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Transcript of PAPER 3

Jacques PatrickAshley Humphries ENC 11014 April 2015

Exposing the Tiger Woods AdTiger woods is arguably the best golfer of all-time. He has won countless of Major golf championships throughout his career, made over a billion dollars in earnings, and was regarded as the Number one Golf player in the world in the world for a long period of time. He was named the worlds most powerful athlete multiple times by, so that probably could tell you he was a high characterguy and many people looked up to him. He was endorsed by almost everyone from Nike, EA Sports, Gatorade, Gillette, and many more top notch companies. One night though an incident occurred and changed many peoples perception on Tiger as a person. Thanksgiving of 2009 a car accident occurred outside of the house of tiger woods home that left him unconscious. Police, ambulance, and countless of media outlets flooded the scene to see what could of went wrong with the almost perfect Tiger Woods. As everybody started to try and uncover what happen things started to seem kind of sketchy because the accident report wasn't released until twelve hours after the actual crash happened. This made many people feel like there was more to the story considering the fact those two days prior to the accident the National Enquirer published a story alleging that Woods had been seeing a New York night club hostess, and that they recently were together in Melbourne, where Woods competed in the Australian Masters. This was the beginning of what would be a nightmare of months for tiger woods, he lost endorsement deals, he couldn't play golf because of the injuries he received from the crash, and his yearly income dropped from 75 million a year to 58 million a year. Then when thinking things couldn't get any worse for tiger they did. Tigers wife Elin Nordegren filed for divorce after multiple women came forward about affairs they had with Tiger. People knew Tiger ways were too good to be true. Nike is a multi-billion dollar company so anything they produce or promote gets plenty of attention. The purpose and point behind many of Nikes ads are that if you wear their product you can become a superior athlete. They do this by getting the top athletes from each sport to wear their product and Nike did this with Tiger Woods, basically saying winning is everything when it comes to Nike. In the original ad it seems that Nike wanted to emphasize on the fact that winning is everything and everything else comes after that. I say this because Winning is the first word in their statement and everything is the last word, which is something I say they did on purpose. This isn't the right thing for a company such as Nike to promote because it's very misleading and untrue. I say this because basically the message I interpreted, was that as long as you're excelling at your sport you can do whatever you want and it won't catch up to you unless you start losing. I did pick up on something else however and that was the color red Nike used in their original Ad. I believe Nike used the color red because they knew Woods had lost many fans due to the fact that he had cheated on his wife that he had several kids with. So when Woods startedwinning again he became more of the villain opposed to the hero everybody used to consider him. So the red Nike used was fitting for the picture because red is usually associated with the villains. This ad was very intriguing to me because I'm an athlete and I don't agree with the message Nike is trying to portray. People nowadays tend to think that when an athlete is at the top of their sport, athletes think they are invincible and get full of them because they think everybody bows down to them as if they are a king. Im exposing that fact that Nike is okay with the perception that Big time athletes are only able to mess up during their career as long as their excelling and making the Nike brand money which is selfish and wrong. There has been plenty of examples of this because there are plenty of athletes that have done something to get in serious trouble and still have their Nike sponsorships because they know that once the athlete starts excelling again that people will be quiet about his or her past mistakes. This happened with athletes such as Adrian Peterson, Michael Phelps, and of course Tiger woods. In my anti-ad I decided I wanted to uncover what Nike and Tiger Woods really meant in the original ad Nike released when they displayed a picture of Tiger Woods saying Winning Takes Care of Everything. The original picture for the ad did not really serve me justice for the message I wanted to present so I switched the picture. In the new picture I used a image of Woods giving a slight grin with his finger going horizontally over his lip with the text Winning gave me a clean slate. I did this because I wanted to show my audience a clear meaning of my message through the picture and the colors. That is why I am really trying to stress the fact that Nike meant in their original ad that now that Tiger Woods is again regarded as the number one golfer in the world, and he's back to being one of the top athletes in the world, everybody is now silent about his past miscues from a few years ago due to his success again. Moving on to the techniques I used in the image, I kept the color red for the bold print world #1 because I acknowledge that fact that in some people's eyes Tiger Woods is evil now. To further elaborate on the colors I choose, I used a picture with all white clothing because now that tiger is winning again and everybody has seem to stop talking about his past, Tiger Woods is an angel in the eyes of many again especially Nike because he is now making them tons of money again. In my anti-ad I was really aiming to expose what Nike really was portraying in the original ad and everything it stood for with the message and image of Tiger Woods. Tiger woods is a great golfer but just because hes a great golfer doesn't mean people should brush away the fact that he has flaws and that he did some terrible things in his past. That is why I changed the picture in my anti-ad to an image of him grinning with his finger going horizontally across his mouth as if he telling you to be quiet. This was a technique I thought was important in the message I was trying to use in my anti-ad because it supported, what I was saying when I said Woods latest success silenced his past slip ups. I did keep the red bold world #1 text because I believe even though tiger woods is successful again in some people's eyes he is a villain and can't be forgiven. I wanted my message in my anti-ad to be directed towards any Nike consumers because I feel they deserved way better than this considering how much Nike product cost. I feel it was outright wrong for them to promote that message to its consumers because not only do people my age buy and keep up with Nike products, young kids do to and I feel that's not a positive thing to use one of the worlds most powerful athletes to send a message like this. I feel my writing was very persuasive because I went into detail about every little thing when it came to exposing this ad. I uncovered the smallest of lies and exposed it with the truth, whether it was from the wording of the text or the color used in the image I feel I exposed it all. For example I went into detail about how Nike put winning first in their original ad and everything last to kind of deem the fact that winning is all that matters and everything else comes last. A small stepping stone like that is what allows me to feel my writing is persuasive in the message I'm trying to give. In this writing I had a lot of issues expanding on certain topics. It was hard for me to just breakdown every little detail about why I did this and why I changed that. If this would've been a writing where I could just talk about one thing and expand on it, then I feel things would've went a lot smoother for me. I can recall in one part in my writing as I was following the checklist of the things I should include In my writing, I got to one thing on the checklist and it asked me what I was aiming to do with my anti-ad. I knew what I was aiming to do with my anti-ad but it was something I could not expand on and write four to five sentences about. That was most of the problems I had when writing this paper but if I had to write it all over the only thing I would change is the structure of the paper. What I mean when I say this is, I feel like I tried to align my writing just as the checklist asked even though we didn't have to follow the whole checklist. I felt that following the checklist was the only way I would meet the word count on this paper and have a quality paper doing so. To wrap everything up with this paper I just want to refresh the mind of my reader of what they just read. In the first part of my story I introduced my readers to Tiger woods and gave a bit of a background story to who Woods was as a golfer and a person. Then I went on to tell you some of the things that led to the reason this article was even made. After that I talked a little about the original ad and how they tried to give the wrong message that when it comes down to it, winning is the only thing that matters and everything else comes after that. Then I went on to introduce my anti-ad and how I feel Nikes message in the original ad meant which was Winning gave me a clean slate. I changed the picture from the original ad to a picture of Tiger Woods with his finger horizontally across his mouth as if he is silencing someone. To me it was more fitting for the message that I was trying to portray in my anti-ad because now that Woods is winning again, talks about his troubled past are now silent.