Paracity, Habitare & FinnBuild 2014

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Newspaper about Paracity published for Habitare and FinnBuild 2014. Finnish/English

Transcript of Paracity, Habitare & FinnBuild 2014

TOP 10 SLUMSPopulation1 Neza-Chalco-Itza Mexico City

4 000 0002 Kibera Nairobi Kenia

2 500 0003 Sadr City Baghdad Iraq

2 000 0004 Orangi Town Karachi Pakistan

1 800 0005 Manshiet Town Cairo Egypt

1 500 0006 Dharavi Mumbai India

1 000 0007 Petare Caracas Venezuela

600 0008 Khayelitsha Cape Town South

Africa 400 000

9 Citeacute Soleil Port-Au-Prince Haiti 400 000

10 Rocinha Rio De Janeiro Brazil 250 000

Paracity on Suomalainen keksintouml ja vientituote joka yhdistaumlauml puurak-entamista ja ympaumlristoumlteknologiaa ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumlllauml tavalla Kau-punkirakenteen CLT-massiivipuurun-ko valmistetaan ja viimeistellaumlaumln Suomessa Rakenteella on erino-maiset maanjaumlristyksen- ja palonkesto-ominaisuudet Tapaus-kohtaisesti valittava modulaarinen ympaumlristoumlteknologia mahdollistaa kau-punkirakenteen itsenaumlisen kasvun

ja toiminnan ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin infrastruktuurista riippumatta

Paracity soveltuu katastrofialueiden jaumllleenrakennukseen slummien kunt-outukseen tulvatasangoille ja tsuna-miriskialueille rakentamiseen sekauml kaikkeen muuhun asuin- ja yhdyskun-tarakentamiseen Kaupunkirakenteen pystyttaumlminen on nopeaa korkeasta esivalmistusasteesta johtuen Kaikki kaumlytettaumlvauml puu on ekologisesti sertifioitua

Ensimmaumlisen sukupolven kapunki on rakennettu ihmisyhteisouml joka elaumlauml vaumllit-toumlmaumlssauml vuorovaikutuksessa luonnon kanssa ja on ympaumlroumlivaumlstauml luonnos-ta riippuvainen Taipein hedelmaumlllinen tulvatasanko on tarjonnut puitteet tii-viille asutukselle joki on tuottanut ruo-kaa ja vaumlylaumln liikkumiselle ja tasankoa ympaumlroumlivaumlt vuoret ovat suojanneet kaupunkia taifuunien suorilta iskuilta

Toisen sukupolven kaupunki on teol-linen kaupunki joka elaumlauml naumlennaumlises-ti itsenaumlisenauml luonnosta Itse asiassa luonto toimii haitallisesti mekaaniselle koneelle esimerkiksi tulvat tuntuvat haluavan hajottaa koneen Taipei on ra-kentanut kaupungin ja jokiluonnon vaumlliin 12 metriauml korkean teraumlsbetonimuurin

Kolmannen sukupolven kaupunki on teollisen kaupungin orgaaninen raunio Symbioosi Taipein kollektiivipuutarho-jen kaupunkiviljelysten sekauml laittomien

asuinalueiden ja ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupun-gin vaumllillauml ovat Kolmannen sukupolven kaupungin fragmentteja Naumlmauml alueet ovat kaupungin akupunktiopisteitauml jotka pureutuvat teollisen kuoren laumlpi kosketuksiin paikallisen tiedon kans-sa Kolmannen sukupolven kaupun-ki sitoutuu paikalliseen tietoon ja sitauml kautta kasvaa kiinni osaksi luontoa

Kaupunkiakupunktio on ekologi-sen kaupunkisuunnittelun teoria joka yhdistaumlauml kaupunkisuunnittelua ja perin-teistauml kiinalaista akupunktiolaumlaumlketieteen teoriaa Laumlhtoumlkohtaisesti se havainnoi kaupunkeja monitasoisina elaumlvinauml orga-nismeina joista se pyrkii maumlaumlrittaumlmaumlaumln kuntoutusta vaativia alueita Paikalli-seen traditioon sitoutuvat ja kestaumlvaumln kehityksen mukaiset projektit toimivat akupunktioneuloina jotka elvyttaumlvaumlt kokonaisuutta parantamalla sen osia

Raunio on arkkitehtuurin katharsis jos-sa ihmisen luomasta tulee osa luontoa Raunio on teollisen kaupungin alitajui-nen haave ja modernin ihmisen trauma Taipei tarjoaa kehittyneen symbioosi-mallin jossa mekaaninen kaupunki elaumlauml yhteiseloa epaumlvirallisten asuinalueiden kollektiivipuutarhojen kaupunkivilje-lysten ja kaupunkinomadien kanssa Kaavoitus on jaumltetty puolitiehen ja ih-miset ovat viimeistelleet kaupungin

C-Lab CURE tutkii niitauml biourbaaneja prosesseja jotka kehittaumlvaumlt teollista kaupunkia kohti Kolmannen sukupol-ven kaupunkia Tutkimus keskittyy paikallisen tradition ilmentymiin Tai-peissa ja miten taumlmauml orgaaninen tieto valmistaa teollista kaupunkia kohtaa-maan luonnonmukaisen uudistumisen

Taipei Taiwan Paikallinen tieto on avainasemassa kun teollisuuden saastuttamaa jokiympaumlristoumlauml aletaan restauroimaan elinvoimaiseksi kol-mannen sukupolven kaupungiksi s6

Peking Kiina Paracity esiteltiin ensi kerran Pekingissauml CAFAM biennaalissa


Kainuu Finland Paracity rakentuu 6x6x6m CLT-massivipuukuutioistaPrototyyppikuutiot toimittaa CrossL-lam s 22-25

rdquoFISH IS REALrdquo

Vol 2 2014


Habitare mdash FinnBuild

2 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

bull Marco Casagrande Principalbull Joni Virkki Architecture and Structural engineeringbull Niilo Tenkanen Landscape Architecture and Urban designbull Sauli Ylinen Chief Business Officerbull Nikita Wu Project Managementbull Menno Cramer Brain sciencebull Katie Cramer Sociologybull Ondra Pchalek Architecturebull Ycy Charlie Architecture Local Knowledgebull Matteo Serafini Architecturebull Jan Feichtinger Architecture


Merimiehenkatu 36 C 52200150 HelsinkiFinland


Model teambull Saara Kemppainen leaderbull Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissaribull Markku Heikkilaumlbull Anna Kaarna

Newspaper edited by Niilo Tenkanen

The Casagrande Laboratory Centre of Urban Research (CURE) is a multi-dis-ciplinary architectural technical and engineering practice CURE focuses on the development and research of large-scale biourban solution environmen-talism and urban design in the postindustrial city CURE combines and un-ravels traditional disciplines and guidelines of urban design and the built en-vironment in order to create new and conscious solutions to make our urban environment better suited for our shared human needs

C-LAB CURE on suomalainen monitieteellinen suunnittelutoimisto jonka tyoumlt liikkuvat vapaasti arkkitehtuurin maisema-arkkitehtuurin ekologisen kau-punkisuunnittelun rakenne- ja geosuunnittelun humanististen tieteiden ja ympaumlristoumltaiteen vaumllillauml CURE kehittaumlauml biourbanismin teoriaa ja suunnitte-lumetodologiaa tavoitteena ekologinen kaupunkirestauraatio ja biologisesti kehittyvaumlt kaupunkiorganismit

Patent pending

Paracity-naumlyttelyn tuottaja Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Mainostoimisto Valo Oy Jari Pirhonen Linda Tavio

Merimiehenkatu 36 C 522 00150 Helsinki

Picture Niilo Tenkanen Front page picture Joni Virkki

3Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Paracity on modulaariseen massiivipuurunkoon perus-tuva kaupunkirakennejaumlrjes-telmauml johon kaupunkilaiset itse rakentavat omat kotinsa yhteisoumlnsauml ja viljelyksensauml Orgaaninen Paracity kasvaa itsenaumlisesti olevien kaupun-kien jaumlttoumlmaille kuten tulva-tasangoille tai slummehin It-senaumlisen kasvun mahdollistaa modulaarinen ympaumlristoumltek-nologia joka tuottaa syntyville yhdyskunnille niiden tarvitse-mat sisaumlelimet Paracity vas-taanottaa kaumlsittelee ja muun-taa resursseiksi ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottaman jaumltteen toimien positiivisena akupunk-tioneulana saastuttavalle kau-pungille

Paracity on suomalainen keksintouml ja vientituote joka on kehitetty Kiinan Kes-kustaideakatemian pyyn-noumlstauml vaihtoehtoiseksi luontoa kunnioittavaksi kau-punkikehitysmalliksi Paraci-tyn pilottikohteet sijaitsevat Taipein tulvatasankoalueella Pohjois-Fukushiman tsuna-mialueella ja Jakartassa kau-pungin jaumltteitauml kaumlsittelevaumlssauml slummissa Runkomateriaali-na kaumlytettaumlvauml puu on suoma-laisvalmisteinen ristikkaumlinla-minoitu massiivimaumlnty

Paracity is a biourban organ-ism that is growing on the prin-ciples of Open Form individual design-build actions generat-ing spontaneous communica-tive reactions on the surround-ing built human environment and this organic constructivist dialog leading into self-organ-ized community structures development and knowledge building

The growing organism the Paracity is based on a three dimensional wooden prima-ry structure organic grid with spatial modules of 6 x 6 x 6 metres constructed out of CLT cross-laminated timber sticks This simple structure can be modified and grown by the community members working as teams or by an assigned Paracity constructor

The primary structure can grow even on neglected ur-ban areas such as river flood

plains hillsides abandoned industrial areas storm water channels or slums Paracity suites perfectly to flooding and tsunami risk areas and the CLT primary structure has a high standard of earthquake perfor-mance

People will attach their indi-vidual self-made architectural solutions gardens and farms on the primary structure which offers a three dimen-sional building grid for the DIY architecture Primary structure offers the main arteries of wa-ter and human circulation but the finer local knowledge nerv-ous networks are grown by the inhabitants Large parts of the Paracity is occupied by wild and cultivated nature

Paracityrsquos self-sustainable bi-ourban growth is backed up by off-the-grid environmental technology solutions providing methods for water purification

energy production organic waste treatment waste water purification and sludge recy-cling These modular plug-in components can be adjust-ed according to the growth of the Paracity and moreover the whole Paracity is designed not only to treat and circulate its own material streams but to start leaching waste from its host city becoming a pos-itive urban parasite following the similar kind of symbiosis as in-between slums and the surrounding city In a sense Paracity is a high-tech slum which can start tuning the in-dustrial city towards an eco-logically more sustainable di-rection

Paracity is a third generation city an organic machine urban compost which is helping the industrial city to transform into being part of nature


The pilot project of the Paracity is growing on an urban farm-ing island of Danshui River Taipei City The island is lo-cated between the Zhongxing and Zhonxiao bridges and is around 1000 meters long and 300 meters wide Paracity Tai-pei is celebrating the original first generation Taipei urban-ism with high level of illegal architecture self-organized communities urban farms community gardens urban nomads and constructive an-archy

Paracity Taipei will be powered mostly by bioenergy that is us-ing the organic waste includ-ing sludge taken from the sur-rounding industrial city and by farming fast growing biomass on the flood banks of the Taipei river system

Environmental technology components are mounted on barges that are plugged into the Paracity maintenance docks Barges can be modified according to the needs of the growing biourbanism

Paracity is based on free flood-ing There are no flood walls The first 6 m level above the ground is not built but the whole city is standing on stilts and thus providing the whole ground floor for community actions nature and space re-quiring recycling yards

Paracity Taipei will construct itself through impacts of a col-lective conscious as a nest of post-industrial insects Parac-ity is estimated to have 15000 ndash 25000 inhabitants


WHAT IS PARACITYPicture Niilo Tenkanen

Picture Joni Virkki

4 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Paracity TaipeiPicture Niilo Tenkanen

5Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

6 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


Paracity noudattaa orgaani-sessa kasvussaan Avoimen muodon (Open Form Oscar Hansen Svein Hatloy) meto-dologiaa jossa yhteisoumlt kas-vavat spontaaneiden ja toinen toisiaan agitoivien suunnitte-luratkaisuiden kautta Avoin muoto on kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml hyvin laumlhellauml taiwanilaista alku-ur-baania tapaa rakentaa itseor-ganisoituvia ja usein epaumlvi-rallisia yhdyskuntia Naumlmauml mikrourbaanit yhteisoumlihin on keskittynyt runsaasti paikallis-ta tietoa joka on myoumlskin Pa-racityn kasvuvoima Paracity on paikallisen tiedon komposti jonka energia ruokkii siitauml yh-teisoumljaumlaumln kasvattavia kaupun-kilaisia

Keskitetty arkkitehtooninen kontolli on avattu jotta luonto mukaanlukien ihmisluonto voi astua sisaumlaumln Paracityn elauml-maumlauml tuottava volyymi maksi-maalinen ndash existence maxi-mum (vrt Spinal Tap volume 11) joka ylittaumlauml inhimillisen kontrollin


Paracity tarjoaa yhteisoumln kehi-tykselle rungon johon ihmiset tuottavat lihan Design ei voi korvata todellisuutta Flesh is More Primaumlaumlristruktuuri koostuu 6-metriauml pitkistauml ti-kuista joiden vahvuus on 50 cm Rakennusmateriaalina on ristikkaumlinlaminoitu massii-vipuu CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) Tikut muodostavat 6x6x6 m kuutioita joita Taipein pilottikohteessa on pinottu korkeimmillaan 8 paumlaumlllekkaumlin eli 16 kerroksen korkeuteen CLTllauml on loistavat maanjaumlris-tyksen- ja palonkesto-ominai-suudet Tikut liittyvaumlt toisiinsa puuliitoksin ja kaupunkilaiset voivat halutessaan itse kasvat-taa primaumlaumlrirunkoa tai sitten

rungon pystytyksestauml vastaa paikallinen yhteistyoumlrakennut-taja CLT-runko tarjoaa alustan jolle kaupunkilaiset itse toteut-tavat asumuksensa yhteisoumln-sauml ja viljelyksensauml

YMPAumlRISTOuml- TEKNOLOGIAParacityn biourbaanin kasvun mahdollistaa yhdessauml VTTn kanssa kehitetty modulaari-nen ympaumlristoumlteknologia joka tuottaa kaupunkirakenteel-le sen tarvitsemat sisaumlelimet kasvutarpeiden mukaisesti Ympaumlristoumlteknologia tarjoaa mm seuraavia ratkaisuja

bull Paracityn ja ympaumlroumlivaumln Taipein jaumltevesien kaumlsitte-ly

bull Vedenpuhdistus - Para-cityn kaumlyttoumlvesi otetaan saastuneesta Dans-hui-joesta

bull Lietteen kaumlyttouml kaupunki-viljelysten lannoittamiseen ja bioenergian raaka-ai-neena

bull Suljettu vedenkiertobull Kalojen aumlyriaumlisten ja vesi-

kasvien viljelybull Ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin

rakennusten purkujaumltteen kierraumltys yksityisasuntojen rakennusmateriaaliksi

bull Biomassan kasvattaminen Taipein tulvatasangoilla ja sen hyoumldyntaumlminen bioe-nergian laumlhteenauml

bull Aurinkoenergia


Paracityn tuottaa bionenergiaa omasta ja ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamasta orgaani-sesta jaumltteestauml sekauml Taipein tulvatasangoilta niitettaumlvaumlstauml biomassasta Niittaumlminen ta-pahtuu proomuista kaumlsin Laa-jamittainen nopeasti kasva-van biomassan viljely Danhui Keelong ja Xindian jokien tul-vatasangoilla edesauttaa Tai-

pein mikroilmastoa ja kaupun-kiekologiaa ja se puhdistaa saastunutta jokiympaumlristoumlauml biologisesti Paracity taumlhtaumlauml Taipein jokien luonnonmukai-seen restaurointiin

PARASIITTI- URBANISMIParacity elaumlauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamista materiaa-livirroista Jopa saastunut joki on voimanlaumlhde taumllle biour-baanille sisaumlelimelle Paracity on keskiaikaista laumlaumlketiedettauml juotikkaiden kaumlyttoumlauml ruumiin-kierron parantamiseen Para-city paumlaumlstaumlauml Taipeista pahaa verta ja kaumlyttaumlauml taumlmaumln resurs-sinaan Virallisesti 37 Taipein jaumltevedestauml lasketaan suoraan kaumlsittelemaumlttauml jokiin Paracity haluaa taumlmaumln kaiken ja se ha-luaa kaiken muunkin rdquojaumltteenrdquo jota kaupunki ei pysty kaumlsitte-lemaumlaumln Paracity elaumlaumlkin ym-paumlroumlivaumln kaupungin kanssa samankaltaisessa symbioo-sissa kuin slummi kaupukin-omadit puhdistavat staattista kaupunkia sen kuonasta Pa-racityssauml prosessia on ainoas-taan tehostettu modulaarisella ympaumlristoumlteknolgialla Paracity on high-tech slummi

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity on Kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin siemen 3G kaupunki on teollisen kau-pungin (2G) orgaaninen rau-nio Modulaarinen biourbaani organismi kasvaa maumlaumlraumlaumlvaumln luonnonlain mukaan existen-ce maximum Primaumlaumlristruk-tuuri kasvaa ihmisten mukaan ja saavutettuaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylittaumlauml tulva-tasangoilta Taipein 12 m kor-kean tulvamuurin ja kasvaa sisaumllle teolliseen kaupunkiin ja alkaa raunioittaa sitauml Paraci-tyn siemeniauml alkaa itaumlauml Taipein sisaumlllauml kollektiivipuutarhoissa

kaupunkiviljelyksissauml laitto-milla asuinalueilla hylaumltyillauml hautausmailla ja muilla raken-tamattomilla pisteillauml josta ne alkavat vaikuttaa ympauml-roumlivaumln kaupungin biologiseen kuntouttamiseen kaupunkia-kupunktion keinoin Niistauml pisteistauml Paracity levittaumlytyy kaupunkiin seuraten katettuja joki- ja kastelujaumlrjestelmaumluo-mia kuten Liukong kanavajaumlr-jestelmaumlauml ja lopulta biourbaani orbanismi ja staattinen kau-punki saavuttavat biologisesti kestaumlvaumln tasapainon eli Kol-mannen sukupolven kaupun-gin


Juurruttuaan tulvatasangoille ja saavutettuaan kasvussaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylit-taumlauml Taipein 12 metrisen tul-vamuurin joka nykyisellaumlaumln erottaa rakennetun ihmisym-paumlristoumln jokiluonnosta Tulva-muuri jaumlauml teolliseksi reliktiksi Paracityn sisuksiin mutta uusi orgaaninen kaupunkirakenne mahdollistaa teollisen kaupun-gin ja jokiluonnon kohtaamisen ja yhteiselon Paracity toimii vaumllittaumlvaumlnauml rakenteena jokito-dellisuuden ja urbaanin fiktion vaumllillauml ndash siltana ihmisluonnon ja luonnon vaumllissauml


Paracityn biourbanismi kas-vaa osaksi luontoa Rakenne on komposti jossa eri orgaa-niset tasot limittyvaumlt ja sekoit-tuvat keskenaumlaumln agritektuu-riksi jonka kehitystauml maumlaumlraumlauml ihmisluonto osana luontoa Kaupungin kaumlyttoumlvesi ja vilje-lysten kasteluvesi puhdiste-taan saastuneesta jokivedestauml Puhdistettu vesi pumpataan Paracityn kattotasanteille jos-sa se hapetetaan ja edelleen juurakkopuhdistetaan kasvu-kenttien laumlpi Katoilta puhdas vesi valuu painovoimaisesti

yhteisoumlpuutarhoille ja kaupun-kiviljelyksille Kaupungin paumlauml-energianlaumlhteenauml toimii joen runsasravinteisilla tulvatasan-goilla kasvatettava biomassa

BIOURBAANI RESTAURAATIOParacity on positiivinen or-gaaninen syoumlpauml Taipein me-kaanisessa kudoksessa Se elaumlauml symbioosissa ympaumlroumli-vaumln kaupungin kanssa jota se puhdistaa saasteista ja jonka kehitystauml se vaumllillises-ti ohjaa kohti biologista kau-punkirestauraatiota Paracity on vaihtoehtoinen todellisuus teolliselle kasvulle kaupun-kiakupunktioneula joka kun-touttaa ympaumlroumlivaumlauml kaupunkia samaan tapaan kuin spon-taanit kollektiivipuutarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset Paracityn fragmentit ympaumlri Taipeita muodostavat kaupunkiaku-punktuurin verkoston joka saumlaumltaumlauml teollista kehitystauml kohti orgaanista Se raunioittaa teol-lista kaupunkia ja pyrkii saat-tamaan sen osaksi luontoa ndash kohti Kolmannen sukupolven kaupunkia


Paracity sopeutuu elaumlmaumlaumln tai-fuunien mukana sykkivaumln tulvi-van joen kanssa Koko kaupun-kirakenne seisoo CLT-tolppien paumlaumlllauml ja joki paumlaumlsee vapaasti nousemaan sen ensimmaumlisiin tyhjiin kerroksiin Itse asiassa Paracity matkii joen tulvimista pyrkimyksenaumlaumlaumln olla arkki-tehtoninen tulva joka ylittaumlauml Taipein tulvamuurin ja levittaumly-tyy mekaaniseen kaupunkiin


Paracity on syntynyt Taipein kaupungistuneen tulvatasan-gon paikallisesta tiedosta al-kuperaumlisistauml taiwanilaisista yhteisoumlmalleista jotka ovat


7Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014



Number of overlapping blocks

Paumlaumlllekaumlisten kuutioiden maumlaumlrauml






6 - 8


Nerves alleys lanes passageways streets Kaupungin hermot kadut kujat

Paved areas Aukiot

Wild areas Villi luonto

Fields Pellot

Growing of biomass Biomassan viljely

Urban park Urbaani puisto

Bioplant Biovoimala

Barges Bioproomut


100 m

itserakentuneita rdquolaittomiardquo yhteisoumljauml joissa ihmiset ra-kentavat omat talonsa ja saumlauml-taumlvaumlt yhteisoumlnsauml kasvamaan luonnon ehdoilla Paikallisen tiedon ilmentymiauml ovat myoumls Taipein lukuisat kollektiivipuu-tarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset jotka valtaavat tyhjiauml tontte-ja ja jaumlttoumlmaata kaupungista Kaupunkinomadit aistivat kau-pungin energiakenttiauml ja kyke-nevaumlt kommunikoimaan kol-lektiivisen alitajunnan kanssa Keskusjohtoinen kaupunki on pelkkauml alusta jolla paikallinen tieto velloo oman orgaanisen tajuntansa mukaisesti Pai-kallinen tieto sitoo modernit-

kin taipeilaiset osaksi luontoa Paracity tarjoaa kasvualustan paikallisen tiedon rakenteelli-selle anarkialle jonka todelli-sen inhimillisen tason rakenta-vat kapunkilaiset itse Paracity on joka paikassa erilainen ja paikallisen tiedon kulttuuriin si-dottu Ainoastaan primaumlaumlrira-kenne ja ympaumlristoumlteknologi-set ratkaisut pysyvaumlt samoina ja mahdollistavat paikkasidon-naisen biourbaanin kasvun

BIOKLIMAATTINEN ARKKITEHTUURIParacityssauml on paljon reikiauml kuiluja ja tunneleita Raken-

ne tuulettaa itse itsensauml kuin suuri teollisten hyoumlnteisten keko Laumlmpoumltilaerot kattopin-tojen viljelysten varjoisien pin-tojen ja vesielementtien vaumllillauml generoivat tuulia ja ilmavirtoja Yksittaumliset rakennukset nou-dattavat luonnonmukaisen il-mankierron periaatteita


Paracityn pilottikohde on suunniteltu Taipeihin mutta jaumlrjestelmauml on kehitetty toteut-tamiskelpoiseksi eri kohteisiin ympaumlri maailman Paracity tar-joaa vaihtoehdon Kiinan strate-giselle kaupunkisuunnittelulle

jokikaupunkien luonnonmukai-semmalle kehitykselle Paraci-tyn rakennetta voidaan kaumlyttaumlauml myoumls erikokoisina kaupunkia-kupunktioneuloina teollisesti kasvavien kaupunkien ekolo-gisessa restauroinnissa Para-city voi toimia puskurivyoumlhyk-keenauml saastuttavan kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllillauml kuten slum-mit esim Mumbaissa tai Ja-kartassa Rakenne voi kasvaa slummeista joiden asukkaille se tarjoaa paremman elinym-paumlristoumln ja joissa se tehostaa slummien nykykaumlytaumlntoumlauml kauml-sitellauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottamia jaumltteitauml Paracity so-veltuu tulviville ja tsunamiriski-

alueille Paracity on valittu yh-deksi koerakenteeksi Japanin Tohokun alueen tsunamituhon jaumllleenrakennukseen Paracity on orgaaninen sopeutuvainen ja paikalliseen tietoon reagoiva kaupunkirakenne joka parsii yhteen teollisen kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllistauml kuilua

Picture Joni Virkki

8 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

OPEN FORMIn its growth Paracity is follow-ing the organic design meth-odology of Open Form (Os-car Hansen Svein Hatloy) in which community level design is viewed as an open dialog with design actions generating spontaneous design reactions within the surroundings Open Form is close to the original Taiwanese ways of developing the self organized and often ldquoil-legalrdquo communities These mi-crourban settlements are con-taining a high volume of Local Knowledge which we also be-lieve will start composting in Paracity when opening up the community development to the citizens

Centralized architectural con-trol is opened up in order to let nature including human nature to step in The life providing volume of Paracity is 11 exist-ence maximum highest possi-ble life in the given conditions

and more

CLT SKELETONParacity provides the skeleton but citizens bring in the flesh Design should not replace re-ality Flesh is More The skel-eton the primary structure of

Paracity is constructed out of 6 meters long (50x50 cm profile) cross laminated timber CLT sticks which are used to form 6x6x6 m cubes that are piled up to 16 stories high (8 cubes) The CLT primary structure has a fine earthquake performance and it is fire resistant The structural elements sticks with wood joints are prefab-ricated and transported to the Paracity Island on barges The construction work ndash the growing of the Paracity prima-ry organism can be manually done by residents in teams of by professional parasite con-structors The CLT structure is just a landscape on which citizens will attach their own

houses and gardens

ENVIROMENTAL TECHNOLOGYThe biourban growth of the Paracity is supported by high environmental technology which is mounted on barges These modular bio-vessels are attached to the Paracity ser-vice harbour and can be ad-justed according to the needs of the evolving urban organ-ism The post-industrial fleet of bio-vessels can travel along the Taipei river system and is

ready to start the biourban restoration process also from other hot-spots of the river city The environmental technology barges provide solutions for

bull Waste water treatment of Paracity and of the sur-rounding Taipei

bull Water purification The in-frastructural water circula-tion is originated from the polluted Danshui River

bull Sludge treatment for ferti-lizer and bio-energy

bull Closed circuit aquaculture

bull Recycling of construction waste

bull Recycling of organic waste for fertilizer and bio-ener-gy

The barges have no problem with the flooding river

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity is a seed of the Third Generation City the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city (2G) The modular biourban organism is designed to grow following the rule of nature existence maximum The pri-mary structure can be grown by people and after Paracity

has reached the critical mass the life providing system of the CLT structure will start es-calating It will cross the river and start rooting on the flood plains Then it will cross the 12 meters high Taipei flood wall and grow gradually into the city Seeds of the Paracity will start rooting in the urban acu-puncture points of Taipei ille-gal community gardens urban farms abandoned cemeteries and waste-lands From these acupuncture points the Parac-ity will start growing following the covered irrigation systems such as the Liukong Channel and eventually the biourban or-ganism and the static city will find a balance the Third Gen-eration Taipei

PARASITE URBANISMParacity is living off the ma-terial streams from the sur-rounding Taipei Even the pol-luted river is a resource for this biourban intestine Parac-ity is Medieval medicine using leaches to cure the circulation Paracity is letting off the bad blood of Taipei and it uses it a resource In fact it makes money out of the process Of-ficially 37 of the Taipei City

waste water goes untreated to the river Paracity wants it all And it wants all the other ma-terials which the industrial city is regarding as ldquowasterdquo Parac-ity and modern Taipei live in a similar kind of a symbiosis as a slum and the city the urban nomads will clean the static city from its ldquowasterdquo only in Paracity the cleaning and recy-cling process is boosted up by high environmental technolo-gy In a sense the Paracity is a high-tech slum

BIO-ENERGYThe main energy source for the Paracity is bio-energy which is using both treated organic waste and sludge from Parac-ity and surrounding Taipei and especially biomass that is harvested around Paracity and on the flood banks of the Taipei rivers The fertile flood banks flood plains and storm water channels provide ideal cultivation areas for fast grow-ing biomass plantations The vegetation will be harvested by boats and then shipped to Paracity Bio-Energy Facility The growing of the biomass on the river banks will also ben-efit on the natural river resto-ration through root cleansing of sediment pollution and the

ELEMENTSPicture Niilo Tenkanen

9Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

biomass will have a positive impact on the Taipei micro cli-mate and urban ecology

MediatorAfter rooting on the riverside and gaining a critical mass the Paracity will climb over the 12 meters high reinforced con-crete flood wall which is sepa-rating modern Taipei from the rivers and nature The flood wall will remain in the guts of the Paracity but the new struc-ture enables Taipei citizens to fluently reach the river Parac-ity will reunite the river reality and the urban fiction Parac-ity is a mediator between the modern city and nature

BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTUREParacity has a lot of holes gaps and nature in-between houses The system is ventilat-ing itself like a large scale bee-hive of post-industrial insects The different temperatures of the roofs gardens water bod-ies and shaded platforms will generate small winds between them and the hot roofs will start sucking in breeze from the cooler river Also the indi-vidual houses should follow the traditional principles of bi-

oclimatic architecture and not rely on mechanical air-condi-tioning

FREE FLOODINGParacity is based on free flood-ing The whole city is standing on stilts allowing the river to pulsate freely with the frequent typhoons and storm waters The environmental technology of the Paracity is mounted on barges which have no problem with the flooding either Actu-ally the Paracity is an organic architectural flood itself ready to cross the flood wall of Taipei and spread into the mechani-cal city

BIOURBAN RESTORATIONParacity is a positive organic tumour in the mechanical tis-sue of Taipei While it is leach-ing and processing the indus-trial and organic waste of the city it is gaining momentum in its growth and becomes more and more important to the static industrial urbanism Paracity is an alternative real-ity within the industrial devel-opment and will start treating the city the same ways as the urban acupuncture points of illegal community gardens and

urban farms of Taipei do today Paracity has the ability to be-come a network of biourban acupuncture tuning the whole industrial city towards the or-ganic ruining the industrialism on its way to become part of nature the Third Generation City

ORGANIC LAYERSThe biourbanism of the Parac-ity is as much landscape as it is architecture The totalitari-an landscape-architecture of Paracity includes organic lay-ers for natural water purifica-tion and treatment community gardening farming and bio-mass production as an energy source Infrastructure and ir-rigation water originates from the polluted Danshui river and will be both chemically and bi-ologically purified before being used in the farms gardens and houses of the community The chemically purified water gets pumped to the roof parks on the top level of the Paracity from where the gravity will cir-culate the water into the three dimensional irrigation sys-tems

ADAPTABILITYThe pilot-project of the Paraci-ty is designed in Taipei but the solution is developed to work in different locations around the world Paracity offers an alter-native for the Chinese strategic urban planning to start ecolog-ically harmonizing the grow-ing river cities of China And Paracity can be used as urban acupuncture for the emerging cities of China and elsewhere Paracity can grow along the Oshiwara chain of slums in Mumbai providing better liv-ing conditions cleaning up the Oshiwara River and more effectively treating the urban waste that is flooding in from the surrounding city Paracity can parachute into Nairobi and start growing from the fertile top-soil of the slums Paracity should grow into the favelas of Brazil and start celebrating the local knowledge of these organic communities Paracity is organic adaptable and wel-comes local knowledge The city is built by hands of a high diversity of different people

