Pandangan teknologi masa depan dan peluang terciptanya aplikasi

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Pandangan teknologi masa depan dan peluang terciptanya aplikasi

Pandangan Teknologi Masa Depan Dan Peluang Terciptanya Aplikasi Yang Berguna

How the Internet and Mobile Give a Great Impact on Technology

Whisnu | | 081.12345.868

Whisnu Sucitanuary
Benson HouglandInternet sudah ada sejak lama, tapi kebanyakan produk dari Orang2.(Game, Gambar, Film, Foto, Recording, Ecommerce)Internet merupakan teknologi yang sangat luar biasa yg pernah ditemukan.Saya yakin tidak ada orang yang dapat bertahan tanpa internet.Internet Of People Change The World, Dan ada internet baru lagi dan akan merubah dunia kembali dan tidak hanya menghubungkan orang tapi menghubungkan things yaitu Internet Of Things.Things communication with Things, give ability to sense & communicate & touch & controll. Seperti manusia berinteraksi dengan 5 indra.Smartphone memiliki banyak sensor ( tau cahaya, lokasi, mata, komunikasi)HobyistCerita serangan jantung, jadi apakah IoT sepadan sekarang?
Whisnu Sucitanuary
Yang pakai Facebook Turunkan tanganTwitterInstagram
Whisnu Sucitanuary
Wordpress, Context (Location, Calendar, Aktvitas Cuaca)Sensor berkembang pesatCloud Service dan data storage dan analytics essential for compeling value creation and deliverySemua industri dengan data storage dan analytics essential for compeling value creation and delivery
Whisnu Sucitanuary
-------------------Fokus Based on PHP and .NETJelaskan bahwa hal terpanas yang mengendalikan teknologi saat ini adalah internet dan mobile (bukan ponsel) dan data/konten.

See Future from Today

Future TechnologyMobile AwarenessEverything is Data

WearableHome Automation

How did you get InvolvedGreat Impact and What’s Next?

See Future from Today

Whisnu Sucitanuary
Old Style Technology- Web Tools on the web even smartphone (HTML, JS, CSS)TouchGestureMotion DetectionHolographic Motion Detection
Whisnu Sucitanuary
----------------Tanya mahasiswa apa yang kalian lihat tentang masa depan?jelaskan bahwa masa depan berkembang pesat dengan adanya teknologi2 software/hardware.Website menjadi primadonaModern Website, beragam Smartphone, Update Versi Software (.NET, PHP)Sosial Media, Payment Messanger, Ecommerce, Perkembangan Touch, Gesture, Motion Detection, Holographic Motion Detection.Itu semua karena INTERNET---------


Whisnu Sucitanuary
Beberapa produk telah lahir software/HardwareJelaskan perproduk di gambar dan minta masukan dari mahasiswa!FUTURE----jadi ada apa di masa depan yang sebenarnya sedang terjadi sekarang

Future Technology

Future is already started from now


• UI & UX Revolution

• Frameworks (JS, MEAN, PHP, UX, Etc)

• Package Managers (Bower, NuGet, Composer, pip, Etc)

• Development and Project Model


• Virtual Reality (VR)

• Microcontroller (SoC)

• 3D Printer

• Drone

Whisnu Sucitanuary
Event Driven DesignDomain Drive DesignOculus' SDK + Unity uses JS or C# / C++Smart Things


Whisnu Sucitanuary
Adoption of Google’s Material DesignContext over consistency (iOS Versioning)Mobile first responsive design,Design for small dataDeath of the sidebarScroll over clickThe rise of storytelling in design (talking design)Animated elements (meaning full)Increased use of full screen navigationDeath to the popup context (multiple)


• PHP (Laravel, Symfony, CI, CakePHP, Zend, Etc)

• Javascript (jQuery, AngularJS, NodeJS, MeanJS, React, Knockout, Ember, Backbone, Skel, Bootstrap, Etc)

• .NET Core

• CSS (Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation for Apps, Material UI, Angular Material, Google Material Design)

• Framework of Framework??

Whisnu Sucitanuary
SASS – LESSMixin (Variable + Function)




Virtual RealityHybrid



Whisnu Sucitanuary
VR and Wearable Skipped
Whisnu Sucitanuary
Web APISingle Page ApplicationWeb UI Component

Code for One. Reach them all.Get an early start building for Windows 10.Windows


Whisnu Sucitanuary
Kulkas Diet
Whisnu Sucitanuary
Project Ara
Whisnu Sucitanuary

Mobile Awareness

Technology Meets our Needs

High Mobility

Real-Time Informations

Various types of Devices

Responsive and Simplified UI & UX

Everything is Data

Whisnu Sucitanuary
Scalability = skalabilitasStability = stabilAvailability = ketersediaanReliability = handalHadoop

Everything is Data

• Talking Data

• Data Analysis

• Big Data

• Data Security





DIKW Hierarchy

Whisnu Sucitanuary
for representing purported structural and/or functionalrelationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.Menjadi KebijaksanaanMenjadi PengetahuanMenjadi InformasiDari Data






DIKW Hierarchy



Whisnu Sucitanuary
MinnowBoard MaxBeaglebone

Wearable Oriented

Usable OrientedFunctional Oriented

Technology Changing lives and Industries

Home Automation

House of Things






Whisnu Sucitanuary
One App/Things ?? What!
Whisnu Sucitanuary
Kulkas yang asalnya menyimpan makanan diet anda sekarnag jadi dokter diet anda.

How did you get Involved

Your Step

Focus or Fusion?

Online Documentation

Best Practice

Available Tools

Social Collaboration Mind

Continous Integration (CI)

Forum and Community

Whisnu Sucitanuary
- A Competitive edge in cut-throat job market- Hightened career advancement opportunities- Increased value to employers and their organizationsContinuous Integration (CI) is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early.

What language should we understood better

What language should we understood better

Whisnu Sucitanuary
ScratchArudion IDENodeJS

Find and Drive Your Passion!

Software Hardware

Focus FusionStartup Enterprise

Whisnu Sucitanuary
In reaal life More question than Answer
Whisnu Sucitanuary
Learning to Solving the problem doesnt exists yet in future
Whisnu Sucitanuary
Tool right for you and right for future- Focus and specialization- Need advance training- COmitment to adapt new technology

Great Impact and What’s Next?

Internet of You

“Forget the big picture, doing the small picture. Because the big think comes from small think. That Think is You.”

Whisnu Sucitanuary
Tool right for you and right for futureFocus and specializationskill computer profesional- Need advance training- Comitment to adapt new technologyKonsultasi High School consularPahami diri kalian masing2 untuk dapat menemukan pasion masing-masingImbangi dengan Softskill

ARDUINO PRO MINI 328Atmega 328P 5V14 Digital pins 8 Analog Input Pin 32KB Flash Memory 2 Kbyte SRAM1KByte EEPROM 16 MHz Clock Speed

+ Jalan – Jalan Ke Kandaga / Plaza Komputer

FTDI TTL-232R-3V3 USB - TTL Level Serial Converter Cable

Whisnu Sucitanuary
Future Technology Devices International
Whisnu Sucitanuary
- Sebutkan salah satu trend (hardware/software) yang sedang berkembang saat ini.- Apa kepanjangan dari IoT dan jelaskan secara singkat.

Every picture on this slide is the result of a Google Image search, and there are no plans to steal the copyright. All images are

borrowed intended as a representative of today’s technology.