high quality education, support and care for all our students so that they may achieve their full potential irrespective of their ability.

Thank you very much for the warm welcome we received during our inspection of your school. We were impressed by your friendliness and the way you respect each other.

We feel that you make an outstanding contribution to your local community, raising large amounts of money for charity. You are keen to learn about other cultures and many of you take part in the wide range of activities on offer.

Your behaviour is good and you are very polite. The school cares for you well and you know who to talk to if you have a problem.


Achievements include:

2003 Extended School Status

2005 Health Promoting School

2006 Kellogg’s Regional Breakfast Club Winners

2006 National Healthy Schools Status

2006 Engaging Parents Initiative Award

2006 Helping Hands – Looked After Children Award



Inclusion Award

Investors in People (re-award)

2009 Basic Skills Award (4th re-award)Artsmark Gold (3rd re-award)Creative Partnerships National AwardSky School Musical Winners: Grease

2010 ‘Your Champion Award’ Scottish Power/ Trinity MirrorUnicef Rights Respecting Schools Award (level1)




Claire House Certificate of Appreciation for raising £21,000

Health and Well Being Charter

Toyota Challenge Finalist


Does Wallasey School have a uniform?Yes, we're very proud of our uniform. Our school colours are black, red and grey. In their black blazers and wearing the school tie, we think our students are amongst the smartest in Wirral. That's what our visitors tell us too!

How are the students organised?Each new group of students has a Progress Leader who will look after them all through their school life. Form Teachers stay with the same class for their five years in school.

Do you give the children homework?Yes! All students get homework. They use their Student Planner to keep a record of their homework tasks in every subject.

What are the discipline standards?Wallasey School is a Unicef Rights Respecting School. The whole school has worked hard to develop a ‘Wallasey School Charter’ which replaces our school standards. This agreement between both the staff and students, outlines the responsibilities of everyone in our community. By upholding these responsibilities we ensure the rights of our students are protected, the values we uphold include:

respect for people and propertyself-respecta sense of right and wronga sense of belonging to the school communityan awareness, and respect, of other cultures and beliefs

What about bullying?All schools will experience bullying but we have a clear policy to deal with it. We don't tolerate bullies and do everything possible to resolve student problems.

How are students rewarded?We reward good work and behaviour in many ways, such as:

Stickers and praise cards for good conduct and attitude Merits for good work or good conduct Commendations and Distinctions for good work School Trips for good conduct Certificates of Achievement for good work Colours and Half Colours for Sport Prizes at the annual Prize Day Special ties recognising achievements and responsibilities


Do the students have a voice in the school?

We have various groups of students throughout the school who are consulted on different aspects of school life these include, The School Council, Peer Mentors, 6 th Form Management Team, Rights Respecting Schools Steering Group – we are developing more systems for listening to the views of students.

An OFTSED report commented on the valuable contribution of the Student Council.

Quote: Oftsed 2011

“Students assume responsibilities willingly and the school acts upon suggestions for improvements from students”

How often do you have Reports and Parents’ Evenings?

You will get two reports during the year. These include one short report which gives work ethic, attainment and progress grades and one full written report on every subject. You will be invited to a Review Day early in the New Year to discuss your child’s progress where additional progress information will be provided. There are also additional meetings held throughout the year to address particular issues. Parents/Carers are always welcome to contact school individually should you wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s progress.

Are there any school buses?

Please refer to additional information in pack

The buses leave from the school’s front car park at the end of every day.



What is Design and Technology?It is about designing and making products using a variety of different materials.

How is the teaching organised?Throughout KS3 students are grouped in broad ability groups.

What materials will be used?In each of the first three years, students complete projects in the following areas:

Food: Students develop skills in preparing food products e.g. cakes, biscuits, scones, desserts, breadmaking, main course dishes and finishing items to a high culinary standard.They use a variety of electrical equipment including microwave ovens, food processors, mixers and blenders.

Product Design: Students develop skills in cutting wood, joining wood, bending plastics and soldering electronic components. They make a range of products e.g. jigsaw, electronic games, and use a range of equipment e.g. the shaper saw and soldering iron.

What facilities are available?

2 Food Catering Rooms2 Product Design Workshops

The teaching workshops and rooms have the latest technology available-microwave ovens etc. We also have AV technology, computers and two technicians.

What subjects can be taken after Key Stage 3?We offer the following courses at GCSE level:

CateringProduct Design

Product Design is available at A-Level.