LOCAL KNOWLEDGEParacity is inspired by the Lo-cal Knowledge of Taipei the original Taiwanese urban ele-

ments that include a high level of self-made ldquoillegalrdquo archi-tecture self-organized com-munities extensive networks of self-organized community gardens and urban farms fluid nomadic ways of using the city communicative collective sub-conscious in community and urban scale feeling of domi-nating the no-manrsquos land by human nature and other forms of constructive anarchy The Paracity basically only pro-vides the primary structure the three dimensional landscape for the Local Knowledge to be attached and grow The prima-ry structure and the environ-mental technology solutions will remain pretty much the same no matter in which cul-ture the Paracity starts to grow but the real human layer of DIY architecture and gardens will follow the Local Knowledge of the respective culture and site Paracity is always site-specific and it is always local

Treasure Hill Taipei Taiwan

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

Adorno Theodor Negative Dialec-tics London 1973

Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

Benjamin Walter The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Re-producibility and Other Writings on Media Belknap Press 2008

Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

2 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

bull Marco Casagrande Principalbull Joni Virkki Architecture and Structural engineeringbull Niilo Tenkanen Landscape Architecture and Urban designbull Sauli Ylinen Chief Business Officerbull Nikita Wu Project Managementbull Menno Cramer Brain sciencebull Katie Cramer Sociologybull Ondra Pchalek Architecturebull Ycy Charlie Architecture Local Knowledgebull Matteo Serafini Architecturebull Jan Feichtinger Architecture


Merimiehenkatu 36 C 52200150 HelsinkiFinland


Model teambull Saara Kemppainen leaderbull Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissaribull Markku Heikkilaumlbull Anna Kaarna

Newspaper edited by Niilo Tenkanen

The Casagrande Laboratory Centre of Urban Research (CURE) is a multi-dis-ciplinary architectural technical and engineering practice CURE focuses on the development and research of large-scale biourban solution environmen-talism and urban design in the postindustrial city CURE combines and un-ravels traditional disciplines and guidelines of urban design and the built en-vironment in order to create new and conscious solutions to make our urban environment better suited for our shared human needs

C-LAB CURE on suomalainen monitieteellinen suunnittelutoimisto jonka tyoumlt liikkuvat vapaasti arkkitehtuurin maisema-arkkitehtuurin ekologisen kau-punkisuunnittelun rakenne- ja geosuunnittelun humanististen tieteiden ja ympaumlristoumltaiteen vaumllillauml CURE kehittaumlauml biourbanismin teoriaa ja suunnitte-lumetodologiaa tavoitteena ekologinen kaupunkirestauraatio ja biologisesti kehittyvaumlt kaupunkiorganismit

Patent pending

Paracity-naumlyttelyn tuottaja Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Mainostoimisto Valo Oy Jari Pirhonen Linda Tavio

Merimiehenkatu 36 C 522 00150 Helsinki

Picture Niilo Tenkanen Front page picture Joni Virkki

3Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Paracity on modulaariseen massiivipuurunkoon perus-tuva kaupunkirakennejaumlrjes-telmauml johon kaupunkilaiset itse rakentavat omat kotinsa yhteisoumlnsauml ja viljelyksensauml Orgaaninen Paracity kasvaa itsenaumlisesti olevien kaupun-kien jaumlttoumlmaille kuten tulva-tasangoille tai slummehin It-senaumlisen kasvun mahdollistaa modulaarinen ympaumlristoumltek-nologia joka tuottaa syntyville yhdyskunnille niiden tarvitse-mat sisaumlelimet Paracity vas-taanottaa kaumlsittelee ja muun-taa resursseiksi ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottaman jaumltteen toimien positiivisena akupunk-tioneulana saastuttavalle kau-pungille

Paracity on suomalainen keksintouml ja vientituote joka on kehitetty Kiinan Kes-kustaideakatemian pyyn-noumlstauml vaihtoehtoiseksi luontoa kunnioittavaksi kau-punkikehitysmalliksi Paraci-tyn pilottikohteet sijaitsevat Taipein tulvatasankoalueella Pohjois-Fukushiman tsuna-mialueella ja Jakartassa kau-pungin jaumltteitauml kaumlsittelevaumlssauml slummissa Runkomateriaali-na kaumlytettaumlvauml puu on suoma-laisvalmisteinen ristikkaumlinla-minoitu massiivimaumlnty

Paracity is a biourban organ-ism that is growing on the prin-ciples of Open Form individual design-build actions generat-ing spontaneous communica-tive reactions on the surround-ing built human environment and this organic constructivist dialog leading into self-organ-ized community structures development and knowledge building

The growing organism the Paracity is based on a three dimensional wooden prima-ry structure organic grid with spatial modules of 6 x 6 x 6 metres constructed out of CLT cross-laminated timber sticks This simple structure can be modified and grown by the community members working as teams or by an assigned Paracity constructor

The primary structure can grow even on neglected ur-ban areas such as river flood

plains hillsides abandoned industrial areas storm water channels or slums Paracity suites perfectly to flooding and tsunami risk areas and the CLT primary structure has a high standard of earthquake perfor-mance

People will attach their indi-vidual self-made architectural solutions gardens and farms on the primary structure which offers a three dimen-sional building grid for the DIY architecture Primary structure offers the main arteries of wa-ter and human circulation but the finer local knowledge nerv-ous networks are grown by the inhabitants Large parts of the Paracity is occupied by wild and cultivated nature

Paracityrsquos self-sustainable bi-ourban growth is backed up by off-the-grid environmental technology solutions providing methods for water purification

energy production organic waste treatment waste water purification and sludge recy-cling These modular plug-in components can be adjust-ed according to the growth of the Paracity and moreover the whole Paracity is designed not only to treat and circulate its own material streams but to start leaching waste from its host city becoming a pos-itive urban parasite following the similar kind of symbiosis as in-between slums and the surrounding city In a sense Paracity is a high-tech slum which can start tuning the in-dustrial city towards an eco-logically more sustainable di-rection

Paracity is a third generation city an organic machine urban compost which is helping the industrial city to transform into being part of nature


The pilot project of the Paracity is growing on an urban farm-ing island of Danshui River Taipei City The island is lo-cated between the Zhongxing and Zhonxiao bridges and is around 1000 meters long and 300 meters wide Paracity Tai-pei is celebrating the original first generation Taipei urban-ism with high level of illegal architecture self-organized communities urban farms community gardens urban nomads and constructive an-archy

Paracity Taipei will be powered mostly by bioenergy that is us-ing the organic waste includ-ing sludge taken from the sur-rounding industrial city and by farming fast growing biomass on the flood banks of the Taipei river system

Environmental technology components are mounted on barges that are plugged into the Paracity maintenance docks Barges can be modified according to the needs of the growing biourbanism

Paracity is based on free flood-ing There are no flood walls The first 6 m level above the ground is not built but the whole city is standing on stilts and thus providing the whole ground floor for community actions nature and space re-quiring recycling yards

Paracity Taipei will construct itself through impacts of a col-lective conscious as a nest of post-industrial insects Parac-ity is estimated to have 15000 ndash 25000 inhabitants


WHAT IS PARACITYPicture Niilo Tenkanen

Picture Joni Virkki

4 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Paracity TaipeiPicture Niilo Tenkanen

5Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

6 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


Paracity noudattaa orgaani-sessa kasvussaan Avoimen muodon (Open Form Oscar Hansen Svein Hatloy) meto-dologiaa jossa yhteisoumlt kas-vavat spontaaneiden ja toinen toisiaan agitoivien suunnitte-luratkaisuiden kautta Avoin muoto on kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml hyvin laumlhellauml taiwanilaista alku-ur-baania tapaa rakentaa itseor-ganisoituvia ja usein epaumlvi-rallisia yhdyskuntia Naumlmauml mikrourbaanit yhteisoumlihin on keskittynyt runsaasti paikallis-ta tietoa joka on myoumlskin Pa-racityn kasvuvoima Paracity on paikallisen tiedon komposti jonka energia ruokkii siitauml yh-teisoumljaumlaumln kasvattavia kaupun-kilaisia

Keskitetty arkkitehtooninen kontolli on avattu jotta luonto mukaanlukien ihmisluonto voi astua sisaumlaumln Paracityn elauml-maumlauml tuottava volyymi maksi-maalinen ndash existence maxi-mum (vrt Spinal Tap volume 11) joka ylittaumlauml inhimillisen kontrollin


Paracity tarjoaa yhteisoumln kehi-tykselle rungon johon ihmiset tuottavat lihan Design ei voi korvata todellisuutta Flesh is More Primaumlaumlristruktuuri koostuu 6-metriauml pitkistauml ti-kuista joiden vahvuus on 50 cm Rakennusmateriaalina on ristikkaumlinlaminoitu massii-vipuu CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) Tikut muodostavat 6x6x6 m kuutioita joita Taipein pilottikohteessa on pinottu korkeimmillaan 8 paumlaumlllekkaumlin eli 16 kerroksen korkeuteen CLTllauml on loistavat maanjaumlris-tyksen- ja palonkesto-ominai-suudet Tikut liittyvaumlt toisiinsa puuliitoksin ja kaupunkilaiset voivat halutessaan itse kasvat-taa primaumlaumlrirunkoa tai sitten

rungon pystytyksestauml vastaa paikallinen yhteistyoumlrakennut-taja CLT-runko tarjoaa alustan jolle kaupunkilaiset itse toteut-tavat asumuksensa yhteisoumln-sauml ja viljelyksensauml

YMPAumlRISTOuml- TEKNOLOGIAParacityn biourbaanin kasvun mahdollistaa yhdessauml VTTn kanssa kehitetty modulaari-nen ympaumlristoumlteknologia joka tuottaa kaupunkirakenteel-le sen tarvitsemat sisaumlelimet kasvutarpeiden mukaisesti Ympaumlristoumlteknologia tarjoaa mm seuraavia ratkaisuja

bull Paracityn ja ympaumlroumlivaumln Taipein jaumltevesien kaumlsitte-ly

bull Vedenpuhdistus - Para-cityn kaumlyttoumlvesi otetaan saastuneesta Dans-hui-joesta

bull Lietteen kaumlyttouml kaupunki-viljelysten lannoittamiseen ja bioenergian raaka-ai-neena

bull Suljettu vedenkiertobull Kalojen aumlyriaumlisten ja vesi-

kasvien viljelybull Ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin

rakennusten purkujaumltteen kierraumltys yksityisasuntojen rakennusmateriaaliksi

bull Biomassan kasvattaminen Taipein tulvatasangoilla ja sen hyoumldyntaumlminen bioe-nergian laumlhteenauml

bull Aurinkoenergia


Paracityn tuottaa bionenergiaa omasta ja ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamasta orgaani-sesta jaumltteestauml sekauml Taipein tulvatasangoilta niitettaumlvaumlstauml biomassasta Niittaumlminen ta-pahtuu proomuista kaumlsin Laa-jamittainen nopeasti kasva-van biomassan viljely Danhui Keelong ja Xindian jokien tul-vatasangoilla edesauttaa Tai-

pein mikroilmastoa ja kaupun-kiekologiaa ja se puhdistaa saastunutta jokiympaumlristoumlauml biologisesti Paracity taumlhtaumlauml Taipein jokien luonnonmukai-seen restaurointiin

PARASIITTI- URBANISMIParacity elaumlauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamista materiaa-livirroista Jopa saastunut joki on voimanlaumlhde taumllle biour-baanille sisaumlelimelle Paracity on keskiaikaista laumlaumlketiedettauml juotikkaiden kaumlyttoumlauml ruumiin-kierron parantamiseen Para-city paumlaumlstaumlauml Taipeista pahaa verta ja kaumlyttaumlauml taumlmaumln resurs-sinaan Virallisesti 37 Taipein jaumltevedestauml lasketaan suoraan kaumlsittelemaumlttauml jokiin Paracity haluaa taumlmaumln kaiken ja se ha-luaa kaiken muunkin rdquojaumltteenrdquo jota kaupunki ei pysty kaumlsitte-lemaumlaumln Paracity elaumlaumlkin ym-paumlroumlivaumln kaupungin kanssa samankaltaisessa symbioo-sissa kuin slummi kaupukin-omadit puhdistavat staattista kaupunkia sen kuonasta Pa-racityssauml prosessia on ainoas-taan tehostettu modulaarisella ympaumlristoumlteknolgialla Paracity on high-tech slummi

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity on Kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin siemen 3G kaupunki on teollisen kau-pungin (2G) orgaaninen rau-nio Modulaarinen biourbaani organismi kasvaa maumlaumlraumlaumlvaumln luonnonlain mukaan existen-ce maximum Primaumlaumlristruk-tuuri kasvaa ihmisten mukaan ja saavutettuaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylittaumlauml tulva-tasangoilta Taipein 12 m kor-kean tulvamuurin ja kasvaa sisaumllle teolliseen kaupunkiin ja alkaa raunioittaa sitauml Paraci-tyn siemeniauml alkaa itaumlauml Taipein sisaumlllauml kollektiivipuutarhoissa

kaupunkiviljelyksissauml laitto-milla asuinalueilla hylaumltyillauml hautausmailla ja muilla raken-tamattomilla pisteillauml josta ne alkavat vaikuttaa ympauml-roumlivaumln kaupungin biologiseen kuntouttamiseen kaupunkia-kupunktion keinoin Niistauml pisteistauml Paracity levittaumlytyy kaupunkiin seuraten katettuja joki- ja kastelujaumlrjestelmaumluo-mia kuten Liukong kanavajaumlr-jestelmaumlauml ja lopulta biourbaani orbanismi ja staattinen kau-punki saavuttavat biologisesti kestaumlvaumln tasapainon eli Kol-mannen sukupolven kaupun-gin


Juurruttuaan tulvatasangoille ja saavutettuaan kasvussaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylit-taumlauml Taipein 12 metrisen tul-vamuurin joka nykyisellaumlaumln erottaa rakennetun ihmisym-paumlristoumln jokiluonnosta Tulva-muuri jaumlauml teolliseksi reliktiksi Paracityn sisuksiin mutta uusi orgaaninen kaupunkirakenne mahdollistaa teollisen kaupun-gin ja jokiluonnon kohtaamisen ja yhteiselon Paracity toimii vaumllittaumlvaumlnauml rakenteena jokito-dellisuuden ja urbaanin fiktion vaumllillauml ndash siltana ihmisluonnon ja luonnon vaumllissauml


Paracityn biourbanismi kas-vaa osaksi luontoa Rakenne on komposti jossa eri orgaa-niset tasot limittyvaumlt ja sekoit-tuvat keskenaumlaumln agritektuu-riksi jonka kehitystauml maumlaumlraumlauml ihmisluonto osana luontoa Kaupungin kaumlyttoumlvesi ja vilje-lysten kasteluvesi puhdiste-taan saastuneesta jokivedestauml Puhdistettu vesi pumpataan Paracityn kattotasanteille jos-sa se hapetetaan ja edelleen juurakkopuhdistetaan kasvu-kenttien laumlpi Katoilta puhdas vesi valuu painovoimaisesti

yhteisoumlpuutarhoille ja kaupun-kiviljelyksille Kaupungin paumlauml-energianlaumlhteenauml toimii joen runsasravinteisilla tulvatasan-goilla kasvatettava biomassa

BIOURBAANI RESTAURAATIOParacity on positiivinen or-gaaninen syoumlpauml Taipein me-kaanisessa kudoksessa Se elaumlauml symbioosissa ympaumlroumli-vaumln kaupungin kanssa jota se puhdistaa saasteista ja jonka kehitystauml se vaumllillises-ti ohjaa kohti biologista kau-punkirestauraatiota Paracity on vaihtoehtoinen todellisuus teolliselle kasvulle kaupun-kiakupunktioneula joka kun-touttaa ympaumlroumlivaumlauml kaupunkia samaan tapaan kuin spon-taanit kollektiivipuutarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset Paracityn fragmentit ympaumlri Taipeita muodostavat kaupunkiaku-punktuurin verkoston joka saumlaumltaumlauml teollista kehitystauml kohti orgaanista Se raunioittaa teol-lista kaupunkia ja pyrkii saat-tamaan sen osaksi luontoa ndash kohti Kolmannen sukupolven kaupunkia


Paracity sopeutuu elaumlmaumlaumln tai-fuunien mukana sykkivaumln tulvi-van joen kanssa Koko kaupun-kirakenne seisoo CLT-tolppien paumlaumlllauml ja joki paumlaumlsee vapaasti nousemaan sen ensimmaumlisiin tyhjiin kerroksiin Itse asiassa Paracity matkii joen tulvimista pyrkimyksenaumlaumlaumln olla arkki-tehtoninen tulva joka ylittaumlauml Taipein tulvamuurin ja levittaumly-tyy mekaaniseen kaupunkiin


Paracity on syntynyt Taipein kaupungistuneen tulvatasan-gon paikallisesta tiedosta al-kuperaumlisistauml taiwanilaisista yhteisoumlmalleista jotka ovat


7Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014



Number of overlapping blocks

Paumlaumlllekaumlisten kuutioiden maumlaumlrauml






6 - 8


Nerves alleys lanes passageways streets Kaupungin hermot kadut kujat

Paved areas Aukiot

Wild areas Villi luonto

Fields Pellot

Growing of biomass Biomassan viljely

Urban park Urbaani puisto

Bioplant Biovoimala

Barges Bioproomut


100 m

itserakentuneita rdquolaittomiardquo yhteisoumljauml joissa ihmiset ra-kentavat omat talonsa ja saumlauml-taumlvaumlt yhteisoumlnsauml kasvamaan luonnon ehdoilla Paikallisen tiedon ilmentymiauml ovat myoumls Taipein lukuisat kollektiivipuu-tarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset jotka valtaavat tyhjiauml tontte-ja ja jaumlttoumlmaata kaupungista Kaupunkinomadit aistivat kau-pungin energiakenttiauml ja kyke-nevaumlt kommunikoimaan kol-lektiivisen alitajunnan kanssa Keskusjohtoinen kaupunki on pelkkauml alusta jolla paikallinen tieto velloo oman orgaanisen tajuntansa mukaisesti Pai-kallinen tieto sitoo modernit-

kin taipeilaiset osaksi luontoa Paracity tarjoaa kasvualustan paikallisen tiedon rakenteelli-selle anarkialle jonka todelli-sen inhimillisen tason rakenta-vat kapunkilaiset itse Paracity on joka paikassa erilainen ja paikallisen tiedon kulttuuriin si-dottu Ainoastaan primaumlaumlrira-kenne ja ympaumlristoumlteknologi-set ratkaisut pysyvaumlt samoina ja mahdollistavat paikkasidon-naisen biourbaanin kasvun

BIOKLIMAATTINEN ARKKITEHTUURIParacityssauml on paljon reikiauml kuiluja ja tunneleita Raken-

ne tuulettaa itse itsensauml kuin suuri teollisten hyoumlnteisten keko Laumlmpoumltilaerot kattopin-tojen viljelysten varjoisien pin-tojen ja vesielementtien vaumllillauml generoivat tuulia ja ilmavirtoja Yksittaumliset rakennukset nou-dattavat luonnonmukaisen il-mankierron periaatteita


Paracityn pilottikohde on suunniteltu Taipeihin mutta jaumlrjestelmauml on kehitetty toteut-tamiskelpoiseksi eri kohteisiin ympaumlri maailman Paracity tar-joaa vaihtoehdon Kiinan strate-giselle kaupunkisuunnittelulle

jokikaupunkien luonnonmukai-semmalle kehitykselle Paraci-tyn rakennetta voidaan kaumlyttaumlauml myoumls erikokoisina kaupunkia-kupunktioneuloina teollisesti kasvavien kaupunkien ekolo-gisessa restauroinnissa Para-city voi toimia puskurivyoumlhyk-keenauml saastuttavan kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllillauml kuten slum-mit esim Mumbaissa tai Ja-kartassa Rakenne voi kasvaa slummeista joiden asukkaille se tarjoaa paremman elinym-paumlristoumln ja joissa se tehostaa slummien nykykaumlytaumlntoumlauml kauml-sitellauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottamia jaumltteitauml Paracity so-veltuu tulviville ja tsunamiriski-

alueille Paracity on valittu yh-deksi koerakenteeksi Japanin Tohokun alueen tsunamituhon jaumllleenrakennukseen Paracity on orgaaninen sopeutuvainen ja paikalliseen tietoon reagoiva kaupunkirakenne joka parsii yhteen teollisen kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllistauml kuilua

Picture Joni Virkki

8 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

OPEN FORMIn its growth Paracity is follow-ing the organic design meth-odology of Open Form (Os-car Hansen Svein Hatloy) in which community level design is viewed as an open dialog with design actions generating spontaneous design reactions within the surroundings Open Form is close to the original Taiwanese ways of developing the self organized and often ldquoil-legalrdquo communities These mi-crourban settlements are con-taining a high volume of Local Knowledge which we also be-lieve will start composting in Paracity when opening up the community development to the citizens

Centralized architectural con-trol is opened up in order to let nature including human nature to step in The life providing volume of Paracity is 11 exist-ence maximum highest possi-ble life in the given conditions

and more

CLT SKELETONParacity provides the skeleton but citizens bring in the flesh Design should not replace re-ality Flesh is More The skel-eton the primary structure of

Paracity is constructed out of 6 meters long (50x50 cm profile) cross laminated timber CLT sticks which are used to form 6x6x6 m cubes that are piled up to 16 stories high (8 cubes) The CLT primary structure has a fine earthquake performance and it is fire resistant The structural elements sticks with wood joints are prefab-ricated and transported to the Paracity Island on barges The construction work ndash the growing of the Paracity prima-ry organism can be manually done by residents in teams of by professional parasite con-structors The CLT structure is just a landscape on which citizens will attach their own

houses and gardens

ENVIROMENTAL TECHNOLOGYThe biourban growth of the Paracity is supported by high environmental technology which is mounted on barges These modular bio-vessels are attached to the Paracity ser-vice harbour and can be ad-justed according to the needs of the evolving urban organ-ism The post-industrial fleet of bio-vessels can travel along the Taipei river system and is

ready to start the biourban restoration process also from other hot-spots of the river city The environmental technology barges provide solutions for

bull Waste water treatment of Paracity and of the sur-rounding Taipei

bull Water purification The in-frastructural water circula-tion is originated from the polluted Danshui River

bull Sludge treatment for ferti-lizer and bio-energy

bull Closed circuit aquaculture

bull Recycling of construction waste

bull Recycling of organic waste for fertilizer and bio-ener-gy

The barges have no problem with the flooding river

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity is a seed of the Third Generation City the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city (2G) The modular biourban organism is designed to grow following the rule of nature existence maximum The pri-mary structure can be grown by people and after Paracity

has reached the critical mass the life providing system of the CLT structure will start es-calating It will cross the river and start rooting on the flood plains Then it will cross the 12 meters high Taipei flood wall and grow gradually into the city Seeds of the Paracity will start rooting in the urban acu-puncture points of Taipei ille-gal community gardens urban farms abandoned cemeteries and waste-lands From these acupuncture points the Parac-ity will start growing following the covered irrigation systems such as the Liukong Channel and eventually the biourban or-ganism and the static city will find a balance the Third Gen-eration Taipei

PARASITE URBANISMParacity is living off the ma-terial streams from the sur-rounding Taipei Even the pol-luted river is a resource for this biourban intestine Parac-ity is Medieval medicine using leaches to cure the circulation Paracity is letting off the bad blood of Taipei and it uses it a resource In fact it makes money out of the process Of-ficially 37 of the Taipei City

waste water goes untreated to the river Paracity wants it all And it wants all the other ma-terials which the industrial city is regarding as ldquowasterdquo Parac-ity and modern Taipei live in a similar kind of a symbiosis as a slum and the city the urban nomads will clean the static city from its ldquowasterdquo only in Paracity the cleaning and recy-cling process is boosted up by high environmental technolo-gy In a sense the Paracity is a high-tech slum

BIO-ENERGYThe main energy source for the Paracity is bio-energy which is using both treated organic waste and sludge from Parac-ity and surrounding Taipei and especially biomass that is harvested around Paracity and on the flood banks of the Taipei rivers The fertile flood banks flood plains and storm water channels provide ideal cultivation areas for fast grow-ing biomass plantations The vegetation will be harvested by boats and then shipped to Paracity Bio-Energy Facility The growing of the biomass on the river banks will also ben-efit on the natural river resto-ration through root cleansing of sediment pollution and the

ELEMENTSPicture Niilo Tenkanen

9Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

biomass will have a positive impact on the Taipei micro cli-mate and urban ecology

MediatorAfter rooting on the riverside and gaining a critical mass the Paracity will climb over the 12 meters high reinforced con-crete flood wall which is sepa-rating modern Taipei from the rivers and nature The flood wall will remain in the guts of the Paracity but the new struc-ture enables Taipei citizens to fluently reach the river Parac-ity will reunite the river reality and the urban fiction Parac-ity is a mediator between the modern city and nature

BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTUREParacity has a lot of holes gaps and nature in-between houses The system is ventilat-ing itself like a large scale bee-hive of post-industrial insects The different temperatures of the roofs gardens water bod-ies and shaded platforms will generate small winds between them and the hot roofs will start sucking in breeze from the cooler river Also the indi-vidual houses should follow the traditional principles of bi-

oclimatic architecture and not rely on mechanical air-condi-tioning

FREE FLOODINGParacity is based on free flood-ing The whole city is standing on stilts allowing the river to pulsate freely with the frequent typhoons and storm waters The environmental technology of the Paracity is mounted on barges which have no problem with the flooding either Actu-ally the Paracity is an organic architectural flood itself ready to cross the flood wall of Taipei and spread into the mechani-cal city

BIOURBAN RESTORATIONParacity is a positive organic tumour in the mechanical tis-sue of Taipei While it is leach-ing and processing the indus-trial and organic waste of the city it is gaining momentum in its growth and becomes more and more important to the static industrial urbanism Paracity is an alternative real-ity within the industrial devel-opment and will start treating the city the same ways as the urban acupuncture points of illegal community gardens and

urban farms of Taipei do today Paracity has the ability to be-come a network of biourban acupuncture tuning the whole industrial city towards the or-ganic ruining the industrialism on its way to become part of nature the Third Generation City

ORGANIC LAYERSThe biourbanism of the Parac-ity is as much landscape as it is architecture The totalitari-an landscape-architecture of Paracity includes organic lay-ers for natural water purifica-tion and treatment community gardening farming and bio-mass production as an energy source Infrastructure and ir-rigation water originates from the polluted Danshui river and will be both chemically and bi-ologically purified before being used in the farms gardens and houses of the community The chemically purified water gets pumped to the roof parks on the top level of the Paracity from where the gravity will cir-culate the water into the three dimensional irrigation sys-tems

ADAPTABILITYThe pilot-project of the Paraci-ty is designed in Taipei but the solution is developed to work in different locations around the world Paracity offers an alter-native for the Chinese strategic urban planning to start ecolog-ically harmonizing the grow-ing river cities of China And Paracity can be used as urban acupuncture for the emerging cities of China and elsewhere Paracity can grow along the Oshiwara chain of slums in Mumbai providing better liv-ing conditions cleaning up the Oshiwara River and more effectively treating the urban waste that is flooding in from the surrounding city Paracity can parachute into Nairobi and start growing from the fertile top-soil of the slums Paracity should grow into the favelas of Brazil and start celebrating the local knowledge of these organic communities Paracity is organic adaptable and wel-comes local knowledge The city is built by hands of a high diversity of different people

LOCAL KNOWLEDGEParacity is inspired by the Lo-cal Knowledge of Taipei the original Taiwanese urban ele-

ments that include a high level of self-made ldquoillegalrdquo archi-tecture self-organized com-munities extensive networks of self-organized community gardens and urban farms fluid nomadic ways of using the city communicative collective sub-conscious in community and urban scale feeling of domi-nating the no-manrsquos land by human nature and other forms of constructive anarchy The Paracity basically only pro-vides the primary structure the three dimensional landscape for the Local Knowledge to be attached and grow The prima-ry structure and the environ-mental technology solutions will remain pretty much the same no matter in which cul-ture the Paracity starts to grow but the real human layer of DIY architecture and gardens will follow the Local Knowledge of the respective culture and site Paracity is always site-specific and it is always local

Treasure Hill Taipei Taiwan

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


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Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

3Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Paracity on modulaariseen massiivipuurunkoon perus-tuva kaupunkirakennejaumlrjes-telmauml johon kaupunkilaiset itse rakentavat omat kotinsa yhteisoumlnsauml ja viljelyksensauml Orgaaninen Paracity kasvaa itsenaumlisesti olevien kaupun-kien jaumlttoumlmaille kuten tulva-tasangoille tai slummehin It-senaumlisen kasvun mahdollistaa modulaarinen ympaumlristoumltek-nologia joka tuottaa syntyville yhdyskunnille niiden tarvitse-mat sisaumlelimet Paracity vas-taanottaa kaumlsittelee ja muun-taa resursseiksi ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottaman jaumltteen toimien positiivisena akupunk-tioneulana saastuttavalle kau-pungille

Paracity on suomalainen keksintouml ja vientituote joka on kehitetty Kiinan Kes-kustaideakatemian pyyn-noumlstauml vaihtoehtoiseksi luontoa kunnioittavaksi kau-punkikehitysmalliksi Paraci-tyn pilottikohteet sijaitsevat Taipein tulvatasankoalueella Pohjois-Fukushiman tsuna-mialueella ja Jakartassa kau-pungin jaumltteitauml kaumlsittelevaumlssauml slummissa Runkomateriaali-na kaumlytettaumlvauml puu on suoma-laisvalmisteinen ristikkaumlinla-minoitu massiivimaumlnty

Paracity is a biourban organ-ism that is growing on the prin-ciples of Open Form individual design-build actions generat-ing spontaneous communica-tive reactions on the surround-ing built human environment and this organic constructivist dialog leading into self-organ-ized community structures development and knowledge building

The growing organism the Paracity is based on a three dimensional wooden prima-ry structure organic grid with spatial modules of 6 x 6 x 6 metres constructed out of CLT cross-laminated timber sticks This simple structure can be modified and grown by the community members working as teams or by an assigned Paracity constructor

The primary structure can grow even on neglected ur-ban areas such as river flood

plains hillsides abandoned industrial areas storm water channels or slums Paracity suites perfectly to flooding and tsunami risk areas and the CLT primary structure has a high standard of earthquake perfor-mance

People will attach their indi-vidual self-made architectural solutions gardens and farms on the primary structure which offers a three dimen-sional building grid for the DIY architecture Primary structure offers the main arteries of wa-ter and human circulation but the finer local knowledge nerv-ous networks are grown by the inhabitants Large parts of the Paracity is occupied by wild and cultivated nature

Paracityrsquos self-sustainable bi-ourban growth is backed up by off-the-grid environmental technology solutions providing methods for water purification

energy production organic waste treatment waste water purification and sludge recy-cling These modular plug-in components can be adjust-ed according to the growth of the Paracity and moreover the whole Paracity is designed not only to treat and circulate its own material streams but to start leaching waste from its host city becoming a pos-itive urban parasite following the similar kind of symbiosis as in-between slums and the surrounding city In a sense Paracity is a high-tech slum which can start tuning the in-dustrial city towards an eco-logically more sustainable di-rection

Paracity is a third generation city an organic machine urban compost which is helping the industrial city to transform into being part of nature


The pilot project of the Paracity is growing on an urban farm-ing island of Danshui River Taipei City The island is lo-cated between the Zhongxing and Zhonxiao bridges and is around 1000 meters long and 300 meters wide Paracity Tai-pei is celebrating the original first generation Taipei urban-ism with high level of illegal architecture self-organized communities urban farms community gardens urban nomads and constructive an-archy

Paracity Taipei will be powered mostly by bioenergy that is us-ing the organic waste includ-ing sludge taken from the sur-rounding industrial city and by farming fast growing biomass on the flood banks of the Taipei river system

