Paper 2 Mid Year Form 4 Ppdkp 2015

Post on 11-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Paper 2 Mid Year Form 4 Ppdkp 2015


Section A[ 15 marks ][Time suggested: 25 minutes]

1. From the picture, we know that the girls are

A. getting along wellB. planning to have a campfireC. are setting the house on fireD. fighting but will make up soon

Dear Atiya, Please wait for me at the canteen after school. I would like to ask you something about our class project. Do remember to bring your novel The Bachelor. I would like to borrow it for a few weeks. See you at the Chess Club meeting. Your friend, Helen

2. From the message, we know that Atiya

A. will be attending a club meeting.B. will be going home after school.C. has to be the project leader.D. has to buy a novel from Helen.

KUALA LUMPUR: The long awaited concert by a well-known international singer, Beyonce, drew a huge crowd to the National Stadium last night. It was estimated that some 50,000 died-hard fans turned up for the event. The event was a blast.

3. In the report above, the word drew can be best replaced with

A. pulledB. painted C. dragged D. attracted

Dear Editor,I am a young adult working in the city and my transport to work is the public bus since I still cannot afford to buy my own transport. I am telling you that the public bus service in Kuala Pilah is deplorable. There are days I have to wait at least 40 minutes to an hour just to board a bus that passes by Kampung Jemapoh. This problem has been going on for the last few months. It can create problems with my boss and I look like I am a person who cannot manage his time. I appeal to the relevant authorities to take heed and do something to improve the situation.Concerned citizen

4. From the letter, we know that the writer is

A. annoyedB. baffledC. confusedD. mixed-up

5. Based on the picture, a tip is

A. a hintB. a pointerC. a sum of moneyD. a way of doing things

Zapping your veggies in the microwave has long been considered healthier than boiling them. However, a recent study in Journal of the Science of Food Agriculture found that microwaved broccoli actually lost around 80 percent of its valuable antioxidants compared to 66 percent when boiled and 11 percent when steamed. But do not toss that microwave away the study used far more water (about 150mil for 150g of broccoli) and higher power (1000W) than most people use at home. For optimum nutrition, use as little water as possible a few tablespoons will do.

6. Based on the text above, zapping broccoli in the microwave is

A. good if using a lot of water.B. just as good as steaming them.C. best if using as little water as possible.D. healthier if the broccoli lost most of its antioxidants.

Saiful could not sit still. His hands were cold, his body shivering and he had butterflies in his stomach. He had to deliver a speech in the school hall during assembly. In a few minutes, the master of ceremony would call him to the rostrum.

7. From the extract above, we can conclude that Nancy was

A. unwellB. nervousC. frustratedD. uncomfortable

National squash player, Datuk Nicol David believes in the saying, Never give up until you succeed.

Before she became world No.1, she had to endure vigorous training every day. She believes that all the hard work will pay off, someday and it did.

8. The phrase Never give up until you succeed tells us that Datuk Nicol David is a person who is

A .brave.B .proud.C .friendly.D .determined.

Questions 9 to 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.Are you getting the goods and services you ask for? As a consumer you deserve fair _9_ you shop. You should choose quality goods or services at the most _10_ prices.Be smart _11_ comparing prices to get the best value for _12_ hard-earned ringgit before you buy anything. Smart consumers also know that when they buy only what they need, they avoid waste and wont _13_. This helps to curb inflation.Exercise your rights as a consumer by avoiding unethical traders who _14_ you by indiscriminately increasing prices and providing _15_ services. You have the power. Use it today. The Star, July 9, 2007

9.A. whateverB. wheneverC. whichever D. whoever

13A. overstayB. overdueC. overdoseD. overspend

10.A. likelyB. possibleC. expectedD. reasonable

14A. abuseB. exploitC. misuseD. develop

11. A. byB. toC. onD. of

15A. lowerB. inferiorC. higher D. superior

12.A. myB. hisC. yourD. their

Section B

[10marks][Time suggested: 25minutes]Questions 16 to 25

Read the following information and answer the questions that follow.

Questions 16 to 25

Using the information from the text, complete the table below.

Section C[25 marks][Time suggested: 50 minutes]Questions 26 to 31 are based on the following passage.







7Just before noon on a summers day, Mark Holste, a detective of 18 years of experience went into a rented house in Plant City, Florida. Urine and faeces of a dog, cat and human excrement smeared on the walls, mashed into the carpet. A stout woman said yes, she lived there and yes, she had a daughter. Holste found the girl later in a room the size of a cupboard. She laid on a torn, mouldy mattress on the floor, curled on her side. Her ribs and collarbone jutted out. Her dark hair was matted, crawling with lice. Insect bites, rashes and sores pock-marked her skin. Although she looked old enough to be in school, she was naked - except for a swollen nappy. He figured she needed to go to Tampa General Hospital or else the girl was not going to make it.Her name, the mother said, was Danielle. She was nearly seven and underweight. In the paediatric-intensive care unit, they tried to feed her but she could not chew or swallow solid food. Nurses and aid workers bathed her, trimmed her torn fingernails. They had to cut her tangled hair before they could comb out the lice. She did not know how to hold a doll. She never cried or spoke. She walked sideways on her toes like a crab. Medical tests and brain scans found nothing wrong. She was just deprived of interaction for so long she had receded and pulled herself back. It was the most outrageous case of neglect ever found. Danielle spent six weeks in the hospital. A judge ordered that she be placed in a foster care while her mother was being charged of criminal child abuse. Danielle was placed in a group home for needy children.