Subject Leader Product Design Mr J Salisbury BEd HonsSubject Leader Food and Catering Mrs J Jones BSc Hons

Mr R Hoppe BA HonsMrs J Dittmer CEdMrs C Marchbank HLTA



How many lessons of English are there each week?In Year 7 there are seven one-hour English lessons per fortnight. They include a reading lesson in the school library. All students have a reading homework each week and a reading card for parents to sign. Great value is placed on reading and we value your support in helping us to improve this essential skill.

What work do the children do in Year 7?They will read at least one novel, as well as poetry and a play. They look at various aspects of the media, including advertising, and a part on moving image. They also do creative and persuasive writing. We strive to ensure a balanced and engaging curriculum.

What help is there for the very able or weak students?In Year 7 students are organised into sets based on pre-attainment data such as K2 results. Every effort will be made to support your child by our dedicated team of specialists.

How do you teach the basics?Students are set individual targets on their assessment sheets. Targets range from how to improve writing to rules for spelling and punctuation.Each student will work to improving reading, writing and

speaking and listening through the NC learning objectives.

What subjects are available in English?All students take GCSE English Language. Most also study English Literature. GCSE Media Studies is offered within the option choices. At 'A' Level, students can study English Literature, English Language, Film Studies and Media Studies. These A Levels are very popular with the students. The first year is known as AS and the second as A2. We also offer an extremely popular BTEC Media Studies Course.

HomeworkHomework is set each week. Any homework set will be related to the topic studied in class. Your support would be greatly appreciated in ensuring that any work set is completed on time.

Aims of DepartmentOur aim in teaching English is to develop through enjoyment and challenge within integrated programmes of study, students capacity to communicate effectively in Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening. Opportunities are given to promote and apply ICT skills in the study of English. During KS3 student’s standards of achievement are set out in the NC level descriptors. These are prominently displayed at strategic points in the department.

What facilities and equipment do you have?/tt/file_convert/568c36631a28ab023597d76b/document.doc

We have a suite of rooms which includes 10 classrooms, an IT room and a lending library. We have areas for flexible learning, speaking and listening and small group work. Students regularly use audio and video equipment during the course of their work.


Curriculum Area Leader Mr T Jones BA HonsAssistant CAL Ms D Stewart BA Hons

Mrs E Edwards BA MAMiss M O’Neill BA HonsMrs S Bayley BA HonsMrs M Kisiel BA HonsMiss K Grue BA HonsMrs K Vesey BA HonsMrs A Gatenby BEd MA



What are the Humanities?History, Geography together with Psychology, Health and Social Care and Politics are Humanities subjects. In Years 7 - 9 students study History and Geography. Health and Social Care; Psychology and Politics are on offer at KS4 & KS5.

How is the teaching of these subjects organised in Year 7?In the first half term, the children are taught in their Form Groups, following which they are placed in ability sets.

What are the Humanities facilities at Wallasey School?There are 7 specialist classrooms with access to I.T. facilities, and DVD. There are digital overhead projectors in all our classrooms and a workroom for small group work.

What Geography topics will my child study in the first year?We start with the Home Region and develop the mapwork skills needed in Geography lessons. Students also study Africa, China and flooding.

What other topics will be covered during Key Stage 3?· Global warming· Tectonics· Migration· Olympic impact

Do you run any field trips?Field trips often take place in order to carry out tourism and shopping surveys as well as land use mapping. We are extending the provision of field work opportunities in later years by making greater use of surrounding areas.

What topics will my child study in History in the first year?We study life in Medieval England. We take an in-depth look at the Norman Invasion and the changes to England thereafter.

China is the focus for a worldwide study.

What topics will they study for the rest of Key Stage 3?In Year 8, students examine economic, social and political changes in Britain between 1500-1900.

In Year 9, students widen their historical understanding by examining the culture of the Black Peoples of America (e.g. slavery) and by looking at how the events of the Twentieth Century have shaped Modern Europe (e.g. World Wars).

What about Humanities subjects beyond Key Stage 3? /tt/file_convert/568c36631a28ab023597d76b/document.doc

Students can choose to study GCSE Geography, History and Health and Social Care in Years 10 and 11. They can then take A-Level Geography, History, Health and Social Care, Psychology and Politics. We also offer Diploma in Society, Health and Development and Vocational Courses in Health and Social Care and Leisure and Tourism.

FACULTY OF HUMANITIESSubject Leader: History Mr M Smith BA HonsSubject Leader: Geography Mr J Cartledge BSc Hons

Miss J M Herd BA HonsMr P Rowland BA Hons

Mr J Torpey BA HonsMrs R Fattorini Med MSc




How many computers have you got ?

We have over 400 computers. There are 8 computer suites located within the ICT & Business Education Department and also other locations around the school.