Environmental technology components are mounted on barges that are plugged into the Paracity maintenance docks Barges can be modified according to the needs of the growing biourbanism

Paracity is based on free flood-ing There are no flood walls The first 6 m level above the ground is not built but the whole city is standing on stilts and thus providing the whole ground floor for community actions nature and space re-quiring recycling yards

Paracity Taipei will construct itself through impacts of a col-lective conscious as a nest of post-industrial insects Parac-ity is estimated to have 15000 ndash 25000 inhabitants


WHAT IS PARACITYPicture Niilo Tenkanen

Picture Joni Virkki

4 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Paracity TaipeiPicture Niilo Tenkanen

5Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

6 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


Paracity noudattaa orgaani-sessa kasvussaan Avoimen muodon (Open Form Oscar Hansen Svein Hatloy) meto-dologiaa jossa yhteisoumlt kas-vavat spontaaneiden ja toinen toisiaan agitoivien suunnitte-luratkaisuiden kautta Avoin muoto on kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml hyvin laumlhellauml taiwanilaista alku-ur-baania tapaa rakentaa itseor-ganisoituvia ja usein epaumlvi-rallisia yhdyskuntia Naumlmauml mikrourbaanit yhteisoumlihin on keskittynyt runsaasti paikallis-ta tietoa joka on myoumlskin Pa-racityn kasvuvoima Paracity on paikallisen tiedon komposti jonka energia ruokkii siitauml yh-teisoumljaumlaumln kasvattavia kaupun-kilaisia

Keskitetty arkkitehtooninen kontolli on avattu jotta luonto mukaanlukien ihmisluonto voi astua sisaumlaumln Paracityn elauml-maumlauml tuottava volyymi maksi-maalinen ndash existence maxi-mum (vrt Spinal Tap volume 11) joka ylittaumlauml inhimillisen kontrollin


Paracity tarjoaa yhteisoumln kehi-tykselle rungon johon ihmiset tuottavat lihan Design ei voi korvata todellisuutta Flesh is More Primaumlaumlristruktuuri koostuu 6-metriauml pitkistauml ti-kuista joiden vahvuus on 50 cm Rakennusmateriaalina on ristikkaumlinlaminoitu massii-vipuu CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) Tikut muodostavat 6x6x6 m kuutioita joita Taipein pilottikohteessa on pinottu korkeimmillaan 8 paumlaumlllekkaumlin eli 16 kerroksen korkeuteen CLTllauml on loistavat maanjaumlris-tyksen- ja palonkesto-ominai-suudet Tikut liittyvaumlt toisiinsa puuliitoksin ja kaupunkilaiset voivat halutessaan itse kasvat-taa primaumlaumlrirunkoa tai sitten

rungon pystytyksestauml vastaa paikallinen yhteistyoumlrakennut-taja CLT-runko tarjoaa alustan jolle kaupunkilaiset itse toteut-tavat asumuksensa yhteisoumln-sauml ja viljelyksensauml

YMPAumlRISTOuml- TEKNOLOGIAParacityn biourbaanin kasvun mahdollistaa yhdessauml VTTn kanssa kehitetty modulaari-nen ympaumlristoumlteknologia joka tuottaa kaupunkirakenteel-le sen tarvitsemat sisaumlelimet kasvutarpeiden mukaisesti Ympaumlristoumlteknologia tarjoaa mm seuraavia ratkaisuja

bull Paracityn ja ympaumlroumlivaumln Taipein jaumltevesien kaumlsitte-ly

bull Vedenpuhdistus - Para-cityn kaumlyttoumlvesi otetaan saastuneesta Dans-hui-joesta

bull Lietteen kaumlyttouml kaupunki-viljelysten lannoittamiseen ja bioenergian raaka-ai-neena

bull Suljettu vedenkiertobull Kalojen aumlyriaumlisten ja vesi-

kasvien viljelybull Ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin

rakennusten purkujaumltteen kierraumltys yksityisasuntojen rakennusmateriaaliksi

bull Biomassan kasvattaminen Taipein tulvatasangoilla ja sen hyoumldyntaumlminen bioe-nergian laumlhteenauml

bull Aurinkoenergia


Paracityn tuottaa bionenergiaa omasta ja ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamasta orgaani-sesta jaumltteestauml sekauml Taipein tulvatasangoilta niitettaumlvaumlstauml biomassasta Niittaumlminen ta-pahtuu proomuista kaumlsin Laa-jamittainen nopeasti kasva-van biomassan viljely Danhui Keelong ja Xindian jokien tul-vatasangoilla edesauttaa Tai-

pein mikroilmastoa ja kaupun-kiekologiaa ja se puhdistaa saastunutta jokiympaumlristoumlauml biologisesti Paracity taumlhtaumlauml Taipein jokien luonnonmukai-seen restaurointiin

PARASIITTI- URBANISMIParacity elaumlauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamista materiaa-livirroista Jopa saastunut joki on voimanlaumlhde taumllle biour-baanille sisaumlelimelle Paracity on keskiaikaista laumlaumlketiedettauml juotikkaiden kaumlyttoumlauml ruumiin-kierron parantamiseen Para-city paumlaumlstaumlauml Taipeista pahaa verta ja kaumlyttaumlauml taumlmaumln resurs-sinaan Virallisesti 37 Taipein jaumltevedestauml lasketaan suoraan kaumlsittelemaumlttauml jokiin Paracity haluaa taumlmaumln kaiken ja se ha-luaa kaiken muunkin rdquojaumltteenrdquo jota kaupunki ei pysty kaumlsitte-lemaumlaumln Paracity elaumlaumlkin ym-paumlroumlivaumln kaupungin kanssa samankaltaisessa symbioo-sissa kuin slummi kaupukin-omadit puhdistavat staattista kaupunkia sen kuonasta Pa-racityssauml prosessia on ainoas-taan tehostettu modulaarisella ympaumlristoumlteknolgialla Paracity on high-tech slummi

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity on Kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin siemen 3G kaupunki on teollisen kau-pungin (2G) orgaaninen rau-nio Modulaarinen biourbaani organismi kasvaa maumlaumlraumlaumlvaumln luonnonlain mukaan existen-ce maximum Primaumlaumlristruk-tuuri kasvaa ihmisten mukaan ja saavutettuaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylittaumlauml tulva-tasangoilta Taipein 12 m kor-kean tulvamuurin ja kasvaa sisaumllle teolliseen kaupunkiin ja alkaa raunioittaa sitauml Paraci-tyn siemeniauml alkaa itaumlauml Taipein sisaumlllauml kollektiivipuutarhoissa

kaupunkiviljelyksissauml laitto-milla asuinalueilla hylaumltyillauml hautausmailla ja muilla raken-tamattomilla pisteillauml josta ne alkavat vaikuttaa ympauml-roumlivaumln kaupungin biologiseen kuntouttamiseen kaupunkia-kupunktion keinoin Niistauml pisteistauml Paracity levittaumlytyy kaupunkiin seuraten katettuja joki- ja kastelujaumlrjestelmaumluo-mia kuten Liukong kanavajaumlr-jestelmaumlauml ja lopulta biourbaani orbanismi ja staattinen kau-punki saavuttavat biologisesti kestaumlvaumln tasapainon eli Kol-mannen sukupolven kaupun-gin


Juurruttuaan tulvatasangoille ja saavutettuaan kasvussaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylit-taumlauml Taipein 12 metrisen tul-vamuurin joka nykyisellaumlaumln erottaa rakennetun ihmisym-paumlristoumln jokiluonnosta Tulva-muuri jaumlauml teolliseksi reliktiksi Paracityn sisuksiin mutta uusi orgaaninen kaupunkirakenne mahdollistaa teollisen kaupun-gin ja jokiluonnon kohtaamisen ja yhteiselon Paracity toimii vaumllittaumlvaumlnauml rakenteena jokito-dellisuuden ja urbaanin fiktion vaumllillauml ndash siltana ihmisluonnon ja luonnon vaumllissauml


Paracityn biourbanismi kas-vaa osaksi luontoa Rakenne on komposti jossa eri orgaa-niset tasot limittyvaumlt ja sekoit-tuvat keskenaumlaumln agritektuu-riksi jonka kehitystauml maumlaumlraumlauml ihmisluonto osana luontoa Kaupungin kaumlyttoumlvesi ja vilje-lysten kasteluvesi puhdiste-taan saastuneesta jokivedestauml Puhdistettu vesi pumpataan Paracityn kattotasanteille jos-sa se hapetetaan ja edelleen juurakkopuhdistetaan kasvu-kenttien laumlpi Katoilta puhdas vesi valuu painovoimaisesti

yhteisoumlpuutarhoille ja kaupun-kiviljelyksille Kaupungin paumlauml-energianlaumlhteenauml toimii joen runsasravinteisilla tulvatasan-goilla kasvatettava biomassa

BIOURBAANI RESTAURAATIOParacity on positiivinen or-gaaninen syoumlpauml Taipein me-kaanisessa kudoksessa Se elaumlauml symbioosissa ympaumlroumli-vaumln kaupungin kanssa jota se puhdistaa saasteista ja jonka kehitystauml se vaumllillises-ti ohjaa kohti biologista kau-punkirestauraatiota Paracity on vaihtoehtoinen todellisuus teolliselle kasvulle kaupun-kiakupunktioneula joka kun-touttaa ympaumlroumlivaumlauml kaupunkia samaan tapaan kuin spon-taanit kollektiivipuutarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset Paracityn fragmentit ympaumlri Taipeita muodostavat kaupunkiaku-punktuurin verkoston joka saumlaumltaumlauml teollista kehitystauml kohti orgaanista Se raunioittaa teol-lista kaupunkia ja pyrkii saat-tamaan sen osaksi luontoa ndash kohti Kolmannen sukupolven kaupunkia


Paracity sopeutuu elaumlmaumlaumln tai-fuunien mukana sykkivaumln tulvi-van joen kanssa Koko kaupun-kirakenne seisoo CLT-tolppien paumlaumlllauml ja joki paumlaumlsee vapaasti nousemaan sen ensimmaumlisiin tyhjiin kerroksiin Itse asiassa Paracity matkii joen tulvimista pyrkimyksenaumlaumlaumln olla arkki-tehtoninen tulva joka ylittaumlauml Taipein tulvamuurin ja levittaumly-tyy mekaaniseen kaupunkiin


Paracity on syntynyt Taipein kaupungistuneen tulvatasan-gon paikallisesta tiedosta al-kuperaumlisistauml taiwanilaisista yhteisoumlmalleista jotka ovat


7Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014



Number of overlapping blocks

Paumlaumlllekaumlisten kuutioiden maumlaumlrauml






6 - 8


Nerves alleys lanes passageways streets Kaupungin hermot kadut kujat

Paved areas Aukiot

Wild areas Villi luonto

Fields Pellot

Growing of biomass Biomassan viljely

Urban park Urbaani puisto

Bioplant Biovoimala

Barges Bioproomut


100 m

itserakentuneita rdquolaittomiardquo yhteisoumljauml joissa ihmiset ra-kentavat omat talonsa ja saumlauml-taumlvaumlt yhteisoumlnsauml kasvamaan luonnon ehdoilla Paikallisen tiedon ilmentymiauml ovat myoumls Taipein lukuisat kollektiivipuu-tarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset jotka valtaavat tyhjiauml tontte-ja ja jaumlttoumlmaata kaupungista Kaupunkinomadit aistivat kau-pungin energiakenttiauml ja kyke-nevaumlt kommunikoimaan kol-lektiivisen alitajunnan kanssa Keskusjohtoinen kaupunki on pelkkauml alusta jolla paikallinen tieto velloo oman orgaanisen tajuntansa mukaisesti Pai-kallinen tieto sitoo modernit-

kin taipeilaiset osaksi luontoa Paracity tarjoaa kasvualustan paikallisen tiedon rakenteelli-selle anarkialle jonka todelli-sen inhimillisen tason rakenta-vat kapunkilaiset itse Paracity on joka paikassa erilainen ja paikallisen tiedon kulttuuriin si-dottu Ainoastaan primaumlaumlrira-kenne ja ympaumlristoumlteknologi-set ratkaisut pysyvaumlt samoina ja mahdollistavat paikkasidon-naisen biourbaanin kasvun

BIOKLIMAATTINEN ARKKITEHTUURIParacityssauml on paljon reikiauml kuiluja ja tunneleita Raken-

ne tuulettaa itse itsensauml kuin suuri teollisten hyoumlnteisten keko Laumlmpoumltilaerot kattopin-tojen viljelysten varjoisien pin-tojen ja vesielementtien vaumllillauml generoivat tuulia ja ilmavirtoja Yksittaumliset rakennukset nou-dattavat luonnonmukaisen il-mankierron periaatteita


Paracityn pilottikohde on suunniteltu Taipeihin mutta jaumlrjestelmauml on kehitetty toteut-tamiskelpoiseksi eri kohteisiin ympaumlri maailman Paracity tar-joaa vaihtoehdon Kiinan strate-giselle kaupunkisuunnittelulle

jokikaupunkien luonnonmukai-semmalle kehitykselle Paraci-tyn rakennetta voidaan kaumlyttaumlauml myoumls erikokoisina kaupunkia-kupunktioneuloina teollisesti kasvavien kaupunkien ekolo-gisessa restauroinnissa Para-city voi toimia puskurivyoumlhyk-keenauml saastuttavan kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllillauml kuten slum-mit esim Mumbaissa tai Ja-kartassa Rakenne voi kasvaa slummeista joiden asukkaille se tarjoaa paremman elinym-paumlristoumln ja joissa se tehostaa slummien nykykaumlytaumlntoumlauml kauml-sitellauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottamia jaumltteitauml Paracity so-veltuu tulviville ja tsunamiriski-

alueille Paracity on valittu yh-deksi koerakenteeksi Japanin Tohokun alueen tsunamituhon jaumllleenrakennukseen Paracity on orgaaninen sopeutuvainen ja paikalliseen tietoon reagoiva kaupunkirakenne joka parsii yhteen teollisen kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllistauml kuilua

Picture Joni Virkki

8 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

OPEN FORMIn its growth Paracity is follow-ing the organic design meth-odology of Open Form (Os-car Hansen Svein Hatloy) in which community level design is viewed as an open dialog with design actions generating spontaneous design reactions within the surroundings Open Form is close to the original Taiwanese ways of developing the self organized and often ldquoil-legalrdquo communities These mi-crourban settlements are con-taining a high volume of Local Knowledge which we also be-lieve will start composting in Paracity when opening up the community development to the citizens

Centralized architectural con-trol is opened up in order to let nature including human nature to step in The life providing volume of Paracity is 11 exist-ence maximum highest possi-ble life in the given conditions

and more

CLT SKELETONParacity provides the skeleton but citizens bring in the flesh Design should not replace re-ality Flesh is More The skel-eton the primary structure of

Paracity is constructed out of 6 meters long (50x50 cm profile) cross laminated timber CLT sticks which are used to form 6x6x6 m cubes that are piled up to 16 stories high (8 cubes) The CLT primary structure has a fine earthquake performance and it is fire resistant The structural elements sticks with wood joints are prefab-ricated and transported to the Paracity Island on barges The construction work ndash the growing of the Paracity prima-ry organism can be manually done by residents in teams of by professional parasite con-structors The CLT structure is just a landscape on which citizens will attach their own

houses and gardens

ENVIROMENTAL TECHNOLOGYThe biourban growth of the Paracity is supported by high environmental technology which is mounted on barges These modular bio-vessels are attached to the Paracity ser-vice harbour and can be ad-justed according to the needs of the evolving urban organ-ism The post-industrial fleet of bio-vessels can travel along the Taipei river system and is

ready to start the biourban restoration process also from other hot-spots of the river city The environmental technology barges provide solutions for

bull Waste water treatment of Paracity and of the sur-rounding Taipei

bull Water purification The in-frastructural water circula-tion is originated from the polluted Danshui River

bull Sludge treatment for ferti-lizer and bio-energy

bull Closed circuit aquaculture

bull Recycling of construction waste

bull Recycling of organic waste for fertilizer and bio-ener-gy

The barges have no problem with the flooding river

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity is a seed of the Third Generation City the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city (2G) The modular biourban organism is designed to grow following the rule of nature existence maximum The pri-mary structure can be grown by people and after Paracity

has reached the critical mass the life providing system of the CLT structure will start es-calating It will cross the river and start rooting on the flood plains Then it will cross the 12 meters high Taipei flood wall and grow gradually into the city Seeds of the Paracity will start rooting in the urban acu-puncture points of Taipei ille-gal community gardens urban farms abandoned cemeteries and waste-lands From these acupuncture points the Parac-ity will start growing following the covered irrigation systems such as the Liukong Channel and eventually the biourban or-ganism and the static city will find a balance the Third Gen-eration Taipei

PARASITE URBANISMParacity is living off the ma-terial streams from the sur-rounding Taipei Even the pol-luted river is a resource for this biourban intestine Parac-ity is Medieval medicine using leaches to cure the circulation Paracity is letting off the bad blood of Taipei and it uses it a resource In fact it makes money out of the process Of-ficially 37 of the Taipei City

waste water goes untreated to the river Paracity wants it all And it wants all the other ma-terials which the industrial city is regarding as ldquowasterdquo Parac-ity and modern Taipei live in a similar kind of a symbiosis as a slum and the city the urban nomads will clean the static city from its ldquowasterdquo only in Paracity the cleaning and recy-cling process is boosted up by high environmental technolo-gy In a sense the Paracity is a high-tech slum

BIO-ENERGYThe main energy source for the Paracity is bio-energy which is using both treated organic waste and sludge from Parac-ity and surrounding Taipei and especially biomass that is harvested around Paracity and on the flood banks of the Taipei rivers The fertile flood banks flood plains and storm water channels provide ideal cultivation areas for fast grow-ing biomass plantations The vegetation will be harvested by boats and then shipped to Paracity Bio-Energy Facility The growing of the biomass on the river banks will also ben-efit on the natural river resto-ration through root cleansing of sediment pollution and the

ELEMENTSPicture Niilo Tenkanen

9Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

biomass will have a positive impact on the Taipei micro cli-mate and urban ecology

MediatorAfter rooting on the riverside and gaining a critical mass the Paracity will climb over the 12 meters high reinforced con-crete flood wall which is sepa-rating modern Taipei from the rivers and nature The flood wall will remain in the guts of the Paracity but the new struc-ture enables Taipei citizens to fluently reach the river Parac-ity will reunite the river reality and the urban fiction Parac-ity is a mediator between the modern city and nature

BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTUREParacity has a lot of holes gaps and nature in-between houses The system is ventilat-ing itself like a large scale bee-hive of post-industrial insects The different temperatures of the roofs gardens water bod-ies and shaded platforms will generate small winds between them and the hot roofs will start sucking in breeze from the cooler river Also the indi-vidual houses should follow the traditional principles of bi-

oclimatic architecture and not rely on mechanical air-condi-tioning

FREE FLOODINGParacity is based on free flood-ing The whole city is standing on stilts allowing the river to pulsate freely with the frequent typhoons and storm waters The environmental technology of the Paracity is mounted on barges which have no problem with the flooding either Actu-ally the Paracity is an organic architectural flood itself ready to cross the flood wall of Taipei and spread into the mechani-cal city

BIOURBAN RESTORATIONParacity is a positive organic tumour in the mechanical tis-sue of Taipei While it is leach-ing and processing the indus-trial and organic waste of the city it is gaining momentum in its growth and becomes more and more important to the static industrial urbanism Paracity is an alternative real-ity within the industrial devel-opment and will start treating the city the same ways as the urban acupuncture points of illegal community gardens and

urban farms of Taipei do today Paracity has the ability to be-come a network of biourban acupuncture tuning the whole industrial city towards the or-ganic ruining the industrialism on its way to become part of nature the Third Generation City

ORGANIC LAYERSThe biourbanism of the Parac-ity is as much landscape as it is architecture The totalitari-an landscape-architecture of Paracity includes organic lay-ers for natural water purifica-tion and treatment community gardening farming and bio-mass production as an energy source Infrastructure and ir-rigation water originates from the polluted Danshui river and will be both chemically and bi-ologically purified before being used in the farms gardens and houses of the community The chemically purified water gets pumped to the roof parks on the top level of the Paracity from where the gravity will cir-culate the water into the three dimensional irrigation sys-tems

ADAPTABILITYThe pilot-project of the Paraci-ty is designed in Taipei but the solution is developed to work in different locations around the world Paracity offers an alter-native for the Chinese strategic urban planning to start ecolog-ically harmonizing the grow-ing river cities of China And Paracity can be used as urban acupuncture for the emerging cities of China and elsewhere Paracity can grow along the Oshiwara chain of slums in Mumbai providing better liv-ing conditions cleaning up the Oshiwara River and more effectively treating the urban waste that is flooding in from the surrounding city Paracity can parachute into Nairobi and start growing from the fertile top-soil of the slums Paracity should grow into the favelas of Brazil and start celebrating the local knowledge of these organic communities Paracity is organic adaptable and wel-comes local knowledge The city is built by hands of a high diversity of different people

LOCAL KNOWLEDGEParacity is inspired by the Lo-cal Knowledge of Taipei the original Taiwanese urban ele-

ments that include a high level of self-made ldquoillegalrdquo archi-tecture self-organized com-munities extensive networks of self-organized community gardens and urban farms fluid nomadic ways of using the city communicative collective sub-conscious in community and urban scale feeling of domi-nating the no-manrsquos land by human nature and other forms of constructive anarchy The Paracity basically only pro-vides the primary structure the three dimensional landscape for the Local Knowledge to be attached and grow The prima-ry structure and the environ-mental technology solutions will remain pretty much the same no matter in which cul-ture the Paracity starts to grow but the real human layer of DIY architecture and gardens will follow the Local Knowledge of the respective culture and site Paracity is always site-specific and it is always local

Treasure Hill Taipei Taiwan

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


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Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

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Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

4 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Paracity TaipeiPicture Niilo Tenkanen

5Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

6 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


Paracity noudattaa orgaani-sessa kasvussaan Avoimen muodon (Open Form Oscar Hansen Svein Hatloy) meto-dologiaa jossa yhteisoumlt kas-vavat spontaaneiden ja toinen toisiaan agitoivien suunnitte-luratkaisuiden kautta Avoin muoto on kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml hyvin laumlhellauml taiwanilaista alku-ur-baania tapaa rakentaa itseor-ganisoituvia ja usein epaumlvi-rallisia yhdyskuntia Naumlmauml mikrourbaanit yhteisoumlihin on keskittynyt runsaasti paikallis-ta tietoa joka on myoumlskin Pa-racityn kasvuvoima Paracity on paikallisen tiedon komposti jonka energia ruokkii siitauml yh-teisoumljaumlaumln kasvattavia kaupun-kilaisia

Keskitetty arkkitehtooninen kontolli on avattu jotta luonto mukaanlukien ihmisluonto voi astua sisaumlaumln Paracityn elauml-maumlauml tuottava volyymi maksi-maalinen ndash existence maxi-mum (vrt Spinal Tap volume 11) joka ylittaumlauml inhimillisen kontrollin


Paracity tarjoaa yhteisoumln kehi-tykselle rungon johon ihmiset tuottavat lihan Design ei voi korvata todellisuutta Flesh is More Primaumlaumlristruktuuri koostuu 6-metriauml pitkistauml ti-kuista joiden vahvuus on 50 cm Rakennusmateriaalina on ristikkaumlinlaminoitu massii-vipuu CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) Tikut muodostavat 6x6x6 m kuutioita joita Taipein pilottikohteessa on pinottu korkeimmillaan 8 paumlaumlllekkaumlin eli 16 kerroksen korkeuteen CLTllauml on loistavat maanjaumlris-tyksen- ja palonkesto-ominai-suudet Tikut liittyvaumlt toisiinsa puuliitoksin ja kaupunkilaiset voivat halutessaan itse kasvat-taa primaumlaumlrirunkoa tai sitten

rungon pystytyksestauml vastaa paikallinen yhteistyoumlrakennut-taja CLT-runko tarjoaa alustan jolle kaupunkilaiset itse toteut-tavat asumuksensa yhteisoumln-sauml ja viljelyksensauml

YMPAumlRISTOuml- TEKNOLOGIAParacityn biourbaanin kasvun mahdollistaa yhdessauml VTTn kanssa kehitetty modulaari-nen ympaumlristoumlteknologia joka tuottaa kaupunkirakenteel-le sen tarvitsemat sisaumlelimet kasvutarpeiden mukaisesti Ympaumlristoumlteknologia tarjoaa mm seuraavia ratkaisuja

bull Paracityn ja ympaumlroumlivaumln Taipein jaumltevesien kaumlsitte-ly

bull Vedenpuhdistus - Para-cityn kaumlyttoumlvesi otetaan saastuneesta Dans-hui-joesta

bull Lietteen kaumlyttouml kaupunki-viljelysten lannoittamiseen ja bioenergian raaka-ai-neena

bull Suljettu vedenkiertobull Kalojen aumlyriaumlisten ja vesi-

kasvien viljelybull Ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin

rakennusten purkujaumltteen kierraumltys yksityisasuntojen rakennusmateriaaliksi

bull Biomassan kasvattaminen Taipein tulvatasangoilla ja sen hyoumldyntaumlminen bioe-nergian laumlhteenauml

bull Aurinkoenergia


Paracityn tuottaa bionenergiaa omasta ja ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamasta orgaani-sesta jaumltteestauml sekauml Taipein tulvatasangoilta niitettaumlvaumlstauml biomassasta Niittaumlminen ta-pahtuu proomuista kaumlsin Laa-jamittainen nopeasti kasva-van biomassan viljely Danhui Keelong ja Xindian jokien tul-vatasangoilla edesauttaa Tai-

pein mikroilmastoa ja kaupun-kiekologiaa ja se puhdistaa saastunutta jokiympaumlristoumlauml biologisesti Paracity taumlhtaumlauml Taipein jokien luonnonmukai-seen restaurointiin

PARASIITTI- URBANISMIParacity elaumlauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamista materiaa-livirroista Jopa saastunut joki on voimanlaumlhde taumllle biour-baanille sisaumlelimelle Paracity on keskiaikaista laumlaumlketiedettauml juotikkaiden kaumlyttoumlauml ruumiin-kierron parantamiseen Para-city paumlaumlstaumlauml Taipeista pahaa verta ja kaumlyttaumlauml taumlmaumln resurs-sinaan Virallisesti 37 Taipein jaumltevedestauml lasketaan suoraan kaumlsittelemaumlttauml jokiin Paracity haluaa taumlmaumln kaiken ja se ha-luaa kaiken muunkin rdquojaumltteenrdquo jota kaupunki ei pysty kaumlsitte-lemaumlaumln Paracity elaumlaumlkin ym-paumlroumlivaumln kaupungin kanssa samankaltaisessa symbioo-sissa kuin slummi kaupukin-omadit puhdistavat staattista kaupunkia sen kuonasta Pa-racityssauml prosessia on ainoas-taan tehostettu modulaarisella ympaumlristoumlteknolgialla Paracity on high-tech slummi

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity on Kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin siemen 3G kaupunki on teollisen kau-pungin (2G) orgaaninen rau-nio Modulaarinen biourbaani organismi kasvaa maumlaumlraumlaumlvaumln luonnonlain mukaan existen-ce maximum Primaumlaumlristruk-tuuri kasvaa ihmisten mukaan ja saavutettuaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylittaumlauml tulva-tasangoilta Taipein 12 m kor-kean tulvamuurin ja kasvaa sisaumllle teolliseen kaupunkiin ja alkaa raunioittaa sitauml Paraci-tyn siemeniauml alkaa itaumlauml Taipein sisaumlllauml kollektiivipuutarhoissa

kaupunkiviljelyksissauml laitto-milla asuinalueilla hylaumltyillauml hautausmailla ja muilla raken-tamattomilla pisteillauml josta ne alkavat vaikuttaa ympauml-roumlivaumln kaupungin biologiseen kuntouttamiseen kaupunkia-kupunktion keinoin Niistauml pisteistauml Paracity levittaumlytyy kaupunkiin seuraten katettuja joki- ja kastelujaumlrjestelmaumluo-mia kuten Liukong kanavajaumlr-jestelmaumlauml ja lopulta biourbaani orbanismi ja staattinen kau-punki saavuttavat biologisesti kestaumlvaumln tasapainon eli Kol-mannen sukupolven kaupun-gin


Juurruttuaan tulvatasangoille ja saavutettuaan kasvussaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylit-taumlauml Taipein 12 metrisen tul-vamuurin joka nykyisellaumlaumln erottaa rakennetun ihmisym-paumlristoumln jokiluonnosta Tulva-muuri jaumlauml teolliseksi reliktiksi Paracityn sisuksiin mutta uusi orgaaninen kaupunkirakenne mahdollistaa teollisen kaupun-gin ja jokiluonnon kohtaamisen ja yhteiselon Paracity toimii vaumllittaumlvaumlnauml rakenteena jokito-dellisuuden ja urbaanin fiktion vaumllillauml ndash siltana ihmisluonnon ja luonnon vaumllissauml


Paracityn biourbanismi kas-vaa osaksi luontoa Rakenne on komposti jossa eri orgaa-niset tasot limittyvaumlt ja sekoit-tuvat keskenaumlaumln agritektuu-riksi jonka kehitystauml maumlaumlraumlauml ihmisluonto osana luontoa Kaupungin kaumlyttoumlvesi ja vilje-lysten kasteluvesi puhdiste-taan saastuneesta jokivedestauml Puhdistettu vesi pumpataan Paracityn kattotasanteille jos-sa se hapetetaan ja edelleen juurakkopuhdistetaan kasvu-kenttien laumlpi Katoilta puhdas vesi valuu painovoimaisesti

yhteisoumlpuutarhoille ja kaupun-kiviljelyksille Kaupungin paumlauml-energianlaumlhteenauml toimii joen runsasravinteisilla tulvatasan-goilla kasvatettava biomassa

BIOURBAANI RESTAURAATIOParacity on positiivinen or-gaaninen syoumlpauml Taipein me-kaanisessa kudoksessa Se elaumlauml symbioosissa ympaumlroumli-vaumln kaupungin kanssa jota se puhdistaa saasteista ja jonka kehitystauml se vaumllillises-ti ohjaa kohti biologista kau-punkirestauraatiota Paracity on vaihtoehtoinen todellisuus teolliselle kasvulle kaupun-kiakupunktioneula joka kun-touttaa ympaumlroumlivaumlauml kaupunkia samaan tapaan kuin spon-taanit kollektiivipuutarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset Paracityn fragmentit ympaumlri Taipeita muodostavat kaupunkiaku-punktuurin verkoston joka saumlaumltaumlauml teollista kehitystauml kohti orgaanista Se raunioittaa teol-lista kaupunkia ja pyrkii saat-tamaan sen osaksi luontoa ndash kohti Kolmannen sukupolven kaupunkia


Paracity sopeutuu elaumlmaumlaumln tai-fuunien mukana sykkivaumln tulvi-van joen kanssa Koko kaupun-kirakenne seisoo CLT-tolppien paumlaumlllauml ja joki paumlaumlsee vapaasti nousemaan sen ensimmaumlisiin tyhjiin kerroksiin Itse asiassa Paracity matkii joen tulvimista pyrkimyksenaumlaumlaumln olla arkki-tehtoninen tulva joka ylittaumlauml Taipein tulvamuurin ja levittaumly-tyy mekaaniseen kaupunkiin


Paracity on syntynyt Taipein kaupungistuneen tulvatasan-gon paikallisesta tiedosta al-kuperaumlisistauml taiwanilaisista yhteisoumlmalleista jotka ovat


7Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014



Number of overlapping blocks

Paumlaumlllekaumlisten kuutioiden maumlaumlrauml






6 - 8


Nerves alleys lanes passageways streets Kaupungin hermot kadut kujat

Paved areas Aukiot

Wild areas Villi luonto

Fields Pellot

Growing of biomass Biomassan viljely

Urban park Urbaani puisto

Bioplant Biovoimala

Barges Bioproomut


100 m

itserakentuneita rdquolaittomiardquo yhteisoumljauml joissa ihmiset ra-kentavat omat talonsa ja saumlauml-taumlvaumlt yhteisoumlnsauml kasvamaan luonnon ehdoilla Paikallisen tiedon ilmentymiauml ovat myoumls Taipein lukuisat kollektiivipuu-tarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset jotka valtaavat tyhjiauml tontte-ja ja jaumlttoumlmaata kaupungista Kaupunkinomadit aistivat kau-pungin energiakenttiauml ja kyke-nevaumlt kommunikoimaan kol-lektiivisen alitajunnan kanssa Keskusjohtoinen kaupunki on pelkkauml alusta jolla paikallinen tieto velloo oman orgaanisen tajuntansa mukaisesti Pai-kallinen tieto sitoo modernit-

kin taipeilaiset osaksi luontoa Paracity tarjoaa kasvualustan paikallisen tiedon rakenteelli-selle anarkialle jonka todelli-sen inhimillisen tason rakenta-vat kapunkilaiset itse Paracity on joka paikassa erilainen ja paikallisen tiedon kulttuuriin si-dottu Ainoastaan primaumlaumlrira-kenne ja ympaumlristoumlteknologi-set ratkaisut pysyvaumlt samoina ja mahdollistavat paikkasidon-naisen biourbaanin kasvun

BIOKLIMAATTINEN ARKKITEHTUURIParacityssauml on paljon reikiauml kuiluja ja tunneleita Raken-

ne tuulettaa itse itsensauml kuin suuri teollisten hyoumlnteisten keko Laumlmpoumltilaerot kattopin-tojen viljelysten varjoisien pin-tojen ja vesielementtien vaumllillauml generoivat tuulia ja ilmavirtoja Yksittaumliset rakennukset nou-dattavat luonnonmukaisen il-mankierron periaatteita


Paracityn pilottikohde on suunniteltu Taipeihin mutta jaumlrjestelmauml on kehitetty toteut-tamiskelpoiseksi eri kohteisiin ympaumlri maailman Paracity tar-joaa vaihtoehdon Kiinan strate-giselle kaupunkisuunnittelulle

jokikaupunkien luonnonmukai-semmalle kehitykselle Paraci-tyn rakennetta voidaan kaumlyttaumlauml myoumls erikokoisina kaupunkia-kupunktioneuloina teollisesti kasvavien kaupunkien ekolo-gisessa restauroinnissa Para-city voi toimia puskurivyoumlhyk-keenauml saastuttavan kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllillauml kuten slum-mit esim Mumbaissa tai Ja-kartassa Rakenne voi kasvaa slummeista joiden asukkaille se tarjoaa paremman elinym-paumlristoumln ja joissa se tehostaa slummien nykykaumlytaumlntoumlauml kauml-sitellauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottamia jaumltteitauml Paracity so-veltuu tulviville ja tsunamiriski-

alueille Paracity on valittu yh-deksi koerakenteeksi Japanin Tohokun alueen tsunamituhon jaumllleenrakennukseen Paracity on orgaaninen sopeutuvainen ja paikalliseen tietoon reagoiva kaupunkirakenne joka parsii yhteen teollisen kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllistauml kuilua

Picture Joni Virkki

8 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

OPEN FORMIn its growth Paracity is follow-ing the organic design meth-odology of Open Form (Os-car Hansen Svein Hatloy) in which community level design is viewed as an open dialog with design actions generating spontaneous design reactions within the surroundings Open Form is close to the original Taiwanese ways of developing the self organized and often ldquoil-legalrdquo communities These mi-crourban settlements are con-taining a high volume of Local Knowledge which we also be-lieve will start composting in Paracity when opening up the community development to the citizens

Centralized architectural con-trol is opened up in order to let nature including human nature to step in The life providing volume of Paracity is 11 exist-ence maximum highest possi-ble life in the given conditions

and more

CLT SKELETONParacity provides the skeleton but citizens bring in the flesh Design should not replace re-ality Flesh is More The skel-eton the primary structure of

Paracity is constructed out of 6 meters long (50x50 cm profile) cross laminated timber CLT sticks which are used to form 6x6x6 m cubes that are piled up to 16 stories high (8 cubes) The CLT primary structure has a fine earthquake performance and it is fire resistant The structural elements sticks with wood joints are prefab-ricated and transported to the Paracity Island on barges The construction work ndash the growing of the Paracity prima-ry organism can be manually done by residents in teams of by professional parasite con-structors The CLT structure is just a landscape on which citizens will attach their own

houses and gardens

ENVIROMENTAL TECHNOLOGYThe biourban growth of the Paracity is supported by high environmental technology which is mounted on barges These modular bio-vessels are attached to the Paracity ser-vice harbour and can be ad-justed according to the needs of the evolving urban organ-ism The post-industrial fleet of bio-vessels can travel along the Taipei river system and is

ready to start the biourban restoration process also from other hot-spots of the river city The environmental technology barges provide solutions for

bull Waste water treatment of Paracity and of the sur-rounding Taipei

bull Water purification The in-frastructural water circula-tion is originated from the polluted Danshui River

bull Sludge treatment for ferti-lizer and bio-energy

bull Closed circuit aquaculture

bull Recycling of construction waste

bull Recycling of organic waste for fertilizer and bio-ener-gy

The barges have no problem with the flooding river

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity is a seed of the Third Generation City the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city (2G) The modular biourban organism is designed to grow following the rule of nature existence maximum The pri-mary structure can be grown by people and after Paracity

has reached the critical mass the life providing system of the CLT structure will start es-calating It will cross the river and start rooting on the flood plains Then it will cross the 12 meters high Taipei flood wall and grow gradually into the city Seeds of the Paracity will start rooting in the urban acu-puncture points of Taipei ille-gal community gardens urban farms abandoned cemeteries and waste-lands From these acupuncture points the Parac-ity will start growing following the covered irrigation systems such as the Liukong Channel and eventually the biourban or-ganism and the static city will find a balance the Third Gen-eration Taipei

PARASITE URBANISMParacity is living off the ma-terial streams from the sur-rounding Taipei Even the pol-luted river is a resource for this biourban intestine Parac-ity is Medieval medicine using leaches to cure the circulation Paracity is letting off the bad blood of Taipei and it uses it a resource In fact it makes money out of the process Of-ficially 37 of the Taipei City

waste water goes untreated to the river Paracity wants it all And it wants all the other ma-terials which the industrial city is regarding as ldquowasterdquo Parac-ity and modern Taipei live in a similar kind of a symbiosis as a slum and the city the urban nomads will clean the static city from its ldquowasterdquo only in Paracity the cleaning and recy-cling process is boosted up by high environmental technolo-gy In a sense the Paracity is a high-tech slum

BIO-ENERGYThe main energy source for the Paracity is bio-energy which is using both treated organic waste and sludge from Parac-ity and surrounding Taipei and especially biomass that is harvested around Paracity and on the flood banks of the Taipei rivers The fertile flood banks flood plains and storm water channels provide ideal cultivation areas for fast grow-ing biomass plantations The vegetation will be harvested by boats and then shipped to Paracity Bio-Energy Facility The growing of the biomass on the river banks will also ben-efit on the natural river resto-ration through root cleansing of sediment pollution and the

ELEMENTSPicture Niilo Tenkanen

9Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

biomass will have a positive impact on the Taipei micro cli-mate and urban ecology

MediatorAfter rooting on the riverside and gaining a critical mass the Paracity will climb over the 12 meters high reinforced con-crete flood wall which is sepa-rating modern Taipei from the rivers and nature The flood wall will remain in the guts of the Paracity but the new struc-ture enables Taipei citizens to fluently reach the river Parac-ity will reunite the river reality and the urban fiction Parac-ity is a mediator between the modern city and nature

BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTUREParacity has a lot of holes gaps and nature in-between houses The system is ventilat-ing itself like a large scale bee-hive of post-industrial insects The different temperatures of the roofs gardens water bod-ies and shaded platforms will generate small winds between them and the hot roofs will start sucking in breeze from the cooler river Also the indi-vidual houses should follow the traditional principles of bi-

oclimatic architecture and not rely on mechanical air-condi-tioning

FREE FLOODINGParacity is based on free flood-ing The whole city is standing on stilts allowing the river to pulsate freely with the frequent typhoons and storm waters The environmental technology of the Paracity is mounted on barges which have no problem with the flooding either Actu-ally the Paracity is an organic architectural flood itself ready to cross the flood wall of Taipei and spread into the mechani-cal city

BIOURBAN RESTORATIONParacity is a positive organic tumour in the mechanical tis-sue of Taipei While it is leach-ing and processing the indus-trial and organic waste of the city it is gaining momentum in its growth and becomes more and more important to the static industrial urbanism Paracity is an alternative real-ity within the industrial devel-opment and will start treating the city the same ways as the urban acupuncture points of illegal community gardens and

urban farms of Taipei do today Paracity has the ability to be-come a network of biourban acupuncture tuning the whole industrial city towards the or-ganic ruining the industrialism on its way to become part of nature the Third Generation City

ORGANIC LAYERSThe biourbanism of the Parac-ity is as much landscape as it is architecture The totalitari-an landscape-architecture of Paracity includes organic lay-ers for natural water purifica-tion and treatment community gardening farming and bio-mass production as an energy source Infrastructure and ir-rigation water originates from the polluted Danshui river and will be both chemically and bi-ologically purified before being used in the farms gardens and houses of the community The chemically purified water gets pumped to the roof parks on the top level of the Paracity from where the gravity will cir-culate the water into the three dimensional irrigation sys-tems

ADAPTABILITYThe pilot-project of the Paraci-ty is designed in Taipei but the solution is developed to work in different locations around the world Paracity offers an alter-native for the Chinese strategic urban planning to start ecolog-ically harmonizing the grow-ing river cities of China And Paracity can be used as urban acupuncture for the emerging cities of China and elsewhere Paracity can grow along the Oshiwara chain of slums in Mumbai providing better liv-ing conditions cleaning up the Oshiwara River and more effectively treating the urban waste that is flooding in from the surrounding city Paracity can parachute into Nairobi and start growing from the fertile top-soil of the slums Paracity should grow into the favelas of Brazil and start celebrating the local knowledge of these organic communities Paracity is organic adaptable and wel-comes local knowledge The city is built by hands of a high diversity of different people

LOCAL KNOWLEDGEParacity is inspired by the Lo-cal Knowledge of Taipei the original Taiwanese urban ele-

ments that include a high level of self-made ldquoillegalrdquo archi-tecture self-organized com-munities extensive networks of self-organized community gardens and urban farms fluid nomadic ways of using the city communicative collective sub-conscious in community and urban scale feeling of domi-nating the no-manrsquos land by human nature and other forms of constructive anarchy The Paracity basically only pro-vides the primary structure the three dimensional landscape for the Local Knowledge to be attached and grow The prima-ry structure and the environ-mental technology solutions will remain pretty much the same no matter in which cul-ture the Paracity starts to grow but the real human layer of DIY architecture and gardens will follow the Local Knowledge of the respective culture and site Paracity is always site-specific and it is always local

Treasure Hill Taipei Taiwan

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

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Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

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Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

5Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

6 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


Paracity noudattaa orgaani-sessa kasvussaan Avoimen muodon (Open Form Oscar Hansen Svein Hatloy) meto-dologiaa jossa yhteisoumlt kas-vavat spontaaneiden ja toinen toisiaan agitoivien suunnitte-luratkaisuiden kautta Avoin muoto on kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml hyvin laumlhellauml taiwanilaista alku-ur-baania tapaa rakentaa itseor-ganisoituvia ja usein epaumlvi-rallisia yhdyskuntia Naumlmauml mikrourbaanit yhteisoumlihin on keskittynyt runsaasti paikallis-ta tietoa joka on myoumlskin Pa-racityn kasvuvoima Paracity on paikallisen tiedon komposti jonka energia ruokkii siitauml yh-teisoumljaumlaumln kasvattavia kaupun-kilaisia

Keskitetty arkkitehtooninen kontolli on avattu jotta luonto mukaanlukien ihmisluonto voi astua sisaumlaumln Paracityn elauml-maumlauml tuottava volyymi maksi-maalinen ndash existence maxi-mum (vrt Spinal Tap volume 11) joka ylittaumlauml inhimillisen kontrollin


Paracity tarjoaa yhteisoumln kehi-tykselle rungon johon ihmiset tuottavat lihan Design ei voi korvata todellisuutta Flesh is More Primaumlaumlristruktuuri koostuu 6-metriauml pitkistauml ti-kuista joiden vahvuus on 50 cm Rakennusmateriaalina on ristikkaumlinlaminoitu massii-vipuu CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) Tikut muodostavat 6x6x6 m kuutioita joita Taipein pilottikohteessa on pinottu korkeimmillaan 8 paumlaumlllekkaumlin eli 16 kerroksen korkeuteen CLTllauml on loistavat maanjaumlris-tyksen- ja palonkesto-ominai-suudet Tikut liittyvaumlt toisiinsa puuliitoksin ja kaupunkilaiset voivat halutessaan itse kasvat-taa primaumlaumlrirunkoa tai sitten

rungon pystytyksestauml vastaa paikallinen yhteistyoumlrakennut-taja CLT-runko tarjoaa alustan jolle kaupunkilaiset itse toteut-tavat asumuksensa yhteisoumln-sauml ja viljelyksensauml

YMPAumlRISTOuml- TEKNOLOGIAParacityn biourbaanin kasvun mahdollistaa yhdessauml VTTn kanssa kehitetty modulaari-nen ympaumlristoumlteknologia joka tuottaa kaupunkirakenteel-le sen tarvitsemat sisaumlelimet kasvutarpeiden mukaisesti Ympaumlristoumlteknologia tarjoaa mm seuraavia ratkaisuja

bull Paracityn ja ympaumlroumlivaumln Taipein jaumltevesien kaumlsitte-ly

bull Vedenpuhdistus - Para-cityn kaumlyttoumlvesi otetaan saastuneesta Dans-hui-joesta

bull Lietteen kaumlyttouml kaupunki-viljelysten lannoittamiseen ja bioenergian raaka-ai-neena

bull Suljettu vedenkiertobull Kalojen aumlyriaumlisten ja vesi-

kasvien viljelybull Ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin

rakennusten purkujaumltteen kierraumltys yksityisasuntojen rakennusmateriaaliksi

bull Biomassan kasvattaminen Taipein tulvatasangoilla ja sen hyoumldyntaumlminen bioe-nergian laumlhteenauml

bull Aurinkoenergia


Paracityn tuottaa bionenergiaa omasta ja ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamasta orgaani-sesta jaumltteestauml sekauml Taipein tulvatasangoilta niitettaumlvaumlstauml biomassasta Niittaumlminen ta-pahtuu proomuista kaumlsin Laa-jamittainen nopeasti kasva-van biomassan viljely Danhui Keelong ja Xindian jokien tul-vatasangoilla edesauttaa Tai-

pein mikroilmastoa ja kaupun-kiekologiaa ja se puhdistaa saastunutta jokiympaumlristoumlauml biologisesti Paracity taumlhtaumlauml Taipein jokien luonnonmukai-seen restaurointiin

PARASIITTI- URBANISMIParacity elaumlauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamista materiaa-livirroista Jopa saastunut joki on voimanlaumlhde taumllle biour-baanille sisaumlelimelle Paracity on keskiaikaista laumlaumlketiedettauml juotikkaiden kaumlyttoumlauml ruumiin-kierron parantamiseen Para-city paumlaumlstaumlauml Taipeista pahaa verta ja kaumlyttaumlauml taumlmaumln resurs-sinaan Virallisesti 37 Taipein jaumltevedestauml lasketaan suoraan kaumlsittelemaumlttauml jokiin Paracity haluaa taumlmaumln kaiken ja se ha-luaa kaiken muunkin rdquojaumltteenrdquo jota kaupunki ei pysty kaumlsitte-lemaumlaumln Paracity elaumlaumlkin ym-paumlroumlivaumln kaupungin kanssa samankaltaisessa symbioo-sissa kuin slummi kaupukin-omadit puhdistavat staattista kaupunkia sen kuonasta Pa-racityssauml prosessia on ainoas-taan tehostettu modulaarisella ympaumlristoumlteknolgialla Paracity on high-tech slummi

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity on Kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin siemen 3G kaupunki on teollisen kau-pungin (2G) orgaaninen rau-nio Modulaarinen biourbaani organismi kasvaa maumlaumlraumlaumlvaumln luonnonlain mukaan existen-ce maximum Primaumlaumlristruk-tuuri kasvaa ihmisten mukaan ja saavutettuaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylittaumlauml tulva-tasangoilta Taipein 12 m kor-kean tulvamuurin ja kasvaa sisaumllle teolliseen kaupunkiin ja alkaa raunioittaa sitauml Paraci-tyn siemeniauml alkaa itaumlauml Taipein sisaumlllauml kollektiivipuutarhoissa

kaupunkiviljelyksissauml laitto-milla asuinalueilla hylaumltyillauml hautausmailla ja muilla raken-tamattomilla pisteillauml josta ne alkavat vaikuttaa ympauml-roumlivaumln kaupungin biologiseen kuntouttamiseen kaupunkia-kupunktion keinoin Niistauml pisteistauml Paracity levittaumlytyy kaupunkiin seuraten katettuja joki- ja kastelujaumlrjestelmaumluo-mia kuten Liukong kanavajaumlr-jestelmaumlauml ja lopulta biourbaani orbanismi ja staattinen kau-punki saavuttavat biologisesti kestaumlvaumln tasapainon eli Kol-mannen sukupolven kaupun-gin


Juurruttuaan tulvatasangoille ja saavutettuaan kasvussaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylit-taumlauml Taipein 12 metrisen tul-vamuurin joka nykyisellaumlaumln erottaa rakennetun ihmisym-paumlristoumln jokiluonnosta Tulva-muuri jaumlauml teolliseksi reliktiksi Paracityn sisuksiin mutta uusi orgaaninen kaupunkirakenne mahdollistaa teollisen kaupun-gin ja jokiluonnon kohtaamisen ja yhteiselon Paracity toimii vaumllittaumlvaumlnauml rakenteena jokito-dellisuuden ja urbaanin fiktion vaumllillauml ndash siltana ihmisluonnon ja luonnon vaumllissauml


Paracityn biourbanismi kas-vaa osaksi luontoa Rakenne on komposti jossa eri orgaa-niset tasot limittyvaumlt ja sekoit-tuvat keskenaumlaumln agritektuu-riksi jonka kehitystauml maumlaumlraumlauml ihmisluonto osana luontoa Kaupungin kaumlyttoumlvesi ja vilje-lysten kasteluvesi puhdiste-taan saastuneesta jokivedestauml Puhdistettu vesi pumpataan Paracityn kattotasanteille jos-sa se hapetetaan ja edelleen juurakkopuhdistetaan kasvu-kenttien laumlpi Katoilta puhdas vesi valuu painovoimaisesti

yhteisoumlpuutarhoille ja kaupun-kiviljelyksille Kaupungin paumlauml-energianlaumlhteenauml toimii joen runsasravinteisilla tulvatasan-goilla kasvatettava biomassa

BIOURBAANI RESTAURAATIOParacity on positiivinen or-gaaninen syoumlpauml Taipein me-kaanisessa kudoksessa Se elaumlauml symbioosissa ympaumlroumli-vaumln kaupungin kanssa jota se puhdistaa saasteista ja jonka kehitystauml se vaumllillises-ti ohjaa kohti biologista kau-punkirestauraatiota Paracity on vaihtoehtoinen todellisuus teolliselle kasvulle kaupun-kiakupunktioneula joka kun-touttaa ympaumlroumlivaumlauml kaupunkia samaan tapaan kuin spon-taanit kollektiivipuutarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset Paracityn fragmentit ympaumlri Taipeita muodostavat kaupunkiaku-punktuurin verkoston joka saumlaumltaumlauml teollista kehitystauml kohti orgaanista Se raunioittaa teol-lista kaupunkia ja pyrkii saat-tamaan sen osaksi luontoa ndash kohti Kolmannen sukupolven kaupunkia


Paracity sopeutuu elaumlmaumlaumln tai-fuunien mukana sykkivaumln tulvi-van joen kanssa Koko kaupun-kirakenne seisoo CLT-tolppien paumlaumlllauml ja joki paumlaumlsee vapaasti nousemaan sen ensimmaumlisiin tyhjiin kerroksiin Itse asiassa Paracity matkii joen tulvimista pyrkimyksenaumlaumlaumln olla arkki-tehtoninen tulva joka ylittaumlauml Taipein tulvamuurin ja levittaumly-tyy mekaaniseen kaupunkiin


Paracity on syntynyt Taipein kaupungistuneen tulvatasan-gon paikallisesta tiedosta al-kuperaumlisistauml taiwanilaisista yhteisoumlmalleista jotka ovat


7Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014



Number of overlapping blocks

Paumlaumlllekaumlisten kuutioiden maumlaumlrauml






6 - 8


Nerves alleys lanes passageways streets Kaupungin hermot kadut kujat

Paved areas Aukiot

Wild areas Villi luonto

Fields Pellot

Growing of biomass Biomassan viljely

Urban park Urbaani puisto

Bioplant Biovoimala

Barges Bioproomut


100 m

itserakentuneita rdquolaittomiardquo yhteisoumljauml joissa ihmiset ra-kentavat omat talonsa ja saumlauml-taumlvaumlt yhteisoumlnsauml kasvamaan luonnon ehdoilla Paikallisen tiedon ilmentymiauml ovat myoumls Taipein lukuisat kollektiivipuu-tarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset jotka valtaavat tyhjiauml tontte-ja ja jaumlttoumlmaata kaupungista Kaupunkinomadit aistivat kau-pungin energiakenttiauml ja kyke-nevaumlt kommunikoimaan kol-lektiivisen alitajunnan kanssa Keskusjohtoinen kaupunki on pelkkauml alusta jolla paikallinen tieto velloo oman orgaanisen tajuntansa mukaisesti Pai-kallinen tieto sitoo modernit-

kin taipeilaiset osaksi luontoa Paracity tarjoaa kasvualustan paikallisen tiedon rakenteelli-selle anarkialle jonka todelli-sen inhimillisen tason rakenta-vat kapunkilaiset itse Paracity on joka paikassa erilainen ja paikallisen tiedon kulttuuriin si-dottu Ainoastaan primaumlaumlrira-kenne ja ympaumlristoumlteknologi-set ratkaisut pysyvaumlt samoina ja mahdollistavat paikkasidon-naisen biourbaanin kasvun

BIOKLIMAATTINEN ARKKITEHTUURIParacityssauml on paljon reikiauml kuiluja ja tunneleita Raken-

ne tuulettaa itse itsensauml kuin suuri teollisten hyoumlnteisten keko Laumlmpoumltilaerot kattopin-tojen viljelysten varjoisien pin-tojen ja vesielementtien vaumllillauml generoivat tuulia ja ilmavirtoja Yksittaumliset rakennukset nou-dattavat luonnonmukaisen il-mankierron periaatteita


Paracityn pilottikohde on suunniteltu Taipeihin mutta jaumlrjestelmauml on kehitetty toteut-tamiskelpoiseksi eri kohteisiin ympaumlri maailman Paracity tar-joaa vaihtoehdon Kiinan strate-giselle kaupunkisuunnittelulle

jokikaupunkien luonnonmukai-semmalle kehitykselle Paraci-tyn rakennetta voidaan kaumlyttaumlauml myoumls erikokoisina kaupunkia-kupunktioneuloina teollisesti kasvavien kaupunkien ekolo-gisessa restauroinnissa Para-city voi toimia puskurivyoumlhyk-keenauml saastuttavan kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllillauml kuten slum-mit esim Mumbaissa tai Ja-kartassa Rakenne voi kasvaa slummeista joiden asukkaille se tarjoaa paremman elinym-paumlristoumln ja joissa se tehostaa slummien nykykaumlytaumlntoumlauml kauml-sitellauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottamia jaumltteitauml Paracity so-veltuu tulviville ja tsunamiriski-

alueille Paracity on valittu yh-deksi koerakenteeksi Japanin Tohokun alueen tsunamituhon jaumllleenrakennukseen Paracity on orgaaninen sopeutuvainen ja paikalliseen tietoon reagoiva kaupunkirakenne joka parsii yhteen teollisen kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllistauml kuilua

Picture Joni Virkki

8 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

OPEN FORMIn its growth Paracity is follow-ing the organic design meth-odology of Open Form (Os-car Hansen Svein Hatloy) in which community level design is viewed as an open dialog with design actions generating spontaneous design reactions within the surroundings Open Form is close to the original Taiwanese ways of developing the self organized and often ldquoil-legalrdquo communities These mi-crourban settlements are con-taining a high volume of Local Knowledge which we also be-lieve will start composting in Paracity when opening up the community development to the citizens

Centralized architectural con-trol is opened up in order to let nature including human nature to step in The life providing volume of Paracity is 11 exist-ence maximum highest possi-ble life in the given conditions

and more

CLT SKELETONParacity provides the skeleton but citizens bring in the flesh Design should not replace re-ality Flesh is More The skel-eton the primary structure of

Paracity is constructed out of 6 meters long (50x50 cm profile) cross laminated timber CLT sticks which are used to form 6x6x6 m cubes that are piled up to 16 stories high (8 cubes) The CLT primary structure has a fine earthquake performance and it is fire resistant The structural elements sticks with wood joints are prefab-ricated and transported to the Paracity Island on barges The construction work ndash the growing of the Paracity prima-ry organism can be manually done by residents in teams of by professional parasite con-structors The CLT structure is just a landscape on which citizens will attach their own

houses and gardens

ENVIROMENTAL TECHNOLOGYThe biourban growth of the Paracity is supported by high environmental technology which is mounted on barges These modular bio-vessels are attached to the Paracity ser-vice harbour and can be ad-justed according to the needs of the evolving urban organ-ism The post-industrial fleet of bio-vessels can travel along the Taipei river system and is

ready to start the biourban restoration process also from other hot-spots of the river city The environmental technology barges provide solutions for

bull Waste water treatment of Paracity and of the sur-rounding Taipei

bull Water purification The in-frastructural water circula-tion is originated from the polluted Danshui River

bull Sludge treatment for ferti-lizer and bio-energy

bull Closed circuit aquaculture

bull Recycling of construction waste

bull Recycling of organic waste for fertilizer and bio-ener-gy

The barges have no problem with the flooding river

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity is a seed of the Third Generation City the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city (2G) The modular biourban organism is designed to grow following the rule of nature existence maximum The pri-mary structure can be grown by people and after Paracity

has reached the critical mass the life providing system of the CLT structure will start es-calating It will cross the river and start rooting on the flood plains Then it will cross the 12 meters high Taipei flood wall and grow gradually into the city Seeds of the Paracity will start rooting in the urban acu-puncture points of Taipei ille-gal community gardens urban farms abandoned cemeteries and waste-lands From these acupuncture points the Parac-ity will start growing following the covered irrigation systems such as the Liukong Channel and eventually the biourban or-ganism and the static city will find a balance the Third Gen-eration Taipei

PARASITE URBANISMParacity is living off the ma-terial streams from the sur-rounding Taipei Even the pol-luted river is a resource for this biourban intestine Parac-ity is Medieval medicine using leaches to cure the circulation Paracity is letting off the bad blood of Taipei and it uses it a resource In fact it makes money out of the process Of-ficially 37 of the Taipei City

waste water goes untreated to the river Paracity wants it all And it wants all the other ma-terials which the industrial city is regarding as ldquowasterdquo Parac-ity and modern Taipei live in a similar kind of a symbiosis as a slum and the city the urban nomads will clean the static city from its ldquowasterdquo only in Paracity the cleaning and recy-cling process is boosted up by high environmental technolo-gy In a sense the Paracity is a high-tech slum

BIO-ENERGYThe main energy source for the Paracity is bio-energy which is using both treated organic waste and sludge from Parac-ity and surrounding Taipei and especially biomass that is harvested around Paracity and on the flood banks of the Taipei rivers The fertile flood banks flood plains and storm water channels provide ideal cultivation areas for fast grow-ing biomass plantations The vegetation will be harvested by boats and then shipped to Paracity Bio-Energy Facility The growing of the biomass on the river banks will also ben-efit on the natural river resto-ration through root cleansing of sediment pollution and the

ELEMENTSPicture Niilo Tenkanen

9Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

biomass will have a positive impact on the Taipei micro cli-mate and urban ecology

MediatorAfter rooting on the riverside and gaining a critical mass the Paracity will climb over the 12 meters high reinforced con-crete flood wall which is sepa-rating modern Taipei from the rivers and nature The flood wall will remain in the guts of the Paracity but the new struc-ture enables Taipei citizens to fluently reach the river Parac-ity will reunite the river reality and the urban fiction Parac-ity is a mediator between the modern city and nature

BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTUREParacity has a lot of holes gaps and nature in-between houses The system is ventilat-ing itself like a large scale bee-hive of post-industrial insects The different temperatures of the roofs gardens water bod-ies and shaded platforms will generate small winds between them and the hot roofs will start sucking in breeze from the cooler river Also the indi-vidual houses should follow the traditional principles of bi-

oclimatic architecture and not rely on mechanical air-condi-tioning

FREE FLOODINGParacity is based on free flood-ing The whole city is standing on stilts allowing the river to pulsate freely with the frequent typhoons and storm waters The environmental technology of the Paracity is mounted on barges which have no problem with the flooding either Actu-ally the Paracity is an organic architectural flood itself ready to cross the flood wall of Taipei and spread into the mechani-cal city

BIOURBAN RESTORATIONParacity is a positive organic tumour in the mechanical tis-sue of Taipei While it is leach-ing and processing the indus-trial and organic waste of the city it is gaining momentum in its growth and becomes more and more important to the static industrial urbanism Paracity is an alternative real-ity within the industrial devel-opment and will start treating the city the same ways as the urban acupuncture points of illegal community gardens and

urban farms of Taipei do today Paracity has the ability to be-come a network of biourban acupuncture tuning the whole industrial city towards the or-ganic ruining the industrialism on its way to become part of nature the Third Generation City

ORGANIC LAYERSThe biourbanism of the Parac-ity is as much landscape as it is architecture The totalitari-an landscape-architecture of Paracity includes organic lay-ers for natural water purifica-tion and treatment community gardening farming and bio-mass production as an energy source Infrastructure and ir-rigation water originates from the polluted Danshui river and will be both chemically and bi-ologically purified before being used in the farms gardens and houses of the community The chemically purified water gets pumped to the roof parks on the top level of the Paracity from where the gravity will cir-culate the water into the three dimensional irrigation sys-tems

ADAPTABILITYThe pilot-project of the Paraci-ty is designed in Taipei but the solution is developed to work in different locations around the world Paracity offers an alter-native for the Chinese strategic urban planning to start ecolog-ically harmonizing the grow-ing river cities of China And Paracity can be used as urban acupuncture for the emerging cities of China and elsewhere Paracity can grow along the Oshiwara chain of slums in Mumbai providing better liv-ing conditions cleaning up the Oshiwara River and more effectively treating the urban waste that is flooding in from the surrounding city Paracity can parachute into Nairobi and start growing from the fertile top-soil of the slums Paracity should grow into the favelas of Brazil and start celebrating the local knowledge of these organic communities Paracity is organic adaptable and wel-comes local knowledge The city is built by hands of a high diversity of different people

LOCAL KNOWLEDGEParacity is inspired by the Lo-cal Knowledge of Taipei the original Taiwanese urban ele-

ments that include a high level of self-made ldquoillegalrdquo archi-tecture self-organized com-munities extensive networks of self-organized community gardens and urban farms fluid nomadic ways of using the city communicative collective sub-conscious in community and urban scale feeling of domi-nating the no-manrsquos land by human nature and other forms of constructive anarchy The Paracity basically only pro-vides the primary structure the three dimensional landscape for the Local Knowledge to be attached and grow The prima-ry structure and the environ-mental technology solutions will remain pretty much the same no matter in which cul-ture the Paracity starts to grow but the real human layer of DIY architecture and gardens will follow the Local Knowledge of the respective culture and site Paracity is always site-specific and it is always local

