Paradigm shift: rethinking the professional role · Paradigm shift: rethinking the professional...

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Paradigm shift: ‘rethinking’ the professional role and function of a pastor in 21st century Europe

• What is the perceived role of the pastor by: church members? The un-churched? Non - believers? Seekers? People in crisis? Scientifically trained professionals?

• How do you understand/define your role as a pastor in 21st century Europe?

• ( Preacher, evangelist, bible teacher, counsellor, guide, multiple roles, etc.)

Paradigm shift: ‘redefinition’ function and role of the local church in 21st century Europe

• What is the perceived role of the church in 21st century Europe by: church members? Un-churched? What about the role of the local church? Non - believers? Seekers? People in crisis? Scientifically trained professionals? (Religious club, closed club, spiritual hospital, rescue station, community centre, safe haven, oases, training centre, old – fashioned and declining institute?)

Personal paradigm shift: what happened?

• 18 years in ministry – last 10 years (private practice, forensic psychiatry, mental health, ministry) - I gradually underwent a painful paradigm shift.

• Life style/beliefs propagated by the SDA church -> excellent protective mechanism (potential for structure & guidance, preservation /enhancing life)

• The pastor’s role in 21st century Europe as ‘Spiritual Therapist’

Mental and emotional health in 21st Europe (TED)

Staggering statistics

• Mental ill health accounts for almost 20% of the burden of disease in Europe

• According to WHO report: in Europe mental health problems affect 1 in 4 people at some time in life.

• 6 of the 10 countries with the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the European Region.

Staggering statistics

Staggering statistics

Staggering statistics

Mental and emotional health issues in the local church


Church community immune? Mental emotional health issues/pitfalls

in the local church

• Church community psychiatric disorder

• Life events (anxiety, mood disorders, personality issues, coping, stress, domestic violence, relational difficulties, addictions, behaviour difficulties etc.)

• Traumatic interactions/abuse

Things are not always what they seem! Guidelines necessary (protect/structure)!

Masked Sanity or religious cover-up of

Psychopathy/ psychopathology ( in the church

awareness for ministers and church leaders)



John 8:12

Jesus once again addressed

them: "I am the world's Light. No

one who follows me stumbles

around in the darkness. I

provide plenty of light to live in.“

(Message Bible)

Worldwide Survey Gallup Consulting:

• 27% less sick-days

• 62% less incidents

• 18% more output

• 12% client growth

• 12% more financial growth

1 factor critical- ‘inspired engaged’ people

• Effects all domains of life: marriage, parenting, working, and daily living (365 days a year)

• Universities and companies are currently doing research on these concepts for implementation

• Long time spiritual treasures in the church community

• Of crucial importance are the resources individuals and communities have to live by

• ‘Inspired and engaged living’ is influenced by high scores on available energy resources.

‘Inspired and engaged living’ influenced by:

• High scores on energy (mental, emotional, intellectual and social) resources (spiritual treasure)

• Direct impact on emotional and mental health

• People search for resources for ‘inspired and engaged living’ (drugs, alcohol, money, sex, work, material goods, eastern meditation, addictions of all sort)

Fundamental neuro - biological systems

Searching system (motivational engine) dopamine system -> (psychological) engine of drives, curiosity,

interests, sensation, pleasure seeking and search for meaning

(John 7:37-38) ‘if anyone is thirsty let him come to Me and drink’. The pastor as spiritual therapist

Spiritual assessment

Who am I?

What is the status of

seeking in this person?

What are the

perceived treasures?

What are they

passionate about?

Attachment system The pastor as spiritual therapist

• Neurobiological system (throughout the brain) underlying psychological development of interpersonal connectedness which is developed throughout childhood – potential for connectedness others and God.

Spiritual assessment: who do they love? How do they love? Who loves them? In order to facilitate God as a safe haven and deepened sense of belonging, and as a secure basis to relate to others (Matthew 22:37,38) ‘Love the Lord your God with all your brain’ and your neighbour as yourself. (scientific language)

Theory of Mind System: neurobiological system of mental ability to understand that oneself and others have beliefs, desires and intentions (perspective taking)

• Spiritual teaching: Mt. 28:19,20 Go and make disciples…teaching them to observe

Theory of mind

Why a Central Concern of pastor and the local Church?