What do you teach at KS3?

Throughout KS3 students have one lesson per week of ICT. They are introduced to Microsoft Office applications and Control software. The Scheme of Work is written to the National Strategy framework.

What do you teach at KS4 & KS5?

KS4· OCR Nationals Level 2· BTEC Business Level 2

KS5· IT Diploma Level 3

Business· A Level· BTEC Level 3

Do you use the Internet?

We have controlled access to the Internet and have our own Website. We also have Ranger Software installed which enables students to access their school work from home. If you want to know more about Wallasey School, you could visit our webpage on the Internet!

The school also has a Virtual Learning Environment where students can access Schemes of Work from any computer.


Curriculum Leader Mr A Stephanides BEd Head of Business Mrs R Bailey BSc Hons

Ms S McGlone BA HonsMiss K Glasby BA Hons



What does this faculty include?

We cover a wide range of issues relating to children's personal, social, health and career development as they progress through school. Many of our lesson themes and activities also address important Citizenship, Enterprise and Employability issues, as well as providing valuable sources of information, advice and guidance.

How do we provide Career Education, Advice and Guidance to Students?

Careers Education starts in Key Stage 3 and is an integral part of the PSHCE Programme. We work closely with Career Connexions which provides impartial external liaison and support, advice and guidance is given to students at important times in their lives with emphasis on their decision making at transition time, i.e. Year 9 (options), Year 11 and Sixth Form. All students enjoy Work Related Learning / Enterprise Days, as well as two weeks work experience in Key Stage 4.

What do students learn in Philosophy, Ethics and Religion?

This subject helps students to analyse their own beliefs values and ideas and to explore beliefs, customs and ethics of others. At Key Stage 3 the course modules consider topics which include Celebrating Diversity, Medical Ethics, Human Rights, World Religions and Introduction to Philosophy. At Key Stage 4 all students follow either a full or short GCSE course programme of study. We also offer Philosophy and Religion at A Level.

The faculty works closely with many organisations including Liverpool Community Spirit and Wirral Youth for Christ.

Our main aim is to promote tolerance and understanding of the many faiths, beliefs and cultures found within our community introducing topical Law and Business themes.

What is PSHCE?

It is Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education, which covers a wide range of topics leading to the development of important life skills and personal well-being, they include, Personal safety, Study Skills, Sex and Health Education and Drugs Education.

Another complementary theme prepares students for the World of Work, where they gain an insight into Employability, Enterprise, Economic Literacy and Career Management.

PSHCE also contributes to the delivery of Citizenship within the school and students have a chance to discuss themes such as Human Rights and Responsibilities, Discriminations and Democracy.

All students have a weekly PSHCE session throughout their secondary school life.



Curriculum Area Leader Mr B Quigley BA HonsAssistant CAL Mr M Bebb BA Hons

Mrs N Boyle BA HonsMrs D Ward BA HonsMrs P Donnelly BA Hons



Do you use a well known Maths scheme?

Yes. Years 7and 8 use the ‘Exploring Maths’ interactive scheme and the students in Years 9 to 11 follow the GCSE ‘Active Teaching’ interactive scheme.

How do you teach the wide range of abilities using one scheme?

KS3 schemes are differentiated with 7 tiers of entry and the KS4 has 4 tiers to address all ranges of ability.

How do you cater for students of all abilities?

Students of all mathematical ability are catered for with a range of teaching styles, resources and interactive software. All students are offered work at an appropriate level and different pathways are followed.

Do you group the students into ability sets?

Yes. Students’ KS2 National Test Results are used together with their KS2 Teacher Assessments to establish sets at the beginning of Year 7. After this, current performance becomes an important factor and regular assessments track progress.

Why do you set them so quickly?

We want students to work at a level appropriate to their ability.

Can students change sets?

Although many students remain in the same sets, others are moved to recognise current performance.

What about the 'basics'?

Basic Numeracy forms the foundation of all mathematics so is reinforced regularly. A full time Maths Teaching Assistant is also available to work with smaller groups of students to support basic numeracy.

Can all students do examinations?

All students do internal formal tests at the end of Year 7 and 8. All students begin the GCSE course in Year 9. Opportunities to sit the Edexcel GCSE are offered in Years 10 and 11. Additional Functional Maths qualifications are taken by some students.

A Level Maths is available for Sixth Form students. Some Year 11 students are given the opportunity to study an AS module.