Treasure Hill Taipei Taiwan

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

Adorno Theodor Negative Dialec-tics London 1973

Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

Benjamin Walter The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Re-producibility and Other Writings on Media Belknap Press 2008

Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

6 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


Paracity noudattaa orgaani-sessa kasvussaan Avoimen muodon (Open Form Oscar Hansen Svein Hatloy) meto-dologiaa jossa yhteisoumlt kas-vavat spontaaneiden ja toinen toisiaan agitoivien suunnitte-luratkaisuiden kautta Avoin muoto on kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml hyvin laumlhellauml taiwanilaista alku-ur-baania tapaa rakentaa itseor-ganisoituvia ja usein epaumlvi-rallisia yhdyskuntia Naumlmauml mikrourbaanit yhteisoumlihin on keskittynyt runsaasti paikallis-ta tietoa joka on myoumlskin Pa-racityn kasvuvoima Paracity on paikallisen tiedon komposti jonka energia ruokkii siitauml yh-teisoumljaumlaumln kasvattavia kaupun-kilaisia

Keskitetty arkkitehtooninen kontolli on avattu jotta luonto mukaanlukien ihmisluonto voi astua sisaumlaumln Paracityn elauml-maumlauml tuottava volyymi maksi-maalinen ndash existence maxi-mum (vrt Spinal Tap volume 11) joka ylittaumlauml inhimillisen kontrollin


Paracity tarjoaa yhteisoumln kehi-tykselle rungon johon ihmiset tuottavat lihan Design ei voi korvata todellisuutta Flesh is More Primaumlaumlristruktuuri koostuu 6-metriauml pitkistauml ti-kuista joiden vahvuus on 50 cm Rakennusmateriaalina on ristikkaumlinlaminoitu massii-vipuu CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber) Tikut muodostavat 6x6x6 m kuutioita joita Taipein pilottikohteessa on pinottu korkeimmillaan 8 paumlaumlllekkaumlin eli 16 kerroksen korkeuteen CLTllauml on loistavat maanjaumlris-tyksen- ja palonkesto-ominai-suudet Tikut liittyvaumlt toisiinsa puuliitoksin ja kaupunkilaiset voivat halutessaan itse kasvat-taa primaumlaumlrirunkoa tai sitten

rungon pystytyksestauml vastaa paikallinen yhteistyoumlrakennut-taja CLT-runko tarjoaa alustan jolle kaupunkilaiset itse toteut-tavat asumuksensa yhteisoumln-sauml ja viljelyksensauml

YMPAumlRISTOuml- TEKNOLOGIAParacityn biourbaanin kasvun mahdollistaa yhdessauml VTTn kanssa kehitetty modulaari-nen ympaumlristoumlteknologia joka tuottaa kaupunkirakenteel-le sen tarvitsemat sisaumlelimet kasvutarpeiden mukaisesti Ympaumlristoumlteknologia tarjoaa mm seuraavia ratkaisuja

bull Paracityn ja ympaumlroumlivaumln Taipein jaumltevesien kaumlsitte-ly

bull Vedenpuhdistus - Para-cityn kaumlyttoumlvesi otetaan saastuneesta Dans-hui-joesta

bull Lietteen kaumlyttouml kaupunki-viljelysten lannoittamiseen ja bioenergian raaka-ai-neena

bull Suljettu vedenkiertobull Kalojen aumlyriaumlisten ja vesi-

kasvien viljelybull Ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin

rakennusten purkujaumltteen kierraumltys yksityisasuntojen rakennusmateriaaliksi

bull Biomassan kasvattaminen Taipein tulvatasangoilla ja sen hyoumldyntaumlminen bioe-nergian laumlhteenauml

bull Aurinkoenergia


Paracityn tuottaa bionenergiaa omasta ja ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamasta orgaani-sesta jaumltteestauml sekauml Taipein tulvatasangoilta niitettaumlvaumlstauml biomassasta Niittaumlminen ta-pahtuu proomuista kaumlsin Laa-jamittainen nopeasti kasva-van biomassan viljely Danhui Keelong ja Xindian jokien tul-vatasangoilla edesauttaa Tai-

pein mikroilmastoa ja kaupun-kiekologiaa ja se puhdistaa saastunutta jokiympaumlristoumlauml biologisesti Paracity taumlhtaumlauml Taipein jokien luonnonmukai-seen restaurointiin

PARASIITTI- URBANISMIParacity elaumlauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kau-pungin tuottamista materiaa-livirroista Jopa saastunut joki on voimanlaumlhde taumllle biour-baanille sisaumlelimelle Paracity on keskiaikaista laumlaumlketiedettauml juotikkaiden kaumlyttoumlauml ruumiin-kierron parantamiseen Para-city paumlaumlstaumlauml Taipeista pahaa verta ja kaumlyttaumlauml taumlmaumln resurs-sinaan Virallisesti 37 Taipein jaumltevedestauml lasketaan suoraan kaumlsittelemaumlttauml jokiin Paracity haluaa taumlmaumln kaiken ja se ha-luaa kaiken muunkin rdquojaumltteenrdquo jota kaupunki ei pysty kaumlsitte-lemaumlaumln Paracity elaumlaumlkin ym-paumlroumlivaumln kaupungin kanssa samankaltaisessa symbioo-sissa kuin slummi kaupukin-omadit puhdistavat staattista kaupunkia sen kuonasta Pa-racityssauml prosessia on ainoas-taan tehostettu modulaarisella ympaumlristoumlteknolgialla Paracity on high-tech slummi

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity on Kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin siemen 3G kaupunki on teollisen kau-pungin (2G) orgaaninen rau-nio Modulaarinen biourbaani organismi kasvaa maumlaumlraumlaumlvaumln luonnonlain mukaan existen-ce maximum Primaumlaumlristruk-tuuri kasvaa ihmisten mukaan ja saavutettuaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylittaumlauml tulva-tasangoilta Taipein 12 m kor-kean tulvamuurin ja kasvaa sisaumllle teolliseen kaupunkiin ja alkaa raunioittaa sitauml Paraci-tyn siemeniauml alkaa itaumlauml Taipein sisaumlllauml kollektiivipuutarhoissa

kaupunkiviljelyksissauml laitto-milla asuinalueilla hylaumltyillauml hautausmailla ja muilla raken-tamattomilla pisteillauml josta ne alkavat vaikuttaa ympauml-roumlivaumln kaupungin biologiseen kuntouttamiseen kaupunkia-kupunktion keinoin Niistauml pisteistauml Paracity levittaumlytyy kaupunkiin seuraten katettuja joki- ja kastelujaumlrjestelmaumluo-mia kuten Liukong kanavajaumlr-jestelmaumlauml ja lopulta biourbaani orbanismi ja staattinen kau-punki saavuttavat biologisesti kestaumlvaumln tasapainon eli Kol-mannen sukupolven kaupun-gin


Juurruttuaan tulvatasangoille ja saavutettuaan kasvussaan kriittisen massan Paracity ylit-taumlauml Taipein 12 metrisen tul-vamuurin joka nykyisellaumlaumln erottaa rakennetun ihmisym-paumlristoumln jokiluonnosta Tulva-muuri jaumlauml teolliseksi reliktiksi Paracityn sisuksiin mutta uusi orgaaninen kaupunkirakenne mahdollistaa teollisen kaupun-gin ja jokiluonnon kohtaamisen ja yhteiselon Paracity toimii vaumllittaumlvaumlnauml rakenteena jokito-dellisuuden ja urbaanin fiktion vaumllillauml ndash siltana ihmisluonnon ja luonnon vaumllissauml


Paracityn biourbanismi kas-vaa osaksi luontoa Rakenne on komposti jossa eri orgaa-niset tasot limittyvaumlt ja sekoit-tuvat keskenaumlaumln agritektuu-riksi jonka kehitystauml maumlaumlraumlauml ihmisluonto osana luontoa Kaupungin kaumlyttoumlvesi ja vilje-lysten kasteluvesi puhdiste-taan saastuneesta jokivedestauml Puhdistettu vesi pumpataan Paracityn kattotasanteille jos-sa se hapetetaan ja edelleen juurakkopuhdistetaan kasvu-kenttien laumlpi Katoilta puhdas vesi valuu painovoimaisesti

yhteisoumlpuutarhoille ja kaupun-kiviljelyksille Kaupungin paumlauml-energianlaumlhteenauml toimii joen runsasravinteisilla tulvatasan-goilla kasvatettava biomassa

BIOURBAANI RESTAURAATIOParacity on positiivinen or-gaaninen syoumlpauml Taipein me-kaanisessa kudoksessa Se elaumlauml symbioosissa ympaumlroumli-vaumln kaupungin kanssa jota se puhdistaa saasteista ja jonka kehitystauml se vaumllillises-ti ohjaa kohti biologista kau-punkirestauraatiota Paracity on vaihtoehtoinen todellisuus teolliselle kasvulle kaupun-kiakupunktioneula joka kun-touttaa ympaumlroumlivaumlauml kaupunkia samaan tapaan kuin spon-taanit kollektiivipuutarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset Paracityn fragmentit ympaumlri Taipeita muodostavat kaupunkiaku-punktuurin verkoston joka saumlaumltaumlauml teollista kehitystauml kohti orgaanista Se raunioittaa teol-lista kaupunkia ja pyrkii saat-tamaan sen osaksi luontoa ndash kohti Kolmannen sukupolven kaupunkia


Paracity sopeutuu elaumlmaumlaumln tai-fuunien mukana sykkivaumln tulvi-van joen kanssa Koko kaupun-kirakenne seisoo CLT-tolppien paumlaumlllauml ja joki paumlaumlsee vapaasti nousemaan sen ensimmaumlisiin tyhjiin kerroksiin Itse asiassa Paracity matkii joen tulvimista pyrkimyksenaumlaumlaumln olla arkki-tehtoninen tulva joka ylittaumlauml Taipein tulvamuurin ja levittaumly-tyy mekaaniseen kaupunkiin


Paracity on syntynyt Taipein kaupungistuneen tulvatasan-gon paikallisesta tiedosta al-kuperaumlisistauml taiwanilaisista yhteisoumlmalleista jotka ovat


7Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014



Number of overlapping blocks

Paumlaumlllekaumlisten kuutioiden maumlaumlrauml






6 - 8


Nerves alleys lanes passageways streets Kaupungin hermot kadut kujat

Paved areas Aukiot

Wild areas Villi luonto

Fields Pellot

Growing of biomass Biomassan viljely

Urban park Urbaani puisto

Bioplant Biovoimala

Barges Bioproomut


100 m

itserakentuneita rdquolaittomiardquo yhteisoumljauml joissa ihmiset ra-kentavat omat talonsa ja saumlauml-taumlvaumlt yhteisoumlnsauml kasvamaan luonnon ehdoilla Paikallisen tiedon ilmentymiauml ovat myoumls Taipein lukuisat kollektiivipuu-tarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset jotka valtaavat tyhjiauml tontte-ja ja jaumlttoumlmaata kaupungista Kaupunkinomadit aistivat kau-pungin energiakenttiauml ja kyke-nevaumlt kommunikoimaan kol-lektiivisen alitajunnan kanssa Keskusjohtoinen kaupunki on pelkkauml alusta jolla paikallinen tieto velloo oman orgaanisen tajuntansa mukaisesti Pai-kallinen tieto sitoo modernit-

kin taipeilaiset osaksi luontoa Paracity tarjoaa kasvualustan paikallisen tiedon rakenteelli-selle anarkialle jonka todelli-sen inhimillisen tason rakenta-vat kapunkilaiset itse Paracity on joka paikassa erilainen ja paikallisen tiedon kulttuuriin si-dottu Ainoastaan primaumlaumlrira-kenne ja ympaumlristoumlteknologi-set ratkaisut pysyvaumlt samoina ja mahdollistavat paikkasidon-naisen biourbaanin kasvun

BIOKLIMAATTINEN ARKKITEHTUURIParacityssauml on paljon reikiauml kuiluja ja tunneleita Raken-

ne tuulettaa itse itsensauml kuin suuri teollisten hyoumlnteisten keko Laumlmpoumltilaerot kattopin-tojen viljelysten varjoisien pin-tojen ja vesielementtien vaumllillauml generoivat tuulia ja ilmavirtoja Yksittaumliset rakennukset nou-dattavat luonnonmukaisen il-mankierron periaatteita


Paracityn pilottikohde on suunniteltu Taipeihin mutta jaumlrjestelmauml on kehitetty toteut-tamiskelpoiseksi eri kohteisiin ympaumlri maailman Paracity tar-joaa vaihtoehdon Kiinan strate-giselle kaupunkisuunnittelulle

jokikaupunkien luonnonmukai-semmalle kehitykselle Paraci-tyn rakennetta voidaan kaumlyttaumlauml myoumls erikokoisina kaupunkia-kupunktioneuloina teollisesti kasvavien kaupunkien ekolo-gisessa restauroinnissa Para-city voi toimia puskurivyoumlhyk-keenauml saastuttavan kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllillauml kuten slum-mit esim Mumbaissa tai Ja-kartassa Rakenne voi kasvaa slummeista joiden asukkaille se tarjoaa paremman elinym-paumlristoumln ja joissa se tehostaa slummien nykykaumlytaumlntoumlauml kauml-sitellauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottamia jaumltteitauml Paracity so-veltuu tulviville ja tsunamiriski-

alueille Paracity on valittu yh-deksi koerakenteeksi Japanin Tohokun alueen tsunamituhon jaumllleenrakennukseen Paracity on orgaaninen sopeutuvainen ja paikalliseen tietoon reagoiva kaupunkirakenne joka parsii yhteen teollisen kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllistauml kuilua

Picture Joni Virkki

8 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

OPEN FORMIn its growth Paracity is follow-ing the organic design meth-odology of Open Form (Os-car Hansen Svein Hatloy) in which community level design is viewed as an open dialog with design actions generating spontaneous design reactions within the surroundings Open Form is close to the original Taiwanese ways of developing the self organized and often ldquoil-legalrdquo communities These mi-crourban settlements are con-taining a high volume of Local Knowledge which we also be-lieve will start composting in Paracity when opening up the community development to the citizens

Centralized architectural con-trol is opened up in order to let nature including human nature to step in The life providing volume of Paracity is 11 exist-ence maximum highest possi-ble life in the given conditions

and more

CLT SKELETONParacity provides the skeleton but citizens bring in the flesh Design should not replace re-ality Flesh is More The skel-eton the primary structure of

Paracity is constructed out of 6 meters long (50x50 cm profile) cross laminated timber CLT sticks which are used to form 6x6x6 m cubes that are piled up to 16 stories high (8 cubes) The CLT primary structure has a fine earthquake performance and it is fire resistant The structural elements sticks with wood joints are prefab-ricated and transported to the Paracity Island on barges The construction work ndash the growing of the Paracity prima-ry organism can be manually done by residents in teams of by professional parasite con-structors The CLT structure is just a landscape on which citizens will attach their own

houses and gardens

ENVIROMENTAL TECHNOLOGYThe biourban growth of the Paracity is supported by high environmental technology which is mounted on barges These modular bio-vessels are attached to the Paracity ser-vice harbour and can be ad-justed according to the needs of the evolving urban organ-ism The post-industrial fleet of bio-vessels can travel along the Taipei river system and is

ready to start the biourban restoration process also from other hot-spots of the river city The environmental technology barges provide solutions for

bull Waste water treatment of Paracity and of the sur-rounding Taipei

bull Water purification The in-frastructural water circula-tion is originated from the polluted Danshui River

bull Sludge treatment for ferti-lizer and bio-energy

bull Closed circuit aquaculture

bull Recycling of construction waste

bull Recycling of organic waste for fertilizer and bio-ener-gy

The barges have no problem with the flooding river

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity is a seed of the Third Generation City the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city (2G) The modular biourban organism is designed to grow following the rule of nature existence maximum The pri-mary structure can be grown by people and after Paracity

has reached the critical mass the life providing system of the CLT structure will start es-calating It will cross the river and start rooting on the flood plains Then it will cross the 12 meters high Taipei flood wall and grow gradually into the city Seeds of the Paracity will start rooting in the urban acu-puncture points of Taipei ille-gal community gardens urban farms abandoned cemeteries and waste-lands From these acupuncture points the Parac-ity will start growing following the covered irrigation systems such as the Liukong Channel and eventually the biourban or-ganism and the static city will find a balance the Third Gen-eration Taipei

PARASITE URBANISMParacity is living off the ma-terial streams from the sur-rounding Taipei Even the pol-luted river is a resource for this biourban intestine Parac-ity is Medieval medicine using leaches to cure the circulation Paracity is letting off the bad blood of Taipei and it uses it a resource In fact it makes money out of the process Of-ficially 37 of the Taipei City

waste water goes untreated to the river Paracity wants it all And it wants all the other ma-terials which the industrial city is regarding as ldquowasterdquo Parac-ity and modern Taipei live in a similar kind of a symbiosis as a slum and the city the urban nomads will clean the static city from its ldquowasterdquo only in Paracity the cleaning and recy-cling process is boosted up by high environmental technolo-gy In a sense the Paracity is a high-tech slum

BIO-ENERGYThe main energy source for the Paracity is bio-energy which is using both treated organic waste and sludge from Parac-ity and surrounding Taipei and especially biomass that is harvested around Paracity and on the flood banks of the Taipei rivers The fertile flood banks flood plains and storm water channels provide ideal cultivation areas for fast grow-ing biomass plantations The vegetation will be harvested by boats and then shipped to Paracity Bio-Energy Facility The growing of the biomass on the river banks will also ben-efit on the natural river resto-ration through root cleansing of sediment pollution and the

ELEMENTSPicture Niilo Tenkanen

9Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

biomass will have a positive impact on the Taipei micro cli-mate and urban ecology

MediatorAfter rooting on the riverside and gaining a critical mass the Paracity will climb over the 12 meters high reinforced con-crete flood wall which is sepa-rating modern Taipei from the rivers and nature The flood wall will remain in the guts of the Paracity but the new struc-ture enables Taipei citizens to fluently reach the river Parac-ity will reunite the river reality and the urban fiction Parac-ity is a mediator between the modern city and nature

BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTUREParacity has a lot of holes gaps and nature in-between houses The system is ventilat-ing itself like a large scale bee-hive of post-industrial insects The different temperatures of the roofs gardens water bod-ies and shaded platforms will generate small winds between them and the hot roofs will start sucking in breeze from the cooler river Also the indi-vidual houses should follow the traditional principles of bi-

oclimatic architecture and not rely on mechanical air-condi-tioning

FREE FLOODINGParacity is based on free flood-ing The whole city is standing on stilts allowing the river to pulsate freely with the frequent typhoons and storm waters The environmental technology of the Paracity is mounted on barges which have no problem with the flooding either Actu-ally the Paracity is an organic architectural flood itself ready to cross the flood wall of Taipei and spread into the mechani-cal city

BIOURBAN RESTORATIONParacity is a positive organic tumour in the mechanical tis-sue of Taipei While it is leach-ing and processing the indus-trial and organic waste of the city it is gaining momentum in its growth and becomes more and more important to the static industrial urbanism Paracity is an alternative real-ity within the industrial devel-opment and will start treating the city the same ways as the urban acupuncture points of illegal community gardens and

urban farms of Taipei do today Paracity has the ability to be-come a network of biourban acupuncture tuning the whole industrial city towards the or-ganic ruining the industrialism on its way to become part of nature the Third Generation City

ORGANIC LAYERSThe biourbanism of the Parac-ity is as much landscape as it is architecture The totalitari-an landscape-architecture of Paracity includes organic lay-ers for natural water purifica-tion and treatment community gardening farming and bio-mass production as an energy source Infrastructure and ir-rigation water originates from the polluted Danshui river and will be both chemically and bi-ologically purified before being used in the farms gardens and houses of the community The chemically purified water gets pumped to the roof parks on the top level of the Paracity from where the gravity will cir-culate the water into the three dimensional irrigation sys-tems

ADAPTABILITYThe pilot-project of the Paraci-ty is designed in Taipei but the solution is developed to work in different locations around the world Paracity offers an alter-native for the Chinese strategic urban planning to start ecolog-ically harmonizing the grow-ing river cities of China And Paracity can be used as urban acupuncture for the emerging cities of China and elsewhere Paracity can grow along the Oshiwara chain of slums in Mumbai providing better liv-ing conditions cleaning up the Oshiwara River and more effectively treating the urban waste that is flooding in from the surrounding city Paracity can parachute into Nairobi and start growing from the fertile top-soil of the slums Paracity should grow into the favelas of Brazil and start celebrating the local knowledge of these organic communities Paracity is organic adaptable and wel-comes local knowledge The city is built by hands of a high diversity of different people

LOCAL KNOWLEDGEParacity is inspired by the Lo-cal Knowledge of Taipei the original Taiwanese urban ele-

ments that include a high level of self-made ldquoillegalrdquo archi-tecture self-organized com-munities extensive networks of self-organized community gardens and urban farms fluid nomadic ways of using the city communicative collective sub-conscious in community and urban scale feeling of domi-nating the no-manrsquos land by human nature and other forms of constructive anarchy The Paracity basically only pro-vides the primary structure the three dimensional landscape for the Local Knowledge to be attached and grow The prima-ry structure and the environ-mental technology solutions will remain pretty much the same no matter in which cul-ture the Paracity starts to grow but the real human layer of DIY architecture and gardens will follow the Local Knowledge of the respective culture and site Paracity is always site-specific and it is always local

Treasure Hill Taipei Taiwan

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

Adorno Theodor Negative Dialec-tics London 1973

Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

Benjamin Walter The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Re-producibility and Other Writings on Media Belknap Press 2008

Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

7Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014



Number of overlapping blocks

Paumlaumlllekaumlisten kuutioiden maumlaumlrauml






6 - 8


Nerves alleys lanes passageways streets Kaupungin hermot kadut kujat

Paved areas Aukiot

Wild areas Villi luonto

Fields Pellot

Growing of biomass Biomassan viljely

Urban park Urbaani puisto

Bioplant Biovoimala

Barges Bioproomut


100 m

itserakentuneita rdquolaittomiardquo yhteisoumljauml joissa ihmiset ra-kentavat omat talonsa ja saumlauml-taumlvaumlt yhteisoumlnsauml kasvamaan luonnon ehdoilla Paikallisen tiedon ilmentymiauml ovat myoumls Taipein lukuisat kollektiivipuu-tarhat ja kaupunkiviljelykset jotka valtaavat tyhjiauml tontte-ja ja jaumlttoumlmaata kaupungista Kaupunkinomadit aistivat kau-pungin energiakenttiauml ja kyke-nevaumlt kommunikoimaan kol-lektiivisen alitajunnan kanssa Keskusjohtoinen kaupunki on pelkkauml alusta jolla paikallinen tieto velloo oman orgaanisen tajuntansa mukaisesti Pai-kallinen tieto sitoo modernit-

kin taipeilaiset osaksi luontoa Paracity tarjoaa kasvualustan paikallisen tiedon rakenteelli-selle anarkialle jonka todelli-sen inhimillisen tason rakenta-vat kapunkilaiset itse Paracity on joka paikassa erilainen ja paikallisen tiedon kulttuuriin si-dottu Ainoastaan primaumlaumlrira-kenne ja ympaumlristoumlteknologi-set ratkaisut pysyvaumlt samoina ja mahdollistavat paikkasidon-naisen biourbaanin kasvun

BIOKLIMAATTINEN ARKKITEHTUURIParacityssauml on paljon reikiauml kuiluja ja tunneleita Raken-

ne tuulettaa itse itsensauml kuin suuri teollisten hyoumlnteisten keko Laumlmpoumltilaerot kattopin-tojen viljelysten varjoisien pin-tojen ja vesielementtien vaumllillauml generoivat tuulia ja ilmavirtoja Yksittaumliset rakennukset nou-dattavat luonnonmukaisen il-mankierron periaatteita


Paracityn pilottikohde on suunniteltu Taipeihin mutta jaumlrjestelmauml on kehitetty toteut-tamiskelpoiseksi eri kohteisiin ympaumlri maailman Paracity tar-joaa vaihtoehdon Kiinan strate-giselle kaupunkisuunnittelulle

jokikaupunkien luonnonmukai-semmalle kehitykselle Paraci-tyn rakennetta voidaan kaumlyttaumlauml myoumls erikokoisina kaupunkia-kupunktioneuloina teollisesti kasvavien kaupunkien ekolo-gisessa restauroinnissa Para-city voi toimia puskurivyoumlhyk-keenauml saastuttavan kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllillauml kuten slum-mit esim Mumbaissa tai Ja-kartassa Rakenne voi kasvaa slummeista joiden asukkaille se tarjoaa paremman elinym-paumlristoumln ja joissa se tehostaa slummien nykykaumlytaumlntoumlauml kauml-sitellauml ympaumlroumlivaumln kaupungin tuottamia jaumltteitauml Paracity so-veltuu tulviville ja tsunamiriski-

alueille Paracity on valittu yh-deksi koerakenteeksi Japanin Tohokun alueen tsunamituhon jaumllleenrakennukseen Paracity on orgaaninen sopeutuvainen ja paikalliseen tietoon reagoiva kaupunkirakenne joka parsii yhteen teollisen kaupungin ja luonnon vaumllistauml kuilua

Picture Joni Virkki

8 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

OPEN FORMIn its growth Paracity is follow-ing the organic design meth-odology of Open Form (Os-car Hansen Svein Hatloy) in which community level design is viewed as an open dialog with design actions generating spontaneous design reactions within the surroundings Open Form is close to the original Taiwanese ways of developing the self organized and often ldquoil-legalrdquo communities These mi-crourban settlements are con-taining a high volume of Local Knowledge which we also be-lieve will start composting in Paracity when opening up the community development to the citizens

Centralized architectural con-trol is opened up in order to let nature including human nature to step in The life providing volume of Paracity is 11 exist-ence maximum highest possi-ble life in the given conditions

and more

CLT SKELETONParacity provides the skeleton but citizens bring in the flesh Design should not replace re-ality Flesh is More The skel-eton the primary structure of

Paracity is constructed out of 6 meters long (50x50 cm profile) cross laminated timber CLT sticks which are used to form 6x6x6 m cubes that are piled up to 16 stories high (8 cubes) The CLT primary structure has a fine earthquake performance and it is fire resistant The structural elements sticks with wood joints are prefab-ricated and transported to the Paracity Island on barges The construction work ndash the growing of the Paracity prima-ry organism can be manually done by residents in teams of by professional parasite con-structors The CLT structure is just a landscape on which citizens will attach their own

houses and gardens

ENVIROMENTAL TECHNOLOGYThe biourban growth of the Paracity is supported by high environmental technology which is mounted on barges These modular bio-vessels are attached to the Paracity ser-vice harbour and can be ad-justed according to the needs of the evolving urban organ-ism The post-industrial fleet of bio-vessels can travel along the Taipei river system and is

ready to start the biourban restoration process also from other hot-spots of the river city The environmental technology barges provide solutions for

bull Waste water treatment of Paracity and of the sur-rounding Taipei

bull Water purification The in-frastructural water circula-tion is originated from the polluted Danshui River

bull Sludge treatment for ferti-lizer and bio-energy

bull Closed circuit aquaculture

bull Recycling of construction waste

bull Recycling of organic waste for fertilizer and bio-ener-gy

The barges have no problem with the flooding river

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity is a seed of the Third Generation City the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city (2G) The modular biourban organism is designed to grow following the rule of nature existence maximum The pri-mary structure can be grown by people and after Paracity

has reached the critical mass the life providing system of the CLT structure will start es-calating It will cross the river and start rooting on the flood plains Then it will cross the 12 meters high Taipei flood wall and grow gradually into the city Seeds of the Paracity will start rooting in the urban acu-puncture points of Taipei ille-gal community gardens urban farms abandoned cemeteries and waste-lands From these acupuncture points the Parac-ity will start growing following the covered irrigation systems such as the Liukong Channel and eventually the biourban or-ganism and the static city will find a balance the Third Gen-eration Taipei

PARASITE URBANISMParacity is living off the ma-terial streams from the sur-rounding Taipei Even the pol-luted river is a resource for this biourban intestine Parac-ity is Medieval medicine using leaches to cure the circulation Paracity is letting off the bad blood of Taipei and it uses it a resource In fact it makes money out of the process Of-ficially 37 of the Taipei City

waste water goes untreated to the river Paracity wants it all And it wants all the other ma-terials which the industrial city is regarding as ldquowasterdquo Parac-ity and modern Taipei live in a similar kind of a symbiosis as a slum and the city the urban nomads will clean the static city from its ldquowasterdquo only in Paracity the cleaning and recy-cling process is boosted up by high environmental technolo-gy In a sense the Paracity is a high-tech slum

BIO-ENERGYThe main energy source for the Paracity is bio-energy which is using both treated organic waste and sludge from Parac-ity and surrounding Taipei and especially biomass that is harvested around Paracity and on the flood banks of the Taipei rivers The fertile flood banks flood plains and storm water channels provide ideal cultivation areas for fast grow-ing biomass plantations The vegetation will be harvested by boats and then shipped to Paracity Bio-Energy Facility The growing of the biomass on the river banks will also ben-efit on the natural river resto-ration through root cleansing of sediment pollution and the

ELEMENTSPicture Niilo Tenkanen

9Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

biomass will have a positive impact on the Taipei micro cli-mate and urban ecology

MediatorAfter rooting on the riverside and gaining a critical mass the Paracity will climb over the 12 meters high reinforced con-crete flood wall which is sepa-rating modern Taipei from the rivers and nature The flood wall will remain in the guts of the Paracity but the new struc-ture enables Taipei citizens to fluently reach the river Parac-ity will reunite the river reality and the urban fiction Parac-ity is a mediator between the modern city and nature

BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTUREParacity has a lot of holes gaps and nature in-between houses The system is ventilat-ing itself like a large scale bee-hive of post-industrial insects The different temperatures of the roofs gardens water bod-ies and shaded platforms will generate small winds between them and the hot roofs will start sucking in breeze from the cooler river Also the indi-vidual houses should follow the traditional principles of bi-

oclimatic architecture and not rely on mechanical air-condi-tioning

FREE FLOODINGParacity is based on free flood-ing The whole city is standing on stilts allowing the river to pulsate freely with the frequent typhoons and storm waters The environmental technology of the Paracity is mounted on barges which have no problem with the flooding either Actu-ally the Paracity is an organic architectural flood itself ready to cross the flood wall of Taipei and spread into the mechani-cal city

BIOURBAN RESTORATIONParacity is a positive organic tumour in the mechanical tis-sue of Taipei While it is leach-ing and processing the indus-trial and organic waste of the city it is gaining momentum in its growth and becomes more and more important to the static industrial urbanism Paracity is an alternative real-ity within the industrial devel-opment and will start treating the city the same ways as the urban acupuncture points of illegal community gardens and

urban farms of Taipei do today Paracity has the ability to be-come a network of biourban acupuncture tuning the whole industrial city towards the or-ganic ruining the industrialism on its way to become part of nature the Third Generation City

ORGANIC LAYERSThe biourbanism of the Parac-ity is as much landscape as it is architecture The totalitari-an landscape-architecture of Paracity includes organic lay-ers for natural water purifica-tion and treatment community gardening farming and bio-mass production as an energy source Infrastructure and ir-rigation water originates from the polluted Danshui river and will be both chemically and bi-ologically purified before being used in the farms gardens and houses of the community The chemically purified water gets pumped to the roof parks on the top level of the Paracity from where the gravity will cir-culate the water into the three dimensional irrigation sys-tems