2530Bernie and Diane Lierow saw Danielles picture on a flyer at a shopping mall. The Lierows were looking to adopt a daughter but Danielle was everything they did not want. However, on the day they met the little girl she warmed up to them so quickly. Everyone told them not to do it but the Lierow couple went ahead and brought Danielle home. It was a disaster, Bernie said. When they gave her a doll, she bit off its hands. When they took her to the beach she screamed and would not put her feet in the sand. She could not peel the wrapper off a chocolate so she ate the shiny paper too. Not long after, the couple proceeded to adopt Danielle.

3540More than a year into her new family, Dani as they fondly called her, barely resembles the girl from the foster home. She has grown a foot and doubled in weight. Since she started swimming in the Lierows pool, her hair has turned a golden blonde. Bernie and Diane see small progress - shes even learning right from wrong. They believed she can do more. She goes to speech classes and horse-riding lessons. They take her to physical therapy, to the shopping centre and to the church. Shes even out of nappies.

45With love and care the Lierows have provided, Dani has surpassed her teachers expectations. Shes learning to listen and understand commands. She pulled at her trousers to show that she needs the toilet, taps a juice box when she wants more. Having a brother, William Lierow, who was just a year older provides joy and connection for Dani. He drove her round in his jeep and she honks the horn. He taught her how to play with Play-Doh, walk the dog and lick an ice cream. Bernie hopes that one day, Dani might call him Daddy, get married or at least live on her own. But if it does not happen, that is okay too.(Degregory, Feb 2010, Rebirth of the Feral Child, Readers Digest)201510530

26. From paragraph 1, who lived in the dirty rented house in Plant City? _______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

27. From paragraph 2, what does the phrase not going to make it indicate about the girl?_______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)28. From paragraph 3, a) name 2 actions Danielle were not able to doi. _______________________________________________________________(1 mark)ii. _______________________________________________________________(1 mark)

b)why was Danielle so withdrawn?___________________________________________________________________(1 mark)29. In paragraph 4, a) Everyone told them not to do it... The word it refers to_________________________________________________(1 mark)

b)From paragraph 5, how do the Lierows feel about bringing Danielle home? ___________________________________________________________________(1 mark)30. (a) Why do you think Danielle bloomed and improved when living with the Lierows? _______________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

(b) In your opinion, what is the most important responsibility parents have upon their children? Provide a reason for your answer.Responsibility:____________________________________________________________________Reason: _______________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

31Based on the passage, write a summary on what Danielle was unable to do before the adoption her changes and improvements after the adoptionCredit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.

Your summary must: be in continuous writing form (not in note form) use materials from line 13 until 40 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:When Danielle was taken to the hospital, she could not ...[15 marks]____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Section D[20 marks][Time suggested: 35 minutes]

32. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

The Living PhotographMy small grandmother is tall there.Straight-back, white broderie anglaise shirt,Pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun,A kind, old smile round her eyes.Her big hand in black hand.Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

It was true after all, that look,My tall grandmother became small,Her back round and hunched.Her soup forgot to boil.She went to the awful place grandmothers go.Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.

But there she is still,In the photo with me at three,The crinkled smile still living, breathing.Jackie Kay

a. In stanza 1, what does the line, white hand in black tell you about the personas family ?

[1 mark]

b. Which line tells the persona took the photograph when she was very young?

[1 mark]

c. According to the persona, where has the grandmother gone to?

[1 mark]

d. my tall grandmother become small

What happened to the grandmothers height? Provide a reason for your answer.

How:..[1 mark] Reason:

..[1 mark]

33. Read the extract from the short story Tanjung Rhu and answer all the questions that follow:

He took hold of her thin shoulders and turned her round to look at the far right of the harbour. Thats Tanjong Rhu over there, mother. Can you see it? Those glasses are strong. Ah must be able to see something? She held the binoculars to her eyes for a long time. Then she smiled. Oh Yes, she said happily. I see. I see it now. What, Ah Ma?A thin little boy she said. Her voice shaking in a dirty shirt with no shoes. Walking alone on the beach. Throwing stone into the sea. Counting the fishing boats near the shipyards. She laughed and her laugh was strong. I see you Ah Wah. I see you so clearly. Mother, he said and tried to pull the binoculars away from her.

(a) What does the phrase those glasses in the second line refer to?[1 mark]

(b) What do you think the son is feeling when he says You must be able to see something?[1 mark]

(c) Who is the little boy that the woman says she can see? [1 mark]

(d) What do you think has happened to Mr. Lis parents? Why? ..[2 marks]

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