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Curriculum Area Leader Miss H Bell BSc HonsAssistant CAL Mr C Hoppins BSc Hons MA

Mr L Mburayi BA HonsMs K Simons BSc HonsMr P Simmons BSc HonsMiss R Lloyd BSc HonsMr D Karythis BSc Hons MAMrs J Parry BSc Hons



Which languages can my child study at Wallasey School?Currently, we offer French and German from KS3 to GCSE and A Level. There is also provision for learning English as a foreign language.

What will my child learn?By the end of their first year, students should be able to express themselves in a foreign language in order to talk about themselves and their families, to talk about school, clothes, a typical day and to talk about their hobbies.

How is Modern Foreign Language teaching organised?At the present time students are studying French in Year 7, there is the opportunity to follow an additional language further up the school.

What facilities are there for Modern Languages?The Modern Languages Faculty has modern teaching facilities. We have I.T. facilities, television and audio materials. Digital overhead projectors further enhance lesson delivery.

Will my child have the opportunity to go abroad to practice their foreign language?Every year, we take as many Year 8 students as possible to Boulogne in France. Older students have also visited Rouen, Strasbourg and the Black Forest. A-Level students are encouraged to participate in foreign exchange schemes, particularly work experience.

Could my child study A-Level French and German here?Certainly! Students who take A-level languages frequently choose to go on to further study at University too!


Curriculum Area Leader Mr G Guichoux DEVG LicMrs G Lloyd BEd Hons



Ich gehe zur Wallasey Schule

Ich mag die Lehreraber ich hasse die Hausaufgaben!

Ich habe gute Freunde in der Wallasey Schule.

Moi?Je suis a

Wallasey School!

J’aime bien les professeurs.

Je n’aime pas les devoirs!

J’ai fait de bons amis aWallasey School


What activities do the children do during their first year at Wallasey School?All students in Year 7 take courses in Fitness, Gymnastics, Athletics and a variety of Game Activities.

Do they have to take them all?Yes - they form the basis of the National Curriculum in P.E. and all students are expected to participate fully.

Do you do swimming?No. Swimming time is a priority for local primary schools and the LEA does not allocate it to secondary schools.

Do students have to wear the school P.E. kit?Yes - the school is very proud of the fact that students wear a distinctive black kit. The kit is unisex and consists of black shorts and black polo shirt with the school motif. The recent changes to the kit were put forward through the School Council.

Are there any school Sports Teams?We run teams in Netball, Rounders, Badminton, Soccer (boys and girls) Rugby, Cricket, Athletics and Volleyball. We are extremely proud of the students who represent the school in regional competitions. All students who represent the school teams receive their sports colours at the end of each year.

What happens if my child cannot take part in a P.E. lesson due to injury or illness?You send a note to inform the P.E. teacher who takes the lesson. In the note, you need to give the reason. For minor injuries, students bring their kit and take part as referees or coaches!

If the injury or illness is a long-term one, you will need to send the teacher a doctor's note. Participation in P.E. lessons does not necessarily mean that your child will be active. They may be asked to assist the teacher.

Could my child take examinations in P.E.?Students who opt for P.E. at examination level may study P.E. as a BTEC First in Key Stage 4 or the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in the Sixth Form.


Curriculum Area Leader Miss H Rogers BEd HonsMrs T O’Brien BSc HonsMr R Dutfield BSc Hons MScMr S Verry BSc Hons



Which of the Sciences will my child study?All children study aspects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics from Year 7 right up to Year 11, under the guidance of an enthusiastic team of Science teachers. At KS3, the Sciences are taught in an integrated way. At KS4 Science can be undertaken through a range of courses from 1 GCSE through to 3 separate Science GCSE’s or through the Applied Science Route. After Year 11, your child could choose to study A-Levels in Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Applied Science.

How are the courses organised?We teach Science in units called modules, with a test at the end of each one. The test results help us to decide which teaching group and examination level will be best for your child. We use the results to help students' make progress and we report them to you as well.

What type of science do you offer at GCSE and A-Level?At GCSE level we offer:

·Separate Sciences – Biology, Chemistry and Physics (3 GCSE’s)·Additional Science (2 GCSE’s)·Core Science (1 GCSE)·Btec Extended Certificate (2 GCSEs) Btec Diploma (4GCSEs)

At A Level we offer Biology, Human Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. We also offer a range of BTEC Applied Science Courses.

Will my child be put into an ability group?Yes, after the first half term. We use the results of the skills tests, together with information from KS2 National Tests, to group the children according to their Science ability.

What are the facilities for Science at Wallasey School?

We have 11 fully equipped laboratories. We have 10 well-qualified Biologists, Chemists and Physicist teachers and 3 laboratory technicians.