ADAPTABILITYThe pilot-project of the Paraci-ty is designed in Taipei but the solution is developed to work in different locations around the world Paracity offers an alter-native for the Chinese strategic urban planning to start ecolog-ically harmonizing the grow-ing river cities of China And Paracity can be used as urban acupuncture for the emerging cities of China and elsewhere Paracity can grow along the Oshiwara chain of slums in Mumbai providing better liv-ing conditions cleaning up the Oshiwara River and more effectively treating the urban waste that is flooding in from the surrounding city Paracity can parachute into Nairobi and start growing from the fertile top-soil of the slums Paracity should grow into the favelas of Brazil and start celebrating the local knowledge of these organic communities Paracity is organic adaptable and wel-comes local knowledge The city is built by hands of a high diversity of different people

LOCAL KNOWLEDGEParacity is inspired by the Lo-cal Knowledge of Taipei the original Taiwanese urban ele-

ments that include a high level of self-made ldquoillegalrdquo archi-tecture self-organized com-munities extensive networks of self-organized community gardens and urban farms fluid nomadic ways of using the city communicative collective sub-conscious in community and urban scale feeling of domi-nating the no-manrsquos land by human nature and other forms of constructive anarchy The Paracity basically only pro-vides the primary structure the three dimensional landscape for the Local Knowledge to be attached and grow The prima-ry structure and the environ-mental technology solutions will remain pretty much the same no matter in which cul-ture the Paracity starts to grow but the real human layer of DIY architecture and gardens will follow the Local Knowledge of the respective culture and site Paracity is always site-specific and it is always local

Treasure Hill Taipei Taiwan

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

Adorno Theodor Negative Dialec-tics London 1973

Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

Benjamin Walter The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Re-producibility and Other Writings on Media Belknap Press 2008

Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

8 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

OPEN FORMIn its growth Paracity is follow-ing the organic design meth-odology of Open Form (Os-car Hansen Svein Hatloy) in which community level design is viewed as an open dialog with design actions generating spontaneous design reactions within the surroundings Open Form is close to the original Taiwanese ways of developing the self organized and often ldquoil-legalrdquo communities These mi-crourban settlements are con-taining a high volume of Local Knowledge which we also be-lieve will start composting in Paracity when opening up the community development to the citizens

Centralized architectural con-trol is opened up in order to let nature including human nature to step in The life providing volume of Paracity is 11 exist-ence maximum highest possi-ble life in the given conditions

and more

CLT SKELETONParacity provides the skeleton but citizens bring in the flesh Design should not replace re-ality Flesh is More The skel-eton the primary structure of

Paracity is constructed out of 6 meters long (50x50 cm profile) cross laminated timber CLT sticks which are used to form 6x6x6 m cubes that are piled up to 16 stories high (8 cubes) The CLT primary structure has a fine earthquake performance and it is fire resistant The structural elements sticks with wood joints are prefab-ricated and transported to the Paracity Island on barges The construction work ndash the growing of the Paracity prima-ry organism can be manually done by residents in teams of by professional parasite con-structors The CLT structure is just a landscape on which citizens will attach their own

houses and gardens

ENVIROMENTAL TECHNOLOGYThe biourban growth of the Paracity is supported by high environmental technology which is mounted on barges These modular bio-vessels are attached to the Paracity ser-vice harbour and can be ad-justed according to the needs of the evolving urban organ-ism The post-industrial fleet of bio-vessels can travel along the Taipei river system and is

ready to start the biourban restoration process also from other hot-spots of the river city The environmental technology barges provide solutions for

bull Waste water treatment of Paracity and of the sur-rounding Taipei

bull Water purification The in-frastructural water circula-tion is originated from the polluted Danshui River

bull Sludge treatment for ferti-lizer and bio-energy

bull Closed circuit aquaculture

bull Recycling of construction waste

bull Recycling of organic waste for fertilizer and bio-ener-gy

The barges have no problem with the flooding river

EXISTENCE MAXIMUMParacity is a seed of the Third Generation City the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city (2G) The modular biourban organism is designed to grow following the rule of nature existence maximum The pri-mary structure can be grown by people and after Paracity

has reached the critical mass the life providing system of the CLT structure will start es-calating It will cross the river and start rooting on the flood plains Then it will cross the 12 meters high Taipei flood wall and grow gradually into the city Seeds of the Paracity will start rooting in the urban acu-puncture points of Taipei ille-gal community gardens urban farms abandoned cemeteries and waste-lands From these acupuncture points the Parac-ity will start growing following the covered irrigation systems such as the Liukong Channel and eventually the biourban or-ganism and the static city will find a balance the Third Gen-eration Taipei

PARASITE URBANISMParacity is living off the ma-terial streams from the sur-rounding Taipei Even the pol-luted river is a resource for this biourban intestine Parac-ity is Medieval medicine using leaches to cure the circulation Paracity is letting off the bad blood of Taipei and it uses it a resource In fact it makes money out of the process Of-ficially 37 of the Taipei City

waste water goes untreated to the river Paracity wants it all And it wants all the other ma-terials which the industrial city is regarding as ldquowasterdquo Parac-ity and modern Taipei live in a similar kind of a symbiosis as a slum and the city the urban nomads will clean the static city from its ldquowasterdquo only in Paracity the cleaning and recy-cling process is boosted up by high environmental technolo-gy In a sense the Paracity is a high-tech slum

BIO-ENERGYThe main energy source for the Paracity is bio-energy which is using both treated organic waste and sludge from Parac-ity and surrounding Taipei and especially biomass that is harvested around Paracity and on the flood banks of the Taipei rivers The fertile flood banks flood plains and storm water channels provide ideal cultivation areas for fast grow-ing biomass plantations The vegetation will be harvested by boats and then shipped to Paracity Bio-Energy Facility The growing of the biomass on the river banks will also ben-efit on the natural river resto-ration through root cleansing of sediment pollution and the

ELEMENTSPicture Niilo Tenkanen

9Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

biomass will have a positive impact on the Taipei micro cli-mate and urban ecology

MediatorAfter rooting on the riverside and gaining a critical mass the Paracity will climb over the 12 meters high reinforced con-crete flood wall which is sepa-rating modern Taipei from the rivers and nature The flood wall will remain in the guts of the Paracity but the new struc-ture enables Taipei citizens to fluently reach the river Parac-ity will reunite the river reality and the urban fiction Parac-ity is a mediator between the modern city and nature

BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTUREParacity has a lot of holes gaps and nature in-between houses The system is ventilat-ing itself like a large scale bee-hive of post-industrial insects The different temperatures of the roofs gardens water bod-ies and shaded platforms will generate small winds between them and the hot roofs will start sucking in breeze from the cooler river Also the indi-vidual houses should follow the traditional principles of bi-

oclimatic architecture and not rely on mechanical air-condi-tioning

FREE FLOODINGParacity is based on free flood-ing The whole city is standing on stilts allowing the river to pulsate freely with the frequent typhoons and storm waters The environmental technology of the Paracity is mounted on barges which have no problem with the flooding either Actu-ally the Paracity is an organic architectural flood itself ready to cross the flood wall of Taipei and spread into the mechani-cal city

BIOURBAN RESTORATIONParacity is a positive organic tumour in the mechanical tis-sue of Taipei While it is leach-ing and processing the indus-trial and organic waste of the city it is gaining momentum in its growth and becomes more and more important to the static industrial urbanism Paracity is an alternative real-ity within the industrial devel-opment and will start treating the city the same ways as the urban acupuncture points of illegal community gardens and

urban farms of Taipei do today Paracity has the ability to be-come a network of biourban acupuncture tuning the whole industrial city towards the or-ganic ruining the industrialism on its way to become part of nature the Third Generation City

ORGANIC LAYERSThe biourbanism of the Parac-ity is as much landscape as it is architecture The totalitari-an landscape-architecture of Paracity includes organic lay-ers for natural water purifica-tion and treatment community gardening farming and bio-mass production as an energy source Infrastructure and ir-rigation water originates from the polluted Danshui river and will be both chemically and bi-ologically purified before being used in the farms gardens and houses of the community The chemically purified water gets pumped to the roof parks on the top level of the Paracity from where the gravity will cir-culate the water into the three dimensional irrigation sys-tems

ADAPTABILITYThe pilot-project of the Paraci-ty is designed in Taipei but the solution is developed to work in different locations around the world Paracity offers an alter-native for the Chinese strategic urban planning to start ecolog-ically harmonizing the grow-ing river cities of China And Paracity can be used as urban acupuncture for the emerging cities of China and elsewhere Paracity can grow along the Oshiwara chain of slums in Mumbai providing better liv-ing conditions cleaning up the Oshiwara River and more effectively treating the urban waste that is flooding in from the surrounding city Paracity can parachute into Nairobi and start growing from the fertile top-soil of the slums Paracity should grow into the favelas of Brazil and start celebrating the local knowledge of these organic communities Paracity is organic adaptable and wel-comes local knowledge The city is built by hands of a high diversity of different people

LOCAL KNOWLEDGEParacity is inspired by the Lo-cal Knowledge of Taipei the original Taiwanese urban ele-

ments that include a high level of self-made ldquoillegalrdquo archi-tecture self-organized com-munities extensive networks of self-organized community gardens and urban farms fluid nomadic ways of using the city communicative collective sub-conscious in community and urban scale feeling of domi-nating the no-manrsquos land by human nature and other forms of constructive anarchy The Paracity basically only pro-vides the primary structure the three dimensional landscape for the Local Knowledge to be attached and grow The prima-ry structure and the environ-mental technology solutions will remain pretty much the same no matter in which cul-ture the Paracity starts to grow but the real human layer of DIY architecture and gardens will follow the Local Knowledge of the respective culture and site Paracity is always site-specific and it is always local

Treasure Hill Taipei Taiwan

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

Adorno Theodor Negative Dialec-tics London 1973

Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

Benjamin Walter The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Re-producibility and Other Writings on Media Belknap Press 2008

Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

9Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

biomass will have a positive impact on the Taipei micro cli-mate and urban ecology

MediatorAfter rooting on the riverside and gaining a critical mass the Paracity will climb over the 12 meters high reinforced con-crete flood wall which is sepa-rating modern Taipei from the rivers and nature The flood wall will remain in the guts of the Paracity but the new struc-ture enables Taipei citizens to fluently reach the river Parac-ity will reunite the river reality and the urban fiction Parac-ity is a mediator between the modern city and nature

BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTUREParacity has a lot of holes gaps and nature in-between houses The system is ventilat-ing itself like a large scale bee-hive of post-industrial insects The different temperatures of the roofs gardens water bod-ies and shaded platforms will generate small winds between them and the hot roofs will start sucking in breeze from the cooler river Also the indi-vidual houses should follow the traditional principles of bi-

oclimatic architecture and not rely on mechanical air-condi-tioning

FREE FLOODINGParacity is based on free flood-ing The whole city is standing on stilts allowing the river to pulsate freely with the frequent typhoons and storm waters The environmental technology of the Paracity is mounted on barges which have no problem with the flooding either Actu-ally the Paracity is an organic architectural flood itself ready to cross the flood wall of Taipei and spread into the mechani-cal city

BIOURBAN RESTORATIONParacity is a positive organic tumour in the mechanical tis-sue of Taipei While it is leach-ing and processing the indus-trial and organic waste of the city it is gaining momentum in its growth and becomes more and more important to the static industrial urbanism Paracity is an alternative real-ity within the industrial devel-opment and will start treating the city the same ways as the urban acupuncture points of illegal community gardens and

urban farms of Taipei do today Paracity has the ability to be-come a network of biourban acupuncture tuning the whole industrial city towards the or-ganic ruining the industrialism on its way to become part of nature the Third Generation City

ORGANIC LAYERSThe biourbanism of the Parac-ity is as much landscape as it is architecture The totalitari-an landscape-architecture of Paracity includes organic lay-ers for natural water purifica-tion and treatment community gardening farming and bio-mass production as an energy source Infrastructure and ir-rigation water originates from the polluted Danshui river and will be both chemically and bi-ologically purified before being used in the farms gardens and houses of the community The chemically purified water gets pumped to the roof parks on the top level of the Paracity from where the gravity will cir-culate the water into the three dimensional irrigation sys-tems

ADAPTABILITYThe pilot-project of the Paraci-ty is designed in Taipei but the solution is developed to work in different locations around the world Paracity offers an alter-native for the Chinese strategic urban planning to start ecolog-ically harmonizing the grow-ing river cities of China And Paracity can be used as urban acupuncture for the emerging cities of China and elsewhere Paracity can grow along the Oshiwara chain of slums in Mumbai providing better liv-ing conditions cleaning up the Oshiwara River and more effectively treating the urban waste that is flooding in from the surrounding city Paracity can parachute into Nairobi and start growing from the fertile top-soil of the slums Paracity should grow into the favelas of Brazil and start celebrating the local knowledge of these organic communities Paracity is organic adaptable and wel-comes local knowledge The city is built by hands of a high diversity of different people

LOCAL KNOWLEDGEParacity is inspired by the Lo-cal Knowledge of Taipei the original Taiwanese urban ele-

ments that include a high level of self-made ldquoillegalrdquo archi-tecture self-organized com-munities extensive networks of self-organized community gardens and urban farms fluid nomadic ways of using the city communicative collective sub-conscious in community and urban scale feeling of domi-nating the no-manrsquos land by human nature and other forms of constructive anarchy The Paracity basically only pro-vides the primary structure the three dimensional landscape for the Local Knowledge to be attached and grow The prima-ry structure and the environ-mental technology solutions will remain pretty much the same no matter in which cul-ture the Paracity starts to grow but the real human layer of DIY architecture and gardens will follow the Local Knowledge of the respective culture and site Paracity is always site-specific and it is always local

Treasure Hill Taipei Taiwan

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


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Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

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Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

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Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

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Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

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Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

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Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

10 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Chemical water treatment on the root layers

Purified water will be pumped up

Vesi puhdistetaan kemiallisesti ennen kuin se pumpataan yloumls

The gardens on the upper levels purify water biologically

The water will be oxidized while draining

Ylimpien kerrosten kattopuutarhat puhdistavat vettauml biologisesti

Virratessaan alas vesi myoumls hapettuu

The purified water can be used on the fields

Puhdistunutta vettauml kaumlytetaumlaumln kaupunkiviljelmillauml

The city will flourish

This really is an organic machine

Kaupunki kukoistaa

Taumlmauml jos jokin on orgaaninen kone


Pictures Niilo Tenkanen

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

Adorno Theodor Negative Dialec-tics London 1973

Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

Benjamin Walter The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Re-producibility and Other Writings on Media Belknap Press 2008

Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

11Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Text Marco Casagrande First generation city was the human settlement in straight connection with nature and dependent on nature The fertile and rich Taipei basin provided a fruitful environment for such a settlement The rivers were full of fish and good for transportation and the mountains protected the farmed plains from the straight-est hits of the frequent typhoons

The second generation city is the industrial city Industri-alism granted the citizens in-dependence from nature ndash a mechanical environment could provide everything needed for hu-mans Nature was seen as some-thing unnecessary or as some-thing hostile ndash it was walled away from the mechanical reality

Third Generation City is the or-ganic ruin of the industrial city The community gardens of Taipei are fragments of the third generation urbanism when they exist togeth-er with the industrial surround-ings Local Knowledge is present in the city and this is where Ruin Academy focuses its research Among the urban gardeners are the local knowledge professors of Taipei Third Generation City is true when the city recognizes its local knowledge and allows itself to be part of nature

The way towards the Third Gen-eration City is a process of be-coming a learning and healing or-ganization and to reconnect the

urbanized collective conscious with nature In Taipei the wall be-tween the city and the river must be gone This requires a total transformation from the city infra-structure and the centralized pow-er bureaucracy Citizens on their behalf are ready and are breaking the industrial city by themselves already Local knowledge is oper-ating independently from the offi-cial city and is providing punctu-al third generation surroundings within the industrial city and by doing that providing self organ-ized urban acupuncture for the stiff official mechanism

The weak signals of the unofficial collective conscious should be recognized as the futures emerg-ing issues futures that are already present in Taipei The official city should learn how to enjoy acu-puncture how to give up industri-al control in order to let nature to step in The local knowledge based transformation layer of Taipei is happening from inside the city and it is happening through self organized punctual interventions These interventions are driven by small scale businesses and alter-native economies benefiting from the fertile land of the Taipei Basin and of leaching from the material and energy streams of the official city This acupuncture is making the city weaker softer and readier for a larger change


The Ruin Academy (Taipei 2010-2012) is set to re-think the indus-

trial city and the relationship be-tween the modern man and nature in the urbanized Taipei Basin It is looking from the local knowledge for the seeds of the Third Gener-ation City

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature This is the subconscious desire of the indus-trial city and the collective trau-ma of the modern man Taipei is currently presenting the most ad-vanced industrial co-existence of a modern city and uncontrollable organic anarchy nature including human nature is pushing through the industrial surface and turning the city towards the organic ac-cording to a post-human design and ecological sensibility To un-derstand this force the reinforced and divided academic disciplines are of no use Neither is central-ized politics providing any tools Communication needs to find an-other way

Ruin Academy has focused its re-search on the unofficial life-pro-viding systems within the official mechanical city These sponta-neous and citizen-generated sys-tems are constantly ruining the official Taipei These are systems that are through punctual inter-ventions fermenting and com-posting the city From the organic top-soil produced by these com-posts will emerge the Third Gen-eration City the organic ruin of the industrial city an organic machine In Erik Swyngedouwrsquos terms rdquoNa-ture and society are in this way combined to form an urban po-

litical ecology a hybrid an urban cyborg that combines the pow-ers of nature with those of class gender and ethnic relationsrdquo The smelliest parts of unofficial Taipei contain the highest level of ener-gy and life still in connection with nature at the same time the offi-cial industrialism aims for a ster-ile and fully controlled condition This brings to mind Andrei Tark-ovskyrsquos maxim in Stalker ldquoWhen a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never winrdquo These urban composts are the corners that are maintaining the essence of the Local Knowledge a constructive interaction of na-ture and human nature in the built human environment This local knowledge is suggesting the ways of the ruining processes for Taipei towards the Third Generation City

Different disciplines of art and science are meeting in the Ruin Academy following the multidis-ciplinary research + design meth-odology of the Aalto Universityrsquos SGT Sustainable Global Technol-ogies centre Cross-disciplinary knowledge building has proven vital on the research of the Third Generation City Ruin Academy co-operates with the architec-ture department of the Tamkang University sociology department of the National Taiwan Universi-ty and with the SGT centre of the Aalto University Besides these

teams and individuals have been joining the work from various dif-ferent backgrounds Ruin Acade-my is unofficial pliant and weak in contrast to academic strength and hardness The Ruin Acade-my is a basic shelter for academic squatting stripped down from dis-ciplinary focusing and institution-al strength Most important is the connection to the Local Knowl-edge the site-specific wisdom of sustainable human presence in the Taipei Basin This knowledge seems to be in straight connec-tion with the collective memory of the First Generation City when the built human environment was de-pendent on nature and dominated by nature The Local Knowledge is the driving force for the organic penetrations through the industri-al layer of the Taipei Basin today Local Knowledge is the force tun-ing the city towards the organic Our communication center is the public sauna on the 5th floor of the Ruin Academy building4

We are looking for the seeds of the Third Generation City

What are the processes that are ruining the industrial Taipei turning it towards the organic third gener-ation city

What are the systems that are bringing life into the modern ma-chine

What is the life-force Chi that keeps the city alive and how can this Chi be negotiated with by means of Urban Acupuncture




12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

Adorno Theodor Negative Dialec-tics London 1973

Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

Benjamin Walter The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Re-producibility and Other Writings on Media Belknap Press 2008

Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

12 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


1 Urban Acupuncture

Urban acupuncture is charac-terized by punctual interventions through the official surface of the city which aim to establish con-tact between the urban collective conscious and the life-providing systems of nature including hu-man nature The networks of ille-gal community gardens and ur-ban farms of Taipei present a fine example of urban acupuncture These gardens are the urban acu-puncture needles that manipulate and manifest the collective un-derlying organic Chi of the indus-trial city and turn the mechanical city towards an organic machine The spontaneous unofficial and self-organized community gar-dens are strong representations of anarchy through gardening The collective gardens are reflections of life world vs the surrounding city as the system world

2Illegal Architecture

The Instant Taipei is self-made architecture using the official city as a growing platform and energy sourceattaching itself like a par-asite in order to leach electricity and water The illegal architecture is so widespread and deep rooted as a culture in the Taiwanese city-scape that we could almost speak about another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a parallel cityndashor a Para-City This DIY built human environment is tied directly to hu-man nature and motivated by ba-sic human instinct and mandated only by desire and availability Par-adoxically the illegal settlements such as Treasure Hill are living in a more balanced relationship with the natural environment

2 Urban Nomad

The urban nomad is the antithe-sis of Walter Benjaminrsquos flacircneur who is numb and absent in the capital-driven urban surround-ings The urban nomad is on the move harvesting and trapping in a city that he views as a landscape wherein seasons and energy con-centrations are constantly chang-ing The urban nomad can oper-ate alone or in larger camp-like concentrations such as the night markets He is faster and light-er than the official control mech-anism of the city which tries to prevent him from operating Be-sides trading the urban nomads are also harvesting the city of its trash and left-over goods for re-cycling This hit-and-run unofficial economy is leaching on the steady material streams of the structur-al city and is presenting a form of street-level anarchy through busi-ness exchange A series of activi-ties are on the move or popping up and disappearing in Taipei these include the night markets un-der-bridge activities street ven-dors spontaneous karaoke gam-

bling puppet theatre massage barber monks beetle-nut booths and even moving godsndashall very sensitive to the urban energy flows and hot-spots of urban ac-upuncture

4 River Urbanism

Taipei (1G) exists because of the river and the fertile flood plains The industrial city (2G) claimed independence from nature and turned the river into an industri-al sewage site A reinforced con-crete wall 12 meters high was constructed in-between the built human environment and the riv-er nature Third Generation City aims to reunite the river and city through the natural restoration of the river environment The river shall run as an ecological corridor through a city that is pulsating to-gether with its hydraulics The city will be re-developed from the view point of the river Local knowledge still remembers the time when the water of the rivers was drinkable and people washed themselves in the rivers Every family had a row-ing boat and the river was full of harvest This is still a living mem-ory for some in Taipei but for the industrial generations the river has become a fiction

The Phoenix bird has not yet come and the River has not yet revealed its divine nature this is the end of me - Confucius

5 Ultra-Ruin

Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature The ruining processes of Taipei are keeping the city alive A weed will root into a crack in the asphalt and eventu-ally ruin the city The crack is the acupuncture point and the weed is the needle The mechanical sur-face of Taipei is dotted with ruins and holes reflecting a larger vision of an organic machine the organ-ic ruin of the industrial city People are constantly ruining the totali-tarian control architecture of the industrial mind which they sub-consciously feel as a threat to the human nature To understand the dynamics of the ruining processes of a city is essential for the grow-ing of the Third Generation built human environment Treasure Hill is a high-density ruin a frag-ment of the Third Generation City In the settlement the same space is shared by people and jungle and the complex three-dimensional power balances between the dif-ferent species including humans is delicately changing day by day Treasure Hill also lives on a flood bank and does not view the river as a threat It is inhabited by urban nomads who are harvesting the surrounding city The whole set-tlement is an urban acupuncture needle for Taipei

Local knowledge is an element that is pushing through all the lay-ers of the 3G City a connection between the modern man and na-

ture Following Fritz Lang in Me-tropolis ldquoThe mediator between the head and the hands must be the heartrdquo Local knowledge is the mediator that is tying the Third Generation citizen with nature and which operates as the subcon-scious natural agent on the col-lective conscious of the civilized man


Urban acupuncture is an urban environmentalism theory which combines urban design with tra-ditional Chinese medical theo-ry of acupuncture This process uses small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban con-text Sites are selected through an aggregate analysis of social eco-nomic and ecological factors and developed through a dialogue be-tween designers and the commu-nity Acupuncture relieves stress in the body urban acupuncture re-lieves stress in the environment Urban acupuncture produces small-scale but socially catalytic interventions into the urban fabric

This strategy views cities as liv-ing breathing organisms and pin-points areas in need of repair Sus-tainable projects then serve as needles that revitalize the whole by healing the parts By perceiving the city as a living creature thor-oughly intertwined ldquourban acu-puncturerdquo promotes communitar-ian machinery and sets localized nucleus ―similar to the human bodyrsquos meridians Satellite tech-nology networks and collective in-telligence theories all used to sur-gically and selectively intervene on the nodes that have the biggest potential to regenerate

Originally coined by Barcelonan architect and urbanist Manuel de Sola Morales the term has been re-cently championed and developed further by Finnish architect and social theorist Marco Casagrande this school of thought eschews massive urban renewal projects in favour a of more localised and community approach that in an era of constrained budgets and limited resources could demo-cratically and cheaply offer a res-pite to urban dwellers Casagrande views cities as complex energy or-ganisms in which different over-lapping layers of energy flows are determining the actions of the citizens as well as the develop-ment of the city By mixing envi-ronmentalism and urban design Casagrande is developing meth-ods of punctual manipulation of the urban energy flows in order to create an ecologically sustain-able urban development towards the so-called 3rd Generation City (post-industrial city) The theory is developed in the Tamkang Univer-sity of Taiwan and at independent multidisciplinary research center Ruin Academy With focus on en-vironmentalism and urban design Casagrande defines urban acu-puncture as a design tool where

punctual manipulations contribute to creating sustainable urban de-velopment such as the commu-nity gardens and urban farms in Taipei

Casagrande describes urban acu-puncture as

[a] cross-over architectural ma-nipulation of the collective sen-suous intellect of a city City is viewed as multi-dimensional sen-sitive energy-organism a living environment Urban acupuncture aims into a touch with this nature

And Sensitivity to understand the energy flows of the collective chi beneath the visual city and react-ing on the hot-spots of this chi Ar-chitecture is in the position to pro-duce the acupuncture needles for the urban chi

And A weed will root into the smallest crack in the asphalt and eventually break the city Urban acupuncture is the weed and the acupuncture point is the crack The possibility of the impact is to-tal connecting human nature as part of nature

Casagrande utilized the tenets of acupuncture treat the points of blockage and let relief ripple throughout the body More imme-diate and sensitive to community needs than traditional institutional forms of large scale urban renew-al interventions would not only re-spond to localized needs but do so with a knowledge of how city-wide systems operated and con-verged at that single node Re-lease pressure at strategic points release pressure for the whole city

The theory of urban acupuncture opens the door for uncontrolled creativity and freedom Each cit-izen is enabled to join the crea-tive participatory planning pro-cess feel free to use city space for any purpose and develop his environment according to his will This ldquonewrdquo post-industrialized city Casagrande dubs the 3rd Genera-tion City characterized by its sen-sitive citizens who feel the call-ing of a sustainable co-operation with the rest of the nature sensi-tive citizen who are aware of the destruction that the insensitive modem machine is causing to na-ture including human nature In a larger context a site of urban ac-upuncture can be viewed as com-municating to the city outside like a natural sign of life in a city pro-grammed to subsume it

Urban acupuncture focuses on local resources rather than capi-tal-intensive municipal programs and promotes the idea of citi-zens installing and caring for in-terventions These small chang-es proponents claim will boost community morale and cata-lyse revitalization Boiled down to a simple statement ldquourban ac-upuncturerdquo means focusing on small subtle bottom-up inter-

ventions that harness and direct community energy in positive ways to heal urban blight and im-prove the cityscape It is meant as an alternative to large top-down mega-interventions that typical-ly require heavy investments of municipal funds (which many cit-ies at the moment simply donrsquot have) and the navigation of yards of bureaucratic red tape The mi-cro-scale interventions targeted by ldquourban acupuncturerdquo appeal to both citizen-activists and cash-strapped communities

Jaime Lerner the former mayor of Curitiba suggests urban acu-puncture as the future solution for contemporary urban issues by focusing on very narrow pres-sure points in cities who can ini-tiate positive ripple effects for the greater society Urban acupunc-ture reclaims the ownership of land to the public and emphasizes the importance of community de-velopment through small interven-tions in design of cities It involves pinpointed interventions that can be accomplished quickly to re-lease energy and create a positive ripple effect

He described in 2007 ldquoI believe that some medicinal ldquomagicrdquo can and should be applied to cities as many are sick and some near-ly terminal As with the medicine needed in the interaction between doctor and patient in urban plan-ning it is also necessary to make the city react to poke an area in such a way that it is able to help heal improve and create positive chain reactions It is indispensa-ble in revitalizing interventions to make the organism work in a dif-ferent wayrdquo

Taiwanese architect and academ-ic Ti-Nan Chi is looking with micro urbanism at the vulnerable and in-significant side of contemporary cities around the world identified as micro-zones points for recov-ery in which micro-projects have been carefully proposed to involve the public on different levels aim-ing to resolve conflicts among property owners villagers and the general public

A loosely affiliated team of ar-chitects Wang Shu Marco Casagrande Hsieh Ying-chun and Roan Ching-yueh (sometimes called WEAK Architecture) are describing the unofficial Instant City or Instant Taipei as architec-ture that uses the Official City as a growing platform and energy source where to attach itself like a parasite and from where to leach the electricity and waterhellip [The In-stant Cityrsquos] illegal urban farms or night markets is so widespread and deep rooted in the Taiwan-ese culture and cityscape that we could almost speak of another city on top of the ldquoofficialrdquo Taipei a par-allel city ndash or a para-city WEAK is calling urban acupuncture de-pending on the context as Ille-gal Architecture Orchid Architec-

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

Adorno Theodor Negative Dialec-tics London 1973

Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

Benjamin Walter The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Re-producibility and Other Writings on Media Belknap Press 2008

Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

13Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

ture the Peoplersquos Architecture or Weak Architecture The theory of urban acupuncture suggests that scores of small-scale less costly and localized projects is what cit-ies need in order to recover and re-new themselves


Adorno Theodor amp Horkheimer Max Dialectic of Enlightenment New York 1944

Adorno Theodor Negative Dialec-tics London 1973

Bardauskaite Guoda Compost City Sustainable Urban Design Journal 1 Lund University Swe-den 2011

Beekmans Jeroen Farming in a Ruin The Pop-Up City 2011

Benjamin Walter The Arcades Project New York 2002

Benjamin Walter The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Re-producibility and Other Writings on Media Belknap Press 2008

Brezar Zas Ruin Academy Lan-dezine Slovenia 2010

Casagrande Marco Guandu River

Urbanism Taiwan Architect Tai-wan 2009

Casagrande Marco Cross-over Architecture and the Third Gener-ation City Epifanio Estonia 2009

Casagrande Marco Taipei from the River International Society of Biourbanism 2011

Casagrande Marco Ruin Acade-my Epifanio Estonia 2011

Casagrande Marco Illegal Archi-tecture Egodesign Canada 2011

Casagrande Marco Taipei Organ-ic Acupuncture P2P Foundation Dec 2010

Casagrande Marco Urban Ecop-uncture La Vie Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco邁向第三代城

市 - 廢墟建築學院10487851048785 安那其園丁 ACT Taiwan Oct 2011

Casagrande Marco Biourban Acupuncture ndash From Treas-ure Hill of Taipei to Artena ISBN 8890892315 9788890892318 In-ternational Society of Biourban-ism Rome 2013

Campbell-Dollagham Kelsey Ille-gal Architecture in Taipei Architiz-er 2011

Clement Gilles Emergent Alter-native IX Architectural Theories of the Environment Post Human Territory (edit Ariane Lourie Harri-son) Routledge 2012

Coulson Nick Returning Humans to Nature and Reality eRenlai 2011

Delana Urban Ruins Abandoned Building Houses Architecture Academy WebEcoist 2010

Grotowsky Jerzy Towards a Poor Theatre Warsaw 1964

Harbermas Juumlrgen The Theory of Communicative Action Beacon Press 1985

Horkheimer Max Eclipse of Rea-son Oxford University Press 1947

Inayatullah Sohail Questioning the future Methods and Tools for Organizational and Societal Transformation Tamkang Univer-sity Press 2002

Kajamaa V Kangur K Kopo-nen R Saramaumlki N Sedlerova K Soumlderlind S Sustainable Syner-gies ndash The Leo Kong Canal Aalto University Finland 2012

Kang Min-Jay Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity ndash GAPP (Global Artivists Participation Pro-

ject) at Treasure Hill Taipei pa-per presented in the Asian Mo-dernity and the Role of Culture Cities Asian Culture Symposium Gwangju Korea December 4 - 7 2005