A church’s concern for mental health

is at the very centre of its mission, at

the heart of its God-given task. It is

not a frill nor a fad, but a logical,

inescapable expression of a church’s

central mission on earth.

5 reasons why mental health is an essential part of the pastor’s role and church’s mission

1. One basic function that is impaired in the mentally ill (emotional problems)person is his/her ability to give and receive love.

2. Spiritual health and mental health are inseparably related.

3. Mental health has been a central concern of the Christian community throughout the centuries.

4.Mental health is a central concern of the church because of the tragic toll of human agony caused by its absence.

5. Neuro – theological reason- ‘the brain nerves which communicate with the entire system are the only medium through which heaven can communicate with man and effect his inmost life. Whatever disturbs the circulation of the electric currents in in the nervous system lessens the strength of the vital power. And the result is a deadening of the mind. (My life Today pg.152)

On a neurological level, this equates the integration and communication of neural networks dedicated to emotion, cognition, sensation, and behavior and a proper balance between excitation and inhibition. On experiential level, integration is the ability to live life – love and work while employing a minimum of defensiveness.”

Pastor as spiritual therapist

• Pastor is individual par excellence exhibiting ‘inspired and engaged’ living

• I am not going to give a working definition of spirituality and therapy

The pastor as a spiritual therapist:

• In the footsteps JESUS OUR SAVIOUR AND SPIRITUAL GUIDE ..the pastor is a professional who is grounded and rooted in Jesus and therefor entrusted and in touch with ‘Deep Treasures of Spiritual Resources/energy’

Jesus said: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ In the footsteps of the Master

A pastor a spiritual therapist

I have come that they may have life

John 10:10

John 21 – He said to Him: ‘Feed my lambs, tend my sheep’


4:4 Humans do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds

from mouth of God.


1:1-3,14 The creative Word of God, Jesus, became flesh /human.


11:28-30 I will give you rest (promise).Take my yoke and learn. You will find rest for your soul.


8: 31-36 Abiding in Jesus words leads to knowledge of the truth (about ourselves/situation/),

which generates freedom!

2 Cor.

4:6 The face of Jesus, shines in the heart, knowlede of Gods’glory, full of grace and truth


7:37,38 If anyone thirst let him come to me and drink. He who believes in Me…out of his heart

will flow rivers of living water

Depth Evangelism: experiencing the Gospel

of Jesus through the Holy Spirit and God’s

Words, generating supernatural life inside a


Mat. 4:4 “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every

WORD that proceeds FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD - electric

firing is generated in the brain through the Word and Love

of God.

From a neuroscience perspective Depth Evangelism is

• Evangelism of the heart, thoughts,

feelings, behaviour

• Impacting every aspect of our life where

the power of the Gospel transforms our

total existence

God’s words become flesh in our


JAs little plant(s) we are spiritually rooted and

grounded in the power of Gods love

Evidence:the church a healing center – the pastor a spiritual therapist-

let us review some empirical evidence.

Jesus says: You are the light of the world

You are the salt of the world


The evidence of Jesus healing power

In the Handbook of mental health:

1200 Research studies and 400 reviews show

the advantageous effect of religious belief and

spirituality on mental & emotional health

We are the evidence

• Greater wellbeing

• Hope and optimism

• Higher self esteem

• Better adaptation after bereavement

• Purpose and meaning

• Lower depression faster recovery

• Less suicide

• Lower addiction

• Less anxiety

• Greater marital satisfaction

We are God’s evidence

• Higher locus of control

• High self identity

• Deeper quality of relationship

• Healing effect of forgiveness

• Stronger immune system

• Preventive against addiction

• Buffer against depression

• Healing effect of prayer on anxiety & stress

• Healing effect of devotional life on muscle structure

We are the evidence: Youth

• Young people who belong to a church community and are involved in service to others

• Less crime

• Less sexual problems

• Less emotional and behaviour problems less

• behaviour problems

• Children who sit and eat with parents less behaviour problems

We are Gods evidence

• Reconciliation through grace generates healing

• We have hope (protective power)

Faith & Mental wellbeing

• Psycho-neuro-immunology

• Belonging one of the strongest protective factor

We are Gods evidence

• Prayer lowers anxiety

• Devotional meditation reduces muscle tension

• Devotions lower anger

• Intercessory prayer for others lowers their depressive symptoms

• Meditation and Bible study associated with less cortical thinning in old age

• Longer sustained attention

• Enhancing neurotransmitter

We are Gods evidence

• Lower depression risk

• Involvement in religious activity

• Spiritual disciplines

• Attending church services

• Better coping

• Spiritual activities reduce symptoms

• Supportive church community

We are the evidence: improve brain function in elderly

We are Gods evidence: Healing effect of belonging on mental health

• A church in a small church

• Outreach to the local community and started a club on church premises, initially one morning a week.