We run a Science Club for interested students who want to do more exciting science experiments.

Will I need to buy my child anything for Science?No, but each child should have their own pen, pencil, ruler etc. and a simple calculator is useful. Class sets of text books are available for use in school; we do not issue them to individuals. The Longman Science scheme is mostly used in Years 7 and 8 with a variety of books in later years. Protective laboratory coats and eye protection are available in all laboratory areas.

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Curriculum Area Leader Mr D Iqbal BSc HonsAssistant CAL Miss D O’Connor BSc Hons

Mrs S Brown BSc Hons Mr A McDonnell BEd HonsMrs A Braithwaite BSc HonsMr M Ainslie BSc HonsMiss R Lloyd BSc HonsMiss K Murphy BSc HonsMr A Reid BSc HonsMrs D Hughes BSc HonsMrs H Rice BSc Hons



What are Special Educational Needs?Any child who has a problem which affects their learning has a Special Educational Need. They can include medical, emotional, behavioural and physical problems as well as learning difficulties.

Are Special Educational Needs students taught separately?We operate a policy of inclusion. However, students who are experiencing difficulties can have the benefit of extra support.

What support is available?· 1:1 Multi-sensory teaching for SpLD (Dyslexia) students· Smaller class sizes in English, Maths, Science and Humanities· Basic Skills lessons· Paired Reading - Paired Maths· Individual guidance for statemented students· Student Support Centre· MLD unit for children statemented MLD· Impact Centre· Centre for Writing F.E. Assessment Reports for students with SEN

How will I know what progress is being made?We contact you by phone or by letter and arrange personal meetings. We are pleased to answer any questions from parents.

Is there any additional support from outside agencies?We have excellent links with all the available outside agencies.


SENCO Miss S Edwards BEd Hons, Cert SpLD (Dyslexia) AMBDA

Assistant SENCO Mrs G Lynch BA Hons, Adv Dip in Ed (Specialising SEN) PGCE Cert. SpLD

Teacher of Redgrave Centre Mrs K Pritchard BSc Hons –PGCE Cert. SpLD AMBDA

Inclusions, Issues & Impact CentreMr J McManus OBE BEd BA Hons (Assistant Head)



What facilities have you got for Performing Arts?The Performing Arts Faculty has impressive accommodation including purpose built Music, Drama and Dance studios.

Do you do examination courses in the Arts?Yes! Currently we offer BTEC Music and Performing Arts Levels 2 and 3. What work do the children do in KS3 Music, Dance and Drama?In each of the first three years, students work on composing and performing music, as well as listening to and appraising it. Dance, Drama and Music develop an integrated and thematic programme which provides many performance opportunities. In Dance and Drama many styles and skills are covered with an emphasis on fun and performing.

Do you provide Instrumental lessons?We have peripatetic teachers for a wide range of instruments.

What extra-curricular activities are there?Lunchtime and after school activities include Dance and Drama clubs, a stunning choir and orchestra rehearsals and mixed instrumental ensembles for those who have instrumental lessons. We also have school shows three times a year.

Do you encourage students to perform and display their work?We are proud of the exhibitions of students' work which are always on show around the school. Students are always eager to take part in our annual school productions.We have many very talented students!


Curriculum Area Leader Mrs K Rooney BMus Hons Assistant CAL Mrs J Dutfield BA Hons

Mrs A Murphy BA HonsMr S Evans BMus Mrs L Darker BA Hons



What facilities have you got for Art & Textiles?The Art & Textiles Faculty has impressive accommodation including purposed built Art & Textiles studios which are equipped with an array of materials and resources.

Do you do examination courses in the Arts?Yes, currently we offer GCSE Art, GCSE Textiles, A Level Art, A Level Textiles and BTEC Art and Design.

What do the students do in Art & Design/Textiles?The students work on different projects each term. Their projects cover drawing and painting, 3D and Graphic Design, Textiles and Mixed Media. They use computers in some of their projects such as Photoshop etc., mainly used for image manipulation.

Do students have to supply any materials of their own?Most materials are supplied by school but sometimes students may be asked to collect things for collage work. We do however expect students to bring basic equipment such as pen, pencil, ruler and rubber to all lessons.

What extra-curricular activities are there?The faculty runs lunchtime and after school activities weekly based on various themes.

Do you encourage students to display their work?We are proud of the exhibitions of students Art/Textiles work which are always on show around the school. We have many very talented students.

Faculty of ArtFaculty Leader Mrs S Kelly BA Hons

Mrs G Harris BA HonsMrs N Cartledge BA HonsMrs J Dutfield BA Hons