Kaye Leon Could citiesrsquo problems be solved by urban acupuncture The Guardian 2172010

Kubric Stanley A Clockwork Or-ange UK 1971

Kurozawa Akira Dersu Uzala Mosfilm Soviet Union ndash Japan 1975

Lang Fritz Metropolis UFA Ger-many 1927

Lehtovuori Panu Experience and Conflict The Dialectics of the Pro-duction of Public Urban Space in the Light of New Event Venues in Helsinki 1993-2003 Espoo 2005

Leacutevi-Strauss Claude Tristes Tropiques France 1955

Pajunen Mia A Man from the Woods Wastelands Magazine Finland 2012

Parsons Adam Urban Acupunc-ture Marco Casagrande Universi-ty of Portsmouth 2010

Richardson Phyllis From the Ru-

ins Taipei to Detroit Archetcetera 2011

Staffans Aija Vaikuttavat asuk-kaat Espoo 2004

Strugatsky Arkady amp Boris Road-side Picnic USSR 1971

Swyngedouw Erik Metabolic Ur-banization In the Nature of Cities New York 2006

Tarkovsky Andrei Stalker Mos-cow 1979

White Richard The Organic Ma-chine New York 1995

Wu Nikita Cicada Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Biennale of Ar-chitecture amp Urbanism 2009

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener Ruin Academy Taiwan 2010

Wu Nikita Anarchist Gardener II Shenzhen Hong-Kong Bi-City Bi-ennale of Architecture amp Urban-ism 2012

Yudina Anna itrsquos anarchical itrsquos acupunctural well itrsquos both mar-co casagrande Monitor Magazine 68 Berlin 2012

Lainsuojaton kylauml Taipein kaupun-gissa Taiwanissa Asukkaat ovat paumlaumlosin vanhoja Kuomingtangin veteraaneja jotka jatkavat van-haa kiinalaista kylaumlelaumlmaumlauml hekti-sen kaupungin keskellauml Elaumlmauml on hyvin maanlaumlheistauml ja perustuu inhimillisille arvoille Taipein kau-punki halusi jyraumltauml kylaumln maan ta-salle ja rakentaa paikalle puiston Kaupungin kulttuuriasiain osasto kutsui Marco Casagranden to-teuttamaan arkkitehtonisen ja maisemallisen teoksen Taipeihin Paikaksi haumln valitsi Treasure Hillin tarkoituksenaan kylaumlssauml vahvistaa ja istuttaa uudelleen niitauml arvoja joita nykykaupungista puuttuu Alue muutettiin urbaaniksi kestauml-vaumln kehityksen ja ekologisen kun-toutuksen laboratorioksi Treasure Hillin kokemukset suurennetaan tulevaisuudessa koko Taipein me-gastruktuuriin Organic Layer Tai-pei -projektissa

Treasure Hill on tutkielma ur-baanista strategiasta kestaumlvaumlaumln elaumlmaumlntapaan Taipeissa Alue muutettiin kaupungin koelabora-torioksi jossa kokeillaan erilaisia kestaumlvaumln elaumlmaumlntavan ratkaisuja yhteisoumln biojaumlte kompostoidaan harmaa jaumltevesi suodatetaan kasvillisuuden avulla kylaumlaumln is-tutetaan vihannestarhoja raken-netaan katoksia mahjoingin ja pingiksen pelaamiseen nuotio-paikkoja terasseja siltoja ja mo-nimutkainen porrasjaumlrjestelmauml

sekauml opiskelijoille varattuja asun-toyksikoumlitauml Ne aktivoivat kukkulan kylkeen rakennetun kylaumln Laiton kylauml muutetaan pysyvaumlksi ympauml-ristoumltaideteokseksi

Treasure HIllin projektissa oli mu-kana yhteensauml 200 opiskelijaa eri yliopistoista paumlaumlosin Tamkangin yliopistosta ja Taiwanin kansalli-sesta yliopistosta Projekti tehtiin yhteistyoumlssauml Taipein kulttuuri-asiain toimiston kanssa

Kirjoitus julkaistiin vuonna 2005 C-Labin sanomalehdessauml Ihmi-nen Treasure Hillissauml hyvaumlaumln vauhtiin paumlaumlssyt kolmannen su-kupolven kaupungin tutkimustyouml jatkuu edelleen Paracityssauml


A formally illegal settlement of ur-ban farmers in Taipei Taiwan Af-ter a participatory planning action between Casagrande Laboratory local NGOs Treasure Hill commu-nity and Taipei City Government the area has been restored into a model community of environmen-tally sustainable urban living in Taiwan

The legitimation and restoration process (2003-2010) of Treasure Hill is now completed Some of the old community has moved back and some have moved away Now the next step is to inject new blood into the hill The organism is ready and willing to live Missis Chen is still in charge


14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

14 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

15Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

For modernism the human is a silent silhuette There is no room for self-expressionAnd the modernism itself is deaf I can not do it yet but I will learn

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

16 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

ParacityText Katie Cramer Fish Marco Casagrande

A paracity is an organic structure which can encom-pass a large number of human individuals It has some things in common with our current urbanised areas however a paracity is not bound to space It can live off a currently existing city and inhabit the same space It can be seen as a second layer on top of a society A paracity lives off another city like a parasite off its host

How will a paracity affect the city it is leaching from If you imagine an actual leech and how it sticks onto your leg and sucks from your body Not only does it take away a re-source from your body it can also pump actual parasites back into it which will harm your body However if you im-agine it as a structure leeching onto the main city it will pull resources from the city but also provide to the city and will grow through these actions Local knowledge can spread through the fabric and infil-trates the city The resources it takes from the city will how-ever depend more on what the city is able to provide rather than what the paracity wish-es to take from it This will then develop into an organic rela-tionship providing a physical structure where a community may begin to form The parac-ity would ideally be where old is combined perfectly with the new without having to be old but simply by acknowledging the old The paracity can do this as it attaches onto it and takes from the city what is no longer desired

The structure of a paracity is unique in its construction method but also in the way that it chooses to move away from conventional tradition-al planning and architecture It offers a personalized archi-tectural identity in which indi-

viduals may develop their own space and transform a struc-ture into a place The parac-ity as a space is interesting similar to nature which grows around what is built a paraci-ty will grow according to what is already present and what can be found to add onto that Where nature may strug-gle a paracity will find innova-tive solutions to incorporate something into the structure or simply build around or on top of it It is this biourban ap-proach to design which al-lows for the development of a unique structure in which indi-viduals will form a communi-ty These individuals will nat-urally come together as they have the will to create some-thing which is their own which they can appropriate and share with others In a growing soci-ety one must also consider ac-cess provision and capacity How will the design of a space cope with something which is completely unpredictable The answer is found in how nature copes with growth and change in provision The paracity has no limits which are not defined by nature itself The paracity offers a place with new aims and thoughts With a new sys-tem of thought we can forge a new place which creates the space for a new society to combine with what already ex-ists and the organic growth of nature

The structure must offer or-ganic growth and thereby give access to as much as it can The structure may fold itself around what is currently pres-ent and thereby incorporate it in its design How will individ-uals travel through this struc-ture once it has become more than just a structure The paracity seeks to be a point of play between the individual and the structure As Foucault has said as humans we need this play to help us enhance who we are and what we deliv-er This play will feed the struc-ture as well as relationships between the individual and the structure and others living in the city This play will form at the moment where the individ-ual becomes a part of a great-

er picture when an individual has invested in the city is the point where they will form a re-lationship which is constantly changing in order to accom-modate others as well as the change in nature

A crucial aspect for the suc-cess of a paracitic society in my view depends on how quickly a society will form and the pace at which it will grow Societies and relationships form organically over time and are dependent on the detailed design of the structure If one would put a very large num-ber of strangers together the chance of success at form-ing a society will be lower than when a group naturally forms to subsequently slowly ex-pands This will be dependent on the initial structure present but also on what comes readily available from the city If there is too much available for the paracity to leech on then there will be more chance for a fast growing structure which will not accommodate the natural growth we are seeking

A place will also depend on growing organically in order to function as a society Plac-es have rules and communi-ty engagement Elders often play an important role in being in charge and enabling a com-munity to grow around them according to unwritten rules like in Treasure hill In a parac-ity it is necessary for this hier-archy to form itself in order for the rest of the society to trea-cle down from this in such a way that there is no room for altruism and only co-depend-encies This allows a society to grow organically mimicking natural growth Where in na-ture a tree will not grow under another tree or too near anoth-er tree because they would be fighting for each others light ground and water in society we must live according to similar innate rules whereby we prove selfless and show an interest in the well-being of others A paracity must therefore grow according to need rather than desire When the city needs new labour or when relation-ships become complicated we

must envisage that new peo-ple will come and help to form a greater community

A community network of-ten refers to an online form of community whereby individ-uals become linked through interest and other personal-ity traits rather than accord-ing to location This changes the way our day to day society works If you think of a city no matter the scale we often do not interact with those in our close proximity If we are lucky enough to live in an area where people spend a lot of time we may get to know some famil-iar faces however we still wonrsquot often reach out for help or of-fer help as easily as we would if we were a part of a defined community network or living in a small village where every-one knows each other As indi-viduals we have the innate trait to want to help others whether it be because we care or sim-ply because it makes us feel good This gets lost in an in-dividualistic city where we find it more difficult to extend help to a stranger but also where there is often no one to rec-ognise and praise your efforts The paracity offers a solu-tion for this which is rooted in its design The paracity offers a communication which lies beyond the current systems whereby the city itself be-comes a form of communica-tion Those living in the parac-ity will communicate through the design and what they can offer to it

The paracity defines itself in its origin as reliant on another liv-ing structure in order to forge its existence Without another living structure it is unable to survive It leaches off society in order to make its own Through this act of leeching off another society it becomes to a certain extent dependent on it This dependency is what creates a community network in the par-actiy as individuals become reliant on one another to de-velop this complex structure The structure of this paracity will depend on what is readi-ly available and how different users come together and as-

semble these unique pieces It is this act of coming togeth-er which will help different us-ers to become more assimilat-ed with one another and begin to develop a network This net-work will then create a com-munity with co-dependencies In such a society where we are dependent on others it is more natural for individuals to form a society where they come in aid to one another The soci-ety will then evolve naturally according to this pattern and what nature makes available to them It is expected that the actual structure of the parac-ity will play a significant role in how the community inter-acts and creates links between one another Dependent on the structure and how easy it is to create links between different sections will depend on how easy it becomes to forge rela-tionships across different sec-tions of the design

Living in a close environment it becomes necessary to hold contact with one another as we are so dependent on what another individual chooses to do How someone else choos-es to expand or build their structure will directly affect those surrounding that struc-ture Whether it be through sound changing of available daylight or access All these things will come into play with the changing structure of the paracity A strong communi-ty network will help individu-als to form a social structure in which they aid one another to create a friendly more organic place to live It is this friendly more organic structure which will then allows the communi-ty to continue to live according to parasitic rules and not to re-vert to the destructive ways of a traditional society

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

17Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Rigid fabricText Menno Cramer Picture Joni Virkki

The empowerment of novelty flexibility and change will cre-ate an environment in which humans can grow and live in a natural manner They will not be constrained by the current rigid fabric of urbanised areas that doesnrsquot allow for natural growth to occur

Many of the issues urban soci-eties are facing are caused by the lack of provision of life af-forded by current cities The rig-id urban fabric of urbanized ar-eas does not allow for natural evolution to occur Natural evo-lution within and amongst hu-man beings is crucial for a truly sustainable society The rede-sign and re-evaluation of urban areas can alter and improve the provision however this will only be a temporary solution as for a new rigid fabric a new static state is induced It is not natu-ral for humans to be in such a rigid dead fabric We are forced to move around in order to fulfil our basic needs Natural evolu-tion only occurs in places where the speed of urban sprawl ex-ceeds the planners or govern-ments influence on where soci-ety starts to fall apart and from within the ruins life can spread

Negative aspects of the current city structure are caused par-tially by the inflexibility of urban areas whereas a river moves over time cities are snapshots of pathways frozen in time Whereas tribal structures were in place to increase the social well being of a group the current urban metropolis seems to have lost this function User experi-ence design and human cen-tred design flourish more than ever However where are these views amongst the planners and architects Humans are and should be the center point of any architectural design So what does the concrete giant do for me What does it bring me

Studies have shown that city life is positively correlated with in-creases in depression burnout health problems obesity eco-nomic disproportions racism and a steep increase in nega-tive social interaction The cur-rent urban fabric has managed to evolve into a framework for a relatively sustainable capital-istic individualism where hu-mans mutually agree to ignore each other and avoid any major human interaction

However society as a whole is suffering from this Urbaniza-tion allows for the cohabitation of multiple social classes and groups however it does not en-courage natural social and indi-vidual well-being

Survival of the fittest has been eliminated in the physical terms however the battle for men-tal and physical space is even more ruthless Causing social discomfort and eg increased stress which is a dangerous threat to life in current socie-ty We all strive for superiority over other human beings Let it be economic physical phys-iological or mental We have constructed an urban fantasy of social cohabitation without ever intending to acknowledge the society one is a part of The discrepancy between personal well-being and social admira-tion is larger than ever

Humans are biological they come from nature and they are nature Humans need a space to live in because they canrsquot exist without being The current place present in a space where most of the earthrsquos human population inhabites is what we call urban areas An urban environment does not have the same quali-ties as a natural environment Todayrsquos society and social class has evolved from the neander-thalers and therefore we do not feel like caveman and wom-en anymore However everyone has neglected the fact that the current exposure to a non-natu-ral environment will harm us as human beings We have noticed negative consequences as list-ed above however thus far they have not outweighed the ben-efits Seeing as that urban ar-

eas are growing more rapid-ly than ever I believe we need to re-evaluate the urban fabric as such and propose a biolog-ical solution for urban growth

It is this biological solution which will host a new way of life which will address some of the issues presented above in a natural biourban man-

ner It is the way the issues are addressed through a this non-rigid structure which will aid society to develop and look at a new way of life The social interactions which are forged are there purely to empha-size the individual We work hard and network to grow per-sonally in a paracity this is the city and we can grow from it

around it with it and within it

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

18 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Niilo Tenkanen

Modernismi naumlkee kaupun-gin koneena ndash biourbanis-mille kaupunki on organismi Modernistisessa kaupunki-suunnittelussa joka on ollut vallitseva suunnittelupara-digma viimeiset 70-80 vuotta on vakavia puutteita joihin biourbaani kaupunkisuunnit-telu vastaa Paracity tarjoaa biourbaaneja suunnittelurat-kaisuja kaumlytaumlnnoumlssauml

Pitkaumllle 1900-luvun puolelle kaupungit kehittyivaumlt orgaani-sesti Kaavoituksen tehtaumlvaumlnauml oli laumlhinnauml luoda kaupungille runko jonka sisaumllle kaupun-ki sai kasvaa melko vapaasti kunkin ajan rakennusihantei-den mukaisesti Modernis-mille orgaaninen kaupunki oli kauhistus Alkoi kaupunkihy-gienian aikakausi Tyoumlpaikat asunnot ja palvelut haluttiin hygieenisesti erottaa toisis-taan jotteivat ne haumliritsisi toi-siaan Alettiin rakentamaan

asuin kortteleita palvelukort-teleita tyoumlpaikkakortteleita julkisen palvelun kortteleita ja virkistysalueita Ei pelkaumlstaumlaumln kaupunki ndash vaan myoumls ihmi-nen ndash haluttiin naumlhdauml koneena Ajateltiin ettauml ihmisen tarpeet voidaan kartoittaa ja tarpeista voidaan kalkyloida oikea kau-pungin muoto

Voimme 2000-luvun ihmisinauml naureskella ajatukselle ihmis-koneesta mutta aihetta ylimie-lisyyteen ei ole Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelu pyrkii en-nakoimaan ihmisen tarpeet ja luomaan valmista kaupunkia sen pohjalta miten ihmisten oletetaan elaumlvaumln Yhauml edelleen kaupunkisuunnittelun suu-rimpia kiistakysymyksiauml ovat kuinka paljon jokainen ihminen tarvitsee valoa ikkunoistaan kuinka monta autopaikkaa perhe vaumllttaumlmaumlttauml tarvitsee ja kuinka paljon puita ihmisen taumlytyy naumlhdauml ikkunasta ollak-seen onnellinen Kaupungin asukkaille ei anneta valtaa ra-kentaa kaupunkia ympaumlrillaumlaumln Pienimmaumltkin yritykset luoda oma-aloitteisesti kaupunkitilaa kitketaumlaumln 2010-luvun kaupun-

kisuunnittelijan alitajunnassa edelleen jyskyttaumlauml ajatus ih-miskoneesta ja ylimielinen aja-tus arkkitehtuurista kontrollin manifestina

Biourbanismille ihminen ei ole kone Ihminen on organismi kaupunki on organismi kau-punkien verkosto on orga-nismi Kaupunki muodostuu useista toisiinsa dynaamisesti linkittyneistauml kerroksista mut-ta linkit eivaumlt ole suoraviivaisia Kaupungin orgaaninen raken-ne aiheuttaa sen ettauml kaupun-gin kehittyminen ja ihmisten toiminta kaupungissa ei ole ennustettavissa Kaupunki ja sen ihmiset ovat rationaalisia vain osittain sattuma on kont-rollia arvokkaampaa Tarpeet ja halut vaihtelevat niin per-soonien vaumllillauml kuin ajallisesti Emme tiedauml miltauml maailma naumlyttaumlauml 2020-luvulla Kuinka voisimme tietaumlauml millaisessa kaupungissa ihmiset haluavat silloin elaumlauml Kaupungin taumlytyy pystyauml korjaamaan itsensauml biologisen organismin tavoin

Modernistinen kaupungin-suunnittelu teki pahan virheen

yrittaumlessaumlaumln naumlhdauml ennalta ja tyydyttaumlauml ihmisen tarpeet On selvaumlauml ettauml tavoite on liian vaikea ndash ihminen on liian mo-nimutkainen ja arvaamaton Lopputuloksena modernismi yksinkertaisti ihmistauml liiaksi Modernistisia kaupunginosia suunnitellessa on pyritty taumlyt-taumlmaumlaumln tarve riittaumlvaumln isoon asuntoon laumlhipalveluiden riit-taumlvyyteen ja viheralueisiin Mo-net tarpeet ovat jaumlaumlneet vaille ratkaisua ndash taumlrkeimpaumlnauml tarve luovuuteen ja oman ympaumlris-toumln luomiseen Oman ympaumlris-toumlnsauml suhteen asukkaista on tullut mykkiauml Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen on vain siluetti itsestaumlaumln

Biourbaani kaupunki (kuten Paracity) tarjoaa rungon johon kaupunki voi kasvaa Paracity on kaupungin luuranko joka antaa tuen elaumlmaumllle Se ei nojaa arkkitehtien ja kaupunkisuun-nittelijoiden taitoon ennakoida tulevaa Sen sijaan Paracityn pohjana on paikallinen traditio Taipeissa elaumlauml edelleen vah-va perinne rakentaa ja viljellauml urbaanin kaupungin jakojaumlaumln-noumlsalueita Taipeissa kaikkiin

paikkoihin minne voi raken-taa talon joku rakentaa talon Kaikki rakennustyoumlmaita odot-tavat tyhjaumlt kentaumlt muuttuvat vaumlliaikaisesti urbaaneiksi yh-teisoumlpuutarhoiksi Suunnitel-taessa toimivaa ekokaupunkia paikallinen traditio on paljon kaumlyttoumlkelpoisempi voimavara kuin jaumlykkauml modernistinen en-nustuksiin perustuva kaupun-ginsuunnittelu

Biourbanismi ei ole muoto-kieli eikauml se kerro miltauml kau-punkien tulisi naumlyttaumlauml Se ei kerro millaista elaumlmaumlauml tulevai-suuden kaupungissa eletaumlaumln Biourbanismi on asenne jolla kaupunkilaisiin ja kaupunkiin suhtaudutaan Biourbanis-mille ihminen on jaumllleen vain ihminen ja kaupunki ihmis-ten ja luonnon muodostama monitasoinen kokonaisuus Modernistisessa kaupungissa ihminen asutetaan valmiiseen kaupunkiin jossa haumlnen roo-liksi jaumlauml joko sopeutua tai olla sopeutumatta Biourbaanissa kaupungissa ihmisen ei tarvit-se sopeutua vaan haumln voi luo-da oman asuinympaumlristoumlnsauml

Modernismista Biourbanismiin ndash Ihmiskoneesta Ihmiseen



Text Marco Casagrande Picture Niilo Tenkanen

Architecture gives the com-mands and architects listen Actually nature gives the com-mands and architecture takes form Architect is a design shaman that communicates with this reality Design cannot replace reality nature Human control must be opened up in order to let nature step in Ar-chitecture must be ruined Ruin is when man-made has be-come part of nature

To be present is the key of all art Architect is a site-specif-ic instrument through whom the great voice of architecture starts to resonate and find form This great voice is weak and needs great presence sacrifice and sensitivity to be heard Architect is one of the sensitive beings to hear this voice and protect the sound Architecture either is or it isnrsquot It cannot be speculated Archi-tecture is a real reality

ldquoWhat really happened to Porcupinerdquo

ldquoOne day he came back from the Zone and be-came amazingly rich amazingly rich The next

week he hanged him-selfrdquo ndash Stalker Tark-ovsky

People live in space and this connection can be art a higher thing than what could be de-signed Architecture is an ac-cident which is a higher thing than human control In order to understand the accident and to let life run through it one must be present To be present is the key of all art This crack in human control is the acupunc-ture point through which the organism of architecture can grow Biourbanism is the city of cracks Architecture is a medi-ator between man and nature connecting human nature with the rest of nature reality Archi-tecture is the art of reality

ldquoLet everything that has been planned come truerdquoLet everything thatrsquos been planned come true Let them believe And let them have a laugh at their passions Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy but just the friction between their souls and the outside world And most important let them believe in themselves

Let them be helpless like children because weakness is a great thing and strength is nothing

When a man is just born he is weak and flexible When he dies he is hard and insensitive When a tree is growing itrsquos tender and pliant But when itrsquos dry and hard it dies

Hardness and strength are deathrsquos companions Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being Because what has hardened will never win

from Andrei Tarkowskirsquos Stalker (1979 Mosfilm)

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

19Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


by M


CURE kaumlvi tapaamassa upean Paracity-pienois-mallin rakentajia Stadin ammattiopiston Vallilan toimipisteessauml kesken rakennusurakan Aikaa mallin tekemiselle oli vain kaksi viikkoa joten pian opintonsa paumlaumlttaumlvaumlt puuseppaumlopiskelijat joutuivat koetukselle

Malli esittaumlauml 120 mittakaavassa Paracityn ra-kennetta Abstrakti malli on paitsi pienoismalli myoumls installaatio Kokijan rooliksi jaumlauml mielikuvi-tuksellaan taumlyttaumlauml rakenne elaumlvaumlllauml kaupungilla Taumlssauml lehdessauml olevat kuvat auttavat siinauml

On erittaumlin sopivaa ettauml Paracityn pienoismallia tyoumlstaumlvaumlt puusepaumlt Valmis Paracity kasvaa ni-mittaumlin myoumls kaumlsityoumlvoimin Paracity hyoumldyntaumlauml kaumlsityoumltraditiota Asukkaat voivat rakentaa ta-lonsa joko itse tai palkata paikallisen puusepaumln apuun

Miten selittaumlisit Paracityn

Markku Taumlmauml on pienoismalli katastrofialueelle tulevasta haumltaumlasutuksesta

Anna Sopii peraumlti zombie-maailmanloppuun

Malli naumlyttaumlauml aika isolta

Anna Tosi iso

Saara Neljauml kertaa viisi kertaa kaksi metriauml Vaumlhaumln epaumlsaumlaumlnnoumlllinen se tosin on

Kuinka paljon olisi pienoismallin kokoisen asunnon vuokra Helsingissauml

rdquo800eurordquo rdquo800eurordquo rdquo650eurordquo

Mitauml haasteita on tullut mallin kanssa

Anna Malli on haastava Pitaumlauml esimerkiksi miet-tiauml tarkasti minne liitosten reiaumlt tulevat

Saara Malli on suurin projekti jota olen taumlhaumln mennessauml tehnyt ja koko rakennelman kasaan saaminen ammattitaitoisesti on haaste Luotan kuitenkin kykyihini

6x6x6 metriauml on yhden kuution koko Muuttai-sitko itse Paracity-kuutioon

Saara Totta kai

Mikke Vois olla ettauml oman kaumlmpaumln vaihtaisin siihen

Millaisia kommentteja olette saaneet muilta opiskelijoilta ja henkiloumlkunnalta

Saara rdquoMitaumls helvettiauml taumlaumlllauml nyt tapahtuurdquo Taumlmauml kun ei ole varsinaisesti huonekalu tai si-sustusesine

Anna Opiskelijat ovat olleet hyvin uteliaita ja kiinnostuneita Opettajat ovat olleet hieman epaumlilevaumlisempiauml projektin onnistumismahdolli-suuksista

Mikke Hyviauml arvauksia on tullut siitauml mitauml olem-me tekemaumlssauml

Millaisia arvauksia

rdquoTikapuut kirjahyllymaumlinen rakennelma ikku-nan karmi japanilaistyylinen seinaumlkoriste lasten kiipeilytelinerdquo

Kiitos paljon haastattelusta Hyvaumlauml tyoumltauml Mal-lista tulee mahtava



1 Kari Peitsamo Vedestauml nousee kasvi

2 Bauhaus Bela Lugozirsquoa Death

3 Joy Division Transmission

4 Dead Kennedys Holiday in Cambodia

5 Jean Sibelius Symphonies 1-7

6 Crass Nagasagi Nighmare

7 The Clash Lost in the Supermarket

8 Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft Der Raumluber Und Der Prinz

9 Karftwerk Die Mensch Maschine

10 Hawkwind Silvermachine

Miko-Niklas rdquoMikkerdquo Tissari

Saara Kemppainen

Markku Heikkilauml

Anna Kaarna

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

20 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Rumours Huhut

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

21Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

After reaching the critical mass the organic Paracity will start gradu-ally growing into the industrial city and sending over seeds of future Paracity growth into selective points of urban acupuncture

Saavutettuaan kriittisen massan orgaaninen kone nimeltauml Paracity alkaa kasvaa kohti teollisuuskaupunkia Poumllyttaumlvien hyoumlnteisten lailla kulkeutuvat huhut tulevaisuudesta ympaumlri teollisuuskaupungin verkostoa Huhut ovat siemeniauml jotka alkavat itaumlauml siellauml taumlaumlllauml

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

22 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Teksti Sofia Singler

CrossLam on ensimmaumlinen suomalainen CLT-valmistaja joka tuottaa korkealaatuisia ris-tikkaumlinliimattuja puuelementtejauml paikallisesta raakamateriaalista paikallisella osaamisella Vah-voista kuhmolaisista laumlhtoumlkoh-dista ponnistamme globaalille mittakaavalle ratkomaan aikam-me suurimpia rakennusalan haasteita ja muokkaamaan ark-kitehtuurin tulevaisuutta Olem-me ylpeitauml PARACITY-projektin kanssa tekemaumlstaumlmme yhteis-tyoumlstauml ja innoissamme CLTn roolista nykyajan muutoksiin vastaamisessa Uskomme vas-tuullisuuteen innovatiivisuuteen ja avarakatseisuuteen taumlrkeim-pinauml arvoinamme

CLT ndash lyhyt oppimaumlaumlrauml

CLT-levyt ovat massiivipuus-ta tehtyjauml rakennuslevyjauml jotka koostuvat ristikkaumlinliimatuista lamelli- eli puulevykerroksista Ristiinlaminointi takaa CLT-le-vyjen lujuuden ja jaumlykkyyden CLT-tekniikka vie puurakentami-sen uudelle tasolle puu on vah-va runkomateriaali siinauml missauml betoni tai teraumlskin Yksittaumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samalla sekauml rakennuksen kuorena ettauml taumlyt-teenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pysty-tetaumlaumln tyoumlmaalle Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun

hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana


CLT-paneelit voidaan koostaa 3ndash11 kerroksesta halutusta paksuudesta riippuen Paneelin koko voi olla maksimissaan n 3 x 12 metriauml

Halutuista lamelleista ladotaan suuri ristikkaumlin koottu matto joka liikkuu liimaus- ja puris-tusasemille Kerroksia on aina pariton maumlaumlrauml kuten vaneris-sa Kuljettuaan liimoittimen alta matto puristetaan yhdella kertaa valmiiksi CLT-paneeliksi Puris-tamisen jaumllkeen elementti leika-taan maumlaumlraumlttyihin mittoihinsa ja CLT-paneeli on valmis

CLT agrave la Kuhmo

Valmistamme CLT-levyt alusta loppuun asti Suomessa mikauml mahdollistaa joustavammat ja lyhyemmaumlt toimitusajat sekauml al-haisemmat kuljetuskustannuk-set kuin kilpailijoilla

Kaumlyttaumlmaumlmme kuhmolainen maumlnty- ja kuusilauta soveltuvat erityisen hyvin naumlkyviksi jaumlaumlvie-nelementtien valmistukseen es-teettisen rikkautensa ansiosta

Crosslam tyoumlstetaumlauml jokaisen pa-neelin tarkasti asiakkaiden vaati-musten mukaisesti Paneeleista voidaan koota seiniauml lattioita ja kattoja erikokoisiin rakennuksiin CLT on rakenteellisesti vankka ja ympaumlristoumlystaumlvaumlllinen materiaa-

li joka yhdistaumlauml elementtiraken-tamisen mutkattomuuden puun hienostuneeseen luonteeseen arkkitehtonisena tunnelmanluo-jana

Paikalliset pohjoismaiset juuret

Ristikkaumlin liimattua puulevyauml eli CLTtauml (lsquocross-laminated timberrsquo) on tuotettu Itaumlvallassa 1990-lu-vun alusta laumlhtien Suurin osa maailman CLTstauml valmistetaan yhauml Itaumlvallassa mutta myoumls Saksa ja Sveitsi ovat tunnettuja CLT-maita Pohjoismainen puu tunnetaan ympaumlri maailman vahvuudestaan kestaumlvyydes-taumlaumln ja kauneudestaan Cross-Lam on ensimmaumlinen suomalai-nen CLT-valmistaja

Tuotantoketjun virtaviivaisuus ja rakentamisen nopeus

Nopean valmistusaikansa ja yksinkertaisen tuotantoketjun-sa ansiosta paneelien valmis-tukseen tarvittavat piirustukset voidaan toimittaa CrossLamille tilauksesta riippuen jopa vain noin viikkoa etukaumlteen sillauml pai-kallisesti valmistetun tavaran tuottamiseen ja kuljettamiseen ei tarvitse varata useita viikkoja Koska tuotantopiirustuksia voi muokata vielauml noin viikkoa en-nen sovittua valmistusajankoh-taa viime hetken muutostoumlille ja viilauksille on enemmaumln aikaa mikauml vaumlhentaumlauml piirustusvirhei-den mahdollisuuksia ja varmen-taa lopputuotteen laatutason

Valmistusprosessin nopeus vaumlhentaumlauml merkittaumlvaumlsti myoumls niitauml riskitekijoumlitauml jotka ovat johtaneet vakaviin kosteuson-gelmiin monissa teraumls- ja be-tonirakenteisissa kouluissa ja sairaaloissa viime vuosikymme-nien aikana Tuotantoketjussa on erityisen taumlrkeaumlauml pitaumlauml huolta ettauml CLT-elementit pysyvaumlt taumly-sin kuivina rakennustyoumlmaalla Kun elementit pidetaumlaumln kuivina rakentaminen sujuu nopeasti ja helposti ja tuloksena syntyy kosteudesta vapaa terve ja va-kaa rakennus Koska CLT-pa-neelit ovat pitkaumllle tehdasraken-teisia valmiselementtejauml jotka vain kootaan yhteen rakennus-paikalla aikavaumlli jona kosteus-ongelmiin johtavat riskitekijaumlt voivat vahingoittaa elementtejauml on minimaalinen Rakennus-prosessin mutkattomuus myoumls supistaatyoumlmaalla tarvittavan erityisosaamisen tarpeen mikauml johtaa nopeaan ja helppoon ra-kennusprosessiin jossa paneelit pitaumlauml vain asettaa yhteen vaivat-tomasti monimutkaisia liitoksia tarvitsematta

