Panty Explosion - · play the game. Panty Explosion is a game for 4 or more...

Post on 23-Oct-2020

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Transcript of Panty Explosion - · play the game. Panty Explosion is a game for 4 or more...

  • Samp

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  • Panty Explosion

    the psychic schoolgirladventure game


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  • conceived, written and designed by

    Matt SchlotteMatt SchlotteMatt SchlotteMatt SchlotteMatt Schlotte

    and Jake RichmondJake RichmondJake RichmondJake RichmondJake Richmondillustrations and book design by

    Jake Richmond

    tested by

    Christopher Boyd, Nick Smith and Will Richmond

    special thanks for generous feedback to

    Tony Irwin, Emily Care Boss, Andres Ford, Meguey Baker,Gabe Sutherland, Travis Brown, Christopher Boyd, Nicole

    Richmond, Charles Seaton and Vince Baker

    2nd (super awsome) Printing, October 2006. Panty Explosion is copyright2006 Jake Richmond and Matt Schlotte. Cover and interior illustrations

    copyright 2006 Jake Richmond. Visit our website at


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  • Panty Explosion Contents:1. What is Panty Explosion? 42. Creating a Student 52.1 Filling out a Student Record 62.1.1 Choosing a Name 72.1.2 Determining Age and Blood Type 82.1.3 Determining Age using the Junishi 92.1.4 Choosing Elements and assigning dice 132.1.5 How do I use the Godai elements? 162.2 Is your Student Psychic? 182.3 Choosing Traits 182.3.1 Traits based on Friends and Family 192.3.2 Traits based on Hobbies 202.4 Choose a Best Friend and a Rival 212.5 Selecting Agendas 222.5.1 List of Agendas 233. Playing Panty Explosion 283.1 Popularity Votes 383.1.1 How Popularity affects Students 393.2 Psychic Powers 404. Running a game of Panty Explosion 434.1 The role of Superintendent 434.2 Creating Scenes 444.3 Creating a School 494.4 Demons, Ghosts, Agents other Monsters and non- student Characters 514.5 Creating the Demon 524.6 What does a game of Panty Explosion look like? 564.7 Sample non-player characters 584.7.1 Supernatural Characters, Ghosts and Monsters 584.7.2 Mundane Characters 635. Setting 703.1 Japanese High Schools 705.2 Self Injury, Abuse and Bullying 755.3 Tokyo 775.4 Religion 865.5 Japanese Names 93 Student Record 95


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  • Part 1: What is Panty Explosion?Panty Explosion is an adventure game about Psychic andmundane Japanese schoolgirls battling nightmarish demons,ghost, government agents and often each other. It’s also agame about enduring high school, making friends, bestingrivals, achieving goals and having fun in modern Japan.

    In Panty Explosion you and your friends take the role ofJapanese High School girls. At least one of you will havepsychic powers. As a group you will create a story abouthow your Students survived and triumphed against theadversity of otherworldly demons, shadowy agents and theJapanese educational system. Read the rules on thefollowing pages to discover how to create a Student andplay the game.

    Panty Explosion is a game for 4 or more players. One playerwill take the role of Superintendent, designing the gamesDemon and guiding the other players through the gamesstory. The other players will take the roles of Students. Toplay Panty Explosion you’ll need a copy of this book (ofcourse) and some dice. This game requires the use of 6, 8, 10and 12 sided dice. You can make do with just one or two ofeach, but it’s best if you have a few for each player. You’llalso need a pencil and a School Record sheet for each player.You can photo copy the School Record sheet out of thisbook, or download one from our website. You’ll also need acomfortable place to play. A big table or comfortable livingroom will work great, and an empty floor does in a pinch. Aschool clubroom, the library, a local park or a quiet tavernare good choices too. Make sure to have beverages andsnacks handy if your group likes that kind of thing.



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  • Part 2: Creating a StudentIn Panty Explosion you take the role of a female Japanesehigh school student.

    Your Student will have to make difficult choices and facedesperate odds. The Japanese high school system isnotoriously daunting, with demanding exams and fierce

    competition to get into the bestschools. Many students sufferbreakdowns under the exhaustiveworkload and pressure to succeedfrom their family and teachers. Andthere are worse things then school.

    Lurking deep in the recesses ofJapanese society are ancient horrorsthat feed on the minds, flesh andfluids of men and women. Thesemonstrous Demons are spawned bythe apathy, hate, lust and avarice ofthe Japanese people and wait onlyfor the chance to enter our worldand extend their frightful influence.

    These nightmarishcreatures operate in secret,often disguisingthemselves as averagemen and women to betterprey on human kind.

    Fortunately the Japanesepeople are notdefenseless. Forgenerations rare psychicpowers have manifested introubled young women.



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