• Have a drink and a chat

• Few months after professional mental and health staff saw

• several of their patients attending the club had improved significantly in their mental health and had required less professional attention

We are the evidence: Believing women

• Research among 3000 women who regularly attend worship where assessed for health status, social support and habits

• 28 years later their mortality rate over that period was more than 1/3 less than the general population

The pastor as spiritual facilitator

• Worship therapy

• Faith therapy

• Sabbath therapy

• Adoration therapy

• Bible study therapy

• Communion therapy

• Baptism therapy

• Prayer therapy

• Attachment (intervention/belonging)

Exposure to the influence of Gods

words (through the Bible, religious

rituals, relationships/ community,

service are spiritual therapies

imbuded by the influence of the Holy

Spirit) has a therapeutic effect on

humans, leading to brain


Depth Evangelism

• Ephesians 3: 14-21: Paul explains the process of depth Evangelism through the growth of plants

• For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts

through faith; that you may be rooted and grounded in love.....

We Become God’s evidence

Inner strength – mental emotional and will power by being rooted and grounded in the love of God

The command and promise of Jesus is: All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth...I am

with you always, even to the end of the world.

John 8:12

Jesus once again addressed

them: "I am the world's Light. No

one who follows me stumbles

around in the darkness. I

provide plenty of light to live in.“

(Message Bible) The healing

presence of Jesus is here

with us until his return

Jesus and mental health today

• The mission of the church community is make it possible to carry on the ministry of Christ while we wait and expect the Return of Jesus

• The healing presence of Jesus is here with us until his return

Spiritual healing a byproduct of discipelship in Jesus Matthew 11:28-30

“Come to Me, all you who labour

and are heavy laden, and I will

give you rest. Take my yoke upon

you and learn from Me, for I am

gentle and lowly in heart, and you

will find rest for your souls. For my

yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Faith & mental wellbeing

• In the footsteps of the Master

• Luke 4:16-19

• Salted by the Spirit and enlightened by love

• Prayer: become more firmly rooted and grounded in the love of Jesus

• Jesus has come to give us true life and we share it.

The pastor as spiritual therapist

• Question: What could be the therapeutic effects: worship, prayer, baptism, communion service, praise, adoration, thanksgiving, Sabbath keeping and Bible study on some one’s mind, thought process, emotions and physiology? Is there any? If so what is it?

Practicum: The therapeuric effect of Bible

• Case study 1: a young woman 25 years of age is in therapy. She was sexually abused from the age of 6 – 13, by her stepfather who had a high profile position in the SDA community. She has severe symptoms of a post traumatic stress syndrome. She has been treated for quite a while and now is seeking spiritual guidance. She would like to be baptised.

• Question 1: How can the pastor tap into the therapeutic effect of baptism?

• Question 2: the pastor decides to apply John 11: 38-44 to her situation. How can these WORDS be therapeutically applied to her growth?

Practicum: the therapeutic effect of the Bible

Case study 2: a 46 year old woman is in therapy. She is suffering from a

burn out from which she is recovering. She was married at 20 years of

age and ended up in in a very unhappy marriage. After her divorce she met a

man through Internet and had a short intense relationship who abandoned

her. She felt hurt and started having illicit sexual relations.

She is not a believer yet but yet has a sense of transcendence. On a

holiday she visited a church and is deeply impressed.. when by reading

a text of which she had no clue where it came from on tomb stone: Numbers

6: 24: “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon

you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you

and give you peace.’ It stuck on her mind. How could these WORDS be


to this searching woman?

Depth Evangelism

Practicum: how does this principle operates from a neurotheological perspective? Psalms 1:1-3

“Blessed is the man or woman, who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of the sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night; (s)he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf shall not wither, whatever (s)he does shall prosper.

Depth Evangelism

• As Seventh-day Adventist Christians we are committed to share Christ healing power of love through the “Three angels Messages” as we anticipate His return

• We are committed to an ever deepening and growing experience in our relationship with Jesus and and each other