Vaikka CLT-elementtien valmis-tuskustannukset ovat kutakuin-kin samaa luokkaa kuin teraumlksen tai betonin tuotanto- ja raken-nusprosessin nopeus asettavat sen lopullisen hinnan merkittauml-vaumlsti alemmalle tasolle CLT on selkeaumlsti nopeimmin rakennus-tyoumlmaalla kokoonpantava mate-riaali joka mahdollistaa mahdol-lisimman lyhyen valmistusajan rakennusprojekteille

Yksiloumlllinen raumlaumltaumlloumlinti

CLT-elementtien valmistuksen yksinkertaisuus siirtaumlauml raken-nusprosessin fokuksen standar-disoinnista yksiloumlllistaumlmiseen koska CLT-paneelit valmistetaan aina mittatilaustyoumlnauml jokaista eri projektia varten eikauml niitauml tuo-teta ollenkaan massatuotteeksi varastoon jokainen paneeli on tuotettu ainutlaatuisten vaati-musten mukaisesti Kysynnaumln ja tarjonnan suhde on siis taumly-dessauml tasapainossa CLT-levyjauml kaumlytettaumlessauml sillauml tuotanto vas-taa taumlydelliseseti sunnittelijoiden ja rakennuttajien maumlaumlraumlaumlmaumlaumln kysyntaumlaumln CLT-tekniikka mak-simoi suunnittelijan vaikutus-mahdollisuudet ja kontrollin ndash tuotannon yksinkertaistami-nen johtaa siis suunnittelumah-dollisuuksien rikastamiseenParhaimmillaan suunnittelija on samassa maumlaumlrin kaumlsityoumllaumlinen ja piirtaumljauml CrossLamin tuotteet valitseva suunnittelija paumlaumlsee vaikuttamaan rakennusmateri-aalin koko tuotantokaareen jo-kaista yksityiskohtaa myoumlten Suunnittelija voi hyvaumlksyauml jo-kaikisen puupaneelin erikseen ja tarkistaa ettauml valmiit elementit vastaavat taumlysin haumlnen tiukkoja laatuvaatimuksiaan

Rakennusalan oletusarvojen haastaminen

Painaessamme yhteen puu-paneeleja emme kytke yhteen pelkaumlstaumlaumln puutavaraa vaan tulevaisuuden uusia rakennus-muotoja Puun rooli nykyarkki-tehtuurissa on merkittaumlvaumlssauml

Esittelyssauml CrossLam Suomen ensimmaumlinen CLT-valmistaja

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

23Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

murrosvaiheessa se ei ole pelk-kauml julkisivupanelointiin sopiva ulkokerros tai koristeelliseen pientalorakentamiseen soveltu-va materiaali vaan luja ja vankka rakenteellinen runkomateriaali

Yksittaumlinen materiaali kattaa luotettavasti ja kaumltevaumlsti palo-turvallisuuden kosteustiiviyden ja rakenteellisen vankkuuden ja poistaa naumlin ollen tarpeen erotella toisistaan rakennuksen kuori- ja taumlytemateriaalit Yksit-taumlinen CLT-paneeli toimii samal-la sekauml kuorena ettauml taumlytteenauml sisaumlseinaumlt valmistuvat samalla kun elementit pystytetaumlaumln ra-kennustyoumlmaalle

Ylivoimaiset tekniset ominai-suudet

Usein yksinkertaisimmat ide-at ovat kaikista nerokkaimpia Liimaamalla yhteen puukerrok-sia poikittaissuuntaisesti puun luonnolliset edut rakennusmate-riaalina korostuvat entisestaumlaumln CLT-paneelien kerroksissa puun raaka voima ja teeskentelemauml-toumln kauneus sulautuvat lyouml-maumlttoumlmaumlksi yhdistelmaumlksi joka vie perinteisten puutuotteiden vahvuudet yhauml pidemmaumllle CLT muovaa puuaineksesta vankan paloturvallisen lopputuotteen Toisin kuin rakennusteollisuu-dessa perinteisesti kaumlytetyt ohuet puupalkit CLT-paneelien massa ja tiheys hidastavat tu-len etenemistauml materiaalin lauml-vitse mikauml tekee elementeistauml hitaammin palavia kuin perintei-set puutuotteet Hiiltyminen hi-dastaa kantavuuden heikkemis-

tauml ja erillisellauml pintakaumlsittelyllauml CLT-paneelista voi tehdauml myoumls syttymaumlttoumlmaumln Ristiinlaminoin-ti tekee CLTstauml vahvan ja van-kan tiiviytensauml ja tukevuutensa ansiosta CLT-massiivipaneelit ovat kaumlyttoumlvarmoja ja luotettavia elementtejauml jotka eivaumlt kutistu tai paisu elinkaarensa aikana

Teraumls- ja betonirakenteisia ra-kennuksia piinaavat kosteuson-gelmat eivaumlt ole yhtauml uhkaavia riskejauml CLT-rakennuksissa sillauml CLT-paneelit valmistetaan tar-koin kontrolloiduissa tehdasti-loissa joissa ulkoiset saumlaumltekijaumlt eivaumlt paumlaumlse vahingoittamaan paneleeja valmistusprosessin aikana

Perinteisten puuinterioumloumlrien ko-dikkuuden luomiseen on nyt mahdollista panostaa yhauml ene-nevissauml maumlaumlrin sillauml aiemmin rakenteellisiin liitoksiin ja las-kelmiin kaumlytetty aika voidaan pyhittaumlauml materiaalin pintalaadun ja lopulliseen arkkitehtonisen tunnelman suunnitteluun Koska CLT yksinkertaistaa rakennuk-sen pystyttaumlmis- ja koontipro-sessin valmiiden elementtien siistiin yhteensovittamiseen de-taljien ja pintaefektien hiomiseen jaumlauml enemmaumln aikaa Vaikka CLT tekee rakentamisesta yhtauml help-poa kuin korttitalon rakentami-sen siinauml mielessauml ettauml valmiit elementit pitaumlauml vain nostaa ja asetella yhteen sen monimut-kaisempia liitoksia paumlhkaumlile-maumlttauml lopputuloksena syntyvauml rakennus on yhtauml vankka kuin mikauml tahansa teraumls- betoni- tai kivirakenteinen vastine

Energiatehokkuus ja ekologi-nen jalanjaumllki

CLTn potentiaali energiate-hokkaassa rakentamisessa on erinomainen CLT-paneelien valmistusprosessin yksinker-taisuus minimoi kylmaumlsiltojen syntymisen riskit Valmiiden CLT-elementtien laumlmmoumlnjohto-kyky on todella alhainen ja nii-den valmistukseen kaumlytettaumlvillauml havupuulajeilla on luonnostaan korkea laumlmmoumlnvarastointikyky

CLT-paneelit ovat taumlten herkkiauml vuodenaikojen eri saumlaumlmuutok-sille vastatessaan tarkasti ul-koilman muutoksiin ne luovat miellyttaumlviauml niin kutsuttuja mi-kroilmastoja rakennuksen sisaumllle asukkaille ja kaumlyttaumljille

CLT-paneelien valmistuksesta syntyy vaumlhemmaumln kasvihuone-kaasupaumlaumlstoumljauml kuin teraumls- tai betonielementtien tuotannossa Lisaumlksi CLTn valmistusproses-si sitoo kasvihuonekaasuja itse paneeleihin mikauml tekee CLT-ele-menteistauml johtavan materiaa-lin hiilineutraalin arkkitehtuurin luomisessa Koska jokainen CLT-elementti valmistetaan mit-tatilaustyoumlnauml asiakkaalle val-mistusprosessissa ei synny tur-haa ylijaumlaumlmaumlauml tai jaumltettauml

Puupilvenpiirtaumljaumlt ndash kaupungistumiseen ja asunto-tarpeeseen vastaaminen

Modernin arkkitehuurin syn-nyn ja leviaumlmisen myoumltauml ele-menttirakentamisesta tuli paitsi

vallankumouksellinen rakenn-usteollisuutta ravisteleva arkki-tehtuuristrategia myoumls laajem-malla tasolla yhteiskuntaa muokkaava sosiaalisen muutok-sen puskuri

Haumltikoumliden ja epaumltarkasti ra-kennetut betonitornit lymyaumlvaumlt yhauml kollektiivisessa arkkiteh-tuurimuistissa varoittavina esi-merkkeinauml liiallisen kiihkeaumlstauml elementtirakentamisen villityk-sestauml CLT vastaa nopeus- ja helppousvaatimuksiin samalla intensiteetillauml mutta on kui-tenkin pohjimmiltaan humaani materiaali Se ei sokeasti seuraa betonirakentamisen suurimpia virheaskeleita 1900-luvun ra-kennusriehassa vaan hyvaumlksi-kaumlyttaumlauml tuotantonsa yksinkertai-suutta ihmislaumlheisten ja helposti laumlhestyttaumlvien tilojen luomises-sa CLT-tekniikka haastaa pe-rustavanlaatuisen kaumlsityksen siitauml ettauml pikainen panelisoitu rakennusjaumlrjestelmauml ei voi joh-taa kodinomaisiin lempeisiin rakennuksiin sen tuotanto ja pystyttaumlminen ovat kyllauml yhtauml helppoja kuin betonisisartensa mutta sen esteettiset haptiset ja akustiset luonteenpiirteet muo-vaavat siitauml ihmislaumlheisen ma-teriaalin

Haumltaumlrakentaminen ja katast-rofialueiden humanitaumlaumlrinen arkkitehtuuri

Ennennaumlkemaumlttoumlmaumln nopean pystyttaumlmisaikansa ansiosta CLT-paneelit ovat erinomainen vaihtoehto luonnonkatastrofien piinamille alueille jossa haumltauml-

rakennusten ja -asuntojen pi-kainen ja laaja-alainen pystyt-taumlminen on taumlrkein prioriteettiCLTstauml koottujen haumltaumlrakennus-ten ei kuitenkaan tarvitse jaumlaumldauml pelkiksi vaumlliaikaisiksi ratkaisuik-si Vahvuutensa ja jaumlmaumlkkyy-tensauml ansiosta CLT tarjoaa katastrofirakentamiselle evaumlaumlt vastustaa maanjaumlristyksiauml ja muita luonnonmullistuksia myoumls pidemmaumlllauml aikavaumllillauml ja tarjota kestaumlvaumlauml suojaa mitauml haasta-vimmissa ilmastoissa CLT on todistetusti yksi vantterimmista ja sitkeimmistauml maanjaumlristyksiauml kestaumlvistauml materiaaleista

CrossLam ndash kohti tulevaisuutta

Vahvoista paikallisista juurista ammennamme voimaa roh-keutta ja intoa vastata globaa-lilla skaalalla aikamme vakavim-piin arkkitehtonisiin haasteisiin PARACITY-projekti on uskalias nykyajan hanke jolla on po-tentiaalia mullistaa kaupunki-suunnittelun ja arkkitehtuurin tulevaisuus ndash olemme ylpeitauml PARACITYn kanssa tekemaumls-taumlmme yhteistyoumlstauml Vankka tek-ninen ja kaumlytaumlnnoumlllinen osaami-nen saa innovatiivisen ajattelun kukoistamaan ja PARACITYn kaltaisen edellaumlkaumlvijaumlprojektin kumppaneina olemme innok-kaita seuraamaan CLTn matkaa tulevaisuuden kaupunkien ja ra-kennusten muovaamisessa

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

24 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

Introducing CrossLam Finlandrsquos first CLT manufacturer

Text Sofia Singler

CrossLam is the first Finnish man-ufacturer to produce CLT panels out of local raw material with lo-cal know-how We stand firmly on our Finnish roots in order to reach out to solve global problems and are immensely excited to collabo-rate in the PARACITY initiative and shape the future of architecture As the first Finnish CLT producer we are proud to be part of a para-digm shift that challenges the sta-tus quo of the construction indus-try today and rise to face the most weighty challenges of our time We believe in responsibility inno-vativeness and open-mindedness as our core values

What is cross-laminated timberCross-laminated timber or CLT is a massive timber element consist-ing of layers of timber planks glued and pressed together at right an-gles This process of cross-lam-ination is what ensures the sta-bility and strength of CLT panels CLT takes timber construction to a new level timber is now not only a skeletal frame material or decora-tive component but a solid build-ing material that can be used for purposes as variable as concrete or steel A single CLT panel can satisfy multiple demands at once combining structural strength and stability with aesthetic beauty CLT is a massive material that nullifies the need to distinguish between a structural frame and building technology components that infill the structural backbone ndash it can be left exposed in interior spaces meaning it can bear the load of the building as well as function as an aesthetic wall inside

Manufacturing process outlineCLT panels are composed of an odd number of layers ranging from three to eleven usually resulting in a final thickness of around 30 cm The maximum dimensions of a finished panel can reach around 3 x 12 m

Timber planks are set on top of each other at right angles to cre-ate a large wood mat which is then glued and pressed together After moving through the glueing station the mat is pressed to-gether in a single session to form a complete solid CLT panel The glue used in the manufacturing process is formaldehyde-free and environmentally friendly Once pressing is complete the panel can be cut into the necessary di-mensions specified by the client and the product is ready to go

CLT agrave la KuhmoWe craft our CLT panels entirely in Finland which allows for shorter and more flexible delivery times than competitors leading to lower

overall costs The Northern Finn-ish Scots pine and spruce we use for our panels is especially suita-ble to be left exposed indoors due to its high aesthetic quality

CrossLam manufactures each CLT panel exclusively according to the clientrsquos needs The panels can be used to construct walls floors and ceilings for a range of archi-tectural projects CLT is a struc-turally stable and environmentally conscious material that combines the ease of prefabricated con-struction with the inherent beauty and atmospheric qualities of tradi-tional timber building

Local Nordic rootsCLTrsquos origins reach back to the early 1990rsquos when it was first pro-duced in Austria As the home of early CLT development Austria still produces most of the worldrsquos CLT today with countries such as Germany and Switzerland occu-pying a fair share of the market CrossLam responds to a void in the market for Northern Europe-an CLT The quality of timber in the Nordic countries is renowned world-wide ndash Finnish wood is famed for its strength endurance and aesthetics and compares favorably with most other timber produce

Rapid production and constructionBy virtue of its rapid manufactur-ing process and simple raw-ma-terial-to-end-product sequence there is no need to allow for sev-eral weeks of production and transportation time as drawings for desired CLT panels can be sub-mitted to CrossLam as little as a week before intended production in most cases Since changes can be made to the size and cut of the CLT panels up to a week before production there is more room for end-of-design changes to take place and the risk of outdated in-formation leading to mismatched end products is minimized

The speed of construction also significantly reduces the risk of moisture-associated problems which have plagued schools and hospitals built out of reinforced steel and concrete in the past dec-ades Although special care must be taken to keep CLT elements dry on the construction site the sim-plicity and speed of the erection process ensures moisture-free end results leading to healthier and stabler buildings Due to its high degree of pre-fabrication CLT is produced in highly controlled interior environments reducing the window in which climatic fac-tors can impact the product in the construction chain The effortless construction sequence of CLT also means the demand for highly skilled labour in the erection pro-cess is lower than in many other types of construction since the

panels are set together in a clear assembly-ready fashion with min-imal jointing and other work re-quired on site

Although the production costs of CLT are of the same class as for concrete or steel the rapidity of the construction process makes it compare favorably to other mate-rials It is by far the quickest mate-rial to erect on site drastically cut-ting the time needed to complete the construction phase of a given project

Customization and craft-ednessWith CLT the simplicity of the manufacturing procedure shifts the focus from standardisation to liberation as no elements are pro-duced en masse to sit in storage literally each piece is produced ac-cording to its own unique require-ments leading to a perfect line from demand to supply rather than the other way around Demand as defined by designers and contrac-tors themselves sets the bound-aries for subsequent supply CLT panels maximize the degree of control undertaken by the design-er in essence the simplification of process leads to the maximization of design opportunity

The designer becomes as much as maker as a draftsman respon-sible for the production of every single element in the CLT building design The designer can examine each panelindividually in the man-ufacturing process ensuring the final look of the panels matches stringent expectations

Paradigm shift in constructionWe believe that in producing CLT we are in fact weaving together not only timber boards but strands of the future We sit at the vertex of a paradigmatic shift in the way timber is understood in architec-ture today wood is a solid build-ing material not merely a skele-tal frame structure or decorative element CLT nullifies the need to distinguish between a structur-al frame and building technology components that infill the struc-tural backbone for it satisfies a range demands at once making detailing both easier and more re-liable

Superior technical quali-ties and engineering per-formanceThe most ingenious ideas are often the simplest By gluing to-gether layers of timber with alter-nating grain directions the natural advantages of timber as a build-ing material are magnified and strengthened even further

CLT transforms timber into a high-ly fire retardant solid end product Unlike thin timber elements that catch alight in traditional skele-

tal or balloon frame construction systems the mass and density of CLT panels allows for the fire to char the surface layers at slow speed thus significantly deceler-ating the process of burning Addi-tional coatings on the layers ofCLT panels can provide more rigorous fire resistance Thanks to its tight-pressed solidity CLT is not subject to shrinkage or swelling during its lifecycle which makes it a high-ly reliable material of choice The moisture problems that plague concrete and steel buildings of the 20th century are not a risk factor in CLT buildings due to the high de-gree of pre-fabrication that takes place in highly controlled interior environments

The home-like warmth of timber interiors can now be achieved by using the time previously neces-sarily dedicated to design frame column and slab systems to focus on the most intimate details of the finish Simplifying the construc-tion flow to a part-by-part erection process in CLT construction allows more time effort and concern to be dedicated to the final finish of the spaces being designed Donrsquot let the ldquohouse-of-cardsrdquo analogy fool you the construction process is indeed simplified to setting pieces together as easily as a house of cards but the end result is a sturdy and steady building with as much strength and force resistance as any concrete- or steel-construct-ed equivalent

Energy efficiency and ecological footprintsThe potential of CLT in creating energy-efficient buildings is excel-lent CLT panels trump concrete and steel structures in terms of their thermal properties CLT pan-els have extremely low thermal conductivity and the softwoods used for CLT production generally have high heat storage capacities Finished CLT panels are therefore naturally sensitive to seasonal variations in climatic conditions responding to their exteriors and creating pleasant microclimates in interior spaces for the occupants

Manufacturing CLT not only pro-duces less GHG emissions than the creation of steel or concrete el-ements but catches green house gases into the products them-selves making CLT a leading op-tion for the creation of carbon zero architecture Because CLT panels are made to custom dimensions and patterns for each client the production process produces little waste

Timber high-rise ndash responding to urbaniza-tion and housing needsFrom the onset of the Modern Movement pre-fabrication and elemental construction have not only been considered revolution-

ary developments in building con-struction but also powerful agents of social change

Although the adverse effects of in-famous rapidly-constructed con-crete towers loom in recent mem-ory CLT rises to the challenge of using pre-fabrication and ele-mental construction to more hu-mane ends We have taken many lessons from the rapid spread of modularized and pre-fabricated architecture in the 20th century but by virtue of timberrsquos manifold qualities as a building material have avoided the pitfalls associat-ed with countless concrete or steel buildings erected as panelized systems CLT challenges the per-ception that creating spaces with the warmth of home is mutually exclusive with rapid construction its manufacturing and construc-tion processes recall the easiness of concrete elements but its aes-thetic material and acoustic qual-ities mirror more more comforting values that help create comforta-ble spaces for occupants

Emergency housing amp catastrophe-proof architectureThanks to its uncontestedly quick erection time CLT panels are an excellent choice for areas affected by natural disasters where quick construction is the prime concern in addressing large-scale loss of housing

Thanks to its structural qualities new builds erected to replace destroyed housing need not re-main temporary CLT can be used to construct catastrophe-proof buildings that resist seismic im-pacts and provide for long-term shelter from natural disasters in a range of climatic conditions CLT has been proven to resist seismic effects better than most other ma-terial options

CrossLam ndash paving the way to the futureThanks to our strong local roots we have the audacity to reach out to a global scale to tackle todayrsquos most serious challenges in archi-tecture and construction Cross-Lam is proud to collaborate in the PARACITY initiative a bold con-temporary scheme that has the potential to revolutionize urban and architectural development in todayrsquos world Innovative thinking flourishes when it is supported by powerful technologies and as partners of a project as daring as PARACITY we are excited to follow CLTrsquos role in transforming the cit-ies and buildings of tomorrow

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

25Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014

Kainuu ndash metsaumlmaakuntaKainuu on elaumlnyt kautta aikojen metsaumlstauml ja luonnonvaroista Maakuntaan on ai-kanaan saatu huomattavia tuloja tervanpoltolla Kainuu on taumlnaumlkin paumlivaumlnauml yhtauml isoa vihreaumlauml kultakaivosta joka tuottaa hyvinvointia koko maakunnalle

Kuhmo ndash ainutlaatuinen puuklusteriKainuun puualan sydaumln on Kuhmo Taumlnauml paumlivaumlnauml Kuhmoon on kehittynyt ainutlaa-tuinen puuklusteri jossa on monipuolinen yritysverkosto Se kaumlsittaumlauml koko puurak-entamisen arvoketjun alkaen puunkorjuuyrittaumljistauml sahalaitoksesta ja CLT-te-htaasta aina suunnittelupalveluihin ja rakennusliikkeeseen asti Kuhmon kaupunki on tehnyt vuosia toimenpiteitauml kehittaumlaumlkseen alueen puuklusteria Kehittaumlmisen tyoumlkaluna on Woodpolis jonka keskeinen tehtaumlvauml on edistaumlauml puutuotealan yri-tystoimintaa tarjoamalla koulutus- ja tuotekehityspalveluita Woodpoliksen koulu-tustehtaassa on nykyaikainen puuntyoumlstoumln koneympaumlristouml yritysten tuotekehitys- ja koulutustarpeisiin

Woodpolis on mukana lukuisissa yritysten kehittaumlmishankkeissa Uusimpana toimena on osallistuminen Suomen ensimmaumlisen CLT-tehtaan kehittaumlmiseen Woodpoliksen yhteistyoumlyritykset ovat saaneet toteutettavakseen Helsingissauml Kun-inkaankolmiossa sijaitsevan Honkasuon ekotehokkaan kaupunkikylaumln rakentam-isen Ensimmaumliset massiivipuurunkoiset huippuenergiatehokkaat asunnot valm-istuvat taumlmaumln vuoden lopulla

Kainuun metsistauml terveitauml kotejaRakentamisen toimintaketjun on oltava kunnossa jotta vastaamme nykypaumlivaumln tehokkuus- ja laatuvaatimuksiin Kainuulaisessa puurakentamisessa raaka-ain-een ja sen jalostaminen tuotteeksi tapahtuvat hyvin pienillauml etaumlisyyksillauml ja pit-kaumllle esivalmistetut tuotteet pakataan huolellisesti Naumlin rakentamisen aikainen kosteudenhallinta toimii hyvin Laadun takeena ovat toisensa tuntevat osaavat toimijat sekauml ehjauml arvoketju


Palvelupaumlaumlllikkouml Jari Kaumlhkoumlnen 044-725 5306 jarikahkonenwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Toni Kekki 044-725 5305 tonikekkiwoodpolisfi

Projektipaumlaumlllikkouml Timo Maumlkisalo 044-710 5112 timomakisalowoodpolisfi

Hankepaumlaumlllikkouml Tuulikki Huusko 044-725 5300 tuulikkihuuskowoodpolisfi

Woodpolis - Kainuu

Kuva ovat Oy Timber Frame Ltdn pilottitalosta jonka kaltaisia passiivitaloja rakennetaan Helsingin Honkasuolle

CrossLamin tehdas Kuhmossa

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

26 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC - The Responsible Choice PEFC on vastuullinen valinta16 countries are currently developing national systems

Omaa kansallista metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml kehitetaumlaumln parhaillaan 16sta maassa

Over 60 of worldsrsquo PEFC certified forests are located in North America There is strong demand for PEFC-certified products in pri-vate and public sector (Lacey Act) and certi-fied area is growing Several stakeholders are interested to establish PEFC in Mexico

Pohjois-Amerikassa on yli 60 maailman PEFC-sertifioiduista metsistauml PEFC-serti-fioiduilla tuotteilla on vahva kysyntauml sekauml yksityisellauml ettauml julkisella sektorilla (Lacey Act) ja sertifioitu metsaumlala kasvaa Mek-sikossa PEFC-jaumlrjestelmaumln kehittaumlminen on kaumlynnistymaumlssauml

Argentina is the fourth South Amer-ican country featuring a PEFC-en-dorsed national forest certification system Argentiina Brazil Chile and Uruguay together cover almost 70 of all forests in South America

Neljaumls PEFCn hyvaumlksymauml etelaumlamerikkalainen metsaumlserti-fointijaumlrjestelmauml on Argentiinassa Argentiinassa Brasiliassa Chilessauml ja Uruguayssa sijaitsee laumlhes 70 prosenttia Etelauml-Amerikan metsistauml

ldquoWe need a recognized certification system that in-corporates our specificities and realities promotes the value of our forest products and ensures an equal share of benefits along the value chain Our stakehold-ers are motivated by the bottom-up approach keen to participate in the creation of their own certification system and wanting to ensure they understand their system once it is readyrdquo

Christine Nkene PAFC Cameroon

ldquoPrivate forest owners in Hungary view PEFC certifi-cation as their only affordable option and everyone including those already involved with other systems value PEFC for respecting our natural economic and social environment Legislative developments like the European Union Timber Regulation have also drawn the stakeholdersrsquo attention towards certificationrdquo

Endre Schiberna Hungarian Forest Certification Non-profit Ltd

ldquoCommunity forestry is successful here with over 18000 community forestry user groups managing about 17 million ha of forest We have proven our-selves in forest protection

but there is a need to enhance our rural livelihood op-portunities through sustainable forest management Developing a PEFC-endorsed national forest certifica-tion scheme will help us to build recognition through-out the country on the potential for managing forests sustainablyrdquo

Ghan Shyam Pandey Green Foundation Nepal

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) is an international forest certification system promoting ecologically socially and economically sustainable forestry throughout the world Approximately ten percent of the worldrsquos forests are certified and of these two thirds - about 250 million hectares - to PEFC standards PEFC certified forests are found in tens of different countries

To meet PEFC certification requirements forest management must satisfy certain standards with regard to biodiversity for-est health and maintenance as well as recreational use In ad-dition there are requirements for following the passage of

raw materials and wood-based products throughout the whole supply chain These guarantee that raw materials are from cer-tified forests

Approval for certification requires audit by an independent and qualified certifier to ensure that forest management wood raw material sources and follow-up meet PEFC standards

PEFC certified products their packaging and documentation can be recognized through the PEFC logo A company can ob-tain a PEFC logo license when the companyrsquos activities have been certified

For more information please visit wwwpefcorg

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

27Habitare amp FinnBuild 2014


CameroonRepublicof Congo









JapanRepublicof KoreaTurkey


PEFC seeks to extend certification in Africa (Africa Development initiative) particularly in the Congo Basin region which is home to the worldrsquos second largest rainforest with 18 of the planetrsquos remaining tropical rain-forest cover

PEFC pyrkii edistaumlmaumlaumln sertifiointia Afri-kassa erityisesti Kongon altaalla joka on maailman toiseksi suurin sademetsaumlalue Se kattaa yhteensauml 18 prosenttia maailman jaumlljellauml olevista trooppisista sademetsistauml

Oceania Over half a million hectares of New Zealandrsquos forests are owned by small forest growers such as individuals families and communities However until now the uptake of certification among these small forest owners has remained extremely low PEFC is supporting a project to develop group certification to enable these forest owners to achieve certification

Oseania Uuden-Seelannin metsistauml yli puoli miljoo-naa hehtaaria on pienmetsaumlnomistajien kuten per-heiden ja yhteisoumljen hallinnassa Toistaiseksi niistauml on ollut metsaumlsertifioinnin piirissauml vain hyvin pieni osa PEFC on mukana projektissa jossa kehitetaumlaumln ryhmaumlsertifiointia jonka myoumltauml pienmetsaumlnomistajat voivat hankkia sertifioinnin

PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifica-tion schemes) on kansainvaumllinen metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmauml joka edistaumlauml ekologisesti sosiaalisesti ja taloudellisesti kes-taumlvaumlauml metsaumltaloutta kaikkialla maailmassa Noin kymmenen prosenttia maailman metsistauml on sertifioitu ndash ja niistauml kaksi kolmasosaa eli noin 250 miljoonaa hehtaaria PEFCn vaa-timusten mukaisesti PEFC-sertifioituja metsiauml loumlytyy kym-menistauml eri maista

Vaatimukset PEFC-sertifioinnissa kohdistuvat muun muassa metsien monimuotoisuuden turvaamiseen metsien terveyden ja kasvun yllaumlpitoon sekauml virkistyskaumlyttoumloumln Lisaumlksi PEFC-serti-fioinnissa asetetaan vaatimuksia sertifioidun puuraaka-aineen

ja puutuotteiden seurannalle toimitusketjuissa Puutavaran seurantaa koskevilla vaatimuksilla taataan ettauml puuraaka-aine on peraumlisin sertifioiduista metsistauml

Sertifikaatin myoumlntaumlminen edellyttaumlauml riippumattoman ja am-mattitaitoisen tahon tarkastuksen ja varmistuksen siitauml ettauml metsien hoito ja puutavaran alkuperaumln seuranta noudattavat PEFCn kansainvaumllisiauml vaatimuksia

PEFC-sertifioinnin voi tunnistaa tuotteessa tuotepakkaukses-sa tai tuotetta koskevissa asiakirjoissa olevasta PEFC-merk-istauml Tuotteita valmistava yritys voi saada merkin kaumlyttoumloike-uden kun yrityksen toiminta on sertifioitu

Lisaumltietoja wwwpefcfi

PEFC Chain of Custody certification in Asia has grown 14-fold in the past six years such that nearly 800 companies had PEFC Chain of Custo-dy certificates at the end of 2013 PEFC held its first ever PEFC Week in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia November 2013

Puun alkuperaumln PEFC-seurantajaumlrjestelmien maumlaumlrauml Aasiassa on kasvanut 14-kertaisek-si kuuden viime vuoden aikana Vuoden 2013 lopussa yli 800 yrityksellauml oli kaumlytoumlssaumlaumln PE-FC-jaumlrjestelmauml Ensimmaumlistauml kertaa Aasiassa pidetty PEFC-viikko jaumlrjestettiin marraskuussa 2013 Malesian Kuala Lumpurissa

One of PEFCrsquos key focuses in Europe is the expansion of forest certification to South-east Europe PEFC is already working with private forest owners in several countries in this southeast region of Europe to assist in the development of their national sustaina-ble forest certification system Nearly 45 of Western European forests are PEFC cer-tified

Metsaumlsertifioinnin laajentaminen Kaak-kois-Eurooppaan on yksi PEFCn avaintavoit-teista Euroopassa PEFC avustaa alueella useita yksityismetsaumlnomistajia kansallisten kestaumlvaumln metsaumlnhoidon jaumlrjestelmien ke-hittaumlmisessauml Laumlnsi-Euroopan metsaumlalasta laumlhes 45 on PEFC-sertifioitu

PEFC members PEFCn jaumlsenet

Countries developing a system for eventual PEFC en-dorsement (including some PEFC members) Maita jotka kehittaumlvaumlt metsaumlsertifiointijaumlrjestelmaumlauml ja hakevat PEFCn jaumlseniksi (osa on jo PEFCn jaumlseniauml)

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity

28 Casgrande Laboratory mdash Center of Urban ResearchParacity